Results for 'Stephan Hoffman'

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  1. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t: The scientific community’s responses to Whistleblowing.Stephanic J. Bird & Diane Hoffman-Kim - 1998 - Science and Engineering Ethics 4 (1):3-6.
    The papers in this issue are based on presentations by the authors at the 163nd National Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Seattle, Washington, 13–18 February 1997 in the session entitled Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don’t: What the Scientific Community Can Do about Whistleblowing organized by Stephanie J. Bird and Diane Hoffman-Kim. The papers have been modified following double blind peer review.
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    ‘n Ekoteologiese besinning oor die Christelik-etiese implikasies van stamselnavorsing en -terapie.Stephan Hoffman & Johan Buitendag - 2010 - HTS Theological Studies 66 (1).
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  3. Nancy Cartwright’s Philosophy of Science.Stephan Hartmann, Luc Bovens & Carl Hoefer (eds.) - 2008 - New York: Routledge.
    Nancy Cartwright is one of the most distinguished and influential contemporary philosophers of science. Despite the profound impact of her work, there is neither a systematic exposition of Cartwright’s philosophy of science nor a collection of articles that contains in-depth discussions of the major themes of her philosophy. This book is devoted to a critical assessment of Cartwright’s philosophy of science and contains contributions from Cartwright's champions and critics. Broken into three parts, the book begins by addressing Cartwright's views on (...)
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    Franz Rosenzweig und die dialogische Struktur der biblischen Erzählung.Stephan Moses - 1987 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 39 (1):84-87.
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  5. Freier Gesang": Beethovens Adelaide op 46: Überlegungen zu Werkstruktur und Interpretationsästhetik.Stephan Mösch - 2011 - In Gerhard Brunner & Sarah Zalfen, Werktreue: Was Ist Werk, Was Treue? Böhlau.
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  6. Consensual Decision-Making Among Epistemic Peers.Stephan Hartmann, Carlo Martini & Jan Sprenger - 2009 - Episteme 6 (2):110-129.
    This paper focuses on the question of how to resolve disagreement and uses the Lehrer-Wagner model as a formal tool for investigating consensual decision-making. The main result consists in a general definition of when agents treat each other as epistemic peers (Kelly 2005; Elga 2007), and a theorem vindicating the “equal weight view” to resolve disagreement among epistemic peers. We apply our findings to an analysis of the impact of social network structures on group deliberation processes, and we demonstrate their (...)
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    (1 other version)Phenomenology: An Introduction.Stephan Käufer & Anthony Chemero - 2015 - New York: Polity. Edited by Anthony Chemero.
    This comprehensive new book introduces the core history of phenomenology and assesses its relevance to contemporary psychology, philosophy of mind, and cognitive science. From critiques of artificial intelligence research programs to ongoing work on embodiment and enactivism, the authors trace how phenomenology has produced a valuable framework for analyzing cognition and perception, whose impact on contemporary psychological and scientific research, and philosophical debates continues to grow. The first part of _An Introduction to Phenomenology_ is an extended overview of the history (...)
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    The limits of replicability.Stephan Guttinger - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 10 (2):1-17.
    Discussions about a replicability crisis in science have been driven by the normative claim that all of science should be replicable and the empirical claim that most of it isn’t. Recently, such crisis talk has been challenged by a new localism, which argues a) that serious problems with replicability are not a general occurrence in science and b) that replicability itself should not be treated as a universal standard. The goal of this article is to introduce this emerging strand of (...)
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  9. 160 Years of Borders Evolution in Dunkirk: Petroleum, Permeability, and Porosity.Stephan Hauser, Penglin Zhu & Asma Mehan - 2021 - Urban Planning 6 (3):58-68.
    Since the 1860s, petroleum companies, through their influence on local governments, port authorities, international actors and the general public gradually became more dominant in shaping the urban form of ports and cities. Under their development and pressure, the relationships between industrial and urban areas in port cities hosting oil facilities evolved in time. The borders limiting industrial and housing territories have continuously changed with industrial places moving progressively away from urban areas. Such a changing dynamic influenced the permeability of these (...)
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    Substance Among Other Categories.Joshua Hoffman & Gary S. Rosenkrantz - 1994 - Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Gary S. Rosenkrantz.
    This book revives a neglected but important topic in philosophy: the nature of substance. The belief that there are individual substances, for example, material objects and persons, is at the core of our common-sense view of the world yet many metaphysicians deny the very coherence of the concept of substance. The authors develop an account of what an individual substance is in terms of independence from other beings. In the process many other important ontological categories are explored: property, event, space, (...)
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    Theologische Ethik auf Augenhöhe: Festschrift für Stephan Ernst.Thomas Brandecker, Tobias Janotta, Hendrik Weingärtner & Stephan Ernst (eds.) - 2021 - Freiburg im Breisgau: Verlag Herder.
    Stephan Ernst, Lehrstuhlinhaber für Theologische Ethik - Moraltheologie an der Universität Würzburg, vollendet am 26. Oktober 2021 sein 65. Lebensjahr. Seine Form, Theologische Ethik zu betreiben, kann prägnant als Theologische Ethik auf Augenhöhe charakterisiert werden. In der Festschrift werden seine Beiträge auf den Gebieten der Fundamentalethik, der Medizinethik sowie anderer Anwendungsfelder der Ethik, der Geschichte der Moraltheologie und der Moralpädagogik kritisch gewürdigt sowie für eine aktuelle Theologische Ethik fruchtbar gemacht.
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    Conditionals and Testimony.Stephan Hartmann, Peter J. Collins, Karolina Krzyżanowska, Gregory Wheeler & Ulrike Hahn - 2020 - Cognitive Psychology 122.
    Conditionals and conditional reasoning have been a long-standing focus of research across a number of disciplines, ranging from psychology through linguistics to philosophy. But almost no work has concerned itself with the question of how hearing or reading a conditional changes our beliefs. Given that we acquire much—perhaps most—of what we believe through the testimony of others, the simple matter of acquiring conditionals via others’ assertion of a conditional seems integral to any full understanding of the conditional and conditional reasoning. (...)
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  13. Truth-conditions, truth-bearers and the new B-theory of time.Stephan Torre - 2009 - Philosophical Studies 142 (3):325-344.
    In this paper I consider two strategies for providing tenseless truth-conditions for tensed sentences: the token-reflexive theory and the date theory. Both theories have faced a number of objections by prominent A-theorists such as Quentin Smith and William Lane Craig. Traditionally, these two theories have been viewed as rival methods for providing truth-conditions for tensed sentences. I argue that the debate over whether the token-reflexive theory or the date theory is true has arisen from a failure to distinguish between conditions (...)
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  14. In Defense of De Se Content.Stephan Torre - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 97 (1):172-189.
    There is currently disagreement about whether the phenomenon of first-person, or de se, thought motivates a move towards special kinds of contents. Some take the conclusion that traditional propositions are unable to serve as the content of de se belief to be old news, successfully argued for in a number of influential works several decades ago.1 Recently, some philosophers have challenged the view that there exist uniquely de se contents, claiming that most of the philosophical community has been under the (...)
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  15. Benefits of Collaborative Philosophical Inquiry in Schools.Stephan Millett & Alan Tapper - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (5):546-567.
    In the past decade well-designed research studies have shown that the practice of collaborative philosophical inquiry in schools can have marked cognitive and social benefits. Student academic performance improves, and so too does the social dimension of schooling. These findings are timely, as many countries in Asia and the Pacific are now contemplating introducing Philosophy into their curricula. This paper gives a brief history of collaborative philosophical inquiry before surveying the evidence as to its effectiveness. The evidence is canvassed under (...)
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  16. A New Garber-Style Solution to the Problem of Old Evidence.Stephan Hartmann & Branden Fitelson - 2015 - Philosophy of Science 82 (4):712-717.
    In this discussion note, we explain how to relax some of the standard assumptions made in Garber-style solutions to the Problem of Old Evidence. The result is a more general and explanatory Bayesian approach.
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    Enactive Emotion and Impaired Agency in Depression.A. Stephan - 2013 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 20 (7-8):7-8.
    We propose an action-oriented understanding of emotion. Emotions are modifications of a basic form of goal-oriented striving characteristic of human life. They are appetitive orientations: pursuits of the good, avoidances of the bad. Thus, emotions are not truly distinct from, let alone opposed to, actions -- as erroneously suggested by the classical understanding of emotions as 'passions'. In the present paper, we will outline and defend this broadly enactive approach and motivate its main claims. Our proposal gains plausibility from a (...)
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    Philosophy of logic: papers and discussions.John P. Cleave & Stephan Körner (eds.) - 1976 - Berkeley: University of California Press.
  19. Feature inference and eyetracking.Bob Colner, Bob Rehder & Aaron B. Hoffman - 2008 - In B. C. Love, K. McRae & V. M. Sloutsky, Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 1170--1175.
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    Editing the Reactive Genome: Towards a Postgenomic Ethics of Germline Editing.Stephan Guttinger - 2019 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 37 (1):58-72.
    The reported birth of genetically modified twins in late 2018 has given new fuel to debates about the ethics of germline genome editing (GGE). There is a broad consensus among stakeholders that clinical uses of GGE should be temporarily banned as the technology is not yet deemed safe for use in humans. However, the idea of a complete ban is dismissed by many based on the expectation that more research will eventually allow scientists to make the technology safe without having (...)
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  21. Moods in Layers.Achim Stephan - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (4):1481-1495.
    The goal of this paper is to examine moods, mostly in comparison to emotions. Nearly all of the features that allegedly distinguish moods from emotions are disputed though. In a first section I comment on duration, intentionality, and cause in more detail, and develop intentionality as the most promising distinguishing characteristic. In a second section I will consider the huge variety of moods, ranging from shallow environmentally triggered transient moods to deep existential moods that last much longer. I will explore (...)
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    Emotions, Existential Feelings, and Their Regulation.Achim Stephan - 2012 - Emotion Review 4 (2):157-162.
    This article focuses on existential feelings. To begin with, it depicts how they differ from other affective phenomena and what type of intentionality they manifest. Furthermore, a detailed analysis shows that existential feelings can be subdivided, first, into elementary and nonelementary varieties, and second, into three foci of primary relatedness: oneself, the social environment, and the world as such. Eventually, five strategies of emotion regulation are examined with respect to their applicability to existential feelings. In the case of harmful existential (...)
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    Philosophie der Mathematik.Stephan Körner - 1968 - [München]: Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung.
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    Positivism Is the Organizational Myth of Science.Stephan Fuchs - 1993 - Perspectives on Science 1 (1):1-23.
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    The Formation of Cross-Sector Development Partnerships: How Bridging Agents Shape Project Agendas and Longer-Term Alliances.Stephan Manning & Daniel Roessler - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 123 (3):527-547.
    Cross-sector development partnerships are project-based collaborative arrangements between business, government, and civil society organizations in support of international development goals such as sustainability, health education, and economic development. Focusing on public private partnerships in development cooperation, we examine different constellations of bridging agents and their effects in the formation of single CSDP projects and longer-term alliances. We conceptualize bridging agency as a collective process involving both internal partner representatives and external intermediaries in initiating and/or supporting roles. We find that the (...)
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    Exploring moral problems and moral competences in midwifery: A qualitative study.Stephan Oelhafen, Settimio Monteverde & Eva Cignacco - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (5):1373-1386.
    Background: Most undergraduate midwifery curricula comprise ethics courses to strengthen the moral competences of future midwives. By contrast, surprisingly little is known about the specific moral competences considered to be relevant for midwifery practice. Describing these competences not only depends on generic assumptions about the moral nature of midwifery practice but also reflects which issues practitioners themselves classify as moral. Objective: The goal of this study was to gain insight into the ethical issues midwives encounter in their daily work, the (...)
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    Analyzing Theories in the Frame Model.Stephan Kornmesser & Gerhard Schurz - 2020 - Erkenntnis 85 (6):1313-1346.
    The frame model was developed in cognitive psychology and imported into the philosophy of science in order to provide representations of scientific concepts and conceptual taxonomies. The aim of this article is to show that beside the representation of scientific concepts the frame model is an efficient instrument to represent and analyze scientific theories. That is, we aim to establish the frame model as a representation tool for the structure of theories within the philosophy of science. For this, we will (...)
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  28. Self and embodiment: a bio-phenomenological approach to dementia.Stephan Millett - 2011 - Dementia 10 (4):509-522.
    Loss of self is widely regarded to be a consequence of dementia, and this perceived loss presents a variety of problems - not least because a clear understanding of the concept of self is elusive. This paper suggests a way to cut through problems that arise because we rely on conceptions of self in our understanding of the effects of dementia. It is proposed that we can avoid reliance on the concept of self through an approach based in in bio-phenomenology. (...)
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  29. De Se Thought and Communication: An Introduction.Stephan Torre - 2016 - In Manuel García-Carpintero & Stephan Torre, About Oneself: De Se Thought and Communication. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 1-21.
    This chapter provides a critical overview of various influential accounts of de se attitudes including those proposed by Frege, Lewis and Perry. It also addresses the charge that there is nothing distinctive about de se attitudes. The second half outlines a widely accepted and influential model of communication and various complications that arise in applying this model to the communication of de se thoughts. The final section provides an overview of the papers in this volume.
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  30. 'Thick' Concepts Revised.Stephan L. Burton - 1992 - Analysis 52 (1):28 - 32.
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    Der Gott des Monadenalls.Stephan Strasser - 1978 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 4:361-377.
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    Jenseits von Sein und Zeit: eine Einführung in Emmanuel Levinas' Philosophie.Stephan Strasser - 1978 - Den Haag: M. Nijhoff.
    Professor H. L. Van Breda had hoped to write this preface, but his recent, unexpected and untimely death has left that task in my hands. Although my remarks will not be as eloquent and insightful as his surely would have been, some few words are clearly in order here; for the phenomenological community has not only lost the leadership of Fr. Van Breda these last years, but also the scholarship and leadership of Aron Gurwitsch and Alden Fisher - both contributors (...)
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    Select Interviews From the INS Annual Meeting—Keith Humphreys, Tom Insel, Uma Karmarkar, Carl Marci, Ariel Cascio, Winston Chiong, Frederic Gilbert, Cynthia Kubu, and Jonathan Pugh.Nathan Ahlgrim, Kristie Garza, Carlie Hoffman, Sarah Coolidge & Ryan H. Purcell - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 10 (1):62-68.
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  34. Hoop, maar niet voor ons: Aharon Shabtai, 'Hoop'.Peter Cole & Adina Hoffman - 2010 - Nexus 55.
    In het huidige Israël lijkt zelfs hoop op een oplossing van het conflict met Palestina een onderdeel van dat conflict. Maar wat vermag de poëzie?
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    Introduction domains, paradigms, and methods in the study of expertise.Robert Hoffman Ken Gilhooly - 1997 - Thinking and Reasoning 3 (4):241 – 246.
    (1997). Introduction Domains, Paradigms, and Methods in the Study of Expertise. Thinking & Reasoning: Vol. 3, Expert Thinking, pp. 241-246.
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  36. Learning and Memory: The Ebbinghaus Centennial Symposium.D. Gorfein & Robert R. Hoffman (eds.) - 1987 - Lawrence Erlbaum.
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    Access to Health Care after Welfare Reform.Karen Seccombe, Jason Newsom & Kim Hoffman - 2006 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 43 (2):167-178.
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    Total logic.Stephan Leuenberger - 2014 - Review of Symbolic Logic 7 (3):529-547.
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    Il caso serio della vita: la morale cristiana tra autonomia e libertà del dono.Stephan Kampowski - 2022 - Siena: Cantagalli.
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    Zarathustras „Augen-Blick“. Nietzsches Lehre von der Konfrontation mit der Wirklichkeit.Paul Stephan - 2017 - Nietzscheforschung 24 (1):315-328.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Nietzscheforschung Jahrgang: 24 Heft: 1 Seiten: 315-328.
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    De eenheid Van Martin Buber's filosofische geschriften.Stephan Strasser - 1979 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 41 (2):260 - 278.
    Die im ersten Band der „Werke” Bubers unter dem Titel „Schriften zur Philosophie” herausgegebenen Publikationen behandeln vielfach Probleme der Theologie, der Mystik, der Erziehungswissenschaften, Psychologie, Psychotherapie, Soziologie und Politik. Der Verfasser fragt sich, ob dieser heterogenen Vielfalt eine gedankliche Einheit innewohnt. Wenn man grundsätzlich zwischen Religionsphilosophie und Theologie unterscheidet, wenn man ferner annimmt, dasz die Philosophie sich auf ein Feld nichtphilosophischer Erfahrungen besinnen kann, ohne darum ihren philosophischen Charakter einzubüszen, dann kann diese Frage bejaht werden. Allerdings trägt Bubers philosophische Besinnung (...)
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    I. Einführung in die Problemstellung.Stephan Strasser - 1964 - In Phänomenologie Und Erfahrungswissenschaft Vom Menschen: Grundgedanken Zu Einem Neuen Ideal der Wissenschaftlichkeit. De Gruyter. pp. 3-9.
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    IV. Irrwege der Phänomenologie.Stephan Strasser - 1964 - In Phänomenologie Und Erfahrungswissenschaft Vom Menschen: Grundgedanken Zu Einem Neuen Ideal der Wissenschaftlichkeit. De Gruyter. pp. 266-273.
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    II. Objektivierung und Objektivität.Stephan Strasser - 1964 - In Phänomenologie Und Erfahrungswissenschaft Vom Menschen: Grundgedanken Zu Einem Neuen Ideal der Wissenschaftlichkeit. De Gruyter. pp. 70-82.
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    III. Tatsache und methodische Idee auf dem Gebiet der empirischen Menschenkunde.Stephan Strasser - 1964 - In Phänomenologie Und Erfahrungswissenschaft Vom Menschen: Grundgedanken Zu Einem Neuen Ideal der Wissenschaftlichkeit. De Gruyter. pp. 110-126.
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    La réunion de la Görres-Gesellschaft.Stephan Strasser - 1954 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 52 (36):661-662.
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    Merleau-Ponty et ‘Ie métaphysique dans l’homme’.Stephan Strasser - 1988 - Études Phénoménologiques 4 (7):145-165.
  48. Opvoedingswetenschap en opvoedingswijsheid.Stephan Strasser - 1971 - 's-Hertogenbosch,: Malmberg.
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    Zur Gefühlssteuerung des menschlichen Aktes.Stephan Strasser - 1953 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 7 (2):171 - 190.
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    Is motor pathology associated with setting new CNS priorities or with increased difficulty in overcoming or suppressing preexisting CNS priorities?Stephan P. Swinnen, Sabine M. P. Verschueren & Natalia Dounskaia - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):87-88.
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