Results for 'Shelly Benjaminy'

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  1.  44
    Ocular gene transfer in the spotlight: implications of newspaper content for clinical communications.Shelly Benjaminy & Tania Bubela - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):58.
    Ocular gene transfer clinical trials are raising hopes for blindness treatments and attracting media attention. News media provide an accessible health information source for patients and the public, but are often criticized for overemphasizing benefits and underplaying risks of novel biomedical interventions. Overly optimistic portrayals of unproven interventions may influence public and patient expectations; the latter may cause patients to downplay risks and over-emphasize benefits, with implications for informed consent for clinical trials. We analyze the news media communications landscape about (...)
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    Process and Rigor in Decision-Making Capacity Evaluations: A Disability Ethics Perspective.Shelly Benjaminy & Preya Sharma Tarsney - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (8):124-126.
    Volume 24, Issue 8, August 2024, Page 124-126.
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  3. How to Count Animals, More or Less.Shelly Kagan - 2019 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Shelly Kagan argues for a hierarchical position in animal ethics where people count more than animals do, and some animals count more than others. In arguing for his account of morality, Kagan sets out what needs to be done to establish our obligations toward animals and to fulfil our duties to them.
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  4. Normative Ethics.Shelly Kagan - 1998 - Mind 109 (434):373-377.
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  5. XIV*—Me and My Life.Shelly Kagan - 1994 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 94 (1):309-324.
    Shelly Kagan; XIV*—Me and My Life, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 94, Issue 1, 1 June 1994, Pages 309–324,
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    Quo Vadis? Charting a Path in Turbulent Times.Shelly Johnson - 2015 - Radical Philosophy Review 18 (1):165-168.
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  7. Ethical issues in non-heartbeating cadaver donors.Shelly Ozark & Michael A. Devita - 2001 - Advances in Bioethics 7:167-194.
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    Bear Stearns–The Need for Ethical Oversight.Shelli Schubert - forthcoming - Business Ethics.
  9. The racehorse as protagonist : agency, independence, and improvisation.Shelly R. Scott - 2009 - In Sarah E. McFarland & Ryan Hediger, Animals and agency: an interdisciplinary exploration. Boston: Brill.
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    Learning with reduced feedback information.Maynard W. Shelly - 1961 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 62 (3):209.
  11.  13
    Witnessing Whiteness: First Steps Toward an Antiracist Practice and Culture.Shelly Tochluk - 2007 - R&L Education.
    Witnessing Whiteness invites educators to consider what it means to be white, describes and critiques strategies used to avoid race issues, and identifies the detrimental effect of avoiding race on cross-race collaborations. The author illustrates how racial discomfort leads white educators toward ineffective teaching pedagogy and poor relationships with students and colleagues of color. Questioning the implications our history has for educational institutions, school reform efforts, and diversity initiatives, this book considers political, economic, socio-cultural, and legal histories that shaped the (...)
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  12. What’s Wrong with Speciesism.Shelly Kagan - 2015 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 33 (1):1-21.
    Peter Singer famously argued in Animal Liberation that almost all of us are speciesists, unjustifiably favoring the interests of humans over the similar interests of other animals. Although I long found that charge compelling, I now find myself having doubts. This article starts by trying to get clear about the nature of speciesism, and then argues that Singer's attempt to show that speciesism is a mere prejudice is unsuccessful. I also argue that most of us are not actually speciesists at (...)
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  13. An Introduction to Ill-Being.Shelly Kagan - 2014 - Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics 4:261-88.
    Typically, discussions of well-being focus almost exclusively on the positive aspects of well-being, those elements which directly contribute to a life going well, or better. It is generally assumed, without comment, that there is no need to explicitly discuss ill-being as well—that is, the part of the theory of well-being that specifies the elements which directly contribute to a life going badly, or less well—since (or so it is thought) this raises no special difficulties or problems. But this common assumption (...)
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    Narrating a Psychology of Resistance: Voices of the Compãneras in Nicaragua.Shelly Grabe - 2016 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The Movimiento Autonomo de Mujeres in Nicaragua - birthed in part from the Sandinista Revolution of the 1980s - represents one of the largest, most diverse, and most autonomous women's movements in all of Latin America. While it's true that scholars across a wide range of disciplines have written invariably about this social movement what remains missing from this body of work is scholarship aimed at understanding, specifically, the psychology of resistance; in other words, what are the psychological mechanisms and (...)
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  15. N Ormative E Thics.Shelly Kagan - 1998 - Routledge.
    Cover -- Half Title -- Title -- Copyright -- Dedication -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- 1 Preliminaries -- 1.1 What Normative Ethics Is -- 1.2 What Normative Ethics Is Not -- 1.3 Defending Normative Theories -- 1.4 Factors and Foundations -- PART I FACTORS -- 2 The Good -- 2.1 Promoting the Good -- 2.2 Well-Being -- 2.3 The Total View -- 2.4 Equality -- 2.5 Culpability, Fairness, and Desert -- 2.6 Consequentialism -- 3 Doing Harm -- 3.1 Deontology -- (...)
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    Social exploration: How and why people seek new connections.Shelly Tsang, Kyle Barrentine, Sareena Chadha, Shigehiro Oishi & Adrienne Wood - forthcoming - Psychological Review.
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  17. The paradox of methods.Shelly Kagan - 2017 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 17 (2):148-168.
    Many proposed moral principles are such that it would be difficult or impossible to always correctly identify which act is required by that principle in a given situation. To deal with this problem, theorists typically offer various methods of determining what to do in the face of epistemic limitations, and we are then told that the right thing to do – given these limitations – is to perform the act identified by the given method. But since the method and the (...)
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    Feminist Approaches to Gender Equity in Perú: The Roles of Conflict, Militancy, and Pluralism in Feminist Activism.Shelly Grabe - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    For the past several decades, coordinated efforts from within the women’s social movement in Perú have led to groundbreaking legislation surrounding gender equity – for example, the National Gender Equality Policy of 2019 and the Gender Parity Law of 2020. These institutionalized policy changes mark milestones on the path to gender equity, certainly in Perú, but activist efforts that targeted these outcomes can inform women globally. The current study investigated key components of feminist activism by social movement actors themselves through (...)
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    Research Methods in the Study of Intersectionality in Psychology: Examples Informed by a Decade of Collaborative Work With Majority World Women’s Grassroots Activism.Shelly Grabe - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Intending Harm.Shelly Kagan - 1989 - In The limits of morality. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The second way to characterize a constraint against harm is as a constraint against intending harm. This presupposes a distinction between harm that is intended as a means or an end, and harm that is merely foreseen as an unintended side effect. We can again provide some intuitive support for this distinction – in terms of either the idea of using someone or the idea of aiming at evil – but here too the distinction ends up sorting cases in ways (...)
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    The Appeal to Cost.Shelly Kagan - 1989 - In The limits of morality. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter begins to examine the defence of options in terms of an appeal to the potential cost to the agent of promoting the good. It suggests, first, that cost here should be understood in terms of the loss involved to the agent's ability to promote his various interests, and it examines how well such an account fits with ordinary views about the range of options. It then asks how, exactly, the appeal to cost is supposed to justify options. The (...)
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    Predicting Long-Term Cognitive Outcome Following Breast Cancer with Pre-Treatment Resting State fMRI and Random Forest Machine Learning.Shelli R. Kesler, Arvind Rao, Douglas W. Blayney, Ingrid A. Oakley-Girvan, Meghan Karuturi & Oxana Palesh - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  23. Explorations in Reformed Theology.Shelli M. Poe - 2017
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    God and the Victim: Traumatic Intrusions on Grace and Freedom – By Jennifer Erin Beste.Shelly Rambo - 2009 - Modern Theology 25 (3):526-528.
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    Effects of increments of reinforcement in human probability learning.Maynard W. Shelly - 1960 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 59 (6):345.
  26.  33
    Witnessing Whiteness: The Need to Talk About Race and How to Do It.Shelly Tochluk - 2010 - R&L Education.
    Witnessing Whiteness invites readers to consider what it means to be white, describes and critiques strategies used to avoid race issues, and identifies the detrimental effect of avoiding race on cross-race collaborations. The author illustrates how racial discomfort leads white people toward poor relationships with people of color. Questioning the implications our history has for personal lives and social institutions, the book considers political, economic, socio-cultural, and legal histories that shaped the meanings associated with whiteness. For book discussion groups and (...)
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  27. The limits of morality.Shelly Kagan - 1989 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Most people believe that there are limits to the sacrifices that morality can demand. Although it would often be meritorious, we are not, in fact, morally required to do all that we can to promote overall good. What's more, most people also believe that certain types of acts are simply forbidden, morally off limits, even when necessary for promoting the overall good. In this provocative analysis Kagan maintains that despite the intuitive appeal of these views, they cannot be adequately defended. (...)
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  28. Seven Steps Towards the Classical World.Shelly Goldstein - unknown
    governed by Newtonian laws. In standard quantum mechanics only the wave function or the results of measurements exist, and to answer the question of how the classical world can be part of the quantum world is a rather formidable task. However, this is not the case for Bohmian mechanics, which, like classical mechanics, is a theory about real objects. In Bohmian terms, the problem of the classical limit becomes very simple: when do the Bohmian trajectories look Newtonian?
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    Grinding On the Dance Floor: Gendered Scripts and Sexualized Dancing at College Parties.Shelly Ronen - 2010 - Gender and Society 24 (3):355-377.
    In this article, the author explores the gendered dynamics of “grinding,” sexualized dancing common at college parties. Drawing on the observations of student participant observers, the author describes the common script for initiating this behavior. At these parties, men initiated more often and more directly than women, whose behaviors were shaped by a sexual double standard and relational imperative. The heterosexual grinding script enacts a gendered dynamic that reproduces systematic gender inequality by limiting women’s access to sexual agency and pleasure, (...)
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    The Role of Psychometrics in Individual Differences Research in Cognition: A Case Study of the AX-CPT.Shelly R. Cooper, Corentin Gonthier, Deanna M. Barch & Todd S. Braver - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    6. Personal Identity.Shelly Kagan - 2012 - In Death. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 98-131.
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    The Costs of Transitivity: Thoughts on Larry Temkin’s Rethinking the Good.Shelly Kagan - 2015 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 12 (4):462-478.
    In Rethinking the Good, Larry Temkin argues that the common belief in the transitivity of better than is incompatible with various other value judgments to which many of us are deeply committed; accordingly, we should take seriously the possibility that the better than relation is not, in fact, a transitive one. However, although Temkin is right, I think, about the mutual incompatibility of the beliefs in question, for the most part his examples don’t leave me inclined to deny transitivity. Nonetheless, (...)
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    Approach and Avoidance Behavior in Interpersonal Relationships.Shelly L. Gable & Courtney L. Gosnell - 2013 - Emotion Review 5 (3):269-274.
    Social relationships are intricately tied to health and well-being and people are motivated to form and maintain interpersonal bonds. While it is clear that social relationships can be highly rewarding, it is equally clear that social relationships or the lack thereof can be the source of much distress. In this article a conceptualization of social motivation that reflects the basic necessity for people to simultaneously manage approaching the incentives and avoiding the threats in social relationships is presented. We then review (...)
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    16. Conclusion: An Invitation.Shelly Kagan - 2012 - In Death. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 362-364.
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    Notes.Shelly Kagan - 2012 - In Death. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 365-368.
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    13. Other Aspects of Death.Shelly Kagan - 2012 - In Death. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 264-281.
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    Suggestions for Further Reading.Shelly Kagan - 2012 - In Death. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 369-370.
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    8. The Nature of Death.Shelly Kagan - 2012 - In Death. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 170-185.
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    Stuntman for the State: Loughlin's Idea of Public Law.Robert Shelly - 2006 - Ratio Juris 19 (4):479-488.
    This paper provides a critical analysis of Martin Loughlin's pure theory of public law as developed in his more recent work. I argue that the pure theory makes a series of errors and rests on a set of assumptions that make it inappropriate to provide the legal framework for any social‐democratic polity. Specifically, the theory concedes too much latitude to the functional needs of the state and organised politics, and pays too little deference to processes of political opinion and will (...)
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  40. Death.Shelly Kagan - 2012 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    There is one thing we can be sure of: we are all going to die. But once we accept that fact, the questions begin. In this thought-provoking book, philosophy professor Shelly Kagan examines the myriad questions that arise when we confront the meaning of mortality. Do we have reason to believe in the existence of immortal souls? Or should we accept an account according to which people are just material objects, nothing more? Can we make sense of the idea (...)
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  41.  21
    Solving the Trolley Problem.Shelly Kagan - 2016 - In Eric Rakowski, The Trolley Problem Mysteries. New York, USA: Oxford University Press USA.
    This comment asks us to imagine that we have discovered a principle that completely matches our intuitions about the various actions that might be performed in all the different versions of the trolley problem. Would that constitute a solution to the problem of providing a plausible principle to cover these various cases? Not necessarily, since the principle might turn on distinctions that have no obvious moral significance, and we might be unable to provide the principle with a compelling and plausible (...)
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  42. Do I Make a Difference?Shelly Kagan - 2011 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 39 (2):105-141.
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    The Pibram-Bohm Hypothesis: A Topology of Consciousness.Shelli R. Joye - 2016 - Cosmos and History 12 (2):114-136.
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  44. Nothing Matters.Shelly Yiran Shi - forthcoming - Philosophy of Science.
    One challenge to relationism in general relativity is that the metric field is underdetermined by the stress-energy tensor. This is manifested in the existence of distinct vacuum solutions to Einstein’s field equations. In this paper, I reformulate the problem of underdetermination as a problem from vacuum solutions. I call this the vacuum challenge and identify the gravitational degrees of freedom (associated with the Weyl tensor) as the "source" of the challenge. The Weyl tensor allows for gravitational effects that something outside (...)
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    The misplaced embryo: legal parenthood in ‘embryo mix-up’ cases.Shelly Simana, Vardit Ravitsky & I. Glenn Cohen - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Recently in Israel, a woman was mistakenly implanted with an embryo that is genetically related to another couple. Unfortunately, this case is not an isolated occurrence, as other cases of embryo mix-ups have been reported in several countries, including the USA, China, the UK and various other countries within the European Union. Cases of mixed-up embryos are ethically and legally complex: the woman who carried the pregnancy and the woman who is genetically related to the resulting child—both of whom endured (...)
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    Extraordinary Morality.Shelly Kagan - 1989 - In The limits of morality. New York: Oxford University Press.
    If options cannot be defended, then there is a general requirement to promote the good. Appropriate political and social structures have an important place in seeing to it that this requirement is met, and in somewhat reducing the nature of the sacrifices that may be required in meeting it; but there is no getting around the fact that morality can demand a significant overall sacrifice of one's interests. However, moral agents are free, and we are required to use this freedom (...)
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    Locating Prayerful Submission for Feminist Ecumenism: Holy Saturday or Incarnate Life?Shelli M. Poe - 2018 - Feminist Theology 26 (2):171-184.
    R. Marie Griffith and Sarah Coakley suggest that feminist ecumenism across the evangelical-liberal spectrum is valuable for feminist studies of religion and theologies. In this context, I trace the conversation that has arisen around the idea of adopting ‘submission’ vis-à-vis the Christian notion of kenosis, and turn it in a new direction. I argue that Coakley’s apophatically cruciform understanding of submission in contemplative prayer contrasts with womanist approaches like that of Delores Williams. Drawing on Williams’ considerations of atonement and Friedrich (...)
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  48.  21
    Supplementary report: Further factors affecting the probability of changing responses.Maynard W. Shelly Ii - 1960 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 59 (6):430.
  49.  47
    Between Death and Life: Trauma, Divine Love and the Witness of Mary Magdalene.Shelly Rambo - 2005 - Studies in Christian Ethics 18 (2):7-21.
    In this article, I explore the witness of Mary Magdalene for its potential to contribute to discussions of survival and healing taking place in discourses of trauma. Through a reading of the Johannine text and an examination of Hans Urs von Balthasar’s depiction of Mary’s witness in Heart of the World, I claim that the obstructions of Mary’s witness are constitutive of what it means to witness between cross and resurrection. Through her ‘unseeing’, she testifies to the unique configuration of (...)
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    Witnessing Whiteness: The Journey into Racial Awareness and Antiracist Action.Shelly Tochluk - 2022 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This new edition explains why developing an anti-racist white identity is an important part of cultivating an effective antiracist practice and is a necessary part of subverting the weaponizing of white identity cultivated by the far right.
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