Results for 'Stanislav Slavov'

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    Characterization of the Dielectric Parameters of Monophase Polycrystalline Bismuth Titanate Pyrochlore (Bi2Ti2O7) Ceramics and Glass-Ceramics. [REVIEW]Stanislav Slavov, Maria Noncheva & Ruzha Harizanova - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:179-187.
    Pyrochlore compounds have a number of technological applications, such as dielectrics for high-frequency and magnetoelectric devices. In bulk materials, they exhibit stimulated cation arrangement and good long-distance order within the pyrochlore framework. Bismuth titanate ceramics containing SiO2 and Nd2O3 were synthesized in the Bi2O3-TiO2-SiO2-Nd2O3 system using the melt-quenching method. In a previous study, the phase composition of selected samples was determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis and the microstructure was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The preparation of monophase polycrystalline (...)
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    The Consciousness Revolution: A Transatlantic Dialogue: Two Days with Stanislav Grof, Ervin Laszlo, and Peter Russell.Stanislav Grof - 1999 - Element. Edited by Ervin Laszlo & Peter Russell.
    Discusses current global conditions including peace, changes in society, education, religion, spirituality, and consciousness.
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  3. Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Elements in Hume.Matias Slavov - 2016 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 14 (3):275-296.
    For the last forty years, Hume's Newtonianism has been a debated topic in Hume scholarship. The crux of the matter can be formulated by the following question: Is Hume a Newtonian philosopher? Debates concerning this question have produced two lines of interpretation. I shall call them ‘traditional’ and ‘critical’ interpretations. The traditional interpretation asserts that there are many Newtonian elements in Hume, whereas the critical interpretation seriously questions this. In this article, I consider the main points made by both lines (...)
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  4. Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation and Hume's Conception of Causality.Matias Slavov - 2013 - Philosophia Naturalis 50 (2):277-305.
    This article investigates the relationship between Hume’s causal philosophy and Newton ’s philosophy of nature. I claim that Newton ’s experimentalist methodology in gravity research is an important background for understanding Hume’s conception of causality: Hume sees the relation of cause and effect as not being founded on a priori reasoning, similar to the way that Newton criticized non - empirical hypotheses about the properties of gravity. However, according to Hume’s criteria of causal inference, the law of universal gravitation is (...)
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    Psychology of the Future: Lessons From Modern Consciousness Research.Stanislav Grof - 2000 - State University of New York Press.
    This accessible and comprehensive overview of the work of Stanislav Grof, one of the founders of transpersonal psychology, was specifically written to acquaint...
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  6. Time Series and Non-reductive Physicalism.Matias Kimi Slavov - 2019 - KronoScope: Journal for the Study of Time 19 (1):25-38.
    McTaggart famously introduced the A- and B-series as rival metaphysical accounts of time. This paper shall reorient the debate over the original distinction. Instead of treating the series as competing theories about the nature of time, it will be argued that they are different viewpoints on a world that is fundamentally physical. To that end, non-reductive physicalism is proposed to reconcile the series.
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  7. Nature and its Discontents.Slavov Zizek - 2008 - Substance 37 (3):37-72.
    Beyond Fukuyama. Where do we stand today? Gerald A. Cohen enumerated the four features of the classic Marxist notion of the working class: it constitutes the majority of society; it produces the wealth of society; it consists of the exploited members of society; its members are the needy people in society. When these four features are combined, they generate two further features: the working class has nothing to lose from revolution; it can and will engage in a revolutionary transformation of (...)
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  8. Relational Passage of Time.Matias Slavov - 2022 - New York: Routledge.
    This book defends a relational theory of the passage of time. The realist view of passage developed in this book differs from the robust, substantivalist position. According to relationism, passage is nothing over and above the succession of events, one thing coming after another. Causally related events are temporally arranged as they happen one after another along observers’ worldlines. There is no unique global passage but a multiplicity of local passages of time. After setting out this positive argument for relationism, (...)
  9. Empiricism and Relationism Intertwined: Hume and Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity.Matias Slavov - 2016 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 31 (2):247-263.
    Einstein acknowledged that his reading of Hume influenced the development of his special theory of relativity. In this article, I juxtapose Hume’s philosophy with Einstein’s philosophical analysis related to his special relativity. I argue that there are two common points to be found in their writings, namely an empiricist theory of ideas and concepts, and a relationist ontology regarding space and time. The main thesis of this article is that these two points are intertwined in Hume and Einstein.
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  10. Ajankulku virheteoreettisesta näkökulmasta.Matias Slavov - 2023 - Ajatus 80:25-49.
    Ajan luonnetta koskevissa käsityksissä on tyypillistä erottaa kaksi eriävää kantaa: A-teoreettinen presentismi ja B-teoreettinen eternalismi. Edeltävän väitetään tyypillisesti sopivan yhteen inhimillisen ajallisen kokemuksen kanssa ja jälkimmäisen ontologisesti perustavanlaatuisen luonnontieteen kanssa. Ilmikuvamme ajasta sisältää ehdottoman nykyisyyden ja yksisuuntaisen ajan kulun menneestä tulevaan. Tieteellinen kuva ajasta ei sisällä erityistä nykyisyyttä eikä ajan kulun edellyttämää dynaamista aikamuotojen muutosta. Monet ovat pitäneet kokemustamme ajan kulusta illuusiona. Tässä artikkelissa keskitytään A-sarjan mukaisen ajankulun virheteoreettiseen tulkintaan. Tarkastellaan mahdollisuutta, jonka mukaan meillä ei ole kyseistä kokemusta vaan kuvailemme (...)
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  11. A Problem in Du Châtelet's Metaphysical Foundations of Physics.Matias Kimi Slavov - 2020 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 37 (1):61-76.
    To provide metaphysical grounds for the physics of her time, Du Châtelet argued for the notion of an active force. This was different from the impressed force in Newton’s second law. The former force was a property of a body, whereas the latter was an external cause. I shall study this discrepancy and argue that the interactive concept of force in Newton’s third law is consistent with Du Châtelet’s standards for an intelligible physics. Consequently, the interaction entailed by the law (...)
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    It’s also a kind of adrenalin competition” – selected aspects of the sex trade as viewed by clients.Stanislav Ondrášek, Zuzana Řimnáčová & Alena Kajanová - 2018 - Human Affairs 28 (1):24-33.
    The main goal of the article is to describe selected aspects of the sex trade as viewed by clients who make use of the services provided by sex workers. We use data obtained through a content analysis of selected topics discussed on an erotic forum called The topics were: Can a person stop “screwing”?; what was your first contact with the sex trade and how can a person hide their visits to sex workers? In the course of the analysis, (...)
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  13. Eternalism and Perspectival Realism About the ‘Now’.Matias Slavov - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (11):1398-1410.
    Eternalism is the view that all times are equally real. The relativity of simultaneity in special relativity backs this up. There is no cosmically extended, self-existing ‘now.’ This leads to a tricky problem. What makes statements about the present true? I shall approach the problem along the lines of perspectival realism and argue that the choice of the perspective does. To corroborate this point, the Lorentz transformations of special relativity are compared to the structurally similar equations of the Doppler effect. (...)
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    The ‘School of Structural Analysis’ in Modern Russian Sinology.Stanislav Rykov - 2016 - Journal of World Philosophies 1 (1):26-40.
    The second half of the twentieth century was marked by the appearance of a new and original school in Russian sinology which uses the so-called methodology of ‘structural analysis’ in studying Chinese classics and attempts to find an authentic methodology among Chinese philosophers themselves. Its most influential representatives are V.S. Spirin, A. M. Karapetyants, A. I. Kobzev and A. A. Krushinsky. The main thesis of Russian ‘structuralists’ is that the composition of the ancient Chinese text influences its content directly. A (...)
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  15. The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Robotization in Tourism and Hospitality – A Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda.Stanislav Ivanov & Steven Umbrello - 2021 - Journal of Smart Tourism 1 (2):9-18.
    The impacts that AI and robotics systems can and will have on our everyday lives are already making themselves manifest. However, there is a lack of research on the ethical impacts and means for amelioration regarding AI and robotics within tourism and hospitality. Given the importance of designing technologies that cross national boundaries, and given that the tourism and hospitality industry is fundamentally predicated on multicultural interactions, this is an area of research and application that requires particular attention. Specifically, tourism (...)
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    On Interchangeability of Probe–Object Roles in Quantum–Quantum Interaction-Free Measurement.Stanislav Filatov & Marcis Auzinsh - 2019 - Foundations of Physics 49 (3):283-297.
    In this paper we examine Interaction-free measurement where both the probe and the object are quantum particles. We argue that in this case the description of the measurement procedure must by symmetrical with respect to interchange of the roles of probe and object. A thought experiment is being suggested that helps to determine what does and what doesn’t happen to the state of the particles in such a setup. It seems that unlike the case of classical object, here the state (...)
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  17. Istorii︠a︡ na bŭlgarskata etika: problemi na morala v bŭlgarskata filosofska misŭl, 1878-1944.Slavi Dimitrov Slavov - 1994 - Sofii︠a︡: "M-8-M".
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    Nravstvenata problema v bŭlgarskata filosofska misŭl: srednovekovie i vŭzrazhdane.Slavi Dimitrov Slavov - 1986 - Sofii︠a︡: Nauka i izkustvo.
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  19. Programa za izuchavane na marksistko-leninska filosofii︠a︡: kratŭk kurs: za shkoli po osnovi na marksizma-leninizma.Peĭko Slavov (ed.) - 1979 - Sofii︠a︡: Partizdat.
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    Dějiny jako factum brutum. Dvě poznámky ke glose Ondřeje Švece o filosofii dějin.Stanislav Sousedík - 2022 - Reflexe: Filosoficky Casopis 2022 (62):159-164.
    Discussion on Two Remarks on Ondřej Švec’s Note regarding Philosophy of History.
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    Kauzalita a kontingentní sebedeterminace?Stanislav Sousedik - 2021 - Filosofie Dnes 13 (1).
    Petr Dvořák hájí ve své knize Kauzalita činitele libertariánské pojetí svobody lidské vůle. Vůli považuje za duševní schopnost člověka a její svobodu spatřuje v možnosti její sebedeterminace. Tuto tezi autor tohoto příspěvku kritizuje. Dokazuje, že sebedeterminující schopnost je contradictio in terminis. Libertariánsky pojatá svobodná vůle je možná jen, pokud není schopností. Takovou vůlí je pouze vůle Boží (za předpokladu, že Bůh existuje). Autor připojuje historické upozornění, že autorem omylu zaměňujícího lidskou vůli s Boží je renezanční teolog Ludvík Molina, že k (...)
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    Changed state – changed brain: shift of the dominant frequency of theta oscillations in the rat VTA during stereotypic locomotion.Koulchitsky Stanislav, Beeken Thom, Monteforte Alexandre, Dethier Julie, Quertemont Etienne, Findeisen Rolf, Bullinger Eric & Seutin Vincent - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Eternalism.Matias Slavov - 2024 - The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Eternalism is a metaphysical view regarding the nature of time. It posits the equal existence of all times: the past, the present, and the future. Every event, from the big bang to the heat death of the universe, including our births and deaths, is equally real. -/- Under standard eternalism, temporal locations are somewhat akin to spatial locations. No place is exclusively real. When someone says that they stand ‘here’, it is clear that the term ‘here’ refers to their position. (...)
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  24. Time as an Empirical Concept in Special Relativity.Matias Slavov - 2019 - Review of Metaphysics 73 (2):335-353.
    According to a widespread view, Einstein’s definition of time in his special relativity is founded on the positivist verification principle. The present paper challenges this received outlook. It shall be argued that Einstein’s position on the concept of time, to wit, simultaneity, is best understood as a mitigated version of concept empiricism. He contrasts his position to Newton’s absolutist and Kant’s transcendental arguments, and in part sides with Hume’s and Mach’s empiricist arguments. Nevertheless, Einstein worked out a concept empiricism that (...)
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    Historical epistemology.Stanislav Gavrilenko - 2017 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 52 (2):20-28.
    This article attempts to define a historical epistemology not as separate place in disciplinary space, but as rather specific area, which unstable configuration and “stuff" are determined by quite different from philosophy ways of talking and investigation of knowledge, especially in social sciences. More significant than emergence of competitors of philosophy in production of knowledge about knowledge (sociology, history, anthropology) was that they introduce a new regime of this production. This regime became empirical. Within that regime knowledge is objectified not (...)
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    An extension of Kracht's theorem to generalized Sahlqvist formulas.Stanislav Kikot - 2009 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 19 (2):227-251.
    Sahlqvist formulas are a syntactically specified class of modal formulas proposed by Hendrik Sahlqvist in 1975. They are important because of their first-order definability and canonicity, and hence axiomatize complete modal logics. The first-order properties definable by Sahlqvist formulas were syntactically characterized by Marcus Kracht in 1993. The present paper extends Kracht's theorem to the class of ‘generalized Sahlqvist formulas' introduced by Goranko and Vakarelov and describes an appropriate generalization of Kracht formulas.
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  27. Eternalism and the problem of hyperplanes.Matias Slavov - 2022 - Ratio 35 (2):91-103.
    Eternalism is the view that the past, the present and the future exist simpliciter. A typical argument in favor of this view leans on the relativity of simultaneity. The ‘equally real with’ relation is assumed to be transitive between spacelike separated events connected by hyperplanes of simultaneity. This reasoning is in tension with the conventionality of simultaneity. Conventionality indicates that, even within a specific frame, simultaneity is based on the choice of the synchronization parameter. Hence the argument for eternalism is (...)
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    Towards Higher Moral and Economic Goals in Renewable Energy.Stanislav Škapa & Marek Vochozka - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1149-1158.
    The European Union’s funding of electricity made of biogas that is obtained from purpose-grown plants accelerated the global boom of renewable energy two decades ago. Tens of thousands of biogas plants were built in EU farms soon after. As this specific trend toward renewable energy globally spreads, it has the potential to alter the features of agriculture in the future. Such conceptual changes are related to a variety of socio-economic and environmental implications that manifest itself over a large time scale. (...)
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    Ještě k problematice existence.Stanislav Sousedík - 2010 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 17 (1):81-84.
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  30. About time, concisely. [REVIEW]Matias Slavov - forthcoming - Metascience:1-4.
    Adrian Bardon has produced a new version of his historical introduction to the philosophy of time. Originally published in 2013, the second edition of 2024 is partly rewritten and supplemented with a more extensive discussion on our disposition to project the passage of time [...] Although the book’s title emphasizes history, most of the chapters are directed at issues in systematic philosophy of time: the realism/antirealism debate, temporal passage, temporal experience, spacetime, direction, time travel, time and free will, and the (...)
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  31. Gas fuelled engines like ecological alternative for driving of motor vehicles.Stanislav Beroun, Ladislav BARTONÍČEK, Josef Laurin & Celestýn Scholz - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay (eds.), Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 1.
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    Filosofii︠a︡: uchebnoe posobie dli︠a︡ postupai︠u︡shchikh v aspiranturu.Stanislav Sergeevich Gusev (ed.) - 2015 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izdatelʹstvo RKhGA.
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    Totalnii︠a︡t kich.Ivan Slavov - 2007 - Sofii︠a︡: Izdat. Atelie Ab.
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  34. Chovekŭt v sŭvremennata bŭlgarska filosofska misŭl: sled 9.IX.1944.Slavi Dimitrov Slavov - 1981 - Sofii︠a︡: Izd-vo na Bŭlgarskata Akademii︠a︡ na naukite.
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  35. Diletantizmŭt.Ivan Slavov - 1984 - Sofii︠a︡: Nauka i izkustvo.
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  36. Essays concerning Hume's Natural Philosophy.Matias Slavov - 2016 - Dissertation, University of Jyväskylä
    The subject of this essay-based dissertation is Hume’s natural philosophy. The dissertation consists of four separate essays and an introduction. These essays do not only treat Hume’s views on the topic of natural philosophy, but his views are placed into a broader context of history of philosophy and science, physics in particular. The introductory section outlines the historical context, shows how the individual essays are connected, expounds what kind of research methodology has been used, and encapsulates the research contributions of (...)
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  37. Dialektika otrazhenii︠a︡ i vzaimodeistvii︠a︡ v evoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii materii.Stanislav Nikolaevich Smirnov - 1974 - Moskva: "Nauka,".
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  38. A note on J. Vacha's contribution about hylomorphism.Stanislav Sousedik - 2013 - Filosoficky Casopis 61 (3):427-433.
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    (3) Ke stati Petra Dvořáka.Stanislav Sousedík - 2005 - Studia Neoaristotelica 2 (1):124-125.
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  40. Universal language in the work of Juan Caramuel, a contemporary of Comenius.Stanislav Sousedík - 1991 - Acta Comeniana 9:149-158.
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    Sharpening complexity results in quantified probability logic.Stanislav O. Speranski - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    We shall be concerned with two natural expansions of the quantifier-free ‘polynomial’ probability logic of Fagin et al. (A logic for reasoning about probabilities, Inform Comput, 1990; 87:78–128). One of these, denoted by ${\textsf{QPL}}^{\textrm{e}}$, is obtained by adding quantifiers over arbitrary events, and the other, denoted by $\underline{{\textsf{QPL}}}^{\textrm{e}}$, uses quantifiers over propositional formulas—or equivalently, over events expressible by such formulas. The earlier proofs of the complexity lower bound results for ${\textsf{QPL}}^{\textrm{e}}$ and $\underline{{\textsf{QPL}}}^{\textrm{e}}$ relied heavily on multiplication, and therefore on the (...)
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  42. Hume's Natural Philosophy and Philosophy of Physical Science.Matias Slavov - 2020 - London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This book contextualizes David Hume's philosophy of physical science, exploring both Hume's background in the history of early modern natural philosophy and its subsequent impact on the scientific tradition.
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  43. (1 other version)Hume, the Philosophy of Science and the Scientific Tradition.Matias Slavov - 2018 - In Angela Michelle Coventry & Alex Sager (eds.), _The Humean Mind_. New York: Routledge. pp. 388-402.
    Although the main focus of Hume’s career was in the humanities, his work also has an observable role in the historical development of natural sciences after his time. To show this, I shall center on the relation between Hume and two major figures in the history of the natural sciences: Charles Darwin (1809–1882) and Albert Einstein (1879–1955). Both of these scientists read Hume. They also found parts of Hume’s work useful to their sciences. Inquiring into the relations between Hume and (...)
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  44. Universal Gravitation and the (Un)Intelligibility of Natural Philosophy.Matias Slavov - 2019 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 101 (1):129-157.
    This article centers on Hume’s position on the intelligibility of natural philosophy. To that end, the controversy surrounding universal gravitation shall be scrutinized. It is very well-known that Hume sides with the Newtonian experimentalist approach rather than with the Leibnizian demand for intelligibility. However, what is not clear is Hume’s overall position on the intelligibility of natural philosophy. It shall be argued that Hume declines Leibniz’s principle of intelligibility. However, Hume does not eschew intelligibility altogether; his concept of causation itself (...)
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    Platónské a aristotelské pojetí intencionálních jsoucen.Stanislav Sousedík - 2012 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 19 (1):84-95.
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    Syy-seuraussuhteen ajallinen epäsymmetria.Matias Slavov - 2020 - Ajatus 77 (1):11-38.
    Artikkelissa puolustetaan syy-seuraussuhteen ajallista yksisuuntaisuutta. Positiivinen argumentti perustuu ajanluontoisten tapahtumien ennen–jälkeen-suhteen pysyvyyteen. Olennaiset vastaväitteet, jotka perustuvat samanaikaiseen kausaliteettiin, antikausaaliseen fysiikan filosofiaan ja luonnonlakien symmetrisyyteen, otetaan huomioon. Johtopäätöksenä todetaan, että malliesimerkit kausaliteetista ilmentävät syyn ja seurauksen epäsymmetriaa. Syy alkaa ennen sen seurausta, vaikka ne ovat osittain samanaikaisia.
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    K problému existence ve Fregeho dialogu s Pünjerem.Stanislav Sousedik - 2008 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 15 (4):489-492.
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    The Vienna Circle: A Paradoxical Heritage.Stanislav M. Gavrilenko - 2024 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 61 (1):35-43.
    The proposed text develops a number of provisions of N.I. Kuznetsova’s article “Oxymoron of the Vienna Circle”. Special attention is paid to the intellectual heritage of the Vienna Circle, which is in many ways paradoxical – rejected and simultaneously operational.
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  49. Огляд історіографії політики в срср щодо євангельських церков у 1940-1960-і рр.Stanislav Petrov - 2015 - Схід 1 (133):87-96.
    Стаття є детальним історіографічним оглядом проблеми політики СРСР щодо євангельських церков у 1940-1960-і роки. У ній розглядається та аналізується науковий доробок як вітчизняної історіографії класичного радянського періоду, періоду "перебудови", так і сучасної пострадянської історіографії. Окрема увага в статті приділяється роботам західних дослідників другої половини ХХ - початку ХХІ століття, які вивчали державно-релігійні відносини в СРСР щодо євангельських церков у 1940-1960-і роки. Розглядається також конфесійна історіографія проблеми, яка з'явилась в останні роки існування СРСР та набула свого розквіту у 2000-і роки.
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    Poznámka k některým ontologickým a sémantickým předpokladům TIL-ky.Stanislav Sousedík - 2003 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 10 (3):312-315.
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