Results for 'Sidney Fels'

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  1. Rethinking Third Places: Contemporary Design with Technology.Fels Sidney Memarovic Nemanja, Calderon Roberto Anacleto Junia, Carroll John Gobbo F. & M. - 2014 - Journal of Community Informatics 10.
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    Characterizing Motor Control of Mastication With Soft Actor-Critic.Amir H. Abdi, Benedikt Sagl, Venkata P. Srungarapu, Ian Stavness, Eitan Prisman, Purang Abolmaesumi & Sidney Fels - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:523954.
    The human masticatory system is a complex functional unit characterized by a multitude of skeletal components, muscles, soft tissues, and teeth. Muscle activation dynamics cannot be directly measured on live human subjects due to ethical, safety, and accessibility limitations. Therefore, estimation of muscle activations and their resultant forces is a longstanding and active area of research. Reinforcement learning (RL) is an adaptive learning strategy which is inspired by the behavioral psychology and enables an agent to learn the dynamics of an (...)
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  3. Expression of nonconscious knowledge via ideomotor actions.Hélène L. Gauchou, Ronald A. Rensink & Sidney Fels - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (2):976-982.
    Ideomotor actions are behaviours that are unconsciously initiated and express a thought rather than a response to a sensory stimulus. The question examined here is whether ideomotor actions can also express nonconscious knowledge. We investigated this via the use of implicit long-term semantic memory, which is not available to conscious recall. We compared accuracy of answers to yes/no questions using both volitional report and ideomotor response . Results show that when participants believed they knew the answer, responses in the two (...)
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    Sidney Hook on pragmatism, democracy, and freedom: the essential essays.Sidney Hook - 2002 - Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books. Edited by Robert B. Talisse & Robert Tempio.
    Sidney Hook on Pragmatism, Democracy, and Freedom collects twenty-five of Hook's most incisive essays in political philosophy, written throughout his lengthy career. Clustered into five main sections, the essays discuss pragmatism and naturalism, Marx and Marxism, democratic theory, democratic practice, and the defense of a free society.
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    Sidney Hook and the contemporary world.Paul Kurtz & Sidney Hook (eds.) - 1968 - New York,: John Day Co..
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  6. Sidney Hook and the Contemporary World Essays on the Pragmatic Intelligence, Edited by Paul Kurtz. --.Paul Kurtz & Sidney Hook - 1968 - J. Day Co.
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    Sidney Hook and the Contemporary World Essays on the Pragmatic Intelligence.Sidney Hook & Paul Kurtz - 1968 - J. Day.
  8. Bryan Magee Talks to Sidney Morgenbesser About the American Pragmatists.Bryan Magee, Sidney Morgenbesser, Inc Bbc Education & Training, Films for the Humanities & B. B. C. Worldwide Americas - 1987 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences.
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    Just culture: balancing safety and accountability.Sidney Dekker - 2012 - Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
    What is the right thing to do? -- "You have nothing to fear if you've done nothing wrong" -- Between culpable and blameless -- Are all mistakes equal? -- Report, disclose, protect, learn -- A just culture in your organization -- The criminalization of human error -- Is criminalization bad for safety? -- Without prosecutors, there would be no crime -- Three questions for your just culture -- Why do we blame?
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    Shadows and Ephemera.Sidney R. Nagel - 2001 - Critical Inquiry 28 (1):23-39.
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    Just culture: restoring trust and accountability in your organization.Sidney Dekker - 2017 - Boca Raton: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
    A just culture is a culture of trust, learning and accountability. It is particularly important when an incident has occurred; when something has gone wrong. How do you respond to the people involved? What do you do to minimize the negative impact, and maximize learning? This third edition of Sidney Dekker's extremely successful Just Culture offers new material on restorative justice and ideas about why your people may be breaking rules. Supported by extensive case material, you will learn about (...)
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    Bernard Bolzano.Heinrich Fels - 1929 - Leipzig,: F. Meiner.
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    What is This Thing Called Love?: A Guide to Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with Couples.Sarah Fels Usher - 2007 - Routledge.
    _What is This Thing Called Love?_ provides a clear how-to guide for carrying out psychotherapy with couples from a psychoanalytic perspective. The book draws on both early and contemporary psychoanalytic knowledge, explaining how each theory described is useful in formulating couple dynamics and in working with them. The result is an extremely practical approach, with detailed step-by-step instructions on technique, illuminated throughout by vivid case studies. The book focuses on several key areas including: An initial discussion about theories of love. (...)
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    Verantwortungsethik als Theologie des Wirklichen.Wolfgang Nethöfel, Peter Dabrock & Siegfried Keil (eds.) - 2009 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    English summary: Questions of orientation in a globalized world social ethics answered with a Theology of Real. German text. German description: Theologie als Selbstreflexion der Kirche bestimmt deren Identitat dogmatisch. Wenn die Kirche jedoch gefragt ist und Gestalt annimmt, indem sie zum Orientierungswissen der Gesellschaft beitragt, dann antwortet die christliche Traditionsgemeinschaft sozialethisch. Beides wird zusammengehalten durch eine Theologie des Wirklichen. Sie verhindert, dass Verantwortungsethik ins Leere lauft. Dies dokumentieren die Beitrage des vorliegenden Bandes. Die Autoren stehen dabei in der Traditionslinie (...)
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    Arthur F. Bentley, 1870-1957.Sidney Ratner - 1958 - Journal of Philosophy 55 (14):573-578.
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    Farm-level pathways to food security: beyond missing markets and irrational peasants.Sidney Madsen - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (1):135-150.
    Development projects in Sub-Saharan Africa propose to alleviate hunger in rural areas by introducing new agricultural practices and technologies, yet there is limited empirical evidence of how an agricultural intervention can lead farming households to transition to food security. Research on food security pathways considers agricultural interventions that increase farmers’ income to be particularly effective for reducing food insecurity. Consistent with this stance, Malawian agricultural policy aims to address hunger by encouraging smallholder farmers to intensify and commercialize maize production. This (...)
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  17. (1 other version)Discourses Concerning Government.Algernon Sidney - 1698 - Indianapolis: Liberty Fund. Edited by Thomas G. West.
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    A deceased doctor healing the living in the enchanted world of the Brazilian Northeast.Sidney M. Greenfield & Antônio Mourão Cavalcante - 2024 - Anthropology of Consciousness 35 (1):4-14.
    The theme of this paper is that people in Northeast Brazil refuse to let a good person who helped them during his (or her) lifetime die. They do this through several of the religious traditions practiced in the region. Beings, human and other, now in another plane of reality established in modern thinking, cross the conceptual divide and return through mediums or other intermediaries to heal the living. We examine two religious traditions, “folk” or “popular” Catholicism and Kardecist‐Spiritism, focusing on (...)
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    The Role of Emotion in Ethical Decisionmaking.Sidney Callahan - 1988 - Hastings Center Report 18 (3):9-14.
    In the rationalist tradition in ethics, the emotions are morally suspect. In a corrective swing of the pendulum, burgeoning philosophical interest is “rehabilitating” the emotions in ethical decisionmaking. The emotions and reason should be mutually correcting resources in moral reflection.
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    On the Reversibility of Algorithms.E. M. Fels - 1966 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 31 (4):655.
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    White Ethnics and Black Liberation.Sidney M. Peck - 1970 - Social Theory and Practice 1 (1):12-16.
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    Presupposition and objectivity in history.Sidney Ratner - 1940 - Philosophy of Science 7 (4):499-505.
    The sub-title of this essay might very well be: “A Study in the Biology and Mechanics of Historical Research and Interpretation”. A study in biology because historians can be divided into two classes: invertebrates and vertebrates. The invertebrate historians are those who have inarticulate major premises; the vertebrate historians are those having articulate major premises. A study in mechanics because analysis of historical thought reveals that the principle of least action holds literal sway so far as many historians' critical awareness (...)
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    (1 other version)Vision & action.Sidney Ratner - 1969 - Port Washington, N.Y.,: Kennikat Press. Edited by Horace Meyer Kallen.
    Academic freedom re-visited, by T. V. Smith.--Human rights under the United Nations Charter, by B. V. Cohen.--The absolute, the experimental method, and Horace Kallen, by P. H. Douglas.--Some tame reflections on some wild facts, by J. Frank.--Some central themes in Horace Kallen's philosophy, by S. Ratner.--Cultural relativism and standards, by G. Boas.--The philosophy of democracy as a philosophy of history, by S. Hook.--The rational imperatives, by C. I. Lewis.--From Poe to Valéry, by T. S. Eliot.--Events and the future, by J. (...)
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    The President's Corner.Sidney Scherlis - 1981 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 9 (4):2-2.
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    Perceptual fluency and lexical access for function versus content words.Sidney J. Segalowitz & Korri Lane - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (2):307-308.
    By examining single-word reading times (in full sentences read for meaning), we show that (1) function words are accessed faster than content words, independent of perceptual characteristics; (2) previous failures to show this involved problems of frequency range and task used; and (3) these differences in lexical access are related to perceptual fluency. We relate these findings to issues in the literature on event-related potentials (ERPs) and neurolinguistics.
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  26. Whose free will is it anyway? or, The illusion of determinism.Sidney J. Segalowitz - 2007 - In Henri Cohen & Brigitte Stemmer, Consciousness and Cognition: Fragments of Mind and Brain. Boston: Academic Press.
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    A short history of the roche institute of molecular biology.Sidney Udenfriend - 1987 - Bioessays 7 (6):278-280.
  28. Philosophy of Science Readings Selected, Edited, and Introduced by Arthur Danto and Sidney Morgenbesser.Arthur Coleman Danto & Sidney Morgenbesser - 1960 - World Pub. Co.
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  29. Philosophy of science today.Sidney Morgenbesser - 1967 - New York,: Basic Books. Edited by Sidney Morgenbesser.
    The nature and aim of science, by E. Nagel.--Truth and provability, by L. Henkin.--Completeness, by L. Henkin.--Computability, by S. C. Kleene.--Necessary truth, by W. V. Quine.--What is a scientific theory? By P. Suppes.--Science and simplicity, by N. Goodman.--Scientific explanation, by C. G. Hempel.--Observation and interpretation, by N. R. Hanson.--Probability and confirmation, by H. Putnam.--Utility and acceptance of hypotheses, by I. Levi.--Space and time, by A. Grünbaum.--Problems of microphysics, by P. Feyerabend.--Aspects of explanation in biological theory, by M. Beckner.--Psychologism and methodological (...)
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    The new transnational activism.Sidney G. Tarrow - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The New Transnational Activism shows how even the most prosaic activities can assume broader political meanings when they provide ordinary people with the experience of crossing transnational space. This means that we cannot be satisfied with defining transnational activists through the ways they think. The defining feature of transnationalism in this book is relational, and not cognitive. This emphasis on activism's relational structure means that even as they make transnational claims, transnational activists draw on the resources, the networks, and the (...)
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  31. Law and Philosophy a Symposium. Edited by Sidney Hook. --.Sidney Hook - 1970 - New York University Press.
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  32. A Moral Military.Sidney Axinn - 1989 - Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
    In this new edition of the classic book on the moral conduct of war, Sidney Axinn provides a full-length treatment of the military conventions from a philosophical point of view. Axinn considers these basic ethical questions within the context of the laws of warfare: Should a good soldier ever disobey a direct military order? Are there restrictions on how we fight a war? What is meant by “military honor,” and does it really affect the contemporary soldier? Is human dignity (...)
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  33. The concept of continuity in Dewey's theory of esthetics.Sidney Zink - 1943 - Philosophical Review 52 (4):392-400.
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    Bernard Shaw: The artist as philosopher.Sidney P. Albert - 1956 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 14 (4):419-438.
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    The story of philosophy in verse.Sidney Edward Lang - 1934 - Toronto,: The Macmillan company of Canada.
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    Teaching Grassroots Health Law, Policy and Advocacy: Service and Collaborative Learning.Sidney D. Watson - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (2):506-511.
    This column describes the history, mission, and work of Saint Louis University School of Law’s service-learning course Health Law, Policy and Advocacy: Grassroots Advocacy. Grassroots Advocacy allows law students to work with advocacy organizations on state and federal health policy initiatives, engaging in legislative and administrative advocacy and public education. The course uses community collaboration, community-led advocacy, and collaborative learning to train the next generation of health policy advocates for Missouri and the nation.
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    The Moral Aspects of Socialism.Sidney Webb - 1896 - International Journal of Ethics 7 (1):80-84.
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    The Kit'b Mas'lik An-Naẓar of Sa'îd Ibn Hasan of Alexandria. Edited for the First Time and Translated with Introduction and NotesThe Kitab Masalik An-Nazar of Sa'id Ibn Hasan of Alexandria. Edited for the First Time and Translated with Introduction and Notes.Sidney Adams Weston - 1903 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 24:312.
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    Quality and form in the esthetic object.Sidney Zink - 1945 - Journal of Philosophy 42 (5):113-128.
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    Warranted judgments in Dewey's theory of valuation.Sidney Zink - 1942 - Philosophical Review 51 (5):502-508.
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    Philosophy and public policy.Sidney Hook - 1970 - Journal of Philosophy 67 (14):461-470.
    Like_ _John Dewey, his mentor and friend, Sidney Hook shares the classic concep­tion of philosophy as the pursuit of wis­dom. A philosopher is concerned ulti­mately with the conception of the good life in a good society. In these essays extending over many years, Hook illustrates the activity of the philosopher in the cave of social life. He brings to bear the tools of reflective analysis on dominant social and political issues: human rights; the role of personality and leadership in (...)
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    (1 other version)The quest for being.Sidney Hook - 1934 - Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    One of America's best known social and political philosophers, Sidney Hook, compiled this fascinating combination of essays popular and technical addressing questions by professionals and lay readers alike. -/- Written between 1934 and 1960, these controversial essays generated heated discussion and polemic, the echoes of which are still being heard. Championing secularism, humanism, and naturalism, Hook eloquently argues against the claim that religious experience and metaphysical insight alone can discover truths about existence and reality that rest outside the domain (...)
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    Sacrifice and Value: A Kantian Interpretation.Sidney Axinn - 2010 - Lexington Books.
    We create value for ourselves by making sacrifices. In Sacrifice and Value, Sidney Axinn presents the role of sacrifice in the work of many figures in the history of Philosophy. A novel feature is the attention given to Kant's use of sacrifice, and the way this changes the usual view of the Categorical Imperative, and Kant's concept of value.
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    (1 other version)Psychiatric ethics.Sidney Bloch & Stephen A. Green (eds.) - 1981 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Ethical issues are pivotal to the practice of psychiatry. Anyone involved in psychiatric practice and mental healthcare has to be aware of the range of ethical issues relevant to their profession. An increased professional commitment to accountability, in parallel with a growing "consumer" movement has paved the way for a creative engagement with the ethical movement. The bestselling 'Psychiatric Ethics' has carved out a niche for itself as the major comprehensive text and core reference in the field, covering a range (...)
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    Social Engineers as Saviors: Effects of World War I on Some American Liberals.Sidney Kaplan - 1956 - Journal of the History of Ideas 17 (1/4):347.
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    The American Seamen's Protective Union Association of 1863: A Pioneer Organization of Negro Seamen in the Port of New York.Sidney Kaplan - 1957 - Science and Society 21 (2):154 - 159.
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  47. Aurobindo: prophet of human unity.Sidney Kartus - 1961 - [San Francisco]: Cultural Integration Fellowship.
  48. Ethics Descriptive and Explanatory.Sidney Edward Mezes - 1901 - Macmillan.
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    The cause and function of conscience.Sidney E. Mezes - 1896 - Philosophical Review 5 (5):502-521.
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    Commentary.Sidney W. Mintz - 2006 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 34 (1):123-125.
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