Results for 'Hirata Masayuki'

143 found
  1.  46
    Genetic and Environmental Influences on Motor Function: A Magnetoencephalographic Study of Twins.Toshihiko Araki, Masayuki Hirata, Hisato Sugata, Takufumi Yanagisawa, Mai Onishi, Yoshiyuki Watanabe, Kayoko Omura, Chika Honda, Kazuo Hayakawa & Shiro Yorifuji - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  2.  61
    Cerebral oscillatory activity during simulated driving using MEG.Kotoe Sakihara, Masayuki Hirata, Kazutoshi Ebe, Kenji Kimura, Seong Yi Ryu, Yoshiyuki Kono, Nozomi Muto, Masako Yoshioka, Toshiki Yoshimine & Shiro Yorifuji - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  3.  23
    Neural Processing Mechanism of Mental Calculation Based on Cerebral Oscillatory Changes: A Comparison Between Abacus Experts and Novices.Abdelkader Nasreddine Belkacem, Kanako Kiso, Etsuko Uokawa, Tetsu Goto, Shiro Yorifuji & Masayuki Hirata - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  4.  32
    Delayed Mismatch Field Latencies in Autism Spectrum Disorder with Abnormal Auditory Sensitivity: A Magnetoencephalographic Study.Matsuzaki Junko, Kagitani-Shimono Kuriko, Sugata Hisato, Hanaie Ryuzo, Nagatani Fumiyo, Yamamoto Tomoka, Tachibana Masaya, Tominaga Koji, Hirata Masayuki, Mohri Ikuko & Taniike Masako - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Categorical discrimination of human body parts by magnetoencephalography.Misaki Nakamura, Takufumi Yanagisawa, Yumiko Okamura, Ryohei Fukuma, Masayuki Hirata, Toshihiko Araki, Yukiyasu Kamitani & Shiro Yorifuji - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  6. Hirata Atsutane, Satō Nobuhiro, Suzuki Masayuki.Atsutane Hirata - 1972 - Edited by Nobuhiro Satō, Masayuki Suzuki & Tōru Sagara.
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  7.  44
    A Wireless Multichannel Neural Recording system for Implantable Brain-Machine Interfaces.Ando Hiroshi, Takizawa Kenichi, Yoshida Takeshi, Matsushita Kojiro, Hirata Masayuki & Suzuki Takafumi - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  8. Hirata Atsutane, Ban Nobutomo, Ōkuni Takamasa.Atsutane Hirata, Nobutomo Ban, Takamasa Okuni & Tsuguo Tahara - 1973 - Iwanami Shoten. Edited by Nobutomo Ban, Takamasa Ōkuni & Tsuguo Tahara.
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    Shinshū Hirata Atsutane zenshū.Atsutane Hirata - 1976
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  10. Hirata Atsutane kabun shū.Atsutane Hirata - 1941 - Edited by Harutsuna Sasaki & Atsutane Hirata.
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  11.  15
    Happiness, Ethics and Economics.Johannes Hirata - 2011 - Routledge.
    Despite decades of empirical happiness research, there is still little evidence for the positive effect of economic growth on life satisfaction. This poses a major challenge to welfare economic theory and to normative conceptions of socio-economic development. This book endeavours to explain these findings and to make sense of their ethical implications. While most of the existing literature on empirical happiness research is ultimately interested in understanding how to improve human lives and societal development, the ethical backdrop against which these (...)
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  12.  77
    The Confucian quest for order: the origin and formation of the political thought of Xun Zi.Masayuki Sato - 2003 - Boston: Brill.
    Dr. Sato's volume deals with the origin and formation of the political thought of pre-imperial Xun Zi, with close focus on this synthesizer's formative theory ...
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  13. Apercepção versus percepção: os espí­ritos na cosmologia leibniziana.Celi Hirata - 2008 - Princípios 15 (24):135-166.
    Leibniz afirma que toda mônada expressa o universo inteiro de uma determinada perspectiva. A partir daí, todas os seres criados harmonizam-se entre si, já que todos representam o mesmo mundo, ao mesmo tempo em que cada um se individualiza por meio de seu ponto de vista próprio que • afirma o autor em alguns textos-chave • é determinado pelo lugar que o seu corpo correspondente ocupa. Entretanto, se a limitaçáo dos graus de distinçáo das representações se dá meramente por uma (...)
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  14. Makoto no josetsu.Kurakichi Hirata - 1939
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  15.  7
    Kants Theorie der Bewegungserfahrung in den Metaphysischen Anfangsgründen der Naturwissenschaft.Masayuki Inutake - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher, Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 547-552.
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  16. Nishimura Shigeki kenkyū: Meiji keimō shisō to kokumin dōtokuron.Masayuki Manabe - 2009 - Kyōto-shi: Shibunkaku Shuppan.
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  17.  50
    Complementarity in Molecular Biology.Masayuki Obayashi - 1992 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 8 (2):111-116.
  18.  41
    Complete Sequencing vs. Reductionism in the Human Genome Project.Masayuki Obayashi - 1997 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 9 (2):59-67.
  19. Rōsaku kyōiku ron oyobi kyōjuhō.Masayuki Ogawa - 1935
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  20.  12
    Can yu tian di zhi zhi: Xunzi li zhi zheng zhi si xiang de qi yuan yu gou zao = The Confucian Quest for Order: The Origin and Formation of the Political Thought of Xun Zi.Masayuki Sato - 2016 - Tai bei shi: Guo li tai wan da xue chu ban zhong xin.
    ◎ 以政治思想使的角度切入,完整剖析荀子的政治思想淵源、構造及特色。 ◎ 闡明荀子如何將早期儒、墨的倫理論辯,提升為分析國家社會原理的禮治論。 ◎ 理解漢朝後中國國家體制的設計藍圖,必須從理解荀子禮治論開始。 本書以「禮治」與「綜合」為切入點,闡明《荀子》書中政治思想的淵源、構造以及特色,並對荀子的生平、其文本的流傳以及戰國時代「禮」概念的發展等問題,進行完整且系統性的說明。 作者將戰國時代的思想演變,分成以孔子至孟子的早期儒家與墨家思想為主要內容的「倫理論辯」階段,和以慎到、田駢等稷下學者與道家等戰國中、晚期思想為主要內容的「分析論述」階段,並主張荀子以「禮」概念綜合了此 兩種思想潮流。經由闡述「禮」概念的各種功能,荀子將當時備受懷疑的倫理工夫之效能,以及過度抽象化的各種政治論辯內容,重新界定為每個人都能夠實踐的倫理準則;早期儒墨的「倫理論辯」,由此提升為富有分析國家社 會原理的「禮治論」。而因為荀子的禮治論兼有豐富的倫理實踐意涵,以及分析國家社會的理論意涵,其後更成為漢朝建立國家制度與倫理基礎時的設計藍圖。 經由作者條分縷析地說明,讀者當能對荀子的禮治思想有更深入的了解,進而掌握其整體面貌。.
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  21.  23
    Hou zhou lu shi dai de tian xia zhi xu: "Xun zi" he "Lü shi chun qiu" zheng zhi zhe xue zhi bi jiao yan jiu = The world order after Zhou-Lu regime in early China: a comparative study of political philosophies of the Xunzi and Mr. Lu's spring and autumn annals.Masayuki Sato - 2021 - Taibei Shi: Guo li Taiwan da xue chu ban zhong xin chu ban.
    西元前256年,周赧王被秦昭襄王所征服。由此,戰國時代最後階段的華夏世界進入三十五年的「後周魯時代」。 本書提出:在此時期周天子不在的政治權威空白時期,實為《荀子》和《呂氏春秋》兩書之出現的主要契機。以這樣歷史背景為主要契機誕生的兩書,其政治哲學的目標便應該在於構想能治理全天下人民之國家的建立──《荀子 》探求未來以禮義治理天下的君王;《呂氏春秋》則向已成為「de facto天子」的秦王,為提升至名正言順的天子,提供政策綱要和實踐細則。 作者根據較為嚴謹的「觀念史/概念史」分析,闡述《荀》、《呂》兩書在思維上、概念上、論述內容上等多層次的思想特質及其歷史角色。期盼本書在戰國秦漢時代的歷史和思想相關議題之探討能夠提供較新的切入點,並擴大 研究視野。.
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  22. Kindai shakai ni okeru hō to seiji.Masayuki Takanashi (ed.) - 1954 - Tōkyō: Yūshindō.
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  23.  41
    Development of efficiency indicators of operating room management for multi‐institutional comparisons.Masayuki Tanaka, Jason Lee, Hiroshi Ikai & Yuichi Imanaka - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (2):335-341.
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    Are Mentalizing Systems Necessary? An Alternative Through Self–other Distinction.Masayuki Watanabe - 2024 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 15 (1):29-49.
    Recent studies have identified two important findings on infants’ capability of taking others’ perspectives and the difficulty of ignoring perspectives irrelevant to the acquired perspective. Unfortunately, there is insufficient consensus on the interpretation of these phenomena. Two important features of perspective-taking, embodiment and aging, should be considered to reach a more appropriate hypothesis. In this paper, the mechanism of perspective-taking can be redefined through the well-known process of self–other distinction, which is inherent to humans, without resorting to either the assumption (...)
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  25.  7
    Kyōiku no uchigawa kara.Masayuki Yoshioka - 1986 - Tōkyō: Gyōsei.
  26.  32
    0 saber de Teseu n´ As Suplicantes de Eurípides.Filomena Yoshie Hirata - 2002 - Synthesis (la Plata) 9:11-20.
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  27.  31
    Notes and Correspondence.Hirata Yutaka & L. Goodrich - 1951 - Isis 42 (2):143-145.
  28.  42
    Voluntary self-touch increases body ownership.Masayuki Hara, Polona Pozeg, Giulio Rognini, Takahiro Higuchi, Kazunobu Fukuhara, Akio Yamamoto, Toshiro Higuchi, Olaf Blanke & Roy Salomon - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The Possible Antecedents and Consequences of Matching of Food Intake: Examining the Role of Trait Self-Esteem and Interpersonal Closeness.Elizabeth Hirata, Gerine M. A. Lodder, Ulrich Kühnen, Sonia Lippke & Roel C. J. Hermans - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  30.  14
    Francis Bacon e a imagem do livro da natureza.Celi Hirata - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (4):75-98.
    In this paper, we explore the conception of nature as a book in Francis Bacon. On the one hand, using this image and confronting the reading of the book of nature and the reading of the books of established authors, Bacon contrasts two completely different ways of the natural philosophy: the Interpretation of Nature in contrast to the Anticipation of the Mind. On the other hand, by considering the revealed book and the book of creatures, Bacon contends for the specificity (...)
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  31.  11
    28 Hedonism.Johannes Hirata - 2009 - In Jan Peil & Irene van Staveren, Handbook of economics and ethics. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar. pp. 210.
  32.  21
    La société civile japonaise contemporaine.Kiyoaki Hirata - 1987 - Actuel Marx 2:65.
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    Personality and the individual: The problem of civic education in Japan and the influence of modern European philosophy.Toshihiro Hirata - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (3):878-884.
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    The unconscious information processing appeared on the visual ERPs during pattern matching task of masked target.Tsuyoshi Hirata, Shio Murakami & Shinya Ito - 2002 - In Kunio Yasue, Mari Jibu & Tarcisio Della Senta, No Matter, Never Mind: Proceedings of Toward a Science of Consciousness: Fundamental Approaches (Tokyo '99). John Benjamins. pp. 33--307.
  35.  23
    The Acceptance of Nichiran Shoshu Soka GAkkai inMexico.Masayuki Ōkubo & 大久保雅行 - 1991 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 18 (2-3):189-211.
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  36.  19
    Nihon shisō zenshi.Masayuki Shimizu - 2014 - Tōkyō-to Daitō-ku: Chikuma Shobō.
    この国の人々は選択的に外の思想を受け入れつつ、あるべき人間とは何かという問いを立ててきた。ではその根底にあるものは何だろうか。思想史を俯瞰してそれを探るには、日本の内と外の両側から眺める視点が必要であ る。そしてそのような内と外の意識こそ、古代からこの国で綿々と受け継がれてきたものだ。神話時代から現在までの各時代の思想に、外部的視点からの解釈を押し通すのではなく、内在的視点をもって丹念に光を当てる。 一人の思想史家による、初めての本格通史。.
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  37. Gendai kyōiku no genri to tenkai.Masayuki Suzuki (ed.) - 1980
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  38.  7
    Rekishi no naka ni miru Shinran.Masayuki Taira - 2011 - Kyōto-shi: Hōzōkan.
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    Makkāsā wa ianfu ga osuki.Masayuki Takayama - 2013 - Tōkyō-to Shinjuku-ku: Shinchōsha.
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  40.  16
    A Tukey decomposition of ~k~a~p~p~aLambda and the tree property for directed sets.Masayuki Karato - 2005 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 51 (3):305.
    Generalizing a result of Todorčević, we prove the existence of directed sets D, E such that D ≱ [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL P]κλ and E ≱ [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL P]κλ but D × E ≥ [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL P]κλ in the Tukey ordering. As an application, we show that the tree property for directed sets introduced by Hinnion is not preserved under products.
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  41.  76
    Did Xunzi's Theory of Human Nature Provide the Foundation for the Political Thought of Han Fei?Masayuki Sato - 2012 - In Paul Goldin, Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Han Fei. New York: Springer. pp. 147--165.
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  42. The Division of Labour Between The Capability And The Happiness Perspective.Johannes Hirata - 2008 - In Luigino Bruni, Flavio Comim & Maurizio Pugno, Capabilities and Happiness. Oxford University Press.
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  43. Atarashii Kanto.Masayuki Katō - 1975
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  44. Gendai shimin shakai to kigyō kokka.Kiyoaki Hirata (ed.) - 1994 - Tōkyō: Ochanomizu Shobō.
  45.  90
    System in Leibniz and Descartes.Celi Hirata - 2012 - Trans/Form/Ação 35 (1):23-36.
    Descartes thinks that the true scientific order is that of reasons, in which one starts from the easiest and most evident truths and moves towards those that are more difficult and complex. Thus a unique, progressive, and irreversible order is established, where each member of the chain depends on those that precede it, and each thesis has a non-interchangeable place inside the doctrine. Leibniz, on the contrary, defends the idea that "une même vérité peut avoir beaucoup des places selon les (...)
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  46.  22
    Cutting-Edge Reproductive Medicine and Ethics in Japan.Masayuki Kodama - 2014 - Philosophy Study 4 (5).
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  47.  53
    Studies of the Han Feizi in China, Taiwan, and Japan.Masayuki Sato - 2012 - In Paul Goldin, Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Han Fei. New York: Springer. pp. 257--281.
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  48.  59
    6. the archetype of history in the confucian ecumene.Masayuki Sato - 2007 - History and Theory 46 (2):218–232.
    Cultures are constituted by binary oppositions: the absolute and the relative; the perfect and the imperfect; the stable and the unstable. Many of the world’s cultures have looked to revealed religion to discover the absolute: that which transcends the human, the intellect, and space and time. By positing a God who is omniscient and omnipotent, they conceive of an eternal and absolute that continues to exist in an immutable state.In such cultures new perspectives for reinterpreting the past are continually propounded. (...)
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  49.  11
    The Search for Scholarly Identity: Renaming the Field of History in Late Nineteenth-Century Japan.Masayuki Sato - 2007 - In Jörn Rüsen, Time and history: the variety of cultures. New York: Berghahn Books. pp. 10--200.
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  50.  10
    Xun xue yu Xunzi si xiang yan jiu: ping xi, qian jing, gou xiang.Masayuki Sato - 2015 - Taibei Shi: Wan juan lou tu shu (gu) gong si.
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