Results for 'Stephanos Avakian'

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  1.  32
    Accounting for Failure Through Morality: The IMF’s Involvement in (Mis)managing the Greek Crisis.Stephanos Avakian & Marianna Fotaki - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 189 (4):817-841.
    In examining how reform-leading supranational institutions respond to public criticism, this article advances current theory on their institutional accountability mechanisms and extends research on this topic by focusing on their responses to public criticism of alleged reform failures. We consider the case of the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF’s) involvement in the Greek economic crisis, as the structural adjustment reforms it imposed to stabilize the economy. We show how these controversial and, by many accounts, failed policies have profoundly impacted the well-being (...)
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    Whistleblowers in Organisations: Prophets at Work? [REVIEW]Stephanos Avakian & Joanne Roberts - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 110 (1):71-84.
    This article argues that the study of biblical prophets offers a profound contribution to understanding the experience, role and attributes of whistleblowers. Little is known in the literature about the moral triggers that lead individuals to blow the whistle in organisations or why whistleblowers may show persistence against the harshness experienced as a result of their actions. This article argues that our understanding of the whistleblower’s work is highly informed by appreciating how moral values and norms are exercised by prophets (...)
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    Nachruf. Jean-Marie Martin (20. 7. 1938 – 14. 1. 2021), von Stephanos Efthymiadis.Stephanos Efthymiadis - 2021 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 114 (3):1441-1446.
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    Irreducibility and (Trans) Sexual Difference.Oli Stephano - 2019 - Hypatia 34 (1):141-154.
    This article illuminates a tension internal to Elizabeth Grosz's provocative theory of the irreducibility of sexual difference: while it establishes sexual difference as an ontological force of differentiation, it simultaneously delimits the forms sexual difference can take as fixed and uncrossable. This model thus privileges cissexual difference while invalidating trans modes of embodiment and identification, a move that perpetuates antitrans logic and practices while impoverishing feminist conceptions of the generativity of sexual difference. This article examines the uses of transsexuality throughout (...)
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    Lobbying and the responsible firm: Agenda‐setting for a freshly conceptualized field.Stephanos Anastasiadis, Jeremy Moon & Michael Humphreys - 2018 - Business Ethics: A European Review 27 (3):207-221.
    “Responsible lobbying” is an increasingly salient topic within business and management. We make a contribution to the literature on “responsible lobbying” in three ways. First, we provide novel definitions and, thereby, make a clear distinction between lobbying and corporate political activity. We then define responsible lobbying with respect to its content, process, organization, and environment, resulting in a typology of responsible lobbying, a conceptual model that informs the rest of the paper. Second, the paper provides a thematic overview of the (...)
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  6. Spinoza, Ecology, and Immanent Ethics: Beside Moral Considerability.Oli Stephano - 2017 - Environmental Philosophy 14 (2):317-338.
    This paper develops an immanent ecological ethics that locates human flourishing within sustaining ecological relationships. I outline the features of an immanent ethics drawn from Spinoza, and indicate how this model addresses gaps left by approaches based in moral considerability. I argue that an immanent ecological ethics provides unique resources for contesting anthropogenic harm, by 1) shifting the focus from what qualifies as a moral subject to what bodies can or cannot do under particular relations, 2) emphasizing the constitutive role (...)
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    An Interview with Paul de Man.Stephano Rosso & Paul de Man - 1986 - Critical Inquiry 12 (4):788-795.
    Rosso: Can you say something more about the differences between your work and Derrida’s?De Man: I’m not really the right person to ask where the difference is, because, as I feel in many respects close to Derrida, I don’t determine whether my work resembles or is different from of Derrida. My initial engagement with Derrida—which I think is typical and important for all that relationship which followed closely upon my first encounter with him in Baltimore at the colloquium on “The (...)
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    Spirituelle Theologie: Eine Theologie des mündigen Christentums: Das theologische Denken George Khodrs.Sylvie Avakian - 2024 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 66 (2):197-216.
    ZusammenfassungIn diesem Artikel vertrete ich die These, dass die christliche spirituelle Theologie das Potenzial hat, die Theologie eines mündigen Christentums zu sein. Um meine These zu belegen, stelle ich das theologische Denken des libanesisch-orthodoxen Bischofs George Khodr vor, der neben den theologischen Beiträgen der frühen griechischen Kirchenväter und auch Gedanken vieler westlicher und östlicher Denker und Theologen, deren Beiträge im Laufe der Geschichte für Spiritualität stehen, in sein Denken integriert hat. Die christliche spirituelle Theologie ist also eine Theologie, die auf (...)
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    Proximity and gaze influences facial temperature: a thermal infrared imaging study.Stephanos Ioannou, Paul Morris, Hayley Mercer, Marc Baker, Vittorio Gallese & Vasudevi Reddy - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  10.  5
    The ghosts.Arlene Avakian - 2015 - European Journal of Women's Studies 22 (4):484-484.
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    (1 other version)‘Undecidability’ or ‘anticipatory resoluteness’ Caputo in conversation with Heidegger.Sylvie Avakian - 2015 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 77 (2):123-139.
    In this article I will consider John D. Caputo’s ‘radical hermeneutics’, with ‘undecidability’ as its major theme, in conversation with Martin Heidegger’s notion of ‘anticipatory resoluteness’. Through an examination of the positions of Caputo and Heidegger I argue that Heidegger’s notion of ‘anticipatory resoluteness’ reaches far beyond the claims of ‘radical hermeneutics’, and that it assumes a reconstructive process which carries within its scope the overtones of deconstruction, the experience of repetition and authenticity and also the implications of Gelassenheit. Further, (...)
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  12.  30
    La chronique familiale du Parisinus gr. 1601 et l'identité de son rédacteur.Stéphanos Efthymiadis & Andéas Mazarakis - 2009 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 102 (2):615-625.
    Codex Parisinus graecus 1601 preserves an anonymous family chronicle covering the years 1446–1458 which records in some detail the dates of its author's marriage and the birth of his children. Apart from restoring some readings from its previous recent edition, this article proposes an identification of the anonymous author with Ioannes Kanaboutzes. A scholar with historiographical interests, he is documented as a native of Phocaea and close associate of the Gattelusio, the Genoese rulers of the adjacent island of Lesbos. He (...)
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    Seeing a Blush on the Visible and Invisible Spectrum: A Functional Thermal Infrared Imaging Study.Ioannou Stephanos, H. Morris Paul, Baker Marc, Reddy Vasudevi & Gallese Vittorio - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  14.  14
    Neue perspektiven für die historiographie der antiken grammatik: Das wortartensystem der alexandriner.Stephanos Matthaios - 2002 - In Pierre Swiggers & Alfons Wouters (eds.), Grammatical Theory and Philosophy of Language in Antiquity. Peeters. pp. 19--161.
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    Immanence and Differentiation in Spinoza.Oli Stephano - 2021 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 4 (2):34-59.
    This paper argues that ontological immanence involves but is not reducible to substance monism. Attending to immanence in Spinoza’s ontology, I provide a creative exegesis of the defining features of Spinoza’s immanent ontology, arguing that it recasts the concept of substance itself, from a term of transcendence and totalization to one of immanence and differentiation. In critical conversation with Deleuze’s influential reading, I identify five interconnected features which, taken together, elaborate Spinoza’s ontology of immanence: substance monism, univocity of attributes, immanent (...)
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    Eckhart, Heidegger and Caputo: a reappraisal of ‘the mystical element in Heidegger’s thought’.Sylvie Avakian - 2019 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 81 (1):36-54.
    This article aims at a reconsideration and a reappraisal of the mystical nature of Martin Heidegger’s thought in juxtaposition with the mystical theology of Meister Eckhart. My purpose here is to d...
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  17. Masculine Marx.Christine Di Stephano - 1991 - In Carole Pateman & Mary Lyndon Shanley (eds.), Feminist interpretations and political theory. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press in association with Basil Blackwell, Oxford, UK.
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  18.  29
    Thomas Pratsch, Der hagiographische Topos. Griechische Heiligenviten in mittelbyzantinischer Zeit.Stephanos Efthymiadis - 2008 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 100 (1):249-252.
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  19. (2 other versions)Hē iatrikē euthynē.Stephanos Ath Kotsianos - 1956 - Thessalonikē,:
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    Επιγραφαί γυάρου και θήρας.Klon Stéphanos - 1877 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 1 (1):357-359.
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    Παν υλοσκόπος κυπαρισσίτας.Stephanos Antoniou Xanthoudidis - 1903 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 27 (1):292-295.
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    Human Power and Ecological Flourishing: Refiguring Right and Advantage with Spinoza.Oli Stephano - 2019 - Substance 48 (2):81-101.
    This paper argues that Baruch Spinoza, a 17th-century philosopher committed to the pure immanence of the natural world and the location of human striving firmly within that natural order, provides unlikely resources for addressing our current ecological crisis. My central claim is that Spinoza's views on power grasp the amoral striving characteristic of all natural beings, while simultaneously offering an immanent basis for normative critique. This, I will argue, is especially potent for the work of addressing ecological harm and fashioning (...)
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  23. Neuroprediction, violence, and the law: setting the stage.Thomas Nadelhoffer, Stephanos Bibas, Scott Grafton, Kent A. Kiehl, Andrew Mansfield, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong & Michael Gazzaniga - 2010 - Neuroethics 5 (1):67-99.
    In this paper, our goal is to survey some of the legal contexts within which violence risk assessment already plays a prominent role, explore whether developments in neuroscience could potentially be used to improve our ability to predict violence, and discuss whether neuropredictive models of violence create any unique legal or moral problems above and beyond the well worn problems already associated with prediction more generally. In Violence Risk Assessment and the Law, we briefly examine the role currently played by (...)
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  24.  17
    Reconsidering the Essential Nature and Indestructibility of the Soul in the Affinity Argument of the Phaedo .Stephanos Stephanides - 2023 - Rhizomata 11 (1):77-104.
    This paper offers a fresh examination of a salient distinction located at the beginning of the Affinity Argument between the composite (τὸ σύνθετον) and the incomposite (τὸ ἀσύνθετον). I offer reasons for why Plato may have intended for us to assume that the soul is an incomposite unity in its essential nature. I then substantiate this claim by reviving an ancient interpretation to the Affinity Argument according to which the soul is of the same metaphysical kind as the Forms. I (...)
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    Niketas Choniates and Ioannes Kinnamos: the poisoning of Stephen IV of Hungary.Stephanos Efthymiadis - 2008 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 101 (1):21-28.
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    La théorie critique de l'école de Francfort et le mouvement des années 1968: un rapport complexe.Stephano Petrucciani - 2010 - Actuel Marx 48 (2):138-151.
    The Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School and the 68 Movement : a Difficult Relationship The article examines the relationship between the critical social theory of the Frankfurt School and the student and youth movement of the Sixties. In the course of the decade, it was precisely the young radicals who rediscovered the body of critical theory of the decade of the Thirties which had fallen into total oblivion, even for the leader of the Frankfurt School, Max Horkheimer. Many of (...)
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    Γλωσσάριον σύρου.Klon Stéphanos - 1879 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 3 (1):20-29.
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    'Being towards death': Heidegger and the Orthodox theology of the East.Sylvie Avakian - 2021 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    The present work finds in Heidegger's 'being towards death' the basis for theological-philosophical thinking. Only the one who embraces 'being towards death' has the courage to think and poetize. This thinking, in turn, makes 'being towards death' possible, and in this circular movement of thinking and being the mystery of being reveals itself and yet remains hidden. In other words, the work describes the human response to the divine gift that precedes every human initiation.
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    Die Gemeinschaft der Heiligen und die Kirche heute.Sylvie Avakian - 2021 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 63 (2):184-202.
    ZusammenfassungDieser Aufsatz stellt die Begriffe „Gemeinschaft der Heiligen“ und „Kirche heute“ in ihrem gegenwärtigen Kontext der postmodernen, globalisierten Welt des Westens vor. Damit zielt der Aufsatz darauf ab, die derzeitigen Herausforderungen der Kirche in der Welt zu betrachten und auf diese Weise zu einer effizienten und wirksamen Existenz der Kirche beizutragen. Dementsprechend werden vier Merkmale der Kirche in diesem Aufsatz präsentiert, welche die Kirche und die Gemeinschaft der Heiligen zusammenbringen und die auf den gegenwärtigen Herausforderungen der Kirche in der Welt (...)
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    Geflüchtete in Deutschland.Sylvie Avakian - forthcoming - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie.
    Zusammenfassung Der vorliegende Aufsatz nähert sich dem Thema „Geflüchtete in Deutschland“ sowohl aus gesellschaftspolitischer als auch aus theologischer Perspektive. Der Aufsatz vertritt die Auffassung, dass der Mensch zur Entfaltung seines Selbst dazu aufgerufen ist, dem Anderen zu begegnen und für ihn einen Platz in seinem Leben einzuräumen, damit der Mensch nicht in den Grenzen seines eigenen Selbst gefangen bleibt. In diesem Aufsatz sind es die Geflüchteten in Deutschland, die als die Anderen betrachtet werden. Der Aufsatz ist daher ein Plädoyer an (...)
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  31. Vivliaraki kat'erōtapokrisin peri logēs logiōn pragmatōn anakaiōn malista eis tēn patrida tōn Germanōn, di'holous tous Germanous politas kai chōrianous. Kanellos, Stephanos & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1971
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    Plato on the Mechanics of Koinōnia Formation.Stephanos Stephanides - 2022 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 36:149-177.
    En este artículo se argumenta que, para comprender las relaciones unificadas que son comúnmente predicadas de la koinōnía en las esferas ética, política y cosmológica respectivamente, uno debe apreciar primero ciertos “principios” o “reglas” que son prerrequisitos necesarios para la formación de koinōnía. Un principio que ha sido durante mucho tiempo objeto de una discusión intensa entre los intérpretes de Platón es la proporcionalidad. No obstante, en lugar de detenernos en el vínculo directo e inmediato entre proporcionalidad –en el sentido (...)
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    (1 other version)The potential of CSR to support the implementation of the EU sustainability strategy: editorial introduction.Jeremy Moon, Stephanos Anastasiadis & Federica Viganò - 2009 - Business Ethics: A European Review 18 (3):268-272.
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    Imagining our foremothers: Memory and evidence of women victims and survivors of the Armenian genocide: A dialogue.Hourig Attarian & Arlene Avakian - 2015 - European Journal of Women's Studies 22 (4):476-483.
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  35. Long-time asymptotics for the pure radiation solution of the sine—gordon equation.Po—Jen Cheng, Stephanos Venakides & Xin Zhou - 1999 - History and Philosophy of Logic 24 (7-8):1195-1262.
  36.  12
    Hē politikē ston "Politiko" tou Platōna: Mēdepote mēden hēsychian agein tōn anthrōpinōn.Stephanos Dēmētriou - 2016 - Athēna: Morphōtiko Hidryma Ethnikēs Trapezēs.
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    From Argentina to Scotland to Mexico: Indecent Theology and Erotic Phenomenology at the Mexico-US Border.Alejandro Stephano Escalante - 2018 - Feminist Theology 26 (3):213-228.
    During an immersion course at the Mexico-US border in January 2015, I encountered the stark juxtaposition between ‘liberation theologies’ and ‘library theologies.’ The gulf that separates these two is not just a class barrier, but is also racialized and linguistic. This article argues that in order to bring the indecent theology of Marcella Althaus-Reid to places like the borderlands, a theological bridge must be constructed that takes seriously both of the contexts being connected. Here I argue that the theological turn (...)
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    Paul Moore, Iter Psellianum: A Detailed Listing of Manuscript Sources for All Works Attributed to Michael Psellos, Including a Comprehensive Bibliography. (Subsidia Mediaevalia, 26.) Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2005. Pp. xiii, 752. $145. [REVIEW]Stephanos Efthymiadis - 2006 - Speculum 81 (4):1230-1231.
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    Environmentally Responsible and Conventional Market Indices’ Reaction to Natural and Anthropogenic Adversity: A Comparative Analysis.Christos Kollias & Stephanos Papadamou - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 138 (3):493-505.
    It is widely claimed that climate change has increased the magnitude and the frequency of natural phenomena such as storms, droughts, and floods with the concomitant costs in terms of damages and victims. This paper using weekly data from global stock market indices in a Fama–French model, examines how and to what extent market agents and investors react to such events. As a yardstick for comparison purposes, the possible market impact of industrial accidents is also incorporated and examined in the (...)
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    PORTRAYALS OF SOCRATES - (A.) Stavru, (C.) Moore (edd.) Socrates and the Socratic Dialogue. Pp. x + 931. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2018. Cased, €228, US$262. ISBN: 978-90-04-32191-5. [REVIEW]Stephanos Stephanides - 2021 - The Classical Review 71 (1):56-59.
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    Book review: Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents. [REVIEW]Arlene Avakian - 2021 - European Journal of Women's Studies 28 (4):551-554.
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    Ho eleutheros anthrōpos: ho politikos anthrōpismos kai hē "politikē mēchanē" tou Zan-Zak Roussō.Stephanos Dēmētriou - 2021 - Athēna: Polis.
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    Ii. abteilung.Hugh Elton, Günter Prinzing, Richard Price, Georgi N. Nikolov, Stavroula Constantinou, Antje Bosselmann-Ruickbie, Michael Altripp & Stephanos Efthymiadis - 2014 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 107 (2):903-932.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Byzantinische Zeitschrift Jahrgang: 107 Heft: 2 Seiten: 903-932.
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    Open Forum: Feminist+ solidarity.Madeleine Kennedy-Macfoy, María López Belloso, Mert Koçak, Cynthia Enloe, Oksana Dutchak, Arlene Voski Avakian, Andrea Pető & Ayşe Gül Altınay - 2022 - European Journal of Women's Studies 29 (4):618-635.
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  45. Images of nature in Greek primary school textbooks.Kostas J. Korfiatis, Anastasia G. Stamou & Stephanos Paraskevopoulos - 2004 - Science Education 88 (1):72-89.
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    Der Mensch zwischen Geist und Materie?: Engadiner Kollegium, Tagung 1977.Balthasar Staehelin, Silvio Jenny & Stephanos Geroulanos (eds.) - 1978 - Zürich: Editio Academica im Theologischen Verlag.
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    Was ist Liebe?Balthasar Staehelin, Silvio Jenny & Stephanos Geroulanos (eds.) - 1980 - Zürich: Editio Academica, TVZ.
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    Stephanos Efthymiadis, ed., The Ashgate Research Companion to Byzantine Hagiography, vol. 2, Genres and Contexts. Farnham, Surrey, UK, and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2014. Pp. xxiv, 512; 4 maps. $149.95. ISBN: 978-1-4094-0951-9. [REVIEW]Richard P. H. Greenfield - 2015 - Speculum 90 (3):799-801.
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    LÉGASSE, Simon, Stephanos. Histoire et discours d'Étienne dans les Actes des ApôtresLÉGASSE, Simon, Stephanos. Histoire et discours d'Étienne dans les Actes des Apôtres.Odette Mainville - 1993 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 49 (3):579-579.
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    XVIII. Der Stephanos des Meleagros von Gadara.Carl Radinger - 1895 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 54 (1-4):299-312.
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