Results for 'Josef Zeman'

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  1.  31
    Managerial Preferences in Relation to Financial Indicators Regarding the Mitigation of Global Change.Josef Maroušek, Simona Hašková, Robert Zeman & Radka Vaníčková - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (1):203-207.
    Biochar is a soil—improving substrate made from phytomass pyrolysis. In Southeast Asia, its application decreases due to the long-term growth of biochar cost and thus caused further prolongation of the payback period. In the Euro-American civilization the biochar application is already almost forgotten once it has been much earlier recognized that the crop yields can be increased much faster with higher doses of nutrients and other agrochemicals. The payback period can be expected in decades. Such a long-time investment into soil (...)
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    Metafora jako prubířský kámen teorií významu.Josef Zeman - 2017 - Filosofie Dnes 8 (2):37-57.
    Cílem této studie je prozkoumat postavení metafory na poli zkoumání významu a následně představit potenciál metafory, a obrazných vyjádření obecně, zastávat pozici kritéria hodnocení teorií významu. Jako výchozí bod si práce bere několik vlivných pojetí metafory, na nichž ukazuje šíři bádání o metafoře a obraznosti a zároveň různorodost možných přístupů k vysvětlení těchto jazykových fenoménů. Dále je věnována pozornost několika sporným bodům opakovaně se objevujícím v různých teoriích metafory. Na základě analýzy těchto sporných bodů jsou předloženy argumenty zpochybňující předpokládanou odlišnost (...)
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    Polemics on Ethical Aspects in the Compost Business.Josef Maroušek, Simona Hašková, Robert Zeman, Jaroslav Žák, Radka Vaníčková, Anna Maroušková, Jan Váchal & Kateřina Myšková - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (2):581-590.
    This paper focuses on compost use in overpasses and underpasses for wild animals over roads and other similar linear structures. In this context, good quality of compost may result in faster and more resistant vegetation cover during the year. Inter alia, this can be interpreted also as reduction of damage and saving lives. There are millions of tones of plant residue produced every day worldwide. These represent prospective business for manufacturers of compost additives called “accelerators”. The opinions of the sale (...)
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    Modal logic: the Lewis-modal systems.Joseph Jay Zeman - 1973 - London,: Clarendon Press.
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    Kurdish women’s interactions in European urban public space and the extent of their social integration.Hooshmand Alizadeh, Josef Kohlbacher, Asma Mehan & Zahed Yousefi - 2024 - European Planning Studies 32 (9):1–26.
    The development of accessible and inclusive public spaces has been proposed as a means to address this gender inequality and promote social inclusion. However, there is a lack of specific analysis on the interactions and integration of Kurdish migrant women in European cities. This study explores the social integration of Kurdish migrant women in European urban settings, with a focus on Vienna and Cologne. It investigates the role of urban public spaces in Kurdish women’s social interactions and integration into host (...)
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  6. Modal logic, the Lewis-modal systems.J. Jay Zeman - 1973 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 163:479-479.
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    By Heart An fMRI Study of Brain Activation by Poetry and Prose.Adam Zeman, Fraser Milton, Alicia Smith & Rick Rylance - 2013 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 20 (9-10):9-10.
    The experience of reading varies markedly between differing texts which may be, for example, primarily informative, musical, or moving.We asked whether these differences would correspond to widespread contrasts in brain activity. Using fMRI, we examined brain activation in expert participants reading passages of prose and poetry. Both prose and poetry activated previously identified reading areas. Their emotional power was related to activity in regions linked to the emotional response to music. 'Literariness'was related to activity in a predominantly left-sided set of (...)
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  8.  33
    Smooth categories and global □.Ronald B. Jensen & Martin Zeman - 2000 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 102 (1-2):101-138.
    We shall construct a smooth category of mice and embeddings in the core model for measures of order 0. The existence of such a category implies that the global principle □ holds in K. We then prove a much stronger, the so-called condensation-coherent version of global □. The key tool of the whole construction is a new criterion on preserving soundness under condensation.
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  9. A system of implicit quantification.J. Jay Zeman - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (4):480-504.
  10.  76
    Peirce's Philosophy of Logic.Jay Zeman - 1986 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 22 (1):1 - 22.
    The roughly two and a half millennia over which we can trace the development of mathematics as a discipline have seen ups and downs in its study; the "ups" have involved varying emphases and interests depending on the problems and the temper of the time. The 19th Century may be characterized as a period of development of rigor and attention to the axiomatic method in mathematics. This focus on the deductive process in mathematics was accompanied by the application of mathematics (...)
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    Dodd parameters and λ-indexing of extenders.Martin Zeman - 2004 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 4 (01):73-108.
    We study generalizations of Dodd parameters and establish their fine structural properties in Jensen extender models with λ-indexing. These properties are one of the key tools in various combinatorial constructions, such as constructions of square sequences and morasses.
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    Modality and the Peircean Concept of Belief.J. Jay Zeman - 1974 - Semiotica 10 (3).
  13.  51
    What in the world is consciousness?Adam Z. J. Zeman - 2005 - In Steven Laureys, The Boundaries of Consciousness: Neurobiology and Neuropathology. Elsevier.
  14.  5
    Komenský: muž labyrintů a naděje.Josef Polišenský - 1996 - Praha: Academia.
  15. Über einen neuen ontologischen Berveis des Satzes von der Notrvendigkeit alles Geschehens.Josef König - 1948 - Archiv für Philosophie 2:5.
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    (1 other version)Denken Und Handeln: Aus Dem Nachlass 1.Josef König - 2005 - Transcript Verlag.
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    Erstes Kapitel. Zur Logik der Auffassung des Denkens als einer Tätigkeit.Josef König - 2005 - In Denken Und Handeln: Aus Dem Nachlass 1. Transcript Verlag. pp. 19-90.
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    Zweites Kapitel. Der Unterschied endlicher und unendlicher Tätigkeiten bei Aristoteles.Josef König - 2005 - In Denken Und Handeln: Aus Dem Nachlass 1. Transcript Verlag. pp. 91-136.
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    Zur vorliegenden Edition.Josef König - 2005 - In Denken Und Handeln: Aus Dem Nachlass 1. Transcript Verlag. pp. 7-10.
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  20. Cusanus-Texte. I. Predigten.Josef Koch - 1938 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 45 (2):23-24.
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    Kleine Schriften.Josef Koch - 1973 - Edizioni di Storia E Letteratura.
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  22. Kleine Schriften.Josef Koch - 1977 - Mitteilungen Und Forschungsbeiträge der Cusanus-Gesellschaft 12:161-162.
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  23. P. Francisco Pelster S. J. in Memoriam.Josef Koch - 1956 - Theologie Und Philosophie 31 (4):481.
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    Platonismus im Mittelalter: Akad. Festrede.Josef Koch - 1948 - Scherpe.
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  25. Zu der Durandus-Hs. der Biblioteca Antoniana in Padua.Josef Koch - 1942 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 20:409-414.
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  26.  14
    Einführung in die Rechtswissenschaft.Josef Kohler - 1905 - Leipzig,: A. Deichert.
    The Making of Modern Law: Foreign, Comparative and International Law, 1600-1926, brings together foreign, comparative, and international titles in a single resource. Its International Law component features works of some of the great legal theorists, including Gentili, Grotius, Selden, Zouche, Pufendorf, Bijnkershoek, Wolff, Vattel, Martens, Mackintosh, Wheaton, among others. The materials in this archive are drawn from three world-class American law libraries: the Yale Law Library, the George Washington University Law Library, and the Columbia Law Library.Now for the first time, (...)
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    (1 other version)Lehrbuch der Rechtsphilosophie.Josef Kohler - 1917 - Berlin,: W. Rothschild. Edited by Arthur Kohler.
    The Making of Modern Law: Foreign, Comparative and International Law, 1600-1926, brings together foreign, comparative, and international titles in a single resource. Its International Law component features works of some of the great legal theorists, including Gentili, Grotius, Selden, Zouche, Pufendorf, Bijnkershoek, Wolff, Vattel, Martens, Mackintosh, Wheaton, among others. The materials in this archive are drawn from three world-class American law libraries: the Yale Law Library, the George Washington University Law Library, and the Columbia Law Library.Now for the first time, (...)
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  28. The Semantics of Implicit Content.Dan Zeman - 2011 - Dissertation, University of Barcelona
    The main aim of the thesis is to give a semantic account of implicit content – the kind of content that plays a crucial role in implicit communication. Implicit communication is a species of communication in which a speaker communicates certain contents that go over and above the contents retrievable from the linguistic meaning of the words used. The focus of the thesis is a certain kind of implicit communication involving locations (when sentences such as “It is raining” are used (...)
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    Contemporary theories of consciousness.Adam Z. J. Zeman, A. C. Grayling & Alan Cowey - 1997 - Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 62:549-552.
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    Generalized normal logic.J. Jay Zeman - 1978 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 7 (1):225 - 243.
  31. Dialektika a systémový přístup.Zdeněk Javůrek & Jiří Zeman (eds.) - 1979 - Praha: Svoboda.
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    Über den Begriff Information in der modernen Wissenschaft.J. Zeman - 1963 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 11 (4):478.
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    Conference Report: ASSC 8.Adam Zeman - 2004 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 11 (9):70-75.
    language="EN"> The eighth annual meeting of the ASSC took place between June 25th and 28th in Antwerp, an extremely beautiful Belgian city, a major European port and the home of the Peter Paul Rubens, 'the prince of painters and painter of princes'. The meeting was held in a University building at the edge of the old town. This part of the city is remarkable both for the elegance of its architecture and for its innumerable short, interlocking, streets with oddly indistinguishable (...)
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  34. Die Zeit als ein naturwissenschaftliches und heuristisches Problem.J. Zeman - 1987 - In Jiří Zeman, Philosophische Probleme der Zeit: Beiträge aus der Konferenz in Zwettl 1986. Praha: Institut für Philosophie und Soziologie der Tsch. Akademie der Wissenschaften.
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    Ekološka pitanja iz holivudske perspektive – celuloidne utopije i antropocentrični bijeli patrijarhalni kapitalizam.Zdenko Zeman & Marija Geiger Zeman - 2012 - Synthesis Philosophica 27 (1):123-139.
  36. Filozofie a přírodovědecké poznání.Jiří Zeman - 1985 - Praha: Academia.
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    Fichte’s Philosophy and its Influence on the Ideas of the Fall of 1914.Vladimir Zeman - 1999 - Symposium 3 (2):259-274.
    Recent discussions on the political role of some 20th Century philosophers and their ideas, from Heidegger to Sartre and Lukacs, offer some new venues for our analysis of the similar role played by some of the classical figures in the history of modem philosophy. We have attempted to review some relevant aspects of Fichte’s philosophy, in particular as to their possible influence on the war supporting ideology created by German intellectuals at the outbreak of the World War I - so-called (...)
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    Gott und Mensch nach den ägyptischen Tempelinschriften der griechisch-römischen ZeitGott und Mensch nach den agyptischen Tempelinschriften der griechisch-romischen Zeit.Francis Zeman & Eberhard Otto - 1970 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 90 (2):316.
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  39. Gestalt work as adaptive inquiry (1) (© 1997 by).Jay Zeman - manuscript
    Gestalt Work--the therapeutic and growth activities that are the practice of Gestalt Therapy--is as varied and difficult to characterize, it would seem, as are the situations that give rise to it. I wish to begin an examination of this activity; our perspective may be called philosophical, but it is a philosophy whose entire raison d'être is its impact on lived experience. As such, it makes free use of the results of experience, including in an important way the methodology and insights (...)
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    Hilbertova aritmetizace geometrie.Jan Zeman - 2019 - Filosofie Dnes 10 (1):45-63.
    Tato práce se podrobně věnuje způsobu, jakým David Hilbert (1862–1943) pojal aritmetizaci geometrie v knize Grundlagen der Geometrie z roku 1899. Nejprve stručně představíme Hilbertovy předchůdce z téže doby, kteří buď po změnách v založení geometrie volali, nebo je již sami prostřednictvím axiomaticko-deduktivní metody zapracovali. Neopomeneme přitom, co dílu předcházelo v dřívějších Hilbertových přednáškách. Následně se pokusíme nastínit­ obsah prvních dvou kapitol knihy a vysvětlit dobové i věcné souvislosti, nutné k jejich pochopení. Představíme způsob implicitních definic základních pojmů a vztahů (...)
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  41. Hotimir Burger: Filozofska antropologija (Philosophical Anthropology).Z. Zeman - 1997 - Synthesis Philosophica 12:297-301.
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  42. Hermann Cohen's Concept of the Transcendental Method.Vladimir Zeman - 1997 - In Tom Rockmore & Vladimir Zeman, Transcendental philosophy and everyday experience. Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press. pp. 111-124.
  43. Information, structure and time.J. Zeman - 1978 - Filosoficky Casopis 26 (5):729-741.
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  44. Knowledge Attributions and Relevant Epistemic Standards.Dan Zeman - 2010 - In François Récanati, Isidora Stojanovic & Neftalí Villanueva, Context Dependence, Perspective and Relativity. Mouton de Gruyter.
    The paper is concerned with the semantics of knowledge attributions and proposes a position holding that K-claims are contextsensitive that differs from extant views on the market. First I lay down the data a semantic theory for K-claims needs to explain. Next I present and assess three views purporting to give the semantics for K-claims: contextualism, subject-sensitive invariantism and relativism. All three views are found wanting with respect to their accounting for the data. I then propose a hybrid view according (...)
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  45. K některým novopozitivistickým koncepcím ve společenskovědním poznání.Jiří Zeman - 1978 - [Praha]: Ústav pro filosofii a sociologii ČSAV. Edited by Stanislav Hubík.
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  46. Le canal gnoséologique.J. Zeman - 1967 - Scientia 61 (2):52.
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  47. Marx, K. mathematical manuscripts and their relationship to the present.J. Zeman & I. Zapletal - 1983 - Filosoficky Casopis 31 (4):536-547.
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    Normal, Sasaki, and classical implications.J. Jay Zeman - 1979 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 8 (1):243 - 245.
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  49. Ontological and gnoseological aspects of contradiction and their importance in analysis of the development of scientific knowledge.J. Zeman - 1984 - Filosoficky Casopis 32 (4):483-493.
  50. On the critique of energetism and neoenergetism.J. Zeman - 1989 - Filosoficky Casopis 37 (6):761-772.
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