Results for 'Susan Branje'

964 found
  1.  40
    Motor, affective and cognitive empathy in adolescence: Interrelations between facial electromyography and self-reported trait and state measures.Jolien Van der Graaff, Wim Meeus, Minet de Wied, Anton van Boxtel, Pol A. C. van Lier, Hans M. Koot & Susan Branje - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (4).
  2.  24
    Factor Score Regression With Social Relations Model Components: A Case Study Exploring Antecedents and Consequences of Perceived Support in Families.Justine Loncke, Veroni I. Eichelsheim, Susan J. T. Branje, Ann Buysse, Wim H. J. Meeus & Tom Loeys - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Systematically Defined Informative Priors in Bayesian Estimation: An Empirical Application on the Transmission of Internalizing Symptoms Through Mother-Adolescent Interaction Behavior.Susanne Schulz, Mariëlle Zondervan-Zwijnenburg, Stefanie A. Nelemans, Duco Veen, Albertine J. Oldehinkel, Susan Branje & Wim Meeus - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundBayesian estimation with informative priors permits updating previous findings with new data, thus generating cumulative knowledge. To reduce subjectivity in the process, the present study emphasizes how to systematically weigh and specify informative priors and highlights the use of different aggregation methods using an empirical example that examined whether observed mother-adolescent positive and negative interaction behavior mediate the associations between maternal and adolescent internalizing symptoms across early to mid-adolescence in a 3-year longitudinal multi-method design.MethodsThe sample consisted of 102 mother-adolescent dyads. (...)
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    On subjective back-referral and how long it takes to become conscious of a stimulus: A reinterpretation of Libet's data.Susan Pockett - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (2):141-61.
    The original data reported by Benjamin Libet and colleagues are reinterpreted, taking into account the facilitation which is experimentally demonstrated in the first of their series of articles. It is shown that the original data equally well or better support a quite different set of conclusions from those drawn by Libet. The new conclusions are that it takes only 80 ms for stimuli to come to consciousness and that “subjective back-referral of sensations in time” to the time of the stimulus (...)
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    Moral Voices, Moral Selves: Carol Gilligan and Feminist Moral Theory.Susan J. Hekman - 1995 - University Park, Pa.: Polity.
    This book is an original discussion of key problems in moral theory. The author argues that the work of recent feminist theorists in this area, particularly that of Carol Gilligan, marks a radically new departure in moral thinking. Gilligan claims that there is not only one true, moral voice, but two: one masculine, one feminine. Moral values and concerns associated with a feminine outlook are relational rather than autonomous; they depend upon interaction with others. In a far-reaching examination and critique (...)
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    Whither Bioethics Now? The Promise of Relational Theory.Susan Sherwin & Katie Stockdale - 2017 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 10 (1):7-29.
    This article reflects on the work of feminist bioethicists over the past ten years, reviewing how effective feminists have been in using relational theory to reorient bioethics and where we hope it will go from here. Feminist bioethicists have made significant achievements using relational theory to shape the notion of autonomy, bringing to light the relevance of patients' social circumstances and where they are situated within systems of privilege and oppression. But there is much work to be done to reorient (...)
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  7. Are Voluntary Movements Initiated Proconsciously? The Relationships between Readiness Potentials, Urges, and Decisions.Susan Pockett & Suzanne C. Purdy - 2011 - In Susan Pockett & Suzanne C. Purdy, [no title]. pp. 34--46.
  8.  16
    Hermeneutics and the sociology of knowledge.Susan J. Hekman - 1986 - Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press.
  9. The relational self: An interpersonal social-cognitive theory.Susan M. Andersen & Serena Chen - 2002 - Psychological Review 109 (4):619-645.
  10. Wrongdoing by Consultants: An Examination of Employees? Reporting Intentions.Susan Ayers & Steven E. Kaplan - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 57 (2):121-137.
    Organizations are increasingly embedded with consultants and other non-employees who have the opportunity to engage in wrongdoing. However, research exploring the reporting intentions of employees regarding the discovery of wrongdoing by consultants is scant. It is important to examine reporting intentions in this setting given the enhanced presence of consultants in organizations and the fact that wrongdoing by consultants changes a key characteristic of the wrongdoing. Using an experimental approach, the current paper reports the results of a study examining employees' (...)
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  11. Coconsciousness and numerical identity of the person.Susan Leigh Anderson - 1976 - Philosophical Studies 30 (July):1-10.
    The phenomenon of multiple personality--Like the "split-Brain" phenomenon--Involves a disintegration of the normally unified self to the point where one must question whether there is one, Or more than one, Person associated with the body even at a single moment in time. Besides the traditional problem of determining identity over time, There is now a new problem of personal identity--Determining identity at a single moment in time. We need the conceptual apparatus to talk about this new problem and a test, (...)
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  12. [no title].Susan Pockett & Suzanne C. Purdy - 2011
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  13. Machine Metaethics.Susan Leigh Anderson - 2011 - In Michael Anderson & Susan Leigh Anderson, Machine Ethics. Cambridge Univ. Press.
  14.  93
    Embodied communication: Speakers’ gestures affect listeners’ actions.Michael K. Tanenhaus Susan Wagner Cook - 2009 - Cognition 113 (1):98.
  15. Feminism and objective interests: The role of transformation experiences in rational deliberation.Susan Babbitt - 1992 - In Linda Alcoff & Elizabeth Potter, Feminist Epistemologies. New York: Routledge. pp. 245--265.
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  16. Marital Faithfulness.Susan Mendus - 1984 - Philosophy 59 (228):243 - 252.
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  17. Pussy Panic versus Liking Animals: Tracking Gender in Animal Studies.Susan Fraiman - 2012 - Critical Inquiry 39 (1):89-115.
    Pioneering work in interdisciplinary animal studies, much of it under the rubric of ecofeminism, dates back to the 1970s. Yet animal studies remained an idiosyncratic backwater until its twenty-first-century reinvention as a high-profile area of humanities research. This essay ties the soaring cachet of the new animal studies to a revamped origin story—one beginning in 2002 and claiming Derrida as founding father. In readings of Derrida and leading animal studies theorist Cary Wolfe, I examine the gender politics of animal studies (...)
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  18.  67
    Hypnosis and the death of "subjective backwards referral".Susan Pockett - 2004 - Consciousness and Cognition 13 (3):621-25.
  19. Impartiality in Moral and Political Philosophy.Susan Mendus - 2004 - Philosophical Quarterly 54 (216):484-487.
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  20.  54
    Empathy in Translation: Movement and Image in the Psychological Laboratory.Susan Lanzoni - 2012 - Science in Context 25 (3):301-327.
    ArgumentThe new English term “empathy” was translated from the GermanEinfühlungin the first decade of the twentieth century by the psychologists James Ward at the University of Cambridge and Edward B. Titchener at Cornell. At Titchener's American laboratory, “empathy” was not a matter of understanding other minds, but rather a projection of imagined bodily movements and accompanying feelings into an object, a meaning that drew from its rich nineteenth-century aesthetic heritage. This rendering of “empathy” borrowed kinaesthetic meanings from German sources, but (...)
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  21. Is It True What They Say about Tarski?Susan Haack - 1976 - Philosophy 51 (197):323 - 336.
    Popper welcomes Tarski's theory of truth as a vindication of the ‘objective or absolute or correspondence theory of truth’: -/- Tarski's greatest achievement, and the real significance of his theory for the philosophy of the empirical sciences, is that he rehabilitated the correspondence theory of absolute or objective truth … He vindicated the free use of the intuitive idea of truth as correspondence to the facts ….
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    Some preliminaries to ontology.Haack Susan - 1976 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 5 (4):457-474.
    In philosophy one runs the risk of two kinds of criticism: that the answer one gives to a question is false or otherwise inadequate; or, perhaps worse, that the question one is trying to answer is itself misconceived. Carnap has directed a criticism of the second kind against traditional ontological disputes; the supposed issue between nominalists and realists is, according to him, devoid of cognitive content. This view is, of course, of a piece with Carnap’s general antipathy to metaphysical questions: (...)
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  23.  43
    Young infants’ actions reveal their developing knowledge of support variables: Converging evidence for violation-of-expectation findings.Susan J. Hespos & Renée Baillargeon - 2008 - Cognition 107 (1):304-316.
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  24. Hope for the future: Achieving the original intent of advance directives.Susan E. Hickman, Bernard J. Hammes, Alvin H. Moss & Susan W. Tolle - 2005 - Hastings Center Report 35 (6):s26-s30.
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  25.  44
    Multiple Caretaking of Infants and Young Children: An Area in Critical Need of a Feminist Psychological Anthropology.Susan Seymour - 2004 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 32 (4):538-556.
  26.  28
    Feminist perspectives in medical ethics.Susan Sherwin, Helen Bequartes Holmes & Lyn Purdy - 1992 - In Helen B. Holmes & Laura Martha Purdy, Feminist Perspectives in Medical Ethics. Indiana University Press.
  27.  53
    Creativity and the Childbirth Metaphor: Gender Difference in Literary Discourse.Susan Stanford Friedman - 1987 - Feminist Studies 13 (1):49-82.
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  28. Institutionalized Intolerance of ADHD: Sources and Consequences.Susan C. C. Hawthorne - 2010 - Hypatia 25 (3):504 - 526.
    Diagnosable individuals, caregivers, and clinicians typically embrace a biological conception of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), finding that medical treatment is beneficial. Scientists study ADHD phenomenology, interventions to ease symptoms, and underlying mechanisms, often with an aim of helping diagnosed people. Yet current understanding of ADHD, jointly influenced by science and society, has an unintended downside. Scientific and social influences have embedded negative values in the ADHD concept, and have simultaneously dichotomized ADHD diagnosable from non-diagnosable individuals. In social settings insistent on certain (...)
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  29. Yes, it does: A diatribe on Jerry Fodor's the mind doesn't work that way.Susan Schneider - 2007 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness.
    The Mind Doesn’t Work That Way is an expose of certain theoretical problems in cognitive science, and in particular, problems that concern the Classical Computational Theory of Mind (CTM). The problems that Fodor worries plague CTM divide into two kinds, and both purport to show that the success of cognitive science will likely be limited to the modules. The first sort of problem concerns what Fodor has called “global properties”; features that a mental sentence has which depend on how the (...)
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  30.  75
    The Concept of Futility in Health Care Decision Making.Susan Bailey - 2004 - Nursing Ethics 11 (1):77-83.
    Life saving or life sustaining treatment may not be instigated in the clinical setting when such treatment is deemed to be futile and therefore not in the patient’s best interests. The concept of futility, however, is related to many assumptions about quality and quantity of life, and may be relied upon in a manner that is ethically unjustifiable. It is argued that the concept of futility will remain of limited practical use in making decisions based on the best interests principle (...)
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  31. Feminist ethics and the metaphor of AIDS.Susan Sherwin - 2001 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 26 (4):343 – 364.
    This paper looks at a range of metaphors used within HIV/AIDS discussions and research in support of the claim that bioethicists should pay serious attention to metaphors. Metaphors shape the ways we think about problems and the types of solutions we investigate. HIV/AIDS is an especially rich field for the investigation of metaphor, since the struggles for dominance among different metaphorical options has been very evident. In the field of medical resarch as well as in the area of public policy, (...)
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  32.  17
    Plantinga and the Free Will Defense.Susan L. Anderson - 2017 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 62 (3):274-281.
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    The Patient as Commodity: Managed Care and the Question of Ethics.Laurie Zoloth-Dorfman & Susan Rubin - 1995 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 6 (4):339-357.
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  34. Physical Pictures: Engineering Models Circa 1914 and in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus.Susan G. Sterrett - 2000 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 9:121-135.
    Today I want to talk about an element in the milieu in which Ludwig Wittgenstein conceived the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus that has not been recognized to date: the generalization of the methodology of experimental scale models that occurred just about the time he was writing it. I find it very helpful to keep in mind how this kind of model portrays when reading the Tractatus — in particular, when reading the statements about pictures and models, such as:That a picture is a (...)
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  35. Feminism, postmodernism and difference.Susan Strickland - 1994 - In Kathleen Lennon & Margaret Whitford, Knowing the Difference: Feminist Perspectives in Epistemology. New York: Routledge. pp. 265--274.
  36.  72
    Action as a text: Gadamer's hermeneutics and the social scientific analysis of action.Susan Hekman - 1984 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 14 (3):333–354.
    This paper argues that Gadamer's hermeneutics offers a methodological perspective for social and political theory that overcomes the impasse created by the dichotomy between the positivist and humanist approaches to social action. Both the positivists’attempt to replace the actors’subjective concepts with the objective concepts of the social scientist and the humanists’attempt to describe meaningful action strictly in the social actors’terms have been called into question in contemporary discussions. Gadamer's approach, which is based on the hermeneutical method of textual interpretation, offers (...)
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  37. Philosophical Concerns with Machine Ethics.Susan Leigh Anderson - 2011 - In Michael Anderson & Susan Leigh Anderson, Machine Ethics. Cambridge Univ. Press.
  38.  92
    Confessing Feminist Theory: What's “I” Got to Do with It?Susan David Bernstein - 1992 - Hypatia 7 (2):120-147.
    Confessional modes of self-representation have become crucial in feminist epistemologies that broaden and contextualize the location and production of knowledge. In some versions of confessional feminism, the insertion of “I” is reflective, the product of an uncomplicated notion of experience that shuttles into academic discourse apersonal truth. In contrast to reflective intrusions of the first person, reflexive confessing is primarily a questioning mode that imposes self-vigilance on the process of self positioning.
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  39. Fear of Music? Nietzsche's Double Vision of the 'Musical-Feminine.'.Susan Bernstein - 1994 - In Peter J. Burgard, Nietzsche and the feminine. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia. pp. 104--32.
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    The Logic of the Development of Feminism; or, Is MacKinnon to Feminism as Parmenides Is to Greek Philosophy?Susan E. Bernick - 1992 - Hypatia 7 (1):1-15.
    Catharine MacKinnon's investigation of the role of sexuality in the subordination of women is a logical culmination of radical feminist thought. If this is correct, the position of her work relative to radical feminism is analogous to the place Parmenides's work occupied in ancient Greek philosophy. Critics of MacKinnon's work have missed their target completely and must engage her work in a different way if feminist theory is to progress past its current stalemated malaise.
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    Mild intoxication and other aesthetic feelings: psychoanalysis and art revisited.Susan Best - 2005 - Angelaki 10 (3):157 – 170.
    The enjoyment of beauty has a peculiar, mildly intoxicating quality of feeling The science of aesthetics investigates the conditions under which things are felt as beautiful, but it has been unable to give any explanation of the nature and origin of beauty Psychoanalysis, unfortunately, has scarcely anything to say about beauty either.1 Freud.
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  42. The unconscious relational self.Susan M. Andersen, Inga Reznik & Noah S. Glassman - 2005 - In Ran R. Hassin, James S. Uleman & John A. Bargh, The New Unconscious. Oxford Series in Social Cognition and Social Neuroscience. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 421-481.
  43.  60
    An explanation and analysis of how world religions formulate their ethical decisions on withdrawing treatment and determining death.Susan M. Setta & Sam D. Shemie - 2015 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 10:6.
    This paper explores definitions of death from the perspectives of several world and indigenous religions, with practical application for health care providers in relation to end of life decisions and organ and tissue donation after death. It provides background material on several traditions and explains how different religions derive their conclusions for end of life decisions from the ethical guidelines they proffer.
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    Occlusion Is Hard: Comparing Predictive Reaching for Visible and Hidden Objects in Infants and Adults.Susan Hespos, Gustaf Gredebäck, Claes Von Hofsten & Elizabeth S. Spelke - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (8):1483-1502.
    Infants can anticipate the future location of a moving object and execute a predictive reach to intercept the object. When a moving object is temporarily hidden by darkness or occlusion, 6‐month‐old infants’ reaching is perturbed, but performance on darkness trials is significantly better than occlusion trials. How does this reaching behavior change over development? Experiment 1 tested predictive reaching of 6‐ and 9‐month‐old infants. While there was an increase in the overall number of reaches with increasing age, there were significantly (...)
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  45. How Virtue Ethics Informs Medical Professionalism.Susan D. McCammon & Howard Brody - 2012 - HEC Forum 24 (4):257-272.
    We argue that a turn toward virtue ethics as a way of understanding medical professionalism represents both a valuable corrective and a missed opportunity. We look at three ways in which a closer appeal to virtue ethics could help address current problems or issues in professionalism education—first, balancing professionalism training with demands for professional virtues as a prerequisite; second, preventing demands for the demonstrable achievement of competencies from working against ideal professionalism education as lifelong learning; and third, avoiding temptations to (...)
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    More than ‘A Woman's Right to Choose’?Susan Himmelweit - 1988 - Feminist Review 29 (1):38-56.
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    The great subjective back-referral debate: Do neural responses increase during a train of stimuli?Susan Pockett - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15 (3):551-559.
    Evidence is summarised for and against the hypothesis that potentiation or facilitation of neural responses during a train of threshold-level stimuli occurred in the experiments reported by Libet et al. . It is concluded that such potentiation probably did occur. Since the main arguments for the existence of subjective backwards referral take it as given that such potentiation did not occur, it is further concluded that the main arguments for the existence of subjective backwards referral fail.
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  48.  30
    Embryonic stem cell funding: California, here I come?Susan Cartier Poland - 2004 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14 (4):407-409.
  49.  90
    Life's ethical symphony.Susan Mendus - 2008 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 42 (2):201-218.
    Most modern moral theories are impartialist in character. They perceive the demands of morality as standing in opposition to partial concerns and acting as constraints upon them. In this paper I argue that our partial concerns in general, and our love and concern for others in particular, are not ultimately at odds with the demands of morality, impartially understood, but are the necessary preconditions of our being motivated by impartial morality. If we are to care about morality, we must first (...)
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  50.  74
    Cultural Codes and Sex Role Ideology.Susan B. Kaiser, Howard G. Schutz & Joan L. Chandler - 1987 - American Journal of Semiotics 5 (1):13-33.
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