Results for 'T. Palberg'

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  1.  21
    Non-equilibrium melting of colloidal crystals in confinement.E. Villanova-Vidal, T. Palberg, H. J. Schöpe & H. Löwen - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (21):1695-1714.
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    Towards a theory of oppression.T. L. Zutlevics - 2002 - Ratio 15 (1):80–102.
    Despite the concern with oppressive systems and practices there have been few attempts to analyse the general concept of oppression. Recently, Iris Marion Young has argued that it is not possible to analyse oppression as a unitary moral category. Rather, the term ‘oppression’ refers to several distinct structures, namely, exploitation, marginalisation, powerlessness, cultural imperialism, and violence. This paper rejects Young's claim and advances a general theory of oppression. Drawing insight from American chattel slavery and the situation of the German Jews (...)
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    Maxims Minimus: Reflections in Microstyle.T. Byram Karasu - 2012 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    T. Byram Karasu, M.D. reflects on loving, working, living, dying, and everything else—his philosophy of life expressed in microstyle.
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    al-Mafāhīm al-tarbawīyah al-Islāmīyah al-kubrá: tanẓīmāt ḥaqlīyah.ʻAdnān Muṣṭafá Khaṭāṭibah - 2021 - ʻAmmān: Dār Wāʼil lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
    1. Mafhūm al-Tarbiyah al-Islāmīyah -- 2. Mfhm uṣūl al-Tarbiyah al-Islāmīyah -- 3. Mafhūm al-naẓarīyah al-Tarbawīyah al-Islāmīyah -- 4. Mafhūm al-naẓarīyah al-Tarbawīyah al-Islāmīyah -- 5. Mafhūm al-Fikr al-tarbawī al-Islāmī Mafhūm al-Turāth al-tarbawī al-Islāmī -- 6. Mafhūm Falsafat al-Tarbiyah al-Islāmīyah.
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  5. Every Day, Thoughts on the G.F.S. Ruler of Life [by E. Welby, Ed by E.H.T.].Ella Welby & H. T. E. - 1895
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  6. Problema konechnogo i beskonechnogo v kosmologii: filos. aspekty.T. A. Gorolevich - 1975 - Minsk: Nauka i tekhnika.
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  7. Reading on: Walden's Labors of Succession.T. Gould - 1984 - Thoreau Quarterly 16 (3-4):119-136.
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  8. Notes sur l'évolution de l'iconographie du''Combat de David contre Goliath''des origines au Xe siècle.T. Nagasawa - 1988 - Byzantion 58 (1):123-139.
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    Doctors as Nietzschean supermen? Author's reply.T. J. Papadimos - 2009 - Medical Humanities 35 (1):63-64.
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    Alexandre Vassilievič Vassilieff.T. Rainoff - 1930 - Isis 14 (2):342-348.
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    Is the siesta an adaptation to disease?T. Lynne Barone - 2000 - Human Nature 11 (3):233-258.
    Why does the practice of the siesta vary across human cultures? One explanation is that it is a form of energy conservation in environments with high temperatures and/or agricultural labor. Disease palliation and prevention represents another area where the siesta might be beneficial. A preliminary study used the Human Relations Area Files (HRAF) to examine the characteristics associated with siesta occurrence. Siestas were not statistically associated with high temperatures or agricultural labor (p>.05). They were, however, statistically associated with the occurrence (...)
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  12. Nouvelle interprétation de la définition veritas est adaequatio rei et intellectu chez Thomas d'Aquin.T. Bartel - 1989 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 25 (2):194-199.
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  13. Two Capitals: London and Dublin 1500–1840.T. C. Barnard - 2001
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    Why the philosophical problems of chalcedonian christology have not gone away.T. W. Bartel - 1995 - Heythrop Journal 36 (2):153–172.
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    Problems of traditional logic in the works of Adam wiegner.T. Batóg - 1968 - Studia Logica 23 (1):147-147.
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    Morning News.T. E. Benediktsson - 1993 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 11 (3):13-13.
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    Dada between Nietzsche's Birth of Tragedy and Bourdieu's Distinction.T. J. Berard - 1999 - Theory, Culture and Society 16 (1):141-165.
    Dada continues to attract a small following among scholars, but has perhaps not yet been recognized as providing invaluable insight into the underlying functions and potentials of culture generally. This article explores the nature and theoretical import of Dada, and two radically different visions of culture as they might try to accommodate and explain Dada. Models of culture taken from Bourdieu and Nietzsche are brought to bear, first on Dada, and then on each other, with the aim of developing a (...)
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    Una Moneta dei Despoti di Epiro.T. Bertelé - 1951 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 44 (1-2).
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    Indentation of transversely isotropic power-law hardening materials: computational modelling of the forward and reverse problems.T. S. Bhat & T. A. Venkatesh - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (36):4488-4518.
  20. Kārikāvalī: Nyāyamuktāvalīsaṃvalitā.Viśvanātha Nyāyapañcānana Bhaṭṭācārya - 1982 - Vārāṇasī: Kr̥ṣṇadāsa Akādamī. Edited by Ātmarāmaśarma Nārāyaṇa Jere, Viśvanātha Nyāyapañcānana Bhaṭṭācārya, Dinakarabhaṭṭa & Rāmarudrabhaṭṭa.
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    Sikkha rahita te Sikkha ācaraṇa.Surajīta Siṅgha Bhāṭīā - 1999 - Ludhiāṇā: Lāhaura Buka Shāpa.
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  22. Die Konzeption der Mystik bei Gregor von Nyssa.T. BÖHM - 1994 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 41 (1-2):45-64.
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  23.  19
    Some perspectives on electroconvulsive therapy.T. George Bidder - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (1):22-23.
  24. (1 other version)Franz Skoda, "Die sowjetrussische philosophische Religionskritik heute".T. J. Blakeley - 1968 - Studies in Soviet Thought 8 (2/3):202.
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    About Skinner: Notes on the theory and practice of 'radical behaviourism'.T. M. Bloomfield - 1976 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 6 (1):75-82.
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    The medici in Elizabethan and jacobean drama.T. S. R. Boase - 1974 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 37 (1):373-378.
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    Illustrations of Shakespeare's plays in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.T. S. R. Boase - 1947 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 10 (1):83-108.
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    The arts in the latin kingdom of jerusalem.T. S. R. Boase - 1938 - Journal of the Warburg Institute 2 (1):1-21.
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    The Theoretical Tenability of the Doctrine of Double Effect.T. J. Bole - 1991 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 16 (5):467-473.
    The doctrine of double effect shows that for which the moral agent is responsible, by explicating the relationship between the act directly intended and the consequences of that act. I contend that this doctrine is necessary not only for natural law absolutism, but also for Donagan's Kantianism and for Quinn's revised construal of the doctrine, and even for consequentialism, as bioethical implications of the doctrine make clear. For those who do not accept this necessity, I contend that it is necessary (...)
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    The grammar of justification.T. E. Burke - 1977 - Philosophical Books 18 (1):42-43.
  31. Toward a Rationality of Emotions: An Essay in the Philosophy of Mind, by W. George Turski.T. W. Busch - 1996 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 27 (1):113-114.
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  32.  29
    Epistemic Subjectivism in the Theory of Character.T. Ryan Byerly - 2019 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 8 (4):278-285.
    Thought: A Journal of Philosophy, Volume 8, Issue 4, Page 278-285, December 2019.
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    Nomina and Cognomina.T. J. Cadoux - 1989 - The Classical Review 39 (02):327-.
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  34. On" directness" of inference in Wittgenstein's' Philosophical Investigations'.T. Cana - 2001 - Filozofia 56 (4):241-253.
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    Biomedical politics.T. D. J. Chappell - 1993 - Journal of Medical Ethics 19 (1):54-55.
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    False Consciousness.T. S. Champlin - 1992 - Philosophical Books 33 (4):253-255.
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    Foundations of Illocutionary Logic.T. S. Champlin - 1987 - Philosophical Books 28 (2):96-98.
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  38. Physiology of non-excitable cells.T. Clausen - 1981 - In G. Adam, I. Meszaros & E.I. Banyai, Advances in Physiological Science. pp. 3--209.
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  39. The Wars of Eduard Shevardnaze. By Carolyn McGiffert Ekedahl and Melvin A. Goodman.T. Cloudsley - 1998 - The European Legacy 3:98-99.
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    Massed and distributed practice in puzzle solving.T. W. Cook - 1934 - Psychological Review 41 (4):330-355.
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    Studies in cross education. IV. Permanence of transfer.T. W. Cook - 1935 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 18 (2):255.
  42. Homo complexus: enjeux sociologiques et culturels de la complexité.Ali Aït Abdelmalek - 2023 - Louvain-la-Neuve: EME éditions.
    L'expérience de théorisation d'Edgar Morin a été, pour nous sociologues, bien plus qu'un témoignage exemplaire. Elle a aidé à entamer un parcours épistémologique ; la discipline sociologique peut, en effet, apparaître comme une partition à plusieurs voix au travers d'une discussion non seulement sociologique, mais aussi, anthropologique et philosophique, et ce, en trois temps : la rupture, la construction et la constatation. Ce livre est, ainsi, conçu comme un "aide à penser", d'une part, la genèse de la sociologie, en revisitant (...)
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    IV—The “Mental” - “Physical” Dichotomy.T. R. Miles - 1964 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 64 (1):71-84.
    T. R. Miles; IV—The “Mental” - “Physical” Dichotomy, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 64, Issue 1, 1 June 1964, Pages 71–84,
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  44.  27
    Music and the New Music: In Memory of Peter Suhrkamp.T. W. Adorno - 1980 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1980 (43):124-138.
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    Krishnamacharya granthamālā.T. Krishnamacharya - 1996 - Madras: Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram. Edited by T. K. V. Desikachar.
    On essence of teachings of Yoga in verse.
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  46. Subject of Marx esthetics in confrontation with non-Marxist tendencies.T. Kuklinkova - 1976 - Filosoficky Casopis 24 (5):806-809.
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  47. Medical ethics: Notes on method.T. Lajkep - 2001 - Filosoficky Casopis 49 (4):577-584.
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    Karl Mannheim and contemporary functionalism.T. Z. Lavine - 1965 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 25 (4):560-571.
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  49. Indigenous education and training: what are we here for.T. Lea - 2010 - In Jon C. Altman & Melinda Hickson, Culture Crisis: Anthropology and Politics in Aboriginal Australia. University of New South Wales Press. pp. 196--208.
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    Bioethical Issues in Disclosing APOE Genetic Information in Research Programmes.T. S. Lee & C. J. X. Gan - 2013 - Asian Bioethics Review 5 (2):85-92.
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