Results for 'Susan Nacey'

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  1.  10
    The Norwegian Dugnad in Times of COVID-19.Susan Nacey - 2024 - Metaphor and Symbol 39 (2):79-95.
    On 12 March 2020, the Norwegian government instigated measures to limit the spread of COVID-19, the most drastic policies of any Norwegian government in peacetime. A particularly Norwegian metaphor used when introducing those measures concerned the “dugnad” tradition, a cultural practice of voluntary work carried out as a community. This article traces the trajectory of dugnad metaphors related to COVID-19 in Norwegian public discourse, to shed light on the aptness of their use. Aptness is measured in terms of “resonance,” the (...)
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    A Prima Facie Duty Approach to Machine Ethics Machine Learning of Features of Ethical Dilemmas, Prima Facie Duties, and Decision Principles through a Dialogue with Ethicists.Susan Leigh Anderson & Michael Anderson - 2011 - In Michael Anderson & Susan Leigh Anderson, Machine Ethics. Cambridge Univ. Press.
  3. The elusive goal of informed consent by adolescents.Susan E. Zinner - 1995 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 16 (4).
    While parents have traditionally provided proxy consent for minors to participate in research, this has proven inadequate for adolescents who are mentally and emotionally capable of making their own decisions. Research has proven that even young children, and certainly most adolescents, are developmentally prepared to make such decisions for themselves. The author challenges the assumption that both consent and assent are static concepts, and proposes that a sliding scale of competence be created to ascertain the adolescent's comprehension of the proposed (...)
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  4. Causal democracy and causal contributions in developmental systems theory.Susan Oyama - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (3):347.
    In reworking a variety of biological concepts, Developmental Systems Theory (DST) has made frequent use of parity of reasoning. We have done this to show, for instance, that factors that have similar sorts of impact on a developing organism tend nevertheless to be invested with quite different causal importance. We have made similar arguments about evolutionary processes. Together, these analyses have allowed DST not only to cut through some age-old muddles about the nature of development, but also to effect a (...)
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  5. Humanist liberalism.Susan Moller Okin - 1989 - In Nancy L. Rosenblum, Liberalism and the Moral Life. Harvard University Press.
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    Human Rights and the Unborn Child by Rita Joseph.Susan Yoshihara - 2011 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 11 (3):589-592.
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    Is reason gendered? — Ideology and deliberation.Susan Khin Zaw - 1998 - Res Publica 4 (2):167-197.
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    In Search of the Modern Hippocrates.Susan Khin Zaw - 1988 - Journal of Medical Ethics 14 (1):49-50.
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    Direct realism and visual distortion: A development of arguments from Thomas Reid.Susan Weldon - 1982 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 20 (4):355-369.
  10. Overintellectualizing the Mind 1.Susan L. Hurley - 2001 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 63 (2):423-431.
    Brewer’s Perception and Reason argues, from familiar scenarios of duplicate environments and switching, that a subject’s perceptual experiences must provide reasons for her empirical beliefs. Only perceptual experience can tie reference down to a thing as opposed to its duplicate, and this tying down must be a matter of giving the subject reasons that she can recognize as such. Moreover, such reasons require conceptual contents.
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    Teaching Managers to Respond Ethically to Organizational Crises: an inquiry into the case method.Susan Key - 1997 - Teaching Business Ethics 1 (2):197-211.
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    Sacraments and Women's Experience.Susan A. Ross - 1993 - Listening 28 (1):52-64.
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  13. Socrates in Stobaeus : assembling a philosopher.Susan Prince - 2019 - In Christopher Moore, Brill's Companion to the Reception of Socrates. Leiden: Brill.
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    The Material of Knowledge: Feminist Disclosures.Susan J. Hekman (ed.) - 2010 - Indiana University Press.
    Susan Hekman believes we are witnessing an intellectual sea change. The main features of this change are found in dichotomies between language and reality, discourse and materiality. Hekman proposes that it is possible to find a more intimate connection between these pairs, one that does not privilege one over the other. By grounding her work in feminist thought and employing analytic philosophy, scientific theory, and linguistic theory, Hekman shows how language and reality can be understood as an indissoluble unit. (...)
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    Bioethics and cloning, part I.Susan Cartier Poland & Laura Jane Bishop - 2002 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 12 (3):305-323.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 12.3 (2002) 305-323 [Access article in PDF] Scope Note 41 Bioethics and Cloning, Part I Susan Cartier Poland and Laura Jane Bishop This is Part One of a two part Scope Note on Bioethics and Cloning. Part Two will be published in the December 2002 issue of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal and as a separate reprint. Contents For Parts 1 And (...)
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    Unveiling Esther as a pragmatic radical rhetoric.Susan Zaeske - 2000 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 33 (3):193-220.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 33.3 (2000) 193-220 [Access article in PDF] Unveiling Esther as a Pragmatic Radical Rhetoric Susan Zaeske Ahasuerus, king of Persia, hosted in the courtyard of his pavilion a grand feast bountiful in royal wine. Likewise, Queen Vashti gave a feast for the women in the king's palace. On the last day of the celebration, an inebriated Ahasuerus commanded Vashti to appear wearing her crown (only (...)
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  17. Machine Metaethics.Susan Leigh Anderson - 2011 - In Michael Anderson & Susan Leigh Anderson, Machine Ethics. Cambridge Univ. Press.
  18. Bioethics, biolaw, and western legal heritage.Susan Cartier Poland - 2005 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 15 (2):211-218.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 15.2 (2005) 211-218 [Access article in PDF] Bioethics, Biolaw, and Western Legal Heritage Susan Cartier Poland Bioethics and biolaw are two philosophical approaches that address social tension and conflict caused by emerging bioscientific and biomedical research and application. Both reflect their respective, yet different, heritages in Western law. Bioethics can be defined as "the research and practice, generally interdisciplinary in nature, which aims (...)
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    Discursive Mobility and Double Consciousness in S. Weir Mitchell and W. E. B. Du Bois.Susan Wells - 2002 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 35 (2):120-137.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 35.2 (2002) 120-137 [Access article in PDF] Discursive Mobility and Double Consciousness in S. Weir Mitchell and W.E.B. Du Bois 1 Susan Wells Here are two stories about double consciousness: they will become, eventually, stories about the public sphere: W. E. B. Du Bois formulating the theory of double consciousness, and S. Weir Mitchell presenting Mary Reynolds's case history, an instance of a mental disorder (...)
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    Required Request for Organ Donation: Moral, Clinical, and Legal Problems.Susan Martyn, Richard Wright & Leo Clark - 1988 - Hastings Center Report 18 (2):27-34.
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  21. Verse: Hidden Doorway.Susan Headen - 1964 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 45 (1):59.
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    Triangulating Clinical and Basic Research: British Localizationists, 1870–1906.Susan Leigh Star - 1986 - History of Science 24 (1):93.
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    Benjamin’s Rhetoric: Kairos, Time, and History.Susan Wells - 2022 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 55 (3):252-273.
    ABSTRACT The welcome expansion of kairos beyond its traditional locus in public debate to a broad range of discourse forms and persuasive actions has not been matched by a reevaluation of the temporal logic of kairos, which is still seen as located in teleologic time. This article suggests that Walter Benjamin’s understanding of time could refigure kairos as a nonteleological relationship among past, present, and future. Benjamin provides a theoretical rationale for kairotic action that is distributed in time and space (...)
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  24. Darkened by the shadow of the atom : Burn research in 1950s America.Susan E. Lederer - 2006 - In Wolfgang Uwe Eckart, Man, medicine, and the state: the human body as an object of government sponsored medical research in the 20th century. Stuttgart: Steiner.
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  25. Teaching in a Different Sense: Alcott's Marmee.Susan Laird - 1994 - Philosophy of Education 49:164-172.
  26. Women's Nature and Role in the Ideal Polis.Susan B. Levin - 1996 - In Julie K. Ward, Feminism and ancient philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 13--30.
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    Remorse and Criminal Justice.Susan A. Bandes - 2016 - Emotion Review 8 (1):14-19.
    A defendant’s failure to show remorse is one of the most powerful factors in criminal sentencing, including capital sentencing. Yet there is currently no evidence that remorse can be accurately evaluated in a courtroom. Conversely there is evidence that race and other impermissible factors create hurdles to evaluating remorse. There is thus an urgent need for studies about whether and how remorse can be accurately evaluated. Moreover, there is little evidence that remorse is correlated with future law-abiding behavior or other (...)
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    Respecting Autonomy Over Time: Policy and Empirical Evidence on Re‐Consent in Longitudinal Biomedical Research.Susan E. Wallace, Elli G. Gourna, Graeme Laurie, Osama Shoush & Jessica Wright - 2015 - Bioethics 30 (3):210-217.
    Re-consent in research, the asking for a new consent if there is a change in protocol or to confirm the expectations of participants in case of change, is an under-explored issue. There is little clarity as to what changes should trigger re-consent and what impact a re-consent exercise has on participants and the research project. This article examines applicable policy statements and literature for the prevailing arguments for and against re-consent in relation to longitudinal cohort studies, tissue banks and biobanks. (...)
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    Part I The Background of Mill's Utilitarianism.Susan Leigh Anderson & Gerald J. Postema - 2006 - In Henry West, The Blackwell Guide to Mill's Utilitarianism. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 9.
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    The Cloning of Human Beings.Susan Anderson - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 4:1-6.
    I examine five concerns held by the general population regarding human cloning and argue that they show either a misunderstanding about the process and/or result of cloning, or else ignorance about what we already do. Put differently, I argue that human cloning is not in principle more questionable than other current practices. However, I do have serious concerns about the uses to which the new technology will be put. I argue that the reasons currently proposed for human cloning are not (...)
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    Pornography and Freedom of Expression.Susan Wendell - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 2:236-240.
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    Care and Justice: The Impact of Gender and Profession on Ethical Decision Making in the Healthcare Arena.Susan L. Zickmund - 2004 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 15 (2):176-187.
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    The Libertarian Conception of Freedom.Susan Leigh Anderson - 1981 - International Philosophical Quarterly 21 (4):391-404.
  34.  19
    6 Black: White.Susan J. Smith - 2005 - In Paul Cloke & Ron Johnston, Spaces of geographical thought: deconstructing human geography's binaries. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE Publications. pp. 97.
  35. Idea Europy (i jeszcze jedna elegia).Susan Sontag - 1994 - Nowa Krytyka 5.
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  36. Lyric.Susan Stewart - 2009 - In Richard Thomas Eldridge, The Oxford handbook of philosophy and literature. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  37. Integrating Rules for Genomic Research, Clinical Care, Public Health Screening and DTC Testing: Creating Translational Law for Translational Genomics.Susan M. Wolf, Pilar N. Ossorio, Susan A. Berry, Henry T. Greely, Amy L. McGuire, Michelle A. Penny & Sharon F. Terry - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (1):69-86.
    Human genomics is a translational field spanning research, clinical care, public health, and direct-to-consumer testing. However, law differs across these domains on issues including liability, consent, promoting quality of analysis and interpretation, and safeguarding privacy. Genomic activities crossing domains can thus encounter confusion and conflicts among these approaches. This paper suggests how to resolve these conflicts while protecting the rights and interests of individuals sequenced. Translational genomics requires this more translational approach to law.
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    A technologically mediated phenomenon affecting human dynamics.Susan Corrine Aaron - 2002 - World Futures 58 (1):81 – 99.
    This paper will suggest a mapping for human dynamics to see where emerging digital technology currently and could further affect the dynamics of the human, technological and natural, and the cultural forms that define them. Emerging technology will be seen to reveal and surpass the limitations of human measures built on human abilities and perception. and the social structures that are derived from them. The formation of this conceptual mapping is based on the premise that digital technology has the ability (...)
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  39. Social equity and voting rights : a shrinking regime.Susan T. Gooden & Brandy Faulkner - 2020 - In Nicole M. Elias & Amanda M. Olejarski, Ethics for contemporary bureaucrats: navigating constitutional crossroads. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Dostoevsky and Schiller: National renewal through aesthetic education.Susan McReynolds - 2004 - Philosophy and Literature 28 (2):353-366.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Dostoevsky and Schiller:National Renewal Through Aesthetic EducationSusan McReynoldsDostoevsky's novels pivot upon scenes of spiritual transformation, moments of revelation that resolve dilemmas for which no logical solution can be found. Raskolnikov, for example, analyzes his crime from philosophical and sociological angles until he almost dies; he is saved by his dream of the plague and by the image of Sonia's face. When insight and progress come to Dostoevsky's fictional characters, (...)
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    Embryonic stem cell funding: California, here I come?Susan Cartier Poland - 2004 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14 (4):407-409.
  42. In Pursuit of the State: Uses of the Detective Novel Form in Recent South African Fiction.Susan Thornton - 1992 - Griot 10:29-39.
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  43. What children need from their K-12 schooling: a teacher's journal.Susan B. Toth - 2024 - [Alexandria, Virginia: Not Given].
  44.  59
    Deliberation, phronesis, and authenticity: Heidegger's early conception of rhetoric.Susan Zickmund - 2007 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 40 (4):406 - 415.
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    Frege and Hilbert on the foundations of geometry (1994 talk).Susan G. Sterrett - unknown
    I examine Frege’s explanation of how Hilbert ought to have presented his proofs of the independence of the axioms of geometry: in terms of mappings between (what we would call) fully interpreted statements. This helps make sense of Frege’s objections to the notion of different interpretations, which many have found puzzling. (The paper is the text of a talk presented in October 1994.).
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    Mapping the Ethics of Translational Genomics: Situating Return of Results and Navigating the Research‐Clinical Divide.Susan M. Wolf, Wylie Burke & Barbara A. Koenig - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (3):486-501.
    Both bioethics and law have governed human genomics by distinguishing research from clinical practice. Yet the rise of translational genomics now makes this traditional dichotomy inadequate. This paper pioneers a new approach to the ethics of translational genomics. It maps the full range of ethical approaches needed, proposes a “layered” approach to determining the ethics framework for projects combining research and clinical care, and clarifies the key role that return of results can play in advancing translation.
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  47. Gender, Sex and the Law.Susan Edwards - 1985
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    Introduction.Susan Mancino - 2014 - Listening 49 (2):71-72.
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    Richard Price’s Contextualist Rationalism.Susan Purviance - 2008 - Studies in the History of Ethics 6:1-21.
    The British Moralists of the Eighteenth Century have been divided into rationalists and empiricists on the question of how moral judgments are formed. But this is too simple: there are various sorts of rationalism proposed, as well as Moral Sentimentalists, who believe in some kind of moral sense of approval, and welfarist empiricists, who focus on happiness promotion. None thought that the views of another cast into doubt the existence of moral truth. Their disputes about moral principles evidenced an ability (...)
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    Os sentidos das vidas.Susan Wolf - 2009 - Critica.
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