Results for 'Stefano Fenoaltea'

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    Transaction Costs, Whig History, and the Common Fields.Stefano Fenoaltea - 1988 - Politics and Society 16 (2-3):171-240.
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    Meaning Without Truth.Stefano Predelli - 2013 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Stefano Predelli explores the relationships between semantic notions of meaning and truth. He develops a 'Theory of Bias' in order to approach notorious semantic problems, offers a solution to Quine's 'Giorgione' puzzle and a new version of the demonstrative theory quotation, and defends a bare-boned approach to demonstratives and demonstrations.
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  3. Virtual Existentialism: Meaning and Subjectivity in Virtual Worlds.Stefano Gualeni & Daniel Vella - 2020 - Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Pivot.
    This book explores what it means to exist in virtual worlds. Chiefly drawing on the philosophical traditions of existentialism, it articulates the idea that — by means of our technical equipment and coordinated practices — human beings disclose contexts or worlds in which they can perceive, feel, act, and think. More specifically, this book discusses how virtual worlds allow human beings to take new perspectives on their values and beliefs, and explore previously unexperienced ways of being. Virtual Existentialism will be (...)
  4.  67
    Fichte's System of Ethics: A Critical Guide.Stefano Bacin & Owen Ware (eds.) - 2021 - Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
    The System of Ethics was published at the height of Fichte's academic career and marks the culmination of his philosophical development in Jena. Much more than a treatise on ethics narrowly construed, the System of Ethics presents a unified synthesis of Fichte's core philosophical ideas, including the principle I-hood, self-activity and self-consciousness, and also contains his most detailed treatment of action and agency. This volume brings together an international group of leading scholars on Fichte, and is the first of its (...)
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  5. I Am Still Not Here Now.Stefano Predelli - 2011 - Erkenntnis 74 (3):289-303.
  6. (1 other version)Talk about fiction.Stefano Predelli - 1997 - Erkenntnis 46 (1):69-77.
    I present a novel explanation of the apparent truth of certain remarks about fiction, such as an utterance of ''Salieri commissioned the Requiem'' during a discussion of the movie Amadeus. I criticize the traditional view, which alleges that the uttered sentence abbreviates the longer sentence ''it is true in the movie Amadeus that Salieri commissioned the Requiem''. I propose a solution which appeals to some independently motivated results concerning the contexts relevant for the semantic evaluation of indexical expressions.
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    Art and Psychological Well-Being: Linking the Brain to the Aesthetic Emotion.Stefano Mastandrea, Sabrina Fagioli & Valeria Biasi - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Deontic artifacts. Investigating the normativity of objects.Giuseppe Lorini, Stefano Moroni & Olimpia Giuliana Loddo - 2021 - Philosophical Explorations 24 (2):185-203.
    Since the middle of the last century, normative language has been much studied. In particular, the normative function performed by certain sentences and by certain speech acts has been investigated in depth. Still, the normative function performed by certain physical artifacts designed and built to regulate human behaviors has not yet been thoroughly investigated. We propose to call this specific type of artifacts with normative intent ‘deontic artifacts’. This article aims to investigate this normative phenomenon that is so widespread in (...)
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  9. Determination and Uniformity: The Problem with Speech-Act Theories of Fiction.Stefano Predelli - 2019 - Erkenntnis 84 (2):309-324.
    Taking inspiration from Searle’s ‘The Logic of Fictional Discourse’, this essay presents an argument against different versions of the so-called ‘speech act theory of fiction’. In particular, it argues that a Uniformity Argument may be constructed, which is additional to the Determination Argument commonly attributed to Searle, and which does not rely on his presumably controversial Determination Principle. This Uniformity Argument is equally powerful against the ‘Dedicated Speech Act’ theories that Searle originally targeted, and the more recent, Grice-inspired versions of (...)
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  10. Self-reflexive videogames: observations and corollaries on virtual worlds as philosophical artifacts.Stefano Gualeni - 2016 - G.A.M.E. - The Italian Journal of Game Studies 5 (1).
    Self-reflexive videogames are videogames designed to materialize critical and/or satirical perspectives on the ways in which videogames themselves are designed, played, sold, manipulated, experienced, and understood as social objects. This essay focuses on the use of virtual worlds as mediators, and in particular on the use of videogames to guide and encourage reflections on technical, interactive, and thematic conventions in videogame design and development. Structurally, it is composed of two interconnected parts: -/- 1) In the first part of this essay, (...)
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  11. Artificial Beings Worthy of Moral Consideration in Virtual Environments: An Analysis of Ethical Viability.Stefano Gualeni - 2020 - Journal of Virtual Worlds Research 13 (1).
    This article explores whether and under which circumstances it is ethically viable to include artificial beings worthy of moral consideration in virtual environments. In particular, the article focuses on virtual environments such as those in digital games and training simulations – interactive and persistent digital artifacts designed to fulfill specific purposes, such as entertainment, education, training, or persuasion. The article introduces the criteria for moral consideration that serve as a framework for this analysis. Adopting this framework, the article tackles the (...)
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  12. From the expressive to the derogatory : on the semantic role for non-truth-conditional meaning.Stefano Predelli - 2009 - In Sarah Sawyer (ed.), New waves in philosophy of language. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Capire e dissentire: Cicerone e la filosofia di Epicuro.Stefano Maso (ed.) - 2008 - [Napoli]: Bibliopolis.
    The present study is an analysis of the distinctive characteristics of Cicero’s philosophical training. In particular, and for the first time in Ciceronian scholarship, the Roman philosopher’s relation with Epicurean philosophy is made the focus of a specific, thorough investigation. Cicero’s philosophical competence in the Academic school is well known. What is less acknowledged is Cicero being an expert in Epicurus ’s philosophy. The research presented in this volume will, as somewhat expected, prove that Cicero is a fierce opponent of (...)
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    Goethe, Müller, Hering und das Problem der Empfindung.Stefano Poggi - 2018 - In Bettina Wahrig-Schmidt & Michael Hagner (eds.), Johannes Müller und die Philosophie. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG. pp. 191-206.
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  15. The Experience Machine: Existential reflections on Virtual Worlds.Stefano Gualeni - 2016 - Journal of Virtual Worlds Research 9 (3).
    Problems and questions originally raised by Robert Nozick in his famous thought experiment ‘The Experience Machine’ are frequently invoked in the current discourse concerning virtual worlds. Having conceptualized his Gedankenexperiment in the early seventies, Nozick could not fully anticipate the numerous and profound ways in which the diffusion of computer simulations and video games came to affect the Western world. -/- This article does not articulate whether or not the virtual worlds of video games, digital simulations, and virtual technologies currently (...)
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  16. Vocatives.Stefano Predelli - 2008 - Analysis 68 (2):97-105.
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  17. Existential Ludology and Peter Wessel Zapffe.Stefano Gualeni & Daniel Vella - 2021 - In Victor Navarro-Remesal & Oliver Perez-Latorre (eds.), Perspectives on the European Videogame. Amsterdam University Press. pp. 175-192.
    A relatively common approach in game studies understands gameworlds as constituting an existential situation for the player. Taking that stance, which is rooted in the European philosophical tradition of Existentialism, in this chapter we investigate the relationships and similarities between our existence within and without gameworlds. To do so, we first provide a review of existing literature in ‘existential ludology’ - work in game studies which considers our engagement with gameworlds from an existential perspective. In the second part of the (...)
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  18. A Theodicy for Artificial Universes: Moral Considerations on Simulation Hypotheses.Stefano Gualeni - 2021 - International Journal of Technoethics 12 (1):21-31.
    ‘Simulation Hypotheses’ are imaginative scenarios that are typically employed in philosophy to speculate on how likely it is that we are currently living within a simulated universe as well as on our possibility for ever discerning whether we do in fact inhabit one. These philosophical questions in particular overshadowed other aspects and potential uses of simulation hypotheses, some of which are foregrounded in this article. More specifically, “A Theodicy for Artificial Universes” focuses on the moral implications of simulation hypotheses with (...)
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  19. Ludic Unreliability and Deceptive Game Design.Stefano Gualeni & Nele Van de Mosselaer - 2021 - Journal of the Philosophy of Games 3 (1):1-22.
    Drawing from narratology and design studies, this article makes use of the notions of the ‘implied designer’ and ‘ludic unreliability’ to understand deceptive game design as a specific sub-set of transgressive game design. More specifically, in this text we present deceptive game design as the deliberate attempt to misguide players’ inferences about the designers’ intentions. Furthermore, we argue that deceptive design should not merely be taken as a set of design choices aimed at misleading players in their efforts to understand (...)
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  20. A Philosophy of “Doing” in the Digital.Stefano Gualeni - 2018 - In Alberto Romele & Enrico Terrone (eds.), Towards a Philosophy of Digital Media. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 225-255.
    Playing in counterpoint with the general theoretical orientation of the book, this chapter does not focus its attention on the recording and archiving capabilities of the digital medium. Instead, it proposes an understanding of the digital medium that focuses on its disclosing various forms of “doing.” Gualeni’s chapter begins by offering an understanding of “doing in the digital” that methodologically separates “doing as acting” from “doing as making.” After setting its theoretical framework, the chapter discusses an “interactive thought experiment” designed (...)
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  21. Virtual World-Weariness: On Delaying the Experiential Erosion of Digital Environments.Stefano Gualeni - 2019 - In Andri Gerber & Ulrich Götz (eds.), The Architectonics of Game Spaces: The Spatial Logic of the Virtual and its Meaning for the Real. Transcript. pp. 153-165.
    A common understanding of the role of a game developer includes establishing (or at least partially establishing) what is interactively and perceptually available in (video)game environments: what elements and behaviors those worlds include and allow, and what is – instead – left out of their ‘possibility horizon’. The term ‘possibility horizon’ references the Ancient Greek origin of the term ‘horizon’, ὄρος (oros), which denotes a frontier – a spatial limit. On this etymological foundation, ‘horizon’ is used here to indicate the (...)
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  22. De-Roling from Experiences and Identities in Virtual Worlds.Stefano Gualeni - 2017 - Journal of Virtual Worlds Research 10 (2).
    Within dramatherapy and psychodrama, the term ‘de-roling’ indicates a set of activities that assist the subjects of therapy in ‘disrobing’ themselves from their fictional characters. Starting from the psychological needs and the therapeutic goals that ‘de-roling’ techniques address in dramatherapy and psychodrama, this text provides a broader understanding of procedures and exercises that define and ease transitional experiences across cultural practices such as religious rituals and spatial design. After this introductory section, we propose a tentative answer as to why game (...)
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  23. The Risk in the Educational Strategy of Seneca.Stefano Maso - 2011 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 5 (1).
    To his pupil Nero and to Lucilius (friend and, as metonymy, representative of the entire mankind), Seneca testifies to his pedagogic vocation. With conviction he applies himself to demonstrate the perfect correspondence between the Stoic doctrine and the edu¬cational strategy that he proposes. Firstly, the reciprocity of the relationship between educator and pupil appears fundamental; both further their individual knowledge. Secondly, the limitations of an ethical precept that is not anchored in the intensity and concreteness of human life becomes clearly (...)
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  24. Augmented Ontologies or How to Philosophize with a Digital Hammer.Stefano Gualeni - 2014 - Philosophy and Technology 27 (2):177-199.
    Could a person ever transcend what it is like to be in the world as a human being? Could we ever know what it is like to be other creatures? Questions about the overcoming of a human perspective are not uncommon in the history of philosophy. In the last century, those very interrogatives were notably raised by American philosopher Thomas Nagel in the context of philosophy of mind. In his 1974 essay What is it Like to Be a Bat?, Nagel (...)
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    Due Note Testuali (Serv. auct. Georg. 2, 148; 434).Stefano Poletti - 2018 - Hermes 146 (3):373.
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    Colores rethorici: Réflexions sur la rhétorique de la couleur dans les mosaïques de Rome du xiie siècle.Stefano Riccioni - 2015 - Convivium 2 (2):18-35.
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  27. Of machines and men: the road to identity: scenes for a discussion.Stefano Rodot - 2011 - In Mireille Hildebrandt & Antoinette Rouvroy (eds.), Law, human agency, and autonomic computing: the philosophy of law meets the philosophy of technology. New York, NY: Routledge.
  28.  46
    Does Christianity Demean the Body and Deny the Value of Sport? – A Provocative Thesis.Stefano Scarpa & Attilio Nicola Carraro - 2011 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 5 (2):110 - 123.
    According to a thesis which is today authoritatively supported by some authors, the scarce recognition given to sport sciences in our culture should be ascribed to Christianity. This paper, in addition to attempting to refute this thesis, wishes to enrich the epistemological background of the emerging areas of research, to which sport belongs, with the perspective of a full appreciation of the value of man and of his corporeity. The argument develops in two main directions: the first aims at bringing (...)
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    The Impersonal ‘you’ and Other Indexicals.Stefano Predelli - 2004 - Disputatio 1 (16):2-25.
    In this essay I propose a semantic analysis of impersonal uses of ‘you’, and related uses of other indexical expressions. The framework I employ is Kaplan’s classic analysis of indexical languages, enriched with independently motivated hypotheses about the identification of the semantically relevant context, and about the employment of generic expressions.
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    Behaviorally Informed Vaccination Policies: Political Transparency as an Ethical Condition and Effective Strategy.Stefano Calboli & Vincenzo Fano - 2021 - Humana Mente 14 (40).
    SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are indispensable allies in the fight against COVID-19. Behavioral and cognitive scientists have argued for taking advantage of insights from their fields of investigations in shaping anti-COVID policies. B&C scientists extensively discussed the methodological and practical issues that arise in translating B&C research results into policy interventions aimed to boost vaccination, Nevertheless, the same cannot be said for the ethical aspects. In the present work, we discuss the ethics of nudging vaccination in light of the “alien control” objection, (...)
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    Francesco Patrizi da Cherso and the anti-Aristotelian tradition: interpreting the Discussiones Peripateticae(1581).Stefano Gulizia - 2019 - Intellectual History Review 29 (4):561-573.
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    Rethinking socialism with Axel Honneth.Stefano Petrucciani - 2019 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 45 (6):683-688.
    The aim of the article is to develop some critical reflections about Honneth’s redefinition of socialism. Starting from Honneth’s theory, the article develops a vision of socialism as the theoretic...
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    Sur le problème de la liberté chez Marx.Stefano Petrucciani & Didier Renault - 1996 - Actuel Marx 19:11-25.
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    Introduzione a Labriola.Stefano Poggi - 1982 - Bari: Laterza.
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    William James e la filosofia europea: Un capitolo da approfondire.Stefano Poggi - 2001 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
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    An Introduction to the Sernantics of Message and Attachment.Stefano Predelli - 2005 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 5 (1):139-155.
    In this paper, I discuss the general features of what I call ‘the semantics of message and attachment’. According to this theory, utterances of declarative sentences may be semantically associated with a plurality of information contents. I explain how this suggestion may provide a promising tool for the analysis of a variety of phenomena in the semantics for natural languages, such as complex demonstratives, dangling adverbs, or appositive clauses. I then focus on certain structural aspects of the theory, in particular (...)
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    Sub-sentential speech and the traditional view.Stefano Predelli - 2011 - Linguistics and Philosophy 34 (6):571-588.
    This essay argues that cases of apparently sub-sentential speech, such as Charles’ utterance of ‘a world famous topologist’ in the presence of a suitably salient woman, are unproblematic from the viewpoint of the Traditional View of meaning and truth-conditions. My argument is grounded on the distinction between different senses of ‘truth-conditions’ in double-index semantics, and on an understanding of semantic inputs as constraints on logical forms. Given these conceptual resources, I argue that an utterly traditional understanding of the relationships between (...)
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  38. Antiaristotelismo.Stefano Maso & Carlo Natali (eds.) - 1999 - Hakkert.
    The book includes 13 contributions that deal with the first attempts of opposition to the of Aristotle's thought. From Theophrastus to Epicurus, and to Plotinus. The best specialists have collaborated (among others: M. Mignucci, E. Berti, K. Ierodiakonou, C. Natali, S. Maso, F. Ferrari, D. Taormina, A. Falcon, A. Schiaparelli).
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    Filosofia a Roma: dalla riflessione sui principi all'arte della vita.Stefano Maso - 2012 - Roma: Carocci.
    This is an overview of the main schools of philosophy in Rome. The study of the thought of the most significant Roman philosophers (Lucretius, Cicero, Seneca, Marcus Aurelius) is presented in reference to the partition between physics, ethics and logic, previously opened by Academician Xenocrates.
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    Crisi della cultura e valorizzazione del Giudizio estetico-politico in Hannah Arendt.Stefano Marino - 2018 - Philosophical Readings 10 (1).
    In this article I take into examination Hannah Arendt’s original and influential “appropriation” of Immanuel Kant’s Critique of the Power of Judgment, providing both a reconstruction and a critical interpretation of it. In the first section I basically contextualize Arendt’s interest in this topic by showing that it is connected to her more general concern with the wider and more comprehensive question of the crisis of Western civilization. Then, in the second and third sections of my article, I offer an (...)
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    Estetica, tecnica, politica: immagini critiche del contemporaneo.Stefano Marino (ed.) - 2022 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  42. Stefano Maso, Capire e dissentire. Cicerone e la filosofia di Epicuro.Stefano Verde - 2009 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 64 (3):608.
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    Historismus e ermeneutica: Anna Escher Di Stefano.Anna Escher Di Stefano - 1997 - Napoli: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane.
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    Sei tesi sulla guerra.Giorgio Fenoaltea - 1944 - Firenze,: G. Barbera.
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    Proper Names: A Millian Account.Stefano Predelli - 2017 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Stefano Predelli defends a semantics of proper names which has simplicity and common sense in its favour: proper names are non-indexical devices of rigid and direct reference. He grounds this view in accounts of the shape and form of names, and of their introduction within language use, and he responds to widespread misconceptions and objections.
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    Heterogeneities, slave-princes, and Marshall plans: Schmitt's reception in Hegel's france*: Stefanos geroulanos.Stefanos Geroulanos - 2011 - Modern Intellectual History 8 (3):531-560.
    This essay examines the French reception of the Carl Schmitt's thought, specifically its Hegelian strand. Beginning with the early readings of Schmitt's thought by Alexandre Kojève and Georges Bataille during the mid-1930s, it attends to the partial adoption of Schmitt's friend/enemy distinction and his theories of sovereignty and neutralization in Kojève and Bataille's Hegelian writings, as well as to their critical responses. The essay then turns to examine the reading of Kojève by the Jesuit Hegelian résistant Gaston Fessard during the (...)
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  47. Musical ontology and the argument from creation.Stefano Predelli - 2001 - British Journal of Aesthetics 41 (3):279-292.
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  48. Contexts: meaning, truth, and the use of language.Stefano Predelli - 2005 - New York: Clarendon Press.
    Stefano Predelli comes to the defense of the traditional "formal" approach to natural-language semantics, arguing that it has been misrepresented not only by its critics, but also by its foremost defenders. In Contexts he offers a fundamental reappraisal, with particular attention to the treatment of indexicality and other forms of contextual dependence which have been the focus of much recent controversy. In the process, he presents original approaches to a number of important semantic issues, including the relationship between validity (...)
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  49. The demonstrative theory of quotation.Stefano Predelli - 2008 - Linguistics and Philosophy 31 (5):555-572.
    This essay proposes a systematic semantic account of Davidson’s demonstrative theory of pure quotation (Davidson Theory and decision, 11: 27–40, 1979) within a classic Kaplan-style framework for indexical languages (Kaplan 1977). I argue that Davidson’s informal hints must be developed in terms of the idea of ‘character-external’ aspects of meaning, that is, in terms of truth-conditionally idle restrictions on the class of contexts in which quotation marks may appropriately be used. When thus developed, Davidson’s theory may correctly take into account (...)
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    The Capitalistic Cult of Performance.Stefano Micali - 2010 - Philosophy Today 54 (4):379-391.
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