Results for 'Stan Leśniak'

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    Philosophia vitam alere. Prace dedykowane Profesorowi Romanowi Darowskiemu SJ z okazji 70-lecia urodzin.Stan Leśniak - 2006 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 11:286-288.
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  2. Against Moral Fictionalism.Stan Husi - 2014 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 11 (1):80-96.
    Moral nihilists need an answer: if moral discourse is fatally flawed, how are we to proceed? A popular option is fictionalism, to uphold the flawed discourse in the mode of a fiction. My thesis is that fictionalism is not the best available answer to the nihilist; a better one is revisionism, the proposal to refashion the discourse so as to cure it of all flaws. Should it be possible to revise the discredited practice, by removing what is erroneous while keeping (...)
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    Filodemosa traktat O indukcji.Kazimierz Leśniak - 1955 - Studia Logica 2 (1):77-111.
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  4. Obiektywność prawdy w filozofii K. R. Poppera.P. Leśniak - 2001 - Ruch Filozoficzny 1 (1).
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  5. O teoretycznych i historycznych podstawach indukcji Franciszka Bacona.Kazimierz Leśniak - 1957 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 2.
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    Problem doświadczenia na gruncie empiryzmu konstrukcyjnego.Piotr Leśniak - 2011 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 59 (2):207-222.
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  7. The God of Abraham: A Mathematician's View.Stan Tenen - 1993 - Gnosis 28.
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    Telling time: essays of a visionary filmmaker.Stan Brakhage - 2003 - Kingston, N.Y.: Documentext.
    Throughout a career spanning half a century, Stan Brakhage--the foremost experimental filmmaker in America, and perhaps the world--wrote controversial essays on the art of film and its intersections with poetry, music, dance, and painting. Published in small circulation literary and arts journals, they were gathered later into such books as Metaphors on Vision and Film at Wit's End. Beginning in 1989, and for a decade thereafter, Brakhage wrote the essays in Telling Time as an occasional column for Musicworks, a (...)
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    Logic.Stan Baronett - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Featuring an exceptionally clear writing style and a wealth of real-world examples and exercises, Logic, Second Edition, shows how logic relates to everyday life, demonstrating its applications in such areas as the workplace, media and entertainment, politics, science and technology, student life, and elsewhere.Thoroughly revised and expanded in this second edition, the text now features 2600 exercises, more than 1000 of them new; three new chapters on legal arguments, moral arguments, and analyzing a long essay; enhanced pedagogy; and much more.FEATURES* (...)
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    Evolutionary pressures and a stable world for animals and robots: A commentary on Merker.Stan Franklin - 2005 - Consciousness and Cognition 14 (1):115-118.
    In his article on The Liabilities of Mobility, Merker asserts that “Consciousness presents us with a stable arena for our actions—the world …” and argues for this property as providing evolutionary pressure for the evolution of consciousness. In this commentary, I will explore the implications of Merker’s ideas for consciousness in artificial agents as well as animals, and also meet some possible objections to his evolutionary pressure claim.
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    Filozofia tu i teraz. Ontologia procesu jako podstawa filozoficznego coachingu.Piotr Leśniak - 2019 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 54 (3):111.
    Artykuł zawiera szkic ontologicznych podstaw coachingu filozoficznego – nowej dyscypliny praktycznej, która od roku 2016 stanowi składnik oferty edukacyjnej Uniwersytetu Opolskiego. Jest rozwinięciem idei zawartych w moim tekście „Filozofia jako ćwiczenie duchowe – coachingowy model uprawiania filozofii”. W drugim paragrafie przedstawiono ontologię Platona z perspektywy filozofii procesu. Widziana z tej perspektywy ontologia Platona jest rodzajem metafizyki doświadczenia – byt nazywany przez Platona „prawdziwym” nie jest rzeczywistością abstraktów, lecz tym, czego doświadczamy w chwilach, gdy rozpoznajemy znaczenie konkretnych sytuacji życiowych w perspektywie (...)
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  12. Memory and the Sense of Personal Identity.Stan Klein & Shaun Nichols - 2012 - Mind 121 (483):677-702.
    Memory of past episodes provides a sense of personal identity — the sense that I am the same person as someone in the past. We present a neurological case study of a patient who has accurate memories of scenes from his past, but for whom the memories lack the sense of mineness. On the basis of this case study, we propose that the sense of identity derives from two components, one delivering the content of the memory and the other generating (...)
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  13. The flame that illuminates itself: A Phenomenological Analysis of Human Phenomenology.Stan Klein - forthcoming - Psychology of Consciousness; Theory, Research, and Practice.
    In a recent set of articles (Klein et al., 2023; Klein & Loftus, 2024), my colleagues and I used the logic of adaptationism—the application of evolutionary principles to study the functional design of naturally selected systems (e.g., Klein et al., 2002)—to help make sense of the role natural selection played in the evolution of consciousness. To avoid well-known, seemingly intractable problems that accompany efforts to explain “how consciousness is possible in a world that consists in physical objects and their relations” (...)
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  14. Consider the Source: An Examination of the Effects of Externally and Internally Generated Content on Memory.Stan Klein - 2024 - Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice 11 (3):311–323.
    Drawing on ideas from philosophy (in particular, epistemology), I argue that one of memory’s most important functions is to provide its owner with knowledge of the physical world. This knowledge helps satisfy the organism’s need to confer stability on an ever-changing reality so the objects in which it consists can be identified and reidentified. I then draw a distinction between sources of knowledge (i.e., from physical vs. subjective reality) and argue—based on evolutionary principles—that because memory was designed by natural selection (...)
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  15. Why Reasons Skepticism is Not Self‐Defeating.Stan Husi - 2013 - European Journal of Philosophy 21 (3):424-449.
    : Radical meta-normative skepticism is the view that no standard, norm, or principle has objective authority or normative force. It does not deny that there are norms, standards of correctness, and principles of various kinds that render it possible that we succeed or fail in measuring up to their prerogatives. Rather, it denies that any norm has the status of commanding with objective authority, of giving rise to normative reasons to take seriously and follow its demands. Two powerful transcendental arguments (...)
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    Dolphin play: Evidence for cooperation and culture?Stan A. Kuczaj & Lauren E. Highfill - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (5):705-706.
    We agree that human culture is unique. However, we also believe that an understanding of the evolution of culture requires a comparative approach. We offer examples of collaborative behaviors from dolphin play, and argue that consideration should be given to whether various forms of culture are best viewed as falling along a continuum or as discrete categories.
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    Logic.Stan Baronett - 2013 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Setting the stage -- Informal logic -- Formal logic -- Inductive logic.
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    Life, Death, and Subjectivity: Moral Sources in Bioethics.Stan van Hooft (ed.) - 2004 - Brill | Rodopi.
    This book presents an exploration of concepts central to health care practice. In exploring such concepts as Subjectivity, Life, Personhood, and Death in deep philosophical terms, the book aims to draw out the ethical demands that arise when we encounter these phenomena, and also the moral resources of health care workers for meeting those demands. The series _Values in Bioethics_ makes available original philosophical books in all areas of bioethics, including medical and nursing ethics, health care ethics, research ethics, environmental (...)
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  19. Problem doświadczenia na gruncie empiryzmu konstrukcyjnego.Agnieszka Leśniak - 2011 - Roczniki Filozoficzne:207-223.
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    Stawanie się osobą jako proces.Piotr Leśniak - 2020 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 56 (2):7-37.
    Pierwsze trzy części mają charakter wstępny. Ich zadaniem jest, na podstawie filozofii procesu Whiteheada, zdefiniować podstawowe terminy, takie jak cielesność, osoba ludzka, świadomość, jedność osobowa, etapy, fazy i wymiary procesu stawania się osobą. Szczególnie istotne dla rozumienia pojęcia osoby ludzkiej okazuje się właściwe rozumienie pojęcia Boga. Wskazano różnice pomiędzy Platońską i Arystotelesowską teologią oraz psychologią, szczególnie w aspekcie duszy pożądliwej. W kolejnych częściach omówione są etapy stawania się osobą ludzką: dzieciństwo, dorosłość i dojrzałość. Każdy z nich przedstawiony zostaje z perspektywy (...)
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  21. Woman\'s Body and her Identity in Cyberfeminist Theories and Art'.Anna Leśniak - 2006 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 8:83-110.
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  22. P. K. Feyerabend's Praktical Relativism.P. Lesniak - 1995 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 43 (3):97.
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  23.  27
    The Ordering of Change: Polanyi, Schumpeter and the Nature of The Market Mechanism.Stan Metcalfe & Mark Harvey - 2004 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 14 (2).
    This paper brings about a conversation between Schumpeterian and Polanyian perspectives on markets and their central role in the capitalist economy. For Schumpeter, markets were critical to the process of selftransformation of economic activity, but in his vision, markets as such were largely taken for granted. Markets enabled the introduction of new processes and products equally as well as rendering economic activities obsolete, with the entrepreneur and firm as agents of change, generating new combinations of activities and driven by the (...)
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  24. Creating a World in the Head: The Conscious Apprehension of Neural Content Originating from Internal Sources.Stan Klein & Judith Loftus - forthcoming - Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice.
    Klein, Nguyen, & Zhang (in press) argued that the evolutionary transition from respondent to agent during the Cambrian Explosion would be a promising vantage point from which to gain insight into the evolution of organic sentience. They focused on how increased competition for resources -- in consequence of the proliferation of new, neurally sophisticated life-forms -- made awareness of the external world (in the service of agentic acts) an adaptive priority. The explanatory scope of Klein et al (in press) was (...)
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  25. Laws and natural philosophy.Marius Stan - forthcoming - In _The History and Philosophy of Science, 1450 to 1750._. Bloombury Press.
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    Why did the logician cross the road?: finding humor in logical reasoning.Stan Baronett - 2021 - New York, NY, USA: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Find out what connects logic and humor in this alternative guide to logical reasoning. Combining jokes, stories, and ironic situations, Stan Baronett shows how it is possible to always ground the formal, symbolic language of logic in everyday experience. Each chapter introduces a basic logical reasoning concept through a plausible premise based on happenings in daily life. Using jokes as his examples, Baronett reveals the inner workings of logic. After all an effective joke often relies on an unanticipated assumption (...)
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    Essential Brakhage: selected writings on filmmaking.Stan Brakhage - 2001 - Kingston, N.Y.: Documentext. Edited by Bruce R. McPherson.
    In the course of making nearly 400 films over the past 50 years, "Stan Brakhage" became synonymous with independent American filmmaking, particularly its avant-garde component. This major collection of writings draws primarily upon two long out-of-print books--Metaphors on Vision and Brakhage Scrapbook. Brakhage examines filmmaking in relation to social and professional contexts, the nature of influence and collaboration, the aesthetics of personal experience, and the conditions under which various films were made. Brakhage discusses his predecessors and contemporaries, relates film (...)
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  28. What memory is.Stan Klein - 2015 - WIREs Cognitive Science 6 (1):1-38.
    I argue that our current practice of ascribing the term “ memory ” to mental states and processes lacks epistemic warrant. Memory, according to the “received view”, is any state or process that results from the sequential stages of encoding, storage and retrieval. By these criteria, memory, or its footprint, can be seen in virtually every mental state we are capable of having. This, I argue, stretches the term to the breaking point. I draw on phenomenological, historical and conceptual considerations (...)
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  29. The complex act of projecting oneself into the future.Stan Klein - 2013 - WIREs Cognitive Science 4:63-79.
    Research on future-oriented mental time travel (FMTT) is highly active yet somewhat unruly. I believe this is due, in large part, to the complexity of both the tasks used to test FMTT and the concepts involved. Extraordinary care is a necessity when grappling with such complex and perplexing metaphysical constructs as self and time and their co-instantiation in memory. In this review, I first discuss the relation between future mental time travel and types of memory (episodic and semantic). I then (...)
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  30. Making the case that episodic recollection is attributable to operations occurring at retrieval rather than to content stored in a dedicated subsystem of long-term memory.Stan Klein - 2013 - Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 7 (3):1-14.
    Episodic memory often is conceptualized as a uniquely human system of long-term memory that makes available knowledge accompanied by the temporal and spatial context in which that knowledge was acquired. Retrieval from episodic memory entails a form of first–person subjectivity called autonoetic consciousness that provides a sense that a recollection was something that took place in the experiencer’s personal past. In this paper I expand on this definition of episodic memory. Specifically, I suggest that (a) the core features assumed unique (...)
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  31. Ida: A conscious artifact?Stan Franklin - 2003 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (4-5):47-66.
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    Photoshop Lightroom 4 Faqs.Stan Sholik - 2012 - Wiley.
    Get the answers to 365 of the most commonly asked questions about Lightroom Photographers who are getting acquainted with Photoshop Lightroom and all its advantages for managing large quantities of images will find this handy book an indispensable resource. Veteran photographer Stan Sholik answers 365 of the most frequently asked questions about the new Lightroom 4 in an informative, practical format, making it easy to find what you're looking for and put the information to use. Sample photos illustrate questions (...)
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  33. The Two Selves: Their Metaphysical Commitments and Functional Independence.Stan Klein - 2014 - Oxford University Press.
    The Two Selves takes the position that the self is not a "thing" easily reduced to an object of scientific analysis. Rather, the self consists in a multiplicity of aspects, some of which have a neuro-cognitive basis (and thus are amenable to scientific inquiry) while other aspects are best construed as first-person subjectivity, lacking material instantiation. As a consequence of their potential immateriality, the subjective aspect of self cannot be taken as an object and therefore is not easily amenable to (...)
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    Conscious software: A computational view of mind.Stan Franklin - 2002
  35. Autonoesis and belief in a personal past: an evolutionary theory of episodic memory indices.Stan Klein - 2014 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 5 (3):427-447.
    In this paper I discuss philosophical and psychological treatments of the question "how do we decide that an occurrent mental state is a memory and not, say a thought or imagination?" This issue has proven notoriously difficult to resolve, with most proposed indices, criteria and heuristics failing to achieve consensus. Part of the difficulty, I argue, is that the indices and analytic solutions thus far offered seldom have been situated within a well-specified theory of memory function. As I hope to (...)
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    Denying Food and Water.Stan Dundon - 2010 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 10 (4):695-705.
    Life-support technology may become a death-prolonging horror, and some people may fear that an over-intellectualized interpretation of traditional moral teaching has led us astray from what a compassionate God wills for the dying. The author addresses this fear. Those who defend “orthodox” teaching on end-of-life issues have a serious obligation not to obscure the compassion implicit in the traditional distinction between ordinary and extraordinary means. There is no medical or moral obligation to prolong dying or make it more burdensome with (...)
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    Introduction: Natural aesthetics [Symposium].Stan Godlovitch - 1999 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 33 (3):1-4.
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    The double helix of the mind.Stan Gooch - 1980 - London: Wildwood.
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    David Owens on Normative Interests.Stan Husi - 2015 - Jurisprudence 6 (2):371-377.
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    Africae Munus and the Challenges of a Transformative Missional Theological Praxis in Africa’s Social Context.Stan Chu Ilo - 2014 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 31 (2):116-131.
    This article takes the theme of Pope Benedict’s Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation, Africae Munus, on reconciliation, justice and peace in Africa as its starting point. It analyses how the commitments of African Christians at the Second African Synod can be realized through a transformative missional theological praxis. This theological approach is proposed as a deeper concern on how to bring about the fruits of the eschatological harvest of God’s kingdom to bear on the present complex African social context. This article proposes (...)
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    Symbolic parsing via subsymbolic rules.Stan C. Kwasny & Kanaan A. Faisal - 1992 - In John Dinsmore (ed.), The Symbolic and Connectionist Paradigms: Closing the Gap. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 209--236.
  42. Filozofia, literatura i doświadczenie pisania. Wstęp do Bajki Philippe'a Lacoue-Labarthe'a.Andrzej Leśniak - 2003 - Principia 34.
  43. Spostrzeganie barw w świetle epistemologii ewolucyjnej.Piotr Leśniak - 2006 - Ruch Filozoficzny 1 (1).
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  44. Praktyczny relatywizm P. K. Feyerabenda.P. Lesniak - 1995 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 43 (3):89.
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    Palliative care: could your patient have been managed at home?Stan Lubin - forthcoming - Journal of Palliative Care.
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    Ugarit in Retrospect: Fifty Years of Ugarit and Ugaritic.Stan Rummel & Gordon Douglas Young - 1983 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 103 (2):474.
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  47. Subversive Institutions: The Design and Destruction of Socialism and the State. By Valerie Bunce.L. Stan - 2001 - The European Legacy 6 (5):692-692.
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  48. Does God Exist? The Craig-Flew Debate.Stan W. Wallace - 2005 - Philosophical Quarterly 55 (220):536-538.
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    Man divided.Stan Windass - 1969 - London,: Darton, Longman & Todd.
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  50. Once more unto the breach: Kant and Newton.Marius Stan - 2014 - Metascience 23 (2):233-242.
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