Results for 'Tammy Neiman'

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  1.  4
    Nurses on the outside, problems on the inside! The duty of nurses to support unions.Paul Neiman & Tammy Neiman - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Healthcare is increasingly impacted by chronic short staffing of nurses, which causes and is caused by increased nurse burnout and decreased retention. Nurses’ unions seek to address these problems by proposing safer nurse-to-patient ratios, retention bonuses for working through the COVID-19 pandemic, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) stockpiles, sabbatical leaves, measures aimed at reducing workplace violence, and maintaining or increasing wages and benefits to keep nurses at the bedside. Chronic short staffing and burnout directly affect the quality and availability of patient (...)
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    Enhancing cultural safety among undergraduate nursing students through watching documentaries.Lucy Mkandawire-Valhmu, Jennifer Weitzel, Anne Dressel, Tammy Neiman, Shahad Hafez, Oluwatoyin Olukotun, Suzanne Kreuziger, Victoria Scheer, Rosetta Washington, Alexa Hess, Sarah Morgan & Patricia Stevens - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (1):e12270.
    The purpose of the study was to develop an understanding of how nursing students gained perspective on nursing care of diverse populations through watching documentaries in a cultural diversity course. The basis of this paper is our analyses of students’ written responses and reactions to documentaries viewed in class. The guiding theoretical frameworks for the course content and the study included postcolonial feminism, Foucauldian thought, and cultural safety. Krathwohl's Taxonomy of the Affective Domain was used to identify themes and determine (...)
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    (1 other version)Evil in Modern Thought: An Alternative History of Philosophy.Susan Neiman - 2002 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    The book is written with grace and wit; again and again, Neiman writes the kind of sentences we dream of uttering in the perfect conversation: where every mot is bon. This is exemplary philosophy.
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    Emotional experience in the mornings and the evenings: consideration of age differences in specific emotions by time of day.Tammy English & Laura L. Carstensen - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  5. The unity of reason: rereading Kant.Susan Neiman - 1994 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The Unity of Reason is the first major study of Kant's account of reason. It argues that Kant's wide-ranging interests and goals can only be understood by redirecting attention from epistemological questions of his work to those concerning the nature of reason. Rather than accepting a notion of reason given by his predecessors, a fundamental aim of Kant's philosophy is to reconceive the nature of reason. This enables us to understand Kant's insistence on the unity of theoretical and practical reason (...)
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    Let us Never Speak of It?, on Edward S. Small Direct Theory: Experimental Film/Video as Major Genre.Tammy A. Kinsey - 2003 - Film-Philosophy 7 (7).
    Edward S. Small _Direct Theory: Experimental Film/Video as Major Genre_ Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 1994 ISBN 0-8093-1920-9 122 pp.
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    European corporate citizenship in the USA: An enquiry.Tammie S. Pinkston - 1994 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 3 (2):101–108.
    European direct investment in the USA raises many local concerns. Are these concerns justified, or alleviated, by the way in which different European companies exercise corporate citizenship in the host country? The author is Assistant Professor of Strategic Management at the College of Business Administration, University of Oklahoma, 307 West Brooks, Norman, Oklahoma 73019‐0450, USA.
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    Framing and Organizational Misconduct: A Symbolic Interactionist Study.Tammy L. MacLean - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (1-2):3-16.
    This study expands theoretical understanding of organizational misconduct through qualitative analysis of widespread deceptive sales practices at a large U.S. life insurance company. Adopting a symbolic interactionist perspective, this research describes how a set of taken-for-granted interpretive frames located in the organization’s culture created a worldview through which deceptive sales practices were seen as normal, acceptable, routine operating procedure. The findings from this study extend and modify the dominant theoretical ‘pressure/opportunity’ model of organizational misconduct by proposing that the process engine (...)
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    Changing the Engineering Student Culture with Respect to Academic Integrity and Ethics.Tammy VanDeGrift, Heather Dillon & Loreal Camp - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (4):1159-1182.
    Engineers create airplanes, buildings, medical devices, and software, amongst many other things. Engineers abide by a professional code of ethics to uphold people’s safety and the reputation of the profession. Likewise, students abide by a code of academic integrity while learning the knowledge and necessary skills to prepare them for the engineering and computing professions. This paper reports on studies designed to improve the engineering student culture with respect to academic integrity and ethics. To understand the existing culture at a (...)
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  10. The Unity of Reason: Rereading Kant.Paul Guyer & Susan Neiman - 1997 - Philosophical Review 106 (2):291.
    The thesis of this book is that Kant employs a single conception of reason throughout his analysis of the fundamental principles of natural science, morality and politics, rational religion, and the practice of philosophy itself, and that this conception is that reason is the source of the ultimate goals or ideals for our conduct of both inquiry and action, but never a faculty that yields cognition of objects that exist independently of us, whether sensible or supersensible. In Neiman’s words, (...)
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    Development and Preliminary Validation of a New Measure of Values in Scientific Work.Tammy English, Alison L. Antes, Kari A. Baldwin & James M. DuBois - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (2):393-418.
    In this paper we describe the development and initial psychometric evaluation of a new measure, the values in scientific work. This scale assesses the level of importance that investigators attach to different VSW. It taps a broad range of intrinsic, extrinsic, and social values that motivate the work of scientists, including values specific to scientific work and more classic work values in the context of science. Notably, the values represented in this scale are relevant to scientists regardless of their career (...)
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    Corporate citizenship perspectives and foreign direct investment in the U.S.Tammie S. Pinkston & Archie B. Carroll - 1994 - Journal of Business Ethics 13 (3):157-169.
    As foreign direct investment in the U.S. continues to become both more visible and controversial, the general public remains skeptical about the corporate citizenship of these foreign affiliates. Four dimensions of corporate citizenship — orientations, organizational stakeholders, issues, and decision-making autonomy — were used to compare the inclinations of foreign affiliates with the domestic firms operating in the U.S. chemical industry. The only significant differences between the U.S. sample and those firms headquartered in other countries-of-origin were found in the area (...)
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  13.  20
    The role of moral identity in the salience of the prescriptive and proscriptive systems of moral self-regulation.Tammy L. Sonnentag, Taylor W. Wadian & Margaret J. Wolfson - 2024 - Ethics and Behavior 34 (6):425-437.
    There are two fundamental self-regulatory systems for moral action reflecting an approach-oriented system promoting moral action (prescriptive morality) and an avoidance-oriented system restraining immoral action (proscriptive morality). Despite the presence of these systems, individuals may vary in the extent to which the systems regulate their moral responses. One factor that may heighten prescriptive and proscriptive moral self-regulation is individuals’ moral identity. Three studies examined if the systems of moral regulation are more salient among individuals with a strong internalized moral identity. (...)
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  14.  27
    Augustine’s Philosophizing Person.Alven Michael Neiman - 1984 - New Scholasticism 58 (2):236-255.
  15.  6
    Building the intrinsic infrastructure of agroecology: collectivising to deal with the problem of the state.Tammi Jonas - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (3):1223-1237.
    Corporate actors in capitalist food systems continue to consolidate ownership of the means of production in ever fewer hands, posing a critical barrier to food sovereignty and to an agroecological transition. Further, corporate influence on the state is often direct and blatant, but there are also more insidious governance barriers– hegemonic structures of power and ‘common sense’ theories of value that exclude smallholders and local communities from participation in decision-making processes. This is especially pertinent in land use planning and in (...)
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    Identifying interpersonal stance in threatening discourse: An appraisal analysis.Tammy Gales - 2011 - Discourse Studies 13 (1):27-46.
    Ideologies about threatening language from scholarly and practitioner communities of practice reflect a genre replete with stances of violence and threatener control, wherein authorial intent is more strongly attributed to threats possessing characteristics that strengthen a threatener’s role in or commitment to the act. Using the resources of Appraisal analysis, this article examines the ways in which interpersonal stances, or a speaker or writer’s commitment to or attitudes about a person or proposition, are manifested and function in a realized threat (...)
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  17.  53
    Logic and Sin: Wittgenstein's Philosophical Education at the Limits of Language.Al Neiman - 1999 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 18 (5):339-349.
    Unfortunately, Wittgenstein has entered the philosophical canon , an entrance that has served to reify interpretations of his work. In this essay I refer to recent books by Richard Eldridge (1997) and Phillip Shields (1998) which allow us again to see The Philosophical Investigations as something more than a stultifying relic. Specifically, these authors, by reading Wittgenstein's work not merely as text but also as performance, allow us to enact our own liberating performances of that work. To engage in such (...)
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  18. Modern kwaad.Susan Neiman - 2002 - Nexus 34.
    De schrijfster ziet een paar opvallende veranderingen in de opvattingen over het probleem van het kwaad sinds de 18e eeuw. Terwijl de aardbeving, die in 1755 de stad Lissabon verwoestte, het optimistisch geloof aan vooruitgang en beheersbaarheid van de natuur aan het wankelen bracht, vernietigde Auschwtz in de 20e eeuw de toenmaals geldende ethische categorieën. Hierdoor blijkt het thans onmogelijk een niet politieke gekleurd antwoord te vinden op de aanslag op de Twin Towers te New York op 11 september 2001.
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    The Very (Bad) Idea of Public Reason.Alven Neiman - 2002 - Philosophy of Education 58:135-137.
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    Vivacity and Force as the Source of Hume’s Irregular Arguments.Paul Neiman - 2006 - Philo 9 (2):131-143.
    In the Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, Philo and Cleanthes make use of irregular arguments—arguments whose veracity is founded on the force and vivacity with which they strike the mind. This paper provides an analysis of the irregular arguments by the two characters in the Dialogues and by Hume in the Treatise of Human Nature. Since both characters accept the veracity of irregular arguments, it seems that they are in agreement at the end of the Dialogues. The similarity between their arguments (...)
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  21. A retrospective examination of CSR orientations: Have they changed? [REVIEW]Tammie S. Pinkston & Archie B. Carroll - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (2):199 - 206.
    This study has been designed to investigate whether Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) orientations have shifted in their priority in response to society's changing expectations. For this sample of U.S.-based multinational chemical subsidiaries, it appears that the top priority continues to be economic responsibilities, followed closely by legal responsibilities. A socially accountable corporation ... must be a thoughtful institution, able to rise above economic interest to anticipate the impact of its actions on all individuals and groups, from shareholders to employees to (...)
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    Thick as Thieves: A Social Embeddedness Model of Rule Breaking in Organizations.Tammy L. MacLean - 2001 - Business and Society 40 (2):167-196.
    This qualitative study examines rule breaking in organizations by analyzing how deceptive sales practices became widespread at a major life insurance company. Using grounded theory techniques, a theoretical model is developed that illustrates the persistence and proliferation of rule breaking in organizations. Findings suggest the utility of adopting a social embeddedness perspective on rule breaking, as the mechanisms of diffusion and facilitation embedded in relationships between managers and employees enable the process whereby rule breaking becomes widespread.
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    Role of Moral Identity and Moral Courage Characteristics in Adolescents’ Tendencies to Be a Moral Rebel.Tammy L. Sonnentag & Mark A. Barnett - 2016 - Ethics and Behavior 26 (4):277-299.
    Extending prior research on the characteristics potentially associated with adolescents’ tendencies to be a moral rebel, the present study found that adolescents themselves, their peers, and their teachers agreed on adolescents’ tendencies to possess a moral identity, possess moral courage characteristics, and be a moral rebel. Although moral identity did not consistently predict the tendency to be a moral rebel, all indices of the adolescents’ moral courage characteristics positively predicted the tendency to be a moral rebel.
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    Characteristics Associated With Individuals’ Caring, Just, and Brave Expressions of the Tendency to Be a Moral Rebel.Tammy L. Sonnentag, Taylor W. Wadian, Mark A. Barnett, Matthew R. Gretz & Sarah M. Bailey - 2018 - Ethics and Behavior 28 (5):411-428.
    Extending previous research on the characteristics associated with adolescents’ general tendency to be a moral rebel, the present study examined the roles of moral identity and moral courage characteristics on 3 expressions of the tendency to stand up for one’s beliefs and values despite social pressure not to do so. Results revealed that general and situation-specific moral courage characteristics are important motivators of individuals’ caring, just, and brave expressions of the tendency to be a moral rebel, especially when they possess (...)
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    Limitarianism and Relative Thresholds.Tammy Harel Ben Shahar - forthcoming - Canadian Journal of Philosophy:1-16.
    In her groundbreaking paper “Having too much” Ingrid Robeyns introduces the principle of “limitarianism,” arguing that it is morally impermissible to have more resources than needed for leading a maximally flourishing life. This paper focuses on one component of limitarian theory, namely the nature of the riches threshold, and critiques Robeyns’ absolute threshold, that limits wealth above what is needed for satiating human flourishing. The paper then suggests an alternative, relative threshold for determining excessive wealth, and also argues that limitarianism (...)
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    Educational Justice and the Value of Excellence.Tammy Harel Ben Shahar - 2024 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 28 (3).
    Developing educational excellence is a goal espoused by education systems. Yet despite its universal endorsement, philosophers have not given sufficient attention to questions such as: Why is excellence good? For whom is it good? And is the value it generates different in nature or in importance from the value generated by developing low or average abilities? This paper examines the instrumental and noninstrumental value of excellence, aiming to contribute to the scholarship of educational justice by elucidating the value of excellence (...)
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    Forgetting Hiroshima, remembering Auschwitz.Susan Neiman - 2015 - Thesis Eleven 129 (1):7-26.
    This paper uses two museum exhibitions to raise questions about how Hiroshima and Auschwitz are coped with in the present. The stake of the paper is to examine how it has been possible for different polities to come to terms with criminal pasts that should cause shame and guilt. The criminality of Auschwitz is established, but not that of Hiroshima. In the first instance, then, the paper establishes the extent to which the justifications for the bombing of Hiroshima were and (...)
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    Albert Camus’ Philosophy of Love.Paul G. Neiman - 2021 - Philosophical Investigations 44 (3):318-338.
    Philosophical Investigations, EarlyView.
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    Cavell and the endless mourning of skepticism.Tammy Clewell - 2004 - Angelaki 9 (3):75 – 87.
    “Despair and a sense of loss are not static conditions but goads to our continuous labor” (Senses 70). This is the way Stanley Cavell describes one of the fundamental lessons of skepticism, the fam...
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  30. Corazon Santos de la Paz-Bernardo: A Debt of Gratitude.Tammy H. Lipana & Ester Santos Bitanga - 2010 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 14 (2 & 3):131-138.
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    Reframing Organizational Misconduct.Tammy MacLean - 2002 - Business and Society 41 (2):242-250.
    This research examines organizational misconduct from a symbolic interactionist perspective, providing theoretical and empirical insights into the mechanisms underlying the cause-and-effect relationships posited by the dominant, pressure/ opportunity model of organizational misconduct. Findings from this research both support and extend the pressure/opportunity model of organizational misconduct. In support of the dominant model, it confirms that environmental and organizational factors do create pressures and opportunities that drive organizational misconduct. However, these findings suggest that pressure and opportunity are mediated by embedded organizational (...)
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  32.  12
    Addiction and Mood Disorder in the Fast Food University.Al Neiman - 2007 - Philosophy of Education 63:14-17.
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    Rawls.Susan Neiman - 2003 - Die Philosophin 14 (27):83-89.
  34.  18
    Is Reason Defensible?Susan Neiman - 2016 - In Susan Neiman, Peter Galison & Wendy Doniger, What Reason Promises: Essays on Reason, Nature and History. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 3-12.
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    Justice and History.Susan Neiman - 2020 - Philosophy 95 (2):211-225.
    This article explores intergenerational justice and its connection to historic justice and reparations. It includes both the post-war period, and the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade, as case studies.
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    Moralische Klarheit für erwachsene Idealisten.Susan Neiman - 2011 - Essen: Klartext. Edited by Julian Nida-Rümelin, Wolfgang Thierse, Olaf Scholz & Volker Gerhardt.
  37.  39
    Rorty, irony, education.Alven M. Neiman - 1993 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 12 (2):205-209.
  38. Vom Verständnis der Natur: Jahrbuch Einstein-Forum 2000.Susan Neiman - 2001 - De Gruyter.
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    We Don’t Have Thirty Years Reflections on Lisbon’s Earthquake.Susan Neiman - 2012 - Philosophical Readings 4 (3):35-41.
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    Zur aufklärung verpflichtet.Susan Neiman - 2001 - In Vom Verständnis der Natur: Jahrbuch Einstein-Forum 2000. De Gruyter. pp. 19-28.
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    Does this apply here?: Ethical considerations in transnational supervision settings.Tammy Schultz, Hana Yoo, Mandy Kellums Baraka & Terri Watson - 2021 - Ethics and Behavior 31 (4):270-283.
    ABSTRACT Most of the ethical decision making literature that guides mental health practice comes from the Western hemisphere. The well-meaning application of Western values in supervision can result in the intrusion of ethical standards that may not match the context and lacks sensitivity. In this qualitative study, researchers explored the supervisory experiences of 25 mental health professionals of 14 different nationalities, navigating complex ethical challenges in supervision practice in 17 countries. Using thematic analysis, several well-supported themes emerged. Recommendations for practice (...)
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  42. Judges.Tammi J. Schneider - 2000
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    Mothers of Promise: Women in the Book of Genesis.Tammi J. Schneider - 2008 - Baker Academic.
    A prominent scholar of the Hebrew Bible offers a close reading of the women in Genesis to discover their roles in shaping ancient Israel.
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    Objectivity and rationality in epistemology and education: Scheffler's middle road.Alven Neiman & Harvey Siegel - 1993 - Synthese 94 (1):55 - 83.
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    Camus on Authenticity in Political Violence.Paul George Neiman - 2017 - European Journal of Philosophy 25 (4):1569-1587.
    Politically motivated attacks against civilians are typically evaluated by focusing on objective factors, such as the loss of innocent life, the justness of a rebel organization's political vision, and whether the attacks are successful in advancing that vision. Albert Camus' philosophy on rebellion provides an alternative approach that focuses on subject experience of the rebel. The rebel experiences a genuine moral dilemma created by the passionate desire to fight injustice and the feeling of universal solidarity that encompasses even those who (...)
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    Cartesian Empiricisms.Mihnea Dobre Tammy Nyden (ed.) - 2013 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    Cartesian Empiricisms considers the role Cartesians played in the acceptance of experiment in natural philosophy during the seventeenth century. It aims to correct a partial image of Cartesian philosophers as paradigmatic system builders who failed to meet challenges posed by the new science’s innovative methods. Studies in this volume argue that far from being strangers to experiment, many Cartesians used and integrated it into their natural philosophies. Chapter 1 reviews the historiographies of early modern philosophy, science, and Cartesianism and their (...)
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    Positional Goods and the Size of Inequality.Tammy Harel Ben Shahar - 2017 - Journal of Political Philosophy 26 (1):103-120.
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    (1 other version)An Exploration of Moral Rebelliousness with Adolescents and Young Adults.Tammy L. Sonnentag & Mark A. Barnett - 2013 - Ethics and Behavior 23 (3):214-236.
    The present pair of studies investigated the assessment, correlates, and evaluation of ?moral rebels? who follow their own moral convictions despite social pressure to comply. In Study 1, self, peer, and teacher ratings of adolescents' tendencies to be a moral rebel were positively intercorrelated. In Study 2, young adults' tendencies to be a moral rebel were associated with relatively high self-esteem scores and relatively low willingness to engage in minor moral violations and need to belong scores. Both adolescents and young (...)
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  49.  28
    Engaging Students in Philosophy Texts.Paul G. Neiman & Linda V. Neiman - 2015 - American Association of Philosophy Teachers Studies in Pedagogy 1:157-168.
    One of the most common and frustrating experiences for philosophy instructors is teaching students who have not read the assigned text prior to coming to class. This chapter proposes three specific strategies, supported by the literature on student learning, that encourages and enables students to read and understand assigned texts. Each strategy activates students’ prior knowledge, sets a purpose to read and uses novelty to engage students’ attention. Evidence from experience with these strategies is provided to further support their effectiveness. (...)
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    How Not to Hegelianize the Third Critique.Susan Neiman - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher, Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 696-703.
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