Results for 'Tachibana Masaya'

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  1.  37
    Aberrant Cerebellar–Cerebral Functional Connectivity in Children and Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorder.Ryuzo Hanaie, Ikuko Mohri, Kuriko Kagitani-Shimono, Masaya Tachibana, Junko Matsuzaki, Ikuko Hirata, Fumiyo Nagatani, Yoshiyuki Watanabe, Taiichi Katayama & Masako Taniike - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Delayed Mismatch Field Latencies in Autism Spectrum Disorder with Abnormal Auditory Sensitivity: A Magnetoencephalographic Study.Matsuzaki Junko, Kagitani-Shimono Kuriko, Sugata Hisato, Hanaie Ryuzo, Nagatani Fumiyo, Yamamoto Tomoka, Tachibana Masaya, Tominaga Koji, Hirata Masayuki, Mohri Ikuko & Taniike Masako - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Shibenteki jitsuzairon to gendai ni tsuite: Chiba Masaya taidanshū.Masaya Chiba - 2018 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Seidosha. Edited by Yoshiyuki Koizumi.
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  4. How Aristotle’s Theory of Education Has Been Studied in Our Century.Koji Tachibana - 2012 - Studia Classica 3:21-67.
  5. Moral Neuroscience and Moral Philosophy: Interactions for Ecological Validity.Koji Tachibana - 2009 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 42 (2):41-58.
    Neuroscientific claims have a significant impact on traditional philosophy. This essay, focusing on the field of moral neuroscience, discusses how and why philosophy can contribute to neuroscientific progress. First, viewing the interactions between moral neuroscience and moral philosophy, it becomes clear that moral philosophy can and does contribute to moral neuroscience in two ways: as explanandum and as explanans. Next, it is shown that moral philosophy is well suited to contribute to moral neuroscience in both of these two ways in (...)
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    Explicit Performatives and Force Recognition.Masaya Sato - 2023 - International Philosophical Quarterly 63 (3):315-336.
    Utterances of explicit performatives, such as “I order you to close the door,” have the forces named by the appearing verbs; here, the utterance has the force of ordering. These utterances utilize declarative sentences, which usually indicate the force of statements, rather than of any verbs contained in them. This leads many to theorize that explicit performatives are statements that cause their hearers to infer the forces they name. This article argues against this account on the grounds that it is (...)
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  7. Do you really want to know about this?" : critical feminist ethics of care as a project of unsettling.Masaya Llavaneras Blanco - 2024 - In Sophie Bourgault, Maggie FitzGerald & Fiona Robinson (eds.), Decentering epistemologies and challenging privilege: critical care ethics perspectives. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.
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    Mine is Yours: Diotima’s Theory of Survival.Masaya Honda - 2016 - Apeiron 49 (3):281-301.
    Journal Name: Apeiron Issue: Ahead of print.
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    L’expérience de l’immédiateté : sur la phénoménologie de la vie chez Michel Henry et Bin Kimura.Masaya Kawase - 2018 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 143 (4):525-544.
    L’expression « phénoménologie de la vie » indique une visée commune entre les pensées de Michel Henry et de Bin Kimura. La « phénoménologie historique », telle que conçue par Husserl, trouve l’essence des phénomènes dans le mode d’apparaître des objets par la médiation de la différenciation temporelle. La phénoménologie de la vie saisit cette essence dans une dimension verticale, appelée « immédiateté » par Kimura, qui unit le présent caractéristique de l’être du soi avec la Vie absolue. Elle situe (...)
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  10. Sein und Sprache bei Heidegger und Michel Henry.Masaya Kawase - 2013 - In Stephan Grätzel & Frédéric Seyler (eds.), Sein, Existenz, Leben: Michel Henry und Martin Heidegger. Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
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    Psychological Examination of Political Philosophies: Interrelationship Among Citizenship, Justice, and Well-Being in Japan.Masaya Kobayashi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This paper examines assumptions concerning the relationship between citizenship, justice, and well-being, based on representative political philosophies, including egoism, utilitarianism, libertarianism, liberalism, and communitarianism. A previous paper raised the possibility of an inter-disciplinary framework for collaboration between psychology and political philosophy. This study picks up that thread and attempts to actualize a collaborative research effort based on a framework grounded in positive political psychology. The first part of this study reflects on the methodology situated between empirical psychology and philosophy in (...)
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  12. Higashi Ajia no Yōmeigaku: sesshoku, ryūtsū, hen'yō.Masaya Mabuchi (ed.) - 2011 - Tōkyō: Tōhō Shoten.
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    Kyōiku riron no keishō to hatten: Ebihara kyōikugaku no chihei o fumaete.Masaya Minei (ed.) - 2001 - Tōkyō: Adobantēji Sābā.
  14. Kaishakugskuteki shingaku.Masaya Odagaki - 1975
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    Is simulated foraging similar to natural foraging?Masaya Sato & Takayuki Sakagami - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (2):346-347.
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    Moral Decision in Popper's Critical Rationalism.Kiichi Tachibana - 1995 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 8 (5):261-266.
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    Tolerant Rationalism.Kiichi Tachibana - 2000 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 9 (5):245-254.
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  18. Neurofeedback-Based Moral Enhancement and the Notion of Morality.Koji Tachibana - 2017 - The Annals of the University of Bucharest - Philosophy Series 66 (2):25-41.
    Some skeptics question the very possibility of moral bioenhancement by arguing that if we lack a widely acceptable notion of morality, we will not be able to accept the use of a biotechnological technique as a tool for moral bioenhancement. I will examine this skepticism and argue that the assessment of moral bioenhancement does not require such a notion of morality. In particular, I will demonstrate that this skepticism can be neutralized in the case of recent neurofeedback techniques. This goal (...)
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  19. Neurofeedback-Based Moral Enhancement and Traditional Moral Education.Koji Tachibana - 2018 - Humana Mente 11 (33):19-42.
    Scientific progress in recent neurofeedback research may bring about a new type of moral neuroenhancement, namely, neurofeedback-based moral enhancement; however, this has yet to be examined thoroughly. This paper presents an ethical analysis of the possibility of neurofeedback-based moral enhancement and demonstrates that this type of moral enhancement sheds new light on the moral enhancement debate. First, I survey this debate and extract the typical structural flow of its arguments. Second, by applying structure to the case of neurofeedback-based moral enhancement, (...)
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  20.  36
    Individualizing Virtues.Masaya Honda - 2016 - International Philosophical Quarterly 56 (1):57-76.
    This paper compares two philosophical views from vastly different intellectual traditions: the views typical of neo-Aristotelian naturalism and the views that Kitarō Nishida describes in his An Inquiry into the Good. I concentrate on the following points. Nishida and neo-Aristotelian naturalists share the view that the mind tends to construct experience as it characterizes phenomena. It evaluates those that fulfill this tendency positively and those that fail to fulfill it negatively. Moral judgment is one manifestation of this tendency. This allows (...)
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  21.  5
    La naissance de la culture d’après la phénoménologie de la vie de Michel Henry.Masaya Kawase - 2015 - Revue Internationale Michel Henry 6:65-84.
    Nous pouvons distinguer chez Michel Henry « phénoménologie de la vie » et « phénoménologie de la culture » comme étant opposées à la « phénoménologie de la nature ». Avant d’être objective et naturelle, la réalité est toujours vitale et pathétique, et son apparaître sous la forme d’une culture est son mode d’être originel. Par conséquent, la « phénoménologie de la vie », phénoménologie qui, en comprenant ainsi la réalité, cherche dans la vie le fondement de cette réalité toujours (...)
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    An Introduction to the Religious Thought of Seiichi Yagi.Masaya Odagaki - 1989 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 9:271.
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  23. Tetsugakuteki shingaku.Masaya Odagaki - 1983 - Tōkyō: Sōbunsha.
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  24.  50
    From outer space to Earth—The social significance of isolated and confined environment research in human space exploration.Koji Tachibana, Shoichi Tachibana & Natsuhiko Inoue - 2017 - Acta Astronautica 140:273-283.
    Human space exploration requires massive budgets every fiscal year. Especially under severe financial constraint conditions, governments are forced to justify to society why spending so much tax revenue for human space exploration is worth the cost. The value of human space exploration might be estimated in many ways, but its social significance and cost-effectiveness are two key ways to gauge that worth. Since these measures should be applied country by country because sociopolitical conditions differ in each country and must be (...)
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    The Dual Application of Neurofeedback Technique and the Blurred Lines Between the Mental, the Social, and the Moral.Koji Tachibana - 2018 - Journal of Cognitive Enhancement 2 (4):397-403.
    Recent neuroscience studies have reported that neurofeedback training with the use of functional magnetic resonance imaging enables the regulation of an individual’s cognitive, emotion-related, and behavioral states through a real-time representation of her brain activities. Since this technique has been applied not only to clinical research to, for example, mitigate mental or psychiatric symptoms but also to non-clinical research to, for example, change the cognition or preferences of a so-called healthy participant, neurofeedback-based cognitive and/or moral enhancements may be realized in (...)
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  26. An Inquiry into the Relationship between Public Participation and Moral Education in Contemporary Japan: Who decides your way of life?Koji Tachibana - 2008 - In Kohji Ishihara & Shunzo Majima (eds.), Applied Ethics: Perspectives from Asia and Beyond. Hokkaido University. pp. 26-39.
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    A Hobbesian qualm with space settlement.Koji Tachibana - 2019 - Futures 110:28-30.
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  28.  8
    Love Is Not the Same as Loving: What If We Have a Love Drug for Being Loved?Koji Tachibana - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 15 (4):250-252.
    Lantiana, Boudesseulab, and Covac conducted two investigations to examine the moral acceptability of love drugs (Lantiana, Boudesseulab, and Covac 2024). In particular, their studies were designed...
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  29.  21
    L’Absolu fichtéen.Tomoaki Tachibana Phier - 2016 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 161 (1):19.
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  30. Philosophical Basis of Aristotle's Theory of Moral Education in the Nicomachean Ethics.Koji Tachibana - 2012 - Dissertation, University of Tokyo
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  31. The Gap between Philosophy and the Philosophy of Education in Japanese Academia: A Statistical Survey of the Largest Competitive Research Funding Database in Japan.Koji Tachibana - 2017 - Sentanrinri Kenkyu (Studies on Advanced Ethics) (11):17-32.
    This short article is based on my special lecture entitled "Aristotle and the Philosophy of Education" at Tamagawa University Research Institute in Tokyo on September 19, 2015, through a recording of the spoken language transcribed in written form with some corrections. The lecture delivered on that day consists of two parts: referring to historical research and a statistical survey, the first half focuses on uncovering the fact that the philosophy of education has been slighted both in Japanese and Western academia (...)
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    Toward a More Meaningful Use of EEG in Moral Neuroscience.Koji Tachibana & Makoto Miyakoshi - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 15 (3):209-211.
    In this short commentary on Fronda et al. (2024), we discuss technical and philosophical concerns. Our primary concern lies in analyses at frontal electrode sites to support its main conclusion, ye...
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    Aristotle on Virtue and Friendship.Koji Tachibana - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 2 (2):309-313.
    Aristotle, in his Nicomachean Ethics, considers how one becomes virtuous. However, when asking the question of how, he does not refer to ‘by friend’ as an option; all he refers to are ‘by learning’, ‘by training’, ‘by habituation’, ‘by god’ and ‘by luck’. Why does he not do so? First, I point out the fact that both Aristotle and Plato do not refer to the option of ‘by friend’ when asking the question of how. Second, I argue that Aristotle does (...)
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  34. Shina shisō kenkyū.Shiraki Tachibana - 1936
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  35. (1 other version)The ethics of Buddhism.Shundō Tachibana - 1926 - New York: Barnes & Noble.
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  36. Tōyō shisō shi gaisetsu.Eshō Tachibana - 1923
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  37. Yamaga Sokō no shisō.Hitoshi Tachibana - 2007 - Tōkyō: Perikansha.
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    Spinoza on Contemporary Monism: A Further Discussion.Tatsuya Tachibana - 2020 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 29:93-105.
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    Factorial Validity and Invariance of the 7-Item Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale Among Populations With and Without Self-Reported Psychiatric Diagnostic Status.Satomi Doi, Masaya Ito, Yoshitake Takebayashi, Kumiko Muramatsu & Masaru Horikoshi - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Ethics of Decoded Neurofeedback in Clinical Research, Treatment, and Moral Enhancement.Eisuke Nakazawa, Keiichiro Yamamoto, Koji Tachibana, Soichiro Toda, Yoshiyuki Takimoto & Akira Akabayashi - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 7 (2):110-117.
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    Habituation to Feedback Delay Restores Degraded Visuomotor Adaptation by Altering Both Sensory Prediction Error and the Sensitivity of Adaptation to the Error.Takuya Honda, Masaya Hirashima & Daichi Nozaki - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Low-temperature phase of the Zn–Sc approximant.T. Ishimasa, Y. Kasano, A. Tachibana, S. Kashimoto & K. Osaka - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (18-21):2887-2897.
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    Cataphora processing in agrammatic aphasia: Eye movement evidence for integration deficits.Hsu Chien-Ju, Yoshida Masaya & Thompson Cynthia - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    The multitude beyond measure: Building a common stupor.Derek R. Ford & Masaya Sasaki - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (7):938-945.
    In response to contagion, competing and contradictory movements emerge that engender openness to new modes of life and reactionary defenses of old ones, that acknowledge mutual dependency and vulnerability and that heighten the policing and surveillance of borders. Through reading the Empire project, this article articulates these as struggles over measure that unfold on the terrain of sovereignty and biopolitical economy. We show that the passage from modern to imperial sovereignty hinges on the former’s inability to adequately impose calculatory regimes, (...)
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    Analysis of dislocation images in X-ray topography of protein crystals: tetragonal hen egg-white lysozyme crystals.H. Koizumi, M. Tachibana, I. Yoshizaki & K. Kojima - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (31):3709-3717.
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    Temperature dependence of microhardness of tetragonal hen-egg-white lysozyme single crystals.H. Koizumi, M. Tachibana, H. Kawamoto & K. Kojima † - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (28):2961-2968.
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    Possible nucleus of the Bergman cluster in the Zn–Mg–Y alloy system.Kei Nakayama, Masaya Nakagawa & Yasumasa Koyama - 2018 - Philosophical Magazine 98 (3):219-236.
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    Roles of Trait Mindfulness in Behavioral Activation Mechanism for Patients With Major Depressive Disorder.Koki Takagaki, Masaya Ito, Yoshitake Takebayashi, Shun Nakajima & Masaru Horikoshi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Unconscious and Distinctive Control of Vocal Pitch and Timbre During Altered Auditory Feedback.Mingdi Xu, Ryosuke O. Tachibana, Kazuo Okanoya, Hiroko Hagiwara, Ryu-Ichiro Hashimoto & Fumitaka Homae - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  50. Aristotle in Japan: reception, interpretation and application.Tomohiko Kondo & Koji Tachibana (eds.) - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This is the first volume to explore the modern reception and contemporary relevance of Aristotle and his philosophy in Japan, making it a valuable contribution to both global Aristotelian studies and studies of Japanese philosophical traditions. The study of Aristotle's philosophy in Japan is already over a hundred years old, yet the fruits of these efforts have mostly been published in Japanese and thus circulated almost entirely within Japan. Japanese scholarship, however, has not been conducted in isolation, but rather has (...)
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