Results for 'Strong determinism'

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  1. Strong Determinism.Eddy Keming Chen - 2024 - Philosophers' Imprint 24 (1).
    A strongly deterministic theory of physics is one that permits exactly one possible history of the universe. In the words of Penrose (1989), "it is not just a matter of the future being determined by the past; the entire history of the universe is fixed, according to some precise mathematical scheme, for all time.” Such an extraordinary feature may appear unattainable in a world like ours. In this paper, I show that it can be achieved in a simple way and (...)
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    Strong Determinism vs. Computability.Cristian Calude, Douglas Campbell, Karl Svozil & Doru Ştefănescu - 1995 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 3:115-131.
    Penrose [40] has discussed a new point of view concerning the nature of physics that might underline conscious thought processes. He has argued that it might be the case that some physical laws are not computable, i.e. they cannot be properly simulated by computer; such laws can most probably arise on the “no-man’s-land” between classical and quantum physics. Furthermore, conscious thinking is a non-algorithmic activity. He is opposing both strong AI , and Searle’s [47] contrary viewpoint mathematical “laws”).
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  3. A deterministic analysis of free will.Charles A. Strong - 1904 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 1 (5):125-131.
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  4. Strong Cut-Elimination, Coherence, and Non-deterministic Semantics.Arnon Avron - unknown
    An (n, k)-ary quantifier is a generalized logical connective, binding k variables and connecting n formulas. Canonical systems with (n, k)-ary quantifiers form a natural class of Gentzen-type systems which in addition to the standard axioms and structural rules have only logical rules in which exactly one occurrence of a quantifier is introduced. The semantics for these systems is provided using two-valued non-deterministic matrices, a generalization of the classical matrix. In this paper we use a constructive syntactic criterion of coherence (...)
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    (2 other versions)Deterministic Convergence and Strong Regularity.Michael Nielsen - 2018 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 71 (4):1461-1491.
    Bayesians since Savage (1972) have appealed to asymptotic results to counter charges of excessive subjectivity. Their claim is that objectionable differences in prior probability judgments will vanish as agents learn from evidence, and individual agents will converge to the truth. Glymour (1980), Earman (1992) and others have voiced the complaint that the theorems used to support these claims tell us, not how probabilities updated on evidence will actually}behave in the limit, but merely how Bayesian agents believe they will behave, suggesting (...)
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  6. A Triple Correspondence in Canonical Calculi: Strong Cut-Elimination, Coherence, and Non-deterministic Semantics.Arnon Avron & Anna Zamansky - unknown
    An (n, k)-ary quantifier is a generalized logical connective, binding k variables and connecting n formulas. Canonical systems with (n, k)-ary quantifiers form a natural class of Gentzen-type systems which in addition to the standard axioms and structural rules have only logical rules in which exactly one occurrence of a quantifier is introduced. The semantics for these systems is provided using two-valued non-deterministic matrices, a generalization of the classical matrix. In this paper we use a constructive syntactic criterion of coherence (...)
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  7. Divine Determinism and the Problem of Hell.Jacobus Erasmus & Tim Stratton - 2018 - Perichoresis 16 (2):3-15.
    Divine determinism, though affirmed by many Calvinists, implicates God in the decisions people make that ultimately damn them to the terrible destiny of hell. In this paper, the authors argue that this scenario is a problem for divine determinism. The article contends that determinism is inconsistent with God’s love and the Scriptures that explicitly state that God does not ‘desire’ anyone to go to hell. Even human love for others strongly suggests that God, who is ‘love’, will (...)
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    Causality in Chaotic Environment: Does Strong Causality Break Down in Deterministic Chaos?Max Urchs - 2006 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 89:187.
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    Determinism and the Hiddenness of God in Calvin's Theology.C. J. Kinlaw - 1988 - Religious Studies 24 (4):497 - 509.
    Julian N. Hartt once observed that Calvin so accentuates divine causation that he denies all secondary agency. A strong statement of God's omnipotence commits Calvin to the position that divine causation is the only connection that has any foundation in reality. And this claim, Hartt noted, places Calvin dangerously close to Spinozism. I have no stake in any analysis that attempts to indicate affinities between Calvin and the Dutch rationalist whom he predates by several generations. But, as Hartt suggested (...)
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    Non Deterministic Classical Logic: The -calculus.Karim Nour - 2002 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 48 (3):357-366.
    In this paper, we present an extension of λμ-calculus called λμ++-calculus which has the following properties: subject reduction, strong normalization, unicity of the representation of data and thus confluence only on data types. This calculus allows also to program the parallel-or.
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    Observational equivalence of deterministic and indeterministic descriptions and the role of different observations.Charlotte Werndl - 2012 - In Hartmann Stephan, Okasha Samir & De Regt Herman, Proceedings of the Second Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association. Springer. pp. 427-439.
    Recently some results have been presented which show that certain kinds of deterministic descriptions and indeterministic descriptions are observationally equivalent (Werndl 2009a, 2010). This paper focuses on some philosophical questions prompted by these results. More specifically, first, I will discuss the philosophical comments made by mathematicians about observational equivalence, in particular Ornstein and Weiss (1991). Their comments are vague, and I will argue that, according to a reasonable interpretation, they are misguided. Second, the results on observational equivalence raise the question (...)
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  12. Genetic modification and genetic determinism.David B. Resnik & Daniel B. Vorhaus - 2006 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 1:9.
    In this article we examine four objections to the genetic modification of human beings: the freedom argument, the giftedness argument, the authenticity argument, and the uniqueness argument. We then demonstrate that each of these arguments against genetic modification assumes a strong version of genetic determinism. Since these strong deterministic assumptions are false, the arguments against genetic modification, which assume and depend upon these assumptions, are therefore unsound. Serious discussion of the morality of genetic modification, and the development (...)
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  13. Linguistic Determinism and the Innate Basis of Number.Stephen Laurence & Eric Margolis - 2005 - In Peter Carruthers, Stephen Laurence & Stephen P. Stich, The Innate Mind: Structure and Contents. New York, US: Oxford University Press on Demand.
    Strong nativist views about numerical concepts claim that human beings have at least some innate precise numerical representations. Weak nativist views claim only that humans, like other animals, possess an innate system for representing approximate numerical quantity. We present a new strong nativist model of the origins of numerical concepts and defend the strong nativist approach against recent cross-cultural studies that have been interpreted to show that precise numerical concepts are dependent on language and that they are (...)
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    Determinism beyond time evolution.Emily Adlam - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (4):1-36.
    Physicists are increasingly beginning to take seriously the possibility of laws outside the traditional time-evolution paradigm; yet many popular definitions of determinism are still predicated on a time-evolution picture, making them manifestly unsuited to the diverse range of research programmes in modern physics. In this article, we use a constraint-based framework to set out a generalization of determinism which does not presuppose temporal evolution, distinguishing between strong, weak and delocalised holistic determinism. We discuss some interesting consequences (...)
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    Non-deterministic Conditionals and Transparent Truth.Federico Pailos & Lucas Rosenblatt - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (3):579-598.
    Theories where truth is a naive concept fall under the following dilemma: either the theory is subject to Curry’s Paradox, which engenders triviality, or the theory is not trivial but the resulting conditional is too weak. In this paper we explore a number of theories which arguably do not fall under this dilemma. In these theories the conditional is characterized in terms of non-deterministic matrices. These non-deterministic theories are similar to infinitely-valued Łukasiewicz logic in that they are consistent and their (...)
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  16. From Determinism to Resignation, and How to Stop It.Richard Holton - 2013 - In Andy Clark, Julian Kiverstein & Tillmann Vierkant, Decomposing the Will. , US: Oxford University Press USA.
    A few philosophers have held that determinism should lead to an attitude of resignation: since what will be will be, there is no point trying to influence the future. That argument has rightly been seen as mistaken. But a plausible parallel argument leads from the thesis of predictability---the thesis that it can be known what will happen---to an attitude of resignation. So if predictability is true, our normal practical attitudes may well be deeply mistaken. Fortunately, whilst determinism is (...)
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  17.  67
    Determinism and Causal Feedback Loops in Montesquieu's Explanations for the Military Rise and Fall of Rome.Paul Schuurman - 2013 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21 (3):507-528.
    Montesquieu's Considérations sur les causes de la grandeur des Romains et de leur décadence (1733/1734) is a methodological exercise in causal explanation on the meso-level applied to the subject of the military rise and fall of Rome. Rome is described as a system with contingent initial conditions that have a strong path-determining effect. Contingent and plastic initial configurations become highly determining in their subsequent operation, thanks to self-reinforcing feedback loops. Montesquieu's method seems influenced by the ruthless commitment to efficient (...)
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  18. Constraints on Determinism: Bell Versus Conway–Kochen.Eric Cator & Klaas Landsman - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (7):781-791.
    Bell’s Theorem from Physics 36:1–28 (1964) and the (Strong) Free Will Theorem of Conway and Kochen from Notices AMS 56:226–232 (2009) both exclude deterministic hidden variable theories (or, in modern parlance, ‘ontological models’) that are compatible with some small fragment of quantum mechanics, admit ‘free’ settings of the archetypal Alice and Bob experiment, and satisfy a locality condition akin to parameter independence. We clarify the relationship between these theorems by giving reformulations of both that exactly pinpoint their resemblance and (...)
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    On Non-Deterministic Quantification.Thomas Macaulay Ferguson - 2014 - Logica Universalis 8 (2):165-191.
    This paper offers a framework for extending Arnon Avron and Iddo Lev’s non-deterministic semantics to quantified predicate logic with the intent of resolving several problems and limitations of Avron and Anna Zamansky’s approach. By employing a broadly Fregean picture of logic, the framework described in this paper has the benefits of permitting quantifiers more general than Walter Carnielli’s distribution quantifiers and yielding a well-behaved model theory. This approach is purely objectual and yields the semantical equivalence of both α-equivalent formulae and (...)
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    The New Defense of Determinism: Neurobiological Reduction.Mehmet Ödemi̇ş - 2021 - Kader 19 (1):29-54.
    Determinist thought with its sui generis view on life, nature and being as a whole is a point of view that could be observed in many different cultures and beliefs. It was thanks to Greek thought that it ceased to be a cultural element and transformed into a systematic cosmology. Schools such as Leucippos, then Democritos and Stoa attempted to integrate the determinist philosophy into ontology and cosmology. In the course of time, physics and metaphysics-based determinism approaches were introduced, (...)
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    What Next after Determinism in the Ontology of Technology? Distributing Responsibility in the Biofuel Debate.Philip Boucher - 2011 - Science and Engineering Ethics 17 (3):525-538.
    This article builds upon previous discussion of social and technical determinisms as implicit positions in the biofuel debate. To ensure these debates are balanced, it has been suggested that they should be designed to contain a variety of deterministic positions. Whilst it is agreed that determinism does not feature strongly in contemporary academic literatures, it is found that they have generally been superseded by an absence of any substantive conceptualisation of how the social shaping of technology may be related (...)
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    A Strong Compatibilist Account of Settling.Sean Clancy - 2013 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 56 (6):653-665.
    In A Metaphysics for Freedom, Helen Steward argues that agents settle things when they act, and that in order for agents to settle things, the universe must be indeterministic. Steward suggests a ‘weak’ account of settling, on which settling is compatible with determinism, but she rightly claims that this weak account is unacceptable. In this paper, I argue that the weak account of settling is not the best account of settling available to the compatibilist. In the first part of (...)
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  23. Early Stoic Determinism.Susanne Bobzien - 2005 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 4 (4):489-516.
    ABSTRACT: Although from the 2nd century BC to the 3rd AD the problems of determinism were discussed almost exclusively under the heading of fate, early Stoic determinism, as introduced by Zeno and elaborated by Chrysippus, was developed largely in Stoic writings on physics, independently of any specific "theory of fate ". Stoic determinism was firmly grounded in Stoic cosmology, and the Stoic notions of causes, as corporeal and responsible for both sustenance and change, and of effects as (...)
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  24. Why there are no good arguments for any interesting version of determinism.Mark Balaguer - 2009 - Synthese 168 (1):1 - 21.
    This paper considers the empirical evidence that we currently have for various kinds of determinism that might be relevant to the thesis that human beings possess libertarian free will. Libertarianism requires a very strong version of indeterminism, so it can be refuted not just by universal determinism, but by some much weaker theses as well. However, it is argued that at present, we have no good reason to believe even these weak deterministic views and, hence, no good (...)
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  25. (1 other version)How Free Are You?: The Determinism Problem.Ted Honderich - 1993 - New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    'Review from previous edition 'the arguments for free will and determinism are lucidly laid out... A primer that is serviceable, enjoyable and rather mischievous.'' - The Observer 1993 ''refreshing, provocative and original work'' - Times Literary Supplement 1994 ''a readable and engaging introduction to the determinism controversy... Honderich's book is well worth reading... the view he presents is provocative and he has written a very challenging and enlightening introduction to 'the determinism problem' that should be widely read.'' (...)
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    No Chances in a Deterministic World.C. D. McCoy - manuscript
    Several philosophers have developed accounts to dissolve the apparent conflict between deterministic laws of nature and objective chances. These philosophers advocate the compatibility of determinism and chance. I argue that determinism and chance are incompatible and criticize the various notions of “deterministic chance” supplied by the compatibilists. Many of the compatibilists are strongly motivated by scientific theories where objective probabilities are combined with deterministic laws, the most salient of which is classical statistical mechanics. I show that, properly interpreted, (...)
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  27. Causality and determinism: Tension, or outright conflict?Carl Hoefer - 2004 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 29 (2):99-115.
    In the philosophical tradition, the notions of determinism and causality are strongly linked: it is assumed that in a world of deterministic laws, causality may be said to reign supreme; and in any world where the causality is strong enough, determinism must hold. I will show that these alleged linkages are based on mistakes, and in fact get things almost completely wrong. In a deterministic world that is anything like ours, there is no room for genuine causation. (...)
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    (1 other version)7 The Fearless Vampire Conservator: Philip Kitcher, Genetic Determinism, and the Informational Gene.Paul E. Griffiths - 2006 - In Eva M. Neumann-Held, Christoph Rehmann-Sutter, Barbara Herrnstein Smith & E. Roy Weintraub, Genes in Development: Re-reading the Molecular Paradigm. Duke University Press. pp. 175-198.
    Genetic determinism is the idea that many significant human characteristics are rendered inevitable by the presence of certain genes. The psychologist Susan Oyama has famously compared arguing against genetic determinism to battling the undead. Oyama suggests that genetic determinism is inherent in the way we currently represent genes and what genes do. As long as genes are represented as containing information about how the organism will develop, they will continue to be regarded as determining causes no matter (...)
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  29. Continuity, causality and determinism in mathematical physics: from the late 18th until the early 20th century.Marij van Strien - 2014 - Dissertation, University of Ghent
    It is commonly thought that before the introduction of quantum mechanics, determinism was a straightforward consequence of the laws of mechanics. However, around the nineteenth century, many physicists, for various reasons, did not regard determinism as a provable feature of physics. This is not to say that physicists in this period were not committed to determinism; there were some physicists who argued for fundamental indeterminism, but most were committed to determinism in some sense. However, for them, (...)
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  30. How Darwinian reductionism refutes genetic determinism.Philip M. Rosoff & Alex Rosenberg - 2006 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 37 (1):122-135.
    Genetic determinism labels the morally problematical claim that some socially significant traits, traits we care about, such as sexual orientation, gender roles, violence, alcoholism, mental illness, intelligence, are largely the results of the operation of genes and not much alterable by environment, learning or other human intervention. Genetic determinism does not require that genes literally fix these socially significant traits, but rather that they constrain them within narrow channels beyond human intervention. In this essay we analyze genetic (...) in light of what is now known about the inborn error of metabolism phenylketonuria , which has for so long been the poster child ‘simple’ argument in favor of some form of genetic determinism. We demonstrate that this case proves the exact opposite of what it has been proposed to support and provides a strong refutation of genetic determinism in all its guises. (shrink)
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  31. Free Will and Consciousness: A Determinist Account of the Illusion of Free Will.Gregg Caruso - 2012 - Lexington Books.
    This book argues two main things: The first is that there is no such thing as free will—at least not in the sense most ordinary folk take to be central or fundamental; the second is that the strong and pervasive belief in free will can be accounted for through a careful analysis of our phenomenology and a proper theoretical understanding of consciousness.
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    Necessity and Determinism in Robert Grosseteste’s De libero arbitrio.Marcin Trepczyński - 2020 - Studia Humana 9 (3-4):165-176.
    In this paper, the theory of necessity proposed by Robert Grosseteste is presented. After showing the wide range of various kinds of determination discussed by him (connected with: (1) one’s knowledge about the future, (2) predestination, (3) fate, (4) grace, (5) sin and temptation), a different context of Grosseteste’s use of the notion of necessity is analyzed (within logical and metaphysical approaches). At the heart of his theory lie: the definition of necessity, which is that something lacks the capacity (posse) (...)
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    I love you with all my brain: laying aside the intellectually dull sword of biological determinism.James C. Woodson - 2012 - Socioaffective Neuroscience and Psychology 2.
    Background: By organizing and activating our passions with both hormones and experiences, the heart and mind of sexual behavior, sexual motivation, and sexual preference is the brain, the organ of learning. Despite decades of progress, this incontrovertible truth is somehow lost in the far-too-often biologically deterministic interpretation of genetic, hormonal, and anatomical scientific research into the biological origins of sexual motivation. Simplistic and polarized arguments are used in the media by both sides of the seemingly endless debate over sexual orientation, (...)
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    On the consistency of circuit lower bounds for non-deterministic time.Albert Atserias, Sam Buss & Moritz Müller - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
    We prove the first unconditional consistency result for superpolynomial circuit lower bounds with a relatively strong theory of bounded arithmetic. Namely, we show that the theory [Formula: see text] is consistent with the conjecture that [Formula: see text], i.e. some problem that is solvable in non-deterministic exponential time does not have polynomial size circuits. We suggest this is the best currently available evidence for the truth of the conjecture. The same techniques establish the same results with [Formula: see text] (...)
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  35. The fearless vampire conservator: Phillip Kitcher and genetic determinism.Paul E. Griffiths - 2006 - In Eva M. Neumann-Held, Christoph Rehmann-Sutter, Barbara Herrnstein Smith & E. Roy Weintraub, Genes in Development: Re-reading the Molecular Paradigm. Duke University Press. pp. 175-198.
    Genetic determinism is the idea that many significant human characteristics are rendered inevitable by the presence of certain genes. The psychologist Susan Oyama has famously compared arguing against genetic determinism to battling the undead. Oyama suggests that genetic determinism is inherent in the way we currently represent genes and what genes do. As long as genes are represented as containing information about how the organism will develop, they will continue to be regarded as determining causes no matter (...)
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    On the consistency of circuit lower bounds for non-deterministic time.Albert Atserias, Sam Buss & Moritz Müller - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
    Journal of Mathematical Logic, Ahead of Print. We prove the first unconditional consistency result for superpolynomial circuit lower bounds with a relatively strong theory of bounded arithmetic. Namely, we show that the theory [math] is consistent with the conjecture that [math], i.e. some problem that is solvable in non-deterministic exponential time does not have polynomial size circuits. We suggest this is the best currently available evidence for the truth of the conjecture. The same techniques establish the same results with (...)
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    A domain model characterising strong normalisation.Ulrich Berger - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 156 (1):39-50.
    Building on previous work by Coquand and Spiwack [T. Coquand, A. Spiwack, A proof of strong normalisation using domain theory, in: Proceedings of the 21st Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, LICS’06, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2006, pp. 307–316] we construct a strict domain-theoretic model for the untyped λ-calculus with pattern matching and term rewriting which has the property that a term is strongly normalising if its value is not . There are no disjointness or confluence conditions (...)
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  38. Reflections on free will, determinism, and indeterminism.Robert H. Kane - manuscript
    _Some say there is no progress in philosophy, and certainly there is one sense in_ _which they are wrong. There are at least significant developments in philosophical_ _doctrines that have been persistently advocated in the past. With confidence I leave_ _you to arrive at a satisfactory understanding of 'significant'. There is no doubt that_ _Robert Kane has made some progress, probably more than any other contemporary_ _philosopher, in the laying out and defending of the doctrine that an understandable_ _freedom is (...)
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    Dualists and physicalists agree, free will is incompatible with determinism.Mark Wulff Carstensen, Stephan Sellmaier, Paul C. J. Taylor & Ophelia Deroy - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    Belief in substance dualism, the idea that mind and matter are two different kinds of substances, has been found to be a strong predictor of belief in free will. Why? Here, we test whether believing that mind and matter are different kinds of substance correlates with differences in how people think of free will and/or differences in how people interpret the scenarios used to test their conceptions. We provided participants (N = 515) with two hypothetical scenarios where the world (...)
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  40. The Cosmic Void.Eddy Keming Chen - 2021 - In Sara Bernstein & Tyron Goldschmidt, Non-Being: New Essays on the Metaphysics of Nonexistence. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    What exists at the fundamental level of reality? On the standard picture, the fundamental reality contains (among other things) fundamental matter, such as particles, fields, or even the quantum state. Non-fundamental facts are explained by facts about fundamental matter, at least in part. In this paper, I introduce a non-standard picture called the "cosmic void” in which the universe is devoid of any fundamental material ontology. Facts about tables and chairs are recovered from a special kind of laws that satisfy (...)
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    Some Reflections on the Statistical Postulate: Typicality, Probability and Explanation between Deterministic and Indeterministic Theories.Valia Allori - 2020 - In Statistical Mechanics and Scientific Explanation: Determinism, Indeterminism and Laws of Nature. Singapore: World Scientific.
    A common way of characterizing Boltzmann’s explanation of thermodynamics in term of statistical mechanics is with reference to three ingredients: the dynamics, the past hypothesis, and the statistical postulate. In this paper I focus on the statistical postulate, and I have three aims. First, I wish to argue that regarding the statistical postulate as a probability postulate may be too strong: a postulate about typicality would be enough. Second, I wish to show that there is no need to postulate (...)
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    Some Reflections on the Statistical Postulate: Typicality, Probability and Explanation between Deterministic and Indeterministic Theories.Valia Allori - 2020 - In Statistical Mechanics and Scientific Explanation: Determinism, Indeterminism and Laws of Nature. Singapore: World Scientific. pp. 65-111.
    A common way of characterizing Boltzmann’s explanation of thermodynamics in term of statistical mechanics is with reference to three ingredients: the dynamics, the past hypothesis, and the statistical postulate. In this paper I focus on the statistical postulate, and I have three aims. First, I wish to argue that regarding the statistical postulate as a probability postulate may be too strong: a postulate about typicality would be enough. Second, I wish to show that there is no need to postulate (...)
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    Tree-Like Proof Systems for Finitely-Many Valued Non-deterministic Consequence Relations.Pawel Pawlowski - 2020 - Logica Universalis 14 (4):407-420.
    The main goal of this paper is to provide an abstract framework for constructing proof systems for various many-valued logics. Using the framework it is possible to generate strongly complete proof systems with respect to any finitely valued deterministic and non-deterministic logic. I provide a couple of examples of proof systems for well-known many-valued logics and prove the completeness of proof systems generated by the framework.
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    On the actual impact of deterministic chaos.Theodor Leiber - 1997 - Synthese 113 (3):357-379.
    The notion of (deterministic) chaos is frequently used in an increasing number of scientific (as well as non-scientific) contexts, ranging from mathematics and the physics of dynamical systems to all sorts of complicated time evolutions, e.g., in chemistry, biology, physiology, economy, sociology, and even psychology. Despite (or just because of) these widespread applications, however, there seem to fluctuate around several misunderstandings about the actual impact of deterministic chaos on several problems of philosophical interest, e.g., on matters of prediction and computability, (...)
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    Pluralism and Logical Monism, Relativism and Linguistic Determinism: How do Logic and Language Influence our thinking?Jorge Alejandro Santos, Alba Massolo & Santiago Durante - 2024 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 41:198-229.
    RESUMEN Este trabajo pretende relacionar dos debates emparentados sobre cómo la lógica y el lenguaje influyen sobre el pensamiento. Existe un eje de discusión en relación a si hay una pluralidad de lógicas o un único sistema lógico como criterio de evaluación para cualquier contexto de razonamiento. En lingüística, el debate surgido a partir de las interpretaciones fuertes y débiles de la hipótesis Sapir-Whorf ha centralizado la discusión en torno al grado de influencia o determinación del lenguaje sobre el pensamiento. (...)
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    The program-substitution in algorithmic logic and algorithmic logic with non-deterministic programs.Andrzej Biela - 1984 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 13 (2):69-72.
    This note presents a point of view upon the notions of programsubstitution which are the tools for proving properties of programs of algorithmic logics [5], [3] being sufficiently strong and universal to comprise almost all previously introduced theories of programming, and the so-called extended algorithmic logic [1], [2] and algorithmic logic with nondeterministic programs [4]. It appears that the mentioned substitution rule allows us to examine more deeply algorithmic properties of terms, formulas and programs. Besides the problem of Post-completeness (...)
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  47.  62
    Quantum physics and consciousness: a (strong) defense of panpsychism.Carlos Eduardo Maldonado - 2018 - Trans/Form/Ação 41 (s1):101-118.
    : Probably the crux of quantum science is the relationship between consciousness and reality. The name for that relation is varied, and points out to a most fundamental problem, namely the possibility to overcome dualism. In science and philosophy at large, determinism and reductionism have already been tackled, if not superseded. The trouble though remains with dualism. This paper argues in favor of a radical relationship between reality and consciousness based on quantum theory. Such a relation is panpsychism, which (...)
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    The problem of freedom in Marxist thought.James J. O'Rourke - 1974 - Boston,: Reidel.
    This study seeks to present the theory of freedom as found in one line of the Marxist tradition, that which begins with Marx and Engels and continues through Lenin to contemporary Soviet philosophy. Although the primary goal is simply to describe how freedom is con ceived by the thinkers of this tradition, an attempt is also made to ascertain whether or not their views are strongly deterministic, as has often been presumed by Western commentators. is in order regarding the scope (...)
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  49. The Preordained Quantum Universe.Eddy Keming Chen - 2023 - Nature 624:513-515.
  50. Time's Arrow in a Quantum Universe: On the Status of Statistical Mechanical Probabilities.Eddy Keming Chen - 2020 - In Valia Allori, Statistical Mechanics and Scientific Explanation: Determinism, Indeterminism and Laws of Nature. Singapore: World Scientific. pp. 479–515.
    In a quantum universe with a strong arrow of time, it is standard to postulate that the initial wave function started in a particular macrostate---the special low-entropy macrostate selected by the Past Hypothesis. Moreover, there is an additional postulate about statistical mechanical probabilities according to which the initial wave function is a ''typical'' choice in the macrostate. Together, they support a probabilistic version of the Second Law of Thermodynamics: typical initial wave functions will increase in entropy. Hence, there are (...)
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