Results for 'Sonia Macleod'

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  1.  13
    Pharmaceutical and medical device safety: a study in public and private regulation.Sonia Macleod - 2019 - Chicago, Illinois: Hart Publishing. Edited by Sweta Chakraborty.
    This book examines how regulatory and liability mechanisms have impacted upon product safety decisions in the pharmaceutical and medical devices sectors in Europe, the USA and beyond since the 1950s. Thirty-five case studies illustrate the interplay between the regulatory regimes and litigation. Observations from medical practice have been the overwhelming means of identifying post-marketing safety issues. Drug and device safety decisions have increasingly been taken by public regulators and companies within the framework of the comprehensive regulatory structure that has developed (...)
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    No-fault compensation schemes for COVID-19 vaccine injury: a mixed bag for claimants and citizens.Sonia Macleod, Francesca Uberti & Enga Kameni - 2025 - Journal of Medical Ethics 51 (2):115-120.
    The development of vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) presented a unique set of challenges. There was a global need for safe, effective vaccines against a new virus. In response to the development of vaccines for COVID-19 (some of which used novel technologies), there was a proliferation of no-fault compensation schemes (NFCS) for COVID-19 vaccine injuries. We identified 28 national vaccine injury NFCS operating in December 2019. Just 2 years later, over 130 countries had some NFCS coverage for COVID-19 vaccines. This rapid (...)
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  3. Understanding the Positive Associations of Sleep, Physical Activity, Fruit and Vegetable Intake as Predictors of Quality of Life and Subjective Health Across Age Groups: A Theory Based, Cross-Sectional Web-Based Study.Shu Ling Tan, Vera Storm, Dominique A. Reinwand, Julian Wienert, Hein de Vries & Sonia Lippke - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Familles et VIH. De la stigmatisation à la normalisation?Ouriel Rosenblum, Aubeline Vinay & Sonia Okome Assoume - 2012 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 197 (3):105-116.
    Résumé Après avoir dressé un historique de l’accession à la parentalité des patients séropositifs depuis le début de l’épidémie, l’article décline quelques situations spécifiques familiales. Le point commun de ces différents contextes est l’omniprésence du secret et de la honte de la contamination par le vih, qui infiltrent la relation entre parents et enfants. L’article tente d’en analyser les fonctions à la fois défensives et organisatrices au sein de la famille.
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    Impaired Verb-Related Morphosyntactic Production in Multiple Sclerosis: Evidence From Greek.Valantis Fyndanis, Lambros Messinis, Grigorios Nasios, Efthimios Dardiotis, Maria Martzoukou, Maria Pitopoulou, Aikaterini Ntoskou & Sonia Malefaki - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Activation vs. Experiential Avoidance as a Transdiagnostic Condition of Emotional Distress: An Empirical Study.Concepción Fernández-Rodríguez, Dolores Paz-Caballero, Sonia González-Fernández & Marino Pérez-Álvarez - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Every word you say: algorithmic mediation and implications of data-driven scholarly communication.Luciana Monteiro-Krebs, Bieke Zaman, David Geerts & Sônia Elisa Caregnato - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (2):1003-1012.
    Implications of algorithmic mediation can be studied through the artefact itself, peoples’ practices, and the social/political/economical arrangements that affect and are affected by such interactions. Most studies in Academic social media (ASM) focus on one of these elements at a time, either examining design elements or the users’ behaviour on and perceptions of such platforms. We take a multi-faceted approach using affordances as a lens to analyze practices and arrangements traversed by algorithmic mediation. Following our earlier studies that examined the (...)
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    Centriole positioning in epithelial cells and its intimate relationship with planar cell polarity.Jose Maria Carvajal-Gonzalez, Sonia Mulero-Navarro & Marek Mlodzik - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (12):1234-1245.
    Planar cell polarity (PCP)‐signaling and associated tissue polarization are evolutionarily conserved. A well documented feature of PCP‐signaling in vertebrates is its link to centriole/cilia positioning, although the relationship of PCP and ciliogenesis is still debated. A recent report in Drosophila established that Frizzled (Fz)‐PCP core signaling has an instructive input to polarized centriole positioning in non‐ciliated Drosophila wing epithelia as a PCP read‐out. Here, we review the impact of this observation in the context of recent descriptions of the relationship(s) of (...)
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    Health empowerment scripts: Simplifying social/green prescriptions.Justin T. Lawson, Ross Wissing, Claire Henderson-Wilson, Tristan Snell, Timothy P. Chambers, Dominic G. McNeil & Sonia Nuttman - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Social prescriptions are one term commonly used to describe non-pharmaceutical approaches to healthcare and are gaining popularity in the community, with evidence highlighting psychological benefits of reduced anxiety, depression and improved mood and physiological benefits of reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and reduced hypertension. The relationship between human health benefits and planetary health benefits is also noted. There are, however, numerous barriers, such as duration and frequencies to participate in activities, access, suitability, volition and a range of unpredictable variables impeding (...)
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  10.  24
    Why 4 years when 3 will do? Enhanced knowledge for rural nursing practice.Amanda Kenny, Leah Carter, Sonia Martin & Sari Williams - 2004 - Nursing Inquiry 11 (2):108-116.
    In Australia, debates over the appropriate length of undergraduate nursing programs have a long history. Submissions from both universities and industry to key government reports have consistently argued that the current minimum entry level of practice, a three‐year program, is too short to enable students to gain the knowledge and skills necessary for the contemporary nursing role. Despite these submissions, the established entry level for nursing practice in Australia remains a three‐year undergraduate bachelor degree. However, there is a small group (...)
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  11.  12
    Impact of an anti-smoking educational strategy on Medical Sciences Dormitory in Camaguey.Varona Delmonte Mayelín, Pernas Álvarez Isis Angélica, Socarrás Sánchez Sonia & Duret Guzmán Yunier - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (1):143-170.
    Se diseñó una estrategia educativa antitabáquica en la Residencia Estudiantil de Ciencias Médicas en Camagüey que fue valorada por criterio de especialistas y actualmente se encuentra en fase de implementación. En el artículo se evalúa su impacto. La misma se caracteriza por ser sistémica, dinámica, flexible, factible, participativa y dinamizadora de la esfera afectiva. Se ha empleado en la impartición de posgrado, capacitaciones a profesores guías e instructoras educativas; ha contribuido a incrementar los conocimientos en el orden teórico, metodológico, educativo (...)
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  12. Correntes Fundamentais da Ética Contemporânea. Araújo de Oliveira, Manfredo A. (ed.).Sergio Cremaschi, Manfredo A. Araújo de Oliveira, Helder Buenos Aires de Carvalho, Zeljko Loparic, Pergentino S. Pivatto, Maria Cecilia Maringoni de Carvalho, Terence Kennedy, Sonia T. Felipe, F. Javier Herrero, Oswaldo Junior Giacoia & Oswaldo Cirne-Lima - 2000 - Petropolis: Editora Vozes.
    Escritos por onze renomados filósofos os ensaios pretendem, de forma acessível e didática, explicitar as principais tendências e perspectivas da reflexão ética contemporânea. Indicado a estudantes e docentes de filosofia ética, teologia, sociologia e interessados em geral. -/- Prefàcio 1.Tendencias neoaristotelicas na etica atual - Sergio Cremaschi 2. Alasdair MacIntyre e o retorno as tradicoes morais de pesquisa racional - Helder Buenos Aires de Carvalho 3. Etica da finitude - Zeljko Loparic 4. Por uma etica ilustrada e progressista: uma defesa (...)
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  13.  47
    Model Coupling in Resource Economics: Conditions for Effective Interdisciplinary Collaboration.MacLeod Miles & Michiru Nagatsu - 2016 - Philosophy of Science 83 (3):412-433.
    In this article we argue for the importance of studying interdisciplinary collaborations by focusing on the role that good choice and design of model-building frameworks and strategies can play overcoming the inherent difficulties of collaborative research. We provide an empirical study of particular collaborations between economists and ecologists in resource economics. We discuss various features of how models are put together for interdisciplinary collaboration in these cases and show how the use of a coupled-model framework in this case to coordinate (...)
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  14.  37
    Plagiarism Allegations Account for Most Retractions in Major Latin American/caribbean Databases.Sonia Vasconcelos, Aldo Fontes-Pereira, Fernanda Catelani, Karina Albuquerque Rocha & Renan Almeida - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (5):1447-1456.
    This study focuses on retraction notices from two major Latin American/caribbean indexing databases: SciELO and LILACS. SciELO includes open scientific journals published mostly in Latin America/the Caribbean, from which 10 % are also indexed by Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge Journal of Citation Reports. LILACS has a similar geographical coverage and includes dissertations and conference/symposia proceedings, but it is limited to publications in the health sciences. A search for retraction notices was performed in these two databases using the keywords “retracted”, (...)
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  15.  68
    Modeling systems-level dynamics: Understanding without mechanistic explanation in integrative systems biology.Miles MacLeod & Nancy J. Nersessian - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 49:1-11.
  16.  65
    What does interdisciplinarity look like in practice: Mapping interdisciplinarity and its limits in the environmental sciences.Miles MacLeod & Michiru Nagatsu - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 67:74-84.
    In this paper we take a close look at current interdisciplinary modeling practices in the environmental sciences, and suggest that closer attention needs to be paid to the nature of scientific practices when investigating and planning interdisciplinarity. While interdisciplinarity is often portrayed as a medium of novel and transformative methodological work, current modeling strategies in the environmental sciences are conservative, avoiding methodological conflict, while confining interdisciplinary interactions to a relatively small set of pre-existing modeling frameworks and strategies (a process we (...)
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  17.  96
    Investigating Interdisciplinary Practice: Methodological Challenges (Introduction).Miles MacLeod, Martina Merz, Uskali Mäki & Michiru Nagatsu - 2019 - Perspectives on Science 27 (4):545-552.
    Interdisciplinarity is one of the most prominent ideas driving science and research policy today.1 It is applied widely as a conception of what particularly creative and socially relevant research processes should consist of, whether in the natural sciences, the social sciences, the humanities, or elsewhere. Its advocates, many of whom are located in current science and research administration themselves, are using ideas of interdisciplinarity to reshape university organization and research funding. For the last 40 years, researchers studying interdisciplinarity have built (...)
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  18.  46
    An Interview with Sonia Johnson.Karen S. Langlois & Sonia Johnson - 1982 - Feminist Studies 8 (1):6.
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    L’olivier, identité et rempart d’Athènes : un épisème de la cité?Sonia Darthou - 2019 - Kernos 32:49-79.
    Dans le mythe de fondation d’Athènes, lors de sa querelle avec le dieu Poséidon pour remporter le titre de Poliade, Athéna fait croître un olivier sur le sol rocailleux de l’Acropole tandis que Poséidon fait surgir une mer. Cet olivier qui assure la victoire ne saurait se réduire à une preuve de la puissance protectrice de la déesse. Signe d’Athéna, signe de la cité, signe d’un Athénien, il est étroitement associé à l’identité citoyenne comme à l’identité politique. Mais l’olivier apparaît (...)
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  20. Manuscript Submission.Roy MacLeod - 2002 - Minerva 40:107-113.
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  21.  54
    Realism in International Relations.Alistair M. Macleod - 1998 - Social Philosophy Today 14:185-197.
  22.  23
    Eugenics and deaf-mutism.Macleod Yearsley - 1911 - The Eugenics Review 2 (4):299.
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  23. Simone de Beauvoir and the Politics of Ambiguity.Sonia Kruks - 2012 - , US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Simone de Beauvoir and the Politics of Ambiguity is the first full-length study of Beauvoir's political thinking. Best known as the author of The Second Sex, Beauvoir also wrote an array of other political and philosophical texts that together, constitute an original contribution to political theory and philosophy. Sonia Kruks here locates Beauvoir in her own intellectual and political context and demonstrates her continuing significance. Beauvoir still speaks, in a unique voice, to many pressing questions concerning politics: the values (...)
  24.  33
    How does the interaction between spelling and motor processes build up during writing acquisition?Sonia Kandel & Cyril Perret - 2015 - Cognition 136 (C):325-336.
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  25.  75
    Modeling complexity: cognitive constraints and computational model-building in integrative systems biology.Miles MacLeod & Nancy J. Nersessian - 2018 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 40 (1):17.
    Modern integrative systems biology defines itself by the complexity of the problems it takes on through computational modeling and simulation. However in integrative systems biology computers do not solve problems alone. Problem solving depends as ever on human cognitive resources. Current philosophical accounts hint at their importance, but it remains to be understood what roles human cognition plays in computational modeling. In this paper we focus on practices through which modelers in systems biology use computational simulation and other tools to (...)
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  26.  39
    Parents’ Perceptions of Student Academic Motivation During the COVID-19 Lockdown: A Cross-Country Comparison.Sonia Zaccoletti, Ana Camacho, Nadine Correia, Cecília Aguiar, Lucia Mason, Rui A. Alves & João R. Daniel - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The COVID-19 outbreak has ravaged all societal domains, including education. Home confinement, school closures, and distance learning impacted students, teachers, and parents’ lives worldwide. In this study, we aimed to examine the impact of COVID-19-related restrictions on Italian and Portuguese students’ academic motivation as well as investigate the possible buffering role of extracurricular activities. Following a retrospective pretest–posttest design, 567 parents reported on their children’s academic motivation and participation in extracurricular activities. We used a multi-group latent change score model to (...)
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  27.  63
    (1 other version)Justice, Educational Equality, and Sufficiency.Colin Macleod - 2010 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 40 (S1):151-175.
    Among the novel objects that attracted my attention during my stay in the United States, nothing struck me more forcibly than the general equality of condition among the people. (de Tocqueville 1990, 7)There are significant inequalities in the lives of America's children, including inequalities in the education that these children receive. These educational inequalities include not only disparities in funding per pupil but also in class size, teacher qualification, and resources such as books, labs, libraries, computers, and curriculum, as well (...)
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  28. Must conceptually informed perceptual experience involve nonconceptual content?Sonia Sedivy - 1996 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 26 (3):413-31.
    The idea of nonconceptual contents proposes that there are mental contents at the level of the experiencing person that are individuated independently of ‘anything to do with the mind.’ Such contents are posited to meet a variety of theoretical and explanatory needs concerning concepts and conceptual mental contents which are individuated in terms having to do with the mind. So to examine the idea of nonconceptual content we need to examine whether we really need to posit such content and whether (...)
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  29.  9
    Lucian Opera Tomus I: Books I-Xxv.M. D. Macleod (ed.) - 1972 - Oxford University Press UK.
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    European Portuguese-Learning Infants Look Longer at Iambic Stress: New Data on Language Specificity in Early Stress Perception.Sónia Frota, Joseph Butler, Ertugrul Uysal, Cátia Severino & Marina Vigário - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  31. Combat science: OSRD's postscript in the Pacific.Roy Macleod - 2000 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 207:13-26.
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    The emancipatory potential of nursing practice in relation to sexuality: a systematic literature review of nursing research 2009–2014.Catriona Macleod & Mercy Nhamo-Murire - 2016 - Nursing Inquiry 23 (3):253-266.
    Nurses play a key role in the provision of services in relation to sexuality in both primary and sexual and reproductive health‐care. Given the intersection of sexualities with a range of social injustices, this study reviews research on nursing practice concerning sexuality from an emancipatory/social justice perspective. A systematic review of English articles published in nursing journals appearing on the Web of Science database from 2009 to 2014 was conducted. Thirty‐eight articles met the inclusion criteria. Analysis consisted of a descriptive (...)
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    Brazilian Feminisms: Central and Peripheral Issues.Sônia Weidner Maluf - 2011 - Feminist Review 98 (1_suppl):e36-e51.
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    (1 other version)Pragmatic Language Disorder in Parkinson’s Disease and the Potential Effect of Cognitive Reserve.Sonia Montemurro, Sara Mondini, Matteo Signorini, Anna Marchetto, Valentina Bambini & Giorgio Arcara - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  35.  39
    A presença da Morte e da Vida em 'Morte e vida Severina': Algumas considerações teológicas.Sonia Maria Dornellas Morelli & Ivanil Pereira da Silva - 2015 - Revista de Teologia 9 (15):119-133.
    Após conhecer um pouco a Tanatologia e a Escatologia, surgiu a ideia de analisar a obra “Morte e vida Severina”, de João Cabral de Melo Neto, e os diferentes aspectos da morte e da vida. Estudiosos que escreveram sobre a situação humana e a contingência da morte foram consultados para um embasamento teórico consistente. O Catecismo da Igreja Católica e a Bíblia Sagrada foram usados também. Após introdução, o artigo apresenta a análise do poema detalhando os diferentes meandros em que (...)
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  36. Políticas, variaciones y distribuciones.Sonia Torres Ornelas - 2019 - In Pablo Lazo Briones & Carlos Béjar, Gilles Deleuze: las políticas minoritarias en resistencia. Ciudad de México: Universidad Iberoamericana.
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    Studies in concept attainment: III. Effect of instructions at two levels of intelligence.Sonia F. Osler & Sandra Raynes Weiss - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (6):528.
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    The Lost Language of Symbolism; An Inquiry into the Origin of Certain Letters, Words, Names, Fairy-Tales, Folklore, and MythologiesHarold Bayley.Sonia Wohl - 1952 - Isis 43 (3):301-302.
  39.  27
    The Mapmaker's Art: Essays on the History of MapsEdward William O'Flaherty Lynam.Sonia Wohl - 1954 - Isis 45 (1):102-103.
  40.  40
    Situation and human existence: freedom, subjectivity, and society.Sonia Kruks - 1990 - Boston: Unwin Hyman.
    This series presents issues which are central to 20th-century European thought, but unfamiliar to students of Anglo-American philosophy. In this book the author traces the development of the concept of situation through the work of Gabriel Marcel, Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir and Merleau-Ponty.
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    Symbolic number: the integration of magnitude and spatial representations in children aged 6 to 8 years.Sonia White - 2011 - Frontiers in Psychology 2.
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    Reluctant Entrepreneurs: Patents and State Patronage in New Technosciences, circa 1870–1930.Christine Macleod - 2012 - Isis 103 (2):328-339.
    At a time when neoliberalism and financial austerity are together encouraging academic scientists to seek market alternatives to state funding, this essay investigates why, a century ago, their predecessors explicitly rejected private enterprise and the private ownership of ideas and inventions available to them through the patent system. The early twentieth century witnessed the success of a long campaign by British scientists to persuade the state to assume responsibility for the funding of basic research : their findings would enter the (...)
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  43.  23
    Job autonomy and work-life conflict: A conceptual analysis of teachers’ wellbeing during COVID-19 pandemic.Sonia Khawand & Pouya Zargar - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    With the shift toward online environments due to COVID-19 pandemic, particularly for educational sector, employees’ performance has been affected by an array of different factors. Personal aspects as well as organizational focus on individuals’ wellbeing are the main focus of this study through inclusion of job autonomy and work-life conflict alongside other factors, such as informational support that can aid academic staff regarding their wellbeing during times of crisis. In response to the effects of COVID-19 on employees, this study aims (...)
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  44. Folk beliefs about genetic variation predict avoidance of biracial individuals.Sonia K. Kang, Jason E. Plaks & Jessica D. Remedios - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Remarks on the modal logic of Henry Bradford Smith.Mary C. MacLeod & Peter K. Schotch - 2000 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 29 (6):603-615.
    H. B. Smith, Professor of Philosophy at the influential 'Pennsylvania School' was (roughly) a contemporary of C. I. Lewis who was similarly interested in a proper account of 'implication'. His research also led him into the study of modal logic but in a different direction than Lewis was led. His account of modal logic does not lend itself as readily as Lewis' to the received 'possible worlds' semantics, so that the Smith approach was a casualty rather than a beneficiary of (...)
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  46.  53
    Aesthetic meaning.Sonia Greger - 1972 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 6 (2):137–163.
    Sonia Greger; Aesthetic Meaning, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 6, Issue 2, 30 May 2006, Pages 137–163,
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    Herder on Humanity and Cultural Difference: Enlightened Relativism.Sonia Sikka - 2011 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Herder is often criticized for having embraced cultural relativism, but there has been little philosophical discussion of what he actually wrote about the nature of the human species and its differentiation through culture. This book focuses on Herder's idea of culture, seeking to situate his social and political theses within the context of his anthropology, metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, theory of language and philosophy of history. It argues for a view of Herder as a qualified relativist, who combined the conception of (...)
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  48.  83
    Bridging the explanatory gaps: What can we learn from a biological agency perspective?Sonia E. Sultan, Armin P. Moczek & Denis Walsh - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (1):2100185.
    We begin this article by delineating the explanatory gaps left by prevailing gene‐focused approaches in our understanding of phenotype determination, inheritance, and the origin of novel traits. We aim not to diminish the value of these approaches but to highlight where their implementation, despite best efforts, has encountered persistent limitations. We then discuss how each of these explanatory gaps can be addressed by expanding research foci to take into accountbiological agency—the capacity of living systems at various levels to participate in (...)
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  49.  14
    Perspectives on the Emergence of Scientific Disciplines.Gerard Lemaine, Roy Macleod, Michael Mulkay & Peter Weingart (eds.) - 1976 - De Gruyter.
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    Conceptions of Parental Autonomy.Colin M. Macleod - 1997 - Politics and Society 25 (1):117-140.
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