Results for 'Stopping times'

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    Stopping Time to Attend as a Care of the Teaching Self.Cara Furman - 2018 - Philosophy of Education 74:429-441.
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    Time May Have a Stop.David H. Sanford - 1969 - Analysis 29 (6):206.
    In "Time to Stop" (Analysis, 29,2, December 1968) Vernon Pratt argues that on a relativistic view of time the universe could not become static. He does not distinguish "it might be true at some time later than t that such-and-such is not the case" from "it might not be true that such-and-such is the case at some time later than t," and this distinction undermines his argument.
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    Time to Stop Worrying about the Therapeutic Misconception.David S. Wendler - 2012 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 23 (3):272-287.
    Work on the therapeutic misconception suggests that investigators should ensure that potential research subjects understand the fundamental differences between clinical research and clinical care. Yet, what potential research subjects should understand depends on their circumstances and the study in question. This analysis implies that researchers and review committees should stop attempting to define, measure, and dispel the therapeutic misconception, and instead should focus on what potential subjects should understand to participate in individual studies.
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    Harold E. Edgerton. Exploring the Art and Science of Stopping Time: A CD‐ROM Based on the Life and Work of Harold E. Edgerton. CD‐ROM in folder with booklet. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2000. $37.95. [REVIEW]Stuart W. Leslie - 2005 - Isis 96 (1):143-144.
  5. Stopped Clocks, Silent Telephones and Sense Data: Some Problems of Time Perception. [REVIEW]Robin Le Poidevin - 2015 - Topoi 34 (1):1-8.
    When philosophers of perception contemplate concrete examples, the tendency is to choose perceptions whose content does not essentially involve time, but concern how things are at the moment they are perceived. This is true whether the cases are veridical (seeing a tree as a tree) or illusory (misperceiving the colour or spatial properties of an object). Less discussed, and arguably more complex and interesting cases do involve time as an essential element: perceiving movement, for example, or perceiving the order and (...)
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    Time to stop trying to provide an account of time.Rupert Read - 2003 - Philosophy 78 (3):397-408.
    Dummett argues that there are difficulties with existing accounts of time, and urges us to consider the merits of his alternative ‘constructionist’ account. He derides my opting out of the debate between him and his Realist opponents as “quietist”. But the epithet “quietist” only works if there actually is some genuine topic on which I am staying quiet (or silencing others). Whereas I simply urge that, while Dummett has correctly identified difficulties with Realist accounts of time, he does not have (...)
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    Time to stop beating around the bush: a German perspective on national standards in the Bologna Process.Peter Wex - 2007 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 11 (3):74-77.
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    ACCE, Pharmacogenomics, and Stopping Clinical Trials: Time to Extend the CONSORT Statement?Bartha M. Knoppers, Yann Joly & Vural Ozdemir - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (3):11-13.
    (2011). ACCE, Pharmacogenomics, and Stopping Clinical Trials: Time to Extend the CONSORT Statement? The American Journal of Bioethics: Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 11-13.
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    Must Time have a Stop? Hegelian Reflections.Timothy O'Hagan - 1984 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 15 (3):231-242.
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  10. Time to Stop.Vernon Pratt - 1968 - Analysis 29 (2):52 - 53.
  11.  22
    The accuracy of timing with the stop watch.E. K. Rumberger - 1927 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 10 (1):60.
  12. Stop calculating: it is about time to start thinking!Vasil Penchev - 2024 - Metaphysics eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 17 (14):1-61.
    The paper is a partly provocative essay edited as a humanitarian study in philosophy of science and social philosophy, reflecting on the practical, “anti-metaphysical” turn taken place since the 20th century and continuing until now. The article advocates that it is about time it to be overcome because it is the main obstacle for the further development of exact and natural sciences including mathematics therefore restoring the unity of philosophy and sciences in the dawn of modern science when the great (...)
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    From “It Has Stopped Our Lives” to “Spending More Time Together Has Strengthened Bonds”: The Varied Experiences of Australian Families During COVID-19.Subhadra Evans, Antonina Mikocka-Walus, Anna Klas, Lisa Olive, Emma Sciberras, Gery Karantzas & Elizabeth M. Westrupp - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    It Is Time to Stop Racial Exclusion in Scholarly Citations.Afsaneh Shirani - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (4):547-548.
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    Discrimination of coronal stops by bilingual adults: The timing and nature of language interaction.Megha Sundara & Linda Polka - 2008 - Cognition 106 (1):234-258.
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    Why It's Time to Stop Worrying About Paternalism in Health Policy.J. Wilson - 2011 - Public Health Ethics 4 (3):269-279.
    Public health policies which involve active intervention to improve the health of the population are often criticized as paternalistic. This article argues that it is a mistake to frame our discussions of public health policies in terms of paternalism. First, it is deeply problematic to pick out which policies should count as paternalistic; at best, we can talk about paternalistic justifications for policies. Second, two of the elements that make paternalism problematic at an individual level—interference with liberty and lack of (...)
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    Concealment of Birth: Time to Repeal a 200-Year-Old “Convenient Stop-Gap”?Emma Milne - 2019 - Feminist Legal Studies 27 (2):139-162.
    Feminists have long argued that women who offend are judged by who they are, not what they do, with idealised images of femininity and motherhood used as measures of culpability. The ability to meet the expectations of motherhood and femininity are particularly difficult for women who experience a crisis pregnancy, as evident in cases where women have been convicted of concealment of birth. The offence prohibits the secret disposal of the dead body of a child, to conceal knowledge of its (...)
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    “Eternity Looking through Time”: Sartor Resartus and Frost’s “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”.James Duban - 2014 - Philosophy and Literature 38 (2):573-577.
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    The Recurrence of the End Times: Voegelin, Hegel, and the Stop-History Movements.Michael J. Colebrook - 2022 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    The Recurrence of the End Times: Voegelin, Hegel, and the Stop-History Movements explores the deep connection between modern political ideologies and the secular eschatological hopes and dreams of a post-Christian society.
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    Use of a delayed signal to stop a visual reaction-time response.Joseph S. Lappin & Charles W. Eriksen - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 72 (6):805.
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    Pedestrians’ Understanding of a Fully Autonomous Vehicle’s Intent to Stop: A Learning Effect Over Time.Michal Hochman, Yisrael Parmet & Tal Oron-Gilad - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study explored pedestrians’ understanding of Fully Autonomous Vehicles intention to stop and what influences pedestrians’ decision to cross the road over time, i.e., learnability. Twenty participants saw fixed simulated urban road crossing scenes with a single FAV on the road as if they were pedestrians intending to cross. Scenes differed from one another in the FAV’s, distance from the crossing place, its physical size, and external Human-Machine Interfaces message by background color, message type, and presentation modality. Eye-tracking data and (...)
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    Stopping exploitation: Properly remunerating healthcare workers for risk in the COVID‐19 pandemic.Alberto Giubilini & Julian Savulescu - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (4):372-379.
    We argue that we should provide extra payment not only for extra time worked but also for the extra risks healthcare workers (and those working in healthcare settings) incur while caring for COVID‐19 patients—and more generally when caring for patients poses them at significantly higher risks than normal. We argue that the extra payment is warranted regardless of whether healthcare workers have a professional obligation to provide such risky healthcare. Payment for risk would meet four essential ethical requirements. First, assuming (...)
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    Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking: A Normative Comparison with Refusing Lifesaving Treatment and Advance Directives.Paul T. Menzel - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (4):634-646.
    Refusal of lifesaving treatment, and such refusal by advance directive, are widely recognized as ethically and legally permissible. Voluntarily stopping eating and drinking is not. Ethically and legally, how does VSED compare with these two more established ways for patients to control the end of life? Is it more questionable because with VSED the patient intends to cause her death, or because those who assist it with palliative care could be assisting a suicide?In fact the ethical and legal basis (...)
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    Using Assessment to Drive the Reform of Schooling: Time to Stop Pursuing the Chimera?Harry Torrance - 2011 - British Journal of Educational Studies 59 (4):459-485.
    Internationally, over the last 20-30 years, changing the procedures and processes of assessment has come to be seen, by many educators as well as policy-makers, as a way to frame the curriculum and drive the reform of schooling. Such developments have often been manifested in large scale, high stakes testing programmes. At the same time educational arguments have been made about the need to provide students with good quality formative feedback, and informative reports about what they have achieved. The chimera (...)
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    Sudden stops and current account reversals: the euro area experience.Vesna Georgieva Svrtinov, Olivera Gorgieva-Trajkovska & Riste Temjanovski - 2015 - Seeu Review 11 (2):23-32.
    The paper analyzes the impact of massive capital flows and possible sudden stops on current account reversals. The aim of this paper is to consider the relationship between sudden stops and current account reversals in the eurozone and to explain the possibility of a balance-of-payment crisis within a monetary union. Peripheral eurozone countries experienced significant private-capital inflows from the core countries, followed by unambiguously massive outflows. Due to this, peripheral countries ran sustained current account deficits while core countries ran surpluses. (...)
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    INTRODUCTION: The Ethical, Legal & Policy Challenges of Stopping Biological Time.Susan M. Wolf, Timothy L. Pruett & Korkut Uygun - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (3):529-533.
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    When Did Literature Stop Being Cultural?Sandy Petrey - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (3):12-22.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:When Did Literature Stop Being Cultural?Sandy Petrey (bio)Debate over the future of French Studies in the United States has sometimes neglected a vital fact: even though the field of French Studies incorporates everything relevant to the francophone world, no single department of French Studies can be that comprehensive. If we want to teach anything serious, we must focus our collective energy and intellect on some manageable component of the (...)
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    Effects of Diazepam on Reaction Times to Stop and Go.Swagata Sarkar, Supriyo Choudhury, Nazrul Islam, Mohammad Shah Jahirul Hoque Chowdhury, Md Tauhidul Islam Chowdhury, Mark R. Baker, Stuart N. Baker & Hrishikesh Kumar - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Organ Donation: Why it’s time to stop free-riding and promote solidarity.Jan-Ole Reichardt - 2018 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 23 (1):149-172.
    Zusammenfassung Personen, die nicht bereits sind, als postmortale Organspender zur Verfügung zu stehen, sollten nachrangig versorgt werden, falls sie selbst einmal ein Organ benötigen, so wird in diesem Aufsatz argumentiert. Postmortale Organspenden sollten demnach grundsätzlich gerichtete Spenden zugunsten von anderen Spendewilligen sein. Diesem Ansatz zufolge sollten Organe nicht als öffentliche Ressource betrachtet werden und der Staat sollte respektieren, dass die Entscheidung darüber, was nach dem Tod mit dem Körper geschehen soll, bei der betreffenden Person selbst liegt. Während einige Formen der (...)
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    How to stop living and start worrying: Conversations with Carl Cederstrom.Carl Fredrik Rudolf Cederstrom & Simon Critchley - unknown
    The question of how to lead a happy and meaningful life has been at the heart of philosophical debate since time immemorial. Today, however, these questions seem to be addressed not by philosophers but self–help gurus, who frantically champion the individual′s quest for self–expression and self–realization; the desire to become authentic. Against these new age sophistries, How to Stop Living and Start Worrying tackles the question of ′how to live′ by forcing us to explore our troubling relationship with death. For (...)
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    Legal Briefing: Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking.Thaddeus Pope & Amanda West - 2014 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 25 (1):68-80.
    This issue’s “Legal Briefing” column covers recent legal developments involving voluntarily stopping eating and drinking (VSED). Over the past decade, clinicians and bioethicists have increasingly recognized VSED as a medically and ethically appropriate means to hasten death. Most recently, in September 2013, the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) called on its 2,000 member hospices to develop policies and guidelines addressing VSED. And VSED is getting more attention not only in healthcare communities, but also in the general public. (...)
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    Stop Drinking the Kool-Aid: The Academic Journal Review Process in the Social Sciences Is Broken, Let’s Fix It.Jeffrey Overall - 2015 - Journal of Academic Ethics 13 (3):277-289.
    Rooted in altruism theory, the purpose of the double-blind academic journal peer-review process is to: assess the quality of scientific research, minimize the potential for nepotism, and; advance the standards of research through high-quality, constructive feedback. However, considering the limited, if any, public recognition and monetary incentives that referees receive for reviewing manuscripts, academics are often reluctant to squander their limited time toward peer reviewing manuscripts. If they do accept such invitations, referees, at times, do not invest the appropriate (...)
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    A Hierarchical Bayesian Model of Human Decision‐Making on an Optimal Stopping Problem.Michael D. Lee - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (3):1-26.
    We consider human performance on an optimal stopping problem where people are presented with a list of numbers independently chosen from a uniform distribution. People are told how many numbers are in the list, and how they were chosen. People are then shown the numbers one at a time, and are instructed to choose the maximum, subject to the constraint that they must choose a number at the time it is presented, and any choice below the maximum is incorrect. (...)
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    Stop the bleeding or weather the storm? crisis solution marketing and the ideological use of metaphor in online financial reporting of the stock market crash of 2008 at the New York Stock Exchange.Ana Ortega-Larrea, Manuel Guillén-Parra & Michael O’Mara-Shimek - 2015 - Discourse and Communication 9 (1):103-123.
    Introducing the concept of Crisis Solution Marketing, this research explores how metaphor pre-packages information, proposing “solutions” to “problems” they discursively construct in the media. These conceptual frameworks are capable of influencing how readers perceive and interpret news events, ultimately influencing their behavior as consumers and the financial decisions they make. This article explores the relationship between editorial positioning and ideology in financial news and the types or ontologies of metaphors used to describe the nature of the stock market via reporting (...)
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    Whose time is it? Rancière on taking time, unproductive doing and democratic emancipation.Michael Räber - 2025 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 51 (1):157-177.
    This essay argues that an alternative conception of time to that underlying the ideology of productivism and growth is not only possible, but desirable. The creation of this time requires what I refer to as the practice of refusal via taking time: the self-determined arrangement of the nexus of time, action and utility that begins with the a-synchronous insertion of unproductive time into the synchronous horizontal time of productivism. The essay is divided into three sections. The first offers the reader (...)
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    Time Is Ethics.Mark Mercurio - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (1):3-4.
    Early in my career as a neonatologist, I was called into the hospital for a newborn who would not stop crying. Screaming, really. When I entered the unit, I was greeted by a loud, shrill, distinctive cry. After hearing the history and examining the baby, I just stood there for a while, watching and listening. It took some time, but eventually, I noticed a subtle regularity, a rhythmicity. I took off my watch, placed it on the bed next to the (...)
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    Public Expectations for Return of Results—Time to Stop Being Paternalistic?Conrad Fernandez - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (11):46-48.
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  38. Bananas enough for time travel.Nicholas J. J. Smith - 1997 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 48 (3):363-389.
    This paper argues that the most famous objection to backward time travel can carry no weight. In its classic form, the objection is that backward time travel entails the occurrence of impossible things, such as auto-infanticide—and hence is itself impossible. David Lewis has rebutted the classic version of the objection: auto-infanticide is prevented by coincidences, such as time travellers slipping on banana peels as they attempt to murder their younger selves. I focus on Paul Horwich‘s more recent version of the (...)
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    A Time for the Marginal: Levinas and Metz on Biblical Time.Manuel Losada-Sierra & John Mandalios - 2015 - Heythrop Journal 56 (3):411-423.
    In the modern consideration of historical time, reason is the driving force of progress through a homogenous, linear and continuum time. In fact, during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries humanity was witnessing a history of progress in which it appeared that history was progressing towards a better world. However, the tragedies of the twentieth century indicate the opposite. Western reason proved unable to stop the barbarism of war. At the heart of this panorama, according to Emmanuel Levinas and Johann Baptist (...)
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    The Ramp and the Stop Sign.Linda Pollack-Johnson - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (3):1-3.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Ramp and the Stop SignLinda Pollack-JohnsonWhen I first began working as a medical interpreter, my goal was simply to use my language skills to help people. I looked forward to learning more about the cultures of my two non-English languages (French and Italian). I did not anticipate that I would learn so much about the talents and culture of those who are differently-abled. I had no clue that (...)
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    (1 other version)Stopping at nothing : two-year-olds differentiate between interrupted and abandoned goals.Alexander Green, Barbora Siposova, Sotaro Kita & John Michael - forthcoming - Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.
    Previous research has established that goal tracking emerges early in the first year of life and rapidly becomes increasingly sophisticated. However, it has not yet been shown whether young children continue to update their representations of others’ goals over time. The current study investigates this by probing young children’s ability to differentiate between goal directed actions that have been halted because the goal was interrupted, and because the goal was abandoned. To test whether children are sensitive to this distinction, we (...)
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    When holding your horses meets the deer in the headlights: time-frequency characteristics of global and selective stopping under conditions of proactive and reactive control.Christina F. Lavallee, Marie T. Meemken, Christoph S. Herrmann & Rene J. Huster - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow: Attitudes De se and De motu.Eric Winsberg - 2021 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 103 (4):772-790.
    This paper argues that the classification of propositional attitudes into the de re, de dicto, and de se is incomplete. De se attitudes are widely agreed to be closely connected to de re attitudes. But there is a species of belief that is linked to agent-centered action in the way that de se beliefs are, but is also associated with entities, places, and especially times, under a description. These mark out a fourth kind. One way to think about what (...)
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  44. Stop agonising over informed consent when researchers use crowdsourcing platforms to conduct survey research.Jonathan Lewis, Vilius Dranseika & Søren Holm - 2023 - Clinical Ethics 18 (4):343-346.
    Research ethics committees and institutional review boards spend considerable time developing, scrutinising, and revising specific consent processes and materials for survey-based studies conducted on crowdsourcing and online recruitment platforms such as MTurk and Prolific. However, there is evidence to suggest that many users of ICT services do not read the information provided as part of the consent process and they habitually provide or refuse their consent without adequate reflection. In principle, these practices call into question the validity of their consent. (...)
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    The Trolley’s Last Stop before Consequentialism: Exploring the Terrain.Andrew Stark - 2017 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20 (5):1021-1035.
    The doctrine of double effect and the many other principles that philosophers have advanced to remedy the doctrine’s defects were meant, in the words of Warren Quinn, "to capture certain kinds of fairly common intuitions about [a set of canonical] pairs of cases." Both cases in each pair “have the same consequential profile,” in that "agents bring about the same good result at the same cost in lives lost or harm suffered." But they exhibit differing deontological characteristics, leading the “common (...)
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  46. When Should We Stop Investing in a Scientific Project? The Halting Problem in Experimental Physics.Vlasta Sikimić, Sandro Radovanović & Slobodan Perovic - 2018 - In Kaja Damnjanović, Ivana Stepanović Ilić & Slobodan Marković (eds.), Proceedings of the XXIV Conference “Empirical Studies in Psychology”. pp. 105-107.
    The question of when to stop an unsuccessful experiment can be difficult to answer from an individual perspective. To help to guide these decisions, we turn to the social epistemology of science and investigate knowledge inquisition within a group. We focused on the expensive and lengthy experiments in high energy physics, which were suitable for citation-based analysis because of the relatively quick and reliable consensus about the importance of results in the field. In particular, we tested whether the time spent (...)
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    Stopped in its tracks: Negative regulation of the dynein motor by the yeast protein She1.Jeffrey K. Moore - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (8):677-682.
    How do cells direct the microtubule motor protein dynein to move cellular components to the right place at the right time? Recent studies in budding yeast shed light on a new mechanism for directing dynein, involving the protein She1. She1 restricts where and when dynein moves the nucleus and mitotic spindle. Experiments with purified proteins show that She1 binds to microtubules and inhibits dynein by stalling the motor on its track. Here I describe what we have learned so far about (...)
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  48. If I Could Just Stop Loving You: Anti-Love Biotechnology and the Ethics of a Chemical Breakup.Brian D. Earp, Olga A. Wudarczyk, Anders Sandberg & Julian Savulescu - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (11):3-17.
    “Love hurts”—as the saying goes—and a certain amount of pain and difficulty in intimate relationships is unavoidable. Sometimes it may even be beneficial, since adversity can lead to personal growth, self-discovery, and a range of other components of a life well-lived. But other times, love can be downright dangerous. It may bind a spouse to her domestic abuser, draw an unscrupulous adult toward sexual involvement with a child, put someone under the insidious spell of a cult leader, and even (...)
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    (1 other version)Time and Eternity.Erich Frank - 1948 - Review of Metaphysics 2 (5):39 - 52.
    But, is there Eternity? It sounds so grandiose, when the poet says: "Eternity, thou pleasing, dreadful thought." The word, 'eternity' speaks, one might say, as with trumpet blasts and opens before us vistas of infinite spaces that may frighten us. It carries a solemnity with it which elevates us to a higher plane of existence. But we have become so suspicious of any such state of exultation, of any big word, that we wonder, whether 'eternity' is not merely an empty (...)
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    Stolen time, suspended time. Reason of State and utopia in Italian XVIth-XVIIth century culture.Paolo C. Pissavino - 2016 - Governare la Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 9 (1).
    The present study aims to analyze the relations between the doctrine of Reason of State and Utopianism in the Italian political culture during the XVIth and XVIIth centuries. Its focus is on the use of time prescribed to the prince as a peculiar tool for preserving his power and the state, while for the utopists time is a condition for rationalising the life of their ideal communities. On the other hand some authors of Reason of State and utopists considered the (...)
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