Results for 'Stefania Migliore'

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  1.  34
    Capital structure and firm performance: the role of corporate governance.Hussain Muhammad, Stefania Migliore & Sana Mohsni - 2020 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (1):1.
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  2. Faith Seeking Understanding: An Introduction to Christian Theology.Daniel L. Migliore - 1991
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    Food Community Networks as Leverage for Social Embeddedness.Giuseppina Migliore, Giorgio Schifani, Giovanni Dara Guccione & Luigi Cembalo - 2014 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (4):549-567.
    Social embeddedness, defined as the interaction of economic activities and social behavior, is used in this study as a conceptual tool to describe the growing phenomenon of food community networks (FCNs). The aim in this paper was to map the system of relations which the FCNs develop both inside and outside the network and, from the number of relations, it was inferred the influence of each FCN upon the formation of new socially embedded economic realities. A particular form of FCN (...)
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    Commanding grace: studies in Karl Barth's ethics.Daniel L. Migliore (ed.) - 2010 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co..
    . Commanding Grace: Karl Barth's Theological Ethics Daniel L. Migliore Interest in Barth's theology continues to grow. Its consistently high quality, ...
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    Are Farmers in Alternative Food Networks Social Entrepreneurs? Evidence from a Behavioral Approach.Giuseppina Migliore, Giorgio Schifani, Pietro Romeo, Shadi Hashem & Luigi Cembalo - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (5):885-902.
    Social entrepreneurship, individual activities with a social objective, is used in this study as a conceptual tool for empirically examining farmers’ participation in alternative food networks. This study verifies whether their participation is driven by the social entrepreneurship dimension to satisfy social and environmental needs. We develop a more inclusive view of how social entrepreneurship is present among farmers participating in AFNs by using a behavioural approach based on three main psychological constructs: attitude, objective, and behaviour. The empirical results show (...)
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    Lycophron: a Minor Sophist or a Minor Socratic?Stefania Giombini - 2016 - Philosophical Inquiry 40 (1-2):74-94.
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    The Owl's Flight: Hegel's Legacy to Contemporary Philosophy.Stefania Achella, Francesca Iannelli, Gabriella Baptist, Serena Feloj, Fiorinda Li Vigni & Claudia Melica (eds.) - 2021 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    This book presents a unique rethinking of G. W. F. Hegel's philosophy from unusual and controversial perspectives in order to liberate new energies from his philosophy. The role Hegel ascribes to women in the shaping of society and family, the reconstruction of his anthropological and psychological perspective, his approach to human nature, the relationship between mental illness and social disease, the role of the unconscious, and the relevance of intercultural and interreligious pathways: All these themes reveal new and inspiring aspects (...)
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    Etica e bellezza.Stefania Achella & Francesco Miano (eds.) - 2019 - Napoli: Orthotes.
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    Oskar Becker on Modalities.Stefania Centrone & Pierluigi Minari - 2019 - Berlin: Logos. Edited by Pierluigi Minari.
    The history of modern modal logic is too often presented as an American success story that started with the work of the Harvard philosopher C. I. Lewis, while prewar modal logic research in Europe is passed off as a side-show of well-intended failures. As a contribute towards correcting this picture, we carefully analyze and reconsider Oskar Becker’s pioneering work On the Logic of Modalities (1930), highlighting its influence on the early development of modal logic in the decade 1930 - 1940.
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  10.  24
    Jacques Lacan: tra psicoanalisi e filosofia.Stefania Guido - 2009 - Trento: UNI Service.
  11. Theorie und Praxis der transnationalen Zugehörigkeit – Hannah Arendt als Grenzgängerin zwischen Deutschland und den USA.Stefania Maffeis - 2017 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 42 (2).
    The text approaches the phenomenon of transnational migration movements in the globalized world as a question related to the specific borders and mobilities of philosophy. The circulation of philosophical ideas and subjectivities between different countries and languages is challenged as a form of transnational citizenship. This main thesis will be examined in the light of the building process of the concept of belonging in the political theory of Hannah Arendt in relation to her German and US-American audiences. I will first (...)
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  12.  18
    Status After Death. Understanding Posthumous Social Influence Through a Case Study on the Christian-Orthodox Tradition.Ștefania Matei & Marian Preda - 2016 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 15 (45):257-282.
    In this paper we propose a conceptualization of ‘posthumous social status’ as a performative reality accomplished through collective actions that are materially and symbolically legitimated. We question the classical definitions of social status that lead to oversocialized theoretical models, and we argue for the necessity to reconsider the relation between social status and social roles in order to gain insight into the reality of a social presence after death. On this account, we claim that the prestige attached to one's position (...)
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  13.  14
    Cruise ships. Non-human modern monsters.Tiziana Migliore - 2021 - Studi di Estetica 20.
    The aim of this article is to literally explore the declinations of the status of the “monstruous thing”, investigating if and when monsters are abnormal phenomena, not of nature but of culture. Which features, of both expression and content, must a non-living artificial subject present in order to be perceived and judged as a “monster”? In the West, the image of the monster is traditionally associated with an abominable creature belonging to the universe of nature whose touchstone is a standard (...)
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  14. Bonum/malum de logica e de physica nell'Epistolario di Agostino d'Ippona.Stefania Miscioscia - 2011 - Ciudad de Dios 224 (2):341-371.
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    A cbr‐based, closed‐loop architecture for temporal abstractions configuration.Stefania Montani, Alessio Bottrighi, Giorgio Leonardi & Luigi Portinale - 2009 - In L. Magnani, computational intelligence. pp. 235-249.
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  16. Does product complexity matter for competition in experimental retail markets?Stefania Sitzia & Daniel John Zizzo - 2011 - Theory and Decision 70 (1):65-82.
    We describe a first experiment on whether product complexity affects competition and consumers in retail markets. We are unable to detect a significant effect of product complexity on prices, except insofar as the demand elasticity for complex products is higher. However, there is qualified evidence that complex products have the potential to induce consumers to buy more than they would otherwise. In this sense, consumer exploitability in quantities cannot be ruled out. We also find evidence for shaping effects: consumers’ preferences (...)
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    Chiaroscuri della ragione: Kant e le filosofe del Novecento.Stefania Tarantino - 2018 - Napoli: Guida editori.
  18.  26
    Relazioni locali, nodi digitali e reti transnazionali di protesta.Stefania Vicari - 2006 - Polis 20 (1):5-30.
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    Dal carteggio tra Eugenio Garin e Delio Cantimori.Stefania Zanardi - 2012 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4:809-826.
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  20. The correspondence between Eugenio Garin and Delio cantimori.Stefania Zanardi - 2012 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 67 (4).
  21.  27
    Techno-solutionism and the standard human in the making of the COVID-19 pandemic.Stefania Milan - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    Quantification is particularly seductive in times of global uncertainty. Not surprisingly, numbers, indicators, categorizations, and comparisons are central to governmental and popular response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This essay draws insights from critical data studies, sociology of quantification and decolonial thinking, with occasional excursion into the biomedical domain, to investigate the role and social consequences of counting broadly defined as a way of knowing about the virus. It takes a critical look at two domains of human activity that play a (...)
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  22.  75
    Logic and philosophy of mathematics in the early Husserl.Stefania Centrone - 2010 - New York: Springer.
    This volume will be of particular interest to researchers working in the history, and in the philosophy, of logic and mathematics, and more generally, to ...
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  23. The bid to transcend Popper, and the Lakatos-Polanyi connection.Stefania Ruzsits Jha - 2006 - Perspectives on Science 14 (3):318-346.
    Lakatos is considered to be a Popperian who adapted his Hegelian-Marxist training to critical philosophy. I claim this is too narrow and misses Lakatos' goal of understanding scientific inquiry as heuristic inquiry—something he did not find in Popper, but found in Polanyi. Archival material shows that his ‘new method' struggled to overcome what he saw as the Popperian handicap, by using Polanyi.
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  24.  41
    Children’s quantitative Bayesian inferences from natural frequencies and number of chances.Stefania Pighin, Vittorio Girotto & Katya Tentori - 2017 - Cognition 168 (C):164-175.
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    Reconsidering Michael Polanyi’s Philosophy.Stefania Ruzsits Jha - 2002 - University of Pittsburgh Press.
    The chemist and philosopher Michael Polanyi was one of the first twentieth-century scientists to propose a program to resolve the internal conflict of the modern Enlightenment: scientific detachment and moral nihilism with humanist values. Stefania Jha’s intellectual biography places Polanyi in the context of his time and culture, analyzes his key philosophical ideas, and explicates the application—and at times misappropriation—of his work. Polanyi’s method was not laid out in his published works, and his vocabulary tends to make his writings (...)
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  26.  61
    Counterfactual thinking in moral judgment: an experimental study.Simone Migliore, Giuseppe Curcio, Francesco Mancini & Stefano F. Cappa - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Counterfactual thoughts about experienced, observed, and narrated events.Stefania Pighin, Ruth M. J. Byrne, Donatella Ferrante, Michel Gonzalez & Vittorio Girotto - 2011 - Thinking and Reasoning 17 (2):197 - 211.
    Four studies show that observers and readers imagine different alternatives to reality. When participants read a story about a protagonist who chose the more difficult of two tasks and failed, their counterfactual thoughts focused on the easier, unchosen task. But when they observed the performance of an individual who chose and failed the more difficult task, participants' counterfactual thoughts focused on alternative ways to solve the chosen task, as did the thoughts of individuals who acted out the event. We conclude (...)
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  28.  46
    Assessing Mental Illness Stigma: A Complex Issue.Stefania Mannarini & Alessandro Rossi - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  29.  39
    From data politics to the contentious politics of data.Stefania Milan & Davide Beraldo - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (2).
    This article approaches the paradigm shift of datafication from the perspective of civil society. Looking at how individuals and groups engage with datafication, it complements the notion of “data politics” by exploring what we call the “contentious politics of data”. By contentious politics of data we indicate the bottom-up, transformative initiatives interfering with and/or hijacking dominant processes of datafication, contesting existing power relations or re-appropriating data practices and infrastructure for purposes distinct from the intended. Said contentious politics of data is (...)
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  30.  52
    Early Bolzano on ground-consequence proofs.Stefania Centrone - 2016 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 22 (2):215-237.
    In his earlyContributions to a Better-Grounded Presentation of Mathematics Bernard Bolzano tries to characterizerigorous proofs.Rigorousis,prima facie, any proof that indicates the grounds for its conclusion. Bolzano lists a number of methodological constraints all rigorous proofs should comply with, and tests them systematically against a specific collection of elementary inference schemata that, according to him, are evidently of ground-consequence-kind. This paper intends to give a detailed and critical account of the fragmentary logic of theContributions, and to point out as well some (...)
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  31.  21
    Una riflessione sul new age.Stefania Bascelli - 1998 - Idee 37:117-130.
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  32. Blueprint of ethics content in undergraduate education: A workshop-research study.Stefania Chiappinotto, Alessandro Galazzi, Evridiki Papastavrou, Michael Igoumenidis, Catherine Mc Cabe, Chris Gastmans, Johanna Wiisak, Minna Stolt, Riitta Suhonen & Alvisa Palese - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Background Ethics is a fundamental component of nursing education to increase students’ moral competence and moral reasoning abilities. However, the core ethics content that should be included in undergraduate education has not been established to date at the international level. Aim To identify the core contents required in formal undergraduate education to ensure morally competent nurses. Research Design An international workshop-research study design in 2023 reported here according to the COnsolidated criteria for REporting Qualitative research. Participants and Research Context Five (...)
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  33.  14
    Sortir du désenchantement.Stefania Consigliere & Jacopo Rasmi - 2023 - Multitudes 91 (2):90-96.
    Rêves, nymphes, démons, fantômes, conversations avec les animaux et les montagnes, enseignements transmis par les plantes : l’enchantement a disparu de nos vies. Quiconque ose l’évoquer viole les canons épistémologiques les plus élémentaires qui régissent notre monde et est immédiatement disqualifié comme ignorant ou fou. Il est toutefois suspect que le tabou de l’enchantement entre en action précisément lorsque le processus historique de la modernité commence à produire des spectres et des cauchemars à une échelle industrielle : le monde est (...)
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    Explanation-based interpretation of open-textured concepts in logical models of legislation.Stefania Costantini & Gaetano Aurelio Lanzarone - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 3 (3):191-208.
    In this paper we discuss a view of the Machine Learning technique called Explanation-Based Learning (EBL) or Explanation-Based Generalization (EBG) as a process for the interpretation of vague concepts in logic-based models of law.The open-textured nature of legal terms is a well-known open problem in the building of knowledge-based legal systems. EBG is a technique which creates generalizations of given examples on the basis of background domain knowledge. We relate these two topics by considering EBG''s domain knowledge as corresponding to (...)
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  35.  71
    The Latin Editions of Galen's Opera omnia (1490–1625) and Their Prefaces.Stefania Fortuna - 2012 - Early Science and Medicine 17 (4):391-412.
    Between 1490 to 1625, twenty-two editions of Galen's opera omnia were published in Latin, while only two in Greek. In the Western world Galen's literary production was mostly known through Latin translations, even in the sixteenth century, when Greek medicine was being rediscovered in its original language. The paper discusses the twenty-two Latin editions of Galen's writings and how they evolved. In these editions the number of works increased, especially from 1490 to 1533, while later, from 1576–1577 to 1586, forged (...)
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  36.  9
    Das Subjekt der Menschenrechte.Stefania Maffeis - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2018 (2):45-58.
    This paper proposes a political understanding of human rights which allows not to dissolve the contradiction between the positive and the normative aspect entailed in the idea and the institution of human rights, but rather to keep them together dialectically. I discuss the relationality of human rights through Hannah Arendt’s idea of the right to have rights and I develop it further through Jacques Rancière’s concept of subjectivity. This allows me to explain the dialectic of the human rights as a (...)
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  37.  13
    Emotion Regulation and Parental Bonding in Families of Adolescents With Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms.Stefania Mannarini, Laura Balottin, Arianna Palmieri & Francesco Carotenuto - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Sovranità come narrazione in Paul Ricoeur.Stefania Mazzone - 2019 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 2 (2):173-186.
    L’articolo intende evidenziare attraverso l’analisi di alcune opere specifiche di Paul Ricoeur -quelle che indagano i rapporti tra storia e verità, identità e oblio-la relazione in cui l’autore pone la costruzione dell’identità individuale in quanto processo metaforico e performativo e quella dell’identità collettiva in quanto espressione drammatica, con i processi narrativi, che riguardano le percezioni individuali e le raffigurazioni sociali. Ne consegue una teoria della rappresentazione dell’alterità, della costruzione identitaria e della narrazione della sovranità che impiega le categorie ermeneutiche ed (...)
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  39. Called to Freedom Liberation Theology and the Future of Christian Doctrine.Daniel L. Migliore - 1980
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    Psychopathological Comorbidities and Clinical Variables in Patients With Medication Overuse Headache.Simone Migliore, Matteo Paolucci, Livia Quintiliani, Claudia Altamura, Sabrina Maffi, Giulia D’Aurizio, Giuseppe Curcio & Fabrizio Vernieri - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    The psychopathological profile of patients with medication overuse headache appears to be particularly complex. To better define it, we evaluated their performance on a targeted psychological profile assessment. We designed a case-control study comparing MOH patients and matched healthy controls. Headache frequency, drug consumption, HIT-6, and MIDAS scores were recorded. All participants filled in the following questionnaires: Beck Depression Inventory-II Edition, trait subtest of State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale, Barratt Impulsiveness Scale, Toronto Alexithymia Scale. The primary endpoint (...)
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  41. Sicilian Recreation Clubs: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.Sam Migliore - 1980 - Nexus 1 (1):3.
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  42.  7
    The Mixed Category Human-Animal in New Anthropology and in the Arts.Tiziana Migliore - 2018 - In Gianfranco Marrone & Dario Mangano, Semiotics of Animals in Culture: Zoosemiotics 2.0. Springer Verlag. pp. 165-179.
    Considering animality in terms of interdependency between humans and animals may help us understand how different species have evolved and continue to do so through time. The stakes are high. Darwinian evolutionary theories, while based on the continuity of the species and while suggesting the idea of mutual derivation, e.g. of humans from animals, are mostly concerned with the origins; they are not concerned with whether and how humans and animals have evolved together socially and culturally. Even a superficial look (...)
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  43.  46
    Twenty-Five Years of Pope John Paul II’s Pontificate and Globalization.Celestino Migliore - 2005 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 2 (1):11-22.
  44.  34
    Case‐based reasoning for managing noncompliance with clinical guidelines.Stefania Montani - 2009 - In L. Magnani, computational intelligence. pp. 25--3.
  45.  8
    La scuola di Milano: le origini della neoscolastica italiana (1909-1923).Stefania Pietroforte - 2005 - [Bologna]: Il mulino.
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    Morfologia dei vissuti nelle analisi di Edmund Husserl: verso una nuova antropologia fenomenologica.Stefania Romeo - 2002 - Napoli: L'orientale.
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    Tra gnoseologia e ontologia: il problema di Dio in Pantaleo Carabellese.Stefania Sapora - 2018 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
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    Inattentive consumers in markets for services.Stefania Sitzia, Jiwei Zheng & Daniel John Zizzo - 2015 - Theory and Decision 79 (2):307-332.
    In an experiment on markets for services, we find that consumers are likely to stick to default tariffs and achieve suboptimal outcomes. We find that inattention to the task of choosing a better tariff is likely to be a substantial problem in addition to any task and tariff complexity effect. The institutional setup on which we primarily model our experiment is the UK electricity and gas markets, and our conclusion is that the new measures by the UK regulator Ofgem to (...)
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  49.  14
    Diagrams - images in the form of texts.Migliore Tiziana - 2021 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 9 (1):143-180.
    The present contribution intends to outline diagrams in the process of their becoming and as the result of live-action gestures between people. It aims to demonstrate that diagrams are images produced in form of “texts”, that is in form of any interweaving of relations. After a re- reading of the notions of “image” and “text”, our article highlights the continuities of Peirce's views on the diagram, as a not only verbal function, into Deleuze and Guattari's theory, and provides a closer (...)
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    Umanesimo e umanesimi.Stefania Zanardi - 2019 - Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli.
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