Results for 'Susana Sousa'

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  1.  29
    Management and Treatment of Patients With Major Depressive Disorder and Chronic Diseases: A Multidisciplinary Approach.Susana Sousa Almeida, Francesca Benedetta Zizzi, Agnese Cattaneo, Alessandro Comandini, Giorgio Di Dato, Ennio Lubrano, Clelia Pellicano, Vincenza Spallone, Serena Tongiani & Riccardo Torta - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  2.  18
    Assessment of Major Neurocognitive Disorders in Primary Health Care: Predictors of Individual Risk Factors.Susana Sousa, Laetitia Teixeira & Constança Paúl - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Germline development in amniotes: A paradigm shift in primordial germ cell specification.Federica Bertocchini & Susana M. Chuva de Sousa Lopes - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (8):791-800.
    In the field of germline development in amniote vertebrates, primordial germ cell (PGC) specification in birds and reptiles remains controversial. Avians are believed to adopt a predetermination or maternal specification mode of PGC formation, contrary to an inductive mode employed by mammals and, supposedly, reptiles. Here, we revisit and review some key aspects of PGC development that channelled the current subdivision, and challenge the position of birds and reptiles as well as the ‘binary’ evolutionary model of PGC development in vertebrates. (...)
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    Difficulties in the dissemination and implementation of clinical guidelines in government Neonatal Intensive Care Units in Brazil: how managers, medical and nursing, position themselves.Cynthia Magluta, Maria A. de Sousa Mendes Gomes & Susana M. Wuillaume - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (4):744-748.
  5.  26
    A Pesquisa Científica Na Educação e a Imersão de Novos Paradigmas: Possibilidades Para Metodologias Significativas.Hildegard Susana Jung, Idio Fridolino Altmann & Fabiana Moreno das Neves - 2023 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 28:023003.
    O objetivo do presente artigo consiste em apresentar uma reflexão sobre os paradigmas existentes e emergentes frente a um contexto teórico-científico e a necessidade de mudança devido aos desafios enfrentados em determinados momentos. Assim, o texto, de abordagem qualitativa e caracterizado como uma revisão bibliográfica, contextualiza acerca deste braço da filosofia que trata da natureza da pesquisa científica, do conhecimento no campo educacional, não somente do âmbito da epistemologia, mas também da fundamentação dos paradigmas das ciências e da educação, e (...)
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    Sparks of reality: on the temporalities of the photographic image.Nélio Conceição - 2018 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 11 (2):179-188.
    Within the context of the contemporary heterogeneity of photographic practices, the present text describes some of the possibilities of understanding the temporality of photographs, giving an account of some important theoretical references. Bearing this in mind, describing photographs as sparks of reality is a way of expanding the Benjaminian proposal and avoiding the strict logics of causality. The strength of photography unfolds the technologically rooted paradox of photographs, whose contemporary relevance can be analysed in the intersection between aesthetics, history and (...)
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    Understanding Undergraduate Plagiarism in the Context of Students’ Academic Experience.Jorge Ávila de Lima, Áurea Sousa, Angélica Medeiros, Beatriz Misturada & Cátia Novo - 2022 - Journal of Academic Ethics 20 (2):147-168.
    Previous research has shown that student plagiarism is the product of interplay between individual and situational factors. The present study examined the relationship between these two sets of factors with a particular focus on variables linked to students’ academic context namely, their perception of peer behaviors, their experience of adversities in academic life, and their year of enrollment. So far, these situational features have received scant attention in studies of plagiarism conducted in most of Europe. A survey was carried out (...)
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  8. The Contradictory God Thesis and Non-Dialetheic Mystical Contradictory Theism.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2025 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 97:1-23.
    When faced with the charge that a given concept of God is contradictory, the standard move among philosophers and theologians has been to try to explain away the contradiction and show that the concept of God in question is consistent. This has to do, of course, with the Law of Non-Contradiction (LNC). Another option, which has recently generated interest among logicians and analytic philosophers of religion, is to reject such a move as unnecessary and defend what might be called the (...)
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    Another knowledge is possible: beyond northern epistemologies.Boaventura de Sousa Santos (ed.) - 2007 - New York: Verso.
    Exploring the struggles against moral and cultural imperialism.
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  10. The Logic of God: A Pluralistic Representational Theory of Concepts.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2024 - Logica Universalis 18 (4):465-488.
    In this paper I present a formalization of the theory of ideal concepts applied to the concept of God. It is done within a version of the Simplest Quantified Modal Logic (SQML) and attempts to solve three meta-problems related to the concept of God: the unicity of extension problem, the homogeneity/heterogeneity problem and the problem of conceptual unity.
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  11.  44
    A new comparator account of auditory verbal hallucinations: how motor prediction can plausibly contribute to the sense of agency for inner speech.Lauren Swiney & Paulo Sousa - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  12.  36
    Servant Leadership and the Effect of the Interaction Between Humility, Action, and Hierarchical Power on Follower Engagement.Dirk Dierendonck & Milton Sousa - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 141 (1):13-25.
    Servant leadership has been theorized as a model where the moral virtue of humility co-exists with action-driven behavior. This article provides an empirical study that tests how these two apparently paradoxical aspects of servant leadership interact in generating follower engagement, while considering the hierarchical power of the leader as a contingency variable. Through a three-way moderation model, a study was conducted based on a sample of 232 people working in a diverse range of companies. The first finding is that humble (...)
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    Emotional Self-Regulation in Everyday Life: A Systematic Review.Marina Alarcón-Espinoza, Susana Sanduvete-Chaves, M. Teresa Anguera, Paula Samper García & Salvador Chacón-Moscoso - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Emotional self-regulation in childhood and adolescence constitutes a growing interest in the scientific community, highlighting in recent years the need to observe its development in their daily life. Therefore, the objective of this systematic review is to characterize publications referring to the development of emotional self-regulation of people under 18 years-old, in natural contexts. Based on the PRISMA guidelines, searches are carried out in the Web of Science, Scopus and PsycINFO databases, and in Google Scholar until May 2020. After reviewing (...)
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  14. When our thoughts are not our own: Investigating agency misattributions using the Mind-to-Mind paradigm.Lauren Swiney & Paulo Sousa - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (2):589-602.
    At the core of the sense of agency for self-produced action is the sense that I, and not some other agent, am producing and directing those actions. While there is an ever-expanding body of empirical research investigating the sense of agency for bodily action, there has, to date, been little empirical investigation of the sense of agency for thought. The present study uses the novel Mind-to-Mind paradigm, in which the agentive source of a target thought is ambiguous, to measure misattributions (...)
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  15.  55
    On the Concept of Theodicy.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2017 - Sophia 56 (2):207-225.
    My purpose in this paper is to clarify or explicate the concept of theodicy. More specifically, I shall provide an account of the concept that takes its logical aspects seriously into consideration as well as satisfies the basic intuitions philosophers of religions have had about it. This shall be done by systematically analysing the several theodical conditions found in the literature. As it shall be seen, these conditions are logically related to one another; collectively, they point not to one, but (...)
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  16. Another knowledge is possible: beyond northern epistemologies.Boaventura Sousa Santodes (ed.) - 2007 - New York: Verso.
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    Time, baroque codes and canonization 1.Boaventura de Sousa Santos - 1998 - Cultural Values 2 (2):403-420.
    . Time, baroque codes and canonization. Cultural Values: Vol. 2, No. 2-3, pp. 403-420.
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  18. Tabeliaes e notários de Lamego na primeira metade do sèc. XIV.Anísio Miguel Sousa Saraiva - 1998 - Humanitas 50:587-624.
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  19. Poética da Razão. Homenagem a Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos.Adriana Serrão, Carla Simões, Elisabete M. Sousa, Filipa Afonso, Maria Luísa Ribeiro Ferreira, Pedro Calafate & Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques (eds.) - 2013
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    De la mise en scène à la mise en récit : confrontation intergénérationnelle et psychanalyse multifamiliale.Nicolas Rabain, María Eugenia Briancesco, Susana Ragatke & Susana Toporosi - 2022 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 236 (2):31-47.
    Le dispositif des groupes multifamiliaux favorise l’expression et l’élabora-tion des conflits psychiques chez chaque participant, notamment à partir d’une approche originale dite « de confrontation intergénérationnelle ». À travers le cas de trois adolescentes enclines aux actings et aux manifestations comportementales, les auteurs montrent comment ces groupes thérapeutiques conduisent non seulement à l’élaboration de conflits réels intersubjectifs entre les adolescents et leurs parents tels qu’ils se les présentent dans la réalité, mais aussi au renforcement de leur activité fantasmatique et in (...)
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    Modality, Paraconsistency and Paracompleteness.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev, Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 449-467.
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  22. Induction and Plausibility. A Conceptual Analysis from the Standpoint of Nonmonotonicity, Paraconsistency and Modal Logic.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2010 - Berlin: Lambert.
    Induction, conceived as the class of rational non-truth preserving inferences, has been a perennial problem in philosophy. Aside from the problem of justification of induction, a less debated issue is the problem of properly describing inductive inferences. The purpose of this book is to conceptually investigate this descriptive problem of induction from the standpoint of the nonmonotonic logical tradition raised inside the field of Artificial Intelligence in the last thirty years. As we try to show, an essential part of this (...)
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  23.  32
    A space to resist rape myths? Journalism, patriarchy and sexual violence.Inês Amaral, Alexandre de Sousa Carvalho, Julia Garraio & Sofia Jose Santos - 2022 - European Journal of Women's Studies 29 (2):298-315.
    In September 2018, a controversial judicial sentence concerning sexual violence caused a public outcry in Portugal. The court decision invoked the alleged environment of mutual seduction, the use of much alcohol consumption, and the lack of serious injuries to justify the suspended penalty. Stemming from the idea that understandings of what journalism is and what it should be are profoundly ideological and that notions of what it means to be and to behave like a woman and as a man have (...)
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  24.  18
    Concepts of God and the Divine in Indian Traditions.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre, Alan Herbert & Purushottama Bilimoria - 2024 - Sophia 63 (3):379-387.
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    El problema del conocimiento de la sustancia pensante en las Meditaciones y en las Objeciones y Respuestas de René Descartes.Vinícius França Freitas & Ana Cláudia Teodoro Sousa - 2024 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 37:131-159.
    En este artículo se desarrolla la hipótesis de que el conocimiento de la sustancia pensante en las Meditaciones sobre la filosofía primera y en Objeciones y Respuestas no es claramente explicitado por René Descartes. Se entiende que tal exposición es necesaria para una comprensión integral delestatus de la filosofía cartesiana en el momento de redactar las Meditaciones y, principalmente, paraasimilar cómo concebía Descartes el conocimiento de la sustancia pensante en los años 1641 y 1642.El conocimiento de la sustancia pensante es, (...)
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    O Socialismo Enquanto Condição Possível Para Uma Forma de Vida (Lebensform) Democrática? Uma Abordagem Honnethiana.José Henrique Sousa Assai - 2024 - Revista Dialectus 35 (35):76-86.
    O debate a respeito do modelo socioeconômico capitalista e socialista permanece ativo nas sociedades atuais. Os pressupostos de ambos se estabelecem como irreconciliáveis entre si. Tentativas de diálogo, entretanto, para efeito de orientação à vida política e social têm sido feitos. No interior dessa querela reside um ponto de investigação – estudo e pesquisa – para a filosofia social e filosofia política: em um cenário capitalista de forma de vida organizacional, de que modo o socialismo ainda pode responder satisfatoriamente aos (...)
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  27. Induction and Confirmation Theory: An Approach based on a Paraconsistent Nonmonotonic Logic.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2010 - Princípios 17 (28):71-98.
    This paper is an effort to realize and explore the connections that exist between nonmonotonic logic and confirmation theory. We pick up one of the most wide-spread nonmonotonic formalisms – default logic – and analyze to what extent and under what adjustments it could work as a logic of induction in the philosophical sense. By making use of this analysis, we extend default logic so as to make it able to minimally perform the task of a logic of induction, having (...)
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  28.  12
    Racionalidade e Argumentação Em Habermas.Marco Antônio Sousa Alves - 2009 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 1 (2):179-195.
    A questão da racionalidade e o desenvolvimento de uma teoria da argumentação são centrais no pensamento habermasiano. Partindo sobretudo do primeiro capítulo da Teoria da ação comunicativa, o artigo pretende analisar a noção de racionalidade proposta por Habermas, o que implica questões de natureza filosófica e sociológica, e também expor as bases de sua teoria da argumentação, realizando uma análise do discurso argumentativo e apresentando as críticas feitas a Toulmin, Klein e Tugendhat.
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    Heidegger e Foucault.Clara Maria Miranda de Sousa & Marcelo Silva de Souza Ribeiro - 2022 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 10 (2):119-142.
    Discute-se aqui as aproximações e distanciamentos sobre o cuidado via as contribuições do pensamento de Heidegger e de Foucault. Interessa-nos saber sobre as ideias de autocuidado articuladas por Martin Heidegger e de cuidado de sí, conforme Michel Foucault, analisando as convergências e as divergências. Lançou-se mão da sistematização contrastiva de modo a ressaltar os encontros e desencontros entre os pensadores. Há aproximações no que se refere a importância dada a questão do cuidar como algo constituidor do ser humano, mas os (...)
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    Algumas Notas sobre as pesquisas educacionais na Universidade Federal de Uberl'ndia.José Carlos Sousa Araújo - 2008 - Educação E Filosofia 2 (3):113-115.
    As pesquisas de teor educacional em andamento na Universidade Federal de Uberlândia são em número de cinco. Tematicamente diversificadas, abarcam desde a pré-escola até 3º grau, canalizando-se todas para as áreas da História da Educação e da Sociologia da Educação. Abaixo, segue uma descrição sumária das mesmas: 1º) intitulando-se "A Política de Integração da Universidade com a Escola de 1º Grau: A Formação do Professor", objetiva avaliar a prática pedagógica em vigência nas escolas de 1º grau, como decorrência da perspectiva (...)
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    Hrabanus Maurus in Fulda: mit einer Hrabanus Maurus-Bibliographie (1979-2009).Marc-Aeilko Aris & Susana Bullido del Barrio (eds.) - 2010 - Frankfurt am Main: Knecht.
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  32. Transitions to democracy: the role of moral and citizenship education in Latin America (vol 38, pg 391, 2009).Maria Cristina Moreno-Gutierrez & Susana Frisancho - 2010 - Journal of Moral Education 39 (1):129-129.
  33. Necessidad de la filosofía ante la problemática social latonoamericana // DOI: 10.18226/21784612.v22.n3.2.Benjamín Panduro Muñoz, Claudia Battestin & Hildegard Susana Jung - 2017 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 22 (3):420-435.
    El presente artículo se dedica al tema del papel de la filosofía en Latinoamérica. El objetivo consiste en reflexionar sobre la importancia de la filosofía en el contexto de la contemporaneidad y, en el caso de América Latina, de su problemática social. Escándalos de corrupción en países como México y Brasil, sólo es la punta del iceberg de toda una situación estructural que impide que los procesos de la administración pública se den de manera coherente, eficiente y transparente. Con metodología (...)
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    Application of the unified protocol for the transdiagnostic treatment of comorbid emotional disorders in patients with ultra-high risk of developing psychosis: A randomized trial study protocol.Trinidad Peláez, Raquel López-Carrillero, Marta Ferrer-Quintero, Susana Ochoa & Jorge Osma - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundCognitive Behavioral Therapy is delivered in most of the early intervention services for psychosis in different countries around the world. This approach has been demonstrated to be effective in decreasing or at least delaying the onset of psychosis. However, none of them directly affect the comorbidity of these types of patients that is often the main cause of distress and dysfunctionality. The Unified Protocol for the Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders is a psychological intervention that combines cognitive-behavioral and third-generation techniques (...)
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    A Inserção da Bananicultura em São Bento do Sapucaí: Práticas Saudáveis e Saberes Gastronômicos na Serra da Mantiqueira.Marília De Moraes Silva, Larissa Ramos Botossi, Augusto Gardezani Baesso, Júlia De Carvalho Freitas, Thiago Rosa Zanelatto, Roseli De Sousa Neto & Paula De Oliveira Feliciano - 2016 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 18 (1):108.
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    'Mopsos, o pequeno Grego': o poder eterno das palavras.Maria de Fátima de Sousa E. Silva - 2007 - Humanitas 59:317-332.
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    Pluralidade Religiosa e o Conceito de Deus.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2024 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 69 (1):e45335.
    Neste artigo, abordo algumas questões de ordem superior envolvendo o conceito de Deus que surgem dentro de um contexto pluralista: o problema da unidade conceitual, o problema da unicidade de extensão e o problema da homogeneidade/heterogeneidade. Minha proposta para resolver essas questões envolve uma teoria especial híbrida de conceitos, chamada de teoria de conceitos ideais. Argumento que, quando adicionada a uma visão pluralista de conceitos, e formalizada dentro de uma estrutura de mundos possíveis, tal teoria fornece uma resposta satisfatória a (...)
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    Carimbos na Pré-escola: uma experiência.Elfrida Félix de Sousa Gomide - 2008 - Educação E Filosofia 2 (3):89-91.
    A sala de aula era clara, arejada, ampla e comportava vinte e cinco crianças de 6 anos de idade. Elas moravam num bairro da periferia da cidade, onde estava localizada a escota. Eram, portanto, crianças filhas de famílias de baixa renda. A professora era jovem, entusiasmada, democrática, residia perto da escola, fazendo parte da mesma comunidade das crianças. Ela estava fortemente incorporada pelo trabalho pedagógico fundamentado em Freinet. A classe era dividida em "ateliers", que as crianças chamavam de "caninhos", distribuídos (...)
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    Phantasy-Ego, Image Consciousness and Aesthetic Experience : Phenomenological Approaches.Claudio Rozzoni & Luís de Sousa - 2019 - Phainomenon 29 (1):5-8.
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    Polvo en la tierra: la poesía temprana de Susana March.Susana Cavallo - 2006 - Arbor 182 (720):447-453.
    Se estudia la producción poética primera de la escritora barcelonesa Susana March (1915-1990) perteneciente a la Generación del 36. Su actividad poética más fecunda cabe datarla en el periodo de 1938-1953. Razones de estrechez económica la obligaron, junto con su marido Ricardo Fernández de la Reguera, a producir una literatura de carácter comercial. Se analizan sus poemarios: Rutas, Poemas de la Plaza Real y La pasión desvelada.
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    Memórias e espelhamentos sobre “tornar-se negra” fazendo docência no ensino superior.Andressa de Sousa Santos Ferreira, Rosangela Janja Costa Araújo & Sofia Silva de Souza - 2024 - Odeere 9 (3):114-133.
    Este artigo apresenta memórias da experiência docente de uma jovem que se tornou negra na Universidade, reconfigurando assim a forma de se posicionar no mundo acadêmico e na vida pessoal. Os relatos são apresentados em forma de carta, um recurso metodologicamente criativo, conforme Figueiredo (2015), que aproxima a narrativa de acontecimentos em diálogo com autoras negras, preferencialmente. Ao relatar sua experiência, a autora toma a ideia de espelhos que se constroem e são construídos a partir de vivências acadêmicas. Ao utilizar (...)
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    Ética da libertação e educação: por novos horizontes à educação de jovens e adultos.Alder Sousa Dias - 2015 - Filosofia E Educação 7 (1):159.
    O artigo apresenta uma reflexão sobre a Educação de Jovens e Adultos. Metodologicamente, constitui-se em uma pesquisa bibliográfica, a partir da qual realiza uma incursão crítico-analítica sobre alguns momentos da história da EJA para em seguida apontar algumas lições aprendidas. Conclui afirmando que a Ética da Libertação pode constituir-se em subsídio para a elaboração de novos horizontes de práxis de libertação no âmbito da educação brasileira e instiga à realização de pesquisas sobre a educação e suas relações com a Ética (...)
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  43. Vaiṣṇava concepts of god: philosophical perspectives.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre, Alan C. Herbert & Benedikt Paul Göcke (eds.) - 2023 - New York: Routledge.
    This book analyses the concepts of God in Vaisnavism, which is commonly referred to as one of the great Hindu monotheistic traditions. Addressing the question of what attributes God possesses according to particular textual sources and traditions in Vaisnavism, the book analyses Vaisnava traditions and texts in order to locate them within a global philosophical framework. The book is divided into two sections. The first one, God in Vaisnava Texts, deals with concepts of God found in the canonical Vaisnava texts: (...)
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    Themes from G.e. Moore: New essays in epistemology and ethics * by Susana Nuccetelli and Gary Seay.Susana Nuccetelli & Gary Seay - 2009 - Analysis 69 (1):167-169.
    G.E. Moore's philosophical legacy is ambiguous. On the one hand, Moore has a special place in the hearts of many contemporary analytic philosophers. He is, after all, one of the fathers of the movement, his broadly commonsensical methodology informing how many contemporary analytic philosophers practise their craft. On the other hand, many contemporary philosophers keep Moore's own substantive positions at arm's distance. According to many epistemologists, one can find no finer example of how to beg the question than Moore's case (...)
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  45. Reviews : Milner S. Ball, Lying Down Together: Law, Metaphor, and Theology, Madison, Wisc., University of Wisconsin Press, 1985, $24.00, xiv + 198 pp. James Boyd White, Heracles' Bow, Essays on the Rhetoric of the Law, Madison, Wisc., University of Wisconsin Press, 1985, £22.50, xviii + 251 pp. [REVIEW]Boaventura de Sousa Santos - 1990 - History of the Human Sciences 3 (3):467-474.
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    The contradictions of the biorevolution for the development of agriculture in the third world: Biotechnology and capitalist interest. [REVIEW]J. Sousa Silva - 1988 - Agriculture and Human Values 5 (3):61-70.
    All biotechnology-related promises are based upon its technological potential; yet, many of these promises assure the solution for chronic socio-economic problems in the Third World through a new technological revolution in agriculture. The forecasting is that such a revolution will start delivering its most profound impact early in the 21st century. However, 11 years before the year 2000, a critical analysis of its promises against its current trends indicates that the future use and impact of biotechnology in the Third World (...)
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  47. IRonald de Sousa.Ronald De Sousa - 2002 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 76 (1):247-263.
    Taking literally the concept of emotional truth requires breaking the monopoly on truth of belief-like states. To this end, I look to perceptions for a model of non-propositional states that might be true or false, and to desires for a model of propositional attitudes the norm of which is other than the semantic satisfaction of their propositional object. Those models inspire a conception of generic truth, which can admit of degrees for analogue representations such as emotions; belief-like states, by contrast, (...)
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  48. Dr. Mrs. Dhanalakshmi De Sousa 1938-2005: A Tribute.A. Sousa - 2006 - Mens Sana Monographs 4 (1):211.
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    Playing 7 vs. 6 with an empty goal: Is it really an option for coaches? A comparative analysis between Portugal and the other teams during the Men’s European Handball Championship 2020. [REVIEW]João Nunes Prudente, Americo Ramos Cardoso, Ana Jose Rodrigues, João Noite Mendes, Catarina Fernando, Helder Lopes & Duarte Filipe Sousa - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The dynamic of changes in the rules in team games materialize from research and debate between experts and coaches before being implemented by the International Federations. In Handball, the last changes occurred in 2016, and one of them was to substitute the goalkeeper with an additional field player allowing teams to play “empty goal” while using the additional field player.This study aimed to analyze and characterize the use of the 7 vs. 6 strategical-tactical option for the attack in the 2020 (...)
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  50.  25
    (1 other version)What Anti-Individualists Cannot Know A Priori.Susana Nuccetelli - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 45:204-210.
    The attempt to hold both anti-individualism and privileged self-knowledge may have the absurd consequence that someone could know a priori propositions that are knowable only empirically. This would be so if such an attempt entailed that one could know a priori both the contents of one’s own thoughts and the anti-individualistic entailments from those thought-contents to the world. For then one could also come to know a priori the empirical conditions entailed by one’s thoughts. But I argue that there is (...)
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