Results for 'Tab Memmott'

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  1.  19
    Target-Related Alpha Attenuation in a Brain-Computer Interface Rapid Serial Visual Presentation Calibration.Daniel Klee, Tab Memmott, Niklas Smedemark-Margulies, Basak Celik, Deniz Erdogmus & Barry S. Oken - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    This study evaluated the feasibility of using occipitoparietal alpha activity to drive target/non-target classification in a brain-computer interface for communication. EEG data were collected from 12 participants who completed BCI Rapid Serial Visual Presentation calibrations at two different presentation rates: 1 and 4 Hz. Attention-related changes in posterior alpha activity were compared to two event-related potentials : N200 and P300. Machine learning approaches evaluated target/non-target classification accuracy using alpha activity. Results indicated significant alpha attenuation following target letters at both 1 (...)
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    Ssvep bci and eye tracking use by individuAlS with late-stage AlS and visual impairments.Betts Peters, Steven Bedrick, Shiran Dudy, Brandon Eddy, Matt Higger, Michelle Kinsella, Deirdre McLaughlin, Tab Memmott, Barry Oken, Fernando Quivira, Scott Spaulding, Deniz Erdogmus & Melanie Fried-Oken - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Access to communication is critical for individuals with late-stage amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and minimal volitional movement, but they sometimes present with concomitant visual or ocular motility impairments that affect their performance with eye tracking or visual brain-computer interface systems. In this study, we explored the use of modified eye tracking and steady state visual evoked potential BCI, in combination with the Shuffle Speller typing interface, for this population. Two participants with late-stage ALS, visual impairments, and minimal volitional movement completed a (...)
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    Double distress: women healthcare providers and moral distress during COVID-19.Julia Smith, Alexander Korzuchowski, Christina Memmott, Niki Oveisi, Heang-Lee Tan & Rosemary Morgan - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (1):46-57.
    Background: COVID-19 pandemic has led to heightened moral distress among healthcare providers. Despite evidence of gendered differences in experiences, there is limited feminist analysis of moral distress. Objectives: To identify types of moral distress among women healthcare providers during the COVID-19 pandemic; to explore how feminist political economy might be integrated into the study of moral distress. Research Design: This research draws on interviews and focus groups, the transcripts of which were analyzed using framework analysis. Research Participants and Context: 88 (...)
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    Ethical Reasoning in Baccalaureate Nursing Students.Lynn Clark Callister, Karlen E. Luthy, Pam Thompson & Rae Jeanne Memmott - 2009 - Nursing Ethics 16 (4):499-510.
    Nurses are encountering an increasing number of ethical dilemmas in clinical practice. Ethics courses for baccalaureate nursing students provide the opportunity for the development of critical thinking skills in order to deal with these effectively. The purpose of this descriptive qualitative study was to describe ethical reasoning in 70 baccalaureate nursing students enrolled in a nursing ethics course. Reflective clinical journals were analyzed as appropriate for qualitative inquiry. The overriding theme emerging from the data was `in the process of becoming', (...)
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  5. Tabṣirat al-ghāfil wa-tadhkirat al-ʻāqil.Muḥammad al-Ṭayyib Marīnī - 1999 - Abū Ẓaby: al-Majmaʻ al-Thaqāfī. Edited by Bassām Muḥammad Bārūd.
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    Necessary Causality and Miracle in Mu'tazila: An Analysis within the Frame of Nature (Tabʽ) Theories.Ahmet Mekin Kandemi̇r - 2020 - Kader 18 (1):31-60.
    This article is focused on the theory of nature (ṭabʽ) advocated by some of the early Muʽtazilī scholars such as Muʻammar b. ʽAbbād al-Sulamī (d. 215/830), Abū Isḥāq al-Naẓẓām (d. 231/845), Abū ʽUthmān al-Jāḥiẓ (d. 255/869) and Abū al-Qāsim al-Kaʽbī (d. 319/931) and its consequences about causality and miracle. The supporters of the ṭabʽ theory argue that Allah creates all beings with innate and permanent natures and these natures determine all movements and events in universe, and that necessary causal relationships (...)
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    The Theory of tab' According to Basra School of Muʿtazila and its Implementation on Some Issues of Kalam.Ramazan Altintaş - 2018 - Kader 16 (2):212-228.
    The theory of the tab' in the physics of Mu 'tazila has a distinct place. It is necessary to distinguish the scholars from the atheist naturalists who adopt the idea of nature. Tab ' theory is a problem with the essence of the entity. This theory is related to the structure of living and inanimate beings. When it comes to the habit and tempering of man, we use the word tab'; it is used the term of nature when it comes (...)
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  8.  16
    The Tab.Feng Feng Hutchins - 2007 - Feminist Studies 33 (3):510-517.
  9.  25
    Takhṣīs in the Tafsīr: Muḳātil b. Sulaymān’s Interpretation of Verses regarded with Falsification of Bible in the Context of’s Muḥammad’s Tabs̲h̲īr.Ayşe Uzun - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (3):1001-1020.
    Muḳātil b. Sulaymān’s (d. 150/767) tafsīr named al-Tafsīr al-kabīr, is accepted as the first completed tafsīr that has reached us from the early sources of tafsīr literature. One of the issues that the mufassir, deals with emphatically by emphasizing the concealment of the Prophet’s tabs̲h̲īr in the Bible. The Mufassir make a connection between the concealment of the Prophet’s tabs̲h̲īr and the falsification of the Bible. When we examine the verses that Muḳātil commented to prove his claim related with falsification (...)
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    Global Distributive Justice and the Taxation of Natural Resources — Who Should Pick Up the Tab?Dirk Haubrich - 2004 - Contemporary Political Theory 3 (1):48-69.
    Increasingly visible global distributive inequalities and famine pose considerable challenges for policy-makers and political philosophers alike. A recent proposal forwarded by Thomas Pogge has taken on the challenge of outlining a concept of global justice according to which redistribution is not merely predicated on the beneficiaries being in a state of need. The scheme, which he calls the Global Resources Dividend, aims to compensate people who are excluded from the benefits of the common stock of natural resources, by taxing those (...)
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  11. Las principales fuentes de "I`tab al-kuttab" de Ibn al-Abbar (m.658/1260).Mohamed Meouak - 1995 - Al-Qantara 16 (2):449-458.
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  12. phylogenetic analysis of B1'0m, b/zalariat.-1/rp 5 6 Tabs.St Fig - 1995 - Between Species 1:1.
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  13.  16
    M. Giusti, L’identità dei luoghi. Per un’educazione interculturale e antirazzista. Tab Edizioni, Roma, 2020, pp. 164, ISBN 9788831352659. [REVIEW]Alessandra Augelli - 2021 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 25 (59):137-138.
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    Georg Toepfer: ABC of Biological Concepts : Historisches Wörterbuch der Biologie. Geschichte und Theorie der biologischen Grundbegriffe, J.B. Metzler, Stuttgart and Weimar, 2011, 3 vols., 2504 pp, 579 ill., 308 tab., €299.95 hbk, ISBN 978-3-476-02316-2. [REVIEW]Jan Surman - 2013 - Biological Theory 7 (3):278-280.
  15.  11
    (1 other version)Ludovic Thély, Les grecs face aux catastrophes naturelles. Savoirs, histoire, mémoire, Paris 2016 , 372 S., 3 Abb., 7 Tab., 7 Ktn., ISBN 978-2-86958-278-1 , € 68,–Les grecs face aux catastrophes naturelles. Savoirs, histoire, mémoire. [REVIEW]Jonas Borsch - 2016 - Klio 101 (1):329-335.
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    Torng H. C.. Introduction to the logical design of switching systems. Addison-Wesley series in electrical engineering. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Reading, Mass., Palo Alto, London, 1964, xii + 286 pp.Zacharov Basil. Digital systems logic and circuits. American Elsevier Publishing Company, Inc., New York 1968, xv + 160 pp.Ryan Ray. Basic digital electronics—Understanding number systems, Boolean algebra, & logic circuits. Tab Books, Blue Ridge Summit, Pa., 1975, 210 pp. [REVIEW]H. B. Enderton - 1976 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 41 (2):549-550.
  17. ""full-text of current issues of The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic and The Journal of Symbolic Logic is available to all ASL members electronically via Project Euclid. Individual members who wish to gain access should follow these instructions:(1) go to http://projecteuclid. org:(2) in the" for subscribers' tab. click on 'Log in for Existing Subscribers':(3) click on" create a profile here" in the center of the login page:(4) fill in at least the required fields. [REVIEW]Deirdre Haskell Denis Hirschfeldt, Andre Scedrov & Ralf Schindler - 2006 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 12 (2):362.
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    J. G. Manning, The Open Sea. The Economic Life of the Ancient Mediterranean World from the Iron Age to the Rise of Rome, Princeton (Princeton University Press) 2018, 448 S., 50 s/w Abb., 6 Tab., 3 Ktn., ISBN 978-0-691-15174-8 (geb.), $ 35,–The Open Sea. The Economic Life of the Ancient Mediterranean World from the Iron Age to the Rise of Rome. [REVIEW]Sitta von Reden - 2020 - Klio 102 (2):721-726.
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    Walter Scheidel, Escape from Rome. The Failure of Empire and the Road to Prosperity, Princeton (Princeton University Press) 2019, 29 s/w abb., 5 Tab., 36 Ktn., 696 S., ISBN 978-0-691-17218-7 (geb.), $ 35,–Escape from Rome. The Failure of Empire and the Road to Prosperity. [REVIEW]Bram Fauconnier - 2020 - Klio 102 (2):793-796.
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    COMPUTERS AND INFORMATION SCIENCES BASICS for DOS, Gary Cornell. 1992. Windcrest/mcgraw-hill/tab Books, Blue Ridge Summit, PA. 400 pages. ISBN: 0-8306-2200-4 (hc); 0-8306-2199-7 (pb). $31.95 (hc); $21.95 (pb. [REVIEW]Joseph Haberer - 1994 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 14 (4):221-221.
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    (1 other version)Michael Eckardt, Hg.: Mission Afrika: Geschichtsschreibung über Grenzen hinweg. Festschrift für Ulrich van der Heyden. Missionsgeschichtliches Archiv, Bd. 29 (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2019) 626 S., 19 s/w Abb., 9 s/w Tab. ISBN 978-3-515-12315-0, gebunden 89.– €. [REVIEW]Ullrich Relebogilwe Kleinhempel - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 29 (1):146-148.
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  22. full-text of current issues of The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic and The Journal of Symbolic Logic is available to all ASL members electronically via Project Euclid. Individual members who wish to gain access should follow these instructions: 11) go to http://projecteuclid. org:(2) in the'for subscribers" tab. click on" Log in for Existing Subscribers':(3) click on" create a profile here" in the center of the login page:(4) till in at least the required fields. [REVIEW]Deirdre Haskell Denis Hirschfeldt Andre Scedrov & Ralf Schindler - forthcoming - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.
  23.  18
    Reine-Marie Bérard, Mégara Hyblaea, 6. La nécropole méridionale de la cité archaïque. 2. Archéologie et histoire sociale des rituels funéraires, Rom (École française de Rome) 2017 (Collection de l’École française de Rome 1/6.2), X, 362 S., 76 Abb., 99 Tab., ISBN 978-2-7283-1242-9 (brosch.), € 42,–Mégara Hyblaea, 6. La nécropole méridionale de la cité archaïque. 2. Archéologie et histoire sociale des rituels funéraires. [REVIEW]Ellen Thiermann - 2017 - Klio 102 (1):385-389.
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  24. Philosophical essays.Alfred Jules Ayer - 1954 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    This great new series provides 10 or your favorite songs, all in professionally arranged TAB format for just $10.00. New Rock Guitar TAB features 10 huge hits from today’s modern rock stars. Titles: Going Under (Evanescence) * Paralyzer (Finger Eleven) * American Idiot (Green Day) * The Reason (Hoobastank) * How You Remind Me (Nickelback) * Misery Business (Paramore) * Broken (Seether featuring Amy Lee) * Headstrong (Trapt) * New Shoes (Paolo Nutini) * New Soul (Yael Naim).
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  25. Philosophy of Dance and Disability.Joshua M. Hall - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 13 (12):e12551.
    The emerging field of the philosophy of dance, as suggested by Aili Bresnahan, increasingly recognizes the problem that (especially pre‐modern) dance has historically focused on bodily perfection, which privileges abled bodies as those that can best make and perform dance as art. One might expect that the philosophy of dance, given the critical and analytical powers of philosophy, might be helpful in illuminating and suggesting ameliorations for this tendency in dance. But this is particularly a difficult task since the analytic (...)
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    Medicine and Arabic literary production in the Ottoman Empire during the nineteenth century.Nicole Khayat & Liat Kozma - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Science 55 (4):515-524.
    The selection of nineteenth-century Arabic texts on medical education, medicine and health demonstrates the significant link between the revival of the Arabic language and literary culture of the nineteenth century, known as thenahda, and the introduction of medical education to the Ottoman Empire. These include doctor Ibrahim al-Najjar's autobiographical account of his studies in Cairo (1855), an article by doctor Amin Abi Khatir advising on the health and care of infants (1877), questions and answers in the major popular Arabic journalsal-Hilalandal-Muqtataf(1877–1901) (...)
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    Tabularity and Post-Completeness in Tense Logic.Qian Chen & M. A. Minghui - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (2):475-492.
    A new characterization of tabularity in tense logic is established, namely, a tense logic L is tabular if and only if $\mathsf {tab}_n^T\in L$ for some $n\geq 1$. Two characterization theorems for the Post-completeness in tabular tense logics are given. Furthermore, a characterization of the Post-completeness in the lattice of all tense logics is established. Post numbers of some tense logics are shown.
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    To Archive or Not to Archive: The Resistant Potential of Digital Poetry.Aaron Angello - 2015 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 5 (1):13-27.
    This essay addresses the much discussed problem of archiving digital poetry. Digital media are labile, and several writers of digital poetry are incorporating the media’s ephemerality into their poetics. Rather than rehash arguments that have been taking place within the field of digital media and digital poetics for years, I turn to the field of contemporary art curation and preservation, a field in which curators and archivists are struggling with the very immediate concerns, ethical and otherwise, related to archiving works (...)
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    Extortion and the Ethics of “Topping Up”.Benjamin Sachs - 2009 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (4):443-445.
    In November 2008 Professor Mike Richards issued his much awaited review of the British Department of Health's policy on out-of-pocket payments for drugs not approved as cost effective by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. The policy stated, or had been construed as stating, that those who top up thereby became ineligible for further National Health Service treatment for the condition targeted by the drug. For instance, if a lung cancer sufferer bought Avastin, which is not NICE approved, (...)
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    Kyklikoi Logoi.Benjamin Haller - 2019 - Arion 27 (2):119-126.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kyklikoi Logoi BENJAMIN HALLER i. palinode I really think Steisichorus had it all wrong, This rank and futile puttering in palinodes. And Simonides: did Ceos boast no beauties on its shores? Skopas would have laughed. The flute girls’ tatter, On and on and on and on—who would have thought Of recantations for a promise posed while perched Amidst... pornography of pillows, feastingSick symposiasts fed beasts dragged down with spear. (...)
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    The Juggling Act.Samantha René Merriwether - 2013 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 3 (3):205-207.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Juggling ActSamantha René MerriwetherDepressed. Anxious. Insomniac. Learning Disabled. Physically impaired. Sufferer of Post–Traumatic Stress Disorder. Would you choose any of these labels? How about taking two or three? Sound manageable? Probably not. But why? All across our society are plastered expectations of perfection, normalcy and “acceptable” images.I am 27–years–old and, despite the years of education I have received, the communication skills I have gained in English and American (...)
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  32. Readymades in the Social Sphere: an Interview with Daniel Peltz.Feliz Lucia Molina - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):17-24.
    Since 2008 I have been closely following the conceptual/performance/video work of Daniel Peltz. Gently rendered through media installation, ethnographic, and performance strategies, Peltz’s work reverently and warmly engages the inner workings of social systems, leaving elegant rips and tears in any given socio/cultural quilt. He engages readymades (of social and media constructions) and uses what are identified as interruptionist/interventionist strategies to disrupt parts of an existing social system, thus allowing for something other to emerge. Like the stereoscope that requires two (...)
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    Medicine as a corporate enterprise, patient welfare centered profession, or patient welfare centered professional enterprise?Ajai Singh & Shakuntala Singh - 2005 - Mens Sana Monographs 3 (2):19.
    There is an alarming trend in the field of medicine, whose portents are ominous but do not seem to shake the complacency and merry making doing the rounds. The wants of the medical man have multiplied beyond imagination. The cost of organizing conferences is no longer possible on delegate fees. The bottom-line is: Crores for a Conference, Millions for a Mid-Term. However, the problem is that sponsors keep a discreet but careful tab on docs. All in all, costs of medicines (...)
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  34.  26
    Abū Isḥāq Ebrāhīm b. Sayyār al-Naẓẓām’s Understanding of the Miracle: An Analysis Within The Framework of Naẓẓām’s Theory of Nature.Meliha Bi̇lge - 2020 - Kader 18 (2):587-616.
    This article discusses Abū Isḥāq al-Naẓẓām’s (d. 231/845) (one of the first Muʽtazilī thinkers); understanding of Allah-world relationship, his theory of nature (tab‘) and his view on miracles. In a proposal form, Muʽtazilī scholars accept that the miracle, which is the actual confirmation, must occur, since it is not possible for Allah to confirm His messenger (prophet) in a way that everyone can hear and in a direct word. Since the Prophet's message can be authenticated only by a miracle, Muʽtazilī (...)
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    Entangled Agencies: New Individual Practices of Human-Technology Hybridism Through Body Hacking.Bárbara Nascimento Duarte - 2014 - NanoEthics 8 (3):275-285.
    This essay develops its idiosyncrasy by concentrating primarily on the trend of body hacking. The practitioners, self-defined as body hackers, self-made cyborgs or grinders, work in different ways to develop functional and physiological modifications through the contributions of technology. Their goal is to develop by themselves an empirically man-technique fusion. These dynamic “scientific” subcultures are producing astonishing innovations. From pocket-sized kits that sample human DNA, microchip implants that keep tabs on our internal organs, blood sugar levels or moods, and even (...)
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  36. Quel che resta delle cose. Riccardo de Biase lettore di Heidegger.Francesca Brencio - 2023 - In Segni. Studi in memoria di Riccardo De Biase.
    F. Brencio (2023), Quel che resta delle cose. Riccardo de Biase lettore di Heidegger, in G. Giannini, P. Marangolo, M. Papa (eds.), Segni. Studi in memoria di Riccardo De Biase, TAB Edizioni, Roma 2023, pp. 171-182, ISBN: 978-88-9295-769-5.
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    Antonio Stoppani's ‘Anthropozoic’ in the context of the Anthropocene.Eugenio Luciano & Elena Zanoni - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Science 56 (1):103-114.
    The figure of Antonio Stoppani (1824–91), an Italian priest, geologist and patriot, has re-emerged in the last decade thanks to discussions gravitating around the ‘Anthropocene’ – a term used to designate a proposed geological time unit defined and characterized by the mark left by anthropogenic activities on geological records. Among these discussions, Stoppani is often considered a precursor for popularizing the term ‘Anthropozoic’, which he used to describe and characterize the latest ‘era’ of Earth's geological time. His writings, largely unknown (...)
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    Conflict-of-interest policy at the national institutes of health: The pendulum swings wildly.Evan G. DeRenzo - 2005 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 15 (2):199-210.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 15.2 (2005) 199-210 [Access article in PDF] Conflict-of-Interest Policy at the National Institutes of Health: The Pendulum Swings Wildly* Evan G. DeRenzo **This article addresses the National Institutes of Health (NIH) employee conflict-of-interest (COI) policy that went into effect February 2005. It is not, however, merely an account of another poorly crafted government policy that cries out for revision. Instead, it is also a (...)
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    Responsive Thalamic Neurostimulation: A Systematic Review of a Promising Approach for Refractory Epilepsy.Chaim M. Feigen & Emad N. Eskandar - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    IntroductionResponsive neurostimulation is an evolving therapeutic option for patients with treatment-refractory epilepsy. Open-loop, continuous stimulation of the anterior thalamic nuclei is the only approved modality, yet chronic stimulation rarely induces complete seizure remission and is associated with neuropsychiatric adverse effects. Accounts of off-label responsive stimulation in thalamic nuclei describe significant improvements in patients who have failed multiple drug regimens, vagal nerve stimulation, and other invasive measures. This systematic review surveys the currently available data supporting the use of responsive thalamic neurostimulation (...)
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    Tacitus, Germanicus, Piso, and the Tabula Siarensis.Julian Gonzalez - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (1):123-142.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Tacitus, Germanicus, Piso, and the Tabula SiarensisJulián GonzálezTacitus describes the funerary honors that were decreed for Germanicus in a dense narrative covering the whole of chapter 83 of book 2 of his Annals. Modern critics consider that this extensive chapter was taken from the acta senatus, from which not only the senatus consulta would have been taken but also various items from the debate, especially the sententiae of the (...)
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    Alfred Lohr, Der Computus Gerlandi. Edition, Übersetzung und Erläuterungen.Bernhard Hollick - 2014 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 37 (3):287-288.
    (Sudhoffs Archiv; Beiheft 61) Stuttgart: Franz Steiner 2013. 493 S., zahlr. Abb. u. Tab., kart., € 74,00. ISBN 978‐3‐515‐10468‐5.
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    Photographing Yosemite Digital Field Guide.Lewis Kemper - 2010 - Wiley.
    The ideal companion guide for capturing awe-inspiring photos of Yosemite! Whether using a compact camera or a high-end dSLR, this companion guide provides you with detailed information for taking spectacular shots of some of the most recognizable landmarks in the world. Whether you aim to capture memorable photos of Half Dome, El Capitan, Vernal Fall, Mariposa Grove, or one of Yosemite's other many remarkable attractions, this portable resource goes where you go and walks you through valuable tips and techniques for (...)
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    Operating in a Contemporary Safety Net.Jason D. Keune - 2015 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 5 (1):12-14.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Operating in a Contemporary Safety NetJason D. KeuneIt is summer, and I have just started my fourth year of general surgery residency, having just returned from two years in the lab. My “lab years” were spent as a Scholar–in–Residence of the American College of Surgeons. The scholarship that I engaged in included obtaining an MBA and a Graduate Certificate in Professional Ethics. The ethics component was self–designed with help (...)
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    Rock breaks scissors: a practical guide to outguessing and outwitting almost everybody.William Poundstone - 2014 - New York: Little, Brown and Company.
    Rock breaks scissors is based on a simple principle: people are unable to act randomly. Instead they display unconscious patterns that the savvy person can outguess. The principle applies to friends playing rock, paper, scissors for a bar tab as well as to the crowds that create markets for homes and stocks. With a gift for distilling psychology and behavioral economics into accessible advice, Poundstone proves that outguessing is easy, fun, and often profitable"--Dust jacket flap.
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    The Works of al-Kāfiyajī and Its Contribution to the Arabic Linguistic: Identification, Classification and Evaluation.Murat Tala - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (3):1081-1111.
    Muhyiddîn el-Kâfiyecî (öl. 879/1474), on beşinci yüzyıl Saruhanoğulları, Osmanlı ve Memlüklü alimlerindendir. Yüzden çok eser yazmıştır. Makale Kâfiyeci’nin hayatı ve eserlerini araştırır. Yazdığı eserler, onun, Arap dili, Arap grameri, belagat, tarih metodolojisi, hadis ve usulü, tefsir ve usulü, fıkıh ve usulü, kelâm, tasavvuf, dil felsefesi, semantik, metafizik meseleler, geometri, optik ve astronomi gibi konularda uzmanlaştığını göstermektedir. Kâfiyeci en önemli eserlerini Arap dili ve mantık sahalarında yazmıştır. Eserleri içerisinde yaptığı linguistik çözümlemeler, onun yetkin bir dil alimi olduğunu göstermektedir. Kâfiyeci eserlerini yazarken (...)
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    The References to the Battle of Badr in the Makkī Surahs in Tafsīr Al-Muqātil.Nurdane Güler - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (3):1143-1162.
    The Tafsīr al-Muqātil (d. 150/767) is the oldest available complete commentary text. In this respect, it has been a focus of attention. In this tafsīr, the references to the Battle of Badr in the explanation of some Makkī surahs are remarkably numerous. Badr was the first war that the Prophet made with the polytheists of Makkah, and it took place in the second year of the migration to Madīna (A. H. 2). The polytheists were far superior to the Muslims in (...)
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  47.  8
    Photographing New York City Digital Field Guide.Jeremy Pollack & Andy Williams - 2010 - Wiley.
    Take memorable photos of the most popular attractions in the Big Apple! Whether using a point-and-shoot or a high-end dSLR, this companion guide provides you with detailed information for taking amazing shots of one of one of the world's most photographed cities. Whether you aim to capture the regal Empire State Building, vibrant Times Square, historic Grand Central Station, massive Central Park, or one of New York City's many other landmarks, this portable resource goes where you go and walks you (...)
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    Photographing San Francisco Digital Field Guide.Bruce Sawle - 2010 - Wiley.
    A compact, full-color companion guide to photographing San Francisco! Whether using a full-featured compact camera or a high-end dSLR, this companion guide provides you with detailed information for taking stunning shots of beautiful San Francisco. Whether you aim to capture breathtaking photos of the majestic Golden Gate Bridge, crooked Lombard Street, infamous Alcatraz, or unique Victorian homes, this portable resource goes where you go and walks you through valuable tips and techniques for taking the best shot possible. You'll discover suggested (...)
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  49.  25
    “How did we Choose?”: Understanding the Northern Female Voting Behaviour in Malaysia in the 14th General Election.Ummu Atiyah Ahmad Zakuan, Mohammad Azizuddin Mohd Sani, Norehan Abdullah & Zaireeni Azmi - 2018 - Intellectual Discourse 26 (2):859-882.
    Pakatan Harapan won the 14thGeneral Election held in May, 2018 in Malaysia. PH thus ended sixty-one years rule of Barisan Nasional.While the slogan of Malaysia Bahru, indicating changes to come in the country, became a popular slogan, one thing remained constant. This was the number of women contesting the GE-14 as candidates and the number of them who were elected was much less than the number of men contesting and getting elected in GE-14 although women represented slightly more than 50% (...)
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  50.  82
    La Gestión del Conocimiento como Estrategia para la Mejora Continua en la Administración Pública Municipal. La Experiencia del H. Ayuntamiento de Navolato (Knowledge Management as a Strategy for Continuous Improvement in Municipal Public Administration. Experience of the City Hall of Navolato). [REVIEW]José Luis Hernández Juárez & Baltazar Pérez Cervantes - 2012 - Daena 7 (3):1-14.
    Resumen. La presente investigación ofrece la oportunidad de pensar y dialogar sobre la estrategia, los objetivos, las personas y el futuro de la gestión municipal del H. Ayuntamiento de Navolato desde una perspectiva del conocimiento. Se trata pues de averiguar qué características deben cumplir esos recursos para adquirir un carácter estratégico. La información se obtuvo mediante una encuesta semiestructurada, aplicada a 181 individuos. Los datos recabados fueron objeto, en un principio, de dos tipos de tabulaciones. En algunos casos sólo se (...)
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