Results for 'Sissy Holloman'

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  1.  65
    Living with the HIPAA Privacy Rule.Myra Moran, Sissy Holloman, William Kassler & Beverly Dozier - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (S4):73-76.
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    Piedad (En Su Sentido Secular) Como Fundamento Del Humanismo.Sissi Cano Cabildo - 2020 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 93:81-101.
    El enfoque secular de la piedad significa padecer por el dolor ajeno; no apunta a la autocompasión, ni se circunscribe al ámbito estrictamente privado o religioso. En la afección por el dolor y/o humillación de cualquier ser humano es donde realmente se deja ver que la vida humana tiene valor universal por sí misma y por tanto dignidad. A partir del incordio de la piedad, el ser humano puede rebelarse contra la injusticia y en esa medida, puede ser principio de (...)
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    (1 other version)Sentido arendtiano de la “banalidad del mal”.Sissi Cano Cabildo - 2004 - Horizonte 3 (5):101-130.
    En su obra Eichmann en Jerusalén Arendt habla de la “banalidad del mal” para referirse a la ambigüedad del concepto de maldad por el que algunas personas pueden ser manipuladas por conceptos frívolos de lo bueno y de lo malo, banalidad que no minimiza la crueldad de sus efectos. Este enfoque arendtiano no pretende explicar, ni definir de forma total a la maldad, más bien deviene en una crítica a la trivialidad de los conceptos cerrados y dogmáticos de la maldad (...)
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    Black bodies and Bioethics: Debunking Mythologies of Benevolence and Beneficence in Contemporary Indigenous Health Research in Colonial Australia.Chelsea J. Bond, David Singh & Sissy Tyson - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (1):83-92.
    We seek to bring Black bodies and lives into full view within the enterprise of Indigenous health research to interrogate the unquestioned good that is taken to characterize contemporary Indigenous health research. We articulate a Black bioethics that is not premised upon a false logic of beneficence, rather we think through a Black bioethics premised upon an unconditional love for the Black body. We achieve this by examining the accounts of two Black mothers, fictional and factual rendering visible the racial (...)
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  5. Sissy boy melancholy and the educational possibilities of incoherence.David McInnes - 2007 - In Judith Butler & Bronwyn Davies (eds.), Judith Butler in Conversation: Analyzing the Texts and Talk of Everyday Life. Routledge.
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    Cano Cabido, Sissi (2022). Elementos mínimos del humanismo. Guillermo Escolar Editor. 168 páginas.Gonzalo Méndez Castañeda - 2023 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 12 (1):81-83.
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  7. A dialogue on "becoming sissy".Cristyn Davies - 2007 - In Judith Butler & Bronwyn Davies (eds.), Judith Butler in Conversation: Analyzing the Texts and Talk of Everyday Life. Routledge.
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    'Finally a Human Being in this Palace': How 'Sissi' Deals with the Past.Sabine Müller - 2008 - New Readings 9:1-5.
    The article uses the Sissi trilogy as a case study to offer a new perspective on popular film in the 1950s in general and on Heimatfilm in particular. Rather than reading those films as the expression of a wilful collective amnesia, the article aims to show that, despite representing a sugar-coated world of royal romance, these films form a crucial part of people’s coping with the past. In adopting a phenomenological approach to cinematic representation, the article emphasises the fact that (...)
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    Did Modern Humans Originate in the Americas? A Retrospective on the Holloman Gravel Pit in Oklahoma.David Deming - 2013 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 27 (2).
    For decades, the dominance of the Clovis-first paradigm precluded the possibility of acknowledging a human presence in the Western Hemisphere before 11.5 ka. Yet there are a multitude of sites in the Americas with significant evidence for human occupation dating back to 200 ka and older. At two of these sites, Holloman in Oklahoma, and Hueyatlaco in Mexico, stone tools were found that indicate the possible presence of a lithic technology advanced beyond that found contemporaneously in Eurasia. Culturally modern (...)
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    De la révolution de janvier à Sissi.Amr Adly & Christophe Degoutin - 2015 - Multitudes 60 (3):172-179.
    Cet article tente de montrer que la révolution qui s’est produite en Égypte était porteuse d’un projet politique libéral-démocrate. Les groupes révolutionnaires et les opposants au régime de Moubarak ont réussi à mobiliser des couches sociales substantielles en 2011 en demandant le respect des droits humains de base et la représentation de la volonté du peuple. La forte présence d’ouvriers mécontents, de classes moyennes appauvries et de populations urbaines défavorisées dans le mouvement de protestation n’a jamais débouché sur un projet (...)
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    RuPaul's Drag Race and Philosophy: Sissy That Thought.Hendrik Kempt & Megan Volpert (eds.) - 2019 - Open Court.
    The first truly philosophical exploration of the drag queen in the context of this ground-breaking reality TV showAs RuPaul has said, this is the Golden Age of Drag-and that's chiefly the achievement of RuPaul's Drag Race, which in its eleventh year is more popular than ever, and has now become fully mainstream in its appeal. The show has an irresistible allure for folks of all persuasions and proclivities. Yet serious or philosophical discussion of its exponential success has been rare. Now (...)
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  12. Gendered Slurs.Lauren Ashwell - 2016 - Social Theory and Practice 42 (2):228-239.
    Slurring language has had a lot of recent interest, but the focus has been almost exclusively on racial slurs. Gendered pejoratives, on the other hand—terms like “slut,” “bitch,” or “sissy”—do not fit into existing accounts of slurring terms, as these accounts require the existence of neutral correlates, which, I argue, these gendered pejoratives lack. Rather than showing that these terms are not slurs, I argue that this challenges the assumption that slurs must have neutral correlates, and so that a (...)
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    Above the heteronormative narrative: looking up the place of Disney’s villains.Francesco Piluso - 2023 - Semiotica 2023 (255):131-148.
    The article proposes a re-examination of the role and position of the so-called “Disney villains” within the narrative framework of animated films and popular culture as a whole. In the first part, the historical evolution in the representation of these villains will be explored according to the practice of “queer coding,” which involves attributing stereotypically queer traits to them without explicitly stating their gender and sexual identity. It will be observed how their non-conforming gender and sexuality, used to mark their (...)
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    Retrofitting Frontier Masculinity for Alaska's War Against Wolves.Tamara L. Mix & Sine Anahita - 2006 - Gender and Society 20 (3):332-353.
    The state of Alaska has a complex historical relationship with its wild wolf packs. The authors expand Connell's concept of frontier masculinity to interpret articles from the Anchorage Daily News as an alternative way to understand Alaska's shifting wolf policies. Originally, state policies were shaped by frontier masculinity and characterized by claims of sportsmen's rights to kill wolves. With the reinstitution of an aggressive wolf-eradication project, Alaska policy makers retooled frontier masculinity. This altered form of masculinity, retro frontier masculinity, is (...)
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  15. Martha Nussbaum on Dickens's hard times.Paulette Kidder - 2009 - Philosophy and Literature 33 (2):pp. 417-426.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Martha Nussbaum on Dickens's Hard TimesPaulette KidderAt the heart of Martha Nussbaum's work in capability ethics is a rejection of utilitarianism. Nussbaum has repeatedly recounted a pivotal moment in Dickens's Hard Times (1854), in which the young Sissy Jupe delivers an innocent but devastating critique of the utilitarian system.1 Nussbaum's most extended and compelling reading of Hard Times appears in Poetic Justice: The Literary Imagination and Public Life.2 (...)
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    Dance Is More Than Meets the Eye—How Can Dance Performance Be Made Accessible for a Non-sighted Audience?Bettina Bläsing & Esther Zimmermann - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Dance is regarded as visual art form by common arts and science perspectives. Definitions of dance as means of communication agree that its message is conveyed by the dancer/choreographer via the human body for the observer, leaving no doubt that dance is performed to be watched. Brain activation elicited by the visual perception of dance has also become a topic of interest in cognitive neuroscience, with regards to action observation in the context of learning, expertise and aesthetics. The view that (...)
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  17.  36
    Routes minoennes en relation avec le site de Malia.Sylvie Müller - 1991 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 115 (2):545-560.
    En 1989, une prospection archéologique de la plaine de Malia a permis la découverte d'une route à l'Est du site fouillé, conservée sur plus de 800 m entre la baie d'Haghia Varvara et le camping de Sissi. Une série d'arguments nous incite à proposer une date minoenne pour le tracé de cette route, sinon pour sa construction : la céramique récoltée en surface, les vestiges de bâtiments le long du tracé, l'itinéraire et l'aspect actuel de la route, qui trouve des (...)
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    Le Caire, ville rebelle?Insaf Ben Othmane & Roman Stadnicki - 2015 - Multitudes 60 (3):180-186.
    Le processus révolutionnaire de 2011 a fourni les conditions nécessaires à l’émergence d’une forme particulière d’activisme ayant pour objet principal le territoire urbain. L’activisme urbain égyptien milite pour l’abandon des instruments de la planification urbaine rationnelle et dénonce les dérives des pratiques gouvernementales et des actions des agences de développement internationales calquées sur celles de l’entreprise privée. En renouant avec les grandes lignes des politiques néolibérales du régime de Moubarak qui ont échoué à résorber la pauvreté urbaine, la politique de (...)
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    Homosexual Signs.Harold Beaver - 1981 - Critical Inquiry 8 (1):99-119.
    Just consider, for sheer paranoia, the range of synonyms when the mask is ripped, the silence broken, the deferment brutally concluded: angel-face, arse-bandit, auntie, bent, bessie, bugger, bum-banger, bum boy, chicken, cocksucker, daisie, fag, faggot, fairy, flit, fruit, jasper, mincer; molly, nancy boy, nelly, pansy, patapoof, poofter, cream puff, powder puff, queen, queer, shit-stirrer, sissie, swish, sod, turd-burglar, pervert. For Aristophanes, as for Norman Mailer and Mary Whitehouse, buggery equaled coprophagy: a corrupt, destructive, hypocritical, excremental, urban scatology. Heterosexuality equalled the (...)
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  20. Grande Sertão: Veredas by João Guimarães Rosa.Felipe W. Martinez, Nancy Fumero & Ben Segal - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):27-43.
    INTRODUCTION BY NANCY FUMERO What is a translation that stalls comprehension? That, when read, parsed, obfuscates comprehension through any language – English, Portuguese. It is inevitable that readers expect fidelity from translations. That language mirror with a sort of precision that enables the reader to become of another location, condition, to grasp in English in a similar vein as readers of Portuguese might from João Guimarães Rosa’s GRANDE SERTÃO: VEREDAS. There is the expectation that translations enable mobility. That what was (...)
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    The Serial Killer was (Cognitively) Framed.William E. Deal - 2010 - In Fritz Allhoff & S. Waller (eds.), Serial Killers ‐ Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 153–165.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Serial Killers, Real and Imagined Dexter Gacy Are Serial Killers Morally Responsible? Moral Responsibility: Emotions and Cognitive Frames.
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