Results for 'Stefan Weppelmann'

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    Padua and Venice: transcultural exchange in the early modern age.Brigit Blass-Simmen & Stefan Weppelmann (eds.) - 2017 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Venice and Padua are neighboring cities with a topographical and geopolitical distinction. Venice as a port city opened up towards Byzantium whereas Padua as a university city was a place of Humanism and research. The contributions analyze works of art as aesthetic formulations of their places of origin, which also have an effect on their surroundings. International experts investigate these two concepts and how the exchange worked.
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  2. [no title].Stefan Schorn - unknown
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  3. The tripartition of the soul in Plato's republic.Stefan Biittner - 2006 - In Fritz-Gregor Herrmann & Stefan Büttner, New essays on Plato: language and thought in fourth-century Greek philosophy. Oakville, CT: David Brown Book Co., distributor. pp. 75.
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    3. Normativität und Gehalt bei Derrida.Stefan Blank - 2006 - In Verständigung Und Versprechen: Sozialität Bei Habermas Und Derrida. Transcript Verlag. pp. 125-190.
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    Verzeichnis der verwendeten Siglen.Stefan Blank - 2006 - In Verständigung Und Versprechen: Sozialität Bei Habermas Und Derrida. Transcript Verlag. pp. 213-214.
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    Classe, ceto e strato nella sociologia della religione di Max Weber.Stefan Breuer - 2020 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 32 (63):41-61.
    In his early writings, dealing mainly with problems of agricultural policy, Max Weber at times differentiates between “class” and “estate”, but in general he treats them as synonyms. Only after 1909, when he started to work on Economy and Society and Economic Ethic of the World Religions, he felt the necessity to use these concepts in a more clear-cut manner. “Classes” are only placed within the economic order, while “estates” belong to the social order and take shape through the partition (...)
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    Der Gläubigerschutz im österreichischen Insolvenzverfahren.Stefan Smid - 2008 - In Neue Fragen des Insolvenzrechtsinsolvency Law - New Issues: Insolvenzrechtliches Symposium der Hanns-Martin Schleyer-Stiftung in Kiel 8./9. Juni 2007. De Gruyter Recht.
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    § 11 Sachrechtliche und kollisionsrechtliche Regelungen wegen dinglicher Rechte und der Behandlung gegenseitiger Verträge.Stefan Smid - 2009 - In Internationales Insolvenzrecht. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 149-166.
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  9. Antynomie postawy religijnej.Stefan Opara - 1970 - Człowiek I Światopogląd 2 (7):45-56.
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    Apokalyptik und Biblische Theologie.Stefan Beyerle - 2010 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 52 (3):232-246.
    ZUSAMMENFASSUNGDie antik-jüdische Apokalyptik liefert einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Erschließung einer Biblischen Theologie, insofern man von einem offenen Kanon ausgeht, der Quellen auch jenseits seiner Grenzen berücksichtigt. Unter Einbeziehung der historisch-kritischen Methode zeigen sich in der apokalyptischen Literatur »Strukturen«, deren Sinn- und Wirkzusammenhang für eine gesamtbiblische Theologie von konstitutiver Bedeutung ist. Als wichtiger Baustein einer Biblischen Theologie fungiert die Apokalyptik. Und zwar auch deshalb, weil etwa die beiderseits auswertbare Struktur der »Verkehrung« im apokalyptischen Transzendierungskonzept eine zentrale Rolle spielt. Zum Erweis dient (...)
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    Der ägyptische Lautwandel zwischen “Ꜣ” und “ḥ”.Stefan Bojowald - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (4):829.
    This contribution studies the Egyptian phonetic change between “Ꜣ” and “ḥ,” a question so far dealt with only marginally. Therefore, the phonetic change is considered here for the first time from a broader perspective. An important role has likely been played by the fact that both sounds belong to the laryngals. This phonetic change is also known from other Hamito–Semitic languages—particularly Akkadian and Punic. Furthermore, the phenomenon continued in Coptic. The investigation adduces two different types of material. First, the phonetic (...)
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    Absolut i Forma.Stefan Morawski - 1968 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 26 (3):397-398.
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    Ważniejsze prądy i koncepcje wychowawcze w pedagogice pierwszej połowy XX wieku.Stefan I. Moçzdçzeân - 1994 - Kielce: Dom Wydawniczy Strzelec.
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    European economic development—with particular reference to the European periphery.Stefan A. Musto - 1986 - World Futures 22 (1):31-83.
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    Diversity of Subjects in Dewey's Works I n addition to the information already given by Larry A. Hickman in Chapter 1, I wish to examine some central philosophical topics from the impressive richness of Dewey's works and the comprehen-sive body of his writings, which fill thirty-seven volumes in the critical.Stefan Neubert - 2009 - In Larry A. Hickman, Stefan Neubert & Kersten Reich, John Dewey between pragmatism and constructivism. New York: Fordham University Press. pp. 19.
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    Personenregister.Stefan Niklas & Thiemo Breyer - 2018 - In Stefan Niklas & Thiemo Breyer, Ernst Cassirer in Systematischen Beziehungen: Zur Kritisch-Kommunikativen Bedeutung Seiner Kulturphilosophie. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 305-310.
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    Myślenie moralne (Richard M. Hare, Myślenie moralne, jego płaszczyzny, metoda i istota).Stefan Konstańczak - 2002 - Etyka 35:257-265.
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  18. O obowiązkach filozofii względem narodu i państwa – Józef M. Bocheński w roli „sumienia” polskiej filozofii powojennej.Stefan Konstańczak - 2013 - Filo-Sofija 13 (21):231-248.
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    L’inconscient machinique et L’idée d’une ontologie politique de la chair.Stefan Kristensen - 2014 - Chiasmi International 16:127-147.
    The psychoanalyical notion of the unconscious is often considered as being out of reach for phenomenological thinking. When Merleau-Ponty refl ects on it, he takes the unconscious as the realm, in bodily life, that being not yet conscious, is likely to become conscious. He formulates it in his Résumés de cours with the famous sentence “The unconscious is the sensing itself”. Lacan, facing this interpretation, explains that Merleau-Ponty fails to recongnize the essential discontinuity between consciousness and the unconscious. From that (...)
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  20. Phenomenology and psychoanalysis : disruptive speech in the realm of the flesh.Stefan Kristensen - 2020 - In Christian Tewes & Giovanni Stanghellini, Time and Body: Phenomenological and Psychopathological Approaches. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Nouvelles de la Longue Durée: De L’Histoire du Monde Rural à L’Histoire du Climat.Stefan Lemny - 2013 - Revue de Synthèse 134 (2):275-290.
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  22. Four freedoms, how many principles?Enchelmaier Stefan - 2004 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 24 (1).
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    Music and Life Experience: A Perspective from the Classroom.Stefan R. Stuber - forthcoming - Philosophy of Music Education Review.
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    Między średniowieczem a czasami nowymi: sylwetki myślicieli XV wieku.Stefan Swieżawski (ed.) - 1983 - Warszawa: Biblioteka »Więzi«.
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  25. Berkeleya teoria widzenia.Stefan Zabieglik - 2000 - Principia.
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  26. Komputer w pracy filozofa.Stefan Zabieglik - 1997 - Filozofia Nauki 4.
    The paper contains some general information on use a computer in philosopher's work. The main Internet resources in philosophy, including Polish sites, have been presented, too.
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  27. Czym jesteś nauko?Stefan Zamecki - 1970 - Człowiek I Światopogląd 2 (9):61-68.
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  28. Drei Stufen einer materialen kognitiven Ethik und ihre Probleme.Stefan Gosepath - 1993 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 4 (4):605.
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    Heinrich Bedford-strohm, gemeinschaft in kommunikativer freiheit. Sozialer zusammenhalt in der modernen gesellschaft. Ein theologischer beitrag and David Fergusson, community, liberalism and Christian ethics.Stefan Grotefeld - 2000 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 3 (3):335-338.
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    Monedas del litoral marítimo. Un tesoro Emiral compuesto por monedas de plata procedente de un asentamiento portuario del Cerro da Vila.Stefan Heidemann, Thomas Schierl & Felix Teichner - 2018 - Al-Qantara 39 (1):169-224.
    Cerro da Vila was founded as a Roman production and harbour settlement at the end of the Republican Age. It developed into a small seaside settlement, largely based on the exploitation of maritime resources, although it is unlikely that this exploitation exceededsubsistence level. The abandonment of the settlement probably resulted from violent attack and destruction at the end of the 11th / beginning of the 12th century AD. A hoard of 239 silver coins and fragments were discovered at the bottom (...)
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    Värdslitteraturteori.Stefan Helgesson - 2022 - Agora 40 (2-3):08-23.
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  32. The grammar of deconstruction.Stefan Herbrechter & Ivan Callus - 2007 - In Simon Morgan Wortham & Allison Weiner, Encountering Derrida: legacies and futures of deconstruction. New York: Continuum.
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    Global Political Islam.Stefan Höjelid - 2009 - The European Legacy 14 (6):741-742.
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  34. Z dziejów refleksji nad historią filozofii.Stefan Kaczmarek (ed.) - 1982 - Poznań: Wydawn. Nauk. Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu.
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    Privacy and identity in a networked society: refining privacy impact assessment.Stefan Strauss - 2019 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Ultimately, this affects the natural interplay between privacy, personal identity and identification. This book investigates that interplay from a systemic, socio-technical perspective by combining research from the social and computer sciences. It sheds light on the basic functions of privacy, their relation to identity, and how they alter with digital identification practices. The analysis reveals a general privacy control dilemma of (digital) identification shaped by several interrelated socio-political, economic and technical factors. Uncontrolled increases in the identification modalities inherent to digital (...)
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    Prediction of Disorientation by Accelerometric and Gait Features in Young and Older Adults Navigating in a Virtually Enriched Environment.Stefan J. Teipel, Chimezie O. Amaefule, Stefan Lüdtke, Doreen Görß, Sofia Faraza, Sven Bruhn & Thomas Kirste - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveTo determine whether gait and accelerometric features can predict disorientation events in young and older adults.MethodsCognitively healthy younger and older participants navigated on a treadmill through a virtual representation of the city of Rostock featured within the Gait Real-Time Analysis Interactive Lab system. We conducted Bayesian Poisson regression to determine the association of navigation performance with domain-specific cognitive functions. We determined associations of gait and accelerometric features with disorientation events in real-time data using Bayesian generalized mixed effect models. The accuracy (...)
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  37. Teorii︠a︡ otrazhenii︠a︡ i khudozhestvennoe tvorchestvo.Stefan V. Vasilev - 1970 - Moskva,:
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    An Empire of Light?: II: Learning and Lawmaking in Germany Today.Stefan Vogenauer - 2006 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 26 (4):627-663.
    German law is commonly assumed to be strongly influenced by legal scholarship. This was certainly true in the past, and this article explores whether it is still the case today. But what is actually meant by ‘influence’ in the context of law? Who exerts it on whom, and how? These questions are analysed in the first part of the article. It is then shown, by drawing on biographical material, legislative history and case law, how legal scholarship contributes to both the (...)
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    Leben in Entlastung: Mensch und Naturzweck bei Arnold Gehlen.Stefan Waller - 2015 - Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft.
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    Zum Akteneinsichtsrecht Privater nach § 475 StPO.Stefan Kirsch, Jürgen Pauly, Wolfgang Köberer & Regina Michalke - 2008 - In Stefan Kirsch, Jürgen Pauly, Wolfgang Köberer & Regina Michalke, Festschrift Für Rainer Hamm Zum 65. Geburtstag Am 24. Februar 2008. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Zum Problem der objektiven Realität von Kants Naturzweckbegriff.Stefan Klingner - 2013 - In Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner & Carsten Olk, Das Leben der Vernunft. Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 238-262.
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  42. Lilianna Kiejzik, Sergiusza Bułgakowa filozofia wszechjedności, Wydawnictwo Naukowe SCHOLAR, Warszawa 2010, ss. 282.Stefan Konstańczak - 2013 - Ruch Filozoficzny 70 (1):169-174.
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    Vom socialen Staat über den Sozialstaat zu den Sozialmächten im Wohlfahrtsstaat.Stefan Koslowski - 2015 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 101 (2):202-225.
    An historical and intellectual review shows that the plan of realisation of the welfare state principle builds less upon philosophical concepts than upon religious, socialist, liberal-concervative, and socialdemocratic ideas. Lorenz von Stein combined socialist ideas of the public good, enlightment philosophy, and the Utopia of St.-Simon, Fourier and German idealism. Gouvermental achievements are limited to the economic capacity of he society, which is why financial science must,,...also establish the measure of the attainable for these tasks.“ With the transformation of the (...)
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    Filosofsʹki tvory: v trʹokh tomakh.Stefan Iavors kyi, I. V. Paslavs kyi & I. S. Zakhara - 1992 - Kyïv: Nauk. dumka.
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    Namenindex.Stefan Dienstbeck - 2015 - In Die Theologie der Stoa. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 411-412.
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    12 the nature of desiring.Stefan Fischer - 2018 - In The Origin of Oughtness: A Case for Metaethical Conativism. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 185-194.
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    Zur Funktion der intellektuellen Anschauung für die Rechtfertigung philosophischen Wissens bei J. G. Fichte.Stefan Klingner - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 22:121-126.
    Die neuere Fichteforschung interpretiert Fichtes Konzeption der intellektuellen Anschauung nahezu ausschließlich bewusstseinstheoretisch, besonders mit Blick auf das Problem des Selbstbewusstseins in der Philosophie des Geistes. Dabei wird übersehen, dass der Begriff der intellektuellen Anschauung für Fichte vor allem eine – dem Selbstverständnis der „Wissenschaftslehre“ entsprechende – erkenntnistheoretische Funktion hat. Mit ihm versucht Fichte zu zeigen, wie ein spezifisches Wissen a priori für ein einzelnes Subjekt möglich ist, indem er den Zugang zum philosophischen Wissen in der intellektuellen Anschauung verortet. Fichtes Konzeption (...)
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  48. Foucault et la phénoménologie: le problème de l'unite du sujet.Stefan Kristensen - 2009 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 141 (1):29-46.
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    Riassunto: Corpo e simbolizzazione.Stefan Kristensen - 2009 - Chiasmi International 11:337-338.
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    Gottfried Gabriel/Rolf Gröschner: Subsumtion. Schlüsselbegriff der Juristischen Methodenlehre.Stefan Huster - 2013 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 99 (3):433-434.
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