Results for 'Subhadra Das'

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  1. The Art of Medicine: From small beginnings: to build an anti-eugenic future.Benedict Ipgrave, Miroslava Chavez-Garcia, Marcy Darnovsky, Subhadra Das, Charlene Galarneau, Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, Nora Ellen Groce, Tony Platt, Milton Reynolds, Marius Turda & Robert A. Wilson - 2022 - The Lancet 10339 (399):1934-1935.
    Short overview of the From Small Beginnings Project and its relevance for resisting eugenics in contemporary society.
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  2. Ahiṃsā-viśvakośa: Ahiṃsā ke dārśanika, dhārmika, va sāṃskr̥tika svarūpoṃ ko vyākhyāyita karane vāle prācīna śāstrīya viśiṣṭa sandarbhoṃ ka saṅkalana.Subhadra, Dāmodara Śāstrī & Maheśa Jaina (eds.) - 2004 - Naī Dillī: Yūnivarsiṭī Pablikeśana.
    Compilation of textual references from Vedic and Jaina religious literature on religious, philosophical and cultural aspects of non-violence (Ahimsa); Prakrit and Sanskrit text with Hindi translation.
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    Managing Ethically Cultural Diversity: Learning from Thomas Aquinas.João César das Neves & Domènec Melé - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 116 (4):769-780.
    Cultural diversity is an inescapable reality and a concern in many businesses where it can often raise ethical questions and dilemmas. This paper aims to offer suggestions to certain problems facing managers in dealing with cultural diversity through the inspiration of Thomas Aquinas. Although he may be perceived as a voice from the distant past, we can still find in his writings helpful and original ideas and criteria. He welcomes cultural differences as a part of the perfection of the universe. (...)
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  4. Evolutionary debunking of morality: epistemological or metaphysical?Ramon Das - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (2):417-435.
    It is widely supposed that evolutionary debunking arguments against morality constitute a type of epistemological objection to our moral beliefs. In particular, the debunking force of such arguments is not supposed to depend on the metaphysical claim that moral facts do not exist. In this paper I argue that this standard epistemological construal of EDAs is highly misleading, if not mistaken. Specifically, I argue that the most widely discussed EDAs all make key and controversial metaphysical claims about the nature of (...)
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  5. Gaṅgeśa on Epistemic Luck.Nilanjan Das - 2021 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 49 (2):153-202.
    This essay explores a problem for Nyāya epistemologists. It concerns the notion of pramā. Roughly speaking, a pramā is a conscious mental event of knowledge-acquisition, i.e., a conscious experience or thought in undergoing which an agent learns or comes to know something. Call any event of this sort a knowledge-event. The problem is this. On the one hand, many Naiyāyikas accept what I will call the Nyāya Definition of Knowledge, the view that a conscious experience or thought is a knowledge-event (...)
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  6. The Value of Biased Information.Nilanjan Das - 2023 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 74 (1):25-55.
    In this article, I cast doubt on an apparent truism, namely, that if evidence is available for gathering and use at a negligible cost, then it’s always instrumentally rational for us to gather that evidence and use it for making decisions. Call this ‘value of information’ (VOI). I show that VOI conflicts with two other plausible theses. The first is the view that an agent’s evidence can entail non-trivial propositions about the external world. The second is the view that epistemic (...)
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    A Critique of the Use of the Clinical Frailty Scale in Triage.Sunit Das & Chloë G. K. Atkins - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (11):67-68.
    We read with interest Dominic Wilkinson’s article “Frailty Triage: Is Rationing Intensive Medical Treatment on the Grounds of Frailty Ethical?” on the utility of the Clinical Frailty Score in...
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  8. Transparency and the KK Principle.Nilanjan Das & Bernhard Salow - 2018 - Noûs 52 (1):3-23.
    An important question in epistemology is whether the KK principle is true, i.e., whether an agent who knows that p is also thereby in a position to know that she knows that p. We explain how a “transparency” account of self-knowledge, which maintains that we learn about our attitudes towards a proposition by reflecting not on ourselves but rather on that very proposition, supports an affirmative answer. In particular, we show that such an account allows us to reconcile a version (...)
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  9. Has Industrialization Benefited No One? Climate Change and the Non-Identity Problem.Ramon Das - 2014 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 17 (4):747-759.
    Within the climate justice debate, the ‘beneficiary pays’ principle holds that those who benefit from greenhouse emissions associated with industrialization ought to pay for the costs of mitigating and adapting to their adverse effects. This principle constitutes a claim of inter-generational justice, and it is widely believed that the non-identity problem raises serious difficulties for any such claim. After briefly sketching the rationale behind ‘beneficiary pays,’ this paper offers a new way of understanding the claim that persons in developed societies (...)
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  10. Externalism and exploitability.Nilanjan Das - 2020 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 104 (1):101-128.
    According to Bayesian orthodoxy, an agent should update---or at least should plan to update---her credences by conditionalization. Some have defended this claim by means of a diachronic Dutch book argument. They say: an agent who does not plan to update her credences by conditionalization is vulnerable (by her own lights) to a diachronic Dutch book, i.e., a sequence of bets which, when accepted, guarantee loss of utility. Here, I show that this argument is in tension with evidence externalism, i.e., the (...)
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    The Boundaries of the “We:” Cruelty, Responsibility and Forms of Life.Veena Das - 2016 - Critical Horizons 17 (2):168-185.
    This paper establishes a dialogue between the later works of Wittgenstein, those of Cavell and the novels of J. M. Coetzee concerning the problem of violence, authority and the authoritative voice. By drawing on J. M. Coetzee's Waiting for the Barbarians and Diary of a Bad Year, the paper discusses lessons and insights on the nature of violence and the ways in which it can be accepted as “normal.” The term “normalization” is used in order to show how violence and (...)
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  12. Credal imprecision and the value of evidence.Nilanjan Das - 2023 - Noûs 57 (3):684-721.
    This paper is about a tension between two theses. The first is Value of Evidence: roughly, the thesis that it is always rational for an agent to gather and use cost‐free evidence for making decisions. The second is Rationality of Imprecision: the thesis that an agent can be rationally required to adopt doxastic states that are imprecise, i.e., not representable by a single credence function. While others have noticed this tension, I offer a new diagnosis of it. I show that (...)
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    On the structure of Borel ideals in-between the ideals ED and Fin ⊗ Fin in the Katětov order.Pratulananda Das, Rafał Filipów, Szymon Gła̧b & Jacek Tryba - 2021 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 172 (8):102976.
  14. Bad News for Moral Error Theorists: There Is No Master Argument Against Companions in Guilt Strategies.Ramon Das - 2017 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 95 (1):58-69.
    A ‘companions in guilt’ strategy against moral error theory aims to show that the latter proves too much: if sound, it supports an implausible error-theoretic conclusion in other areas such as epistemic or practical reasoning. Christopher Cowie [2016 Cowie, C. 2016. Good News for Moral Error Theorists: A Master Argument Against Companions in Guilt Strategies, Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94/1: 115–30.[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]] has recently produced what he claims is a ‘master argument’ against (...)
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    Prerogatives without restrictions?Ramon Das - 2000 - Philosophical Studies 99 (3):347-371.
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  16. Accuracy and ur-prior conditionalization.Nilanjan Das - 2019 - Review of Symbolic Logic 12 (1):62-96.
    Recently, several epistemologists have defended an attractive principle of epistemic rationality, which we shall call Ur-Prior Conditionalization. In this essay, I ask whether we can justify this principle by appealing to the epistemic goal of accuracy. I argue that any such accuracy-based argument will be in tension with Evidence Externalism, i.e., the view that agent's evidence may entail non-trivial propositions about the external world. This is because any such argument will crucially require the assumption that, independently of all empirical evidence, (...)
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    Textures of the ordinary: doing anthropology after Wittgenstein.Veena Das - 2020 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Textures of the Ordinary shows how anthropology finds a companionship with philosophy in the exploration of everyday life. Based on two decades of ethnographic work among low-income urban families in India, Das shows how the notion of texture aligns ethnography with the anthropological tone in Wittgenstein and Cavell, as well as in literary texts. The book shows different routes of return to the everyday as it is corroded not only by catastrophic events but also by repetitive and routine violence within (...)
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  18. Raghunātha on Arthâpatti.Nilanjan Das - 2020 - In Malcolm Keating, Controversial Reasoning in Indian Philosophy: Major Texts and Arguments on Arthâpatti. London: Bloomsbury Academic Publishing.
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  19. Udayana Ācārya's The Flower-Offering of Reason.Nilanjan Das - 2020 - In Malcolm Keating, Controversial Reasoning in Indian Philosophy: Major Texts and Arguments on Arthâpatti. London: Bloomsbury Academic Publishing.
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  20. Vedantaparibhasa : an analytical Study.G. P. Das - 1990 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 180 (2):448-448.
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    In Memoriam Susan Sontag.Péter Nádas - 2005 - Common Knowledge 11 (3):367-368.
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    An ethical analysis of clinical triage protocols and decision-making frameworks: what do the principles of justice, freedom, and a disability rights approach demand of us?Sunit Das, Chloë G. K. Atkins, Liam G. McCoy, Connor T. A. Brenna & Jane Zhu - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-9.
    BackgroundThe expectation of pandemic-induced severe resource shortages has prompted authorities to draft and update frameworks to guide clinical decision-making and patient triage. While these documents differ in scope, they share a utilitarian focus on the maximization of benefit. This utilitarian view necessarily marginalizes certain groups, in particular individuals with increased medical needs.Main bodyHere, we posit that engagement with the disability critique demands that we broaden our understandings of justice and fairness in clinical decision-making and patient triage. We propose the capabilities (...)
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    Unravelling Discourses on COVID-19, South Asians and Punjabi Canadians.Tania Das Gupta & Sugandha Nagpal - 2022 - Studies in Social Justice 16 (1):103-122.
    This article uses critical discourse analysis to examine how the higher COVID-19 infection rates among South Asians in general, and Punjabis more specifically, have been represented by conservative politicians and their representatives as a consequence of cultural and religious practices. Two counter-narratives are discussed. The first substitutes the negative image of the Sikh Punjabi Canadian community with a celebratory and positive view of Sikh humanitarianism and community service. The second attributes the high numbers to class attributes such as precarious jobs, (...)
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  24. O outro lado do Império: as disputas mercantis e os conflitos de jurisdição no Império Luso-Brasileiro The other side of the Empire: commercial disputes and jurisdictional.Cláudia Maria das Graças Chaves - 2006 - Topoi 7 (12):147-177.
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    Interpretations for a class on minority assessment.J. P. Das - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (2):228-228.
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    Śrīharṣa.Nilanjan Das - 2018 - The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  27. Why companions in guilt arguments still work: Reply to Cowie.Ramon Das - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly:pqv078.
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    (1 other version)Problems and justifications of the theory of Drstisrsti.Umesh Chandra Das - 1977 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 5 (1-2):151-161.
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  29. und Zeichenverstehen.Das Prinzip der Nachsichtigkeit im Sprach - 1990 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 15:1-18.
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  30. P5. Interface Between Faunal Biodiversity and Cultural Heritage in South West Bengal, India.Kailash C. Malhotra & Ketaki Das - forthcoming - Bioethics in Asia: The Proceedings of the Unesco Asian Bioethics Conference (Abc'97) and the Who-Assisted Satellite Symposium on Medical Genetics Services, 3-8 Nov, 1997 in Kobe/Fukui, Japan, 3rd Murs Japan International Symposium, 2nd Congress of the Asi.
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  31. Vasubandhu on the First Person.Nilanjan Das - 2023 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 93:23-53.
    In classical South Asia, most philosophers thought that the self (if it exists at all) is what the first-person pronoun ‘I’ stands for. It is something that persists through time, undergoes conscious thoughts and experiences, and exercises control over actions. The Buddhists accepted the ‘no self’ thesis: they denied that such a self is substantially real. This gave rise to a puzzle for these Buddhists. If there is nothing substantially real that ‘I’ stands for, what are we talking about when (...)
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    Jean-Baptiste Debret, cronista das Luzes.Lise Andries & Maria das Graças de Souza - 2024 - Discurso 54 (2):30-56.
    The aim of this article is to analyse Debret's work Voyage historique et pittoresque au Brésil and show that it is marked by the French Enlightenment. The text is divided into four parts, in addition to the introduction and conclusion: the first presents the historical context from which Debret was trained in painting and received the main influences in that art; the second deals with the technical aspects of writing the work; the third touches on the indigenous theme; the fourth (...)
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    The Political Theology of Kierkegaard.Saitya Brata Das - 2020 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Saitya Brata Das argues that in Kierkegaard's work we find a radical eschatological critique, not only of the liberal-humanist pathos of modernity but also the political theology of Carl Schmitt, that seeks to legitimise the sovereign power of the state by an appeal to a divine or theological foundation. Relating Kierkegaard's notion of 'Christianity without Christendom' to the Schellingian eschatological critique of sovereignty, he shows how Schelling's insistence on the eschatological difference between religion and politics is transformed and further intensified (...)
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    ‘Aching to be a boy’: A preliminary analysis of gender assignment of intersex persons in India in a culture of son preference.Arpita Das - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (6):585-592.
    Intersexuality, particularly in the global South, remains an under‐researched field of study. In my in‐progress doctoral research project, I explore the cultural, social, and medical discourses that influence how key stakeholders such as healthcare providers make decisions about the sex and gender assignment of the intersex child in India. In this paper I interrogate some of these ideas around gender assignment of intersex people in India, paying particular attention to the context of son preference. I am interested in exploring how (...)
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    Problematic Aspects of the Sexual Rituals of the Bauls of Bengal.Rahul Peter Das - 1992 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 112 (3):388-432.
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    The Force of Nonviolence: An Ethico-Political Bind by Judith Butler.Saswat S. Das - 2022 - Substance 51 (2):104-108.
    Judith Butler's The Force of Nonviolence attempts a creative mapping of the forces of nonviolence. With leading thinkers of the world coming up with creative cartographies of violence, Butler's mapping of nonviolence doesn't stand as an exercise in altering or undermining such cartographies. While these thinkers work with what stands as a categorical understanding of violence while reconstructing it as a destructive force innate to every being in the world, Butler departs from reiterating such understandings. However, with her mapping, Butler (...)
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  37. Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods: TABLEAUX 2021.Anupam Das & Sara Negri (eds.) - 2021
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    ...And the World Should Be Made a Desert: Fragments on Art, Philosophy and Life.Saitya Brata Das - 2016 - Delhi: Aakar Books. Edited by Achia Anzi.
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    Characters and universals: A criticism of mr. G. F. Stout's view.Rasvihary Das - 1929 - The Monist 39 (4):629 - 638.
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  40. Ecofeminism.Arpana Dhar Das - 2005 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 32 (1/2).
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    First-principles characterisation of the pressure-dependent elastic anisotropy of SnO2polymorphs.Pratik Kumar Das, Anjan Chowdhury, Nibir Mandal & A. Arya - 2016 - Philosophical Magazine 96 (18):1861-1882.
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    India in World Politics.A. M. Taraknath Das - 1923 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 43:148.
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    Managing the risk of non performing assets in the small scale industries in india.Rituparna Das - unknown
    This article tries to seek a solution to the problem of NPA in the small scale industries under the present circumstances of banking and insurance working together under the same roof. What is stressed in this article is the pressing need of the small-scale entrepreneur for becoming aware and educated in modern business management holding a professional attitude toward rational decision-making and banks have to facilitate that process as a part of the credit policy sold by them.
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    On Beatitudes-A Critique of Historical Reason.Saitya Brata Das - 2013 - Kritike 7 (1):22-35.
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  45. On Decision Procedure.K. Das - 1998 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 25 (3):287-306.
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    On the refinement of carbide precipitates by cryotreatment in AISI D2 steel.D. Das, A. K. Dutta & K. K. Ray - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (1):55-76.
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  47. Paul, the Law, and the Covenant.A. Andrew Das - 2001
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    (1 other version)Political Theory of Global Justice: A Cosmopolitan Case for the World State Luis Cabrera,Political Theory of Global Justice: A Cosmopolitan Case for the World State.Ramon Das - 2006 - Politics and Ethics Review 2 (1):97-100.
  49. Sri Aurobindo: life and times of the mahayogi: the pre-Pondicherry phase.Manoj Das - 2020 - New Delhi: National Book Trust, India.
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    The destinal question of language.Saitya Brata Das - 2011 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 52 (123):121-138.
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