Results for 'Silvia Kargodorian'

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  1.  18
    Badiou(s): miradas sobre una vida caleidoscópica.Nicol A. Barria-Asenjo, Hern´an Scholten, David Pavón-Cuéllar, S. Antonio Letelier, Jairo Gallo Acosta, Javier Camargo-Castillo, Francisco Alejandro Vergara Muñoz, Silvia Kargodorian & Jesús Ayala-Colqui - 2023 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 26 (3):377-386.
    Referirse a la multiplicidad es un lugar común cuando se trata de la obra de Alain Badiou, en tanto es una producción de una notoria complejidad y la exploración de sus diversas facetas es adentrarse en un universo de múltiples dimensiones. En este sentido, se propone comparar su producción con un caleidoscopio, un artefacto que revela la multiplicidad como esencia de la unidad y, a su vez, confiere significado a esa diversidad. Esta multiplicidad caleidoscópica no se limita únicamente a la (...)
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  2. Embodied Medicine: Mens Sana in Corpore Virtuale Sano.Giuseppe Riva, Silvia Serino, Daniele Di Lernia, Enea Francesco Pavone & Antonios Dakanalis - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Experiences in Nature and Environmental Attitudes and Behaviors: Setting the Ground for Future Research.Claudio D. Rosa & Silvia Collado - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    There is empirical evidence suggesting a positive link between direct experiences in nature and people’s environmental attitudes (EA) and behaviors (EB). This has led researchers to encourage more frequent contact with nature, especially during childhood, as a way of increasing pro-environmentalism (i.e., pro-EA and pro-EB). However, the association between experiences in nature and EA/EB is complex, and specific guidelines for people’s everyday contact with nature cannot be provided. This article offers an overview of the research conducted until know about the (...)
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    The Role of Neuroscience in the Evaluation of Mental Insanity: on the Controversies in Italy: Comment on “on the Stand. Another Episode of Neuroscience and Law Discussion from Italy”.Cristina Scarpazza, Silvia Pellegrini, Pietro Pietrini & Giuseppe Sartori - 2017 - Neuroethics 11 (1):83-95.
    In the present manuscript, we comment upon a paper that strongly criticized an expert report written by the consultants of the defense in a case of pedophilia, in which clinical and neuro-scientific data were used to establish the causal link between brain alterations and onset of criminal behavior. These critiques appear to be based mainly on wrong pieces of information and on a misinterpretation of the logical reasoning adopted by defense consultants. Here we provide a point-by-point reply to the issues (...)
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    Atribuciones psicológicas, competencia y posesión conceptual desde el externismo psicológico = Psychological attributions, competence and conceptual possession from a psychological externalist perspective.Silvia Andrés Balsera - 2013 - Endoxa 31:85.
  6. Matrix-thoughts, is it a compatibilist solution to transfer cases?Silvia Andres Balsera - 2011 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 30 (2):129-144.
  7.  17
    Justicia penal, globalización y digitalización.Silvia Barona Vilar - 2018 - Santiago, Chile: Thomson Reuters.
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    CSR Implementation: Developing the Capacity for Collective Action.Rama Dasaratha, Milano Bernard, Salas Silvia & Liu Che-Hung - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (S2):463-477.
    This article examines capacity development for collective action and institutional change through the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. We integrate Hargrave and Van de Ven’s (2006, Academy of Management Review31(4), 864–888) Collective Action Model with capacity development literature to develop a framework that can be used to clarify the nature of CSR involvement in capacity development, help identify alternative CSR response options, consider expected impacts of these options on stakeholders, and highlight trade-offs across alternative CSR investments. Our framework (...)
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    Comorbidade psiquiátrica em dependentes de cocaína/crack e alcoolistas: um estudo exploratório.Cristiane Ribeiro da Silva, Nádia de Moura Kolling, Janaína Castro Núñez Carvalho, Silvia Mendes da Cunha & Christian Haag Kristensen - 2009 - Revista Aletheia 30:101-112.
    A ocorrência de comorbidade psiquiátrica concomitante à dependência química é frequente, indicando um prognóstico desfavorável para o tratamento desse transtorno. O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a ocorrência de comorbidade psiquiátrica em 31 pacientes dependentes de álcool (51,6%) e de ..
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    Cartesian echoes in Kant’s philosophy of nature.Michela Massimi & Silvia De Bianchi - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 44 (3):481-492.
  11.  53
    The "Relevance" of Intersection and Union Types.Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini, Silvia Ghilezan & Betti Venneri - 1997 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 38 (2):246-269.
    The aim of this paper is to investigate a Curry-Howard interpretation of the intersection and union type inference system for Combinatory Logic. Types are interpreted as formulas of a Hilbert-style logic L, which turns out to be an extension of the intuitionistic logic with respect to provable disjunctive formulas (because of new equivalence relations on formulas), while the implicational-conjunctive fragment of L is still a fragment of intuitionistic logic. Moreover, typable terms are translated in a typed version, so that --typed (...)
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    Pediatric Blood Cancer Survivors and Tobacco Use across Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood: A Narrative Review.Marianna Masiero, Silvia Riva, Chiara Fioretti & Gabriella Pravettoni - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Student Moods Before and After Body Expression and Dance Assessments. Gender Perspective.Mercè Mateu, Silvia Garcías, Luciana Spadafora, Ana Andrés & Eulàlia Febrer - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Body expression and dance are activities that contribute to the integral well-being of people. In an educational context, the process of evaluating our students implies variations in their moods. This study tackles the states of mind that students perceive before and after the evaluation of a practice in the subject ofBody expression and dance, developed through choreographies, that were, previously rehearsed, and later presented to the rest of the class in a specific session. Our main interest was the obtention of (...)
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    Key features for the characterization of Android malware families.Javier Sedano, Silvia González, Camelia Chira, Álvaro Herrero, Emilio Corchado & José Ramón Villar - 2017 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 25 (1):54-66.
  15.  27
    Neural Correlates of Visuospatial Attention to Unseen Stimuli in Hemianopic Patients. A Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential Study.Javier Sanchez-Lopez, Silvia Savazzi, Caterina Annalaura Pedersini, Nicolò Cardobi & Carlo Alberto Marzi - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Between Genealogy and Physicality: A Historiographical Perspective on Race in the Ancien Régime.Jean-Frédéric Schaub & Silvia Sebastiani - 2014 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 35 (1-2):23-51.
  17.  29
    Giovanni Battista Benedetti and the Scientific Environment of Turin in the 16th Century.Clara Silvia Roero - 1997 - Centaurus 39 (1):37-66.
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  18. La causalidad y el determinismo en la biología.Morales Gorleri de Tribiño & Silvia E. [From Old Catalog] - 1946 - Buenos Aires,: Imprenta y casa editora "Coni,".
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    Questões de ética na pesquisa com crianças e adolescentes vítimas de violência doméstica; Ethical issues in research with children and adolescents victms of domestic violence.Carolina Saraiva de Macedo Lisboa & Sílvia Helena Koller - 2000 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 11:59-70.
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    Explaining Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility: The Role of Gratitude and Altruistic Values. [REVIEW]Simona Romani, Silvia Grappi & Richard P. Bagozzi - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 114 (2):193-206.
    Although a lot of research establishes consumer reactions to corporate social responsibility (CSR), little is known about the theoretical mechanisms for these reactions. We conduct a field experiment with adult consumers to test the hypothesis that the effects of perceived CSR on consumer reactions are mediated by felt gratitude and moderated by the magnitude of altruistic values held by consumers. Two classes of consumer reactions are considered: intentions to (1) say positive things about the company, and (2) participate in advocacy (...)
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  21.  26
    Escuela e identidad: Un desafío docente para la cohesión social.Silvia Redón Pantoja - 2011 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 30.
    La investigación que se expone, realizada en Chile, se vincula a la vivencia de ciudadanía en niños y niñas en el espacio escolar, a través de la configuración de “lo común” como plataforma de cohesión social. El diseño metodológico corresponde a estudio de casos múltiples, correspondiente a ocho centros escolares de primaria. El análisis de los registros de observación, entrevistas y documentos, nos permitieron levantar tres grandes categorías: La categoría denominada, “alteridad” con las subcategorías de sumisión/dominación, discriminación por género y (...)
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  22.  29
    Residents' Dissatisfaction and All-Cause Mortality. Evidence from 74 European Cities.Ana I. Ribeiro, Sílvia Fraga & Henrique Barros - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Effect of psychology consultation on subsequent general practitioner doctor consultations.Miguel Ricou, Sílvia Marina, Catarina Canário, Ricardo Soares & Ivone Duarte - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin:254-258.
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    Leibniz and the Temple of Viviani: Leibniz's prompt reply to the challenge and the repercussions in the field of mathematics.Clara Silvia Roero - 1990 - Annals of Science 47 (5):423-443.
    The mathematical problem that Viviani proposed to the analysts in 1692 elicited numerous reactions in Europe. The reasons that stimulated so many illustrious mathematicians, especially Leibniz, to consider this problem are discussed as are the consequences that followed in the field of mathematics.The Aenigma, born as a challenge to the Italian traditional-classical mathematics in opposition to the rising Leibnizian calculus, proved to be very effective in demonstrating the power and superiority of this new calculus. Leibniz's first solutions are here interpreted (...)
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  25.  36
    Erratum to: Corporate Socially Responsible Initiatives and Their Effects on Consumption of Green Products.Simona Romani, Silvia Grappi & Richard P. Bagozzi - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 135 (2):399-399.
  26.  16
    (1 other version)Teias e tramas: família e manufactura têxtil no concelho de Guimarães nos finais do século XIX.Ana Silvia Volpi Scott - 2005 - Diálogos (Maringa) 9 (3).
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    Emil A. Fellmann, Gleb K. Mikhajlov , unter Mitwirkung von Andreas Kleinert, Martin Mattmüller, Uta Monecke, Andreas Verdun, Leonhard Euler Briefwechsel mit Daniel, Johann II und Johann III Bernoulli; Briefwechsel Johann Albrecht Eulers mit Daniel Bernoulli; Briefwechsel Daniel Bernoullis mit Amtsträgern der Petersburger Akademie der Wissenschaften und mit Niklaus Fuss, 2 Bände, Basel: Birkhäuser 2016. XX, 1156 p., CHF 399,50 und CHF 248,24. ISBN 978‐3‐319‐33989‐4 und 978‐3‐319‐32398‐5. [REVIEW]Clara Silvia Roero - 2018 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 41 (2):198-200.
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  28. Sexual Difference from the Perspective of Merleau-Ponty Silvia.Silvia Stoller - 2001 - Phainomena 37.
    This essay argues that despite of the feminist critique of Merleau-Ponty his phenomenology can be positively appropriated to the theory of sexual difference. It focuses on three issues: the first one is closely linked to the Phenomenology of Perception and introduces a concept of "difference as differentiation". The second one is concerned with the intersubjective dimension of sexuality and will be called a "sexual syncretism". Finally, I’m referring to Merleau-Ponty's notion of "chiasm" in his late work The Visible and the (...)
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    Eutanasia ed etica del morire.Silvia Ingrilli - 2002 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3.
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    The Scottish Enlightenment: race, gender, and the limits of progress.Silvia Sebastiani - 2013 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The Scottish Enlightenment shaped a new conception of history as a gradual and universal progress from savagery to civil society. Whereas women emancipated themselves from the yoke of male-masters, men in turn acquired polite manners and became civilized. Such a conception, however, presents problematic questions: why were the Americans still savage? Why was it that the Europeans only had completed all the stages of the historic process? Could modern societies escape the destiny of earlier empires and avoid decadence? Was there (...)
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  31. De se beliefs and centred uncertainty.Silvia Milano - 2018 - Dissertation, London School of Economics and Political Science
    What kind of thing do you believe when you believe that you are in a certain place, that it is a certain time, and that you are a certain individual? What happens if you get lost, or lose track of the time? Can you ever be unsure of your own identity? These are the kind of questions considered in my thesis. Beliefs about where, when and who you are are what are called in the literature de se, or self-locating beliefs. (...)
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    Public engagement and argumentation in science.Silvia Ivani & Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (3):1-29.
    Public engagement is one of the fundamental pillars of the European programme for research and innovation _Horizon 2020_. The programme encourages engagement that not only fosters science education and dissemination, but also promotes two-way dialogues between scientists and the public at various stages of research. Establishing such dialogues between different groups of societal actors is seen as crucial in order to attain epistemic as well as social desiderata at the intersection between science and society. However, whether these dialogues can actually (...)
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  33. Self-awareness, self-motives, and self-motivation.Paul J. Silvia & Thomas Shelley Duval - 2004 - In Paul J. Silvia & Thomas Shelley Duval (eds.), Wright, Rex A. (Ed); Greenberg, Jeff (Ed); Brehm, Sharon S. (Ed). (2004). Motivational Analyses of Social Behavior: Building on Jack Brehm's Contributions to Psychology. (Pp. 57-75). Mahwah, NJ, US.
  34.  27
    Handlungstheorien des Bildes.Silvia Seja - 2009 - Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag.
    Dieses Buch untersucht, was in den jeweiligen Theorieansätzen mit Bildhandeln‹ gemeint ist, indem eine Reihe von philosophischen und kunstwissenschaftlichen Ansätzen zum Verhältnis von Bild und Handlung vorgestellt und systematisiert werden. Vier paradigmatische Handlungstypen werden voneinander differenziert, die spezifische Verwendungsmöglichkeiten von Bildern umfassen. Die ersten zwei – Bildspiele‹ und Bildakte‹ – beruhen auf der sprachphilosophisch motivierten Prämisse, dass die Verwendung von Bildern der Struktur eines Sprachspieles oder eines Sprechaktes entspricht. Diese Prämisse bezieht sich auf Verwendungsweisen, durch die materiellen Gegenständen der Bildstatus (...)
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  35. Ineffability and its Metaphysics: The Unspeakable in Art, Religion, and Philosophy.Silvia L. Y. N. Jonas - 2016 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Can art, religion, or philosophy afford ineffable insights? If so, what are they? The idea of ineffability has puzzled philosophers from Laozi to Wittgenstein. In Ineffability and its Metaphysics: The Unspeakable in Art, Religion and Philosophy, Silvia Jonas examines different ways of thinking about what ineffable insights might involve metaphysically, and shows which of these are in fact incoherent. Jonas discusses the concepts of ineffable properties and objects, ineffable propositions, ineffable content, and ineffable knowledge, examining the metaphysical pitfalls involved (...)
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  36.  18
    Problém vedomia.Silvia Gáliková - 2003 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 10 (1):1-17.
    Existential and functional dependence of consciousness on brain activity, on the body within its surroundings and evolutionary perspective are two fundamental theoretical "touchstones" of the paper. Consciousness is characterized as a quality and capacity of a living organism varying in degrees and types through evolution, fylogeny and ontogeny. Conscious creature is aware of its body and self, it represents the "inner" and "outer" worlds in the form of images, thoughts, feelings, beliefs etc. Evidence for both theses is taken from empirical (...)
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  37.  15
    Medicina eugenica e Shoah: ricordare il male e promuovere la bioetica.Silvia Marinozzi (ed.) - 2017 - Roma: Sapienza Università editrice.
    Qual è il limite etico e deontologico degli studi medici sperimentali? Quando il principio di beneficialità, che vincola il medico a perseguire il massimo bene per il paziente, è finalmente diventato l’essenza della medicina? Questo volume si propone di rispondere a queste e a molte altre domande, effettuando un’analisi critica e approfondita della medicina, quale scienza della morte, praticata durante il periodo nazista al fine di raggiungere la purificazione della razza; la cosiddetta eugenica nazista, fulcro dello sterminio dei disabili e (...)
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    Über-Empfindlichkeit: Spielformen der Idiosynkrasie.Silvia Bovenschen - 2000 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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  39. Omero, Iliade.Silvia Calosso - 2004 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 9:201-202.
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    Aristotele e la crisi della politica.Silvia Campese (ed.) - 1977 - Napoli: Liguori.
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  41. What is Mind?Silvia H. Cardoso & Marvin Minsky - forthcoming - Brain and Mind.
  42. Sulla fondazione: anarchia e istituzioni.Silvia Dadà & Matteo Polleri (eds.) - 2023 - Macerata: Quodlibet.
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  43. Ereignisorte des Politischen.Nadjivan Silvia - 2017 - De Gruyter.
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    Diagnóstico de orientación vocacional en estudiantes de Medicina del Policlínico Universitario Francisco Peña Peña de Nuevitas.Silvia de la Caridad Rodríguez Selpa, José Guillermo Hernández García, Magalys Duret Castro & Yailin Noa Castillo - 2011 - Humanidades Médicas 11 (1).
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  45. Response to Mary Midgley's'criticizing the cosmos'.Silvia Volker - 2003 - In Willem B. Drees (ed.), Is nature ever evil?: religion, science, and value. New York: Routledge. pp. 100--27.
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    Hybrids of the Romantic: Frankenstein, Olimpia, and Artificial Life.Silvia Micheletti - 2018 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 41 (2):146-155.
    Hybride der Romantik: Frankenstein, Olimpia und das künstliche Leben. Dieser Beitrag untersucht Vorstellungen über die Möglichkeit der Erzeugung künstlicher Lebewesen in der Zeit der Romantik und die damit verbundenen Ängste am Beispiel zweier fiktionaler Texte: Mary Shelleys Frankenstein und Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmanns Sandmann. Dr. Franksteins Monster und Dr. Spalanzanis Automat verkörpern – auf unterschiedliche Weise – die Möglichkeit einer Wendung wissenschaftlicher Produkte und insbesondere künstlicher Hybride ins Monströse. Ihre Geschichten thematisieren das Grauen, das vom drohenden Kontrollverlust ausgeht und als (...)
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  47. La Escuela de Chicago de Mujeres: contribuciones olvidadas en la historia de las Ciencias Sociales.Silvia García Dauder - 2010 - In María G. Navarro, Betty Estévez & Antolín Sánchez Cuervo (eds.), Claves actuales de pensamiento. Madrid: CSIC/Plaza y Valdés.
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  48. Portret intelektuála: Pokus O demystifikaciu.Silvia Kocianová - 1996 - Filozofia 51 (4-12):281.
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    Nietzsche: Comprensión estética de la realidad vital.Silvia Silveira Laguna - 1997 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 14:73.
    La personalidad de Cela como creador se encuentra ligada a una creatividad permanente, caracterizada por una superación, diversidad de perspectivas y estilos de escribir, unida a la generación del noventa y ocho, proyectándose en él un sentido de arte para conocer el mundo com parable al pensamiento alemán desde el dolor y vitalismo.
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    Memórias das mulheres mártires: modelos de resistência e liberdade.Silvia M. A. Siqueira - 2006 - Horizonte 4 (8):60-76.
    Este artigo tem por objetivo destacar a presença feminina nos relatos sobre mártires cristãos nos séculos II e III d.C. Utiliza os pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos da história das mulheres. Destaca as experiências e as ações das mulheres como sujeitos ativos num contexto histórico específico. A documentação contém uma substancial presença de mulheres que ultrapassaram barreiras sociais e religiosas e confessaram publicamente a sua opção de fé. Mais do que uma descrição e um registro da participação feminina, alguns problemas são (...)
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