Results for 'Sign of History'

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  1.  28
    Heidegger and the signs of history.Jonathan Hope - 2015 - Semiotica 2015 (207):567-581.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2015 Heft: 207 Seiten: 567-581.
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    Signs of the Past: Semiotics and History.U. Boklund-Lagopoulou & A. -P. Lagopoulos - 1986 - Semiotica 59 (3-4):209-386.
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    3. The Signs of the Times – a Locus for the Word to meet the Spirit: the Heterotopian Character of Truth in History.Hans-Joachim Sander - 2014 - In Anselm Kyongsuk Min & Christoph Schwöbel, Word and Spirit: Renewing Christology and Pneumatology in a Globalizing World. De Gruyter. pp. 47-62.
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    The Sign of Jonah.Kristóf Oltvai - 2023 - Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion 6 (2):189-223.
    The dialectical-theological origins of the politically- and ethically-charged concept of alterity are well-known within the philosophy of religion. Intellectual histories of this concept tie it too exclusively to the notion of distance or διάστασις in Karl Barth’s early Römerbrief, however, and so miss Barth’s Trinitarian reinterpretation of God’s otherness in his later work. Taking as my hermeneutical key a cipher, the ‘sign of Jonah,’ that emerges in Church Dogmatics IV/1, I show that Barth’s mature doctrines of temporality and filiation (...)
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    Sign of the Times: Legal Persons, Digitality and the Impact on Personal Autonomy.Elizabeth Englezos - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (2):441-456.
    Today, data and intervening digital media provide critical lines of communication with our social and business connections. Even those we know personally will typically connect to us via digital means. As a consequence, data and the digital space add a third dimension to the individual: we are now mind, body and digitality. This essay considers how digitality affects outcomes for the individual by exploring the mechanisms of digital influence. By using Peirce’s theory of semiosis to explain the process of digital (...)
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    Signs of Invisibility: Nonrecognition of Natural Environments as Persons in International and Domestic Law.Bruce Baer Arnold - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (2):457-475.
    Recognition of legal personhood in contemporary international and domestic law is a matter of signs. Those signs identify the existence of the legal person: human animals, corporations and states. They also identify facets of that personhood that situate the signified entities within webs of rights and responsibilities. Entities that are not legal persons lack agency and are thus invisible. They may be acted on but, absent the personhood that is communicated through a range of indicia and shapes both legal and (...)
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  7. Sharing Responsibility in Gamete Donation: Balancing Relations and New Knowledge in Latvia.Signe Mezinska, Ilze Mileiko & Aivita Putnina - 2012 - Medicine Studies 3 (3):185-196.
    Purpose This paper presents an ethnographic study of gamete donation in Latvia. The aim of the study is to describe and analyse the practice of applying responsibility in gamete donation cases from the perspective of anthropology and ethics. Methods We performed thirty semi-structured interviews with laypeople and five focus group discussions among adolescents. The third source of data was media analysis: 57 articles discussing assisted reproduction in Latvian electronic popular media as well as internet discussions among ART participants. The data (...)
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  8. Signs of Morality in David Bowie's "Black Star" Video Clip.May Kokkidou & Elvina Paschali - 2017 - Philosophy Study 7 (12).
    “Black Star” music video was released two days before Bowie’s death. It bears various implications of dying and the notion of mortality is both literal and metaphorical. It is highly autobiographical and serves as a theatrical stage for Bowie to act both as a music performer and as a self-conscious human being. In this paper, we discuss the signs of mortality in Bowie’s “Black Star” music video-clip. We focus on video’s cinematic techniques and codes, on its motivic elements and on (...)
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    Signs of Legal and Pseudolegal Authority: A Corpus-Based Comparison of Contemporary Courtroom Filings.David Griffin & Dana Roemling - forthcoming - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique:1-36.
    Legal language exists in a peculiar state of tension. It is theoretically expected to meet the specific technical needs of a range of professions while simultaneously remaining entirely accessible to the public at large. Its success at that latter aim is at best limited, with laypeople generally more able to recognize that a given text is legal in character than they are to grasp its technical content. For such readers, the primary semiotic function of legal language is an indexical one, (...)
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    Signs of value: Reid on the evidential role of feelings in moral judgement.Terence Cuneo - 2006 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 14 (1):69 – 91.
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    Signs of light: French and British theories of linguistic communication, 1648-1789.Matthew Lauzon - 2010 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    Bestial banter -- Homo risus : making light of animal language -- Warming savage hearts and heating eloquent tongues -- From savage orators to savage languages -- French levity -- English energy.
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    Under the Sign of Failure.Peter Fenves - 1996 - Idealistic Studies 26 (2):135-151.
    The slogan “eternal peace” can be announced only under the sign of its failure because the term “eternity” does not belong either to the diplomatic vocabulary of politics or to a properly criticized lexicon of philosophy. Speaking of anything as “eternal,” including peace, demands that one take leave of both diplomacy and critical philosophy, each of which takes its point of departure from a certain abandonment of eternity in for of time, timing, temporality, and temporizing - so much so (...)
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    Nietzsche: Culture Warrior or a Sign of the Times?Paul Bishop - 2022 - Nietzsche Studien 51 (1):336-350.
    A century and a half after the Kulturkampf in Germany, and three decades after James Davison Hunter’s account of the “culture warriors,” this book review examines what Nietzsche might have to say to us today about our understanding of the past and our relation to the future. It considers two studies of the four essays of Nietzsche’s Unzeitgemässe Betrachtungen taken as a whole, one study of Nietzsche’s second essay on history, one on Nietzsche’s general conception of decadence and culture, (...)
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    The aestheticization of history and the Butterfly Effect: visual arts series.Nancy Wellington Bookhart (ed.) - 2023 - Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
    'The Aestheticization of History and the Butterfly Effect: Visual Arts Series' introduces the audience to philosophical concepts that broach the beginning of the history of Western thought in Plato and Aristotle to that of more modern thought in the theoretician Jacques Rancière in which the main conceptual framework of this anthology is predicated. The introduction is mainly concerned with Rancière's concept of the distribution of the sensible, which is the arrangement of things accessible to our senses, what we (...)
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  15. Signing on: A Contractarian Understanding of How Public History is Used for Civic Inclusion.Daniel Abrahams - 2023 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 26 (5):651-665.
    What makes public history more than just another hill to fight over in culture war politics? In this paper I propose a novel way of understanding the political significance of how public history creates and shapes identities: a contractarian one. I argue that public history can be sensibly understood as representing groups as a society’s contracting parties. One particular value of the contractarian approach is that it helps to elucidate the phenomenon of “signing on,” where a marginalized (...)
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  16. BURNHAM Douglas and Martin JESINGHAUSEN: Nietzsche's 'The Birth'.Evans C. Stephen & Natural Signs - 2010 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (4):737-740.
  17. History of Structuralism: Volume 2: The Sign Sets, 1967-Present.Francois Dosse - 1998 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
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    History of Structuralism: Volume 1: The Rising Sign, 1945-1966.François Dosse - 1997 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Content Description #Includes bibliographical references and index.
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    On the Issue of 1926 Paper Money Signs of the "Azneft" Trust.Habil Zeyniyev & Sanubar Gasimova - 2024 - Metafizika 7 (2):102-111.
    For the first time in the article, paper currency signs of the year 1926 of the “Azneft” Trust Department are involved in the study. A brief history of the period, the social and public situation, and a list of private issues in Azerbaijan are provided on the basis of factual material—paper money signs. Indicating the main meaning of this material, the authors have collected and analysed information about the features, varieties, and place of printing of this issue. Also, color (...)
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    Signs and Wonders upon Pharaoh: A History of American Egyptology.Charles F. Nims & John A. Wilson - 1966 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 86 (3):344.
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  21. History of Polyhedra and Numeral Signs.F. Lindemann - 1898 - The Monist 8:477.
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    William Pencak: A Sign Signing Up History: A Review of William Pencak's Work. [REVIEW]Keith Barbera - 2001 - American Journal of Semiotics 17 (2):413-420.
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    The semiosis of life: Hoffmeyer, Jesper. Biosemiotics: an examination into the signs of life and the life of signs, Trans. Hoffmeyer, Jesper and Favareau, David. Edited by Favareau, Donald. University of Scranton Press, Scranton, 2008, xix + 419 pp, $US45, HB.Catherine Mills - 2011 - Metascience 20 (1):123-125.
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    The Age of the Sign: New Light on the Role of the Fourteenth Century in the History of Semiotics.Ludger Kaczmarek - 1992 - Dialogue 31 (3):509-.
    Semiotics, the age-old investigation of signs, is still striving for acknowledgement as a scientific discipline. Though the ‘linguistic turn’ in the philosophical disciplines seemed to be followed by a ‘semiotic turn’ in many sciences during the 1970s, efforts were not crowned by great success. When seen from a certain distance, a definition of semiotics as a discipline can only be obtained from its history. Research into the sources of the human pre-occupation with signs, and with concepts or conceptions of (...)
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    Theorizing American Literature: Hegel, the Sign, and History.Bainard Cowan & Joseph G. Kronick - 1991 - Baton Rouge : Louisiana State University Press.
    This collection of essays intends to challenge conventional notions of what constitutes an American national literature. The new reading of Hegel in recent philosophy and critical theory subjects history and language to a thorough critique. Yet the connection of Hegel to American discourse has largely gone unexplored, and literary theorists have scarcely begun to interrogate the priorities of Hegelianism implicit in American literary history. The essays collected in Theorizing American Literature thus organize their arguments around the necessity to (...)
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    Pilgrimages in contemporary Europe: Signs of national and universal culture.Klaus Guth - 1995 - History of European Ideas 20 (4-6):831-835.
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    Semiotics of resistance: Being, memory, history—the counter-current of signs.Eero Tarasti - 2009 - Semiotica 2009 (173):41-71.
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    On Translation of Literary Terminology as Cultural Sign: with focus on translation of literary terms in History of Chinese Literature.Peina Zhuang - 2017 - Cultura 14 (1):43-58.
    This paper examines the translation of literary terminology as cultural sign in the selected versions of the History of Chinese Literature in the Anglophone world. It argues that classical Chinese literary terminology with its rich connotations and strong prescriptiveness as „symbol‟ in semiotics, holds great difficulty for translators and scholars. Its inherent social and cultural elements in determining the meaning of these terms cannot be transferred across cultures, thus causing problems such as „neutralization‟ either in free or literally (...)
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    Curriculum continuity and transfer from primary to secondary school: the case of history.Mike Huggins & Peter Knight - 1997 - Educational Studies 23 (3):333-348.
    The transfer of children from primary school to secondary school has long been seen as a problematic area. The National Curriculum was depicted as offering a solution to some of the transfer problems by providing for curriculum continuity across the primary-secondary divide. This paper reports the results of a study of curriculum continuity in one subject, history, now that a National Curriculum has been in place for several years. It reports that teachers continue to see problems with the transfer (...)
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    The Primacy of Perception: And Other Essays on Phenomenological Psychology, the Philosophy of Art, History and Politics.Signs.Charles Taylor, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, James M. Edie & Richard C. McCleary - 1967 - Philosophical Review 76 (1):113.
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  31. The Hinge of History.Peter Singer - unknown
    Smiling is a universal human practice, although readiness to smile at strangers varies according to culture. In Australia, where being open and friendly to strangers is not unusual, the city of Port Phillip, an area covering some of the bayside suburbs of Melbourne, has been using volunteers to find out how often people smile at those who pass them in the street. It then put up signs that look like speed limits, but tell pedestrians that they are in, for example, (...)
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    A history of lying.Muñoz Rengel & Juan Jacinto - 2022 - Cambridge: Polity Press. Edited by Thomas Bunstead.
    Wherever there is life, there are lies. Slick-suited politicians lie on the podium, ready to tell voters what they want to hear. Cheating lovers, swindling businessmen, double-crossing villains – all liars. But nature lies too – the cheetah crouching in the tall grass waiting to pounce, its spots and straw-coloured fur blending in with its surroundings, the chameleon with its adaptable skin, the octopus hiding in its cave. Juan Jacinto Muñoz-Rengel uncovers the slippery history of lies, some dark and (...)
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    Signs In Law - A Source Book: The Semiotics of Law in Legal Education III.Jan M. Broekman & Larry Catá Backer (eds.) - 2015 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This volume provides a critical roadmap through the major historical sources of legal semiotics as we know them today. The history of legal semiotics, now at least a century old, has never been written (a non-event itself pregnant with semiotic possibility). As a consequence, its sources are seldom clearly exposed and, as word, object and meaning change, are sometimes lost. They reach from an English translation of the 1916 inaugural lecture of the first Chair in Legal Significs at the (...)
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    The return of universal history.David Christian - 2010 - History and Theory 49 (4):6-27.
    The prediction defended in this paper is that over the next fifty years we will see a return of the ancient tradition of “universal history”; but this will be a new form of universal history that is global in its practice and scientific in its spirit and methods. Until the end of the nineteenth century, universal history of some kind seems to have been present in most historiographical traditions. Then it vanished as historians became disillusioned with the (...)
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    Daughters of earth/sons of heaven: Signs and things in history.Nancy F. Partner - 1986 - Semiotica 59 (3-4):245-260.
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  36. Social Signs and Natural Bodies: On TJ Clark's Farewell to an Idea: Episodes from a History of Modernism.J. Bernstein - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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    Semiotic Interpretation of the Sign ‘Ecclesiastical Court’ Within the Framework of Legal Precepts in Terms of Temporality and Spatiality.Yulia Erokhina - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 34 (3):783-802.
    The article aims to provide a semiotic interpretation of the sign of the Ecclesiastical Court within the legal framework from temporal and spatial perspectives. The starting point of the research is the idea that the history of the Russian Ecclesiastical Court is inextricably linked to the history of Russian society and secular court. Consideration of the pre-revolutionary ecclesiastical and secular law helps us explore principles of the ecclesiastical proceedings and organization, identify contradictions in understanding modern Ecclesiastical Court. (...)
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    Signs, science, and politics: philosophies of language in Europe, 1700-1830.Lia Formigari - 1993 - Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Edited by Lia Formigari.
    This book tells the story of how 18th-century European philosophy used Locke's theory of signs to build a natural history of speech and to investigate the semiotic tools with which nature and civil society can be controlled. The story ends at the point where this approach to language sciences was called into question. Its epilogue is the description of the birth of an alternative between empiricism and idealism in late 18th- and early 19th-century theories of language. This alternative has (...)
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  39. Stars, spirits, signs: towards a history of astrology 1100–1800.Lauren Kassell - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 41 (2):67-69.
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    Gravestones Signed by Calligraphers: In the Example of Yahya Efendi Cemetery.Tuba Ruhengiz Azaklı - 2024 - Kocaeli İLahiyat Dergisi 7 (2):194-225.
    One of the important areas where the development of Islamic calligraphy can be observed is the tombstone inscriptions. As a reflection of the evolution of calligraphy in the 18th and 19th centuries of the Ottoman Empire, tombstone inscriptions also began to contain high artistic value. Especially the epitaphs of the tombstones belonging to the noble families, state officials and the people of the palace, combined with the fine workmanship, became works of art. These examples are important records for art (...) as they mostly contain signatures and dates. Gravestones, which are important in many aspects, especially art, literature and history, are mostly open to the public and therefore to destruction. This situation makes it necessary and meaningful to evaluate historical gravestones in a multi-faceted way and to reveal their value. Therefore, serious research on gravestones is extremely valuable. This article is about the gravestones signed by calligraphers of the cemetery belonging to the Yahya Efendi Complex in Istanbul-Beşiktaş. The study includes the analysis of the data collected before the 2009-2013 restoration, considering the current situation of the cemetery. The cemetery is home to tombstones with high artistic value due to the importance of the buried people. There are over two thousand tombstones in the cemetery, which has an important place within the social complex. Some of these stones attract attention with their decorations and stone workmanship, as well as their inscriptions, which are rare examples of calligraphy art. Among these inscriptions, seventy-nine samples signed by calligraphers were found and these samples were examined within the scope of the article. It is possible to see the prominent artists of the last period among the calligraphers whose works are found in the cemetery. Yahya Efendi Cemetery is home to the signed epitaphs of twenty-seven different calligraphers, mainly Aziz Efendi, Sâmi Efendi, Şefik Efendi, Şevki Efendi, Hulusi Efendi, İzzet Efendi, Nuri Korman, Arif Efendi and Halim Özyazıcı. (shrink)
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    Philosophy and History of Education: Time to bridge the gap?Marc Depaepe - 2007 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 39 (1):28-43.
    In this article, the relationship between philosophy and history of education is delved into. First, it is noted that both disciplines have diverged from each other over the last few decades to become relatively autonomous subsectors within the pedagogical sciences, each with its own discourses, its own expositional characteristics, its own channels of communication, and its own networks. From the perspective of the history of education, it seems as though more affiliation has been sought with the science of (...)
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  42. Signs as a Theme in the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice.David Waszek - 2024 - In Bharath Sriraman, Handbook of the History and Philosophy of Mathematical Practice. Cham: Springer.
    Why study notations, diagrams, or more broadly the variety of nonverbal “representations” or “signs” that are used in mathematical practice? This chapter maps out recent work on the topic by distinguishing three main philosophical motivations for doing so. First, some work (like that on diagrammatic reasoning) studies signs to recover norms of informal or historical mathematical practices that would get lost if the particular signs that these practices rely on were translated away; work in this vein has the potential to (...)
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  43. Thought, Sign and Machine - the Idea of the Computer Reconsidered.Niels Ole Finnemann - 1999 - Copenhagen: Danish Original: Akademisk Forlag 1994. Tanke, Sprog og Maskine..
    Throughout what is now the more than 50-year history of the computer many theories have been advanced regarding the contribution this machine would make to changes both in the structure of society and in ways of thinking. Like other theories regarding the future, these should also be taken with a pinch of salt. The history of the development of computer technology contains many predictions which have failed to come true and many applications that have not been foreseen. While (...)
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    A History of Language Philosophies.Lia Formigari - 2004 - Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamin.
    Theory and history combine in this book to form a coherent narrative of the debates on language and languages in the Western world, from ancient classic philosophy to the present, with a final glance at on-going discussions on language as a cognitive tool, on its bodily roots and philogenetic role.An introductory chapter reviews the epistemological areas that converge into, or contribute to, language philosophy, and discusses their methods, relations, and goals. In this context, the status of language philosophy is (...)
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  45. Peirce's theory of signs.Albert Atkin - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Peirce's Sign Theory, or Semiotic, is an account of signification, representation, reference and meaning. Although sign theories have a long history, Peirce's accounts are distinctive and innovative for their breadth and complexity, and for capturing the importance of interpretation to signification. For Peirce, developing a thoroughgoing theory of signs was a central philosophical and intellectual preoccupation. The importance of semiotic for Peirce is wide ranging. As he himself said, “[…] it has never been in my power to (...)
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    Logic, Signs and Nature in the Renaissance: The Case of Learned Medicine.Ian Maclean - 2001 - Cambridge University Press.
    This is a major work by Ian Maclean exploring the foundations of learning in the Renaissance. Logic, Signs and Nature offers a profoundly learned, compelling and original account of the range of what was thinkable and knowable by learned medics of the period c.1530-1630. This is a study of great significance to the history of medicine, as well as the history of European ideas in general.
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    Evolving Nature of Objectivity in the History of Science and its Implications for Science Education.Mansoor Niaz - 2017 - Springer Verlag.
    This book explores the evolving nature of objectivity in the history of science and its implications for science education. It is generally considered that objectivity, certainty, truth, universality, the scientific method and the accumulation of experimental data characterize both science and science education. Such universal values associated with science may be challenged while studying controversies in their original historical context. The scientific enterprise is not characterized by objectivity or the scientific method, but rather controversies, alternative interpretations of data, ambiguity, (...)
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    An important chapter in the history of semiotics: inference from signs in Philodemus’ De signis.Giovanni Manetti - 2023 - Semiotica 2023 (250):117-148.
    Philodemus’ De signis is one of the classical texts of greatest semiotic interest. It reports the debate which arose between the Epicureans and an opposing school, usually identified as the Stoics, concerning semiotic inference. The Epicureans proposed to construct semiotic inferences based on generalizations resting on similarity, ultimately configuring their method as a form of induction. Their opponents attacked the Epicurean proposal in a twofold way: on the one hand, they argued that the Epicureans’ method intrinsically lacked cogency, invalidating their (...)
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    Inference from signs: ancient debates about the nature of evidence.James V. Allen - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Original and penetrating, this book investigates of the notion of inference from signs, which played a central role in ancient philosophical and scientific method. It examines an important chapter in ancient epistemology: the debates about the nature of evidence and of the inferences based on it--or signs and sign-inferences as they were called in antiquity. As the first comprehensive treatment of this topic, it fills an important gap in the histories of science and philosophy.
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    A Theory of Linguistic Signs.Rudi Keller - 1998 - Oxford University Press UK.
    What does it mean to drive a Cadillac? What does 'cuckoo' suggest about the bird? -- two examples explored in this investigation of the history of language signs and of what philosophers, linguists, and others have had to say about them. Rudi Keller shows how signs emerge, function, and develop in the permanent process of language change. He recombines thoughts and ideas from Plato to the present day to create a new theory of the meaning and evolution of icons (...)
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