Results for 'Suzanne Moreau-Rendu'

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  1. S. Moreau-Rendu: L'idée de bonté naturelle chez J.-J. Rousseau. [REVIEW]J. Müller - 1934 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 12:383f..
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    Discrimination, Pluralism, and Social Subordination: On Moreau's Faces of Inequality.Andrea Sangiovanni - 2024 - Dialogue 63 (1):31-44.
    RésuméLe livre ambitieux et nuancé de Sophia Moreau défend une vision pluraliste de la discrimination injuste. Je soutiens trois points. Premièrement, je soutiens que le compte rendu de Moreau sur la liberté délibérative ne fournit pas de motif distinct pour s'opposer à la discrimination. Deuxièmement, je soutiens qu'il n'y a pas, entre sa vision et l'expressivisme, un écart aussi important qu'elle le suggère. Troisièmement, j'avance qu'une lacune intrigante dans l'argument mérite une exploration plus poussée : Moreau (...)
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    Subordination and the Wrong of Discrimination.Daniel Viehoff - 2024 - Dialogue 63 (1):45-57.
    RésuméSophia Moreau, dans son livre important, offre un compte rendu instructif de l'un des aspects de la discrimination répréhensible, soit celui basé sur le fléau de la subordination. Ma contribution au symposium vise à clarifier la structure de la présentation de Moreau sur la subordination et son statut normatif et axiologique. La première interprétation plausible veut que la subordination soit fondamentalement mauvaise ou immorale. La seconde est à l'effet que la subordination est un phénomène social distinctif, qui (...)
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  4. La physique des stoïciens aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles: Une présence cachée.Joly Bernard & Pierre-François Moreau - 2008 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 2 (12).
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    Artmachines: Deleuze, Guattari, Simondon.Anne Sauvagnargues, Suzanne Verderber & Eugene W. Holland - 2016 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Edited by Suzanne Verderber, Eugene W. Holland & Gregory Flaxman.
    Across 13 essays "e; 12 of which were previously unavailable in English "e; Deleuze specialist Anne Sauvagnargues reveals the continuing potential of Deleuze, Guattari and Simondon to invent new concepts and new modes of creativity and existence. She redeploys their work, together with other key philosophers including Bergson, Lacan, Deligny and Ruyer, to create new concepts including geophilosophy, the artmachine, the ritornello, schizoanalysis and the machinic assemblage.
  6. Evental Aesthetics (Vol. 3 No. 1, 2014) Introduction.Mandy-Suzanne Wong - 2014 - Evental Aesthetics 3 (1):4-7.
    Our contributors explore a rich variety of aesthetic problems that bring about the self-reflexive re-evaluation of ideas.
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  7. Are Voluntary Movements Initiated Proconsciously? The Relationships between Readiness Potentials, Urges, and Decisions.Susan Pockett & Suzanne C. Purdy - 2011 - In Susan Pockett & Suzanne C. Purdy (eds.). pp. 34--46.
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    Knowledge development, technology and questions of nursing ethics.Anne Griswold Peirce, Suzanne Elie, Annie George, Mariya Gold, Kim O’Hara & Wendella Rose-Facey - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (1):77-87.
    This article explores emerging ethical questions that result from knowledge development in a complex, technological age. Nursing practice is at a critical ideological and ethical precipice where decision-making is enhanced and burdened by new ways of knowing that include artificial intelligence, algorithms, Big Data, genetics and genomics, neuroscience, and technological innovation. On the positive side is the new understanding provided by large data sets; the quick and efficient reduction of data into useable pieces; the replacement of redundant human tasks by (...)
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    A cyborg ontology in health care: traversing into the liminal space between technology and person-centred practice.Jennifer Lapum, Suzanne Fredericks, Heather Beanlands, Elizabeth McCay, Jasna Schwind & Daria Romaniuk - 2012 - Nursing Philosophy 13 (4):276-288.
    Person‐centred practice indubitably seems to be the antithesis of technology. The ostensible polarity of technology and person‐centred practice is an easy road to travel down and in their various forms has been probably travelled for decades if not centuries. By forging ahead or enduring these dualisms, we continue to approach and recede, but never encounter the elusive and the liminal space between technology and person‐centred practice. Inspired by Haraway's work, we argue that healthcare practitioners who critically consider their cyborg ontology (...)
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  10. Soorten van gelijk. Medisch-ethische discussies in Nederland.Ineke Bolt, Suzanne Vathorst & M. Trappenburg - 1996 - Filosofie En Praktijk 15:209-209.
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    Clinical Ethics Expertise as the Ability to Co-Create Normative Recommendations by Guiding a Dialogical Process of Moral Learning.Giulia Inguaggiato, Suzanne Metselaar, Guy Widdershoven & Bert Molewijk - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (11):71-73.
    Volume 19, Issue 11, November 2019, Page 71-73.
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    Systemic disruptions: decolonizing indigenous research ethics using indigenous knowledges.Cathy Fournier, Suzanne Stewart, Joshua Adams, Clayton Shirt & Esha Mahabir - 2023 - Research Ethics 19 (3):325-340.
    Research involving and impacting Indigenous Peoples is often of little or no benefit to the communities involved and, in many cases, causes harm. Ensuring that Indigenous research is not only ethical but also of benefit to the communities involved is a long-standing problem that requires fundamental changes in higher education. To address this necessity for change, the authors of this paper, with the help of graduate and Indigenous community research assistants, undertook community consultation across their university to identify the local (...)
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    Afterlife beliefs: category specificity and sensitivity to biological priming.Judith Bek & Suzanne Lock - 2011 - Religion, Brain and Behavior 1 (1):5-17.
    Adults have been shown to attribute certain properties more frequently than others to the dead. This category-specific pattern has been interpreted in terms of simulation constraints, whereby it may be harder to imagine the absence of some states than others. Afterlife beliefs have also shown context-sensitivity, suggesting that environmental exposure to different types of information might influence adults? reasoning about post-death states. We sought to clarify category and context effects in adults afterlife reasoning. Participants read a story describing the death (...)
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    The Oxford Handbook of Chaucer.Suzanne Conklin Akbari & James Simpson (eds.) - 2020 - Oxford University Press.
    This Handbook addresses Chaucer's poetry in the context of several disciplines, including late medieval philosophy and science, Mediterranean culture, comparative European literature, vernacular theology, and popular devotion.
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    Humans are ultrasocial and emotional.Lisa A. Williams & Eliza Bliss-Moreau - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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    Indonesian concept of ikhtiar: implications for palliative care practice.Raditya Bagas Wicaksono, Suzanne Metselaar & Mehrunisha Suleman - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Indonesia, an archipelagic country with 17 000 islands with 281 million inhabitants, is a democratic country with Islam as the major religion. Currently, Indonesia is the second country with the largest Muslim population in the world. The Islamic tradition in Indonesia has assimilated and intersected with the richness and diversity of Indonesian culture. This is reflected in the use and meaning of Islamic concepts in Indonesia, such as ikhtiar. Ikhtiar is important to Indonesian Muslims and may have profound ethical implications (...)
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    Carta XIV: sobre a geração dos animais.Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis - 2004 - Scientiae Studia 2 (1):135-143.
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    The neural mechanisms for working memory based biased attention to food.Kumar Sanjay, Higgs Suzanne, Rutters Femke & Humphreys Glyn - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    The use of therapeutic untruths by learning disability nursing students.Karen McKenzie, Suzanne Taylor, George Murray & Ian James - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics:096973302092813.
    Background: The use of therapeutic untruths raises a number of ethical issues, which have begun to be explored to some extent, particularly in dementia care services, where their use has been found to be high. Little is known, however, about their use by health professionals working in learning disability services. Research question: The study aimed to explore the frequency of use of therapeutic untruths by student learning disability nurses, and by their colleagues; how effective the students perceived them to be (...)
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    Spinoza: Reason, Religion, Politics: The Relation between the Ethics and the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus.Daniel Garber, Mogens Laerke, Pierre-Francois Moreau & Pina Totaro (eds.) - 2024 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    At his death, Spinoza left two major works, very different from one another. The first is the Ethics, rigorously set out in geometrical terms, with definitions, axioms, and theorems. In the Ethics, Spinoza takes the reader down the path of reason to an ultimate beatitude, a rational salvation, a kind of peace of mind attained through the true knowledge of God, oneself, and one's place in the world. The other is of a very different sort. The Tractatus theologico-politicus is set (...)
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    Umgang mit Demenz.Charlotte Kröger, Suzanne Metselaar & Guy Widdershoven - 2021 - In Michael Fuchs (ed.), Handbuch Alter Und Altern: Anthropologie – Kultur – Ethik. J.B. Metzler. pp. 423-430.
    Gesundheitssorge ist von Natur aus eine moralische Angelegenheit. Gute Pflege ist normativ geprägt und beinhaltet stets, entweder explizit oder implizit, das Wählen einer moralischen Position. Dies ist nicht immer einfach. In dem Prozess, der gute Pflege mit sich bringt, werden Mitarbeiter regelmäßig mit schwierigen moralischen Fragen und Situationen konfrontiert. Dies trifft auf alle Pflegebereiche zu, auch auf den Umgang mit Langzeit- und Demenzpatienten.
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  22. Acquiescentia dans la cinquième partie de "l'Ethique.Pierre-François Moreau - 1994 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 1:65-79.
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  23. A propos de la théologie philosophique.Joseph Moreau - 1985 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 117:53.
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  24. A response to Edwin Curley.Pierre-François Moreau - 2019 - In Jack Stetter & Charles Ramond (eds.), Spinoza in Twenty-First-Century American and French Philosophy: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind, Moral and Political Philosophy. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Jean Bodin et le droit public comparé dans ses rapports avec la philosophie de l'histoire.Jean Moreau-Reibel - 1933 - Paris,: Librairie philosophique J. Vrin.
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  26. Language and Religious Language.Jules Laurence Moreau - 1961
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  27. La cité et l'âme humaine dans la République de Platon in Platon.J. Moreau - 1986 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 40 (156-157):85-96.
  28. L'idée d'univers dans la pensée antique.Joseph Moreau - 1953 - Società Editrice Internazionale.
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  29. L'idée d'univers dans la pensée antique Biblioteca del « Giornale di Metafisica ».Joseph Moreau - 1954 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 59 (1):80-81.
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  30. (1 other version)L'idée d'Univers dans la pensée antique.Joseph Moreau - 1953 - Giornale di Metafisica 8 (3):324.
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  31. L'horizon des esprits.Joseph Moreau - 1961 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 66 (4):484-485.
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    L'homme et la nature.Joseph Moreau - 1960 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 2:311-317.
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  33. L'être et l'essence dans la philosophie d'Aristote.Joseph Moreau - 1985 - In Pierre Aubenque (ed.), Etudes aristotéliciennes--métaphysique et théologie. Paris: J. Vrin.
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  34. L'âme et la gloria.J. Moreau - 1974 - Giornale di Metafisica 29 (2):113-122.
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  35. L'Un et les êtres selon Plotin.Joseph Moreau - 1956 - Giornale di Metafisica 11 (2):204-224.
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    L'univers Leibnizien.Joseph Moreau - 1987 - Georg Olms Publishers.
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    L'éducation morale chez Kant.Paul Moreau - 1988 - [Paris]: Cerf.
  38. Le natural is me d'Epicure.J. Moreau - 1951 - Giornale di Metafisica 6 (3):301-317.
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  39. L'idéalisme platonicien.Joseph Moreau - 1944 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 134 (7):281-288.
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  40. Malebranche. Une philosophie de l'expérience, coll. « Bibliothèque des philosophes ».Denis Moreau, Frédéric de Buzon & Pierrette Bonnet - 2005 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 195 (2):224-226.
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  41. (3 other versions)« Réalisme et idéalisme chez Platon ».Joseph Moreau - 1951 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 6 (4):381-383.
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  42. Spinoza: lire la correspondance.P.-F. Moreau - 2004 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 1:3-8.
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  43. Étude critique sur la plus ancienne biographie de saint Amand.Edouard De Moreau - 1926 - Revue D’Histoire Ecclésiastique 22:27-67.
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  44. The platonic ideal and the concept of the receptacle.J. Moreau - 1988 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 86 (70):137-149.
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  45. Utopia and social nature in le'code de la nature'.Pf Moreau - 1975 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 29 (113):332-347.
  46. Utopie et sociabilité dans Le Code de la nature.Pierre Moreau - forthcoming - Revue Internationale de Philosophie.
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  47. L'ame du monde de Platon aux stoïciens par Joseph Moreau.Joseph Moreau - 1939 - Paris,: Société d'édition "Les Belles lettres,".
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    Permanence de la philosophie: mélanges offerts à Joseph Moreau.Joseph Moreau (ed.) - 1977 - Neuchâtel: A la Baconnière.
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    What is suicide? Classifying self-killings.Suzanne E. Dowie - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (4):717-733.
    Although the most common understanding of suicide is intentional self-killing, this conception either rules out someone who lacks mental capacity being classed as a suicide or, if acting intentionally is meant to include this sort of case, then what it means to act intentionally is so weak that intention is not a necessary condition of suicide. This has implications in health care, and has a further bearing on issues such as assisted suicide and health insurance. In this paper, I argue (...)
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  50. Machiavel ou la philosophie.Pierre-François Moreau - 1999 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 1 (1):3-6.
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