Results for 'Stjepan Kovačević'

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  1.  26
    Interests of Croatian primary school pupils about elective Technology Teaching and school activities.Damir Purković, Dino Delač & Stjepan Kovačević - 2022 - Metodicki Ogledi 29 (1):167-189.
    Učenikova mogućnost izbora sadržaja učenja tijekom općeg obveznog obrazovanja važan je korak ka individualiziranom razvoju. Unatoč proklamiranim potrebama društva za razvojem kompetencija u tzv. STEM području, u hrvatskom su obrazovnom sustavu aktivnosti iz ovog područja najmanje zastupljene u kurikulumu općeg obrazovanja. Stoga je provedeno istraživanje interesa učenika za izbornu nastavu tehničke kulture te za aktivnosti koje bi odabrali kad bi mogli birati što će u školi učiti i raditi. Istraživanje je provedeno na stratificiranom uzorku učenika osnovnih škola u Hrvatskoj u (...)
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  2. Tjelesna ontologija duše i zdravstvena reforma: adventistički zaokret u kršćanskoj antropologiji.Matija Kovačević - 2015 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 35 (3):483-491.
    Following the spread of Platonic anthropology, Christianity has started, already since the 2nd century A.D., to be dominated by dualism – a trend undisturbed by somewhat more holistic Thomism, and further strengthened by Cartesianism, which distanced Christian theology and soul even further away from the body. During the 1960s, theologians have become aware of the far more positive and inclusive attitude that the Bible has towards the body. Yet, a century before, the Adventist movement was born in conditionalism such as (...)
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    Social teaching of the Church in Croatia.Stjepan Baloban - 2002 - Disputatio Philosophica 4 (1):73-90.
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    Filozofski fakultet sveučilišta u Zagrebu: monografija.Stjepan Damjanović (ed.) - 1998 - Zagreb: Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta.
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    Modernization and modernity.Stjepan S. Gredelj - 1996 - Filozofija I Društvo 1996 (9):239-252.
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  6. Tożsamość etniczna- powstawanie, obrona i prześladowanie.Asja Nina Kovacev - 2000 - Colloquia Communia 70 (3):125-144.
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    Spoznaja Boga u filozofiji religije: B. Welte i božanski Bog.Stjepan Kušar - 1996 - Zagreb: Hrvatsko Filozofsko Drustvo.
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  8. How to Comprehend Barbarism in the Midst of Enlightenment.Stjepan G. Mestrovic - 2000 - In Mike Gane (ed.), Jean Baudrillard: in radical uncertainty. Sterling, Va.: Pluto Press. pp. 4--158.
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    Neki od problemskih aspekata 'Projekta svjetski etos' (II). Jedan analitičko-filozofski pristup problemu.Stjepan Radic - 2010 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 30 (1-2):269-282.
    U drugom dijelu članka »Neki od problemskih aspekata ‘Projekta svjetski etos’« autor pokušava istaknuti daljnje kritičke momente samog Projekta. K ovim kritičkim točkama pripadaju, između ostalog, Küngov pojednostavljeni pogled na pojedine etos-tradicije, nadalje tu su političke implikacije Projekta te na kraju upitna mogućnost praktične primjene temeljnih teza projekta uopće. Pojedine su etos-tradicije prema našem mišljenju mnogo složenije nego li to autor Hans Küng vidi. Njegovu tezu da moralne norme pojedinih religija ukazuju prvotno na ono što on označava pod pojmom ‘Humanum’, (...)
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    Ethik und Metaethik im jugoslawischen Marxismus: Analyse und Vergleich mit katholischen Positionen.Stjepan Sirovec - 1982 - Paderborn: Schöningh.
  11. Kriza kulture; kulturno-filozofijske studije iz suvremene socialne filozofije.Stjepan Zimmermann - 1943 - U. Zagrebu,: Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti.
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    O hrvatskoj filozofiji i kulturi.Stjepan Zimmermann & Ivan Čehok - 2001 - Zagreb: Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada. Edited by Ivan Čehok.
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    Smisao života.Stjepan Zimmermann - 1944 - U Zagrebu,: Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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    Liberating Oedipus?: Psychoanalysis as Critical Theory.Filip Kovacevic - 2006 - Lexington Books.
    In Liberating Oedipus?: Psychoanalysis as Critical Theory, Dr. Filip Kovacevic demonstrates how psychoanalytic theory can join political theory in designing alternative political norms and values. Kovacevic proves that political practice without an emancipatory psychology to guide it is potentially dangerous.
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    Media between publicity and production of the Hatred speech.Stjepan S. Gredelj - 1995 - Filozofija I Društvo 1995 (7):81-98.
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  16.  32
    Virtuelni povratak" četvrte" i" pete" generacije migranata.Stjepan Gredelj - 2006 - Filozofija I Društvo 2006 (29):77-89.
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    Obrazovanje na raskrsnici.Stjepan Haladin - 1983 - Zagreb: August Cesarec.
  18.  42
    Language acquisition in Croatian in cross-linguistic perspective.Melita Kovačević - forthcoming - Mind.
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  19.  12
    Sexual and Linguistic in the Work of Adriana Cavarero: Beyond Equality and Difference.Astrid Kovačević - 2021 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 41 (3):611-625.
    The paper examines the relationship between the sexual and linguistic and their mutual influence within the fields of political philosophy, linguistics, and theory of text, in selection from Adriana Cavarero’s work. First, we begin from the knowledge of poststructuralist text theory, psychoanalytic feminism and psycholinguistics, which are later expanded with the results from political philosophy with special emphasis on ancient texts. Cavarero’s texts are being analysed to describe the features through which the relationship between gender, sex and text is established. (...)
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  20.  29
    Michael Bordt, Platons Theologie.Stjepan Kušar - 2007 - Prolegomena 6 (2):315-322.
  21. Simmel's Sociology in Relation to Schopenhauer's Philosophy in Georg Simmel and Contemporary Sociology.Stjepan G. Mestrovic - 1989 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 119:181-197.
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    Schopenhauer's will and idea in Durkheim's methodology.Stjepan G. Mesrrovic - forthcoming - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science.
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    The Meaning of Petrić's Myth of History.Stjepan Špoljarić - 2010 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 30 (3):413-430.
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    Temelji filozofije: historijsko-kritička orijentacija.Stjepan Zimmermann - 1934 - Zagreb: Naklada Pramatice.
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  25.  48
    The importance of epistemic intentions in ascription of responsibility.Katarina M. Kovacevic, Francesca Bonalumi & Christophe Heintz - 2024 - Scientific Reports 14:1183.
    We investigate how people ascribe responsibility to an agent who caused a bad outcome but did not know he would. The psychological processes for making such judgments, we argue, involve finding a counterfactual in which some minimally benevolent intention initiates a course of events that leads to a better outcome than the actual one. We hypothesize that such counterfactuals can include, when relevant, epistemic intentions. With four vignette studies, we show that people consider epistemic intentions when ascribing responsibility for a (...)
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  26.  13
    Social movements without social change.Stjepan S. Gredelj - 1991 - Filozofija I Društvo 1991 (3):233-256.
  27.  8
    Offenbarung in der Philosophie?Stjepan Kušar - 2020 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 40 (1):33-48.
    Im Artikel werden die tragenden Konturen des Offenbarungsbegriffs im Denken Schellings hervorgehoben. Der Begriff hat den christlichen Hintergrund, wird aber von Schelling nicht auf konfessionelle Ebene festgelegt oder reduziert. Schelling nimmt ihn als Realität in der geschichtlichen Erfahrung der Menschheit; als solcher ist er interessant für die Philosophie. Das Thema der Offenbarung markiert bereits die erste Periode des Schellingschen Denkens: mit ihm wird die erkenntnismässige Entdeckung der Unbedingtheit und Autonomie der menschlichen Freiheit verbunden und zwar im Zusammenhang mit dem deutsch-aufklärerischen (...)
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  28. Simon Harrison, Augustine's Way into the Will: The Theological and Philosophical Significance of De Libero Arbitrio.Stjepan Kušar - 2007 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 2:379-382.
    Review on Simon Harrison, Augustine's Way into the Will: The Theological and Philosophical Significance of De Libero Arbitrio, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006.
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    Financing As One Of The Key Success Factors Of Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises.Stjepan Pticar - 2016 - Creative and Knowledge Society 6 (2):36-47.
    All entrepreneurs try to be timely unlimited, constant and successful in their business. In doing so, their company founding, running operations and development all depend on adequate and quality financing. The goal is to ensure a stable financing and growth and the question is how, when and from which sources should the financing be ensured. When talking of financing, it is primarily meant ensuring the money or the capital, a synonym of the entrepreneurship and its main moving strength. In order (...)
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  30.  16
    Der Geist und Bildung.Stjepan Radić - 2022 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 41 (4):765-780.
    Eine der grundlegenden menschlichen Bestimmungen ist die, dass der Mensch ein sich bildendes Wesen ist. Den Grund dafür findet die philosophische Tradition in seiner geistigen Seele. Für Humboldt und seine Universität beispielsweise, ist die Seele der Grund dieses Prozesses. Die zeitgenössische Bildungsphilosophie, namentlich die Pädagogik und die ihr verwandten Wissenschaften, vermeiden jedoch die Rede über die Seele hinsichtlich der Erziehung und besonders hinsichtlich der Bildung. Dies führt bereits zur zentralen These des Artikels, welche wie folgt zusammengefasst werden kann: Bildung kann (...)
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    Einige von den problematischen Aspekten des Projekts Weltethos (I). Ein philosophisch-analytischer Zugang zur Problematik.Stjepan Radic - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (4):733-744.
    Početkom devedesetih godina prošlog stoljeća, švicarski je teolog Hans Küng izašao s tezom da ako se želi stvoriti jedan globalni i dugoročni mir, moraju se uzeti u obzir velike svjetske religije. Svoja nastojanja Küng je u tom pogledu usmjerio na traženje zajedničkih etičkih osnova svim religijama. To nastojanje on je nazvao ´Projekt svjetski etos´. Njegove su glavne teze sljedeće: a. Nema napretka ljudskog roda bez svjetskog etosa; b. Nema svjetskog mira bez religioznog mira; c. Nema religioznog mira bez religioznog dijaloga. (...)
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    Recenzije I prikazi.Stjepan Radić, Fahrudin Novalić, Žaklina Harašić, Hrvoje Jurić & Nevad Kahteran - 2012 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 32 (1):187-197.
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    Information Feedback in Temporal Networks as a Predictor of Market Crashes.Stjepan Begušić, Zvonko Kostanjčar, Dejan Kovač, H. Eugene Stanley & Boris Podobnik - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-13.
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    Attitudes of Belgrade University employees on corruption.Stjepan Gredelj - 2007 - Filozofija I Društvo 18 (3):237-269.
    Korupcija je siroko rasirena pojava u svim zemljama tranzicije. Srbija u tom pogledu nije izuzetak, naprotiv, uvek je bila veoma visoko rangirana na svim indeksima korumpiranosti Transparency International. Medju drustvenim sferama koje se smatraju prozetim korupcijom dosta visoko mesto u percepciji korupcije uvek je zauzimala, nazalost, oblast visokog obrazovanja. Da bismo proverili opravdanost ovakvih percepcija, sprovedeno je istrazivanje medju zaposlenima na Univerzitetu u Beogradu. Nalazi su potvrdili da korupcije u visokom skolstvu ima, kao i da nema prevelike spremnosti da se (...)
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    Figures and wording on religious education.Stjepan S. Gredelj - 2002 - Filozofija I Društvo 2002 (19):279-304.
    Uvodjenje veronauke i 'gradjanskog vaspitanja' u prve razrede osnovnih i srednjih skola u Srbiji 2001. godine izazvalo je brojne kontroverze u javnosti. Ova odluka drzavnih vlasti sprovedena je uprkos argumentovanom protivljenju strucne javnosti i dosta podeljenim stavovima u javnom mnjenju. U tekstu su prikazani rezultati jednog istrazivanja javnog mnjenja koji ukazuju na ambivalentne stavove o ovom pitanju.
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  36.  13
    Political culture of the citizens of Serbia.Stjepan S. Gredelj - 1999 - Filozofija I Društvo 1999 (16):93-93.
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  37.  22
    The virtual return of "fourth" and "fifth" generation migrants.Stjepan Gredelj - 2006 - Filozofija I Društvo 2006 (29):77-88.
    The main aims of the project are twofold: the first one is to get insight into scope, structure, everyday life, opinions and plans of our people who live abroad as the fourth and fifth generations of emigrants, specially those who left the country during 90s. The second is checking and recording their preparedness for "return" to mother-country through complex set of activities and arrangements: return, capital investments, know-how and skills investments, preservation and strengthening cultural identity of our people abroad and (...)
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    Katolički ethos i umjetnost.Vlaho Kovačević - 2011 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 31 (2):427-445.
    U članku se kritički promišlja predaja katoličkog ethosa iz vlastitih pretpostavki. Tematizirajući katolički ethos iz mišljenja bitka suvremenog čovjeka na temelju umjetnosti u modernom i postmodernom dobu pokušava se razumjeti katolički ethos u horizontu ljudske egzistencije post-modernog doba. Time nam je otvoren prostor za njegovo razumijevanje iz postojanja umjetnosti u post-modernom dobu. Problematizirajući katolički ethos i umjetnost u post-modernom dobu iz njihovog ontološkog statusa unutar položaja u bitku suvremenog čovjeka bilo je potrebno distingvirati i naznačiti razliku i korespondenciju ova dva (...)
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    Prikaz razvoja Crkve Božje u Banovcima.David Kovačević - 2013 - Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology 7 (1):53-65.
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  40.  45
    Subjective Universality of Great Novelists as an Artistic Measure of History’s Advance towards Actualising Kant’s Vision of Freedom.Bojan Kovačević - 2018 - Filozofija I Društvo 29 (4):567-585.
    The main idea behind this article is that in order to understand themeaning that Kant’s political philosophy is rendered to by the givensocio-historical context of a community we need to turn for help toartistic genius whose subjective “I” holds a general feeling of the worldand life. It is in this sense that authors of great novels can help us in twoways. First, their works summarise for our imagination artistic truth aboutman’s capacity for humanity, the very thing that Kant considers to (...)
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  41.  44
    The theme of civilization and its discontents in Durkheim's division of labor: Philosophical assumptions and practical consequences.Stjepan G. Meštrovi - 1989 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 19 (4):443–456.
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    Amore per Tutti.Filip Kovacevic - 2003 - Theory and Event 6 (4).
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    From the Secularisation of Religion to the Revitalisation of Religion.Vlaho Kovačević - 2021 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 41 (1):173-196.
    This paper aims to pave the way for religion’s potential revitalisation – outside of the ideological concept of the dialectics of contemporary society and within the historical context of the specific meaning of the secularisation of religion. Accordingly, in its understanding of religion, this paper’s discussion necessarily remains beyond the dialectics of secularity, since religion is not dependent on that kind of dialectics, but on the Sacred and its comprehension. Without the Sacred, we would be in a situation of ‘reoccurring (...)
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  44.  34
    Lacanians and the fate of critical theory.Filip Kovacevic - 2003 - Angelaki 8 (3):109 – 131.
  45.  48
    Marcuse in Yugoslavia.Filip Kovacevic - 2013 - Radical Philosophy Review 16 (1):205-222.
    During the 1960s, Herbert Marcuse was an invited lecturer at the Korčula Summer School organized by the group of Yugoslav Marxist philosophers known as the Praxis Group. The aim of this article is to explore the way Marcuse and his ideas were received in the Yugoslav intellectual milieu. The article is based on the close reading of the forewords and afterwords written by Yugoslav philosophers in the translations of Marcuse’s books. It also gives an account of Marcuse’s activities during the (...)
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    Hijacked: How Neoliberalism Turned the Work Ethic against Workers and How Workers Can Take It Back. E. Anderson, 2023. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. xviii + 370 pp, £25 (hb). [REVIEW]Miloš Kovačević - 2024 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 41 (2):386-387.
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    European projects related to ethical education in primary and secondary schools.Bruno Ćurko & Antonio Kovačević - 2018 - Metodicki Ogledi 25 (2):85-107.
    Kroz program Erasmus+, u Ključnoj aktivnosti 2 – “Strateška partnerstva u području obrazovanja i osposobljavanja ” – Udruga “Mala filozofija” provela je ili upravo provodi ukupno sedam projekata koji su usko vezani uz etičko obrazovanje. Tu valja pridodati i projekt “ETHOS: Ethical Education in Primary and Pre-Primary Schools for a Sustainable and Dialogic Future”, koji je uspješno proveden pod programom Comenius od 2012. do 2014. godine. Karakteristika je ovih projekata usmjerenost na obrazovanje u vrtićima te osnovnim i srednjim školama. Uz (...)
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    Optimizing Sleep in Older Adults: Where Does High-Intensity Interval Training Fit?Alexis Bullock, Ana Kovacevic, Tara Kuhn & Jennifer J. Heisz - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    50 years of fuzzy set theory and models for supplier assessment and selection: A literature review.Dragan Simić, Ilija Kovačević, Vasa Svirčević & Svetlana Simić - 2017 - Journal of Applied Logic 24 (PA):85-96.
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    Significance of sentinel lymph node biopsy labeled by technetium Tc99m and patent blue in treatment of patients with the breast cancer.Milan Višnjić, Predrag Kovačević, Marina Vlajković, Lidija Đorđević & Goran Đorđević - 2005 - Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature 12:76-80.
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