Results for 'Susana Nicolás'

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  1.  10
    De la mise en scène à la mise en récit : confrontation intergénérationnelle et psychanalyse multifamiliale.Nicolas Rabain, María Eugenia Briancesco, Susana Ragatke & Susana Toporosi - 2022 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 236 (2):31-47.
    Le dispositif des groupes multifamiliaux favorise l’expression et l’élabora-tion des conflits psychiques chez chaque participant, notamment à partir d’une approche originale dite « de confrontation intergénérationnelle ». À travers le cas de trois adolescentes enclines aux actings et aux manifestations comportementales, les auteurs montrent comment ces groupes thérapeutiques conduisent non seulement à l’élaboration de conflits réels intersubjectifs entre les adolescents et leurs parents tels qu’ils se les présentent dans la réalité, mais aussi au renforcement de leur activité fantasmatique et in (...)
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    Re-Visiting Female Evil: Power, Purity and Desire.Melissa Dearey, Susana Nicolás & Roger Davis (eds.) - 2017 - Brill | Rodopi.
    Mischievous, beguiling, seductive, lascivious, unruly, carping, vengeful and manipulative – from the Disney princess to the murderous Medea, the articles in _Re-visiting Female Evil_ grapple with our understanding of what it is to be and do evil femininities.
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  3. Collective nouns and the distribution problem.David Nicolas & Jonathan D. Payton - forthcoming - Synthese.
    Intuitively, collective nouns are pseudo-singular: a collection of things (a pair of people, a flock of birds, etc.) just is the things that make ‘it’ up. But certain facts about natural language seem to count against this view. In short, distributive predicates and numerals interact with collective nouns in ways that they seemingly shouldn’t if those nouns are pseudo-singular. We call this set of issues ‘the distribution problem’. To solve it, we propose a modification to cover-based semantics. On this semantics, (...)
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  4. Transformation of the Botanical Gardens of Medellin-Strategic urban project for the Colombian city.Nicolas Hermelin Bravo - 2008 - Topos 62:36.
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  5. The Search after Truth and Elucidations of the Search after Truth.Nicolas Malebranche, Thomas M. Lennon & Paul J. Olscamp - 1982 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 33 (2):223-226.
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  6. (2 other versions)Dialogues on Metaphysics and Religion.Nicolas Malebranche - 1688 - Cambridge Univ Press. Translated By: N. Jolley and D. Scott.
    Copyright ©2005–2010 All rights reserved. Jonathan Bennett [Brackets] enclose editorial explanations. Small ·dots· enclose material that has been added, but can be read as though it were part of the original text. Occasional •bullets, and also indenting of passages that are not quotations, are meant as aids to grasping the structure of a sentence or a thought. Every four-point ellipsis . . . . indicates the omission of a brief passage that seems to present more difficulty than it is worth. (...)
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    The Shell and the Kernel.Nicolas Abraham & Nicholas Rand - 1979 - Diacritics 9 (1):15.
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  8. Distributed Truth-Telling: A Model for Moral Revolution and Epistemic Justice in Australia.Nicolas J. Bullot & Stephen W. Enciso - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    This article provides a philosophical response to the need for truth-telling about colonial history, focussing on the Australian context. The response consists in inviting philosophers and the public to engage in social-justice practices specified by a model called Distributed Truth-Telling (DTT), which integrates the historiography of injustices affecting Indigenous peoples with insights from social philosophy and cultural evolution theory. By contrast to official and large-scale truth commissions, distributed truth-telling is a set of non-elitist practices that weave three components: first, multisite, (...)
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  9. If Panpsychism Is True, Then What? Part 2: Existential Implications.Nicolas Kuske & Luke Roelofs - forthcoming - Giornale di Metafisica.
    If panpsychism is true, it suggests that consciousness pervades not only our brains and bodies but also the entire universe, prompting a reevaluation of our existential attitudes. Hence, panpsychism potentially fulfills psychological needs typically addressed by religious beliefs, such as a sense of belonging and purpose but also transcendence. The discussion is organized into two main areas: the implications of panpsychism for basic human existential needs, such as feelings of kinship, ommunication, and loneliness; and for greater existential questions relating to (...)
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    L'herméneutique fictionnalisée: quand l'interprétation s'invite dans la fiction.Nicolas Correard, Vincent Ferré & Anne Teulade (eds.) - 2014 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    Ce volume collectif montre que l'herméneutique fictionnalisée permet de réfléchir sur les procédures de l'interprétation, de penser les limites de la fiction et de prendre en charge des discours que les disciplines savantes ne sont pas toujours en situation de produire.
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  11. Pratique du droit et conscience chrétienne.Nicolas Jacob (ed.) - 1962 - Paris,: Éditions du Cerf.
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    Malebranche.Nicolas Malebranche - 1944 - [Milano]: Garzanti. Edited by Luigia Colombo.
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    Le monde-musique.François Nicolas - 2014 - [Château-Gontier]: Éditions Aedam Musicae.
    1. L'oeuvre musicale et son écoute -- 2. Le monde-musique et son solfège -- 3. Le musicien et son intellectualité musicale -- 4. Les raisonances du monde-musique ; postlude d'Alain Badiou.
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  14. Diderot: L'écriture romanesque à l'épreuve du sensible.Nicolas Rousseau - 2000 - Diderot Studies 28:200-201.
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    An integrative effort: Bridging motivational intensity theory and recent neurocomputational and neuronal models of effort and control allocation.Nicolas Silvestrini, Sebastian Musslick, Anne S. Berry & Eliana Vassena - 2023 - Psychological Review 130 (4):1081-1103.
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    Plurals, mass nouns and reference: philosophical issues.David Nicolas - forthcoming - In Hilary Nesi & Petar Milin (eds.), International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier.
    How do plurals and mass nouns refer? What kind of logic should be used in order to account for the truth-conditions of the sentences they appear in? For linguists, first-order predicate logic is adequate, provided it is supplemented by a notion of mereological sum for plurals and for mass nouns. On the contrary, according to some philosophers, new logics must be used, plural logic for plurals and mass logic for mass nouns. We survey these debates in this entry.
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  17. Un enfoque actual de la filosofía.Diego Ribes Nicolás - 1977 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 7 (1):97-100.
  18.  68
    Superplurals analyzed away.David Nicolas & Jonathan D. Payton - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Many natural languages include plural terms, i.e., terms which denote many individuals at once. Are there also superplural terms, i.e., terms which denote many pluralities of individuals at once? Some philosophers say ‘Yes’, citing a range of sentence-types which apparently can’t be analyzed in a first-order plural logic, but which can be analyzed in a superplural one. We argue that all the data presented in favor of the superplural can, in fact, be analyzed using only first-order resources. The key is (...)
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    Switching Between Sensory and Affective Systems Incurs Processing Costs.Nicolas Vermeulen, Paula M. Niedenthal & Olivier Luminet - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (1):183-192.
    Recent models of the conceptual system hold that concepts are grounded in simulations of actual experiences with instances of those concepts in sensory-motor systems (e.g., Barsalou, 1999, 2003; Solomon & Barsalou, 2001). Studies supportive of such a viewhave shown that verifying a property of a concept in one modality, and then switching to verify a property of a different concept in a different modality generates temporal processing costs similar to the cost of switching modalities in perception. In addition to non-emotional (...)
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  20. The Phantom of Hamlet or the Sixth Act: Preceded by the Intermission of "Truth".Nicolas Abraham & Nicholas Rand - 1988 - Diacritics 18 (4):2.
  21.  46
    Alexithymia and the automatic processing of affective information: Evidence from the affective priming paradigm.Nicolas Vermeulen, Olivier Luminet & Olivier Corneille - 2006 - Cognition and Emotion 20 (1):64-91.
    In Study 1, we examined the moderating impact of alexithymia (i.e., a difficulty identifying and describing feelings to other people and an externally oriented cognitive style) on the automatic processing of affective information. The affective priming paradigm was used, and lower priming effects for high alexithymia scorers were observed when congruent (incongruent) pairs involving nonverbal primes (angry face) and verbal target were presented. The results held after controlling for participants' negative affectivity. The same effects were replicated in Studies 2 and (...)
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  22.  12
    Psychological Resources Protect Well-Being During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Study During the French Lockdown.Nicolas Pellerin & Eric Raufaste - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This longitudinal study investigated the capability of various positive psychological resources to directly or indirectly protect specific well-being outcomes and moderate the effects on well-being of health and economic threats in a lockdown situation during the 2020 health crisis in France. At the beginning of lockdown, participants completed self-assessment questionnaires to document their initial level of well-being and state of nine different well-established psychological resources, measured as traits: optimism, hope, self-efficacy, gratitude toward the world, self-transcendence, wisdom, gratitude of being, peaceful (...)
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  23. Informal Logic and its Implications for Philosophy.Nicolas Maudet & Alec Fisher - 2000 - Informal Logic 20 (2).
    I take 'informal logic' to be the (descriptive and normative) study of 'real arguments'-arguments which are or have been used with the aim of convincing others of a point of view. I argue that the informal logic tradition thus conceived (i) lends strong support to something like Quine's view that our beliefs really support one another like the filaments in a spider's web--and thus that the traditional view that implication is an asymmetric relation is false; (ii) suggests that the classic (...)
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    Categorical perception of anger is disrupted in alexithymia: Evidence from a visual ERP study.Nicolas Vermeulen, Olivier Luminet, Mariana Cordovil de Sousa & Salvatore Campanella - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (6):1052-1067.
    High and low alexithymia scorers were confronted with a modified visual oddball task that allowed the study of categorical perception of emotional expressions on faces. Participants had to quickly detect a deviant (rare) morphed face that shared or did not share the same emotional expression as the frequent one. Expected categorical perception effects, which were also neurophysiologically indexed, showed that rare stimuli were detected faster if they depicted a different emotional expression compared to rare stimuli depicting the same emotional expression (...)
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    God-like robots: the semantic overlap between representation of divine and artificial entities.Nicolas Spatola & Karolina Urbanska - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (2):329-341.
    Artificial intelligence and robots may progressively take a more and more prominent place in our daily environment. Interestingly, in the study of how humans perceive these artificial entities, science has mainly taken an anthropocentric perspective (i.e., how distant from humans are these agents). Considering people’s fears and expectations from robots and artificial intelligence, they tend to be simultaneously afraid and allured to them, much as they would be to the conceptualisations related to the divine entities (e.g., gods). In two experiments, (...)
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  26.  22
    Switching Between Sensory and Affective SystemsIncurs Processing Costs.Nicolas Vermeulen, Paula M. Niedenthal & Olivier Luminet - 2007 - Cognitive Science: A Multidisciplinary Journal 30 (1):183-192.
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    Unintended embodiment of concepts into percepts: Sensory activation boosts attention for same-modality concepts in the attentional blink paradigm.Nicolas Vermeulen, Martial Mermillod, Jimmy Godefroid & Olivier Corneille - 2009 - Cognition 112 (3):467-472.
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    Functional cerebral reorganization: a signature of expertise? Reexamining Guida, Gobet, Tardieu, and Nicolas' (2012) two-stage framework.Alessandro Guida, Fernand Gobet & Serge Nicolas - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    De la recherche de la verité.Nicolas Malebranche, Désiré Roustan & Paul Schrecker - 1762 - Boivin Et Cie.
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  30. (1 other version)Réflexions Sur la Premotion Physique.Nicolas Malebranche - 1715 - M. David.
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    CRISTIAN SABORIDO. Filosofía de la Medicina. Madrid: España: Tecnos, 2020.Nicolás Alarcón - 2023 - Resonancias Revista de Filosofía 15:129-133.
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    Libertarianism and the Possibility of the Legitimate State.Nicolas Maloberti - 2009 - Libertarian Papers 1:1-12.
    The classical formulation of libertarianism seems to be incompatible with the requirements of political legitimacy. Some libertarians have endorsed this result, denying that the state is legitimate. This paper argues, however, that the particular nature of that incompatibility represents a problem for the classical formulation of libertarianism. It is argued that acknowledging the existence of a particular minimal form of positive rights might overcome the problem in question. It is further argued that acknowledgment of such positive rights would seem to (...)
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  33. (1 other version)On perception as the basis for object concepts.Nicolás Alessandroni & Cintia Rodríguez - 2019 - Pragmatics and Cognition 26 (2-3):321-356.
    Within cognitive and developmental psychology, it is commonly argued that perception is the basis for object concepts. According to this view, sensory experiences would translate into concepts thanks to the recognition, correlation and integration of physical attributes. Once attributes are integrated into general patterns, subjects would become able to parse objects into categories. In this article, we critically review the three epistemological perspectives according to which it can be claimed that object concepts depend on perception: state non-conceptualism, content non-conceptualism, and (...)
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    La valeur philosophique de la relation de raison.Nicolas Balthasar - 1923 - Revue Néo-Scolastique de Philosophie 25 (97):95-105.
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    Baudrillard, cet attracteur intellectuel étrange.Nicolas Poirier (ed.) - 2016 - Lormont: Le Bord de l'eau.
    Assimilé à la French Theory, Jean Baudrillard a été aussi célèbre, ou presque, sur les campus américains que Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze, Guattari ou Lacan. Mais il est loin d'avoir aujourd'hui leur diffusion mondiale. Il a même presque totalement disparu des écrans radars. Officiellement sociologue, aucun sociologue ne le cite, aucun étudiant de sociologie ne le lit. Il faut dire qu'il a tout fait pour brouiller les pistes, en se refusant à tout simulacre de réalisme pour mieux tenter de prendre la (...)
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    Coloured Letters and Numbers (CLaN): A reliable factor-analysis based synaesthesia questionnaire.Nicolas Rothen, Elias Tsakanikos, Beat Meier & Jamie Ward - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (3):1047-1060.
    Synaesthesia is a heterogeneous phenomenon, even when considering one particular sub-type. The purpose of this study was to design a reliable and valid questionnaire for grapheme-colour synaesthesia that captures this heterogeneity. By the means of a large sample of 628 synaesthetes and a factor analysis, we created the Coloured Letters and Numbers questionnaire with 16 items loading on 4 different factors . These factors were externally validated with tests which are widely used in the field of synaesthesia research. The questionnaire (...)
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  37.  8
    Abhandlung von der Natur und der Gnade (1712).Nicolas Malebranche - 2013 - Meiner, F.
    Malebranches Gegenentwurf zur cartesischen Philosophie zählt zu den historisch bedeutsamen Versuchen, nach Descartes die Idee einer nicht-relativistischen, theozentrischen Kosmologie neu zu begründen. Erste deutsche Übersetzung nach der zweiten Ausgabe von 1712 mit Sachanmerkungen zu den Textfassungen und zu der eigenwilligen Terminologie Malebranches.
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  38. Entretien d'un philosophe chrétien et d'un philosophe chinois.Nicolas Malebranche - 1936 - Marseille,: Imprimerie et lithographie A. Ged. Edited by Augustin Le Moine.
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    Fragments philosophiques inédits et correspondance.Nicolas Malebranche & Joseph Vidgrain - 1923 - F. Alcan.
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    New Approaches to Classical Liberalism.Nicolas Maloberti - 2012 - Rationality, Markets and Morals 3:22-50.
    This article focuses on the following three novel and original philosophical approaches to classical liberalism: Den Uyl and Rasmussen’s perfectionist argument from meta-norms, Gaus’s justificatory model, and Kukathas’s conscience-based theory of authority. None of these three approaches are utilitarian or consequentialist in character. Neither do they appeal to the notion of a rational bargain as it is typical within contractarianism. Furthermore, each of these theory rejects the idea that classical liberalism should be grounded on considerations of interpersonal justice such as (...)
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  41. Traité de la Nature Et de la Gr'ce. Introduction Philosophique, Notes Et Commentaire du Texte de 1712.Nicolas Malebranche & Ginette Dreyfus - 1958 - Vrin.
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  42. Œvres.Nicolas Malebranche, Germain Malbreil & Geneviève Rodis-Lewis - 1979 - Gallimard.
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    You guan shen di cun zai he xing zhi di dui hua.Nicolas Malebranche - 1998 - Beijing Shi: Xin hua shu dian jing xiao. Edited by Lemin Chen.
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  44. Being mortal: End-of-life care and end-of-life discussions.Emanuel Nicolas Cortes Simonet - 2015 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 20 (4):9.
    Simonet, Emanuel Nicolas Cortes Atul Gawande's book Being Mortal: Illness, Medicine, and What Matters in the End, draws upon both anecdotal stories and literary sources to highlight the importance of honest discussions as the end of life approaches. These discussions are particularly significant for older persons and terminally ill patients. Gawande believes that these discussions could be facilitated by more in-depth and focussed communication between the healthcare professional and the patient. Respecting the patient's values and priorities, and promoting a sense (...)
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    Withholding hydration and nutrition in newborns.Nicolas Porta & Joel Frader - 2007 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 28 (5):443-451.
    In the twenty-first century, decisions to withhold or withdraw life-supporting measures commonly precede death in the neonatal intensive care unit without major ethical controversy. However, caregivers often feel much greater turmoil with regard to stopping medical hydration and nutrition than they do when considering discontinuation of mechanical ventilation or circulatory support. Nevertheless, forgoing medical fluids and food represents a morally acceptable option as part of a carefully developed palliative care plan considering the infant’s prognosis and the burdens of continued treatment. (...)
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    Is there a place for psychedelics in philosophy?Nicolas Langlitz - 2016 - Common Knowledge 22 (3):373-384.
    Based on anthropological fieldwork on the revival of hallucinogen research as well as on the epistemic culture of neurophilosophy, this Common Knowledge guest column examines two very different philosophical engagements with psychedelic drugs. In Thomas Metzinger's evidence-based philosophy of mind, hallucinogens help to operationalize questions about the nature of consciousness. While this project contributes to the great divide between empirically enlightened moderns and tradition-oriented premoderns, Metzinger's neurophilosophical reanimation of the ancient conception of philosophy as cultura animi can build a bridge (...)
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  47. Critique de la Recherche de la Verité [of N. Malebranche]. Repr. Of the 1675 Ed. With a New Intr. By R.A. Watson.Simon Foucher, Nicolas Malebranche & Richard Allan Watson - 1969
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    Systematische theorie des heutigen rechts..Alexander Nicolas] Speyer - 1911 - Berlin,: F. Vahlen.
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    The persistence of the subjective in neuropsychopharmacology: observations of contemporary hallucinogen research.Nicolas Langlitz - 2010 - History of the Human Sciences 23 (1):37-57.
    The elimination of subjectivity through brain research and the replacement of so-called ‘folk psychology’ by a neuroscientifically enlightened worldview and self-conception has been both hoped for and feared. But this cultural revolution is still pending. Based on nine months of fieldwork on the revival of hallucinogen research since the ‘Decade of the Brain,’ this paper examines how subjective experience appears as epistemic object and practical problem in a psychopharmacological laboratory. In the quest for neural correlates of (drug-induced altered states of) (...)
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    From Gender to Omeotlization: Toward a Decolonial Ontology.Susana E. Matallana-Peláez - 2020 - Hypatia 35 (3):373-392.
    This article examines the treatment of gender and the woman question in the ongoing Latin American decolonial debate. More specifically, it traces how the Zapatistas and other indigenous movements as well as some of the main mestizo male voices in this debate have endeavored to frame these issues and the criticism they have received from María Lugones and other decolonial feminists. It then points to some of the limitations in Lugones's own approach, and in a final stream of discussion, it (...)
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