Results for 'Soul Philosophy.'

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  1.  89
    Monsanto and Intellectual Property Rights.Edward J. Soule - 2001 - Teaching Ethics 2 (1):101-105.
  2. Langage et humanité dans la philosophie contemporaine.Mouchili Njimom, Issoufou Soulé, Fidèle Mviadamba Mindjeme & Liboire Molo Atangana (eds.) - 2024 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Du langage et de l'humanité, tels sont les concepts clés qui structurent la problématique et le contenu des textes présents dans cet ouvrage.Pour mener un raisonnement en philosophie, la structure du langage obéit à un ensemble de principes dont la mise en application rigoureuse débouche sur la validité et la pertinence de ce qui y est dit. Pour cela, quand on parle d'humain en philosophie, le discours qui véhicule ce qui se dit n'a de valeur objective qu'en fonction de la (...)
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    For Mortal Souls: Philosophy and Therapeia in Nietzsche's Dawn.Keith Ansell Pearson - 2010 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 66:137-163.
    This chapter seeks to make a contribution to the growing interest in Nietzsche's relation to traditions of therapy in philosophy that has emerged in recent years. It is in the texts of his middle period that Nietzsche's writing comes closest to being an exercise in philosophical therapeutics, and in this chapter I focus on Dawn from 1881 as a way of exploring this. Dawn is a text that has been admired in recent years for its ethical naturalism and for its (...)
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    Trust and Managerial Responsibility.Edward Soule - 1998 - Business Ethics Quarterly 8 (2):249-272.
    This paper explores the moral responsibility a manager has toward a worker. The primary focus is upon those relationships whereworkers have been led to trust their managers. I argue that in such circumstances, models of the employment relationship based on rational self-interest fail to adequately describe the behavior of the actors. Rather, I show through case studies how trust operates in these environments to supercede pure, self-interested behavior. I then explore the moral implications of this finding relative to those managers (...)
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    Descartes on the Human Soul: Philosophy and the Demands of Christian Doctrine (review).Richard A. Watson - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (1):120-121.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Descartes on the Human Soul: Philosophy and the Demands of Christian DoctrineRichard A. WatsonC. F. Fowler. Descartes on the Human Soul: Philosophy and the Demands of Christian Doctrine. International Archives of the History of Ideas, 160. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999. Pp. xiii + 438. Cloth, $168.00.As Defender of the Faith, René Descartes wrote his Meditations to fulfill the request of the Fifth Lateran Council in (...)
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  6.  67
    The precautionary principle and the regulation of U.s. Food and drug safety.Ed Soule - 2004 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 29 (3):333 – 350.
    This article probes the advisability of regulating U.S. food and drug safety according to the precautionary principle. To do so, a precautionary regulatory regime is formulated on the basis of the beliefs that motivate most proponents of this initiative. That hypothetical regime is critically analyzed on the basis of an actual instantiation of a similarly stylized initiative. It will be argued that the precautionary principle entails regulatory constraints that are apt to violate basis tenets of political legitimacy. The modifications that (...)
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  7.  23
    Man and Machines.Jack Soules - 1972 - Philosophy in Context 1 (9999):21-23.
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  8.  74
    Hume on Economic Policy and Human Nature.Edward Soule - 2000 - Hume Studies 26 (1):143-157.
    This article explains and criticizes several of Hume's arguments regarding British economic policy. I focus on Hume's methodology, which is essentially utilitarian but also depends heavily on his philosophical account of human psychology. I claim that the arguments examined prevail over competing 18th century approaches to economic policy. And I explain the relevance of this methodology for present day public policy debates.
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  9.  18
    Model of Morphogenesis with Repelling Signaling.N. Morozova, C. Soulé, S. Krymsky & A. Minarsky - 2022 - Acta Biotheoretica 71 (1):1-27.
    The paper is devoted to a conceptual model of cell patterning, based on a generalized notion of the epigenetic code of a cell determining its state. We introduce the concept of signaling depending both upon the spatial distance between cells and the distance between their cell states (s-distance); signaling can repel cells in the space of cell states (s-space) or attract them. The influence of different types of repelling signaling on the evolution of cells is considered. Stabilizing signaling, namely a (...)
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  10. the Arrangement Of The Soul: Philosophy And The Professional Philosopher Presidential Address To The 47th Annual Meeting Of The Florida Philosophical Association.Kirk Ludwig - 2002 - Florida Philosophical Review 2 (1):5-10.
  11. Psychology without a Soul, Philosophy without an I: Nietzsche and 19th Century Psychophysics.Pietro Gori - 2015 - In João Constâncio, Nietzsche and the Problem of Subjectivity. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 166-195.
    Friedrich Nietzsche’s criticism towards the substance-concept „I“ plays an important role in his late thought, and can be properly understood by making reference to the 19th century debate on the scientific psychology. Friedrich Lange and Ernst Mach gave an important contribution to that debate. Both of them developed the ideas of Gustav Fechner, and thought about a „psychology without soul“, i.e. an investigation that gives up with the old metaphysics of substance in dealing with the mind-body problem. In this (...)
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  12.  10
    Science, humanité et développement.Mouchili Njimom, Issoufou Soulé & Eḿilienne Ngo Mahob (eds.) - 2023 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
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  13. Philosophies of the afterlife in the early Italian Renaissance: fifteenth-century sources on the immortality of the soul.Joanna Papiernik - 2024 - New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.
    The immortality of the soul is one of the oldest tropes in the history of philosophy and one that gained significant momentum in 16th-century Europe. But what came before Pietro Pomponazzi and his contemporaries? Through examination of four neglected but central figures, Joanna Papiernik uncovers the rich and varied nature of the afterlife debate in 15th-century Italy. By engaging with old prints, manuscripts and other archival material, this book reveals just how much interest there was in the question of (...)
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  14. Philosophy of soul.Maqsood Jafri - 1974 - [s.l.: [S.N.].
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  15. The Soul and Its Instrumental Body: A Reinterpretation of Aristotle's Philosophy of Living Nature.A. P. Bos - 2003 - Boston, MA: Brill.
    Aristotle's definition of the soul should be interpreted as: 'the soul is the entelechy of a natural body that serves as its instrument'.
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  16.  31
    Contemporary Philosophy on Immortality of the Soul.Kazimierz Twardowski - 2015 - Studia Neoaristotelica 12 (2):72-83.
    This paper is an English translation of "Contemporary Philosophy on Immortality of the Soul" by Kazimierz Twardowski.
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  17. Hellenistic Philosophy of Mind.Julia Annas - 1992 - Berkeley: University of California Press.
    "Hellenistic Philosophy of Mind" is an elegant survey of Stoic and Epicurean ideas about the soul an introduction to two ancient schools whose belief in the soul's physicality offer compelling parallels to modern approaches in the ...
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  18.  10
    La re-centration de l'homme: réflexions philosophiques sur la question du devenir de l'humain à l'ère des technosciences et des postulats de la laïcité.Antoine Manga-Bihina, Mouchili Njimom & Issoufou Soulé (eds.) - 2017 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La 4e de couverture indique :"Dans une société inflationniste en droit, libérale à cause de la logique capitaliste et où la laïcité conditionne les valeurs démocratiques, il est légitime que l'homme ressente une sorte de dépaysement ou de désenchantement, puisqu'il semble ne plus être au centre des réflexions philosophiques et scientifiques qui faisaient de lui une valeur absolue. Cet ouvrage est un ensemble de textes abordant, à partir des thématiques multilatérales, une question centrale portant sur la re-centration de l'homme. Il (...)
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  19.  52
    A soul of truth in things erroneous: Popper’s “amateurish” evolutionary philosophy in light of contemporary biology.Davide Vecchi & Lorenzo Baravalle - 2015 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 36 (4):525-545.
    This paper will critically assess Popper’s evolutionary philosophy. There exists a rich literature on the topic with which we have many reservations. We believe that Popper’s evolutionary philosophy should be assessed in light of the intriguing theoretical insights offered, during the last 10 years or so, by the philosophy of biology, evolutionary biology and molecular biology. We will argue that, when analysed in this manner, Popper’s ideas concerning the nature of selection, Lamarckism and the theoretical limits of neo-Darwinism can be (...)
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  20.  33
    Medical humanism and natural philosophy: Renaissance debates on matter, life, and the soul.Hiro Hirai - 2011 - Boston: Brill.
    Exploring Renaissance humanists’ debates on matter, life and the soul, this volume addresses the contribution of humanist culture to the evolution of early modern natural philosophy so as to shed light on the medical context of the ...
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  21.  37
    Practising Philosophy, the Practice of Education: Exploring the Essay Form through Lukács’ Soul and Form.Duck-Joo Kwak - 2010 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 44 (1):61-77.
    This paper attempts to explore a pedagogical form of writing in which students are allowed to have more room to converse with themselves, such that their own being is reflected in their work. The attempt is made as a response to the poverty of educationally orientated assessment methods for students' academic performance in the predominant evidence-based assessment culture of schooling today. Taking Lukács' Soul and Form as a good source for this exploration, especially his commitment to essay form as (...)
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  22. Self‐Motion and Cognition: Plato's Theory of the Soul.Douglas R. Campbell - 2021 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 59 (4):523-544.
    I argue that Plato believes that the soul must be both the principle of motion and the subject of cognition because it moves things specifically by means of its thoughts. I begin by arguing that the soul moves things by means of such acts as examination and deliberation, and that this view is developed in response to Anaxagoras. I then argue that every kind of soul enjoys a kind of cognition, with even plant souls having a form (...)
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  23.  9
    Politics, Philosophy, Writing: Plato's Art of Caring for Souls.Planinc Zdravko (ed.) - 2001 - University of Missouri.
    The leading scholars represented in _Politics, Philosophy, Writing_ examine six key Platonic dialogues and the most important of the epistles, moving from Plato's most public or political writings to his most philosophical. The collection is intended to demonstrate the unity of Plato's concerns, the literary quality of his writing, and the integral relation of form and content in his work. Taken together, these essays show the consistency of Plato's understanding of the political art, the art of writing, and the philosophical (...)
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  24.  19
    Peripatetic Philosophy in Context: Knowledge, Time, and Soul From Theophrastus to Cratippus.Francesco Verde - 2022 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    This book deals with some Peripatetic philosophers of the Hellenistic age who were direct and indirect pupils of Aristotle. The main focus of the book is Aristotle's school in the Hellenistic period, a subject not particularly explored by the scholars. Three main issues are addressed in the chapters of the book: the problem of knowledge, the question of time, and the doctrine of the soul. More specifically the topics addressed are: the problem of sense-perception and the method of multiple (...)
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  25.  81
    (1 other version)Body and Soul in Aristotle.Richard Sorabji - 1974 - Philosophy 49 (187):63-89.
    Interpretations of Aristotle's account of the relation between body and soul have been widely divergent. At one extreme, Thomas Slakey has said that in theDe Anima‘Aristotle tries to explain perception simply as an event in the sense-organs’. Wallace Matson has generalized the point. Of the Greeks in general he says, ‘Mind–body identity was taken for granted.… Indeed, in the whole classical corpus there exists no denial of the view that sensing is a bodily process throughout’. At the opposite extreme, (...)
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  26.  41
    Heart and soul: the therapeutic face of philosophy.Chris Mace (ed.) - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    Heart and Soul is a collection of essays which examine those concepts and questions which are at the heart of both psychotherapy and philosophy. Topics discussed include the nature of the self, motivation and subjectivity, the limits of certainty and subjectivity in interpersonal situations, and the scope of narrative, dialogue and therapy itself. Looking at the work of key figures such as Wittgenstein, Socrates, Kierkegaard, Foucault, Lacan and Klein, contributors draw on a wide range of philosophical approaches and examine (...)
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  27.  24
    The soul of philosophy in a soulless age.David Skrbina - 2021 - Human Affairs 31 (4):420-428.
    In its original Greek conception, philosophy was intended to promote both wisdom and virtue among society; in this sense, the teaching, or presenting, of philosophy is central to its essence. Socrates and Plato famously grappled with the question of how to impart wisdom and virtue to the learner, with mixed results. One of the standard methods—reading and writing—was argued to be misleading and even deceptive, because it deals with static, ‘dead’ words and ideas rather than with the “living discourse” of (...)
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  28. (1 other version)Aristotle's Definition of Soul and the Programme of the De Anima.Stephen Menn - 2002 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 22:83-139.
  29. The soul's deepest questions: an introduction to spiritual philosophy.George P. Young - 1908 - Manchester: Printed and published for the Spiritualists' National Union by the Two Worlds Publishing Company.
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    A philosophy course from colonial Chile: Juan de Fuica’s "Commentaries On the Soul".Abel Aravena Zamora - 2016 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 35:81-98.
    El siguiente artículo revisa brevemente diferentes aspectos de los Comentarios Acerca del alma, dictados por el franciscano chileno fray Juan de Fuica, en mayo de 1689, en el Colegio San Diego de Alcalá de Santiago de Chile. Presentamos, primero, una nota biográfica del fraile con información relativa a su trayectoria académica y administrativa dentro de la orden franciscana. Luego, analizamos en cinco categorías los aspectos fundamentales de este curso inédito: características generales, características del lenguaje, estructura, método de enseñanza y contenidos (...)
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  31.  14
    The Philosophy of Kenelm Digby (1603–1665).Han Thomas Adriaenssen & Laura Georgescu (eds.) - 2022 - Springer.
    This book examines the philosophical and scientific achievements of Sir Kenelm Digby, a successful English diplomat, privateer and natural philosopher of the mid-1600s. Not widely remembered today, Digby is one of the most intriguing figures in the history of early modern philosophers. Among scholars, he is known for his attempt to reconcile what perhaps seem to be irreconcilable philosophical frameworks: Aristotelianism and early modern mechanism. This contributed volume offers the first full-length treatment of Digby’s work and of the unique position (...)
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    Imagination between Physick and Philosophy.Koen Vermeir - 2008 - Intellectual History Review 18 (1):119-137.
    I argue that the imagination plays a central role in the thought of the Cambridge Platonist Henry More. First, physiological descriptions of melancholy and imagination were at the heart of his attack against enthusiasm and atheism. Second, in order to defend his metaphysical dualism, he had to respond to traditional accounts of the imagination as a mediating faculty between body and soul. Third, More also opposed the traditional view that the imagination was a material faculty, because in the context (...)
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  33.  19
    The soul in the twentieth century: insights in psychology, science, nature, philosophy, spirituality, and politics from Europe and North America.Kocku von Stuckrad - 2021 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    The soul, which dominated many intellectual debates at the beginning of the twentieth century, has virtually disappeared from the sciences and the humanities. Yet it is everywhere in popular culture-from holistic therapies and new spiritual practices to literature and film to ecological and political ideologies. Ignored by scholars, it is hiding in plain sight in a plethora of religious, psychological, environmental, and scientific movements. This book uncovers the history of the concept of the soul in twentieth-century Europe and (...)
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    Descartes' Philosophy Interpreted According to the Order of Reasons. Volume 1: The Soul and God.John Cottingham - 1985 - Philosophical Books 26 (3):140-143.
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    (1 other version)From East to West: Odyssey of a Soul.Roy Bhaskar - 2000 - New York: Routledge.
    In this radical book, Roy Bhaskar expands his philosophy of critical realism with an audacious re-synthesis of many aspects of Western and Eastern thought. Arguing that the existence of God provides the fundamental structure of the world, he renders plausible ideas of reincarnation, karma and moksha or liberation. Originally published in the year of the millennium, From East to West continues to be a groundbreaking and fundamental work within the critical realist tradition. Stimulating debate in ontology, epistemology, ethics, political philosophy (...)
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  36.  50
    The Vegetative Soul: From Philosophy of Nature to Subjectivity in the Feminine.Elaine Miller - 2002 - State University of New York Press.
    Rethinks the soul in plant-like terms rather than animal, drawing from nineteenth-century philosophy of nature.
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    Touching the soul? Exploring an alternative outlook for philosophical work with children and young people.Gert Biesta - 2017 - Childhood and Philosophy 13 (28).
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  38. The human soul's individuation and its survival after the body's death: Avicenna on the causal relation between body and soul: Thérèse-Anne Druart.Thérèse-Anne Druart - 2000 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 10 (2):259-273.
    As for Avicenna the human soul is a complete substance which does not inhere in the body nor is imprinted in it, asserting its survival after the death of the body seems easy. Yet, he needs the body to explain its individuation. The paper analyzes Avicenna's arguments in the De anima sections, V, 3 & 4, of the Shifā ' in order to explore the exact causal relation there is between the human soul and its body and confronts (...)
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    Composing the Soul: Reaches of Nietzsche's Psychology.Glen T. Martin - 1996 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 34 (1):152-154.
    152 JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY 34:1 JANUARY 1996 knowing." Absolute knowing is "the human community's coming to a reflective nonmetaphysical understanding of what it must take as authoritative grounds for belief and action..." . Since this involves us in a continuous dialectic, dialectic "does not end in absolute knowing; it begins the task of renewing itself" . From Hegel we get "a new paradigm for philosophy..." . The final chapter offers an account of the Philosophy of Right, and (...)
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  40. The intellective soul.Eckhard Kessler - 1988 - In C. B. Schmitt, Quentin Skinner, Eckhard Kessler & Jill Kraye, The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 485--534.
  41.  49
    (1 other version)Ilona Hongisto (2015) Soul of the Documentary: Framing, Expression, Ethics.Laurel Ahnert - 2018 - Film-Philosophy 22 (1):138-141.
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  42. Soul and body-Neuroscience, psychology and philosophy in confrontation.P. Valore - 2004 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 96 (2-3):567-575.
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  43.  54
    Digital Souls: A Philosophy of Online Death.Patrick Stokes - 2021 - London, UK: Bloomsbury.
    Social media is full of dead people. Untold millions of dead users haunt the online world where we increasingly live our lives. What do we do with all these digital souls? Can we simply delete them, or do they have a right to persist? Philosophers have been almost entirely silent on the topic, despite their perennial focus on death as a unique dimension of human existence. Until now. -/- Drawing on ongoing philosophical debates, Digital Souls claims that the digital dead (...)
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  44.  7
    The Soul of Classical American Philosophy: The Ethical and Spiritual Insights of William James, Josiah Royce, and Charles Sanders Peirce.Richard P. Jardine - 2012 - SUNY Press.
    Introduces the spiritual ideas of three major American philosophers.
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  45. The Self-Seeing Soul in the Alcibiades I.Daniel Werner - 2013 - Ancient Philosophy 33 (2):307-331.
    The Alcibiades I concludes with an arresting image of an eye that sees itself by looking into another eye. Using the dialogue as a whole, I offer a detailed interpretation of this image and I discuss its implications for the question of self-knowledge. The Alcibiades I reveals both what self-knowledge is (knowledge of soul in its particularity and its universality) and how we are to seek it (by way of philosophical dialogue). This makes the pursuit of self-knowledge an inescapably (...)
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  46. The cellular origin and growth of mentality or the soul.James Caswell Coggins - 1938 - [Asheville, N.C.,: The Biltmore Press.
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  47. "Activity and Subjectivity: Olivi on the Soul and Self-Consciousness".Susan Brower-Toland - 2024 - In Jari Kaukua, Vili Lähteenmäki & Juhana Toivanen, Mind and Obligation in the Long Middle Ages. Studies in the History of Philosophy in Honour of Mikko Yrjönsuuri. Leiden/Boston: Brill. pp. 129-154.
    In this paper, I explore the connection between Olivi’s views about the nature of conscious experience, on the one hand, and his views about the nature of the soul on the other. In particular, I argue that Olivi’s account of the soul as essentially active and essentially reflexive entails a commitment on his part to a kind of innate self-knowing. I further show that, for Olivi, this primal psychological self-reflexivity plays an important role in explaining the subjective character (...)
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    Eiskrisis, or the Presence of Soul in the Body.Paul Kalligas - 2012 - Ancient Philosophy 32 (1):147-166.
  49.  29
    The Origins of European Thought: About the Body, the Mind, the Soul, the World, Time and Fate.Richard Broxton Onians - 1951 - New York,: Cambridge University Press.
    This remarkable work of scholarship sought to deal with the very roots of European civilisation and thought: the fundamental beliefs about life, mind, body, soul and human destiny which were embodied in the myths, legends and customs of the ancients and later emerged, often unrecognized, in literature, philosophy and science. Professor Onians adduces an extraordinary range of comparative evidence, predominantly from Greece and Rome, but also from Norse, Celtic, Jewish, Indian, Chinese and Christian sources. The volume remains a fascinating (...)
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  50. Aquinas and Aristotelians on Whether the Soul is a Group of Powers.Nicholas Kahm - 2017 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 34 (2):115-32.
    In the Aristotelian tradition, there are two broad answers to the basic question "What is soul?" On the one hand, the soul can be described by what it does. From this perspective, the soul seems to be composed of various different parts or powers (potentiae) that are the principles of its various actions. On the other hand, the soul seems to be something different, namely, the actual formal principle making embodied living substances to be the kinds (...)
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