Results for 'Sven Rücker'

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  1.  68
    Preferences.Sven Ove Hansson & Till Grüne-Yanoff - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  2. Science and Technology: What They Are and Why Their Relation Matters.Sven Hansson - 2015 - In Sven Ove Hansson, The Role of Technology in Science: Philosophical Perspectives. Dordrecht: Springer Verlag.
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    Relations of epistemic proximity for belief change.Sven Ove Hansson - 2014 - Artificial Intelligence 217:76-91.
  4.  38
    Outcome level analysis of belief contraction.Sven Ove Hansson - 2013 - Review of Symbolic Logic 6 (2):183-204.
    The outcome set of a belief change operator is the set of outcomes that can be obtained with it. Axiomatic characterizations are reported for the outcome sets of the standard AGM contraction operators and eight types of base-generated contraction. These results throw new light on the properties of some of these operators.
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    Who Should be Author?Sven Ove Hansson - 2017 - Theoria 83 (2):99-102.
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    Philosophical Plagiarism under the Spotlight.Sven Ove Hansson - 2019 - Theoria 85 (2):61-68.
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    What is ceteris paribus preference?Sven Ove Hansson - 1996 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 25 (3):307 - 332.
    A general format is introduced for deriving preferences over states of affairs from preferences over a set of contextually complete alternatives. Formal results are given both for this general format and for a specific instance of it that is a plausible explication of ceteris paribus preference.
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  8. Uncertainty and the ethics of clinical trials.Sven Ove Hansson - 2006 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 27 (2):149-167.
    A probabilistic explication is offered of equipoise and uncertainty in clinical trials. In order to be useful in the justification of clinical trials, equipoise has to be interpreted in terms of overlapping probability distributions of possible treatment outcomes, rather than point estimates representing expectation values. Uncertainty about treatment outcomes is shown to be a necessary but insufficient condition for the ethical defensibility of clinical trials. Additional requirements are proposed for the nature of that uncertainty. The indecisiveness of our criteria for (...)
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    Philosophical Expertise.Sven Ove Hansson - 2020 - Theoria 86 (2):139-144.
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    Uncertainty and Control.Sven Ove Hansson - 2017 - Diametros 53:50-59.
    In a decision making context, an agent’s uncertainty can be either epistemic, i.e. due to her lack of knowledge, or agentive, i.e. due to her not having made use of her decision-making power. In cases when it is unclear whether or not a decision maker presently has control over her own future actions, it is difficult to determine whether her uncertainty is epistemic or agentive. Such situations are often difficult for the agent to deal with, but from an outsider’s perspective, (...)
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  11.  17
    Protect science against frivolous litigation!Sven Ove Hansson - 2022 - Theoria 88 (4):723-726.
    Theoria, Volume 88, Issue 4, Page 723-726, August 2022.
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  12.  20
    Representing Uncertainty.Sven Ove Hansson - 2012 - In Sven Ove Hansson & Vincent F. Hendricks, Introduction to Formal Philosophy. Cham: Springer. pp. 387-400.
    Our uncertainty about matters of fact can often be adequately represented by probabilities, but there are also cases in which we, intuitively speaking, know too little even to assign meaningful probabilities. In many of these cases, other formal representations can be used to capture some of the prominent features of our uncertainty. This is a non-technical overview of some of these representations, including probability intervals, belief functions, fuzzy sets, credal sets, weighted credal sets, and second order probabilities.
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  13.  69
    What Is Philosophy, Really?Sven Ove Hansson - 2018 - Theoria 84 (3):221-227.
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  14. Level Dynamics and Universality of Spectral Fluctuations.Peter Braun, Sven Gnutzmann, Fritz Haake, Marek Kuś & Karol Życzkowski - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (4):613-622.
    The spectral fluctuations of quantum (or wave) systems with a chaotic classical (or ray) limit are mostly universal and faithful to random-matrix theory. Taking up ideas of Pechukas and Yukawa we show that equilibrium statistical mechanics for the fictitious gas of particles associated with the parametric motion of levels yields spectral fluctuations of the random-matrix type. Previously known clues to that goal are an appropriate equilibrium ensemble and a certain ergodicity of level dynamics. We here complete the reasoning by establishing (...)
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  15.  56
    Making Road Traffic Safer: Reply to Ori.Sven Ove Hansson - 2014 - Philosophical Papers 43 (3):365-375.
    In order to reduce the death toll of road traffic it is necessary to focus on how vehicles and roads can be improved. Like other dangerous machines, motor vehicles should be equipped with safety devices that prevent mistakes by the operator from leading to serious consequences. Speed limiters that prevent driving at illegal speeds would save many lives, and so would alcohol interlocks. Meshi Ori's proposal that most cars should be replaced by motorcycles would not lead to the moral improvement (...)
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  16.  73
    Repertoire Contraction.Sven Ove Hansson - 2013 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 22 (1):1-21.
    The basic assumption of repertoire contraction is that only some of the logically closed subsets of the original belief set are viable as contraction outcomes. Contraction takes the form of choosing directly among these viable outcomes, rather than among cognitively more far-fetched objects such as possible worlds or maximal consistent subsets of the original belief set. In this first investigation of repertoire contraction, postulates for various variants of the operation are introduced. Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for when repertoire (...)
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  17. Philosophy without peer review?Sven Ove Hansson - 2023 - Theoria 89 (3):235-238.
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    Philosophical originality.Sven Ove Hansson - 2023 - Theoria 89 (1):3-6.
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    Plagiarize or Perish?Sven Ove Hansson - 2021 - Theoria 87 (2):255-258.
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  20.  12
    Money-Pumps.Sven Ove Hansson - 2012 - In Sven Ove Hansson & Vincent F. Hendricks, Introduction to Formal Philosophy. Cham: Springer. pp. 567-576.
    A money-pump is a thought experiment involving a person whose preferences form a circle. Repeatedly, she pays some money to go from one alternative to another that she likes better. When she has paid her way around the full circle she is back at the starting-point, but with less money. Money-pumps have been used to show that certain preference patterns are irrational since they make a person exploitable. Formal tools can be used to analyze money-pumps in a precise manner, distinguish (...)
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  21.  88
    Philosophy and Linguistic Relativity.Sven Ove Hansson - 2014 - Theoria 80 (3):201-204.
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    Philosophy as mere rhetoric?Sven Ove Hansson - 2008 - Theoria 74 (4):267-270.
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    Philosophy and the two cultures.Sven Ove Hansson - 2009 - Theoria 75 (4):249-251.
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    Philosophy after the Aprioristic Parenthesis?Sven Ove Hansson - 2018 - Theoria 84 (4):281-283.
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  25. Questionable Patterns of Change.Sven Hansson & Sven Ove Hansson - 2017 - In Sven Ove Hansson, Descriptor Revision: Belief Change Through Direct Choice. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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  26.  46
    The Topics of Applied Ethics.Sven Ove Hansson - 2011 - Theoria 77 (3):195-197.
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  27. Review of Peter T. Manicas: A history and philosophy of the social sciences. [REVIEW]Sven Ove Hansson - 1988 - Theoria 54 (2):148.
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  28. In so Many Words Philosophical Essays Dedicated to Sven Danielsson on the Occasion of His Fiftieth Birthday.Sven Danielsson & Wldzimierz Rabinowicz - 1989 - Philosophical Society and the Dept. Of Philosophy, University of Uppsala.
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  29. Ethical criteria of risk acceptance.Sven Ove Hansson - 2003 - Erkenntnis 59 (3):291 - 309.
    Mainstream moral theories deal with situations in which the outcome of each possible action is well-determined and knowable. In order to make ethics relevant for problems of risk and uncertainty, moral theories have to be extended so that they cover actions whose outcomes are not determinable beforehand. One approach to this extension problem is to develop methods for appraising probabilistic combinations of outcomes. This approach is investigated and shown not to solve the problem. An alternative approach is then developed. Its (...)
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  30. Essays om almindelig retslære.Sven Clausen - 1935 - Kjøbenhavn,: Nyt nordisk forlag.
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  31. Leibniz, middle knowledge, and the intricacies of world design.Sven K. Knebel - 1996 - Studia Leibnitiana 28 (2):199-210.
    Im Zentrum des Streits zwischen Leibniz und Arnauld um die individuellen Begriffe steht die theologische Frage, ob sich dergleichen nur auf der Basis von Gottes Wirklichkeitswissen konzipieren läßt oder nicht. Arnauld behauptet das, Leibniz als Molinist bestreitet es. Nun war aber erstens die Reichweite der Scientia Media für die göttliche Weltplanung unter den Jesuiten des 17. Jahrhunderts selbst kontrovers. Zweitens hat Leibniz von den Gegnern der These, die göttliche Weltplanung komme mit der Scientia Media aus, bestimmte Ideen auch übernommen . (...)
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  32. Fenomenologia kobiecej cielesności.Sven Sellmer - 2010 - Fenomenologia 8:142-145.
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    Justification as Ignorance: An Essay in Epistemology.Sven Rosenkranz - 2021 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Justification as Ignorance offers an original account of epistemic justification as both non-factive and luminous, vindicating core internalist intuitions without construing justification as an internal condition knowable by reflection alone. Sven Rosenkranz conceives of justification, in its doxastic and propositional varieties, as a kind of epistemic possibility of knowing and of being in a position to know. His account contrasts with recent alternative views that characterize justification in terms of the metaphysical possibility of knowing. Instead, he develops a suitable (...)
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  34. Memory: A Philosophical Study.Sven Bernecker - 2009 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Sven Bernecker presents an analysis of the concept of propositional (or factual) memory, and examines a number of metaphysical and epistemological issues crucial to the understanding of memory. -/- Bernecker argues that memory, unlike knowledge, implies neither belief nor justification. There are instances where memory, though hitting the mark of truth, succeeds in an epistemically defective way. This book shows that, contrary to received wisdom in epistemology, memory not only preserves epistemic features generated by other epistemic sources but also (...)
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  35. How to define: a tutorial.Sven Ove Hansson - 2006 - Princípios 13 (19):05-30.
    Practical methods are introduced for the construction of definitions, both for philosophical purposes and for uses in other disciplines. The structural and contentual requirements on definitions are clarified. It is emphasized that the development of a definition should begin with careful choice of a primary definiendum, followed by the selection of appropriate variables for the definition. Two methods are proposed for the construction of the definiens, the case list method and the method of successive improvements. Four classes of concepts are (...)
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  36.  71
    Remembering emotional events: The fate of detailed information.Sven-Åke Christianson & Elizabeth F. Loftus - 1991 - Cognition and Emotion 5 (2):81-108.
  37. The Metaphysics of Memory.Sven Bernecker - 2008 - Springer.
    This book investigates central issues in the philosophy of memory. Does remembering require a causal process connecting the past representation to its subsequent recall and, if so, what is the nature of the causal process? Of what kind are the primary intentional objects of memory states? How do we know that our memory experiences portray things the way they happened in the past? Given that our memory is not only a passive device for reproducing thoughts but also an active device (...)
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    The arithmetic tie effect is mainly encoding-based.Sven Blankenberger - 2001 - Cognition 82 (1):B15-B24.
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    Zwischen Programmauftrag und medialer Strategie: Das Regionalprogramm des SR Fernsehens zwischen 1961 und 2003.Sven Adrian - 2010 - In Michael Kuderna, Rainer Hudemann & Clemens Zimmermann, Medienlandschaft Saar: Von 1945 Bis in Die Gegenwart. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag. pp. 367-424.
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    Zur Institutionalisierung des Buddhismus und der Suspendierung der ethischen Norm der Gewaltlosigkeit in Sri Lanka.Sven Bretfeld - 2003 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 11 (2):149-165.
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  41.  14
    The Effects of Top Management Team National Diversity and Institutional Uncertainty on Subsidiary CSR Focus.Sven Dahms, Suthikorn Kingkaew & Eddy S. Ng - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 177 (3):699-715.
    This research investigates how top management team national diversity (TMTND) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) institutional uncertainty affect strategic CSR focus in foreign-owned subsidiaries. The paper develops a theoretical framework based on institutional theory and upper echelon perspectives to test a sample of MNE subsidiaries. Survey data were collected from subsidiaries in Thailand and Taiwan. Non-symmetric analysis suggests that while TMTND plays an important role in establishing a CSR focus, it is not conducive in itself to high-performance outcomes. Performance is (...)
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  42.  24
    A Theoria Bibliography: Swedish Theses in Philosophy 2003.Sven Ove Hansson - 2004 - Theoria 70 (2-3):303-305.
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  43. The Future for Philosophy, edited by Brian Leiter.Sven Ove Hansson - 2006 - Disputatio.
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    Personalism in Theology.Sven Nilson & Edgar Sheffield Brightman - 1944 - Philosophical Review 53 (2):218.
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  45. The Growing Block.Sven Rosenkranz & Fabrice Correia - 2018 - In Fabrice Correia & Sven Rosenkranz, Nothing to Come: A Defence of the Growing Block Theory of Time. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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  46. Who is that guy?Sven Steinmo - 2019 - In Bo Rothstein, Sven Engström & Sven E. O. Hort, Om Bo Rothstein: forskaren, debattören, livsnjutaren. Lund: Arkiv förlag.
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  47. Leksikografien på egne ben. Fordelingsstrukturer og byggedele i et brugerorienteret perspektiv.Sven Tarp - 1998 - Hermes 21:121-137.
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  48.  51
    Evolution and ontogeny of neural circuits.Sven O. E. Ebbesson - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (3):321-331.
    Recent studies on neural pathways in a broad spectrum of vertebrates suggest that, in addition to migration and an increase in the number of certain select neurons, a significant aspect of neural evolution is a “parcellation” (segregation-isolation) process that involves the loss of selected connections by the new aggregates. A similar process occurs during ontogenetic development. These findings suggest that in many neuronal systems axons do not invade unknown territories during evolutionary or ontogenetic development but follow in their ancestors' paths (...)
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  49.  92
    Humans and Robots: Ethics, Agency, and Anthropomorphism.Sven Nyholm - 2020 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This book argues that we need to explore how human beings can best coordinate and collaborate with robots in responsible ways. It investigates ethically important differences between human agency and robot agency to work towards an ethics of responsible human-robot interaction.
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    Some characteristics of people’s traumatic memories.Sven-Åke Christianson & Elizabeth F. Loftus - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (3):195-198.
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