Results for 'Siegfried Heinke'

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  1.  5
    Die Neuordnung der sozialen Selbstverwaltung als gesellschaftspolitisches und sozialethisches Problem.Siegfried Heinke - 1962 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 6 (1):18-31.
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    Marek, Siesfrled. Die platonische Ideen lehre in ihren Motiven.Siegfried Marek - 1911 - Kant Studien 16 (1-3).
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    Attention, spatial representation, and visual neglect: Simulating emergent attention and spatial memory in the selective attention for identification model (SAIM).Dietmar Heinke & Glyn W. Humphreys - 2003 - Psychological Review 110 (1):29-87.
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    Importance and Feasibility of Animal Welfare Measures from a Consumer Perspective in Germany.Heinke Heise, Sirkka Schukat & Carolin Winkel - 2020 - Food Ethics 5 (1-2).
    The subject animal welfare is increasingly in the public discourse. Consumers and policymakers are increasingly demanding products that are produced under increased animal welfare standards. The profession of the farmer involuntarily gets into disrepute. Many consumers want fundamental changes in pig farming, but are not aware of the consequences of implementation. In this representative study, consumers (n = 1101) were asked about their assessment of 33 animal welfare measures with regard to their importance and the feasibility of implementing those measures. (...)
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    "Music is different" - isn't it?: Bedeutung und Bedingungen musikalischer Autonomie: Festschrift für Siegfried Oechsle zum 65. Geburtstag.Siegfried Oechsle, Kathrin Kirsch & Alexander Lotzow (eds.) - 2021 - Kassel: Bärenreiter.
    Musik ist anders. Durch Sprechen und Schreiben ist sie nicht zu ersetzen. Dennoch erzeugt sie den Wunsch nach Verständigung: über Musik selbst und über Zusammenhänge, die sie zu dem werden lassen, was sie ist. Auch wenn sie sich medial stets autonom verwirklicht, so ist Musik nicht isoliert. Die klingende Kunst reagiert - auf andere Musik, aber auch auf soziale oder ästhetische Bedingungen ihrer Zeit, wenngleich mit eigenen Mitteln. Der Band versammelt 35 Beiträge zur Musik von der Renaissance bis zum Bebop (...)
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    Von Aufklärung bis Zweifel: Beiträge zu Philosophie, Geschichte und Philosophiegeschichte: Festschrift für Siegfried Wollgast.Siegfried Wollgast, Gerhard Banse, Herbert Hörz & Heinz Liebscher (eds.) - 2008 - Berlin: Trafo-Verlag.
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    Verstehen fremder Kulturen: die Relevanz des Spätwerks Ludwig Wittgensteins für die Sozialwissenschaften.Heinke Deloch - 1997 - Frankfurt: Iko.
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    Money and the autonomy instinct.Siegfried Dewitte - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (2):184-185.
    Applying the reciprocity instinct to monetary transactions implies that the reaction to monetary debt and monetary credit are similar. However, evidence suggests an asymmetry. I suggest that the “autonomy instinct” fits better with human behavior towards money. I show that people value autonomy, and I show how money can serve this instinct. (Published Online April 5 2006).
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  9. Lessons from the Demise of the FCC Fairness Doctrine.Rex S. Heinke & Heather L. Wayland - 1998 - Nexus 3:3.
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    Die Farbe Purpur im frühen Griechentum: beobachtet in der Literatur und in der bildenden Kunst.Heinke Stulz - 1990 - Stuttgart: B.G. Teubner.
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  11. Student attitudes on software piracy and related issues of computer ethics.Robert M. Siegfried - 2004 - Ethics and Information Technology 6 (4):215-222.
    Software piracy is older than the PC and has been the subject of several studies, which have found it to be a widespread phenomenon in general, and among university students in particular. An earlier study by Cohen and Cornwell from a decade ago is replicated, adding questions about downloading music from the Internet. The survey includes responses from 224 students in entry-level courses at two schools, a nondenominational suburban university and a Catholic urban college with similar student profiles. The study (...)
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    The Mass Ornament: Weimar EssaysCritical Realism: History, Photography, and the Work of Siegfried Kracauer.Lydia Goehr, Siegfried Kracauer, Thomas Y. Levin & Dagmar Barnouw - 1996 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 54 (4):397.
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    A dynamical system theory approach to cognitive neuroscience.D. Heinke - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (4):543-543.
    Neural organization contains a wealth of facts from all areas of brain research and provides a useful overview of physiological data for those working outside the immediate field. Furthermore, it gives a good example that the approach of dynamical system theory together with the concepts of cooperative and competitive interaction can be fruitful for an interdisciplinary approach to cognition.
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    How Useful are the Concepts of Familiarity, Biological Integrity, and Ecosystem Health for Evaluating Damages by GM Crops?Ulrich Heink, Robert Bartz & Ingo Kowarik - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (1):3-17.
    In the discussion about consequences of the release of genetically modified (GM) crops, the meaning of the term “environmental damage” is difficult to pin down. We discuss some established concepts and criteria for understanding and evaluating such damages. Focusing on the concepts of familiarity, biological integrity, and ecosystem health, we argue that, for the most part, these concepts are highly ambiguous. While environmental damage is mostly understood as significant adverse effects on conservation resources, these concepts may not relate directly to (...)
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  15.  18
    Le Moi de Descartes et la « Psychologie de la Connaissance ».Siegfried Marck - 1937 - Travaux du IXe Congrès International de Philosophie 1:173-180.
    Dans la doctrine cartésienne du Cogito, ergo sum, on peut dégager deux idées : l’idée d’une vérité indépendante, fournissant d’elle-même des preuves suffisantes d’authenticité ; l’idée d’une évidence vécue dont toute la force tiendrait à la conscience plus ou moins riche et plus ou moins précise que le moi pourrait prendre de sa réalité intime. L’interprétation cartésienne du moi flotte entre le moi qui se définit par la pensée et le moi qui se définit par l’expérience. Kant, inspiré lui aussi (...)
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    Videant consules.Siegfried Mendner - 1966 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 110 (1-2):258-267.
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  17. Selbstreferenz und Selbstreflexion in der Musik.Siegfried Oechsle - 2011 - In Wolfram Steinbeck & Rüdiger Schumacher, Selbstreflexion in der Musik/Wissenschaft: Referate des Kölner Symposions 2007: im Gedenken an Rüdiger Schumacher. Kassel: Gustav Bosse Verlag.
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    Mathematik und mathematische Modellierung: philosophische und methodologische Probleme.Siegfried Paul - 1986 - Berlin: Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften. Edited by G. I. Ruzavin.
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    Neo-Scholastic Ontology and Modern Thought.Francis P. Siegfried - 1926 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 1:19-27.
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    Heimvideo. Entstehung, Strukturen und Rahmenbedingungen eines neuen Marktes für audiovisuelle Software in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.Siegfried Zielinsky - 1985 - Communications 11 (1):45-70.
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    Composition, a neglected aspect of the chemical revolution.Robert Siegfried & Betty Jo Dobbs - 1968 - Annals of Science 24 (4):275-293.
  22.  6
    Polis und Moderne: Siegfried Landshut in heutiger Sicht: mit ausgewählten Dokumenten zur Biographie.Rainer Nicolaysen & Siegfried Landshut (eds.) - 2000 - Berlin: B. Reimer.
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    Histories and Discourses: Rewriting Constructivism.Siegfried J. Schmidt - 2007 - Imprint Academic.
    Siegfried J. Schmidt is closely associated in Germany with the cross-disciplinary research programme of Radical Constructivism. In Histories & Discourses he carries out a change of perspective from media and communication studies to studies of culture and the philosophy of language.His ‘rewriting’ of constructivism shows that classical constructivism shares some fundamental assumptions with realism, and he creates a new vocabulary which allows us to understand how we construct truth, identity, ethics, etc., without using any point of reference which lies (...)
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  24. Dispositional essentialism and the grounding of natural modality.Siegfried Jaag - 2014 - Philosophers' Imprint 14.
    Dispositional essentialism is a non-Humean view about the essences of certain fundamental or natural properties that looms large in recent metaphysics , not least because it promises to explain neatly the natural modalities such as laws of nature, counterfactuals, causation and chance. In the current paper, however, several considerations are presented that indicate a serious tension between its essentialist core thesis and natural “metaphysical” interpretations of its central explanatory claims.
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    ...After the Media: News From the Slow-Fading Twentieth Century.Siegfried Zielinski - 2013 - Univocal Publishing.
    In an overview of developments spanning the past seventy years, Siegfried Zielinski discusses how the means of technology-based communication assumed a systemic character and how theory, art, and criticism were operative in this process. [... After the Media] advocates for a distinction to be made between online existence and offline being.
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    „Gratia praeveniens“ — psychologisch erwogen.Siegfried Behn - 1964 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 8 (1):250-253.
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  27. Ein Beitrag zur Erkenntnis der socialwissenschaftlichen Bedeutung des Bedurfnisses.Siegfried Kraus - 1906 - Philosophical Review 15:684.
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    (1 other version)16. Kant Und Die Biologie Seiner Zeit.Siegfried Roth - 2008 - In Otfried Höffe, Immanuel Kant. "Kritik der Urteilskraft". Boston: Akademie Verlag / De Gruyter. pp. 259-272.
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    Ästhetische Prozesse.Siegfried J. Schmidt - 1971 - [Köln]: Kiepenheuer & Witsch.
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    Deception and Cognitive Load: Expanding Our Horizon with a Working Memory Model.Siegfried L. Sporer - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  31. Das Verhältnis der beiden Argumentationsschritte der transzendentalen Deduktion von Kants "Kritik der reinen Vernunft (B)".Siegfried Blasche - 1985 - In Volker Gerhardt & Norbert Herold, Wahrheit und Begründung. Würzburg: Königshausen + Neumann.
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    Martin Heidegger: Innen- und Aussenansichten.Siegfried Blasche (ed.) - 1989 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Kritische bemerkungen zu dem 4. kapitel Des buches Von Josef zürcher »åistoteles’ werk und geist«.Siegfried Heller - 1955 - Centaurus 4 (1):34-50.
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    Arbeitslosigkeit und Wirtschaftspolitik.Siegfried Katterle - 1979 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 23 (1):32-47.
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    Evaluation des Ansatzes von Lawrence Kohlberg zur Entwicklung und Messung moralischen Urteilens: immanente Kritik und Weiterentwicklung.Siegfried Reuss - 1996 - Berlin: Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung. Edited by Günter Becker.
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  36. Bedeutung und Begriff: Zur Fundierung einer sprachphilosophischen Semantik.Siegfried J. Schmidt - 1970 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 21 (4):397-399.
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  37. (1 other version)C. E. Sander-Hansen: Der Begriff des Todes bei den Ägyptern.Siegfried Schott - 1944 - Kant Studien 44:288.
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  38. Soederblom, Nathan, Einführung in die Religionsgeschichte.Th Siegfried - 1925 - Kant Studien 30:203.
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  39. Why Defend Humean Supervenience?Siegfried Jaag & Christian Loew - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy 117 (7):387-406.
    Humean Supervenience is a metaphysical model of the world according to which all truths hold in virtue of nothing but the total spatiotemporal distribution of perfectly natural, intrinsic properties. David Lewis and others have worked out many aspects of HS in great detail. A larger motivational question, however, remains unanswered: As Lewis admits, there is strong evidence from fundamental physics that HS is false. What then is the purpose of defending HS? In this paper, we argue that the philosophical merit (...)
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    Ein beitrag zur deutung der Theodoros-stelle in platons dialog «theaetet».Siegfried Heller - 1956 - Centaurus 5 (1):1-58.
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    Now or Later?--Endogenous Timing of Threats.Siegfried K. Berninghaus & Werner Guth - 2003 - Theory and Decision 55 (3):235-256.
    Whereas early threats are chosen before bargaining, late threats are determined after bargaining ended in conflict. Instead of exogenously imposing the timing of threats, these are derived endogenously as in indirect evolution or endogenous timing. Based on a duopoly market, we first derive the equilibrium for all possible constellations regarding the timing of threats. Our analysis surprisingly justifies the early timing of threats as suggested by Nash (1953).
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    Wer war Kant?: drei zeitgenössische Biographien.Siegfried Drescher, Ludwig Ernst Borowski, Reinhold Bernhard Jachmann, E. A. Ch Wasianski & Felix Gross - 1974 - Pfullingen: G. Neske. Edited by Ludwig Ernst Borowski, Reinhold Bernhard Jachmann, E. A. Ch Wasianski & Felix Gross.
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    Zur bedeutungsgeschichte Von „europa“, „hesperia“ und „occidentalis“ in der antike und im frühen mittelalter.Siegfried Epperlein - 1971 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 115 (1-4):81-92.
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    Buddhism as a stronghold of free thinking?: social, ethical and philosophical dimensions of Buddhism.Siegfried C. A. Fay & Ilse Maria Bruckner (eds.) - 2011 - Nuesttal: Edition Ubuntu.
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    (1 other version)Speculum Spinozanum, 1677–1977.Siegfried Hessing - 1977 - Philosophy 53 (206):576-576.
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    Die „kritische Theorie des Subjekts“ – einige Momente ihres Verhältnisses zur Psychoanalyse und ihrer Kritik des Marxismus-Leninismus.Siegfried Kätzel - 1981 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 29 (9).
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    Mediaeval History of Nepal . Second, Thoroughly Revised Edition.Siegfried Lienhard & Luciano Petech - 1986 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 106 (4):883.
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    Der Zauber des Denkens: Gespräche über Philosophie.Siegfried Reusch (ed.) - 2012 - Darmstadt: Lambert Schneider.
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    Theologische Kritik der Vernunft.Siegfried Scharrer - 1977 - Tübingen: Katzmann.
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  50. The self-organisation of human communication.Siegfried J. Schmidt - 2010 - In Colin B. Grant, Beyond Universal Pragmatics: Studies in the Philosophy of Communication. Peter Lang.
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