Results for 'T. ViÑas'

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  1. El Convento de San Agustin de Salamanca. Tradicion y progreso (1750-1835).T. Viñas Román - 1988 - Ciudad de Dios 201 (2):237-255.
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  2. Koinonia evangélica y vera amicitia. Claves para una interpretacion agustiniana.T. Vinas Roman - 1987 - Ciudad de Dios 200 (2-3):291-310.
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  3. El convento de san Agustin de Salamanca. Apuntes para la historia. De la Revolucion Francesa (1789) hasta la Exclaustracion de 1821.T. Vinas Roman - 1989 - Ciudad de Dios 202 (2):365-388.
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  4. Fray Diego Tadeo González y el convento de San Agustín de Salamanca.T. Vinas Roman - 1994 - Ciudad de Dios 207 (3):681-712.
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  5. El convento de San Agustin de Salamanca. II: De la Exclaustracion de 1825 a la Desamortizacion de 1835. Apuntes para la historia. [REVIEW]T. Vinas Roman - 1990 - Ciudad de Dios 203 (2):275-303.
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    Relationship Between Self-Concept, Self-Efficacy, and Subjective Well-Being of Native and Migrant Adolescents.Cristian Céspedes, Andrés Rubio, Ferran Viñas, Sara Malo Cerrato, Eliseo Lara-Órdenes & Javier Ríos - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In the last decade, the migrant population in Chile has substantially increased, where the rates have not only increased in the adult population, but also among children and adolescents, creating a potential for social and cultural development in the educational system. The present work analyzes the relationship between self-concept, self-efficacy, and subjective well-being in native and migrant adolescents in Santiago de Chile. The sample consisted of 406 students, 56.65% women, with an age range that fluctuated between 12 and 16 years, (...)
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    Leo Strauss, judaïsme et philosophie.Danielle Cohen-Lévinas, Marc B. de Launay, Gérald Sfez & Leo Strauss (eds.) - 2016 - [Paris]: Beauchesne.
    Leo Strauss (1899-1973) a inscrit sa pensée dans l'héritage de la tradition grecque, mais également dans celui de la tradition biblique. Se rapportant au judaïsme comme à une révélation de la Loi (pour laquelle la dimension de la foi est secondaire), il fait retour à une pensée juive (Pourquoi nous restons juifs) et tente de prolonger la réflexion de Maïmonide dans les conditions nouvelles des temps présents. Il s'oppose ainsi à sa rénovation par l'approche phénoménologique de Franz Rosenzweig comme à (...)
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  8. Plēṭōvina ādarśarājya.M. A. Veṅkaṭarāv - 1956
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    Gesicht und Gerechtigkeit: Emmanuel Lévinas' politische Verantwortungsethik.Hans-Martin Schönherr-Mann - 2021 - Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press.
    Emmanuel Lévinas (1906-1995) zählt nicht nur zu den wichtigsten Ethikern im 20. Jahrhundert. Vor allem entwirft er einen anderen Anfang der Ethik, die nicht auf der gesellschaftlichen Ebene oder als grosse Idee und Erzählung entsteht. Ethik entspringt vielmehr in der konkreten Zwischenmenschlichkeit, wenn man vom Anderen in die Verantwortung gerufen wird - und zwar durch die Verletzlichkeit seines nackten Gesichtes wie durch die Anrede. Die ethische Beziehung verdankt sich dabei nicht etwa der Gleichheit, der Nähe oder der Geschwisterlichkeit, sondern der (...)
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  10. Der Anspruch des Gesichts des Anderen : "Du wirst nlcht töten" : zur Frage der Nicht-in-Differenz als ethischer Verantwortung bei Emmanuel Lévinas.O. P. J. Ean-Bertrand Madragule Badi - 2018 - In Guido Meyer, Marco A. Sorace, Clara Vasseur & Johannes Bündgens (eds.), Identitätsbildung: Spiritualität der Wahrnehmung und die Krise der Moderne. Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber, in der Verlag Herder.
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  11. Information-processing models of consciousness: Possibilities and problems.T. Shallice - 1988 - In Anthony J. Marcel & Edoardo Bisiach (eds.), Consciousness in Contemporary Science. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Extending Emotional Consciousness.T. Roberts - 2015 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 22 (3-4):108-128.
    Recent work on extended mind theory has considered whether the material realizers of phenomenally conscious states might be distributed across both body and world. A popular framework for understanding perceptual consciousness in world-involving terms is sensorimotor enactivism, which holds that subjects make direct sensory contact with objects by means of their active, exploratory skills. In this paper, I consider the case of emotional experience, and argue that although the enactivist view does not transfer neatly to this domain, there are elements (...)
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    Varieties of de Morgan monoids: Covers of atoms.T. Moraschini, J. G. Raftery & J. J. Wannenburg - 2020 - Review of Symbolic Logic 13 (2):338-374.
    The variety DMM of De Morgan monoids has just four minimal subvarieties. The join-irreducible covers of these atoms in the subvariety lattice of DMM are investigated. One of the two atoms consisting of idempotent algebras has no such cover; the other has just one. The remaining two atoms lack nontrivial idempotent members. They are generated, respectively, by 4-element De Morgan monoids C4 and D4, where C4 is the only nontrivial 0-generated algebra onto which finitely subdirectly irreducible De Morgan monoids may (...)
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  14. The dominant action system: An information-processing approach to consciousness.T. Shallice - 1978 - In K. S. Pope & Jerome L. Singer (eds.), The Stream of Consciousness: Scientific Investigations Into the Flow of Human Experience. Plenum Press.
  15. Treatise on Happiness.T. Aquinas - 1964
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  16. Li-mādhā al-falsafah al-yawm?: min mumkināt fiʻl al-tafalsuf ākharīyan.Muṣṭafá Kamāl Farḥāt - 2016 - Bayrūt: Manshūrāt al-Jamal.
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    Reply to Vaidya, Guhe, and Williams on the Bloomsbury Translation of the Tattva-cintā-maṇi of Gaṅgeśa.Stephen Phillips - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (2):519-529.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reply to Vaidya, Guhe, and Williams on the Bloomsbury Translation of the Tattva-cintā-maṇi of GaṅgeśaStephen Phillips (bio)More or less happy with the reviews, I would like mainly, in response, to identify advances made in the study of Gaṅgeśa. Anand Vaidya articulates a clearer overview of Gaṅgeśa's theory of knowledge; Eberhard Guhe shows a better way to render the notion of vyāpti, "pervasion," which is central in the theory of (...)
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  18. Plato's Psychology.T. M. Robinson - 1973 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):131-142.
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  19. pp. 462-63. Susan Moller Okin suggests that one reasonable interpretation of Rawls's PL is that it requires that the family be internally subject to the two principles of justice. So, under this interpretation, patriarchal family forms might be disallowed by Rawls's theory. See Okin," Political Liberalism, Justice and Gender,".T. O. J. Rawls - 1994 - In Peter Singer (ed.), Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 105--23.
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  20. (2 other versions)Religion and the Scientific Outlook.T. R. Miles - 1959 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 14 (2):234-234.
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  21. The Problem of the Authorship of the Yogasutrabhasyavivaranam.T. S. Rukmani - 1992 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 20 (4):419-423.
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    Computational models of semantic memory.T. Rogers - 2008 - In Ron Sun (ed.), The Cambridge handbook of computational psychology. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 226--266.
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  23. Neuropsychological research and the fractionation of memory systems.T. Shallice - 1979 - In L. G. Nilsson (ed.), Perspectives on Memory Research. Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc Incorporated. pp. 257--277.
  24. Vyākhyātrayaparitrāṇam: Gurukr̥pāgranthoktānāṃ Adhikaraṇasārāvalīvyākhyānatrayadūṣaṇānāṃ samuddharaṇarūpam.T. E. Veeraraghavacharya - 1955 - [s.l.: [S.N.].
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  25. Siaan Jones, The Archaeology of Ethnicity.T. Murray - 1999 - Thesis Eleven 58:136-140.
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    Han'guk Yugyo wa t'a chonggyo.Chang-T'ae Kŭm - 2010 - Sŏul-si: Pangmunsa.
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  27. God Knows the Future by Ordering the Times.T. Ryan Byerly - 2014 - Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion 5.
  28. Two Capitals: London and Dublin 1500–1840.T. C. Barnard - 2001
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  29. In Memory of H.B. Acton.T. M. Knox - 1974 - The Owl of Minerva 5 (4):2-2.
    H.B. Acton, professor successively in South Wales, London, and Edinburgh, died in June 1974 when he was just sixty-six. His loss is deeply lamented by his friends, not least by students of Hegel; and they extend their profound sympathy to his widow. He was much interested in political, economic and social questions, and his publications on these matters are expressive of a humane and liberal outlook. His remarkable short book on Kant’s moral philosophy shed fresh light on a well-worn topic, (...)
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  30. Introduction to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason.T. D. Weldon - 1946 - Philosophy 21 (79):177-178.
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  31. Is Socrates the Ideal Democratic Citizen?T. L. Simpson - 2006 - Journal of Thought 41 (4):137.
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    The metamathematics of algebraic systems, collected papers: 1936-1967.A. I. Malʹt︠s︡ev - 1971 - Amsterdam,: North-Holland Pub. Co.. Edited by Benjamin Franklin Wells.
  33. The Baal Shem Tov on Pirkey Avoth: thoughts, interpretations, explanations on the Ethics of the Fathers.Baʻal Shem Ṭov, Yeshaʻyahu Aryeh Dvorḳes, Yehoshuʻa Dvorḳes & Charles Wengrov (eds.) - 1974 - New York: P. Feldheim.
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  34. (1 other version)Religious Experience?T. R. Miles & Ninian Smart - 1973 - Religious Studies 9 (2):244-245.
  35. Calvin's Old Testament Commentaries.T. H. L. Parker - 1986
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    A Universal P.R. Function?T. Parent - manuscript
    This paper details an algorithm for a binary, primitive recursive function that apparently computes, for any $i$ and $n$, $f_i\left(i,n\right)$. The algorithm works by exploiting the fact that, in the formal system described, the index assigned to a p.r. function codes the definitional composition of the function. The algorithm exploits such a code to generate a "canonical proof" of $f_i\left(i,n\right)=m$. Since this kind of algorithm is shown impossible by diagonal arguments, the algorithm must be in error. But the error is (...)
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    Reflexive paradoxes.T. S. Champlin - 1988 - New York: Routledge.
    Introduction At some point in your life you will have told a lie and have been believed. You will have deceived the person to whom you lied. ...
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    Judaïsme et christianisme dans la philosophie contemporaine.Philippe Capelle-Dumont & Danielle Cohen-Lévinas (eds.) - 2021 - Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf.
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  39. Ethical problems posed by the repeated reviewer in academic peer review.T. Fogarty & S. Ravenscroft - 1998 - Journal of Information Ethics 7 (2):45-66.
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  40. Esquisse d'une possible conception marxiste de la justice (II).T. Foldesi - 1989 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 66 (1):24-57.
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  41. Value and truth.T. Foldesi - 1976 - Filosoficky Casopis 24 (1):94-102.
  42. God and the World.T. M. Forsyth - 1954 - Philosophy 29 (109):166-167.
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  43. The Unfinished Twentieth Century. By Jonathan Schell.T. Fortenberry - 2004 - The European Legacy 9 (1):116-117.
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  44. Economic and Moral Criteria of Executive Compensation.T. Francis & S. J. Hannafey - 2004 - Business and Society Review 108 (3):405-415.
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  45. Coerenza e forza della filosofia di Croce.T. G. T. G. - 1993 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 13:342.
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  46. Da Naudé a Bayle.T. G. T. G. - 1988 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 8 (3):437.
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    Approximative Explanation.T. R. Girill - 1978 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1978:186 - 196.
    This paper develops an explicit, pragmatic solution to the problem of deciding when an explanans which only approximately "covers" a desired event-explanandum E is acceptable as an adequate explanation. It shows in detail how comparisons made by the explanation's audience with the numerical value in E are what determine how closely E must be approximated for success. With the aid of several physics examples, it spells out the principles that govern these explanandum-comparisons, the conditions under which those principles hold, and (...)
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    Ethics in deploying data to make wise decisions.T. V. Gopal - 2007 - International Review of Information Ethics 7:1-7.
    Way back in the 1980s corporations began collecting, combining, and crunching data from sources through-out the enterprise. This approach was widely accepted as a methodology that provides objectivity and trans-parency in decision-making. Good processing of the garnered data paved way for improved analysis of trends and patterns leading to better business and increased profit margins. Corporations began investing in collect-ing, storing, processing and maintaining enterprise wide data. The focus was always on the quality of data and the process of converting (...)
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  49. Progresso ed eterno ritorno nelle meditazioni di Leibniz.T. G. T. G. - 1992 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 12:333.
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  50. Chladenius: l'ermeneutica tra prospettivismo e obiettivismo.T. Griffero - 1986 - Rivista di Estetica 26 (23):3-31.
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