Results for 'Ian French'

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  1. Austerity and Illusion.Craig French & Ian Phillips - 2020 - Philosophers' Imprint 20 (15):1-19.
    Many contemporary theorists charge that naïve realists are incapable of accounting for illusions. Various sophisticated proposals have been ventured to meet this charge. Here, we take a different approach and dispute whether the naïve realist owes any distinctive account of illusion. To this end, we begin with a simple, naïve account of veridical perception. We then examine the case that this account cannot be extended to illusions. By reconstructing an explicit version of this argument, we show that it depends critically (...)
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  2. ​Naïve Realism, the Slightest Philosophy, and the Slightest Science (2nd edition).Craig French & Phillips Ian - 2023 - In Jonathan Cohen & Brian McLaughlin, Contemporary Debates in the Philosophy of Mind. Blackwell. pp. 363-383.
  3. A Change of Perspective: Naïve Realism and Normal Variation.Craig French & Ian Phillips - 2025 - In Ori Beck & Farid Masrour, The Relational View of Perception: New Philosophical Essays. Routledge.
  4.  23
    Schools for the Shires. The Reform of Middle-Class Education in Mid-Victorian England.M. R. French & David Ian Allsobrook - 1988 - British Journal of Educational Studies 36 (1):82.
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    Understanding Humans and Organisations: Philosophical Implications of Autopoiesis.Petia Sice & Ian French - 2004 - Philosophy of Management 4 (1):55-66.
    There is a large body of literature by the Chilean biologists Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela, usually referred to as Autopoietic Theory. This theory describes the dynamics of living systems; dealing with cognition as a biological phenomenon. The theory, however, has found far wider application than may be suggested from its biological roots. This is because the theory builds from its cognitive base to generate implications for epistemology, communication and social systems theory. Since, in essence, there is no discontinuity between (...)
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    Adam Ferguson’s Later Writings: New Letters and an Essay on the French Revolution.Ian Stewart & Max Skjönsberg (eds.) - 2023 - Edinburgh University Press.
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    Systems Language and Organisational Discourse: The Contribution of Generative Dialogue.Petia Sice, Erik Mosekilde & Ian French - 2008 - Philosophy of Management 6 (3):53-63.
    Any approach to the study of managerial situations undertaken without reflection on the underpinning philosophy is flawed because it limits our ability to question the validity of the knowledge claimed in the analysis. The paper considers this issue and presents a philosophical reflection on the use of a systems approach to the modelling of human enterprises. It draws on insights from systems thinking, cognitive science, autopoiesis, communication theory and non-linear dynamics. These are interpreted within the context of social systems as (...)
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    The New French Philosophy.Ian James - 2012 - Cambridge ; Malden, MA: Polity.
    This book gives a critical assessment of key developments in contemporary French philosophy, highlighting the diverse ways in which recent French thought has moved beyond the philosophical positions and arguments which have been widely associated with the terms 'post-structuralism' and 'postmodernism'. These developments are assessed through a close comparative reading of the work of seven contemporary thinkers: Jean-Luc Marion, Jean-Luc Nancy, Bernard Stiegler, Catherine Malabou, Jacques Rancière, Alain Badiou and François Laruelle. The book situates the writing of each (...)
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    French literature and the philosophy of consciousness: phenomenological essays.Ian W. Alexander - 1985 - New York: St. Martin's Press. Edited by A. J. L. Busst.
  10.  11
    The Influence of Hobbes and Locke in the Shaping of the Concept of Sovereignty in French Political Thought in the Eighteenth Century.Ian M. Wilson - 1969
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    (1 other version)(J.I.) Porter Ed. Constructions of the Classical Body. Ann Arbor: U. of Michigan P., 2001. Pp. viii + 397, illus. £42.50. 0472087797.(L.) Brisson Sexual Ambivalence. Androgyny and Hermaphroditism in Graeco-Roman Antiquity, trans, from the French by Janet Lloyd. Berkeley and Los Angeles: U. of California P., 2002. Pp. 195. $29.95. 0520223918. [REVIEW]Ian Ruffell - 2004 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 124:204-205.
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    Selected Writings of Thomas Paine.Ian Shapiro & Jane E. Calvert (eds.) - 2014 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    A central figure in Western history and American political thought, Thomas Paine continues to provoke debate among politicians, activists, and scholars. People of all ideological stripes are inspired by his trenchant defense of the rights and good sense of ordinary individuals, and his penetrating critiques of arbitrary power. This volume contains Paine’s explosive _Common Sense_ in its entirety, including the oft-ignored Appendix, as well as selections from his other major writings: _The American Crisis_, _Rights of Man,_ and _The Age of (...)
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    Dialogue With a Dying Man.Ian Simpson Ross - 1995 - In Ian Simpson Ross, The Life of Adam Smith. Oxford University Press UK.
    Smith was devoted in his attentions to Hume as he lay dying, but, ever the man of prudence, gave his best friend some pain through unwillingness to see through the press the Dialogues concerning Natural Religion. In the event, Smith was violently abused by Christians for describing Hume in a published letter as approaching as near to the idea of a ‘perfectly wise and virtuous man’ as human weakness permits. Smith would have been in further trouble if his 1778 Machiavellian (...)
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    Woman Triumphant: Feminism in French Literature, 1610-1625.Ian Maclean - 1977 - Oxford : Clarendon Press.
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    I am a Fascist Writer: Maurice Bardèche--Ideologist and Defender of French Fascism.Ian Barnes - 2002 - The European Legacy 7 (2):195-209.
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    Suicide: Foucault, History and Truth.Ian Marsh - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    In an original and provocative study of suicide, Ian Marsh examines the historical and cultural forces that have influenced contemporary thought, practices and policy in relation to this serious public health problem. Drawing on the work of French philosopher Michel Foucault, the book tells the story of how suicide has come to be seen as first and foremost a matter of psychiatric concern. Marsh sets out to challenge the assumptions and certainties embedded in our beliefs, attitudes and practices concerning (...)
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    The influence of Hobbes and Locke in the shaping of the concept of sovereignty in eighteenth century France.Ian M. Wilson - 1973 - Banbury, Oxfordshire: Voltaire Foundation, Thorpe Mandeville House.
    The Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment series, previously known as SVEC (Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century), has published over 500 peer-reviewed scholarly volumes since 1955 as part of the Voltaire Foundation at the University of Oxford. International in focus, Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment volumes cover wide-ranging aspects of the eighteenth century and the Enlightenment, from gender studies to political theory, and from economics to visual arts and music, and are published in English or French.
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    The Fragmentary Demand: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Jean-Luc Nancy.Ian James - 2005 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    This introduction to the philosophy of Jean-Luc Nancy gives an overview of his philosophical thought to date and situates it within the broader context of contemporary French and European thinking. The book examines Nancy’s philosophy in relation to five specific areas: his account of subjectivity; his understanding of space and spatiality; his thinking about the body and embodiment; his political thought; and his contribution to contemporary aesthetics. In each case it shows the way in which Nancy develops or moves (...)
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  19.  12
    A Deleuzian Century?Ian Buchanan (ed.) - 1999 - Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press.
    Michel Foucault’s suggestion that this century would become known as “Deleuzian” was considered by Gilles Deleuze himself to be a joke “meant to make people who like us laugh, and make everyone else livid.” Whether serious or not, Foucault’s prediction has had enough of an impact to raise concern about the potential “deification” of this enormously influential French philosopher. Seeking to counter such tendencies toward hagiography—not unknown, particularly since Deleuze’s death—Ian Buchanan has assembled a collection of essays that constitute (...)
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    Michel de Certeau in the Plural.Ian Buchanan - 2001 - Duke University Press.
    French philosopher Michel de Certeau wrote about seventeenth-century mysticism, religion and pluralism, architecture, everyday life, and the history of anthropology. But because critics of his works have tended to fragment it into hermetic compartments, dealing only with what is relevant to their own fields, the expansiveness of his ouevre has suffered damaging distortions in the secondary literature. This special issue of _South Atlantic Quarterly_ provides the first comprehensive view of his complete work, with contributors evaluating his weaknesses as well (...)
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    From Pacifism to Trotskyism.Ian Birchall - 2018 - Historical Materialism 26 (4):180-193.
    The French journal Clarté had its origins in a movement launched just after the end of World War I by Henri Barbusse. It was soon taken over by a group of more radical intellectuals, who were close to the French Communist Party but not under its direct control. The journal combined politics and culture. It attempted to analyse the changing world-conjuncture, and in particular the significance of the defeated revolutions in Germany and China. But it also developed a (...)
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    Camarades! La naissance du parti communiste en France, Romain Ducoulombier, Paris: Perrin, 2010.Ian Birchall - 2013 - Historical Materialism 21 (3):178-188.
    Romain Ducoulombier, author ofCamarades!, a study of the origins of the French Communist Party, belongs to a different ideological context to earlier authors on the subject, such as Kriegel, Wohl or Robrieux. But though Ducoulombier claims originality for his work, there is little genuinely new here. He fails to grasp the impact of the Russian Revolution on the French working class and has little understanding of the dynamics of the Communist International. He stresses the ‘asceticism’ and ‘messianism’ of (...)
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    Legacy for Legislators.Ian Simpson Ross - 1995 - In Ian Simpson Ross, The Life of Adam Smith. Oxford University Press UK.
    Smith was not optimistic about his free‐trade policy advice being readily accepted, as prejudice and special interests stood in the way, but he must have been gratified that his views received favourable attention by some of Britain's leaders, and that translations of his great work were stirring the minds of French inquirers into political economy and supporters of the coming revolution. In Germany, the reception of his ideas was marked by translations, reviews, assimilation into university teaching, then popularizations, and (...)
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    'As an emerald is green'. Waiting, poetry and affliction: Simone Weil's concept of attention.Ian Leask - 2023 - Dissertation, University College Dublin
    This research thesis explores the concept of attention as outlined and practised in the life of Simone Weil (1909-1943), a French woman variously described as a philosopher, mystic and activist yet someone who eludes categorisation or systematisation. It outlines the background to her life in a France between two world wars, and seeks to situate her within the context of the Christianity she claimed as her cultural backdrop. It explores the concept of attention as both a spiritual exercise and (...)
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    Corporate Criminal Responsibility as Team Member Responsibility.Ian B. Lee - 2011 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 31 (4):755-781.
    This article puts forward a theory of corporate criminal responsibility as the shared responsibility of the members of a team for wrongdoing committed by one of their number in the pursuit of their common goals. The theory of team member responsibility advanced in this article differs from theories—such as those of Peter French and Phillip Pettit—under which corporate or group responsibility is viewed as the responsibility of the corporation or group as an autonomous moral person. Instead, this article defends (...)
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  26. Can a Signifier Float? Or, Implications: Lévi-Strauss and the Aporia of the Symbolic.Ian K. Jensen - 2020 - Acta Structuralica 5.
    This essay centers on the notion of the symbolic and its impact as developed by Claude Lévi-Strauss in his Introduction to the Work of Marcel Mauss. I examine Lévi-Strauss’ formulation of the “floating signifier” and its influence in French thought, particularly in the work of Jacques Lacan and Jacques Derrida. In doing so, I argue that Lévi-Strauss’ notion may be a misreading of the structural linguistics of Ferdinand de Saussure that has important implications for contemporary political issues on the (...)
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    French Free-Thought from Gassendi to Voltaire. By J. S. Spink. (University of London, The Athlone Press, 1960. Pp. ix + 345. Price 50s.). [REVIEW]Ian W. Alexander - 1962 - Philosophy 37 (142):369-.
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    Marking time: Derrida, Blanchot, Beckett, des Forêts, Klossowski, Laporte.Ian Maclachlan - 2012 - New York, NY: Rodopi.
    Drawing on the work of Jacques Derrida, Marking Time presents an innovative account of literary time, in which the temporality and ontology of the literary are seen to be essentially intertwined. Individual chapters trace the stakes of this view of time for the status and 'economy' of the literary text across five 20th-century writers in French whose work is characterized by a fundamental and searching self-questioning: Maurice Blanchot, Samuel Beckett, Louis-René des Forêts, Pierre Klossowski, and Roger Laporte. A final (...)
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    The technique of thought: Nancy, Laruelle, Malabou, and Stiegler after naturalism.Ian James - 2019 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    The image of philosophy -- The relational universe -- Generic science -- Thinking bodies.
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  30. Evaluating Klossowski's Le Baphomet.Ian James - 2005 - Diacritics 35 (1):119-135.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:diacritics 35.1 (2005) 119-135MuseSearchJournalsThis JournalContents[Access article in PDF]Evaluating Klossowski's Le BaphometIan JamesLiterature, under historical conditions which are not simply linguistic, has come to occupy a place which is always open to a kind of subversive juridicity. [...] This subversive juridicity supposes that self-identity is never assured or reassuring.—Jacques Derrida, "Préjugés: Devant la loi"The ControversyOn 14 June 1965, Roger Caillois resigned from the jury of the prestigious Prix des Critiques. (...)
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    Introduction: Whispers of the Flesh: Essays in Memory of Pierre Klossowski.Ian James & Russell Ford - 2005 - Diacritics 35 (1):3-6.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:diacritics 35.1 (2005) 3-6MuseSearchJournalsThis JournalContents[Access article in PDF]Whispers of the Flesh Essays in Memory of Pierre KlossowskiIan JamesRussell Ford Pierre Klossowski—novelist, essayist, painter, and translator—was one of the most startling, original, and influential figures in twentieth-century French intellectual culture. The older brother of the well-known painter Balthus and a close associate of Georges Bataille, Klossowski's diverse oeuvre includes novels, philosophical essays, and translations, as well as paintings and (...)
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  32. ‘What to wear?’: Clothing as an example of expression and intentionality.Ian King - 2015 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 5 (1):59-78.
    I will argue here that for many of us the act of dressing our bodies is evidence of intentional expression before different audiences. It is important to appreciate that intentionality enables us to understand how and why we act the way we do. The novel contribution this paper makes to this examination is employing clothing as a means of revealing the characteristics of intentionality. In that, it is rare to identify one exemplar that successfully captures the relationships between the cognitive (...)
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    Discourse on Method.Andrew R. Bailey & Ian Johnston (eds.) - 2016 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    Fully named _Discourse on the Method for Reasoning Well and for Seeking Truth in the Sciences_, this work offers the most complete presentation and defense of René Descartes’ method of intellectual inquiry— a method that greatly influenced both philosophical and scientific reasoning in the early modern world. Descartes’s timeless ideas strike an uncommon balance of novelty and familiarity, offering arguments concerning knowledge, science, and metaphysics that are as compelling in the 21st century as they were in the 17th. Ian Johnston’s (...)
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  34. Expression and the Body.Ian King - unknown
    This chapter devotes itself to exploring the richness and potential of expression. However, rather than follow the more familiar route of language, we will here explore bodily expression. I will suggest that our bodies, our facility for movement, together with the clothes we wear, provide rich potential in understanding the nature of expression in people-based contexts. The approach I take draws heavily from phenomenology and in particular from the ideas and writings of French phenomenologist Maurice Merleau-Ponty.
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    Meditations on First Philosophy.Andrew R. Bailey & Ian Johnston (eds.) - 2013 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    Considered a foundational text in modern philosophy, the _Meditations on First Philosophy_ presents numerous powerful arguments that to this day influence debates in epistemology, the philosophy of mind, and the philosophy of religion. This new translation incorporates revisions from the second Latin edition and the later French translation to make Descartes’ reasoning as lucid and engaging as possible. Also included in this edition is a brief introduction to Descartes and the _Meditations_, revised and expanded from Andrew Bailey’s acclaimed anthology, (...)
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    Jean Wahl and Karl Jaspers on Descartes and Kierkegaard: An Epistolary Exchange.Ian Alexander Moore & Barbara Wahl - 2021 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 29 (1-2):173-181.
    A translation of selected correspondence between Jean Wahl and Karl Jaspers on Descartes and Kierkegaard.
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    Lettre de Jean Wahl à Martin Heidegger.Ian Alexander Moore & Barbara Wahl - 2021 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 29 (1-2):169-172.
    Cette lettre, publiée ici pour la première fois en français, dans sa version originale, a été envoyée par Jean Wahl à Martin Heidegger le 12 décembre 1937. Elle répond à une lettre que Heidegger avait écrite à Wahl une semaine plus tôt au sujet des thèses de Wahl dans la célèbre conférence « Subjectivité et transcendance ». [1] Dans cette conférence, qui a été décrite comme « un tournant dans l’histoire intellectuelle du XXe siècle », [2] Wahl s’interrogeait, entre autres, (...)
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    Review Essay: Boudon's European Diagnosis of and Prophylactic against Relativism. [REVIEW]Jarvie Ian - 2008 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 38 (2):279-292.
    Raymond Boudon is the doyen of French sociology. His 2004 book The Poverty of Relativism counters the relativist plague with philosophical, historical, and comparative deconstruction and proposes an alternative: a cognitive notion of values that rehabilitates the notions of reason, correctness, and progress. More surprising is his rehabilitation of moral evolutionism that restores to it a human face. Will his efforts staunch relativism? Some considerations pro and con are offered. Key Words: relativism • reason • truth • morality • (...)
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  39. On Machiavelli, as an Author, and Passages from His Writings.Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Ian Alexander Moore & Christopher Turner - 2016 - Philosophy Today 60 (3):761-788.
    This is the first English translation of the majority of Fichte’s 1807 essay on Machiavelli, which has been hailed as a masterpiece and was important for the development of German idealist political thought, as well as for its reception by figures such as Carl von Clausewitz, Max Weber, Leo Strauss, and Carl Schmitt. Fichte’s essay attempts to resuscitate Machiavelli as a legitimate political thinker and an “honest, reasonable, and meritorious man.” It tacitly critiques Napoleon, who was occupying Prussia when Fichte (...)
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    The final-over-final condition: a syntactic universal.Michelle Sheehan, Theresa Biberauer, Ian Roberts & Anders Holmberg (eds.) - 2017 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    An examination of the evidence for and the theoretical implications of a universal word order constraint, with data from a wide range of languages. This book presents evidence for a universal word order constraint, the Final-over-Final Condition (FOFC), and discusses the theoretical implications of this phenomenon. FOFC is a syntactic condition that disallows structures where a head-initial phrase is contained in a head-final phrase in the same extended projection/domain. The authors argue that FOFC is a linguistic universal, not just a (...)
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    French Literature and the Philosophy of Consciousness: Phenomenological Essays, by Ian W. Alexander.David Shepheard - 1987 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 18 (2):196-197.
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    Studies in Anglo-French cultural relations: Imagining France ed. Ceri Crossley and Ian Small , x + 247 pp., $53.00. cloth. [REVIEW]Dennis Wood - 1990 - History of European Ideas 12 (4):558.
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    Book Review: Ian James, The New French Philosophy. [REVIEW]Bernard Harbaš - 2014 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 22 (2):137-140.
    A review of Ian James, The New French Philosophy.
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    The New French Philosophy by Ian James. [REVIEW]Alan D. Schrift - 2013 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 35 (3):484--485.
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    Simplicius the Neoplatonist in Light of Contemporary Research. A Critical Review, written by Ilsetraut Hadot and With Contributions by Philippe Vallat. Translated from the French by Ian Drummond.Matthew Sharpe - 2022 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 16 (1):98-100.
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    Epistemology Historicized: The French Tradition.Anastasios Brenner - unknown
    Following the standard view, scientific theories are formal systems, which receive empirical content by way of certain correspondence rules. The task of philosophy of science is then to make explicit the structure of such systems. In contrast to this view, one can point to the French tradition in philosophy of science. What characterizes this tradition is recourse to historical study, which has evolved from an attempt to bridge the fields of philosophy of science and history of science by a (...)
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    STUDIES ON SIMPLICIUS - (I.) Hadot Simplicius the Neoplatonist in Light of Contemporary Research. A Critical Review. With two contributions of Philippe Vallat. Translated from the French by Ian Drummond. (Academia Philosophical Studies 67.) Pp. 262. Baden-Baden: Academia, 2020 (originally published as Le néoplatonicien Simplicius à la lumière des recherches contemporaines: un bilan critique, 2014). Paper, €54. ISBN: 978-3-89665-894-4. [REVIEW]John Dillon - 2021 - The Classical Review 71 (2):381-383.
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    Foucauldian Imprints in the Early Works of Ian Hacking.María Laura Martínez - 2016 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 30 (1):69-84.
    Ian Hacking has defined himself as a philosopher in the analytic tradition. However, he has also recognized the profound influence that Michel Foucault had on much of his work. In this article I analyse the specific imprint of certain works by Foucault—in particular Les mots et les choses—in two of Hacking’s early works: Why Does Language Matter to Philosophy? and The Emergence of Probability. I propose that these texts not only share a debt of Foucauldian thought, but also are part (...)
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    Texture in the Work of Ian Hacking: Michel Foucault as the Guiding Thread of Hacking’s Thinking.María Laura Martínez Rodríguez - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book offers a systematized overview of Ian Hacking's work. It presents Hacking’s oeuvre as a network made up of four interconnected key nodes: styles of scientific thinking & doing, probability, making up people, and experimentation and scientific realism. Its central claim is that Michel Foucault’s influence is the underlying thread that runs across the Canadian philosopher’s oeuvre. Foucault’s imprint on Hacking’s work is usually mentioned in relation to styles of scientific reasoning and the human sciences. This research shows that (...)
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    Buddhism in a Dark Age: Cambodian Monks under Pol Pot by Ian Harris.Jarrod W. Brown - 2016 - Philosophy East and West 66 (3):1052-1053.
    Buddhism in a Dark Age: Cambodian Monks under Pol Pot, by Ian Harris, is a natural follow-up to Harris’s 2005 work, Cambodian Buddhism: History and Practice, also published by the University of Hawai‘i Press. The present work, like the earlier one, is primarily focused on the social and political history of Cambodian Buddhism and expands on the final two chapters of that earlier work in that it deals with Buddhism in Democratic Kampuchea from 1975 to 1979 and the aftermath of (...)
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