Results for 'Stefanie Schäfer-Bossert'

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  1.  9
    Hat das Böse ein Geschlecht?: Theologische und religionswissenschaftliche Verhältnisbestimmungen.Helga Kuhlmann & Stefanie Schäfer-Bossert (eds.) - 2006 - Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
    Was oder wer wird im Konkreten damonisiert? Wie gehen Alltags- und Popularkultur damit um? Welche religionspadagogischen Modelle und Konsequenzen ergeben sich? "Das Bose" wird wieder verstarkt thematisiert.
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    Editors' Note to Volume 45, Special Book Issue.Ann Levey, Karl Schafer & Amy Schmitter - 2019 - Hume Studies 45 (1):1-2.
    This volume of Hume Studies is a special double-issue devoted to discussions of four recent books on Hume: Hume: an Intellectual Biography, by James Harris; Imagined Causes: Hume's Conception of Objects, by Stefanie Rocknak; Hume's True Scepticism, by Donald Ainslie; and Reflecting Subjects: Passion, Sympathy, and Society in Hume's Philosophy, by Jacqueline Taylor. The latter three discussions began as Author-Meets-Critics sessions at the 43rd International Hume Conference in Sydney, Australia, and the present volume keeps the AMC format: each discussion (...)
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    Staatsdenken: zum Stand der Staatstheorie heute.Rüdiger Voigt (ed.) - 2016 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    Das Sammelwerk legt umfassend den Stand der Staatstheorie dar und arbeitet die Beiträge der bedeutendsten Staatsdenker und der wichtigsten Strömungen des Staatsdenkens zum heutigen Staatsverständnis exemplarisch heraus.Renommierte Philosophen, Historiker, Sozial-, Kultur- und Rechtswissenschaftler aus Universitäten und Forschungseinrichtungen in ganz Europa stellen in 15 gleichgewichteten Kapiteln das Staatsdenken von der Antike bis zur Postdemokratie facettenreich heraus. Jedes Kapitel firmiert unter einem Schwerpunkt, angefangen beim klassischen und konservativen über das liberale und feministische bis hin zum anarchistischen und religiösen Staatsdenken. Einen besonderen Stellenwert (...)
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    Blinde Anschauung: Die Rolle von Begriffen in Kants Theorie sinnlicher Synthesis.Stefanie Grüne - 2009 - Klostermann.
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    The microbial state: global thriving and the body politic.Stefanie R. Fishel - 2017 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    For three centuries, concepts of the state have been animated by one of the most powerful metaphors in politics: the body politic, a claustrophobic and bounded image of sovereignty. Climate change, neoliberalism, mass migration, and other aspects of the late Anthropocene have increasingly revealed the limitations of this metaphor. Just as the human body is not whole and separate from other bodies--comprising microbes, bacteria, water, and radioactive isotopes--Stefanie R. Fishel argues that the body politic of the state exists in (...)
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  6. How Common is Peer Disagreement? On Self‐Trust and Rational Symmetry.Karl Schafer - 2015 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 91 (1):25-46.
    In this paper I offer an argument for a view about the epistemology of peer disagreement, which I call the “Rational Symmetry View”. I argue that this view follows from a natural conception of the epistemology of testimony, together with a basic entitlement to trust our own faculties for belief formation. I then discuss some objections to this view, focusing on its relationship to other well-known views in the literature. The upshot of this discussion is that, if the Rational Symmetry (...)
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  7. Anonymous welfarism, critical-level principles, and the repugnant and sadistic conclusions.Walter Bossert - 2022 - In Gustaf Arrhenius, Krister Bykvist, Tim Campbell & Elizabeth Finneron-Burns, The Oxford Handbook of Population Ethics. Oxford University Press.
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    The Founding of Aesthetics in the German Enlightenment: The Art of Invention and the Invention of Art.Stefanie Buchenau - 2013 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    When, in 1735, Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten added a new discipline to the philosophical system, he not only founded modern aesthetics but also contributed to shaping the modern concept of art or 'fine art'. In The Founding of Aesthetics in the German Enlightenment, Stefanie Buchenau offers a rich analysis and reconstruction of the origins of this new discipline in its wider context of German Enlightenment philosophy. Present-day scholars commonly regard Baumgarten's views as an imperfect prefiguration of Kantian and post-Kantian aesthetics, (...)
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  9. Realism and Constructivism in Kantian Metaethics 1 : Realism and Constructivism in a Kantian Context.Karl Schafer - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (10):690-701.
    Metaethical constructivism is one of the main movements within contemporary metaethics – especially among those with Kantian inclinations. But both the philosophical coherence and the Kantian pedigree of constructivism are hotly contested. In the first half of this article, I first explore the sense in which Kant's own views might be described as constructivist and then use the resulting understanding as a guide to how we might think about Kantian constructivism today. Along the way, I hope to suggest that a (...)
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    Revisiting variable-value population principles.Walter Bossert, Susumu Cato & Kohei Kamaga - 2023 - Economics and Philosophy 39 (3):468-484.
    We examine a general class of variable-value population principles. Our particular focus is on the extent to which such principles can avoid the repugnant and sadistic conclusions. We show that if a mild limit property is imposed, avoidance of the repugnant conclusion implies the sadistic conclusion. This result generalizes earlier observations by showing that they apply to a substantially larger class of principles. Our second theorem states that, under the limit property, the axiom of mere addition also conflicts with avoidance (...)
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  11. Perception and the Rational Force of Desire.Karl Schafer - 2013 - Journal of Philosophy 110 (5):258-281.
    [A]ny theory of practical rationality must explain— or explain away—the following: Rational: In many cases, what it is rational (in some sense) for one to do or intend to do depends on what one desires. [...] I argue that in order to capture the rational significance of desire, we need to consider both its content and its force, on analogy to the rational significance of both the force and content of beliefs and perceptual experiences. This will open up a new (...)
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    The soundscape: our sonic environment and the tuning of the world.R. Murray Schafer - 1977 - [United States]: Distributed to the book trade in the United States by American International Distribution.
    Schafer contends that we suffer from an overabundance of acoustic information, and explores ways to restore our ability to hear the nuances of sounds around us.
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    Maximal-Element Rationalizability.Walter Bossert, Yves Sprumont & Kotaro Suzumura - 2005 - Theory and Decision 58 (4):325-350.
    We examine the maximal-element rationalizability of choice functions with arbitrary domains. While rationality formulated in terms of the choice of greatest elements according to a rationalizing relation has been analyzed relatively thoroughly in the earlier literature, this is not the case for maximal-element rationalizability, except when it coincides with greatest-element rationalizability because of properties imposed on the rationalizing relation. We develop necessary and sufficient conditions for maximal-element rationalizability by itself, and for maximal-element rationalizability in conjunction with additional properties of a (...)
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    The explication of ?the world? in constructionalism and phenomenology.Philip J. Bossert - 1973 - Man and World 6 (3):231-251.
  15. Wilfrid Sellars on truth: between immanence and transcendence.Stefanie Dach - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book offers an innovative defense of Wilfrid Sellar's notion of ideal truth. Sellars adopts two attractive ideas about truth: the pragmatist idea that the concept of truth cannot be understood independently from the norms and practices we find ourselves with and the realist idea that there is one ultimate truth about how the world is. Sellars is thus committed both to an immanent notion of truth and an ideal notion of truth. This book discusses these countervailing tendencies and tries (...)
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    “Much More than just another Private Collection”: The Schocken Library and its Rescue from Nazi Germany in 1935.Stefanie Mahrer - 2015 - Naharaim 9 (1-2):4-24.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Naharaim Jahrgang: 9 Heft: 1-2 Seiten: 4-24.
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  17. Postkoloniale Gedächtnistopografien in Kamerun: Medien, Akteure.Stefanie Michels - forthcoming - Topoi. In: Lölke/Hobuß (Hg.).
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    Paradox and enlightenment in zen dialogue and phenomenological description.Philip J. Bossert - 1976 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 3 (3):269-280.
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    Laterality-Specific Training Improves Mental Rotation Performance in Young Soccer Players.Stefanie Pietsch & Petra Jansen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Spielarten der Praxis.Stefanie Sedlacek & Herbert Will - 2023 - Psyche 77 (9-10):761-766.
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    Current negative mood encourages changes in end-of-life treatment decisions and is associated with false memories.Stefanie J. Sharman - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (1):132-139.
    To investigate the effects of mood on people's end-of-life treatment decisions and their false memories of those decisions, participants took part in two sessions. At Time 1, participants were experimentally induced into positive or negative moods. They decided whether they would want to receive or refuse treatments in a range of hypothetical medical scenarios, such as tube feeding while in a coma. Four weeks later, at Time 2, participants were induced into the same or the opposite mood and made these (...)
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  22. Constitutivism about reasons : autonomy and understanding.Karl Schafer - 2018 - In Karen Jones & François Schroeter, The Many Moral Rationalisms. New York: Oxford Univerisity Press.
  23.  60
    Critical‐level Sufficientarianism.Walter Bossert, Susumu Cato & Kohei Kamaga - 2021 - Journal of Political Philosophy 30 (4):434-461.
    Journal of Political Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Participatory improvement of a template for informed consent documents in biobank research - study results and methodological reflections.Bossert Sabine, Kahrass Hannes, Heinemeyer Ulrike, Prokein Jana & Strech Daniel - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):78.
    For valid informed consent, it is crucial that patients or research participants fully understand all that their consent entails. Testing and revising informed consent documents with the assistance of their addressees can improve their understandability. In this study we aimed at further developing a method for testing and improving informed consent documents with regard to readability and test-readers’ understanding and reactions. We tested, revised, and retested template informed consent documents for biobank research by means of 11 focus group interviews with (...)
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  25. Realism and Constructivism in Kantian Metaethics 2 : The Kantian Conception of Rationality and Rationalist Constructivism.Karl Schafer - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (10):702-713.
    In the second half of this essay, I discuss the robust conception of rationality that lies at the heart of the Kantian version of Rationalist Constructivism – offering some reasons to prefer this conception to the more minimal accounts of rationality associated with Humean views. I then go on to discuss some of the potential metaethical advantages of the resulting form of constructivism.
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  26. Kant on Method.Karl Schafer - 2024 - In Andrew Stephenson & Anil Gomes, [no title]. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    In this article I offer an opinionated overview of the central elements of Kant’s philosophical methodology during the critical period. I begin with a brief characterization of how Kant conceives of the aims of human inquiry – focusing on the idea that inquiry ideally aims at not just cognition (Erkenntnis), but also the more demanding cognitive achievements that Kant labels insight (Einsehen) and comprehension (Begreifen). Then I explore the implications of this picture for philosophy — emphasizing Kant’s distinction between critical (...)
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    Genetic Engineering, Nature Conservation, and Animal Ethics in advance.Leonie N. Bossert & Thomas Potthast - forthcoming - Environmental Ethics.
    The use of genetic engineering is increasingly discussed for nature conservation. At the same time, recent animal ethics approaches debate whether humans should genetically engineer wild animals to improve their welfare. This paper examines if obligations towards wild sentient animals require humans to genetically engineering wild animals, while arguing that there is no moral need to do so. The focus is on arguments from animal ethics, but they are linked to conservation ethics, highlighting the often neglected overlap between the two (...)
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    Population Issues in Social Choice Theory, Welfare Economics, and Ethics.Charles Blackorby, Walter Bossert & David J. Donaldson - 2005 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book presents an exploration of the idea of the common or social good, extended so that alternatives with different populations can be ranked. The approach is, in the main, welfarist, basing rankings on the well-being, broadly conceived, of those who are alive. The axiomatic method is employed, and topics investigated include: the measurement of individual well-being, social attitudes toward inequality of well-being, the main classes of population principles, principles that provide incomplete rankings, principles that rank uncertain alternatives, best choices (...)
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    Hermeneutic Phenomenology: The Philosophy of Paul Ricoeur.Philip J. Bossert - 1972 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 33 (4):588-589.
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    The Relationship between Intragenerational and Intergenerational Ecological Justice.Stefanie Glotzbach & Stefan BaumgÄRtner - 2012 - Environmental Values 21 (3):331-355.
    The principle of sustainability contains two objectives of justice regarding the conservation and use of ecosystems and their services : global justice between different people of the present generation ; justice between people of different generations. Three hypotheses about their relationship — independency, facilitation and rivalry — are held in the political and scientific sustainability discourse. Applying the method of qualitative content analysis to important political documents and the scientific literature, we reveal six determinants underlying the different hypotheses: quantity and (...)
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  31. Constitutivism about Reasons: Autonomy and Understanding.Karl Schafer - 2018 - In Karen Jones & François Schroeter, The Many Moral Rationalisms. New York: Oxford Univerisity Press.
    Contemporary forms of Kantian constitutivism generally begin with a conception of agency on which the constitutive aim of agency is some form of autonomy or self-unification. This chapter argues for a re-orientation of the Kantian constitutivist project towards views that begin with a conception of rationality on which both theoretical and practical rationality aim at forms of understanding. In a slogan, then, understanding-first as opposed to autonomy-first constitutivism. Such a view gives the constitutivist new resources for explaining many classes of (...)
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    Interspecies Justice within a Normative Sustainable Development Framework–Animal-Friendly Energy Systems as a Test Case.Leonie N. Bossert - 2024 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 37 (3):1-17.
    This paper argues that existing human-animal relations contribute to the pressing socio-ecological crises of our time, and therefore, they should be discussed in the context of Sustainable Development. This holds true even from a purely anthropocentric perspective, as these crises are threats to humans. However, sentient nonhuman animals possess interests as well and should be included in the moral community. Therefore, ignoring their interests in Sustainable Development is falling short. Furthermore, the paper argues that the anthropocentric perspective of Sustainable Development (...)
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    Kant's Reason: The Unity of Reason and the Limits of Comprehension in Kant.Karl Schafer - 2023 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Kant's Reason develops a novel interpretation of Kant’s conception of reason and its philosophical significance, focusing on two claims. First, it argues that Kant presents a powerful model for understanding the unity of theoretical and practical reason as two manifestations of a unified capacity for theoretical and practical understanding (or “comprehension”). This model allows us to do justice to the deep commonalities between theoretical and practical rationality, without reducing either to the other. In particular, through it, we see why the (...)
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  34. Kant under the Bodhi Tree: Anti-Individualism in Kantian Ethics.Karl Schafer - forthcoming - In Colin Marshall & Stefanie Grüne, Kant's Lasting Legacy: Essays in Honor of Béatrice Longuenesse. Routledge.
    A common complaint about Kantian ethics is that it cannot do justice to the social or intersubjective dimensions of human life – that, unlike Fichte, Hegel, or Marx, Kant remains caught within a fundamentally individualistic perspective on practical or moral questions. In this way, the objection goes, Kantian ethics leaves agents alienated from others around them and their larger community. While not entirely unnatural, I argue here that such concerns rest on a mischaracterization of where the most serious problems in (...)
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  35. Rationality as the Capacity for Understanding.Karl Schafer - 2019 - Noûs 53 (3):639-663.
    In this essay, I develop and defend a virtue‐theoretic conception of rationality as a capacity whose function is understanding, as opposed to mere truth or correctness. I focus on two main potential advantages of this view. First, its ability to explain the rationality of forms of explanatory reasoning, and second, its ability to offer a more unified account of theoretical and practical rationality.
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    Kant and the Spontaneity of the Understanding.Stefanie Grüne - 2013 - In Dina Emundts, Self, World, and Art: Metaphysical Topics in Kant and Hegel. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 145-176.
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  37. Faultless Disagreement and Aesthetic Realism.Karl Schafer - 2010 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 82 (2):265-286.
    It has recently been argued that certain areas of discourse, such as discourse about matters of taste, involve a phenomenon of ‘‘ faultless disagreement ’’ that rules out giving a standard realist or contextualist semantics for them. Thus, it is argued, we are left with no choice but to consider more adventurous semantic alternatives for these areas, such as a semantic account that involves relativizing truth to perspectives or contexts of assessment. I argue that the sort of faultless disagreement present (...)
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  38. Evolution and Normative Scepticism.Karl Schafer - 2010 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 88 (3):471-488.
    It is increasingly common to suggest that the combination of evolutionary theory and normative realism leads inevitably to a general scepticism about our ability to reliably form normative beliefs. In what follows, I argue that this is not the case. In particular, I consider several possible arguments from evolutionary theory and normative realism to normative scepticism and explain where they go wrong. I then offer a more general diagnosis of the tendency to accept such arguments and why this tendency should (...)
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  39. Imagined Causes: Hume’s Conception of Objects.Stefanie Rocknak - 2012 - Springer.
    This book provides the first comprehensive account of Hume’s conception of objects in Book I of the Treatise. What, according to Hume, are objects? Ideas? Impressions? Mind-independent objects? All three? None of the above? Through a close textual analysis, I show that Hume thought that objects are imagined ideas. However, I argue that he struggled with two accounts of how and when we imagine such ideas. On the one hand, Hume believed that we always and universally imagine that objects are (...)
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    Shaping segments: Hox gene function in the genomic age.Stefanie D. Hueber & Ingrid Lohmann - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (10):965-979.
    Despite decades of research, morphogenesis along the various body axes remains one of the major mysteries in developmental biology. A milestone in the field was the realisation that a set of closely related regulators, called Hox genes, specifies the identity of body segments along the anterior–posterior (AP) axis in most animals. Hox genes have been highly conserved throughout metazoan evolution and code for homeodomain‐containing transcription factors. Thus, they exert their function mainly through activation or repression of downstream genes. However, while (...)
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    A Note on Heidegger's “Opus One”.Philip J. Bossert - 1973 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 4 (1):61-63.
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    Measuring group fitness in a biological hierarchy: An axiomatic social choice approach.Walter Bossert, Chloe X. Qi & John A. Weymark - 2013 - Economics and Philosophy 29 (3):301-323.
    This article illustrates how axiomatic social choice theory can be used in the evaluation of measures of group fitness for a biological hierarchy, thereby contributing to the dialogue between the philosophy of biology and social choice theory. It provides an axiomatic characterization of the ordering underlying the MichodSolariNedelcu index of group fitness for a multicellular organism. The MVSHN index has been used to analyse the germ-soma specialization and the fitness decoupling between the cell and organism levels that takes place during (...)
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  43. Rational Choice on General Domains.Walter Bossert & Kotaro Suzumura - 2008 - In Kaushik Basu & Ravi Kanbur, Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen: Volume I: Ethics, Welfare, and Measurement and Volume Ii: Society, Institutions, and Development. Oxford University Press.
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  44. To survive, you must believe.Ray Bossert - 2012 - In Tracy Lyn Bealer, Rachel Luria & Wayne Yuen, Neil Gaiman and philosophy: gods gone wild! Chicago, Ill.: Open Court.
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    Découvertes Médicales et Philosophie de la Nature Humaine.Stefanie Buchenau, Claire Crignon, Marie Gaille, Delphine Kolesnik-Antoine & Anne-Lise Rey - 2013 - Revue de Synthèse 134 (4):537-551.
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    Menschlich denken.Stefanie Buchenau - 2018 - In Gideon Stiening, Udo Roth & Hans-Peter Nowitzki, Zur Einführung: Johann Georg Heinrich Feder : Empirismus und Popularphilosophie zwischen Wolff und Kant. De Gruyter. pp. 331-348.
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    Philosophie.Stefanie Buchenau, Vincent Delecroix, Vincent Bontems & Nicolas Cominotti - 2003 - Revue de Synthèse 124 (1):304-320.
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  48. Erastianism and natural law in Hugo Grotius's De imperio summarum potestatum circa sacra.Stefanie Ertz - 2022 - In Hans Willem Blom, Sacred Polities, Natural Law and the Law of Nations in the 16th-17th Centuries. Boston: BRILL.
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    Kultur der Disziplinen - Kontraste der Substanz. Die feministisch-akademischen Zeitschriften: Beiträge zur feministischen Theorie und Praxis, metis und Streit.Stefanie Gowik - 2005 - Die Philosophin 16 (32):107-125.
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    Which Words are Hard for Autistic Children to Learn?Tim I. Williams Graham Schafer - 2013 - Mind and Language 28 (5):661-698.
    Motivated by accounts of concept use in autistic spectrum disorder and a computational model of weak central coherence we examined comprehension and production vocabulary in typically‐developing children and those with ASD and Down syndrome. Controlling for frequency, familiarity, length and imageability, Colorado Meaningfulness played a hitherto unremarked role in the vocabularies of children with ASD. High Colorado Meaningful words were underrepresented in the comprehension vocabularies of 2‐ to 12‐year‐olds with ASD. The Colorado Meaningfulness of a word is a measure of (...)
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