Results for 'Systemic discourse'

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  1.  57
    The closed world: Systems discourse, military strategy and post WWII American historical consciousness. [REVIEW]Paul N. Edwards - 1988 - AI and Society 2 (3):245-255.
    This essay proposes a cultural and historical explanation for the American Military's fascination with computing. Three key elements of post-WWII US political culture — apocalyptic struggle with the USSR, subsuming all other conflicts: a long history of antimilitarist sentiment in American politics; and the rise of science-based military power — contributed to a sense of the world as a closed system accessible to American technological control. A developing scientific systems discourse, centrally including computer science and AI, was adopted for (...)
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  2. D-LTAG system: Discourse parsing with a lexicalized tree-adjoining grammar. [REVIEW]Katherine Forbes, Eleni Miltsakaki, Rashmi Prasad, Anoop Sarkar, Aravind Joshi & Bonnie Webber - 2003 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 12 (3):261-279.
    We present an implementation of a discourse parsing system for alexicalized Tree-Adjoining Grammar for discourse, specifying the integrationof sentence and discourse level processing. Our system is based on theassumption that the compositional aspects of semantics at thediscourse level parallel those at the sentence level. This coupling isachieved by factoring away inferential semantics and anaphoric features ofdiscourse connectives. Computationally, this parallelism is achievedbecause both the sentence and discourse grammar are LTAG-based and the sameparser works at both levels. (...)
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  3. An Ethical Theory Analysis of the Food System Discourse.Ronald Sandler - 2018 - In Kirill O. Thompson & Paul B. Thompson, Agricultural Ethics in East Asian Perspective: A Transpacific Dialogue. New York: Springer Verlag.
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    Systems Language and Organisational Discourse: The Contribution of Generative Dialogue.Petia Sice, Erik Mosekilde & Ian French - 2008 - Philosophy of Management 6 (3):53-63.
    Any approach to the study of managerial situations undertaken without reflection on the underpinning philosophy is flawed because it limits our ability to question the validity of the knowledge claimed in the analysis. The paper considers this issue and presents a philosophical reflection on the use of a systems approach to the modelling of human enterprises. It draws on insights from systems thinking, cognitive science, autopoiesis, communication theory and non-linear dynamics. These are interpreted within the context of social systems as (...)
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  5. Systems theory and educational discourse.M. Letseka - 1995 - In Philip Higgs, Metatheories in philosophy of education. Johannesburg: [Distributed by] Thorold's Africana Books. pp. 285--306.
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  6. Calculating life? Duelling discourses in interdisciplinary systems biology.Jane Calvert & Joan H. Fujimura - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 42 (2):155-163.
    A high profile context in which physics and biology meet today is in the new field of systems biology. Systems biology is a fascinating subject for sociological investigation because the demands of interdisciplinary collaboration have brought epistemological issues and debates front and centre in discussions amongst systems biologists in conference settings, in publications, and in laboratory coffee rooms. One could argue that systems biologists are conducting their own philosophy of science. This paper explores the epistemic aspirations of the field by (...)
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  7. Discourse Linguistics and Argumentation as Open Systems.Tatyana P. Tretyakova - 2006 - In F. H. van Eemeren, Peter Houtlosser, Haft-van Rees & A. M., Considering pragma-dialectics: a festschrift for Frans H. van Eemeren on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates. pp. 259.
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    Rabbinic discourse as a system of knowledge: "the study of Torah is equal to them all".Hannah E. Hashkes - 2015 - Leiden: Brill.
    Describing rabbinic reasoning as a rational response to experience. Hashkes combines insights from the analytic philosophy of Wittgenstein, Quine, and Davidson with the semiotics of Peirce to construe knowledge as systematic reasoning occurring within a community of inquiry. Her reading of the works of Emmanuel Levinas and Jean-Luc Marion allows her to create a philosophical bridge between a discourse of God and a discourse of reason. This synthesis of analytic philosophy and pragmatism, hermeneutics and theology provides Hashkes with (...)
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    ?Use? discourses in system development: Can communication be improved? [REVIEW]Carl Martin Allwood & David Hakken - 2001 - AI and Society 15 (3):169-199.
    This paper aims to provide a basis for renewed talk about ‘use’ in computing. Four current ‘discourse arenas’ are described. Different intentions manifest in each arena are linked to failures in ‘translation’, different terminologies crossing disciplinary and national boundaries non-reflexively. Analysis of transnational use discourse dynamics shows much miscommunication. Conflicts like that between the ‘Scandinavian System Development School’ and the ‘usability approach’ have less current salience. Renewing our talk about use is essential to a participatory politics of information (...)
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    Seeking Mutual Understanding. A Discourse Theoretical Analysis of the WTO Dispute Settlement System.Emanuela Ceva & Andrea Fracasso - 2010 - World Trade Review 9 (3):457-485.
    The WTO Dispute Settlement System (DSS) has been the object of many studies in politics, law, and economics focusing on institutional design problems. This paper contributes to such studies by accounting for the argumentative nature and sophisticated features of the DSS through a philosophical analysis of the procedures through which it is articulated. Jürgen Habermas's discourse theory is used as a hermeneutic device to disentangle the types of ‘orientations’ (compromise, consensus, and mutual understanding) pertaining to DSS procedures. We show (...)
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  11.  22
    Interrogating Systemic Inequalities in Discourses Surrounding Academic Diaspora and Transnational Education-Driven Mobilities: A Focus on Vietnam’s Higher Education.Phan Le Ha - 2023 - British Journal of Educational Studies 71 (2):169-193.
    This article responds to scholarly calls to engage with diaspora in the context of transnational educational mobilities in global higher education. It maintains that transnational academic mobilities produce a particular kind of academic diaspora, that is often valued by both home and host countries but in ways that vary and serve different interests and aspirations. While the contrasting perspectives on brain circulation and brain drain persist, what this article argues is that systemic inequalities are (re)produced through the processes of (...)
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  12.  19
    System transition, Social discourse about climate change, and Renewable Energy - A Study on the development of renewable energy policy in Korea -. 박진희 - 2008 - Environmental Philosophy 7 (7):99-135.
    네덜란드를 중심으로 이루어지고 있는 시스템 전환 이론은 재생가능에너지의 확산은 단순한 기술 혁신이 아닌 통합적인 정책에 기반하여 에너지 시스템 전환을 목표로 지향되어야 함을 제안하고 있다. 지금까지 국내 재생가능에너지 정책은 선도적인 기술 개발, 개발된 기술 실용화, 상용화라는 선형적인 기술 개발 정책을 중심으로 이루어져왔다. 2002년 이후 기후변화 담론과 에너지 시민 운동의 영향을 받아 지속가능한 사회 구축의 일환으로 에너지 정책의 전환이 시도되었으나 이런 기술 중심의 정책이 지배적인 것은 여전하다. 지속가능한 에너지 사회기술시스템 구축을 비전으로 하는 에너지 전환 정책이 요청된다고 하겠다.
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  13. Analysing Scientific Discourse from a Systemic Functional Linguistic Perspective: A Framework for Exploring Knowledge-building in Biology.[author unknown] - 2020
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  14.  26
    Validation of a category system for arguments in conflict discourse.Manfred Hofer & Birgit Pikowsky - 1993 - Argumentation 7 (2):135-148.
    Theories of individuation predict systematic differences in argumentative behavior between adolescent girls and their mothers. In order to reveal the nature and functions of this kind of discourse, two studies were carried out on 110 mother-daughter pairs. The second study (n=80) replicated and extended the first study (n=30) on an independent sample. The mother-daughter pairs were asked to discuss a subject that had recently been at issue between them. To assess the argumentative behavior, a category system was developed that (...)
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  15.  18
    Diets, Diseases, and Discourse: Lessons from COVID-19 for Trade in Wildlife, Public Health, and Food Systems Reform.Adam R. Houston & Angela Lee - 2020 - Food Ethics 5 (1-2).
    The COVID-19 pandemic has brought to light significant failures and fragilities in our food, health, and market systems. Concomitantly, it has emphasized the urgent need for a critical re-evaluation of many of the policies and practices that have created the conditions in which viral pathogens can spread. However, there are many factors that are complicating this process; among others, the uncertain, rapidly evolving, and often poorly reported science surrounding the virus’ origins has contributed to a politically charged and often rancorous (...)
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    The Discourse of Regime, Social System related to the Concept Bong Geon(封建) and Feudalism in Early Modern Korea 1905∼1910 Focusing on the Two Reviews, Daehanhyeophoe-hoebo(published by Modern Association Daehanhyeophoe) and Seobukhakhoe-wolbo. [REVIEW]Seong-kyu Jeon - 2019 - Cogito 87:309-348.
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    Changing the Discourse on Health Systems Research: Response to Open Peer Commentaries on “Ethical Review of Health Systems Research in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Conceptual Exploration”.Adnan A. Hyder & Abbas Rattani - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (2):W1-W2.
    Given that health systems research involves different aims, approaches, and methodologies as compared to more traditional clinical trials, the ethical issues present in HSR may be unique or particularly nuanced. This article outlines eight pertinent ethical issues that are particularly salient in HSR and argues that the ethical review process should be better tailored to ensure more efficient and appropriate oversight of HSR with adequate human protections, especially in low- and middle-income countries. The eight ethical areas we discuss include the (...)
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  18.  26
    Conceptualizing “Pyramid-hierarchy” model: Theorizing educational policy discourse system in China.Jian Li & Eryong Xue - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (9):863-872.
    This study aims to conceptualize “Pyramid-hierarchy” model of the educational policy discourse system in China. Education discourse system is the external education expression form of ideological and theoretical system and knowledge system. Constructing the discourse system of educational policy with Chinese characteristics is a system consisting of a series of internal logical relations, including seven levels of discourse foundation, discourse core, discourse mode, discourse attitude, discourse transmission and discourse innovation. The educational (...)
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  19. A Discourse on Methods; or, Humean Metaphysics of Science Without Best Systems.John T. Roberts - 2023 - In Christian Loew, Siegfried Jaag & Michael Townsen Hicks, Humean Laws for Human Agents. Oxford: Oxford UP. pp. 237–257.
    The best-known Humean theory of laws of nature is David Lewis’s best-system analysis. Almost all of the other Humean theories of laws in the literature are also “best-system theories”: like Lewis’s account, they say that to be a law is to belong to a system of statements or propositions that maximizes some desirable feature. In fact, in conversation, philosophers commonly use “the Humean account of laws” and “the best-system account of laws” interchangeably. But Humeanism about laws and the best-system approach (...)
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  20.  8
    Ecological discourse analysis and meaning interpretation of BBC news reports on 2019 Australian bushfires from the perspective of transitivity system.Meijing Li & Zhencong Liu - 2024 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 20 (1):131-148.
    The unprecedented 2019/20 Australian bushfires prompted this paper to conduct a transitivity analysis on the top three processes (material, relational, and verbal) in selected BBC news reports. Guided by the ecological philosophical view of “harmony with diversity, interaction, and coexistence,” the research aims to interpret ecological meanings in the text and enhance people’s awareness of environment conservation. The findings reveal that these news reports predominantly utilized material and relational processes to depict the devastating impact of the Australian bushfires on wildlife, (...)
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  21.  10
    Human ecology and food discourses in a smallholder agricultural system in Leyte, The Philippines.Federico Davila - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (3):719-741.
    Food systems are influenced by discourses held by individuals and institutions. Market oriented food security and food sovereignty are frequently presented as co-existing discourses in food systems. This paper documents how smallholder farmers embody market food security and food sovereignty discourses in their agricultural practices, and how these discourses prevent new forms of agriculture from developing given socio-political and institutional rigidity. A human ecology systems framework is used to analyse semi-structured interviews with 39 coconut producing smallholder farmers from Leyte, The (...)
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  22.  90
    A discourse on the system and the life of Vico.Jules Michelet - 2008 - New Vico Studies 26:21-46.
  23. From Literary Discourses To the Social System of Literature.Siegfried J. Schmidt - 1991 - Thesis Eleven 29 (1):95-104.
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  24.  53
    Critical discourse analysis for nursing research.Jennifer L. Smith - 2007 - Nursing Inquiry 14 (1):60-70.
    Critical discourse analysis is a useful and productive qualitative methodology but has been underutilized within nursing research. In order to redress this deficiency the research presented in this article represents an exploration of the way in which critical discourse analysis may be applied to the analysis of public debates around policy for nursing practice. In this article the author discusses the history of the application of critical discourse analysis and provides an example of its application to the (...)
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  25.  20
    Han Yu's “Za shuo” 雜說 (Miscellaneous Discourses): A Three-Tier System of Government.Mei Ah Tan - 2020 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 140 (4):859-874.
    This article highlights the significance of the “Za shuo” 雜說 (Miscellaneous discourses) series for the study of Han Yu’s 韓愈 (768–824) political ideology, which proposes a three-tier system of governance that is made up of the emperor, the feudal lords, and the bureaucrats. The emperor is the pinnacle of the system; he collaborates with his ministers to devise state policies in the inner palace. The feudal lords protect the emperor in the regional areas. The bureaucrats form the machinery of the (...)
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  26.  45
    Artificial intelligence and legal discourse: The flexlaw legal text management system. [REVIEW]J. C. Smith, Daphne Gelbart, Keith Maccrimmon, Bruce Atherton, John Mcclean, Michelle Shinehoft & Lincoln Quintana - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 3 (1-2):55-95.
  27.  16
    Discourse, Interaction and Communication: Proceedings of the Fourth International Colloquium on Cognitive Science (ICCS-95).Xabier Arrazola, Kepa Korta & Francis Jeffrey Pelletier (eds.) - 2010 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    DISCOURSE, INTERACTION, AND COMMUNICATION Co-organized by the Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science and the Institute for Logic, Cognition, Language, and Infonnation (ILCLI) both from the University of the Basque Country, tlle Fourth International Colloquium on Cognitive Science (ICCS-95) gathered at Donostia - San Sebastian ti'om May 3 to 6, 1995, with the following as its main topics: 1. Social Action and Cooperation. 2. Cognitive Approaches in Discourse Processing: Grammatical and Semantical Aspects. 3. Models of Infonnation in (...)
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  28.  47
    A natural deduction system for discourse representation theory.Werner Saurer - 1993 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 22 (3):249 - 302.
  29.  26
    Discourse on the idea of sustainability: with policy implications for health and welfare reform.Ming-Jui Yeh - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (2):155-163.
    Sustainability has become a major goal of domestic and international development. This essay analyzes the transitions of normative ideas embedded in the notion of sustainability by reviewing the discourses in the representative reports and literature from different periods. Three sets of ideas are proposed: inter- and intra-generational equity, stability of public systems, and a sense of solidarity, which confirms the scope of community and functions as a precondition for the previous two ideas. This essay uses the case of a health (...)
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  30.  4
    Reflection and Construction of Marxist Philosophical Discourse System.芳 刘 - 2022 - Advances in Philosophy 11 (4):562-566.
  31.  25
    How discourses of social vulnerability can influence nurse–patient interactions: A Foucauldian analysis.Sanne M. Kröner & Kirsten Beedholm - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (4):e12309.
    This article uncovers the current discursive practices concerning socially vulnerable people in Danish society. A discourse analytical approach inspired by Michel Foucault, along with contributions from Erving Goffmann's work ‘Stigma’, is utilized throughout the analysis. First, the dominant discursive formations are described across the data material, consisting of sociopolitical and health policy documents. Second, we uncover how problematizations and mechanisms of power along with the emergence of the competition state push socially vulnerable people out into the periphery of society. (...)
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  32. Moral discourse and corporate social responsibility reporting.MaryAnn Reynolds & Kristi Yuthas - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (1-2):47 - 64.
    This paper examines voluntary corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting as a form of moral discourse. It explores how alternative stakeholder perspectives lead to differing perceptions of the process and content of responsible reporting. We contrast traditional stakeholder theory, which views stakeholders as external parties having a social contract with corporations, with an emerging perspective, which views interaction among corporations and constituents as relational in nature. This moves the stakeholder from an external entity to one that is integral to corporate (...)
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  33. Accessing Academic Discourse: Systemic Functional Linguistics and Legitimation Code Theory.[author unknown] - 2020
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  34.  6
    In quest of the science of education: from reductionistic discourse to systemic theory.Partow Izadi - 2003 - Rovaniemi: University of Lapland, Faculty of Education.
    Tiivistelmä: Kasvatustiedettä etsimässä.
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  35. think Donald Moon overestimates the dangers of “unconstrained conversation,” especially for individual privacy rights, he points to the difficult question concerning the kinds of institutional design that are appropriate to help ensure that the deliberations conducted in an “unconstrained conversation” influence the process of decision making. Should there, for example, be a system of public voting? See “Constrained Discourse and Public Life,”.I. Although - 1991 - Political Theory 19:202-229.
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    Sociobiology and Moral Discourse.Loyal Rue - 1998 - Zygon 33 (4):525-533.
    In the intellectual lineage of sociobiology (understood as evolutionary social science), this article considers the place of moral discourse in the evolution of emergent systems for mediating behavior. Given that humans share molecular systems, reflex systems, drive systems, emotional systems, and cognitive systems with chimpanzees, why is it that human behavior is so radically different from chimpanzee behavior? The answer is that, unlike chimps, humans possess symbolic systems, empowering them to override chimplike default morality in favor of symbolically mediated (...)
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    The discourse and its relation to the outer limits of language.Daniel Paulos - 2015 - Cinta de Moebio 53:190-204.
    The paper analyzes some of the problems involved in defining speech, with the aim of showing the epistemic choices involved in its implementation as a methodology or analysis technique. The difficulty of the concept of discourse is its bordering nature of language structures and contextual domains that shape utterances, which has led to different approaches: the contextualized utterances, institutions governing language formation of statements or sociohistorical systems that explain its regularity. Such uncertainty increases when registering the models on the (...)
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  38.  21
    The paradigm shift: Business associations shaping the discourse on system change.Sandra Waddock, Irene Henriques, Martina Linnenluecke, Nicholas Poggioli & Steffen Böhm - 2024 - Business and Society Review 129 (2):155-167.
    This Agenda 2050 piece is a call to action for management scholars to follow the lead of business associations, foundations, and businesses in studying and understanding the transformative change needed to bring about a more equitable and flourishing world for all living beings—including humans and other‐than‐humans. These entities advocate for a significant paradigm shift in how business is practiced as a way of responding to ‘polycrisis’—the interrelated set of civilization‐threatening crises that includes climate change, social inequality, and biodiversity loss. Yet (...)
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    The discourse on the intersectionality of religion and HIV and AIDS with specific reference to Thulamela municipality, Limpopo province.Tshifhiwa S. Netshapapame, Azwihangwisi Mavhandu-Mudzusi & Anza Ndou - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (1).
    The human immunodeficiency virus since its genesis has continued to affect a large number of the population in the African region and has caused exponential deaths. At the same time, new infections have been reported in South Africa. However, religion as a vehicle of change through the institution of the church has been acting on the contrary, since it discourages the use of condoms and moralising the pelvic area in its characterisation against the commandment of God. Such a perspective has (...)
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    Discourse theory’s sociological claim.Daniel Gaus - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (6):503-525.
    In the quest for a workable ideal of democracy, the systems approach has recently shifted its perspective on deliberative democratic theory. Instead of enquiring how institutionalized decision-making might mirror an ‘ideal deliberative procedure’, it asks how democracy might be construed as a ‘deliberative system’. This leads it to recommend de-emphasizing the role of parliament and focusing instead on non-institutionalized actors and communications. Though this increased emphasis is undoubtedly warranted, the importance of parliament must not be downplayed. In the debate about (...)
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    Logic in Central and Eastern Europe: History, Science, and Discourse: Department of Logical Systems and Models, Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria.R. Lutskanov - 2014 - History and Philosophy of Logic 35 (1):1-3.
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    Tantric argument: The transfiguration of philosophical discourse in the pratyabhijñā system of utpaladeva and abhinavagupta.David Lawrence - 1996 - Philosophy East and West 46 (2):165-204.
    The purposes and methods of medieval Kashmiri thinkers Utpaladeva and Abhinavagupta in creating the Pratyabhijñā philosophical apologetics for monistic Śaivism are examined. These thinkers structure their philosophy with the argumentative standards of Nyāya in the pursuit of universal intelligibility, while at the same time homologizing their discourse to tantric myth and ritual. How the Śaivas implement their project with their theory of recognition is also summarized.
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    From system integration to social integration: Kurdish challenge to Turkish republicanism.David M. Rasmussen, Volker Kaul & Alessandro Ferrara - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (4-5):406-418.
    The modern republican history of Turkey and its relation with the question of ethnic diversity could be understood via the tension between the processes of system integration and social integration. This article, based on Jürgen Habermas’ conceptual framework, draws the sources of such tension with reference to the Kurdish identity in Turkey since the early republican era. For this purpose, from the 1920s to the 2000s, policies and discourses of system integration aiming at a certain degree of ethnic homogenization to (...)
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    Discourse, Pragmatics, Conversation, Analysis.Emanuel A. Schegloff - 1999 - Discourse Studies 1 (4):405-435.
    In a period given to emphasizing diversity among humans, we would do well to explore diversity among forms of discourse and among forms of talk-in-interaction in particular. Among the speech-exchange systems, ordinary conversation has been claimed to be distinctive and fundamental, but questions have been raised about both claims. The resources for discriminating among speech-exchange systems are located in such generic organizations of practice as turn-taking, sequence organization, the organization of repair and the overall structural organization of episodes of (...)
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    The Power of Discourse in Postmetaphysics: Between Dialectical Materialism and Transcendentalism.А. С Мерзенина - 2024 - Sociology of Power 36 (4):8-34.
    The article examines the significance of “postmetaphysics” as a continuation of Derrida’s philosophy of deconstruction for resolving the philosophical conflict between the transcendental and dialectical traditions of thought. The “postmetaphysical” trend seeks to rethink the relationship between language and power, trying to find a way to talk about power in a way that does not theoretically reproduce the power of metaphysical discourse. It also seeks to avoid the mistake of systems that criticize metaphysical discourse, which is that the (...)
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    School system as axiological medium: The state’s primary macro-proposing context and its expanding moral role in Australia.Lisa Gunders - 2010 - Pragmatics and Society 1 (1):102-117.
    This paper analyses the Australian Values Education Program (VEP) within the framework of late-classical political economy. Using analytical methods from systemic functional linguistics and critical discourse analysis, we demonstrate that the VEP is an unwitting restatement of the principles of ideology as developed by the likes of Destutt de Tracy and the Young Hegelians. We conclude that the sudden shock of globalisation and the post-national cultures this has entailed is in many ways similar to the shock of formal (...)
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    Towards the Capitalist discourse: the sublimity of objet petit and the Master-Signifier.Simon Rajbar - 2016 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 10 (3).
    The focus of this paper lies in the unconscious solidification of capitalist ideology through Lacanian understanding of subjectivity. The analysis intervenes in the ideological fantasy and its inherent antagonisms in order to analyse the way capitalist ideology strives to fill or repress these ruptures in the socio-symbolic edifice. It points to the mode of proliferation of certain objects, which the fantasy puts in the position where they can function as objects of desire, covering the cracks in the socio-symbolic order by (...)
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    Discourses on Society: The Shaping of the Social Science Disciplines.Peter Wagner, Björn Wittrock & Richard P. Whitley - 1990 - Springer Verlag.
    This book, which represents probably the most comprehensive discussion of the emergence of modem social science yet produced, is of far more than merely historical interest. The contributors set out to rewrite the history of the social sciences and to show the limitations of conventional conceptions of their development. These tasks they accomplish with great success and much distinction. Yet in so doing they contribute in a direct way to our understanding of the relation between social analysis and the nature (...)
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    From system integration to social integration.Cemil Boyraz & Ömer Turan - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (4-5):406-418.
    The modern republican history of Turkey and its relation with the question of ethnic diversity could be understood via the tension between the processes of system integration and social integration. This article, based on Jürgen Habermas’ conceptual framework, draws the sources of such tension with reference to the Kurdish identity in Turkey since the early republican era. For this purpose, from the 1920s to the 2000s, policies and discourses of system integration aiming at a certain degree of ethnic homogenization to (...)
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    System und Systemkritik – Witz und Ironie als philosophische Methode beim frühen Friedrich Schlegel.Martin Sticker & Daniel Wenz - 2013 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 120 (1):64-81.
    The conceptions of wit and irony of the early Friedrich Schlegel together constitute a philosophically ambitious form of early-romantic dialectic. This dialectic was directed especially against the closed philosophical system of Fichte, and tries to show a third way between the abandonment of a system and a closed system. The result is an open system, which can accommodate historical change and an infinite approach to the absolute. The article discusses the origin of this third way in romantic irony, and Schlegel’s (...)
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