Results for 'Terry Janssen'

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  1. A multi-INT semantic reasoning framework for intelligence analysis support.Janssen Terry, Basik Herbert, Dean Mike & Barry Smith - 2010 - In L. Obrst, Janssen Terry & W. Ceusters, Ontologies and Semantic Technologies for the Intelligence Community. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IOS Press. pp. 57-69.
    Lockheed Martin Corp. has funded research to generate a framework and methodology for developing semantic reasoning applications to support the discipline oflntelligence Analysis. This chapter outlines that framework, discusses how it may be used to advance the information sharing and integrated analytic needs of the Intelligence Community, and suggests a system I software architecture for such applications.
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  2. Quantum sensing and quantum engineering: a strategy for acceleration via metascience.Charles Clark, Mayur Gosai, Terry Janssen, Melissa LaDuke, Jobst Landgrebe, Lawrence Pace & Barry Smith - 2023 - Proceedings of Spie: Quantum Sensing, Imaging, and Precision Metrology 12447.
    Research and engineering in the quantum domain involve long chains of activity involving theory development, hypothesis formation, experimentation, device prototyping, device testing, and many more. At each stage multiple paths become possible, and of the paths pursued, the majority will lead nowhere. Our quantum metascience approach provides a strategy which enables all stakeholders to gain an overview of those developments along these tracks, that are relevant to their specific concerns. It provides a controlled vocabulary, built out of terms that are (...)
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  3. Understanding Computers and Cognition: A New Foundation for Design.Terry Winograd & Fernando Flores - 1987 - Addison-Wesley.
    Understanding Computers and Cognition presents an important and controversial new approach to understanding what computers do and how their functioning is related to human language, thought, and action. While it is a book about computers, Understanding Computers and Cognition goes beyond the specific issues of what computers can or can't do. It is a broad-ranging discussion exploring the background of understanding in which the discourse about computers and technology takes place. Understanding Computers and Cognition is written for a wide audience, (...)
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    CWI Tract.Theo M. V. Janssen - 1986
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  5. Phenomenal epistemology: What is consciousness that we may know it so well?Terry Horgan & Uriah Kriegel - 2007 - Philosophical Issues 17 (1):123-144.
    It has often been thought that our knowledge of ourselves is _different_ from, perhaps in some sense _better_ than, our knowledge of things other than ourselves. Indeed, there is a thriving research area in epistemology dedicated to seeking an account of self-knowledge that would articulate and explain its difference from, and superiority over, other knowledge. Such an account would thus illuminate the descriptive and normative difference between self-knowledge and other knowledge.<sup>1</sup> At the same time, self- knowledge has also encountered its (...)
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  6. (1 other version)The unity of virtue.Terry Penner - 1973 - Philosophical Review 82 (1):35-68.
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    The Cambridge Companion to Einstein.Michel Janssen & Christoph Lehner (eds.) - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    This volume is the first systematic presentation of the work of Albert Einstein, comprising fourteen essays by leading historians and philosophers of science that introduce readers to his work. Following an introduction that places Einstein's work in the context of his life and times, the book opens with essays on the papers of Einstein's 'miracle year', 1905, covering Brownian motion, light quanta, and special relativity, as well as his contributions to early quantum theory and the opposition to his light quantum (...)
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  8. Meta-Ontology, Naturalism, and The Quine-Barcan Marcus Debate.Frederique Janssen-Lauret - 2014 - In Frederique Janssen-Lauret & Gary Kemp, Quine and His Place in History. New York: Palgrave. pp. 146-167.
    Twenty-first century critics frequently misread Quinean ontological commitment as a toothless doctrine of anti-metaphysical pragmatism. Janssen-Lauret's historical investigations reveal that they misinterpret the influence of Quine's naturalism. His naturalistic view of philosophy as continuous with science informs a much more interesting conception of ontological commitments as generated by indispensable explanatory roles. But Janssen-Lauret uncovers a previously undetected weakness in Quine's meta-ontology. Careful examination of his debate with another naturalistic nominalist, Ruth Barcan Marcus, reveals that his holism leaves him (...)
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    Rationalizing Focal Points.Maarten C. W. Janssen - 2001 - Theory and Decision 50 (2):119-148.
    Focal points seem to be important in helping players coordinate their strategies in coordination problems. Game theory lacks, however, a formal theory of focal points. This paper proposes a theory of focal points that is based on individual rationality considerations. The two principles upon which the theory rest are the Principle of Insufficient Reason (IR) and a Principle of Individual Team Member Rationality. The way IR is modelled combines the classic notion of description symmetry and a new notion of pay-off (...)
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  10. Pascual Jordan's resolution of the conundrum of the wave-particle duality of light.Anthony Duncan & Michel Janssen - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 39 (3):634-666.
    In 1909, Einstein derived a formula for the mean square energy fluctuation in blackbody radiation. This formula is the sum of a wave term and a particle term. In a key contribution to the 1926 Dreim¨.
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  11. Susan Stebbing, Incomplete Symbols and Foundherentist Meta-Ontology.Frederique Janssen-Lauret - 2017 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 5 (2):6-17.
    Susan Stebbing’s work on incomplete symbols and analysis was instrumental in clarifying, sharpening, and improving the project of logical constructions which was pivotal to early analytic philosophy. She dispelled use-mention confusions by restricting the term ‘incomplete symbol’ to expressions eliminable through analysis, rather than those expressions’ purported referents, and distinguished linguistic analysis from analysis of facts. In this paper I explore Stebbing’s role in analytic philosophy’s development from anti-holism, presupposing that analysis terminates in simples, to the more holist or foundherentist (...)
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    Legislative Intention and the CISG.Olaf Meyer & André Janssen - 2009 - In Olaf Meyer & André Janssen, Cisg Methodology. Sellier de Gruyter.
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  13. Moral phenomenology and moral theory.Terry Horgan & Mark Timmons - 2005 - Philosophical Issues 15 (1):56–77.
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  14. Copping out on moral twin earth.Terry Horgan & Mark Timmons - 2000 - Synthese 124 (1-2):139-152.
    In "Milk, Honey, and the Good Life on Moral Twin Earth", David Copp explores some ways in which a defender of synthetic moral naturalism might attempt to get around our Moral Twin Earth argument. Copp nicely brings out the force of our argument, not only through his exposition of it, but through his attempt to defeat it, since his efforts, we think, only help to make manifest the deep difficulties the Moral Twin Earth argument poses for the synthetic moral naturalist.
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    Labels for Animal Husbandry Systems Meet Consumer Preferences: Results from a Meta-analysis of Consumer Studies.Meike Janssen, Manika Rödiger & Ulrich Hamm - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (6):1071-1100.
    Political decision-makers in the European Union are currently discussing the introduction of a mandatory uniform labelling scheme for meat and milk that provides information on husbandry systems similar to the already existent labelling scheme in the EU egg market. The objective of this paper was to assess whether such information is relevant to consumers when buying meat and milk. The paper was based on a systematic synthesis of 53 scientific journal articles on empirical consumer studies. The review revealed that consumers (...)
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  16. Can we rationally learn to coordinate?Sanjeev Goyal & Maarten Janssen - 1996 - Theory and Decision 40 (1):29-49.
  17. Committing to an individual: ontological commitment, reference and epistemology.Frederique Janssen-Lauret - 2016 - Synthese 193 (2):583-604.
    When we use a directly referential expression to denote an object, do we incur an ontological commitment to that object, as Russell and Barcan Marcus held? Not according to Quine, whose regimented language has only variables as denoting expressions, but no constants to model direct reference. I make a case for a more liberal conception of ontological commitment—more wide-ranging than Quine’s—which allows for commitment to individuals, with an improved logical language of regimentation. The reason for Quine’s prohibition on commitment to (...)
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  18. Desire and Power in Socrates: The Argument of "Gorgias" 466A-468E that Orators and Tyrants Have No Power in the City.Terry Penner - 1991 - Apeiron 24 (3):147.
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    Conceptualistic Pragmatism.Terry Pinkard - 2018 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 10 (2).
    C. I. Lewis’s version of pragmatism, which he called “conceptualistic pragmatism,” has been little studied and is nowadays overlooked, eclipsed by the more famous pragmatisms of Dewey and James. However, it was Lewis’s version that came to dominate the formation of post-1945 pragmatism in the United States. It provided the framework in which Quine (his former student), Sellars, Davidson, Rorty and Brandom operated. Roughly, that structure involved a passive, sensory ineffable given and an ordering and classification of the given by (...)
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  20. The two-envelope paradox, nonstandard expected utility, and the intensionality of probability.Terry Horgan - 2000 - Noûs 34 (4):578–603.
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    The Catch-22 of Responsible Luxury: Effects of Luxury Product Characteristics on Consumers' Perception of Fit with Corporate Social Responsibility.Catherine Janssen, Joëlle Vanhamme, Adam Lindgreen & Cécile Lefebvre - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 119 (1):45-57.
    The notion of “responsible luxury” may appear as a contradiction in terms. This article investigates the influence of two defining characteristics of luxury products—scarcity and ephemerality—on consumers’ perception of the fit between luxury and corporate social responsibility (CSR), as well as how this perceived fit affects consumers’ attitudes toward luxury products. A field experiment reveals that ephemerality moderates the positive impact of scarcity on consumers’ perception of fit between luxury and CSR. When luxury products are enduring (e.g., jewelry), a scarce (...)
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    Theoretical Lenses for Understanding the CSR–Consumer Paradox.Catherine Janssen & Joëlle Vanhamme - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (4):775-787.
    Consumer surveys repeatedly suggest that corporate social responsibility and products’ social, environmental, or ethical attributes enhance consumers’ purchase intentions. The realization that CSR still has only a minor impact on consumers’ actual purchase decisions thus represents a puzzling paradox. Whereas prior literature on consumer decision making provides valuable insights into the factors that impede or facilitate consumers’ socially responsible consumption decisions, such elements may be only the tip of the iceberg. To gain a fuller understanding of the CSR–consumer paradox, this (...)
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    A realistic model will be much more complex and will consider longitudinal neuropsychodevelopment.Terry Patterson - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (1):40-41.
  24. The Cognitive Control of Eating and Body Weight: It’s More Than What You “Think”.Terry L. Davidson, Sabrina Jones, Megan Roy & Richard J. Stevenson - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Some observations on intuitionistically elementary properties of linear orderings.Wim Veldman & Michaël Janssen - 1990 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 29 (3):171-185.
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    How did Lorentz find his theorem of corresponding states?Michel Janssen - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 67:167-175.
  27. Critical notice.Michel Janssen - unknown
    In this critical notice we argue against William Craig’s recent attempt to reconcile presentism (roughly, the view that only the present is real) with relativity theory. Craig’s defense of his position boils down to endorsing a ‘neo-Lorentzian interpretation’ of special relativity. We contend that his reconstruction of Lorentz’s theory and its historical development is fatally flawed and that his arguments for reviving this theory fail on many counts.
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  28. Prolegomena to a future phenomenology of morals.Terry Horgan & Mark Timmons - 2008 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 7 (1):115-131.
    Moral phenomenology is (roughly) the study of those features of occurrent mental states with moral significance which are accessible through direct introspection, whether or not such states possess phenomenal character – a what-it-is-likeness. In this paper, as the title indicates, we introduce and make prefatory remarks about moral phenomenology and its significance for ethics. After providing a brief taxonomy of types of moral experience, we proceed to consider questions about the commonality within and distinctiveness of such experiences, with an eye (...)
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  29. The Desire for Good: Is the Meno Inconsistent with the Gorgias?Terry Penner & Rowe - 1994 - Phronesis 39 (1):1-25.
  30. Humanitarian imperialism.Terry Nardin - 2005 - Ethics and International Affairs 19 (2):21–26.
    Tesón's “humanitarian rationales” for the war in Iraq strain the traditional understanding of humanitarian intervention: The first, that the war was fought to overthrow a tyrant. The second, that it was a defense strategy establishing democratic regimes peacefully, but by force if necessary.
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  31. Mind your p's and q's: Von Neumann versus Jordan on the Foundations of Quantum Theory.Anthony Duncan & Michel Janssen - unknown
    In early 1927, Pascual Jordan published his version of what came to be known as the Dirac-Jordan statistical transformation theory. Later that year and partly in response to Jordan, John von Neumann published the modern Hilbert space formalism of quantum mechanics. Central to both formalisms are expressions for conditional probabilities of finding some value for one quantity given the value of another. Beyond that Jordan and von Neumann had very different views about the appropriate formulation of problems in the new (...)
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    Virtues, morality and sittlichkeit: From maxims to practices.Terry Pinkard - 1999 - European Journal of Philosophy 7 (2):217–239.
  33. 'No success like failure ...': Einstein's Quest for general relativity, 1907-1920.Michel Janssen - unknown
    This is the chapter on general relativity for the Cambridge Companion to Einstein which I am co-editing with Christoph Lehner.
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    Effect of picture-word transfer on accuracy and latency of recognition memory.Louise M. Arthur & Terry C. Daniel - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (2):211.
  35. Feminist bioethics and indigenous research reform in Australia : is an alliance across gender, racial, and cultural borders a useful strategy for promoting change?Jennifer Baker, Terry Dunbar & Margaret Scrimgeour - 2010 - In Jackie Leach Scully, Laurel Baldwin-Ragaven & Petya Fitzpatrick, Feminist bioethics: at the center, on the margins. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
  36. Lotsbeschikking.Marcus Tullius Cicero & T. Janssen - 1994 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 56 (3):609-610.
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    The relation between verbal and visuospatial memory and autobiographical memory.Steve M. J. Janssen, Gert Kristo, Romke Rouw & Jaap M. J. Murre - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 31:12-23.
  38. Was pragmatism the successor to idealism?Terry Pinkard - 2007 - In Cheryl Misak, New pragmatists. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 142.
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  39. When, What, and How Much to Reward in Reinforcement Learning-Based Models of Cognition.Christian P. Janssen & Wayne D. Gray - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (2):333-358.
    Reinforcement learning approaches to cognitive modeling represent task acquisition as learning to choose the sequence of steps that accomplishes the task while maximizing a reward. However, an apparently unrecognized problem for modelers is choosing when, what, and how much to reward; that is, when (the moment: end of trial, subtask, or some other interval of task performance), what (the objective function: e.g., performance time or performance accuracy), and how much (the magnitude: with binary, categorical, or continuous values). In this article, (...)
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  40. The Logic of Hegel's Logic.Terry P. Pinkard - 1979 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 17 (4):417-435.
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    Das Erlebende Ich Und Sein Dasein.Otto Janssen - 1932 - De Gruyter.
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    The Trouton Experiment, E= mc 2, and a Slice of Minkowski Space-Time.Michel Janssen - 2003 - In A. Ashtekar, Revisiting the Foundations of Relativistic Physics. Springer. pp. 27--54.
  43. A review of empirical studies assessing ethical decision making in business. [REVIEW]Terry W. Loe, Linda Ferrell & Phylis Mansfield - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 25 (3):185 - 204.
    This article summarizes the multitude of empirical studies that test ethical decision making in business and suggests additional research necessary to further theory in this area. The studies are categorized and related to current theoretical ethical decision making models. The studies are related to awareness, individual and organizational factors, intent, and the role of moral intensity in ethical decision making. Summary tables provide a quick reference for the sample, findings, and publication outlet. This review provides insights for understanding organizational ethical (...)
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    Competence, knowledge and education.Terry Hyland - 1993 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 27 (1):57–68.
    Since the establishment of the National Council for Vocational Qualfications (NCVQ) in 1986, the influence of the competence-based approach, which underpins National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs), has spread beyond its original remit and now extends into schools and higher education. Competence strategies are criticised for their conceptual imprecision and their behaviourist, foundation. More significantly, it is argued that the competence approach displays confusion and incoherence in its interpretation and use of the ideas of ‘knowledge’ and ‘understanding’, and so should be challenged (...)
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    On the principle of coordination.Maarten C. W. Janssen - 2001 - Economics and Philosophy 17 (2):221-234.
    On many occasions, individuals are able to coordinate their actions. The first empirical evidence to this effect has been described by Schelling (1960) in an informal experiment. His results were corroborated many years later by Mehta et al. (1994a,b) and Bacharach and Bernasconi (1997). From the point of view of mainstream game theory, the success of individuals in coordinating their actions is something of a mystery. If there are two or more strict Nash equilibria, mainstream game theory has no means (...)
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    (1 other version)What is the Non-Metaphysical Reading of Hegel? A Reply to Frederick Beiser.Terry Pinkard - 1996 - Hegel Bulletin 17 (2):13-20.
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    Deep ignorance, brute supervenience, and the problem of the many.Terry Horgan - 1997 - Philosophical Issues 8:229-236.
  48. Sellars the Post-Kantian?Terry Pinkard - 2007 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 92 (1):21-52.
    In Kant's "fact of reason," there is an apparent paradox of our being subject to laws of which we must regard ourselves as the author, while at the same time being normatively bound by the same laws that we cannot see ourselves as authoring. Working out the implications of this apparent paradox generated much of the response to Kant in post-Kantian idealism. Wilfrid Sellars notes the same paradox when he speaks of the "paradox of man's encounter with himself" in "Philosophy (...)
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    Antiquarianism and national history. The emergence of a new scholarly paradigm in early modern historical studies.Lydia Janssen - 2017 - History of European Ideas 43 (8):843-856.
    ABSTRACTEarly modern Europe was marked by fundamental changes in its intellectual landscape. In the field of historiography, this led to the development of a new antiquarian current in historiography which marked a fundamental shift in the view on historical writings. While traditionally historiography had been considered a literary genre, the new scholars approached it as a ‘scientific’ discipline. On the basis of a comparative study of a number of northern European national histories, this paper analyses major transformations in two aspects (...)
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  50. Hegel's philosophy of mathematics.Terry Pinkard - 1981 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 41 (4):452-464.
    This review of peter hodgson's new english translation of hegel's "lectures on the philosophy of religion", Part iii, And of two other books on hegel, Includes a report on plans for retranslating the entire "lectures". A new edition is made feasible by the hegel archiv's ability to construct a superior critical text of each of the four lecture series (1821, 1824, 1827, 1831) from lasson plus additional recently-Discovered auditors' transcripts. Stephen dunning's book on hegel and hamann, And james yerkes' on (...)
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