Results for 'Sīmā Rānī'

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    Wo shi Sima Nan.Nan Sima - 2002 - Beijing: Zhongguo shi dai jing ji chu ban she.
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    Causation in Science and the Methods of Scientific Discovery.Rani Lill Anjum & Stephen Mumford - 2018 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Causation is the main foundation upon which the possibility of science rests. Without causation, there would be no scientific understanding, explanation, prediction, nor application in new technologies. How we discover causal connections is no easy matter, however. Causation often lies hiddenfrom view and it is vital that we adopt the right methods for uncovering it. The choice of methods will inevitably reflect what one takes causation to be, making an accurate account of causation an even more pressing matter. This enquiry (...)
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    Art, Politics, and the Complexity of homo faber in Hannah Arendt’s Philosophy.Simas Čelutka - 2024 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 55 (3):273-287.
    The aim of this paper is to articulate and analyse the complexity of the concept of work in Hannah Arendt’s philosophy. Work is usually interpreted as antithetical to political action. This claim merits specification: only the instrumental, utilitarian strand of homo faber poses real danger to authentic politics. By contrast, the artistic or cultural mode of homo faber is not only compatible with Arendt’s understanding of politics, but in fact indispensable for any form of political longevity. Enduring political existence is (...)
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  4. Getting Causes From Powers.Stephen Mumford & Rani Lill Anjum - 2011 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. Edited by Rani Lill Anjum.
    Causation is everywhere in the world: it features in every science and technology. But how much do we understand it? Mumford and Anjum develop a new theory of causation based on an ontology of real powers or dispositions. They provide the first detailed outline of a thoroughly dispositional approach, and explore its surprising features.
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  5. En språklig verden. Noen tanker om språk og erkjennelse.Rani Lill Anjum - 2006 - In Sissel Redse Jørgensen & Rani Lill Anjum, Tegn som Språk. Gyldendal Akademisk.
    Språket vårt utgjør en stor del av vår identitet. Det er et redskap for kommunikasjon med andre mennesker, men også med oss selv. Vi uttrykker oss gjennom språket, og vi tenker ved hjelp av språket. Men hva er egentlig språk? Gjennom å ta for meg to vesensforskjellige tilnærminger til dette spørsmålet ønsker jeg å vise at det synet vi har på språk, har stor filosofiske betydning. Dette er fordi et språksyn nødvendigvis vil få konsekvenser for hvordan vi tenker om beslektede (...)
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  6. Li and Filipino behavioural propriety.Ranie Villaver - 2020 - International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies 16 (2):85-115.
    This paper takes behavioural propriety as the source of ritual or the ritualistic in indigenous philosophy in the Philippines. Filipino understanding of behavioural propriety is seen in what have been identified as elements or features of indigenous philosophy in the country. These features are stored in pre-hispanic era (pre-16th century CE) maxims or proverbs and myths. In this paper, I engage conception of behavioural propriety in Filipino philosophy with that in Confucian philosophy. In Confucian philosophy, it is “li” 禮 which (...)
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  7. Politika ir moralė: ontologinė perspektyva.Simas Čelutka, Alvydas Jokubaitis & Aistė Noreikaitė - 2022 - Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla.
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    Letter.Rani Drew - 1996 - Feminist Review 53 (1):130-130.
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  9. Law and Economics–HP612 & HP613.Josef Šíma - 1991 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 10 (1).
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    Člověk ve světě, nebo člověk proti světu? Jean-Paul Sartre, Karel Kosík a praktický materialismus.Jan Šíma - 2023 - Filosoficky Casopis 71 (1):61-78.
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    An appeal against the item's death sentence: Accounting for diagnostic data patterns with an item-based model of visual search.Rani Moran, Heinrich René Liesefeld, Marius Usher & Hermann J. Müller - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    (1 other version)Praxeology as Law & Economics.Josef Sima - 2004 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 18:73-90.
  13. Perestroïka sociale et perestroïka philosophique.R. Sima & V. Cernik - 1988 - Filozofia 43 (2):137-183.
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    As metamorfoses na filosofia de Gaston Bachelard.Cristiana Veiga Simão - 2011 - Lisboa, Portugal: Largo da Academia Nacional de Belas-Artes.
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    Afghan women: Recovering, rebuilding.Sima Wali - 2002 - Ethics and International Affairs 16 (2):15–19.
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  16. Enhancing Research on Academicians in Cambodian Higher Education: A Policy Perspective.Rany Sam, Morin Tieng, Hak Yoeng, Sarith Chiv, Mardy Serey & Sopheak Sam - manuscript
    Cambodia's higher education institutions (HEIs) face a number of challenges. Academics require increased access to resources and funding, as well as restrictions on academic freedom and significant language and cultural barriers. The purpose of this chapter is to identify and analyze the individual factors influencing academicians' research productivity in Cambodian higher education institutions, to examine and evaluate the impact of institutional factors on research productivity, to investigate and assess the external factors affecting research productivity, and to develop strategies to mitigate (...)
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    Die klassische Tradition der Qi-Übungen: Eine Darstellung anhand des Tang-zeitlichen Textes Fuqi jingyi lun von Sima ChengzhenDie klassische Tradition der Qi-Ubungen: Eine Darstellung anhand des Tang-zeitlichen Textes Fuqi jingyi lun von Sima Chengzhen.Livia Kohn & Sima Chengzhen - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (3):465.
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    Examining the impacts of artificial intelligence technology and computing on digital art: a case study of Edmond de Belamy and its aesthetic values and techniques.Sunanda Rani, Dong Jining, Dhaneshwar Shah, Siyanda Xaba & Khadija Shoukat - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-19.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the way that art is created and consumed, allowing artists to create unique, engaging works with high computing power that can supplement their creative process. This manuscript explores the creative process of using AI technology in digital art to create paintings and evaluates creativity based on the aesthetic value and components of works created by AI. This research seeks to understand how AI technology influences the art world through a practice-led methodology with a descriptive (...)
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  19. A structural model of parent and teacher influences on science attitudes of eighth graders: Evidence from NELS: 88.Rani George & David M. Kaplan - 1998 - Science Education 82 (1):93-109.
  20. Evidence based or person centered? An ontological debate.Rani Lill Anjum - 2016 - European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare 4 (2):421-429.
    Evidence based medicine (EBM) is under critical debate, and person centered healthcare (PCH) has been proposed as an improvement. But is PCH offered as a supplement or as a replacement of EBM? Prima facie PCH only concerns the practice of medicine, while the contended features of EBM also include methods and medical model. I here argue that there are good philosophical reasons to see PCH as a radical alternative to the existing medical paradigm of EBM, since the two seem committed (...)
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  21. A modal interpretation of the logic of interrogation.Rani Nelken & Chung-Chieh Shan - 2006 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 15 (3):251-271.
    We propose a novel interpretation of natural-language questions using a modal predicate logic of knowledge. Our approach brings standard model-theoretic and proof-theoretic techniques from modal logic to bear on questions. Using the former, we show that our interpretation preserves Groenendijk and Stokhof's answerhood relation, yet allows an extensional interpretation. Using the latter, we get a sound and complete proof procedure for the logic for free. Our approach is more expressive; for example, it easily treats complex questions with operators that scope (...)
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    The Ontological Grounding of Hannah Arendt’s Political Ethics.Simas Čelutka - 2023 - The European Legacy 28 (5):441-462.
    This paper examines Hannah Arendt’s account of the relationship between politics and morality. Many critics have argued that Arendt’s conception of political action lacks any moral foundations, while others have tried to focus on her understanding of thinking as a normative source of her ethics. In contrast to these views, I present an alternative explanation and argue that the sources of Arendt’s political ethics are located neither in the faculty of thinking nor in extrapolitical moral norms or rules, but in (...)
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    When Patient Voices Get Lost in Evidence Hierarchies: A Testimony of Rare Adverse Events and Participatory Epistemic Injustice in Drug Safety Monitoring.Rani Lill Anjum, Christine Price & Elena Rocca - 2025 - Social Epistemology 39 (2):187-201.
    We explore an unsolved challenge in the era of evidence-based medicine (EBM): the recognition of the patient as an epistemic agent or ‘knower’. While patients are increasingly acknowledged as carriers of values and preferences, it seems more challenging to acknowledge them as carriers of important causal information. In contrast, the science of pharmacovigilance depends on patient testimonies as valuable sources of causal evidence. This incompatibility can give rise to cases of what has been called participatory epistemic injustice. We analyse the (...)
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  24. (1 other version)Alternativt eller etablert? Hva er forskjellen?Rani Lill Anjum & Johan Arnt Myrstad - 2009 - Www.Nifab.No.
    Hva er vitenskap og hva anser vi som vitenskaplighet? Dette er spørsmål som kan være verdt å se nøyere på før vi aksepterer at det er et klart skille mellom den etablerte skolemedisinen og alt det vi kaller ”alternativ medisin” eller ”alternativ behandling”. For hva er det egentlig som gjør noe til etablert og noe annet til et alternativ? Er den etablerte medisin mer vitenskapelig enn den alternative, ved at den for eksempel benytter seg av mer vitenskapelige metoder? Er resultatene (...)
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  25. Advancements in plithogenics exploring new dimensions of soft sets.Sima Das, Monojit Manna & Subrata Modak - 2024 - In Florentin Smarandache, Leyva Vázquez & Maikel Yelandi, Plithogenics and new types of soft sets. Hershey PA: Engineering Science Reference.
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    The Dandy as Ironic Figure.Sima Godfrey - 1982 - Substance 11 (3):21.
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    Structure-related melting and boiling points of inorganic compounds.Jozef Šima - 2015 - Foundations of Chemistry 18 (1):67-79.
    The paper is aimed at rationalizing relationships between the structure of inorganic compounds in condensed phases and their melting and boiling points. It is documented that the main factor governing both points is their molecular or polymeric nature. In case of polymeric ionic compounds, the higher actual charge bearing by the ions involved, the higher their melting/boiling points. In case of covalent polymers, the value of both points increases with polymer dimensionality and with the number and energy of the respective (...)
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    Prague sextants of Tycho Brahe.Zdislav Šíma - 1993 - Annals of Science 50 (5):445-453.
    Two sextants constructed for Tycho Brahe are preserved in the National Technical Museum in Prague. One was constructed by Erasmus Habermel, the other by Jost Bürgi. Both were made in the year 1600. To overcome the observational errors, several improvements were made in the construction of these instruments, especially in the case of Bürgi's sextant. It would appear both from these instruments and from his tables of sines that Tycho wanted to reduce the errors to one minute of arc. A (...)
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  29. Iz nauke i filozofije.Sima Marković - 1924 - Beograd: Izdavačka knjižnica Gece Kona.
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  30. Fusion of Material, Social and Spiritual Values.A. Usha Rani - 2002 - In P. George Victor, Social relevance of philosophy: essays on applied philosophy. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld. pp. 3--173.
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    Stabilization of coherent precipitates in nanoscale thin films.Pooja Rani, Arun Kumar, B. Vishwanadh, Somnath Bhattacharyya, R. Tewari & Anandh Subramaniam - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (36):4130-4142.
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  32. Vijñāna-sārathiḥ =.Vijaya Rani (ed.) - 2006 - Delhi: Parimal Publications.
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    Weblogistan Goes to War: Representational Practices, Gendered Soldiers and Neoliberal Entrepreneurship in Diaspora.Sima Shakhsari - 2011 - Feminist Review 99 (1):6-24.
    In this article, which is based on twenty four months of combined online and off-line ethnographic research, I show the way that some Iranian diasporic bloggers use their weblogs as entrepreneurship resources during the ‘war on terror’. Through a discourse analysis of a documentary film about Weblogistan and interviews with diasporic Iranian bloggers in Toronto, I argue that Weblogistan is implicated in discourses of militarism and neoliberalism that interpellate the representable Iranian blogger as a gendered neoliberal homo oeconomicus. The production (...)
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    Bridging evidence and consensus methodology for inherited metabolic disorders: creating nutrition guidelines.Rani H. Singh, Fran Rohr & Patricia L. Splett - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (4):584-590.
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    Atėnai ar Roma? Naujas žvilgsnis į H. Arendt politinę filosofiją.Simas Čelutka - 2024 - Problemos 105:156-167.
    Hannah Arendt plačiai žinoma kaip filosofė, kuri mėgino reabilituoti senovės graikų politikos sampratą. Remiantis Žmogaus būklės skaitymu, Arendt paprastai laikoma „graikofile“, jai prikišama „Atėnų nostalgija“. Sunku paneigti Arendt simpatijas graikams – ji iš tiesų atsigręžė į atėniečių politikos supratimą, bandydama jame iškristalizuoti kertinius autentiškos politikos elementus. Vis dėlto ši interpretacija yra pernelyg vienpusiška. Didžiausius nuopelnus politikos suvokimo srityje Arendt priskiria ne graikams, o romėnams. Pastarieji žymiai geriau sprendė politikos stabilumo, tęstinumo ir tvarumo problemą. Visą dėmesį sutelkiant į veiksmą, spontaniškumą ir (...)
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    Dimensões de consciência possíveis na pesquisa e na escrita narrativa sobre si - uma perspectiva bakhtiniana.Vanessa França Simas, Guilherme do Val Toledo Prado & Jesús Domingo - 2018 - Bakhtiniana 13 (1):113-131.
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  37. A Laissez-Faire Fable of the Czech Republic.Josef Sima & Dan Stastny - 2000 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 14 (2):155-178.
  38. Adolescent and Young Adult Initiated Discussions of Advance Care Planning: Family Member, Friend and Health Care Provider Perspectives.Sima Z. Bedoya, Abigail Fry, Mallorie L. Gordon, Maureen E. Lyon, Jessica Thompkins, Karen Fasciano, Paige Malinowski, Corey Heath, Leonard Sender, Keri Zabokrtsky, Maryland Pao & Lori Wiener - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Background and AimsEnd-of-life discussions can be difficult for seriously ill adolescents and young adults. Researchers aimed to determine whether completing Voicing My CHOiCES —a research-informed advance care planning guide—increased communication with family, friends, or health care providers, and to evaluate the experience of those with whom VMC was shared.MethodsFamily, friends, or HCPs who the AYAs had shared their completed VMC with were administered structured interviews to assess their perception of the ACP discussion, changes in their relationship, conversation quality, and whether (...)
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  39. Splitting the reference time: The analogy between nominal and temporal anaphora revisited1.Nelken Rani & Francez Nissim - 1997 - Journal of Semantics 14 (4).
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    An algebraic topological method for multimodal brain networks comparisons.Tiago Simas, Mario Chavez, Pablo R. Rodriguez & Albert Diaz-Guilera - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  41. Powers and Potentiality; Stephen Mumford.Rani Lill Anjum - 2018 - In Kristina Engelhard & Michael Quante, Handbook of Potentiality. Dordrecht: Springer.
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    Paul Grice.Rani Lill Anjum - 2012 - In Joose Järvenkylä & Ilmari Kortelainen, Tavallisen kielen filosofia.
    Often we mean something else than what we have said explicitly. Consider the following scenario. I show up in a new flashy dress and ask my friend what she thinks of it. She always tries to help me improve my style and knows that I value her honest opinion. She looks at my dress and says: ‘Excellent fit, but have you gone colour blind?’. From what she says I do not take it that she is interested in whether I’ve got (...)
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  43. The logic of `if' — or how to philosophically eliminate conditional relations.Rani Lill Anjum - 2007 - Sorites 19:51-57.
    In this paper I present some of Robert N. McLaughlin's critique of a truth functional approach to conditionals as it appears in his book On the Logic of Ordinary Conditionals. Based on his criticism I argue that the basic principles of logic together amount to epistemological and metaphysical implications that can only be accepted from a logical atomist perspective. Attempts to account for conditional relations within this philosophical framework will necessarily fail. I thus argue that it is not truth functionality (...)
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    What Evidence? Whose Medicine? And On What Basis?Rani Lill Anjum - 2017 - The Philosophers' Magazine 77:35-40.
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    What tends to be the philosophy of dispositional modality.Rani Lill Anjum & Stephen Mumford - 2018 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Stephen Mumford.
    People tend to enjoy listening to music or watching television, sleeping at night and celebrating birthdays. What should we make of a world where things tend to be one way but could be another? This book explores these questions and is the first full-length treatment of the philosophy of tendencies.
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    Carlas Schmittas ir politinis romantizmas: naujas Lietuvos politinės filosofijos tyrinėjimų puslapis.Simas Čelutka - 2016 - Problemos 89:198.
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    Pramāṇa evaṃ prāmāṇya-vimarśa: Keśavamiśrakr̥ta Tarkabhāṣā ke viṣesha āloka meṃ.Vijaya Rani - 2006 - Dillī: Parimala Pablikeśansa.
    Study of logic with reference to Tarkabhāṣā of Keśavamiśra, 13th cent.
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  48. Saṃskr̥te Jaina-Bauddha-paramparā.Sudha Rani & Rāmagulāma Miśra (eds.) - 2001 - Patna: Saṃskr̥ta Vibhāgah̨, Paṭanā Viśvavidyālayaḥ.
    Contributed articles presented at National Seminar on "Jain and Buddhist Traditions in Sanskrit" organised by Department of Sanskrit, University of Patna, Patna on 16-17 April 2000.
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  49. Da dao yun xing lun: guan yu Zhongguo da dao zhe xue ji qi zui gao jing shen de yan jiu = On dadao in operation: a study of Chinese dadao philosophy and its supreme spirit.Yunjie Sima - 2003 - Xi'an Shi: Shanxi ren min chu ban she. Edited by Yunjie Sima.
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  50. En'gesi dui cong qian zhe xue xin yang di qing suan: "Ludeweixi Fei'erbaha he Deguo gu dian zhe xue di zhong jie" yan jiu.Zhichun Sima - 1985 - Wuhan: Xin hua shu dian Hubei fa xing suo fa xing.
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