Results for 'Silvia Bagué'

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  1.  26
    Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma of the pisiform.Isidre A. Gracia, Ignacio R. Proubasta, Ana I. Peiró, Laura T. Trullols, Jaume Llauger, Jaume Palmer & Silvia Bagué - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman, The Hand. MIT Press.
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  2. Forms and Roles of Diagrams in Knot Theory.Silvia De Toffoli & Valeria Giardino - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (4):829-842.
    The aim of this article is to explain why knot diagrams are an effective notation in topology. Their cognitive features and epistemic roles will be assessed. First, it will be argued that different interpretations of a figure give rise to different diagrams and as a consequence various levels of representation for knots will be identified. Second, it will be shown that knot diagrams are dynamic by pointing at the moves which are commonly applied to them. For this reason, experts must (...)
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    Holy writ, mythology, and the foundations of Francis Bacon's principle of the constancy of matter.Silvia Alejandra Manzo - 1999 - Early Science and Medicine 4 (2):114-126.
    The exact nature of the relation between science and Scripture in the thought of Francis Bacon is a well-studied but controversial field. In this paper, it is shown that Bacon, though convinced that there exists no enmity between the book of God's wisdom and the book of God's power, usually tries to separate knowledge acquired by reason from knowledge acquired by faith. In his exposition of the principle of the conservation of matter, however, Bacon seems to find himself constrained to (...)
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    Armor Holdings Inc.Fatima Alali & Silvia Romero - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 17:291-294.
    The U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act has gained significant popularity in recent years across borders due to the increased investigation and penalties under the law. The following case is a real-life case that highlights the main provisions of the FCPA. Using cases in teaching an auditing or ethics course is much needed to develop students’ professional judgment, critical and analytical thinking skills and communication skills. Presently, there are a few cases that address the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and its effect (...)
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    Emotional Prosody Processing in Epilepsy: Some Insights on Brain Reorganization.Lucy Alba-Ferrara, Silvia Kochen & Markus Hausmann - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:335228.
    Drug resistant epilepsy is one of the most complex, multifactorial and polygenic neurological syndrome. Besides its dynamicity and variability, it still provides us with a model to study brain-behavior relationship, giving cues on the anatomy and functional representation of brain function. Given that onset zone of focal epileptic seizures often affects different anatomical areas, cortical but limited to one hemisphere, this condition also let us study the functional differences of the left and right cerebral hemispheres. One lateralized function in the (...)
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    In search of lost time: Reconstructing the unfolding of events from memory.Myrthe Faber & Silvia P. Gennari - 2015 - Cognition 143 (C):193-202.
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  7. Aristotele e le virtù sociali: EN IV, 1126b 1-1128b 9.Maria Silvia Vaccarezza - 2012 - Acta Philosophica 21 (2):309 - 336.
    In EN II, 1108 9-1108 b10 e più estesamente in EN IV, 1126b 10-1128b 9 Aristotele analizza tre virtù (amichevolezza, sincerità e arguzia) che, coinvolgendo il linguaggio e il senso dell’umorismo, riguardano quell’aspetto fondamentale della natura umana che è la socialità, al punto che pare giustificato l’utilizzo dell’etichetta “virtù sociali” per riferirsi ad esse. Tali virtù, infatti, rappresentano le eccellenze nell’ambito dei rapporti sociali non connotati da affetto e amicizia, ma caratterizzati da un legame ben definito, sufficiente a giustificare l’emergere (...)
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    The interleukin‐15/interleukin‐15 receptor system as a model for juxtacrine and reverse signaling.Silvia Bulfone-Paus, Elena Bulanova, Vadim Budagian & Ralf Paus - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (4):362-377.
    Interleukin‐15 (IL‐15) is a pleiotropic cytokine of the 4 α‐helix bundle family, which binds to a receptor complex that displays common elements with the IL‐2 receptor and a unique high‐affinity α chain. This review focuses on juxtacrine and reverse signaling levels in the IL‐15/IL‐15R system. Specifically, we discuss how agonistic stimulation of membrane‐bound IL‐15 induces phosphorylation of members of the MAP kinase family and of focal adhesion kinase (FAK), thereby upregulating processes including cytokine secretion, cell adhesion and migration. In addition, (...)
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    Consideraciones wittgensteinianas a la estructura de las teorías científicas: el caso de la mecánica cuántica. Costa, Andrea E. Rivera & Silvia - 2006 - Manuscrito 29 (1).
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    Introduction to the special issue Hermann Weyl and the philosophy of the ‘New Physics’.Silvia De Bianchi & Gabriel Catren - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 61:1-5.
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    Escuela e identidad: Un desafío docente para la cohesión social.Silvia Redón Pantoja - 2011 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 30.
    La investigación que se expone, realizada en Chile, se vincula a la vivencia de ciudadanía en niños y niñas en el espacio escolar, a través de la configuración de “lo común” como plataforma de cohesión social. El diseño metodológico corresponde a estudio de casos múltiples, correspondiente a ocho centros escolares de primaria. El análisis de los registros de observación, entrevistas y documentos, nos permitieron levantar tres grandes categorías: La categoría denominada, “alteridad” con las subcategorías de sumisión/dominación, discriminación por género y (...)
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  12. Il Lausanne Trilogue Pla clinico:...Marisa Malagoli Togliatti, Silvia Mazzoni, Anna Lubrano Lavadera & Anna Lisa Micci - 2009 - Terapia Familiare 91:29 - 44.
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    Explaining Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility: The Role of Gratitude and Altruistic Values. [REVIEW]Simona Romani, Silvia Grappi & Richard P. Bagozzi - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 114 (2):193-206.
    Although a lot of research establishes consumer reactions to corporate social responsibility (CSR), little is known about the theoretical mechanisms for these reactions. We conduct a field experiment with adult consumers to test the hypothesis that the effects of perceived CSR on consumer reactions are mediated by felt gratitude and moderated by the magnitude of altruistic values held by consumers. Two classes of consumer reactions are considered: intentions to (1) say positive things about the company, and (2) participate in advocacy (...)
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  14.  34
    The birth and death of wonder: History and geography of Baroque science. [REVIEW]Silvia De Renzi, Adrian Johns & E. C. Spary - 2000 - Metascience 9 (1):5-29.
  15. Ineffability and its Metaphysics: The Unspeakable in Art, Religion, and Philosophy.Silvia L. Y. N. Jonas - 2016 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Can art, religion, or philosophy afford ineffable insights? If so, what are they? The idea of ineffability has puzzled philosophers from Laozi to Wittgenstein. In Ineffability and its Metaphysics: The Unspeakable in Art, Religion and Philosophy, Silvia Jonas examines different ways of thinking about what ineffable insights might involve metaphysically, and shows which of these are in fact incoherent. Jonas discusses the concepts of ineffable properties and objects, ineffable propositions, ineffable content, and ineffable knowledge, examining the metaphysical pitfalls involved (...)
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  16. Sexual Difference from the Perspective of Merleau-Ponty Silvia.Silvia Stoller - 2001 - Phainomena 37.
    This essay argues that despite of the feminist critique of Merleau-Ponty his phenomenology can be positively appropriated to the theory of sexual difference. It focuses on three issues: the first one is closely linked to the Phenomenology of Perception and introduces a concept of "difference as differentiation". The second one is concerned with the intersubjective dimension of sexuality and will be called a "sexual syncretism". Finally, I’m referring to Merleau-Ponty's notion of "chiasm" in his late work The Visible and the (...)
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    Vida de José Ingenieros.Sergio Bagú - 1963 - [Buenos Aires]: Editorial Universitaria de Buenos Aires.
  18.  11
    ...Vida ejemplar de José Ingenieros.Sergio Bagú - 1936 - Buenos Aires,: Editorial Claridad.
  19.  22
    Commercial Speech and the Prohibition of Tobacco Advertising: The Colombian Constitutional Court Approach.Silvia Serrano Guzmán, Ariadna Tovar Ramírez & Oscar A. Cabrera - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (2):259-264.
    This article argues that the decision by the Columbian high court to totally ban the advertising and promotion of tobacco products is sound and could indeed be applied to other types of harmful products.
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    Learning to modulate one's own brain activity: the effect of spontaneous mental strategies.Silvia E. Kober, Matthias Witte, Manuel Ninaus, Christa Neuper & Guilherme Wood - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  21. Recommender systems and their ethical challenges.Silvia Milano, Mariarosaria Taddeo & Luciano Floridi - 2020 - AI and Society (4):957-967.
    This article presents the first, systematic analysis of the ethical challenges posed by recommender systems through a literature review. The article identifies six areas of concern, and maps them onto a proposed taxonomy of different kinds of ethical impact. The analysis uncovers a gap in the literature: currently user-centred approaches do not consider the interests of a variety of other stakeholders—as opposed to just the receivers of a recommendation—in assessing the ethical impacts of a recommender system.
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  22. Access Problems and explanatory overkill.Silvia Jonas - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (11):2731-2742.
    I argue that recent attempts to deflect Access Problems for realism about a priori domains such as mathematics, logic, morality, and modality using arguments from evolution result in two kinds of explanatory overkill: the Access Problem is eliminated for contentious domains, and realist belief becomes viciously immune to arguments from dispensability, and to non-rebutting counter-arguments more generally.
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  23. Mathematical and Moral Disagreement.Silvia Jonas - 2020 - Philosophical Quarterly 70 (279):302-327.
    The existence of fundamental moral disagreements is a central problem for moral realism and has often been contrasted with an alleged absence of disagreement in mathematics. However, mathematicians do in fact disagree on fundamental questions, for example on which set-theoretic axioms are true, and some philosophers have argued that this increases the plausibility of moral vis-à-vis mathematical realism. I argue that the analogy between mathematical and moral disagreement is not as straightforward as those arguments present it. In particular, I argue (...)
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    Public engagement and argumentation in science.Silvia Ivani & Catarina Dutilh Novaes - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (3):1-29.
    Public engagement is one of the fundamental pillars of the European programme for research and innovation _Horizon 2020_. The programme encourages engagement that not only fosters science education and dissemination, but also promotes two-way dialogues between scientists and the public at various stages of research. Establishing such dialogues between different groups of societal actors is seen as crucial in order to attain epistemic as well as social desiderata at the intersection between science and society. However, whether these dialogues can actually (...)
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  25. Portret intelektuála: Pokus O demystifikaciu.Silvia Kocianová - 1996 - Filozofia 51 (4-12):281.
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  26. Sulla problematicita del principio del terzo escluso. Linguisticita e senso concreto del principio nella lettura intuizionista di LEJ Brouwer.Silvia Pittarello - 2000 - Epistemologia 23 (1):119-146.
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    (1 other version)Contents.Silvia Polla, Undine Lieberwirth & Eleftheria Paliou - 2014 - In Silvia Polla, Undine Lieberwirth & Eleftheria Paliou, Spatial Analysis and Social Spaces: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Interpretation of Prehistoric and Historic Built Environments. De Gruyter.
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    The Effect of a Regular Auditory Context on Perceived Interval Duration.Silvia Zeni & Nicholas P. Holmes - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  29. Algorithmic Profiling as a Source of Hermeneutical Injustice.Silvia Milano & Carina Prunkl - forthcoming - Philosophical Studies:1-19.
    It is well-established that algorithms can be instruments of injustice. It is less frequently discussed, however, how current modes of AI deployment often make the very discovery of injustice difficult, if not impossible. In this article, we focus on the effects of algorithmic profiling on epistemic agency. We show how algorithmic profiling can give rise to epistemic injustice through the depletion of epistemic resources that are needed to interpret and evaluate certain experiences. By doing so, we not only demonstrate how (...)
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    Eutanasia ed etica del morire.Silvia Ingrilli - 2002 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3.
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    Vorwort.Silvia Kutscher - 2009 - In Kausalität Und Argumentrealisierungcausality and Argument Realisation. On the Constructional Variance of Psychverbs Using the Example of European Languages: Zur Konstruktionsvarianz Bei Psychverben Am Beispiel Europäischer Sprachen. Walter de Gruyter – Max Niemeyer Verlag.
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    Verzeichnis der Abbildungen und Tabellen.Silvia Kutscher - 2009 - In Kausalität Und Argumentrealisierungcausality and Argument Realisation. On the Constructional Variance of Psychverbs Using the Example of European Languages: Zur Konstruktionsvarianz Bei Psychverben Am Beispiel Europäischer Sprachen. Walter de Gruyter – Max Niemeyer Verlag.
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    Imaginaires de la diversité culturelle et permanence du religieux.Silvia Mancini - 2009 - Diogène 4 (4):3-20.
  34.  10
    La reciprocidad en la solución de conflictos en el Vallespir (Rosellón, Francia): los delitos por ofensas sexuales.Silvia Gómez Mestres - 2002 - Endoxa 15:183-194.
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    The Return of Ulysses: A Cultural History of Homer's Odyssey (review).Silvia Montiglio - 2010 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 103 (2):273-274.
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  36. What we (should) talk about when we talk about fruitfulness.Silvia Ivani - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 9 (1):1-18.
    What are the relevant values to the appraisal of research programs? This question remains hotly debated, as philosophers have recently proposed many lists of values potentially relevant to scientific appraisal. Surprisingly, despite being mentioned in many lists, little attention has been paid to fruitfulness. It is unclear how fruitfulness should be explicated, and whether it has any substantial role in scientific appraisal. In this paper, I argue we should explicate fruitfulness as the capacity to develop of research programs. Moreover, I (...)
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  37. (1 other version)Mathematical Pluralism and Indispensability.Silvia Jonas - 2023 - Erkenntnis 1:1-25.
    Pluralist mathematical realism, the view that there exists more than one mathematical universe, has become an influential position in the philosophy of mathematics. I argue that, if mathematical pluralism is true (and we have good reason to believe that it is), then mathematical realism cannot (easily) be justified by arguments from the indispensability of mathematics to science. This is because any justificatory chain of inferences from mathematical applications in science to the total body of mathematical theorems can cover at most (...)
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  38.  14
    Employability and Access to Training : A Contribution to the Implementation of Corporate Responsibility in the Labor Market.Silvia Castellazzi - 2016 - Wiesbaden: Imprint: Springer VS.
    Silvia Castellazzi shows how companies can implement their corporate responsibility and support employability and access to training in an incentive-compatible manner. The study provides insights into unrealized cooperation and disincentives which prevent companies from investing in a shared pool of employable and skilled people. The research draws on the theoretical framework of the economic ethics and on in-depth interviews with key stakeholders in two European countries. Findings show that incentives for investments in training are selective and might reinforce path-dependencies (...)
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    Control beliefs can predict the ability to up-regulate sensorimotor rhythm during neurofeedback training.Matthias Witte, Silvia Erika Kober, Manuel Ninaus, Christa Neuper & Guilherme Wood - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Wandering philosophers in Classical Greece.Silvia Montiglio - 2000 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 120:86-105.
  41. La logica dell irrazionale. Studio sul significato e sui problemi della «Kritik der Urteilskraft».Silvia De Bianchi - 2013 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 9 (2):462.
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    (In)Sensitivity to Accuracy? Children’s and Adults’ Decisions About Who to Trust: The Teacher or the Internet.Silvia Guerrero, Carla Sebastián-Enesco, Irene Morales, Elena Varea & Ileana Enesco - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  43. (1 other version)Siris and the Renaissance, vol 135, pg 301, 2010.Silvia Parigi - 2010 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de L Etranger 135 (2):301-301.
  44. Il legame tra la Lingua Italiana dei Segni e la scrittura.Silvia Redente - 2008 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 24:115-131.
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    Zur Verbindung von Messianismus und Eschatologie im Denken Emmanuel Levinas’.Silvia Richter - 2016 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 68 (1):57-69.
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  46. Replica a Alejandro Tomasini.Silvia Rivera - 1996 - Manuscrito 19:315.
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  47.  18
    Primjena IKT-a u procesu učenja, poučavanja i vrednovanja u srednjim strukovnim školama: Kvalitativna analiza.Silvia Rogošić, Branislava Baranović & Josip Šabić - 2021 - Metodicki Ogledi 28 (1):63-88.
    The paper is based on the findings of an empirical research on the application of information and communications technology in vocational schools in Zagreb and the Zagreb County. The authors analysed the interviews with vocational school teachers and students arranged in 6 focus groups. The analysis focussed on the objectives and manners in which the teachers and students usually use ICT, the perceived advantages and disadvantages of the use of ICT for educational purposes, and their suggestions for advancing the application (...)
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    Emotion in action: A study on the enactment effect on emotional action sentences.Silvia Serino, Rossana Actis-Grosso, Marta Maisto, Paola Ricciardelli & Patrizia Steca - 2025 - Cognition 254 (C):105974.
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    Index of Names.Silvia Stoller - 2014 - In Simone de Beauvoir’s Philosophy of Age: Gender, Ethics. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 243-244.
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    Cultura y cambio social en América Latina.Silvia Villa & Facundo Lafalla - 2012 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 14 (2):121-123.
    El presente artículo pretende indagar desde el marco teórico-epistemológico de "imaginario social" de Cornelius Castoriadis (1922-1997), la subjetivación de la mujer trabajadora en el sistema de educación técnico-profesional en Chile. Se desarrolla una investigación filosófica y cualitativa que incluye análisis documental y entrevistas a sujetos del ámbito técnico-profesional secundario. A través de este marco teórico, desarrollamos las herramientas analíticas necesarias para poder leer e interpretar cómo a pesar de los aires de renovación del sistema técnico-profesional, la oferta política hacia la (...)
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