Results for 'Sofie Geurts'

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  1.  41
    Accelerated forgetting? An evaluation on the use of long-term forgetting rates in patients with memory problems.Sofie Geurts, Sieberen P. van der Werf & Roy P. C. Kessels - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Subjective Memory Ability and Long-Term Forgetting in Patients Referred for Neuropsychological Assessment.Sieberen P. van der Werf, Sofie Geurts & Maartje M. E. de Werd - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Presuppositions and pronouns.Bart Geurts - 1999 - New York: Elsevier.
    In this volume, Geurts takes discourse representation theory (DRT), and turns it into a unified account of anaphora and presupposition, which he applies not only to the standard problem cases but also to the interpretation of modal expressions, attitude reports, and proper names. The resulting theory, for all its simplicity, is without doubt the most comprehensive of its kind to date. The central idea underlying Geurts' 'binding theory' of presupposition is that anaphora is just a special case of (...)
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    Quantity implicatures.Bart Geurts - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Gricean pragmatics. Saying vs. implicating ; Discourse and cooperation ; Conversational implicatures ; Generalised vs. particularised ; Cancellability ; Gricean reasoning and the pragmatics of what is said -- The standard recipe for Q-implicatures. The standard recipe ; Inference to the best explanation ; Weak implicatures and competence ; Relevance ; Conclusion -- Scalar implicatures. Horn scales and the generative view ; Implicatures and downward entailing environments ; Disjunction : exclusivity and ignorance ; Conclusion -- Psychological plausibility. Charges of psychological (...)
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  5. Convention and common ground.Bart Geurts - 2018 - Mind and Language 33 (2):115-129.
    Conventions are regularities in social behaviour of the past that enable us to coordinate our actions. Some conventions are lawlike: they are expected to be observed always or nearly always. However, in order to coordinate our actions, it may suffice that a precedent has occurred often enough, and sometimes even a single precedent will do. So, in general, conventions merely enable us to solve our coordination problems; lawlike conventions are a special case. Grammatical conventions are often lawlike; sense conventions are (...)
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    Making Sense of Self Talk.Bart Geurts - 2018 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 9 (2):271-285.
    People talk not only to others but also to themselves. The self talk we engage in may be overt or covert, and is associated with a variety of higher mental functions, including reasoning, problem solving, planning and plan execution, attention, and motivation. When talking to herself, a speaker takes devices from her mother tongue, originally designed for interpersonal communication, and employs them to communicate with herself. But what could it even mean to communicate with oneself? To answer that question, we (...)
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  7.  87
    Pragmatics and Processing.Bart Geurts & Paula Rubio-Fernández - 2015 - Ratio 28 (4):446-469.
    Gricean pragmatics has often been criticised for being implausible from a psychological point of view. This line of criticism is never backed up by empirical evidence, but more importantly, it ignores the fact that Grice never meant to advance a processing theory, in the first place. Taking our lead from Marr, we distinguish between two levels of explanation: at the W-level, we are concerned with what agents do and why; at the H-level, we ask how agents do whatever it is (...)
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  8. Reasoning with quantifiers.Bart Geurts - 2003 - Cognition 86 (3):223--251.
    In the semantics of natural language, quantification may have received more attention than any other subject, and one of the main topics in psychological studies on deductive reasoning is syllogistic inference, which is just a restricted form of reasoning with quantifiers. But thus far the semantical and psychological enterprises have remained disconnected. This paper aims to show how our understanding of syllogistic reasoning may benefit from semantical research on quantification. I present a very simple logic that pivots on the monotonicity (...)
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  9. On an ambiguity in quantified conditionals.Bart Geurts - manuscript
    Conditional sentences with quantifying expressions are systematically ambigous. In one reading, the if -clause restricts the domain of the overt quantifier; in the other, the if -clause restricts the domain of a covert quantifier, which defaults to epistemic necessity. Although the ambiguity follows directly from the Lewis- Kratzer line on if, it is not generally acknowledged, which has led to pseudoproblems and spurious arguments.
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  10.  95
    Entertaining alternatives: Disjunctions as modals.Bart Geurts - 2005 - Natural Language Semantics 13 (4):383-410.
  11.  51
    When “All the Five Circles” are Four: New Exercises in Domain Restriction.Bart Geurts & Bob van Tiel - 2016 - Topoi 35 (1):109-122.
    The domain of a quantifier is determined by a variety of factors, which broadly speaking fall into two types. On the one hand, the context of utterance plays a role: if the focus of attention is on a particular collection of kangaroos, for example, then “Q kangaroos” is likely to range over the individuals in that set. On the other hand, the utterance itself will help to establish the quantificational domain, inter alia through presuppositions triggered within the sentence. In this (...)
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  12. Presuppositions and anaphors in attitude contexts.Bart Geurts - 1998 - Linguistics and Philosophy 21 (6):545-601.
    This paper consists of two main parts and a coda. In the first part I present the ''binding theory'' of presupposition projection, which is the framework that I adopt in this paper (Section 1.1). I outline the main problems that arise in the interplay between presuppositions and anaphors on the one hand and attitude reports on the other (Section 1.2), and discuss Heim''s theory of presuppositions in attitude contexts (Section 1.3).In the second part of the paper I present my own (...)
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  13.  61
    Material Encounters: A Phenomenological Account of Social Interaction in Autism.Sofie Boldsen - 2022 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 29 (3):191-208.
    Abstract:Since the birth of autism as a psychiatric category, autistic individuals have been described as preoccupied with the world of objects and detached from the world of subjects, thus marking a distinction between the “social” and the “non-social” still prevalent in autism research and diagnostic criteria. The aim of this article is to question this distinction by examining the role of things in autistic forms of social interaction. Drawing on qualitative data from an ongoing qualitative and phenomenological study on social (...)
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  14.  77
    Discourse representation theory.Bart Geurts - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  15.  98
    Donkey business.Bart Geurts - 2002 - Linguistics and Philosophy 25 (2):129-156.
    In this paper I present experimental data showing that the interpretation of donkey sentences is influenced by certain aspects of world knowledge that seem to elude introspective observation, which I try to explain by reference to a scale ranging from prototypical individuals (like children) to quite marginal ones (such as railway lines). This ontological cline interacts with the semantics of donkey sentences: as suggested already by the anecdotal data on which much of the literature is based, the effect of world (...)
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    “Knowing Me, Knowing You” the Importance of Networking for Freelancers’ Careers: Examining the Mediating Role of Need for Relatedness Fulfillment and Employability-Enhancing Competencies.Sofie Jacobs, Ans De Vos, David Stuer & Beatrice I. J. M. Van der Heijden - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Research has shown the importance of engaging in networking behaviors for employees’ career success. Networking behaviors can be seen as a proactive way of creating access to career-related social resources and we argue that this type of proactive career behaviors might be particularly relevant for freelancers who cannot depend on an organizational career system supporting their further development, yet whose careers are characterized by high levels of uncertainty and unpredictability. To date, however, our understanding of how freelancers, being a category (...)
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  17. Scalar implicature and local pragmatics.Bart Geurts - 2009 - Mind and Language 24 (1):51-79.
    Abstract: The Gricean theory of conversational implicature has always been plagued by data suggesting that what would seem to be conversational inferences may occur within the scope of operators like believe , for example; which for bona fide implicatures should be an impossibility. Concentrating my attention on scalar implicatures, I argue that, for the most part, such observations can be accounted for within a Gricean framework, and without resorting to local pragmatic inferences of any kin d. However, there remains a (...)
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    The Postal Service and the Hour as a Unit of Time in Antiquity.Sofie Remijsen - 2007 - História 56 (2):127-140.
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    Ecowomanism at the Panamá Canal: black women, labor, and environmental ethics.Sofía Betancourt - 2022 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    In Ecowomanism at the Panamá Canal: Black Women, Labor, and Environmental Ethics, Sofía Betancourt constructs environmental ethics at the intersection of the global North and global South. Betancourt explores transnational environmental justice through the lived experience of women from the African Diaspora who migrated to Panamá to work on the Canal.
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    Autism and the Sensory Disruption of Social Experience.Sofie Boldsen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:874268.
    Autism research has recently witnessed an embodied turn. In response to the cognitivist approaches dominating the field, phenomenological scholars have suggested a reconceptualization of autism as a disorder of embodied intersubjectivity. Part of this interest in autistic embodiment concerns the role of sensory differences, which have recently been added to the diagnostic criteria of autism. While research suggests that sensory differences are implicated in a wide array of autistic social difficulties, it has not yet been explored how sensory and social (...)
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  21.  36
    The power of a smile: Stronger working memory effects for happy faces in adolescents compared to adults.Sofie Cromheeke & Sven C. Mueller - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (2):288-301.
  22.  83
    On Hans, Zou and the others: wonder animals and the question of animal intelligence in early twentieth-century France.Sofie Lachapelle & Jenna Healey - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 41 (1):12-20.
    During the second half of the nineteenth century, the advent of widespread pet ownership was accompanied by claims of heightened animal abilities. Psychical researchers investigated many of these claims, including animal telepathy and ghostly apparitions. By the beginning of the twentieth century, news of horses and dogs with the ability to read and calculate fascinated the French public and scientists alike. Amidst questions about the justification of animal cruelty in laboratory experiments, wonder animals came to represent some extraordinary possibilities associated (...)
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  23. Quotation in Context.Bart Geurts & Emar Maier - 2005 - In Philippe de Brabanter, Hybrid Quotations. John Benjamins. pp. 109-28.
    It appears that in mixed quotations like the following, the quoted expression is used and mentioned at the same time: (1) George says Tony is his ``bestest friend''. Most theories seek to account for this observation by assuming that mixed quotations operate at two levels of content at once. In contradistinction to such two-dimensional theories, we propose that quotation involves just a single level of content. Quotation always produces a change in meaning of the quoted expression, and if the quotation (...)
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  24. Good news about the description theory of names.Bart Geurts - 1997 - Journal of Semantics 14 (4):319-348.
    This is an attempt at reviving Kneale's version of the description theory of names, which says that a proper name is synonymous with a definite description of the form ‘the individual named so-and-so’. To begin with, I adduce a wide range of observations to show that names and overt definites are alike in all relevant respects. I then turn to Kripke's main objection against Kneale's proposal, and endeavour to refute it. In the remainder of the paper I elaborate on Kneale's (...)
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  25.  48
    Psychophysical thresholds of face visibility during infancy.Sofie V. Gelskov & Sid Kouider - 2010 - Cognition 114 (2):285-292.
  26.  46
    Alternatives in Framing and Decision Making.Bart Geurts - 2013 - Mind and Language 28 (1):1-19.
    There is a wealth of experimental data showing that the way a problem is framed may have an effect on people's choices and decisions. Based on a semantic analysis of evaluative expressions like ‘good’, I propose a new explanation of such framing effects. The key idea is that our choices and decisions reveal a counterfactual systematicity: they carry information about the choices and decisions we would have made if the facts had been otherwise. It is these counterfactual alternatives that may (...)
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  27.  18
    The struggle for recognition: lost before it was fought.Sofie Avery - 2022 - Philosophica 93 (1).
    This paper takes as point of departure the centrality of recognition in the contemporary political landscape. More specifically, it focuses on those struggles for recognition known as identity politics. We depart from the hypothesis that modern theories of recognition, more specifically those advanced by Axel Honneth and Nancy Fraser, cannot adequately accommodate the demand for the recognition of difference. Our contribution with this article is to argue that, in a discussion of struggles for recognition, the distinction between affirmative and transformative (...)
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    Internal Realism, Truth and Charity.J. Van Brakel J. Geurts - 1988 - Dialectica 42 (1):37-44.
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    Ongelijkheden in niet-geïnstitutionaliseerde vormen van politieke participatie.Sofie Marien, Marc Hooghe & Ellen Quintelier - 2010 - Res Publica 52 (2):266-268.
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  30. Orozco en San Ildefonso : transgresiones artísticas.Sofía Anaya Wittman - 2013 - In Agustín Vaca & Louis Cardaillac, De transgresiones y transgresores: historia y cultura. Zapopan, Jalisco: El Colegio de Jalisco.
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    Social Interaction Style in Autism: An Inquiry into Phenomenological Methodology.Sofie Boldsen - 2021 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 52 (2):157-192.
    Autistic difficulties with social interaction have primarily been understood as expressions of underlying impairment of the ability to ‘mindread.’ Although this understanding of autism and social interaction has raised controversy in the phenomenological community for decades, the phenomenological criticism remains largely on a philosophical level. This article helps fill this gap by discussing how phenomenology can contribute to empirical methodologies for studying social interaction in autism. By drawing on the phenomenology of Maurice Merleau-Ponty and qualitative data from an ongoing study (...)
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  32. Layered DRT.Bart Geurts & Emar Maier - manuscript
    The information conveyed by any utterance is a motley ensemble. Utterances carry content about the world as it is according to the speaker, but also about speakers’ attitudes, the way they speak, what has been said before, and so on. There are many kinds of information that are conveyed by way of language, and differences in kind correlate with differences in status. Presupposed information exhibits a distinctive projection behaviour; conversational implicatures are cancellable in a way that asserted information is not; (...)
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    Developing the CARE intervention to enhance ethical self-efficacy in dementia care through the use of literary texts.Sofie Smedegaard Skov, Marie-Elisabeth Phil, Peter Simonsen, Anna Paldam Folker, Frederik Schou-Juul & Sigurd Lauridsen - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-11.
    BackgroundDementia care is essential to promote the well-being of patients but remains a difficult task prone to ethical issues. These issues include questions like whether manipulating a person with dementia is ethically permissible if it promotes her best interest or how to engage with a person who is unwilling to recognize that she has dementia. To help people living with dementia and their carers manage ethical issues in dementia care, we developed the CARE intervention. This is an intervention focused on (...)
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  34. Joint attention and perceptual experience.Lucas Battich & Bart Geurts - 2021 - Synthese 198 (9):8809-8822.
    Joint attention customarily refers to the coordinated focus of attention between two or more individuals on a common object or event, where it is mutually “open” to all attenders that they are so engaged. We identify two broad approaches to analyse joint attention, one in terms of cognitive notions like common knowledge and common awareness, and one according to which joint attention is fundamentally a primitive phenomenon of sensory experience. John Campbell’s relational theory is a prominent representative of the latter (...)
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    Clearing the air: A systematic review of mass media campaigns to increase indoor radon testing and remediation.Sofie Apers, Heidi Vandebosch & Tanja Perko - 2024 - Communications 49 (1):144-165.
    Indoor radon is a natural radioactive gas that enters homes through cracks in the foundations. It is one of the leading causes of lung cancer. Although radon can be detected with an indoor radon test and can be mitigated by means of either ventilation or professional measures, testing and mitigating rates of the at-risk population remain insufficient. The objective of this study is to systematically review the current level of evidence regarding the design and effectiveness of mass media campaigns to (...)
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    Domineren Brussel en Den Haag ook de Dorpsstraat?Sofie Hennau, Ramon van der Does & Johan Ackaert - 2017 - Res Publica 59 (3):329-356.
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    Science on stage: amusing physics and scientific wonder at the nineteenth-century french theatre.Sofie Lachapelle - 2009 - History of Science 47 (3):297-315.
  38.  41
    Monotonicity and Processing Load.Bart Geurts & Frans van der Slik - 2005 - Journal of Semantics 22 (1):97-117.
  39.  54
    Kant's Tribunal of Reason: Legal Metaphor and Normativity in the Critique of Pure Reason.Sofie Møller - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, his main work of theoretical philosophy, frequently uses metaphors from law. In this first book-length study in English of Kant's legal metaphors and their role in the first Critique, Sofie Møller shows that they are central to Kant's account of reason. Through an analysis of the legal metaphors in their entirety, she demonstrates that Kant conceives of reason as having a structure mirroring that of a legal system in a natural right framework. Her study (...)
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    What, Exactly, Does the Madperson Lack?Sofie Jeppsson - 2023 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 30 (4):313-315.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:What, Exactly, Does the Madperson Lack?Sofie Jeppsson, PhD (bio)Justin garson has already received well-earned recognition for his Madness: A philosophical exploration (2022), in which he distinguishes the view of madness as a dysfunction from madness as a strategy—a distinction that cuts across traditional distinctions between, for example, biological/neurological and psychological/social views. On the dysfunction view, going mad might be comparable to something like having an asthma attack or, (...)
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    Presupposition and Givenness.Bart Geurts - 2016 - In Yan Huang, The Oxford Handbook of Pragmatics. Oxford University Press UK.
    Presuppositions are items of information triggered by certain words and constructions that exhibit ‘projection behaviour’, which is to say that, except in special cases, they will escape from any level of embedding. Presupposed information is given, or at least presented as such, and there are two main theories of what it means for presuppositions to be given. On one account, a presupposition must be entailed in the local context in which it is triggered; on the other, presuppositions require that certain (...)
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  42.  18
    How Do Health Professionals Maintain Compassion Over Time? Insights From a Study of Compassion in Health.Sofie I. Baguley, Vinayak Dev, Antonio T. Fernando & Nathan S. Consedine - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:564554.
    Although compassion in healthcare differs in important ways from compassion in everyday life, it provides a key, applied microcosm in which the science of compassion can be applied. Compassion is among the most important virtues in medicine, expected from medical professionals and anticipated by patients. Yet, despite evidence of its centrality to effective clinical care, research has focused on compassion fatigue or barriers to compassion and neglected to study the fact that most healthcare professionals maintain compassion for their patients. In (...)
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    A proxy for privacy uncovering the surveillance ecology of mobile apps.Sofie Flensburg & Signe Sophus Lai - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    The article develops a methodological and empirical approach for gauging the ways Big Data can be collected and distributed through mobile apps. This approach focuses on the infrastructural components that condition the disclosure of smartphone users’ data – namely the permissions that apps request and the third-party corporations they work with. We explore the surveillance ecology of mobile apps and thereby the privacy implications of everyday smartphone use through three analytical perspectives: The first focuses on the ‘appscapes’ of individual smartphone (...)
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  44.  35
    Educating Idiots: Utopian Ideals and Practical Organization Regarding Idiocy inside Nineteenth-Century French Asylums.Sofie Lachapelle - 2007 - Science in Context 20 (4):627-648.
    ArgumentThroughout the nineteenth century, French alienists reflected on the nature of idiocy, on its causes and possible treatments. Central to this reflection was the question of education. Was it possible to teach a child idiot to develop physically, intellectually, and morally? Schools were established, wards were rearranged, and educational methods were suggested. The extent to which all of this succeeded is hard to assess. The optimistic tone of educational treatises was never reflected in the life in the asylum. By the (...)
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    The Survival of 19th-Century Scientific Optimism: The Public Discourse on Science in Belgium in the Aftermath of the Great War.Sofie Onghena - 2011 - Centaurus 53 (4):280-305.
    In historiography there is a tendency to see the Great War as marking the end of scientific optimism and the period that followed the war as a time of discord. Connecting to current (inter)national historiographical debate on the question of whether the First World War meant a disruption from the pre-war period or not, this article strives to prove that faith in scientific progress still prevailed in the 1920s. This is shown through the use of Belgium as a case study, (...)
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    Træk af den moderne opdragelses historie.Sofie Rifbjerg - 1966 - København,: Gyldendal.
  47. Pensar la inclusión y la interculturalidad de cara a la educación / Caso Escuela Waorani.Sofía Alexandra Yépez Rosero, Geomar Dinora, Hidalgo Mantilla & Shadira Procel Guerra - 2018 - In Higuera Aguirre, Edison Francisco, Fernando Palacios Mateos, Erazo Ortega & María Patricia, Pensar, vivir y hacer la educación: visiones compartidas. Quito: Centro de Publicaciones Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador.
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    From the Academy to the Boardroom: Methodological Challenges and Insights on Transnational Business Feminism.Sofie Tornhill, Catia Gregoratti & Katherine Allison - 2019 - Feminist Review 121 (1):53-65.
    Increasingly, corporations are championing the cause of gender equality and women’s empowerment in the Global South. Tapping into notions about women’s role as caregivers, empowerment promotion is simultaneously meant to lead to family and community development, profitability for those who invest in women and girls and economic growth. While emerging feminist scholarship on this kind of ‘transnational business feminism’ (TBF) (Roberts, 2012, 2015) has largely scrutinised gender governance based on visual and textual materials produced by corporations themselves, this article expands (...)
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  49. Transitioning Texts and Genre Reassignment: Trans Poetics as Trans Philosophy.Sofie Vlaad - 2024 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 14 (1):31-49.
    This paper explores trans poetics as a way of doing trans philosophy. I begin by giving an overview of the current state of trans philosophy. I then give examples of other literatures wherein poetics is taken to be philosophically robust. After giving a brief history of trans poetics, I turn to the poetics statements and poetry of three trans poets—D'Lo, Ching-In Chen, and micha cárdenas—featured in the 2013 anthology Troubling the Line. I show how poetry is often uniquely able to (...)
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    First saying, then believing: The pragmatic roots of folk psychology.Bart Geurts - 2021 - Mind and Language 36 (4):515-532.
    Linguistic research has revealed several pathways of language change that may guide our understanding of the evolution of mental‐state attribution. In particular, it turns out that, in many languages, quotative verbs have been exapted for attributing a variety of mental states, including beliefs and intentions. In such languages, the literal translation of, “Betty said: ‘There will be war’”, may be used not only to quote Betty's words, but also to convey that she thought or intended there to be war. This (...)
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