Results for 'Teacher power'

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  1.  60
    Educational philosophy: a history from the ancient world to modern America.Edward J. Power - 1996 - New York: Garland.
    The first step in education's long road to respectability lay in the ability of its proponents to demonstrate that it was worthy of collaborating with traditional disciplines in the syllabus of higher learning. The universities where the infant discipline of education was promoted benefited from scholars who engaged in teaching and research with enthusiasm and preached the gospel of scientific education. These schools-Teachers College/Columbia University, the University of Chicago, and Stanford University-gained a reputation as oases of pedagogical knowledge. Soon, public (...)
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  2. Lawrence Kohlberg's Approach to Moral Education.F. Clark Power, Ann Higgins-D'Alessandro & Lawrence Kohlberg - 1989
    Lawrence Kohlberg's Approach to Moral Education presents what the late Lawrence Kohlberg regarded as the definitive statement of his educational theory. Addressing the sociology and social psychology of schooling, the authors propose that school culture become the center of moral education and research. They discuss how schools can develop as just and cohesive communities by involving students in democracy, and they focus on the moral decisions teachers and students face as they democratically resolve problems. As the authors put it: "...we (...)
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    Schooling Teachers: Professionalism or disciplinary power?Terri Bourke, John Lidstone & Mary Ryan - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (1):84-100.
    Since public schooling was introduced in the nineteenth century, teachers in many western countries have endeavoured to achieve professional recognition. For a short period in the latter part of the twentieth century, professionalism was seen as a discourse of resistance or the ‘enemy’ of economic rationalism and performativity. However, more recently, governments have responded by ‘colonizing’ professionalism and imposing ‘standards’ whereby the concept is redefined. In this study, we analyse transcripts of interviews with 20 Queensland teachers and conclude that teachers’ (...)
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    Agency as power: An ecological exploration of an emerging language teacher leaders’ emotional changes in an educational reform.Yuan Gao & Yaqiong Cui - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Teacher emotion, an important aspect of language teacher psychology, has recently drawn growing attention in language teacher development studies. Previous research has shown that language teachers, typically pressured by heavy workloads, may face emotional challenges from multiplied sources, especially in the context of educational changes such as curriculum reform and the COVID-19 emergency. Current literature on teachers’ emotions largely centers around ordinary language teachers, with teacher leaders whose agentic actions often exert greater influence on the effectiveness (...)
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    (1 other version)Agency, identity, power: An agentive triad model for teacher action.Brandon Sherman & Annela Teemant - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory:1-25.
    Teacher action and change is a complex and nuanced phenomenon that has been theorized across diverse literature in terms of identity, agency, and power. Drawing on this literature, this article offers specific articulations of teacher identity as interpretive framework, power as legitimate action, and agency as moral coherence. We posit a model of teacher agency understood in the interplay of individual beliefs, values, and ideals with institutional roles, authority, and institutional action, producing (or not producing) (...)
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    Power, resistance and compliance: teacher education in the universities.Mike Newby - 2004 - In Jerome Satterthwaite, Elizabeth Atkinson & Wendy Martin, The Disciplining of Education: New Languages of Power and Resistance. Trentham Books. pp. 2--37.
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    Essays on "The soul's logical life" in the work of Wolfgang Giegerich: psychology as the discipline of interiority.Jennifer M. Sandoval, Colleen El-Bejjani & Pamela J. Power (eds.) - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Essays on The Soul's Logical Life in the Work of Wolfgang Giegerich: Psychology as the Discipline of Interiority is the second collection of essays dedicated to the study and application of Psychology as the Discipline of Interiority - a new 'wave' within Analytical Psychology which pushes off from the work of C. G. Jung and James Hillman. Reflecting upon the notion of psychology developed by German psychoanalyst Wolfgang Giegerich, whose Hegelian turn sheds light on the notion of soul, or the (...)
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    New teachers need access to powerful educational knowledge.Toby Marshall - 2014 - British Journal of Educational Studies 62 (3):265-279.
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    Dangerous Carers: Pastoral power and the caring teacher of contemporary Australian schooling.Louise Anne Mccuaig - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (8):862-877.
    Whilst care imperatives have arisen across the breadth of Western societies, within the education sector they appear both prolific and urgent. This paper explores the deployment of care discourses within education generally and draws upon the case of Australian Health and Physical Education (HPE) more specifically, to undertake a Foucauldian interrogation of care. In so doing I demonstrate the usefulness of Foucault's pastoral power lens and its capacity to provide insight into the moral and ethical work conducted by caring (...)
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    Professionalism and empowerment of teachers: search for your meanings, know your profession, know your powers.Zavise Rume - 2014 - Nagaland, India: Heritage Publishing House. Edited by Kewepelo-U. Kapfo.
  11.  18
    Knowledge Production and Power in an Online Critical Multicultural Teacher Education Course.Ramona Maile Cutri, Erin Feinauer Whiting & Eric Ruiz Bybee - forthcoming - Educational Studies:1-12.
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    Research on the Impact of the Emotional Expression of Kindergarten Teachers on Children: From the Perspective of the Class Micro-Power Relationship.Min Liu & Qiong Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    During the preschool years, the socio-emotional responses children receive from interactions with teachers are incorporated into their own social behaviors. This is one of the key ways in which children acquire social and emotional skills. Based on field studies, it can be found that this learning process is not simple imitation of children, but of a more complex context of group interaction. To further clarify the impact of kindergarten teachers’ emotion on the sociometric status and behavior of 3–5 year-old children (...)
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  13.  13
    The Predicative Power of Learner and Teacher Variables on Flow in a Chinese Blended English as a Foreign Language Learning Context.Xin Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The “dynamic turn” in the field of second language acquisition catalyzed scholarly devotion to the complex dynamic relationships between learner and teacher variables and various academic emotions. As such, the present study examined the varying effects of the aforementioned variables on the constructs of positive and negative flow, and determined their strongest predictors, respectively. This study used a mixed-method approach to collect data from 607 Chinese English-as-a-Foreign-Language learners. In stage one of the research, the researcher first assessed the participants’ (...)
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  14. Teachers as powerful, democratic professionals.Frank Coffield - 2016 - In Steve Higgins & Frank Coffield, John Dewey's Democracy and education: a British tribute. London: UCL Institute of Education Press.
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    Using teachers' reflexive feedback to help them perceive their professional development.Juliette Renaud & Marie-Carmen Becerra - 2024 - Revue Phronesis 13 (4):72-90.
    The educational design research movement asserts that the use of new tools or innovative devices is a powerful vector for the professional development of teachers, to the benefit of pupils' learning. It recommends that these tools be designed using a participatory approach that translates the knowledge gained from research into resources for action. The design-in-use approach shares the same presupposition. As part of our thesis work, we adopted this approach to co-design a teaching aid. With the help of a student (...)
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  16. Education policy, power relations and teachers’ work.Stephen J. Ball - 1993 - British Journal of Educational Studies 41 (2):106-121.
  17.  23
    Power relation between tarekat qadiriyah wa naqsyabandiyah (tarekat cukir) and partai persatuan pembangunan (ppp) in jombang, east java.M. Thohar Al Abza, Kamsi Kamsi Kamsi & Nawari Ismail - 2020 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 14 (2):285-306.
    Tarekat teaches its followers not to glorify conglomerates, to keep their distance from leader, and to live in a way of zuhud, including in the matters of politics. But the Tarekat Qadiriyah wa Naqsyabandiyah in Cukir Jombang was actually involved in practical politics as a supporter of Partai Persatuan Pembangunan. This paper, which was written in the form of ethnographic design according to the concept of the power relations of Foucault to find new perspectives about the actions of Tarekat (...)
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    The power of teaching: readings on the philosophical, theoretical, and practical issues associated with teaching and learning.Kelly E. Demers & Diana Sherman (eds.) - 2020 - San Diego, CA: Cognella.
    The Power of Teaching: Readings on the Philosophical, Theoretical, and Practical Issues Associated with Teaching and Learning provides preservice K-12 teachers with a collection of curated readings that help them prepare for their future in teaching. The reader is divided into five units, each addressing one broadly defined topic in education. The first unit introduces readers to the multiple complexities associated with learning to teach effectively. The second unit contains four articles that explore a variety of pedagogical perspectives. In (...)
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  19.  11
    Where Teachers Thrive: Organizing Schools for Success.Susan Moore Johnson - 2019 - Harvard Education Press.
    _2020 PROSE Award Winner, Education Theory Category 2019 Outstanding Academic Title, _Choice_ In _Where Teachers Thrive_, Susan Moore Johnson outlines a powerful argument about the importance of the school as an organization in nurturing high‐quality teaching._ Based on case studies conducted in fourteen high-poverty, urban schools, the book examines why some schools failed to make progress, while others achieved remarkable results. It explores the challenges that administrators and teachers faced and describes what worked, what didn’t work, and why. Johnson draws (...)
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  20.  9
    Teacher Unions, Political Machines, and the Thorny Politics of Education Reform in Latin America.Ben Ross Schneider - 2022 - Politics and Society 50 (1):84-116.
    Existing research on developing countries emphasizes the decisive power of teacher unions in education politics. Yet that power varies, and a full understanding of the roots of union power and the sources of cross-national variation requires deeper analysis of organizational dynamics within unions. This analysis supports four arguments. First, teachers have a range of advantages in overcoming obstacles to collective action. Second, unions are not all alike; they vary widely, from interest groups to powerful political machines. (...)
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  21.  24
    Students’ Meaning of Power.Mor Yorshansky - 2014 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 20 (3-4):12-19.
    A classroom Community of Inquiry depends on the deliberation skills of its members and their willingness to share ideas, time and power, despite conflicting interests, in the process of social inquiry. This vision of sharing power is not without challenges to both P4C and other theoretical movements within the discourse of democratic education. The kind of theorizing that is missing should explore students’ perceptions, judgment, decision making, agency and the like, through meaning making in particular contexts of democratic (...)
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  22.  13
    The Discourse Power of Young Teachers in Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of Marxist Philosophy.燕 季 - 2022 - Advances in Philosophy 11 (3):283-287.
  23.  21
    Pedagogy, power and practice ethics: clinical teaching in psychiatric/mental health settings.Carol Ewashen & Annette Lane - 2007 - Nursing Inquiry 14 (3):255-262.
    Pedagogy, power and practice ethics: clinical teaching in psychiatric/mental health settings Often, baccalaureate nursing students initially approach a psychiatric mental health practicum with uncertainty, and even fear. They may feel unprepared for the myriad complex practice situations encountered. In addition, memories of personal painful life events may be vicariously evoked through learning about and listening to the experiences of those diagnosed with mental disorders. When faced with such challenging situations, nursing students often seek counsel from the clinical and/or classroom (...)
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    Teacher subject identity in professional practice: teaching with a professional compass.Clare Brooks - 2016 - New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Teacher Subject Identity in Professional Practicefocuses on a key, but neglected, element of a teacher's identity: that of their subject expertise.Studies of teachers' professional practice have shown the importance of a teacher's identity and the extent to which it can affect their resilience, commitment and ultimately their effectiveness. Drawing upon narrative research undertaken with a range of teachers over a period of 14 years, the book explores how subject expertise can play a significant role in teacher (...)
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  25. Judging Teachers: Foucault, governance and agency during education reforms.Jeff A. Stickney - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (6):649-662.
    Over a decade after publication of Thinking Again: Education After Postmodernism (1998) contention still emerges among Foucaultians over whether discursively made‐up things really exist, and whether removal of the constituent subject leaves room for agency within techniques of caring for the self. That these questions are kept alive shows that some readers have not rethought Foucault, finding what possibly comes after postmodernism. Using Wittgenstein to ‘reciprocally illuminate’ Foucault (after Tully and Marshall), I open teacher inspection and reforms to problematization, (...)
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    Teacher as Professional’ as Metaphor: What it Highlights and What it Hides.Bruce Maxwell - 2015 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 49 (1):86-106.
    This article is concerned with the downsides of using the language of professionalism in educational discourse. It suggests that the language of professionalization can be a powerful rhetorical device for promoting welcome and necessary changes in the field of teaching but that, in doing so, it can unintentionally misrepresent the work that teachers do. Taking as a theoretical framework Lakoff and Johnson's metaphor theory, the article argues that ‘teacher as professional’ should be seen as a metaphor of teaching on (...)
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    Teacher-directed and learner-engaged: exploring a Confucian conception of education.Charlene Tan - 2015 - Ethics and Education 10 (3):302-312.
    Against a backdrop of an international trend to shift from a teacher-centred to a learner-centred education, this article explores a Confucian conception of education. Focusing on an ancient Chinese text Xueji, the essay examines its educational ideals and practices based on the principles of ‘choice’, ‘doing’ and ‘power relationship’. It is argued that the educational model in the Xueji does not fit the description of a learner-centred education as commonly understood in the Western literature. Rather, the Xueji advocates (...)
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    Teacher collaboration: good for some, not so good for others.Bruce Johnson - 2003 - Educational Studies 29 (4):337-350.
    This paper examines the outcomes of four Australian schools' efforts to promote greater collaboration between teachers in each school. Teachers' responses to questions about the nature and extent of collaboration they experienced at school revealed that teaming arrangements were in place in the four schools studied. Collaborative ways of working helped most teachers feel better about themselves and their work, and provided them with opportunities to learn from each other. However, a minority of teachers were negative about the new teaming (...)
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  29. When Teachers Must Let Education Hurt: Rousseau and Nietzsche on Compassion and the Educational Value of Suffering.Mark E. Jonas - 2010 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 44 (1):45-60.
    Avi Mintz (2008) has recently argued that Anglo-American educators have a tendency to alleviate student suffering in the classroom. According to Mintz, this tendency can be detrimental because certain kinds of suffering actually enhance student learning. While Mintz compellingly describes the effects of educator’s desires to alleviate suffering in students, he does not examine one of the roots of the desire: the feeling of compassion or pity (used as synonyms here). Compassion leads many teachers to unreflectively alleviate student struggles. While (...)
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  30.  11
    Power and freedom in modern politics.Jeremy Moon & Bruce Stone (eds.) - 2002 - Crawley, W.A.: University of Western Australia Press.
    Over the past century, the tremendous concentration of power in the modern state has frequently been a threat to the life and liberty of individuals and social groups. Liberal democracy seeks to harness state power to the causes of individual freedom and public benefit - through such means as constitutional limits on and separation of powers, free and regular elections, and the vigilance of citizens, parliaments and media. This collection of essays offers perspectives on the difficulties of establishing (...)
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    Imagining powerful co-operative schools: Theorising dynamic co-operation with Spinoza.Joanna Dennis - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (9):849-857.
    The recent expansion of the English academies programme has initiated a period of significant change within the state education system. As established administration has been disrupted, new providers from business and philanthropy have entered the sector with a range of approaches to transform schools. This paper examines the development of co-operative schools, which are positioned as an ‘ethical alternative’ within the system and have proved popular with teachers and parents. Using a theory of co-operative power drawn from the philosophy (...)
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    Teacher leadership in Azerbaijan: the perceptions of teachers and school administrators.Turan Nurmammamdova & Ilhama Sultanova - 2023 - Metafizika 6 (4):183-205.
    One of the concepts with unclear definitions is teacher leadership. Teachers must be inclined to take various risks to become leaders. In fact, in practice, most teachers are not taught leadership skills in career preparation programs. Teachers' success in decision-making processes and school leadership efforts is sometimes limited. Teachers who achieve control in their classrooms have much more power to make suggestions to other adults in the school and can bring valuable qualities to the school as teacher (...)
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    “Our Schools Turned Into Literal Police States.”: Disciplinary Power and Novice Teachers Enduring a Cheating Scandal.Anne E. Martin, Teresa R. Fisher-Ari & Kara M. Kavanagh - 2020 - Educational Studies 56 (3):306-329.
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  34. Improving Teacher Education Students’ Ethical Thinking Using the Community of Inquiry Approach.Mark Freakley & Gilbert Burgh - 1999 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 19 (1):38-45.
    The notion of a community of inquiry has been treated by many of its proponents as being an exemplar of democracy in action. We argue that the assumptions underlying this view present some practical and theoretical difficulties, particularly in relation to distribution of power among the members of a community of inquiry. We identify two presuppositions in relation to distribution of power that require attention in developing an educational model that is committed to deliberative democracy: (1) openness to (...)
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  35. Power Shift: Play and Agency in Early Childhood.Megan Lee - 2015 - Childhood and Philosophy 11 (22):241-264.
    Considerable ferment exists around the changing nature of children’s play and its place in contemporary childhood. Traditional perspectives on early childhood research have tended to trivialize and obscure the possibilities inherent in children’s ways of knowing. Researchers seldom ask children what play means to them. This article proffers a relatively new image of childhood, one that presents young children as collaborators in research, as competent interpreters of their lived experience. This study investigates children’s knowledge: their knowledge about what play is, (...)
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    A Class Act: Changing Teachers Work, the State, and Globalisation.Oliver Lodge - 1969 - Routledge.
    This book offers an original and challenging theoretical and empirical approach to mapping the changing nature of teachers' work historically and in the contemporary period. It is an attempt to understand how and in what ways teachers' work has changed following the demise of the post-war settlement and the imminent collapse of teachers' project of professionalism secured through solidaristic strategies such as unionism. Dr. Robertson argues that in order to understand these issues, a more rigorous set of conceptual tools around (...)
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    Teacher emotion and pedagogical decision-making in ESP teaching in a Chinese University.Hua Zhao, Danli Li & Yong Zhong - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Teacher emotion has become an important issue in English language teaching as it is a crucial construct in understanding teachers' responses to institutional policies. The study explored teachers' emotion labor and its impact on teachers' pedagogical decision-making in English for Specific Purposes teaching in a university of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China. Drawing on a poststructural perspective, the study examined data from two rounds of semi-structured interviews, policy documents and teaching artifacts. The analysis of data revealed that the major (...)
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    School Marks and Teachers' Accountability to Colleagues.Maykel Verkuyten - 2000 - Discourse Studies 2 (4):452-472.
    Educational assessment and marking, in particular, give teachers considerable power over students and their future possibilities. Analysing a teachers' meeting discussing school reports in a secondary school showed that marking involves teachers' accountability to colleagues. An examination of the situated interpretations and explanations of unsatisfactory school marks also showed how various discursive devices were used for building a factual account. Confirmed expectations, extreme case formulations, introducing corroborating witnesses, the deployment of cited others, defining exceptional cases, detailed descriptions and narratives, (...)
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    Teacher-led codeswitching: Adorno, race, contradiction, and the nature of autonomy.Jack Bicker - 2018 - Ethics and Education 13 (1):73-85.
    Drawing on respective ideas from within both liberal political philosophy and Frankfurt School critical theory, this paper seeks to examine claims about autonomy and empowerment made on behalf of educational policies such as teacher-led codeswitching; a policy that seeks to empower students from racially marginalised groups by facilitating their proficiency in the language and cultural expressions of societally dominant groups. I set out to evaluate such claims by first sketching two competing formulations of autonomy; namely, liberal autonomy concomitant to (...)
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    Pupils' humour directed at teachers: its types and functions.Klára Šeďová - 2013 - Educational Studies 39 (5):522-534.
    Based on an analysis of 137 texts written by pupils, this paper examines pupils? humour directed at teachers, its types and social functions. The collected data are divided into three categories that describe different modes of teachers as targets of pupils? humour. The first mode describes teachers as unintentionally comical, the second as duped by their pupils and the third as intentional users of humour. The analysis focuses on different functions that pupils? humour directed at teachers fulfils in the social (...)
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    Middle School Geography Teachers’ Professional Development Centered around Historical Photographs.Cory Callahan - 2019 - Journal of Social Studies Research 43 (4):375-388.
    This paper describes three social studies teachers’ participation in an approximately 50-h, 13-month, Lesson Study-type professional development program called Beyond Words. The program centered around promoting teachers’ understanding of historical domain knowledge through experiences with innovative visual curriculum materials and sustained collaboration. This qualitative investigation answers: To what degree can Beyond Words help in-service geography teachers design and implement powerful instruction centered around historical photographs? Throughout Beyond Words the teachers demonstrated a spirit of open-mindedness and a willingness to experiment with (...)
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  42.  22
    Volatile Knowing: Parents, Teachers, and the Censored Story of Accountability in America's Public Schools.Kaia Tollefson & Maxine Greene - 2008 - Lexington Books.
    Volatile Knowing refers to the positive change that can result when parents and teachers talk together about the politics of school reform. Based on a study of teachers and parents who researched aspects of the accountability movement typically censored in mainstream media, Volatile Knowing reveals the hidden power behind current reform efforts that serve private, not public interests. It is aimed at provoking a new, child-centered movement for accountability and creativity in the nation's schools.
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    Building a Better Teacher.Jeff Frank - 2015 - Education and Culture 31 (1):89-95.
    Elizabeth Green’s Building a Better Teacher: How Teaching Works is an excellent book that deserves the widest possible audience. It is a tremendously insightful and engaging look at teacher education, and I believe it has the power to change public discussions of teacher education for the better. Though it is written for a popular—and not a scholarly—audience, Green’s book raises a number of questions that will be of particular interest to philosophers of education. I turn to (...)
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    Feminist Teachers, Graduate Students, and “Consensual Sex”.Rosemarie Putnam Tong - 1999 - Teaching Philosophy 22 (2):123-133.
    Taking up the case of Jane Gallop, this paper explores whether an eroticized pedagogical style can be truly effective for teaching feminist philosophy and to what extent there exists the possibility of consensual romantic relationships between teachers and students. In a book published five years after accusations of discriminatory sexual harassment, Gallop argues that an eroticized pedagogy more effectively delivers a feminist message than non-eroticized pedagogies because it provides a context in which sexual norms can be foregrounded, challenged, and even (...)
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    Critically Civic Teacher Perception, Posture and Pedagogy: Negating Civic Archetypes.Kevin Russel Magill - 2019 - Journal of Social Studies Research 43 (2):159-176.
    Critical pedagogy is an optimistic approach for achieving transformative agency, which remains an elusive and vital aspect of civic education. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the pedagogical approach of three critically identifying teachers. Specifically, this study was interested in understanding participant teacher critically civic ontological postures. The posture implies an understanding of the power inherent to civic relation and pedagogy. Participant teachers uniquely demonstrated postures that allowed them to address conceptual, personal, and material aspects (...)
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    Elie Wiesel: teacher, mentor, and friend: reflections by judges of the Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity Ethics Essay contest.Alan L. Berger, Irving Greenberg & Carol Rittner (eds.) - 2018 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    Elie Wiesel, plucked from the ashes of the Holocaust, became a Nobel Peace laureate, an activist on behalf of the oppressed, a teacher, an award-winning novelist, and a renowned humanist. He moved easily among world leaders but was equally at home among the disenfranchised. Following his Nobel Prize, Wiesel established the Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity; one of their early initiatives was the founding of the Elie Wiesel Ethics Essay Contest. The reflections in this volume come from judges of (...)
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    An Investigation Into the Interplay Between Chinese EFL Teachers' Emotional Intelligence, Ambiguity Tolerance, and Work Engagement.Nan Yang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:929933.
    Teachers' work engagement is regarded as a critical issue in educational contexts, so the emotional factors and personality traits, and their effects on teacher engagement have drawn the attention of investigators. This study seeks to investigate the relationship between teachers' emotional intelligence, ambiguity tolerance, and work engagement. Moreover, this study tries to investigate the contribution of emotional intelligence and ambiguity tolerance to teachers' work engagement. To do so, 322 teachers (96 males and 226 females) participated in this study. Schutte's (...)
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    The Power of School Conditions: Individual, Relational, and Organizational Influences on Educator Wellbeing.Rachel Fiona Cann, Claire Sinnema, Alan J. Daly, Joelle Rodway & Yi-Hwa Liou - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:775614.
    Wellbeing in schools is often focused at the individual level, exploring students’ or teachers’ individual traits, habits, or actions that influence wellbeing. However, studies rarely take a whole-school approach that includes staff wellbeing, and frequently ignore relational and organizational level variables. We take a systems informed positive psychology approach and argue that it is essential to build greater understanding about organizational and relational influences on wellbeing in order for schools to support educator wellbeing. Our study evaluated the relative contributions of (...)
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    The Power of Discipline: Unveiling its Impact on Students' Problem-Solving Skills.Regie Bangoy - 2025 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 33 (4):442-447.
    The impact of teacher discipline on student outcomes is a critical area in educational research. However, limited studies have explored how specific discipline styles affect students' problem-solving abilities, particularly in Grade Six classrooms. This study investigates the relationship between classroom discipline styles of Grade Six teachers and students' problem-solving skills in schools within District III and IV of Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental Philippines. Using a descriptive-correlational design, the study involved 34 Grade Six teachers and 170 students selected through purposive (...)
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    Power, Pedagogy, and Social Reality.Shaireen Rasheed - 2000 - Social Philosophy Today 16:203-214.
    Living Dangerously: Multiculturalism and the Politics of Difference, Henry Giroux critically examines the emphasis on “clarity” in educational discourse, the best known advocate for which is Michael Apple. Giroux points out that a new generation of social critics, particularly in feminist theory, literary studies, post-colonial analysis, and Afro-American cultural criticism, has broken with traditional conventions that call for writing in a clear, unambiguous discourse. In contrast to Apple’s interpretation of “clarity” in language, the present paper will emphasize Giroux’s claim that (...)
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