Results for 'Svätopluk Zeman'

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  1. Three Rich-Lexicon Theories of Slurs: A Comparison.Dan Zeman - forthcoming - Topoi:1-14.
    Many authors writing on slurs think that they are lexically rich, in the sense that their lexical meaning comprises both a descriptive dimension and an expressive/evaluative one, the latter accounting for their derogatory character. However, more fine-grained theories of slurs have recently been proposed, drawing on frameworks from lexical semantics. My main aim in this paper is to compare three such fine-grained rich-lexicon theories – the one put forward by myself in previous work with two similar ones, Croom’s (2011, 2013) (...)
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  2. Contextualist Answers to the Challenge from Disagreement.Dan Zeman - 2017 - Phenomenology and Mind 12:62-73.
    In this short paper I survey recent contextualist answers to the challenge from disagreement raised by contemporary relativists. After making the challenge vivid by means of a working example, I specify the notion of disagreement lying at the heart of the challenge. The answers are grouped in three categories, the first characterized by rejecting the intuition of disagreement in certain cases, the second by conceiving disagreement as a clash of non-cognitive attitudes and the third by relegating disagreement at the pragmatic (...)
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    More fine structural global square sequences.Martin Zeman - 2009 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 48 (8):825-835.
    We extend the construction of a global square sequence in extender models from Zeman [8] to a construction of coherent non-threadable sequences and give a characterization of stationary reflection at inaccessibles similar to Jensen’s characterization in L.
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  4. Modal logic, the Lewis-modal systems.J. Jay Zeman - 1973 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 163:479-479.
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  5. Relativism and Bound Predicates of Personal Taste: An Answer to Schaffer's Argument from Binding.Dan Zeman - 2015 - Dialectica 69 (2):155-183.
    In this paper I put forward and substantiate a possible defensive move on behalf of the relativist about predicates of personal taste that can be used to block a recent contextualist argument raised against the view: the ‘argument from binding’ proposed in Schaffer (). The move consists in adopting Recanati's “variadic functions” apparatus and applying it to predicates of personal taste like ‘tasty’ and experiencer phrases like ‘for John’. I substantiate the account in a basic relativistic framework and reply to (...)
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  6. Overcoming the Obstacles to the Relativity of Truth.Dan Zeman - 2007 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 14 (2):232-241.
    This is a reply to Tomas Marvan's paper "Obstacles to the Relativity of Truth", published in the same issue, in which I attempt to provide an interpretation of the relativist schema "x is true relative to y" by understanding x as ranging over propositions and y as ranging over circumstances of evaluation, as in the familiar Kaplanian picture of semantics. I then answer some of Marvan's worries and reject certain views considered relativist on the basis that they are, in fact, (...)
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  7. Minimal Disagreement.Dan Zeman - 2020 - Philosophia 48 (4):1649-1670.
    In the recent debate about the semantics of perspectival expressions, disagreement has played a crucial role. In a nutshell, what I call “the challenge from disagreement” is the objection that certain views on the market cannot account for the intuition of disagreement present in ordinary exchanges involving perspectival expressions like “Licorice is tasty./no, it’s not.” Various contextualist answers to this challenge have been proposed, and this has led to a proliferation of notions of disagreement. It is now accepted in the (...)
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  8. Relativism and Retraction: The Case Is Not Yet Lost.Dan Zeman - 2024 - In Dan Zeman & Mihai Hîncu (eds.), Retraction Matters. New Developments in the Philosophy of Language. Springer. pp. 71-98.
    The argument from retraction (the speech act of “taking back” a previous speech act) has been one of the favorite arguments used by relativists about a variety of natural language expressions (predicates of taste, epistemic modals, moral and aesthetic claims etc.) in support of their view. The main consideration offered is that relativism can, while rival views cannot, account for this phenomenon. For some of those leading the charge, retraction is, in fact, mandatory: a norm of retraction makes it obligatory (...)
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  9. Subject-Contextualism and the Meaning of Gender Terms.Dan Zeman - 2020 - Journal of Social Ontology 6 (1):69-83.
    In this paper, I engage with a recent contextualist account of gender terms proposed by Díaz-León, E. 2016. “Woman as a Politically Significant Term: A Solution to the Puzzle.” Hypatia 31 : 245–58. Díaz-León’s main aim is to improve both on previous contextualist and non-contextualist views and solve a certain puzzle for feminists. Central to this task is putting forward a view that allows trans women who did not undergo gender-affirming medical procedures to use the gender terms of their choice (...)
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  10. A rich-lexicon theory of slurs and their uses.Dan Zeman - 2022 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 65 (7):942-966.
    ABSTRACT In this paper, I present data involving the use of the Romanian slur ‘țigan’, consideration of which leads to the postulation of a sui-generis, irreducible type of use of slurs. This type of use is potentially problematic for extant theories of slurs. In addition, together with other well-established uses, it shows that there is more variation in the use of slurs than previously acknowledged. I explain this variation by construing slurs as polysemous. To implement this idea, I appeal to (...)
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  11. Disagreement, retraction, and the importance of perspective.Dan Zeman - 2024 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):1-25.
    In the semantic debate about perspectival expressions – predicates of taste, aesthetic and moral terms, epistemic modals, etc. – intuitions about armchair scenarios (e.g., disagreement, retraction) have played a crucial role. More recently, various experimental studies have been conducted, both in relation to disagreement (e.g., Cova, 2012; Foushee and Srinivasan, 2017; Solt, 2018) and retraction (e.g., Knobe and Yalcin, 2014; Khoo, 2018; Beddor and Egan, 2018; Dinges and Zakkou, 2020; Kneer 2021; 2022; Almagro, Bordonaba Plou and Villanueva, 2023; Marques, 2024), (...)
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  12. Peirce's theory of signs.Jay Zeman - manuscript
    Origin of Species was published; he approached the end of his life just before Albert Einstein presented us with General Relativity. His lifetime saw the emergence of psychology as a discipline separate from philosophy, a birth attended by philosopher-psychologists such as his good friend William James. The work of Peirce, like that of the other American Pragmatists, reflects the ferment of the times. His thought bears the imprint of science, not the science of that Nineteenth Century which as Loren Eiseley (...)
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    Contextualism and Disagreement about Taste.Dan Zeman - 2016 - In Cécile Meier & Janneke van Wijnbergen-Huitink (eds.), Subjective Meaning: Alternatives to Relativism. de Gruyter Mouton. pp. 91-104.
    In this paper I investigate a certain contextualist answer to the problem raised for the view by the phenomenon of faultless disagreement: namely, that it cannot account for disagreement in ordinary exchanges involving predicates of personal taste. I argue that the answer investigated either misses the target, ignoring the relevant cases which the relativist challenge is based or that it has to appeal to semantic blindness, a move that has certain costs. In addition, I argue that the same holds for (...)
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    Doctor, what's wrong?: making the NHS human again.Sophie Petit-Zeman - 2005 - New York: Routledge.
    The NHS is an institution of great importance to everybody in the UK - not only doctors, nurses and other health professionals, but also to patients, carers and their families. However, problems within the NHS are regularly reported in the media and we are all anxious about waiting lists, about whether potential illnesses will be identified treated in time, about bleeding to death on trollies in corridors or being struck down by antibiotic-resistant superbugs. This engaging book aims to explore and (...)
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  15. Hermann Cohen's Concept of the Transcendental Method.Vladimir Zeman - 1997 - In Tom Rockmore & Vladimir Zeman (eds.), Transcendental philosophy and everyday experience. Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press. pp. 111-124.
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    Metafora jako prubířský kámen teorií významu.Josef Zeman - 2017 - Filosofie Dnes 8 (2):37-57.
    Cílem této studie je prozkoumat postavení metafory na poli zkoumání významu a následně představit potenciál metafory, a obrazných vyjádření obecně, zastávat pozici kritéria hodnocení teorií významu. Jako výchozí bod si práce bere několik vlivných pojetí metafory, na nichž ukazuje šíři bádání o metafoře a obraznosti a zároveň různorodost možných přístupů k vysvětlení těchto jazykových fenoménů. Dále je věnována pozornost několika sporným bodům opakovaně se objevujícím v různých teoriích metafory. Na základě analýzy těchto sporných bodů jsou předloženy argumenty zpochybňující předpokládanou odlišnost (...)
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    Three Rich-Lexicon Theories of Slurs: A Comparison.Dan Zeman - forthcoming - Topoi:1-14.
    Many authors writing on slurs think that they are lexically rich, in the sense that their lexical meaning comprises both a descriptive dimension and an expressive/evaluative one, the latter accounting for their derogatory character. However, more fine-grained theories of slurs have recently been proposed, drawing on frameworks from lexical semantics. My main aim in this paper is to compare three such fine-grained rich-lexicon theories – the one put forward by myself in previous work with two similar ones, Croom’s (2011, 2013) (...)
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  18. The Many Uses of Predicates of Taste and the Challenge from Disagreement.Dan Zeman - 2016 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 46 (1):79-101.
    In the debate between contextualism and relativism about predicates of taste, the challenge from disagreement (the objection that contextualism cannot account for disagreement in ordinary exchanges involving such predicates) has played a central role. This paper investigates one way of answering the challenge consisting on appeal to certain, less focused on, uses of predicates of taste. It argues that the said thread is unsatisfactory, in that it downplays certain exchanges that constitute the core disagreement data. Additionally, several arguments to the (...)
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    Consciousness.Adam Z. J. Zeman - 2001 - Brain 124 (7):1263-89.
  20. The Semantics of Implicit Content.Dan Zeman - 2011 - Dissertation, University of Barcelona
    The main aim of the thesis is to give a semantic account of implicit content – the kind of content that plays a crucial role in implicit communication. Implicit communication is a species of communication in which a speaker communicates certain contents that go over and above the contents retrievable from the linguistic meaning of the words used. The focus of the thesis is a certain kind of implicit communication involving locations (when sentences such as “It is raining” are used (...)
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    Generalized normal logic.J. Jay Zeman - 1978 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 7 (1):225 - 243.
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    Peirce's Graphs—The Continuity Interpretation.J. Jay Zeman - 1968 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 4 (3):144 - 154.
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    A system of implicit quantification.J. Jay Zeman - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (4):480-504.
  24. Faultless Disagreement.Dan Zeman - 2019 - In Martin Kusch (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Relativism. Routledge. pp. 486-495.
    In this entry, I tackle the phenomenon known as "faultless disagreement", considered by many authors to pose a challenge to the main views on the semantics of subjective expressions. I first present the phenomenon and the challenge, then review the main answers given by contextualist, absolutist and relativist approaches to the expressions in question. I end with signaling two issues that might shape future discussions about the role played by faultless disagreement in semantics.
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    Normal implications, bounded posets, and the existence of meets.J. Jay Zeman - 1979 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 20 (3):685-688.
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    Two basic pure-implicational systems.J. Jay Zeman - 1979 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 20 (3):674-684.
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    Does consciousness spring from the brain? Dilemmas of awareness in practice and theory.Adam Zeman - 2008 - In Lawrence Weiskrantz & Martin Davies (eds.), Frontiers of consciousness. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 2008--289.
  28. Die Zeit als ein naturwissenschaftliches und heuristisches Problem.J. Zeman - 1987 - In Jiří Zeman (ed.), Philosophische Probleme der Zeit: Beiträge aus der Konferenz in Zwettl 1986. Praha: Institut für Philosophie und Soziologie der Tsch. Akademie der Wissenschaften.
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  29. Filozofie a přírodovědecké poznání.Jiří Zeman - 1985 - Praha: Academia.
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    Hilbertova aritmetizace geometrie.Jan Zeman - 2019 - Filosofie Dnes 10 (1):45-63.
    Tato práce se podrobně věnuje způsobu, jakým David Hilbert (1862–1943) pojal aritmetizaci geometrie v knize Grundlagen der Geometrie z roku 1899. Nejprve stručně představíme Hilbertovy předchůdce z téže doby, kteří buď po změnách v založení geometrie volali, nebo je již sami prostřednictvím axiomaticko-deduktivní metody zapracovali. Neopomeneme přitom, co dílu předcházelo v dřívějších Hilbertových přednáškách. Následně se pokusíme nastínit­ obsah prvních dvou kapitol knihy a vysvětlit dobové i věcné souvislosti, nutné k jejich pochopení. Představíme způsob implicitních definic základních pojmů a vztahů (...)
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    O marxistickou syntézu: Václavkova cesta z "teorie v rozpacích".Milan Zeman - 1983 - Praha: Československý spisovatel.
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  32. Přírodovědecký a gnozeologický aspekt rozpornosti: problematika rozporu a dynamiky v přírodě, vědomí, myšlení a poznání.Jiří Zeman - 1981 - Praha: Nakl. Svoboda.
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    Peirce on the Indeterminate and on the Object.Jay Zeman - 1988 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 32 (1):37-49.
    This paper sketches out Peirce's "theory of indeterminacy" as part of a larger "triadic" theory within the context of the semiotic. It then examines the theory of the object in his later work, emphasizing the difference between immediate and dynamical object. The role of collateral experience is discussed. Connections are drawn between Peircean indeterminacy and Kant. The relationship of the indeterminate to contradiction and excluded middle is discussed. 'Determination', 'vagueness', and 'generality' are discussed in detail in the context established in (...)
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  34. Remarks on the problems of dialectical logic.J. Zeman - 1985 - Filosoficky Casopis 33 (3):466-473.
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    Time and Information.Jiří Zeman Ph D. - 1985 - Philosophical Inquiry 7 (2):103-123.
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    Theory of reflection and cybernetics: the concepts of reflection and information and their significance for materialist monism.Jiří Zeman - 1988 - New York: Elsevier.
  37. Theory of reflection and cybernetics: the concepts of reflection and information and their significance for materialist monism.Jiérâi Zeman - 1988 - New York: Elsevier.
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  38. The problem of the integration of knowledge and interdisciplinarity from the viewpoint of biological sciences.J. Zeman - 1985 - Filosoficky Casopis 33 (3):397-400.
  39. Knowledge Attributions and Relevant Epistemic Standards.Dan Zeman - 2010 - In François Récanati, Isidora Stojanovic & Neftalí Villanueva (eds.), Context Dependence, Perspective and Relativity. Mouton de Gruyter.
    The paper is concerned with the semantics of knowledge attributions(K-claims, for short) and proposes a position holding that K-claims are contextsensitive that differs from extant views on the market. First I lay down the data a semantic theory for K-claims needs to explain. Next I present and assess three views purporting to give the semantics for K-claims: contextualism, subject-sensitive invariantism and relativism. All three views are found wanting with respect to their accounting for the data. I then propose a hybrid (...)
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    Contemporary theories of consciousness.Adam Z. J. Zeman, A. C. Grayling & Alan Cowey - 1997 - Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 62:549-552.
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    Peirce's Philosophy of Logic.Jay Zeman - 1986 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 22 (1):1 - 22.
    The roughly two and a half millennia over which we can trace the development of mathematics as a discipline have seen ups and downs in its study; the "ups" have involved varying emphases and interests depending on the problems and the temper of the time. The 19th Century may be characterized as a period of development of rigor and attention to the axiomatic method in mathematics. This focus on the deductive process in mathematics was accompanied by the application of mathematics (...)
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  42. The Tinctures and Implicit Quantification over Worlds.Jay Zeman - 1997 - In Paul Forster & Jacqueline Brunning (eds.), The Rule of Reason: The Philosophy of C.S. Peirce. University of Toronto Press. pp. 96-119.
    Jay Zeman one must keep a bright lookout for unintended and unexpected changes thereby brought about in the relations of different significant parts of the diagram to one another. Such operations upon diagrams, whether external or imaginary, take the place of the experiments upon real things that one performs in chemical and physical research. Chemists have ere now, I need not say, described experimentation as the putting of questions to Nature. Just so, experiments upon diagrams are questions put to (...)
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    What in the world is consciousness?Adam Z. J. Zeman - 2005 - In Steven Laureys (ed.), The Boundaries of Consciousness: Neurobiology and Neuropathology. Elsevier.
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    Modal systems in which necessity is "factorable".J. Jay Zeman - 1969 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 10 (3):247-256.
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    ${\rm S}4.6$ is ${\rm S}4.9$.J. Jay Zeman - 1972 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 13 (1):118-118.
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  46. Parity, Faultlessness, and Relativism: A Response to Wright and Ferrari.Dan Zeman - forthcoming - Analysis.
    Crispin Wright and Filippo Ferrari have accused relativism of not accounting for “parity” – the idea that, when we argue over matters of taste, we take our opponents’ opinions to be “as good as ours” from our own, committed perspective. In this paper, I show that i) explaining parity has not been taken to be a desideratum by relativists and thus they cannot be accused of failing to fulfil a promise; ii) Wright’s and Ferrari’s reasons for claiming that parity should (...)
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  47. Invariantist, Contextualist, and Relativist Accounts of Gender Terms.Dan Zeman - 2020 - EurAmerica 4 (50):739-781.
    In this paper, I explore a range of existent and possible ameliorative semantic theories of gender terms: invariantism, according to which gender terms are not context-sensitive, contextualism, according to which the meaning of gender terms is established in the context of use, and relativism, according to which the meaning of gender terms is established in the context of assessment. I show that none of these views is adequate with respect to the plight of trans people to use their term of (...)
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  48. Perspectival Plurality, Relativism, and Multiple Indexing.Dan Zeman - 2018 - In Rob Truswell, Chris Cummins, Caroline Heycock, Brian Rabern & Hannah Rohde (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 21. Semantics Archives. pp. 1353-1370.
    In this paper I focus on a recently discussed phenomenon illustrated by sentences containing predicates of taste: the phenomenon of " perspectival plurality " , whereby sentences containing two or more predicates of taste have readings according to which each predicate pertains to a different perspective. This phenomenon has been shown to be problematic for (at least certain versions of) relativism. My main aim is to further the discussion by showing that the phenomenon extends to other perspectival expressions than predicates (...)
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    By Grace of Broken Skin.Scott Zeman - 2009 - Radical Philosophy Review 12 (1-2):289-313.
    I address the question of the origins and historical meaning of art. Analyzing suggestions from Marx, Derrida, Winnicott, and Todorov, I claim that art doesn’t simply represent conscious, historical events but is also the continuing presentation of the prehistorical break-up of our “original” human family. Indeed,perpetuating yet distancing this archaic scene of community and violence in tension, art performs this mediation not just in history but also as history, as a secretive historiography of splitting and meaning-making. To this end, I (...)
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    Gott und Mensch nach den ägyptischen Tempelinschriften der griechisch-römischen ZeitGott und Mensch nach den agyptischen Tempelinschriften der griechisch-romischen Zeit.Francis Zeman & Eberhard Otto - 1970 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 90 (2):316.
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