Results for 'Sophie Jörg'

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  1.  22
    Book Reviews : District Heating Comes to Town: The Social Shaping of an Energy System (Linköping Studies in Arts and Sciences No. 80), by Jane Summerton. Linköping, Sweden: Affairslitteratur AB, 1992, 319 pp. SEK 275. Grandeur et Dépendance: Sociologie des Macro-Systèmes Techniques, by Alain Gras with Sophie L. Poirot-Delpech. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1993, 251 pp. Fr 181. [REVIEW]Bernward Joerges - 1996 - Science, Technology and Human Values 21 (2):235-240.
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    Vindicating Lineage Eliminativism.Javier Suárez & Sophie Veigl - forthcoming - Biological Theory:1-15.
    This article defends a selective eliminativist position with respect to the concept of “biological lineage” as used in certain areas of contemporary evolutionary biology. We argue that its primary epistemic roles in these contexts—explaining social evolution and cumulative selection—clash with empirical evidence, and that enforcing the concept of “lineage” even obstructs fruitful research avenues in several biological research fields, including phylogenetic research. Drawing on this, we suggest that, in many instances, it would be best to get rid of the concept (...)
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    Sélection naturelle ou volonté de puissance : comment interpréter le processus de destruction créatrice?André Lapied & Sophie Swaton - 2013 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 14 (2):43-65.
    La délicate mise en rapport de la philosophie nietzschéenne et de l’économie est d’une pratique récente. Dans ce contexte, cet article est motivé par l’introduction du traitement nietzschéen de la « destruction créatrice » en économie et la manière de justifier philosophiquement cette référence. Pour cela, nous mettons en concurrence les interprétations évolutionnistes et nietzschéennes de la destruction créatrice. Ces deux métaphores nous semblent difficilement conciliables et nous avançons des arguments en faveur de la volonté de puissance, contre la lutte (...)
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    Olfaction is a Spatial Sense.Ann-Sophie Barwich - forthcoming - Review of Philosophy and Psychology:1-29.
    This paper investigates the spatial dimensions of olfactory perception, challenging philosophical views that marginalize smell in spatial navigation and cognition compared to visual phenomenology. I argue that both olfactory and visual perceptions—despite smell often being considered non-spatial or minimally spatial—involve intricate spatial structuring when processed through unconscious cognitive processes. An information-theoretical approach shows that cognitive inferences turn spatially deficient sensory data into spatialized perceptual content to generate spatial perception across sensory modalities. This challenges the idea that spatial perception is tied (...)
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    Le cycle de la conjoncture chez Schumpeter : éternel retour du même?André Lapied & Sophie Swaton - 2014 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 15 (1):17-47.
    Cet article s’inscrit dans la lignée de précédents travaux visant à rapprocher l’entrepreneur schumpétérien et le surhumain nietzschéen. Les deux partagent une créativité pouvant s’interpréter comme l’extériorisation d’un surcroît de force qui, dans l’optique nietzschéenne, s’assimile à la source extra-morale de l’accroissement de la vie. Reste à savoir si le cadre dans lequel ils évoluent est le même. Au-delà d’une approche historique du cycle de la conjoncture, notre hypothèse est que l’approche philosophique d’un cycle du devenir s’avère être féconde pour (...)
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    Die Überwindung des mathematischen Erkenntnisideals: Kants Grenzbestimmung von Mathematik und Philosophie.Brigitta-Sophie von Wolff-Metternich - 1995 - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Die Überwindung des mathematischen Erkenntnisideals" verfügbar.
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    A Computational Model of Working Memory Integrating Time-Based Decay and Interference.Benoît Lemaire & Sophie Portrat - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Cortical asymmetries in speech perception: what's wrong, what's right and what's left?Carolyn McGettigan & Sophie K. Scott - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (5):269-276.
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    The rare preference effect: Statistical information influences social affiliation judgments.Natalia Vélez, Sophie Bridgers & Hyowon Gweon - 2019 - Cognition 192 (C):103994.
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    Twenty-four years of empirical research on trust in AI: a bibliometric review of trends, overlooked issues, and future directions.Michaela Benk, Sophie Kerstan, Florian von Wangenheim & Andrea Ferrario - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-24.
    Trust is widely regarded as a critical component to building artificial intelligence (AI) systems that people will use and safely rely upon. As research in this area continues to evolve, it becomes imperative that the research community synchronizes its empirical efforts and aligns on the path toward effective knowledge creation. To lay the groundwork toward achieving this objective, we performed a comprehensive bibliometric analysis, supplemented with a qualitative content analysis of over two decades of empirical research measuring trust in AI, (...)
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    Fashionable Ethics: Exploring Ethical Perspectives in the Production, Marketing, and Consumption of Fashion.Patsy Perry, Victoria-Sophie Osburg, Fahian Anisul Huq & Mbaye Fall Diallo - 2025 - Journal of Business Ethics 196 (4):711-721.
    This Special Issue examines ethics in fashion to further critical understanding of the various drivers and barriers, nuances and layers of complexity in fashion production, marketing, and consumption, and aims toward a more future-oriented perspective through the lens of ethics. Research on ethical issues in fashion is growing but is fragmented across diverse domains, from supply chain and operations management, to psychology and sociology, to marketing and consumption. Furthermore, there has been only a peripheral focus on ethics and limited application (...)
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    European cosmopolitanism in question.Roland Robertson & Anne Sophie Krossa (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Cosmopolitanism is currently one of the most prominent topics in the social sciences and humanities, and a key concept for understanding globalization. This collection of essays, featuring a line-up of leading international scholars, argues that most work on cosmopolitanism uses a normative model, rather than fully interrogating the issue empirically, comparatively and globally. This ambitious and ground-breaking collection will push the boundaries of the debate on cosmopolitanism into new areas, opening up new lines of inquiry and analysis that will have (...)
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    Dreams, Trauma, and Prediction Errors.Clarita Bonamino, Sophie Boudrias & Melanie Rosen - 2024 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 26:103-132.
    It is widely known that dreams can be strongly affected by traumatic events, but there may be other ways in which dreams relate to trauma. In this paper, we argue that different types of dreams could both contribute to trauma and alleviate it according to the prediction errors that occur either in dreams or in response to them after waking. A prediction error occurs when an experience contradicts one’s expectation and it is often accompanied by surprise. Prediction errors are involved (...)
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  14. Loeschke, Joerg (2022). Friendship and special obligations. In: Jeske, Diane. The routledge handbook of philosophy of friendship. New York: Routledge, 288-300.Joerg Loeschke & Diane Jeske (eds.) - 2022
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    Further Validation of Measures of Target Detection and Stereotype Activation in the Stereotype Misperception Task.Regina Reichardt, Andrew M. Rivers, Joerg Reichardt & Jeffrey W. Sherman - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Symposium Introduction: The Philosophy of Jean‐Luc Nancy and the Study of Education.Sophie Haroutunian-Gordon & Megan Jane Laverty - 2025 - Educational Theory 74 (6):840-848.
  17.  4
    Le temps du travail et le travail du temps.Sophie Izoard-Allaux - 2024 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 156 (3):327-347.
    Le climat général de cette décennie montre que la situation dans le rapport de soi au travail et dans les relations de travail est souvent dégradée. L’écart entre volonté de maîtrise technique et interrogation du mystère de l’être n’est plus assumé, tandis que l’individualisme n’est plus un facteur de résistance, s’alignant sur un conformisme tranquille. Comment dès lors réinventer une nouvelle feuille de route autour du travail, qui puisse réellement nourrir les conditions de la vie bonne et corriger la relation (...)
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    Expérience, idéaux et participation sociale.Anne-Sophie Lamine - 2018 - ThéoRèmes 13 (13).
    This article discusses Dewey’s The Public and Its Problems (1927), Ethics (1932), “Theory of valuation” (1939), Art as Experience (1934) and A Common Faith (1934), for the socio-anthropological analysis of the religious, in a context of diversity and anxiety about identities. This pragmatist approach enables to consider religious in the making, experience and self-construction. The concept of ideal, taking into account intersubjectivity and context, allows treating aspirations and ideals. Finally, the idea of public and pre-political, permits to pay attention to (...)
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    Prostitution Policy in Europe: A Time of Change?Helen Ward, Sophie Day & Judith Kilvington - 2001 - Feminist Review 67 (1):78-93.
    There has been considerable recent debate about prostitution in Europe that reflects concerns about health, employment and human rights. Legal changes are being introduced in many countries. We focus on two examples in order to discuss the likely implications. A new law in The Netherlands is normalizing aspects of the sex industry through decriminalizing both workers and businesses. In Sweden, on the other hand, prostitution is considered to be a social problem, and a new law criminalizes the purchasers of sexual (...)
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    Urteil und Fehlurteil.Sandra Lehmann & Sophie Loidolt (eds.) - 2011 - Wien: Turia + Kant.
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    Repeating patterns: Predictive processing suggests an aesthetic learning role of the basal ganglia in repetitive stereotyped behaviors.Blanca T. M. Spee, Ronald Sladky, Joerg Fingerhut, Alice Laciny, Christoph Kraus, Sidney Carls-Diamante, Christof Brücke, Matthew Pelowski & Marco Treven - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Recurrent, unvarying, and seemingly purposeless patterns of action and cognition are part of normal development, but also feature prominently in several neuropsychiatric conditions. Repetitive stereotyped behaviors can be viewed as exaggerated forms of learned habits and frequently correlate with alterations in motor, limbic, and associative basal ganglia circuits. However, it is still unclear how altered basal ganglia feedback signals actually relate to the phenomenological variability of RSBs. Why do behaviorally overlapping phenomena sometimes require different treatment approaches−for example, sensory shielding strategies (...)
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  22. Ohne Metaphysik, bitte!? Transtemporale personale Identität als praktische Wirklichkeit (Without Metaphysics?! Transtemporal Personal Identity as Practical Reality).Anne Sophie Meincke - 2013 - In Georg Gasser & Martina Schmidhuber, Personale Identität, Narrativität und Praktische Rationalität . Münster: Mentis. pp. 241-265.
  23. Von der Wirklichkeit des Wirklichen. Eine kritische Verteidigung der Metaphysik als philosophischer Disziplin (On the Reality of the Real: A Critical Defence of Metaphysics as a Philosophical Discipline).Anne Sophie Meincke - 2017 - In Christopher Erhard, David Meißner & Jörg Ulrich Noller, Wozu Metaphysik? Historisch-systematische Perspektiven. pp. 96-130.
    What is metaphysics? And what do we need it for? In this paper I argue that if we answer the first question appropriately, the second question becomes pointless. To understand what metaphysics is means to understand what it is for. I shall propose that metaphysics, as a philosophical discipline, is the addressing of reality with respect to the intelligibility of reality as a whole and, i.e., the addressing of reality's being-addressed in various contexts (everyday and scientific). Insofar as reason is (...)
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  24. Constitución de un centro de investigación sobre el pensamiento de Giambattista Vico.Anne-Sophie Menasseyre - forthcoming - Cuadernos Sobre Vico.
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  25. Unis dans la diversité?Roberto Merrill & Sophie Guérard de Latour - 2011 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 109 (4):637-640.
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  26.  21
    Correction to: Consent requirements for research with human tissue: Swiss ethics committee members disagree.Flora Colledge, Sophie De Massougnes & Bernice Elger - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):24.
    It has come to our attention that in the original article [1] information regarding dates was omitted. The data in this study were obtained in Switzerland four years before the entering into force of the new Swiss Human Research Act in 2014, when the guidelines of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences ceased to apply. It is important for readers to know that at the time of the study there was no binding law in Switzerland, only the more open SAMS (...)
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    Left-handers are resistant to drowsiness induced spatial attention bias.Bareham Corinne, Bekinschtein Tristan, Scott Sophie & Manly Tom - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  28. Thought Experiments Repositioned.Adrian Currie & Sophie Veigl (eds.) - forthcoming
    Thought experiments play a role in science and in some central parts of contemporary philosophy. They used to play a larger role in philosophy of science, but have been largely abandoned as part of the field’s “practice turn”. This chapter discusses possible roles for thought experimentation within a practice-oriented philosophy of science. Some of these roles are uncontroversial, such as exemplification and aiding discovery. A more controversial role is the reliance on thought experiments to justify philosophical claims. It is proposed (...)
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    Don't count your chickens before they're hatched: Elaborative encoding in REM dreaming in face of the physiology of sleep stages.Gaétane Deliens, Sophie Schwartz & Philippe Peigneux - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (6):613-614.
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    La CNIL et la e-santé.Sophie Vulliet-Tavernier - 2002 - Médecine et Droit 2002 (52):3-4.
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    Réflexions autour de l'anonymat dans le traitement des données de santé.Sophie Vulliet-Tavernier - 2000 - Médecine et Droit 2000 (40):1-4.
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    Interview: Joerg Tuske talks to Anja Steinbauer.Joerg Tuske & Anja Steinbauer - 2019 - Philosophy Now 132:21-21.
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  33. Part I: Ethics in Public Health Studies and Clinical Research. Introduction / Mayfong Mayxay, Bansa Oupathana, Bernard Taverne. Examples of Medical Ethical Issues in Laos: Dilemmas in Health Care Decisions / Mayfong Mayxay, Bansa Oupathana. Informed Consent in Medical Studies: An Essential Ethical Step / Laurence Borand, Bunnet Dim. Ethical Issues Surrounding a Study on Cervical Cancer Screening of Women Living with HIV in Laos / Phimpha Paboribourne, Bernard Tavenre. Ethical Issues to Consider Before Starting Research: Example of a Study on Preventing Mother-to-Child Transmission of the Hepatitis B Virus / Gonzague Jourdain, Woottichai Khamduang, Vatthanaphone Latthaphasavang. Ethical Aspects When Using Biological Samples for Research, Audrey Dubot-Pérès, Claire Lajaunie with Manivanh Vongsouvath. Ethical Perspectives on a Survey of Adolescents Born with HIV in Thailand. [REVIEW]Sophie Le Coeur, Eva Lelièvre & Cheeraya Kanabkaew - 2018 - In Anne Marie Moulin, Bansa Oupathana, Manivanh Souphanthong & Bernard Taverne, The paths of ethics in research in Laos and the Mekong countries: health, environment, societies. Marseille: Institut de recherche pour le développement.
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    Sophie Lalanne (dir.), Femmes grecques de l’Orient romain.Sophie Gällnö - 2020 - Clio 51.
    Cet ouvrage collectif porte sur la place qu’occupent les femmes dans différentes parties de l’Empire romain d’Orient hellénophone. Il résulte de trois rencontres scientifiques organisées dans le cadre du programme GRECS d’ANIHMA entre 2012 et 2014. Comme l’explique Sophie Lalanne dans son introduction, le volume ne reflète que partiellement le contenu de ces rencontres ; l’éditrice formule d’ailleurs des réflexions intéressantes sur la place de l’histoire des femmes et du genre dans le domain...
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  35. Cordula Brand, Personale Identität oder menschliche Persistenz? Ein naturalistisches Kriterium. [REVIEW]Anne Sophie Meincke - 2012 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 119:418-424.
  36. Stadt und Film. Versuche zu einer 'Visuellen Soziologie' herausgegeben von Matthias Horwitz, Bernward Joerges und Jörg Potthast mit Beiträgen von B. Joerges, D. Kress, A. Krämer, D. Naegler und J. Potthast.Bernward Joerges - 1996 - In Bernward Joerges, Jörg Potthast & Mathias Horowitz, WZB Discussion Papers. WZB.
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  37. The Aesthetic Self. The Importance of Aesthetic Taste in Music and Art for Our Perceived Identity.Joerg Fingerhut, Javier Gomez-Lavin, Claudia Winklmayr & Jesse J. Prinz - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:577703.
    To what extent do aesthetic taste and our interest in the arts constitute who we are? In this paper, we present a series of empirical findings that suggest anAesthetic Self Effectsupporting the claim that our aesthetic engagements are a central component of our identity. Counterfactual changes in aesthetic preferences, for example, moving from liking classical music to liking pop, are perceived as altering us as a person. The Aesthetic Self Effect is as strong as the impact of moral changes, such (...)
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  38.  28
    10 Establishing intergenerational justice in national constitutions.Joerg Chet Tremmel - 2006 - In Tremmel J., The Handbook of Intergenerational Justice. Edward Elgar.
  39. Climate Change and Political Philosophy: Who Owes What to Whom?Joerg Chet Tremmel - 2013 - Environmental Values 22 (6):725-749.
    Climate change poses a serious problem for established ethical theories. There is no dearth of literature on the subject of climate ethics that break down the complexity of the issue, thereby enabling one to arrive at partial conclusions such as: 'historical justice demands us to do this...' or 'intergenerational justice demands us to do that...'. In contrast, this article attempts to face up to this complexity, that is: to end with a synthesis of the arguments into what can be considered (...)
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  40. Dissociating neuronal gamma-band activity from cranial and ocular muscle activity in EEG.Joerg F. Hipp & Markus Siegel - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    I Say Tomato, You Say Domate:Differential Reactions to English-only Workplace Policies by Persons from Immigrant and Non-immigrantFamilies.Joerg Dietz & S. Pugh - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 52 (4):365-379.
    Immigrants now compose approximately 12 of the population of the United States and a sizable proportion of the workforce. Yet in contrast to research on other traditionally under-represented groups (e.g., women, African Americans), there are relatively few studies on issues related to being an immigrant in the U.S. workforce. This study examined English-only workplace policies, focusing on reactions to business justifications – explanations that justify managerial decisions as business necessities – for these policies. We contrasted the reactions of individuals coming (...)
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    The concept of emotion in classical indian philosophy.Joerg Tuske - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    The Gap junction proteins: Vive la différence!Joerg Kistler & Stanley Bullivant - 1988 - Bioessays 9 (5):167-168.
    The intercellular junctions connecting the cytoplasms of fibre cells in the mammalian lens have until recently been regarded as a class of junction which is fundamentally different from that of the gap junctions in other organs. Recent observations, however, suggest that the lens junctions fit protein topology predictions common for all gap junctions. While the homologous peptide portions are predicted to form the channels, the divergent peptide portions of the gap junction polypeptides may adapt channel activity to the special tissue (...)
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    (1 other version)Friendship and special obligations.Joerg Loeschke & Diane Jeske - 2022 - In [no title]. pp. 288-300.
    An important part of friendships are the so-called special obligations generated by them. Friends owe things to each other that they do not owe to strangers. While such special obligations are an important part of our everyday practice, they raise several philosophical questions. These questions include the status of special obligations (are such obligations sui generis or is it possible to reduce them to general moral principles?), the source of such special obligations (what grounds special obligations of friendship?), and the (...)
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  45. The Truth Problem for Permissivism.Sophie Horowitz - 2019 - Journal of Philosophy 116 (5):237-262.
    Epistemologists often assume that rationality bears an important connection to the truth. In this paper I examine the implications of this commitment for permissivism: if rationality is a guide to the truth, can it also allow some leeway in how we should respond to our evidence? I first discuss a particular strategy for connecting permissive rationality and the truth, developed in a recent paper by Miriam Schoenfield. I argue that this limited truth-connection is unsatisfying, and the version of permissivism that (...)
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    Instrumentation: Between Science, State and Industry, Sociology of the Sciences Yearbook.B. Joerges & T. Shinn (eds.) - 2001 - Springer.
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    Natural and human law in the Atlantic context: Alonso de la Veracruz and Tomás de Mercado.Joerg Alejandro Tellkamp - 2023 - Araucaria 25 (54).
    En este trabajo sobre los pensadores novohispanos Alonso de la Veracruz y Tomás de Mercado se seguirá la argumentación de un tema escasamente explorado: el papel fundacional de la ley natural y su interpretabilidad a través de la ley humana. Se mostrará que ambos autores, basados en las tradiciones salamantinas del siglo XVI, introducen un método que afirmaría la validez de la ley natural y, al mismo tiempo, permitir aplicaciones diversas de los parámetros normativos de la ley humana. Esto es (...)
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    The Non‐Self Theory and Problems in Philosophy of Mind.Joerg Tuske - 2013 - In Steven M. Emmanuel, A Companion to Buddhist Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 419–428.
    The non‐self theory is one of the cornerstones of Buddhist philosophy. This chapter examines this theory and discusses some of the issues it raises for Western philosophy of mind, in particular for the problem of free will. In the first part, it traces the non‐self theory through several formulations, focusing on different Buddhist texts. In the second part, it analyzes some of the similarities and dissimilarities of the non‐self theory with discussions of the mind‐body problem and the free will problem (...)
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    Emile Faguet on Republican Education and French University Reform, 1875-1914.Joerge Dyrkton - 2002 - The European Legacy 7 (4):473-485.
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    The liberal critic as ideologue: Emile Faguet andfin-de-sièclereflections on the eighteenth century.Joerge Dyrkton - 1996 - History of European Ideas 22 (5-6):321-336.
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