Results for 'SíS. Peter'

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  1. Vyrovnávanie sa s globálnymi zmenami: Potreba nových hodnôt.Peter Singer - 2025 - Filozofia 80 (1):4-19.
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    De ontstemming van het klimaat.Peter Sas - 2024 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 116 (3):305-331.
    Detuning the climate: Thinking about climate change with Heidegger, Sloterdijk and Blok This paper investigates the phenomenological importance of anthropogenic climate change by focussing on the double meaning of ‘climate’, namely (1) average weather condition and (2) social mood or atmosphere (e.g. political climate). The relation between global heating and social mood or atmosphere is investigated through a rethinking of Martin Heidegger’s phenomenology of moods and Peter Sloterdijk’s elaboration of Heideggerian phenomenology into his philosophy of spheres. Guided by Heidegger’s (...)
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    Plugging the leaks in Neurath's ship: A defense of naturalistic epistemology. [REVIEW]Peter Jacco Sas - 1999 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 30 (1):131-153.
    This paper examines the question whether foundational epistemology (“FE”) can be replaced by naturalized epistemology (“NE”). First, it argues that Quine's defense of NE is inadequate since it is only based on arguments showing the impossibility of the logical empiricist version of FE rather than on arguments for the impossibility of FE as such. Second, it proposes that a more promising argument for the impossibility of FE can be found in the Münchhausen-trilemma which aims at showing that ultimate foundations (and, (...)
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    The Sa?gha of Noble S?vakas, with Particular Reference to their Trainee Member, the Person ‘Practising for the Realization of the Stream-entry-fruit’.Peter Harvey - 2013 - Buddhist Studies Review 30 (1):3-70.
    All Buddhists go to the Buddha, Dhamma and Sa?gha as the ‘three refuges’, but who exactly are the ‘the eight types of persons’ that are referred to in the standard passage on the nature and qualities of the third refuge? Four of these persons are clearly the stream-enterer, once-returner, non-returner, and Arahat, but who are the others, especially the lowest of them, the one practising for the realization of the stream-entry-fruit? This article aims to develop greater clarity on these eight (...)
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  5. Lifting the church-ban on quotational analysis: The translation argument and the use-mention distinction. [REVIEW]Diederik Olders & Peter Sas - 2001 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 32 (2):257-270.
    According to quotational theory, indirect ascriptions of propositional attitudes should be analyzed as direct ascriptions of attitudes towards natural-language sentences specified by quotations. A famous objection to this theory is Church's translation argument. In the literature several objections to the translation argument have been raised, which in this paper are shown to be unsuccessful. This paper offers a new objection. We argue against Church's presupposition that quoted expressions, since they are mentioned, cannot be translated. In many contexts quoted expressions are (...)
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    Die Dialekte der Gegend von Saʿdah (Nord-Jemen)Die Dialekte der Gegend von Sadah.Alan S. Kaye & Peter Behnstedt - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (3):534.
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    Faustus Afrikában: szerződés a valósággal.Péter György - 2018 - Budapest: Magvető.
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  8. Schopenhauer’s Criticism of Kantian Causality.Peter Welsen - 2016 - Philosophia Scientiae 20:47-58.
    D’après Schopenhauer, Kant commet deux erreurs dans sa théorie de la causalité : 1) Schopenhauer reproche à Kant d’appliquer la catégorie de causalité à la chose en soi, ce qui est en effet incompatible avec sa thèse selon laquelle les catégories valent uniquement pour le monde comme représentation et non pas pour la chose en soi. Si, en outre, la chose en soi était une entité inconnue, on pourrait dire – conformément à Schopenhauer – qu’elle n’est pas capable d’« affecter (...)
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    Esztétikai alkotások társadalmi hatása: tanulmányok és kutatási beszámolók.Péter Józsa - 1976 - Budapest: Népművelési Propaganda Iroda.
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    Vaiyākaraṇasiddhāntabhūṣaṇa of Kauṇḍabhaṭṭa, part 1, with the Nirañjanī Commentary by Ram-yatna Shukla and Prakāsa Explanatory Notes by K. V. Ramakrishnamacharyulu. Critically edited by K. V. Ramakrishnamacharyulu. [REVIEW]Peter Scharf - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (3).
    The Vaiyākaraṇasiddhāntabhūṣaṇa of Kauṇḍabhaṭṭa, part 1, with the Nirañjanī Commentary by Ram-yatna Shukla and Prakāsa Explanatory Notes by K. V. Ramakrishnamacharyulu. Critically edited by K. V. Ramakrishnamacharyulu. South Asian Perspectives, no. 6; Shree Somnath Sanskrit University Shastragrantha Series, no. 2. Pondichery: Institut Français de Pondichéry; Veraval, Gujarat: Shree Somnath Sanskrit University, 2015. Pp. xl + 592. Rs. 1200, €52.
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    Heidegger et l'antisémitisme: Sur les Cahiers noirs.Peter Trawny - 2014 - Seuil.
    La publication des " Cahiers noirs " de Heidegger en Allemagne a mis au jour plusieurs passages, écrits dans les années 1938-1941, au contenu antisémite incontestable. Peter Trawny, spécialiste de Heidegger et éditeur de ces " Cahiers ", affronte ici le choc de ces pages mettant en question la thèse prédominante jusqu'à aujourd'hui qui voudrait que l'engagement de Heidegger dans le national-socialisme n'ait pas impliqué de sa part une adhésion à l'antisémitisme. Selon Peter Trawny, si Heidegger s'écarte de (...)
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    Heidegger sur le chemin du langage.Peter McCormick - 1974 - Philosophiques 1 (2):15-36.
    La méditation la plus importante d'Heidegger sur le langage s'intitule « Le chemin vers le langage » ; c'est le dernier chapitre d’Unterwegs zur Sprache. Si nous considérons la possibilité que le dernier Heidegger a quelque chose à apporter aux problèmes philosophiques du langage, nous devons déterminer exactement ce que Heidegger pense dans cette méditation. C'est pourquoi ma communication se bornera à une lecture détaillée et très restreinte de ce texte. La tâche plus intéressante mais, compte tenu de l'état des (...)
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    Bolzano sur les nombres.Peter Simons - 2003 - Philosophiques 30 (1):127-135.
    Dans cet article, l’auteur présente la théorie bolzanienne du nombre. Il établit, sur la base d’une comparaison avec Frege, que la conception bolzanienne rencontre toutes les exigences d’une telle théorie tout en présentant plusieurs traits originaux, comme par exemple le fait qu’elle s’articule sur la base d’une théorie des « collections » , qui lui confèrent un intérêt philosophique certain. Tout en indiquant au passage un problème inhérent à la notion bolzanienne de Reihe, l’auteur présente la conception bolzanienne des nombres (...)
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    Fakhr al-dīn al-rāzī on place.Peter Adamson - 2017 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 27 (2):205-236.
    The twelfth century philosopher-theologian Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī is well known for his critique of Avicennan metaphysics. In this paper, I examine his critique of Avicenna's physics, and in particular his rejection of the Avicennan and Aristotelian theory of place as the inner boundary of a containing body. Instead, Fakhr al-Dīn defends a definition of place as self-subsisting extension, an idea explicitly rejected by Aristotle and Avicenna after him. Especially in his late work, theMaṭālib, Fakhr al-Dīn explores a number of important (...)
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  15. Can a public figure have a private life? Recent events in three countries have highlighted the importance of this question.Peter Singer - unknown
    In the French presidential election, both candidates tried to keep their domestic life separate from their campaign. Ségolène Royal is not married to François Hollande, the father of her four children. When asked whether they were a couple, Royal replied, “Our lives belong to us.†Similarly, in response to rumors that President-elect Nicholas Sarkozy’s wife had left him, a spokesman for Sarkozy said, “That’s a private matter.â€.
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    Le supermarché du visible: essai d'iconomie.Peter Szendy - 2017 - [Paris]: Les Éditions de Minuit.
    Ce qu'il s'agit d'analyser, d'ausculter, c'est ce que Walter Benjamin, en 1929 déjà, décrivait comme un espace chargé à cent pour cent d'images. Autrement dit : cette visibilité saturée qui nous arrive de partout, nous entoure et nous traverse aujourd'hui. Un tel espace iconique est le produit d'une histoire : celle de la mise en circulation et de la marchandisation générale des images et des vues. Il fallait ébaucher sa généalogie, depuis les premiers ascenseurs ou escalators (ces travellings avant la (...)
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    Minds, machines and self-reference.Peter Slezak - 1984 - Dialectica 38 (1):17-34.
    SummaryJ.R. Lucas has argued that it follows from Godel's Theorem that the mind cannot be a machine or represented by any formal system. Although this notorious argument against the mechanism thesis has received considerable attention in the literature, it has not been decisively rebutted, even though mechanism is generally thought to be the only plausible view of the mind. In this paper I offer an analysis of Lucas's argument which shows that it derives its persuasiveness from a subtle confusion. In (...)
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    Dürrenmatt et l’expérience philosophique.Peter Gasser - 2022 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 154 (1):19-28.
    Dürrenmatt a été profondément marqué par la philosophie qu’il a étudiée à l’Université de Berne. Le présent article montre quelques aspects de cette influence, qui comprend non seulement des aspects épistémologiques (Platon et Kant) auxquels Dürrenmatt s’est dit fidèle tout au long de sa vie, mais aussi une approche de l’écriture axée sur la communication indirecte, à la suite du Kierkegaard du Postscriptum aux Miettes philosophiques, puisant souvent dans les contes et les mythes antiques pour en dégager la pertinence et (...)
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    Osobni identitet u medicinskim diskursima.Peter R. Ritter - 2012 - Synthesis Philosophica 27 (2):337-361.
    Osoba odnosno osobni identitet kao izvorno filozofski pojmovi nalaze primjenu i u medicinskim diskursima. Usto se njihova tumačenja ne izvode isključivo iz historijskog konteksta filozofijskih i teologijskih predodžbi, već poprimaju etičku dimenziju na razini ljudskog ponašanja. Njihovo osebujno značenje dosežu u interakciji između liječnika i pacijenta, interakciji koja se manifestira u tjelesno-fenomenalnoj interpretaciji personaliteta: isti se proteže od autonomije i svojevoljnosti refleksivno ustrojene svijesti do prividne disocijacije tijela i osobe u okviru pojma moždane smrti. Razumijevanje čovjeka kao osobe pritom je (...)
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    Michael Polanyi on Freedom of Science.Péter Hartl - 2012 - Synthesis Philosophica 27 (2):307-321.
    U ovome radu istražujem Polanyijeve glavne argumente za akademsku slobodu. Akademska i politička sloboda međusobno su blisko povezane: ako država preuzme kontrolu nad znanošću, to dovodi do kolapsa same slobode u cijelome društvu. Njegovi argumenti protiv totalitarizma oslanjaju se na njegovu anti-pozitivističku filozofiju znanosti. On definira totalitarizam kao poricanje akademske slobode koje se temelji na pragmatičkom poimanju znanosti i instrumentalističkim interpretacijama moralnih vrijednosti. Polanyijeva ideja znanosti je duhovni, idealistički opis zajednice slobodnih intelektualaca koji su strastveno posvećeni potrazi za istinom i (...)
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    The Wounds and the Ascended Body : The Marks of Crucifixion in the Glorified Christ from Justin Martyr to John Calvin.Peter Widdicombe - 2003 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 59 (1):137-154.
    The question of whether the ascended and glorified body of Christ retains the marks of the wounds first became an issue of theological importance in the fifth century with the writings of Cyril of Alexandria and it continued to be developed until the Reformation, when both Luther and Calvin rejected the idea. For the patristic and medieval theologians, the enduring reality of the wounds testify to the intimate connnection between the economy of God’s salvific work within the created order and (...)
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  22. Does this sentence have no truthmaker?Dan López de Sa & Elia Zardini - 2006 - Analysis 66 (2):154–157.
    Reponse to Peter Milne (2005)'s argument agaist maximalism about truthmaking.
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    Entrepreneurship and the Defense of Capitalism: An Examination of the Work of Israel Kirzner.Peter Lewin - 2002 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 12 (2).
    Israel Kirzner has spent a career in articulating and refining concept of entrepreneurship; His work is indispensable for anyone seeking an understanding of the role of the entrepreneur in the economy. This paper provides a critical appreciation of this work, and considers how Kirzner’s insights might feature in a defense of Capitalism in the post- Socialist world.Israel Kirzner a consacré sa carrière à articuler et affiner le concept d’esprit d’entreprise. Ses travaux sont indispensables pour quiconque cherche à comprendre le rôle (...)
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    Les fonctions de probabilité: la question de leur définissabilité récursive.Hugues Leblanc & Peter Roeper - 1992 - Dialogue 31 (4):643-.
    Pensons aux divers énoncés qui peuvent être composés à partir d'un ensemble fini ou dénombrable d'énoncés atomiques à l'aide de, disons, ‘˜’ et ‘&’; soit A n'importe lequel de ces énoncés; et soit l'ensemble SA des composantes atomiques de A. La valeur de vérité de A dépend évidemment des valeurs de vérité de certains membres de SA. En effet, si aux valeurs de vérité Vrai et Faux sont substitués les entiers 1 et 0, respectivement; la valeur de vérité VVV d'une (...)
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    Kants These über das Sein (review). [REVIEW]Peter Fuss - 1964 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 2 (1):115-117.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 115 analytical surveys of important Rousseau themes (though their connection with the main theme is sometimes weak) : Rousseau's attitude to love, his philosophy of language, his notion of a Golden Age and Terrestrial Paradise, and his views of personal immortality. Chapter 4 ("L'amour et le pays des chim~res") shows Rousseau recoiling from love fulfillment, "rejet6 dans I'imaginaire par l'~chec de sa passion," finding satisfaction only in (...)
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    Hegel: Reinterpretation, Texts, and Commentary (review). [REVIEW]Peter Fuss - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (2):189-193.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 189 titative n'est pas pos~ entre les deux termes. Sujet et objet ne peuvent donc ~tre pos6s sans cette difference qui seule les distingue, ce qui veut dire que l'actualit~ de l'identit6 absolue implique la diff6rence quantitative qui par son d~s~quilibre engendre les choses particuli~res darts la pluralit~ finie; l'identit~ absolue implique par sa forme le fini. Tout ~tre particulier est par consequent une d~termination non de (...)
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    Baṙkʿ Gałionosi: The Greek-Armenian Dictionary to GalenBark Galionosi: The Greek-Armenian Dictionary to Galen.S. Peter Cowe & John A. C. Greppin - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (1):167.
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    Georgian: A Reading Grammar.S. Peter Cowe & Howard I. Aronson - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (2):322.
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    L'Égypte vue par des arméniens (xie-xviie)L'Egypte vue par des armeniens.S. Peter Cowe, Angèle Kapoïan-Kouymjian & Angele Kapoian-Kouymjian - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (3):604.
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    The History of L̵azar PʿarpecʿiThe History of Lazar Parpeci.S. Peter Cowe & Robert W. Thomson - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (2):335.
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    Peter Singer Et la Libération Animale: Quarante Ans Plus Tard.Dardenne Emilie, Giroux Valéry & Utria Enrique - 2017 - Rennes, France: Presses universitaires de Rennes.
    Dans son ouvrage La libération animale, Peter Singer développe trois grandes idées : le principe d'égale considération des intérêts, le rejet du spécisme et la nécessité de mettre un terme à certains types d'exploitation des animaux, notamment ceux qui ont trait à la recherche et à l'élevage industriel. Cette oeuvre phare a connu un retentissement immense, à tel point que sa publication, en 1975, a été présentée comme le moment clef dans l'émergence du mouvement éponyme. Cependant, le mouvement de (...)
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    R. S. Peters on Education and Ethics.R. S. Peters - 2015 - Routledge.
    R. S. Peters on Education and Ethics reissues seven titles from Peters' life's work. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, the books are concerned with the philosophy of education and ethics. Topics include moral education and learning, authority and responsibility, psychology and ethical development and ideas on motivation amongst others. The books discuss more traditional theories and philosophical thinkers as well as exploring later ideas in a way which makes the subjects they discuss still relevant today.
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  33. Health Achievement and Equity: External and Internal Perspectives.Amartya Sen, S. Anand, F. Peter & A. K. Sen - 2004 - In Sudhir Anand, Public Health, Ethics, and Equity. Oxford University Press UK.
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    Are all bases covered?Louise Barrett & S. Peter Henzi - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (4):506-507.
    In addition to ensuring that appropriate standards of evidence are employed when attempting to identify adaptations, researchers should investigate all nonevolutionary factors that could potentially explain their results. Evolutionary analyses may be undermined by alternative, non-evolutionary explanations either because not all relevant information is included in an evolutionary analysis, or because inappropriate methods incapable of detecting an adaptation are employed.
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    Nonfactualism about normative discourse.Review author[S.]: Peter Railton - 1992 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 52 (4):961-968.
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    David Anhaght: The 'Invincible' Philosopher.S. Peter Cowe & Avedis K. Sanjian - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (1):130.
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    The Geography of Ananias of Širak , the Long and the Short Recensions: Introduction, Translation and CommentaryThe Geography of Ananias of Sirak , the Long and the Short Recensions: Introduction, Translation and Commentary.S. Peter Cowe & Robert H. Hewsen - 1997 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (2):379.
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    Scientific discovery and Maxwell's kinetic theory.Peter Achinstein - 1987 - Philosophy of Science 54 (3):409-434.
    By reference to Maxwell's kinetic theory, one feature of hypothetico-deductivism is defended. A scientist need make no inference to a hypothesis when he first proposes it. He may have no reason at all for thinking it is true. Yet it may be worth considering. In developing his kinetic theory there were central assumptions Maxwell made (for example, that molecules are spherical, that they exert contact forces, and that their motion is linear) that he had no reason to believe true. In (...)
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    Natural inclinations and the Good. Parallel readings of Aristotle's' Politica'by Thomas Aquinas and Peter of Auvergne.A. Vendemiati - 1997 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 89 (2-3):299-316.
    Possediamo un testo parallelo delle prime sei lezioni sul terzo libro, in cui possiamo mettere a con-fronto la dottrina di Pietro con quella di s. Tommaso. Il confronto proposto verte sul tema delle inclinazioni naturali e, segnatamente, sul loro rapporto con il bene e con il diritto naturale. Si presentano in sinossi su tre colonne il testo di Aristotele (nella traduzione latina di Guglielmo di Moerbeke utilizzata dai due commentatori), il commento di s. Tommaso ed il commento di Pietro d’Alvernia. (...)
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  40. Atom's empirical eve: Methodological disputes and how to evaluate them.Peter Achinstein - 2007 - Perspectives on Science 15 (3):359-390.
    : This paper examines the debate in the late 19th and early 20th centuries over the acceptability of atomic and molecular physics. It focuses on three prominent figures: Maxwell, who defended atomic physics, Ostwald, who initially rejected it but changed his mind as a result of experiments by Thomson and Perrin, and Duhem, who never accepted it. Each scientist defended the position he did in the light of strongly held methodological views concerning empirical evidence. The paper critically evaluates each of (...)
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    Précis of identity, consciousness and value.Review author[S.]: Peter Unger - 1992 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 52 (1):133-137.
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    Critical notice.Review author[S.]: Peter Van Inwagen - 1986 - Mind 95 (378):246-257.
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    Introduction: Reflections on the Fiftieth Anniversary of Hans Blumenberg's The Legitimacy of the Modern Age.Peter E. Gordon - 2019 - Journal of the History of Ideas 80 (1):67-73.
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  44. All the world's history: An online atlas for teachers and students.Peter Britton - 2011 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 46 (3):32.
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  45. Life and Finite Individuality Two Symposia; 1.Herbert Wildon Carr, J. S. Haldane, D'arcy Wentworth Thompson, Peter Chalmers Mitchell & L. T. Hobhouse - 1918 - Williams.
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  46. He differed in nothing from the beasts": the disruption of the human-animal difference in John Calvin's commentary on Daniel 4.Peter Joshua Atkins - 2024 - In Arthur Walker-Jones & Suzanna R. Millar, Ask the animals: developing a biblical animal hermeneutic. Atlanta, GA: SBL Press.
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    Knowledge, Freedom and Mastery: A Study of Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil.Peter Berkowitz - 1993 - Faculty of Law, University of Toronto.
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    Kauffman's 'origins of order'. Hot extensions of neo‐darwinism.Peter Schuster - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (4):366-368.
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    The process of moral distress development: A virtue ethics perspective.Carolina S. Caram, Elizabeth Peter, Flávia R. S. Ramos & Maria J. M. Brito - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (2):402-412.
    This theoretical paper proposes a new perspective to understand the moral distress of nurses more fully, using virtue ethics. Moral distress is a widely studied subject, especially with respect to the determination of its causes and manifestations. Increasing the theoretical depth of previous work using ethical theory, however, can create new possibilities for moral distress to be explored and analyzed. Drawing on more recent work in this field, we explicate the conceptual framework of the process of moral distress in nurses, (...)
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    Probing the Scope of the Minimalism of Lagueux’s Rationality.Peter Dietsch - 2012 - Dialogue 51 (3):491-494.
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