Results for 'Sharon Huebner'

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  1.  24
    Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Collections of Genetic Heritage: The Legal, Ethical and Practical Considerations of a Dynamic Consent Approach to Decision Making.Megan Prictor, Sharon Huebner, Harriet J. A. Teare, Luke Burchill & Jane Kaye - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (1):205-217.
    Dynamic Consent is both a model and a specific web-based tool that enables clear, granular communication and recording of participant consent choices over time. The DC model enables individuals to know and to decide how personal research information is being used and provides a way in which to exercise legal rights provided in privacy and data protection law. The DC tool is flexible and responsive, enabling legal and ethical requirements in research data sharing to be met and for online health (...)
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    Community Engagement and the Protection-Inclusion Dilemma.Rebekah McWhirter, Azure Hermes, Sharon Huebner & Alex Brown - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (6):100-102.
    In articulating the protection-inclusion dilemma, Friesen et al. (2023) identify an important issue facing institutional review boards (IRBs) and elucidate historical factors contributing to its de...
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    From objectivized morality to objective morality.Joseph Jebari & Bryce Huebner - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
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  4. Climate Science Denial as Willful Hermeneutical Ignorance.Sharon E. Mason - 2020 - Social Epistemology 34 (5):469-477.
    Climate science denial results from ignorance and perpetuates ignorance about scientific facts and methods of inquiry. In this paper, I explore climate science denial as a type of active ignorance...
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  5. Kant, radical evil, and crimes against humanity.Sharon Anderson-Gold - 2009 - In Sharon Anderson-Gold & Pablo Muchnik, Kant's Anatomy of Evil. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Evidence for a Neogenic Niche at the Periphery of Pancreatic Islets.Mark O. Huising, Sharon Lee & Talitha van der Meulen - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (11):1800119.
    We recently discovered a novel subset of beta cells that resemble immature beta cells during pancreas development. We named these “virgin” beta cells as they do not stem from existing mature beta cells. Virgin beta cells are found exclusively at the islet periphery in areas that we therefore designated as the “neogenic niche.” As beta cells are our only source of insulin, their loss leads to diabetes. Islets also contain glucagon‐producing alpha cells and somatostatin‐producing delta cells, that are important for (...)
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    A Threat to Competent and Safe Nursing Practice.Hazel W. Chappell, Marcia Stanhope, Pamela R. Dean, Beverly A. Owen, Sandra Johanson, Bernadette Sutherland & Sharon M. Weisenbeck - 1999 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 1 (3):25-32.
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  8. Gumnwn.Devorah Dlmant, Charlotte Hempel, Jonathan Stôkl, Magen Broshi, Joe Zlas & Ruth Clements-Nadav Sharon - 2007 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 87:125.
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    The J.H.B. bookshelf.Shirley A. Roe, Keith R. Benson, Sharon Kingsland, Eugene Cittadino & Jane Maienschein - 1986 - Journal of the History of Biology 19 (3):489-494.
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    The presence and possibility of moral sensibility in beginning pre-service teachers.Joan L. Whipp, Terry J. Burant & Sharon M. Chubbuck - 2007 - Ethics and Education 2 (2):109-130.
    This paper presents research on the moral sensibility of six pre-service teachers in an undergraduate teacher education program. Using their reflective writing across their first two semesters of coursework as well as focus group interviews in their third semester as sources of data, the paper identifies and describes three distinctive types of moral sensibility and examines ways in which moral sensibility interacts with experiences in teacher education. Suggestions for explicitly incorporating the moral in pre-service teacher education are presented.
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    Kant's Ethical Anthropology and the Critical Foundations of the Philosophy of History.Sharon Anderson-Gold - 1994 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 11 (4):405 - 419.
  12. American Constitutionalism.Sharon Anderson-Gold - 2004 - Social Philosophy Today 20:201-205.
    Humanitarian interventions defined as “peace-keeping” missions are becoming an increasingly common occurrence. This paper will consider the relationship between the idea of human rights and the concept of legitimate intervention into the affairs of sovereign nations. I will argue that implicit within the concept of human rights are standards of political legitimacy which render all claims to sovereignty “conditional” upon adherence to these standards. After analyzing how both critics and supporters have viewed human rights interventions, I will consider how the (...)
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  13. Cosmopolitanism and Democracy: Global Governance without a Global State.Sharon Anderson-Gold - 2009 - Social Philosophy Today 25:209-222.
    Global governance has become a topic of interest to many contemporary political theorists. Issues arising from the nature of global markets and multinational corporations can no longer be locally contained. These developments signal the decline of the nation state and therewith the end of the liberal moral and political theory that justified national institutions. The alternative possible orders appear bleak, including anarchy, hegemonic power or the most horrific of all specters, the liberty crushing “world state.” Kant’s cosmopolitan theory of justice (...)
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    Ambivalence and Identity in Black Culture.Sharon Anderson-Gold - 2000 - Social Philosophy Today 16:11-24.
    For decades American sociologists maintained that due to the elimination of their ancestral heritage under slavery, African-American shad no ethnic culture. Social segregation was due to poverty rather than racial prejudice. Social theorist Robert Blauner contests this view. The theory that black culture is only a lower class life-style is flawed because it ignores the culture-producing effects of racism which is the basis for a distinctive African-American culture. Following Blauner, this paper argues that racism is a more complex phenomenon than (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism and Cultural Pluralism.Sharon Anderson-Gold - 2000 - Social Philosophy Today 15:25-40.
  16.  13
    Kant and Herder.Sharon Anderson-Gold - 2008 - In Aviezer Tucker, A Companion to the Philosophy of History and Historiography. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 457–467.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Kant's Philosophy of History Criticisms of Kant's Philosophy of History Herder's Reflections and His Objections to Kant's Philosophy of History Criticisms of Herder's Philosophy of History Bibliography Further Reading.
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    Kantische Grundlagen des gegenwärtigen Kosmopolitismus.Sharon Anderson-Gold - 2005 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 53 (1).
  18.  39
    Suppression of play fighting by amphetamine does not depend upon peripheral catecholaminergic influences.William W. Beatty, Sharon L. Berry & Kevin B. Costello - 1983 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 21 (5):407-410.
  19. What is a philosophical effect? Models of data in experimental philosophy.Bryce Huebner - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (12):3273-3292.
    Papers in experimental philosophy rarely offer an account of what it would take to reveal a philosophically significant effect. In part, this is because experimental philosophers tend to pay insufficient attention to the hierarchy of models that would be required to justify interpretations of their data; as a result, some of their most exciting claims fail as explanations. But this does not impugn experimental philosophy. My aim is to show that experimental philosophy could be made more successful by developing, articulating, (...)
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    Vignette Themes and Moral Reasoning in Business Contexts: The Case for the Defining Issues Test. [REVIEW]Peter E. Mudrack & E. Sharon Mason - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 181 (4):979-995.
    Some researchers interested in assessing moral reasoning among business practitioners or students have developed their own vignettes or scenarios set in business contexts, based on assumptions that the situations presented in the often-used Defining Issues Test (DIT) will somehow be inappropriate for these specific types of respondents. This paper is the first to examine in depth both the actual details contained in these business-oriented scenarios and empirical findings emerging from them. Among this paper’s conclusions are: (1) assumptions underpinning the presumed (...)
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  21. A Darwinian dilemma for realist theories of value.Sharon Street - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 127 (1):109-166.
    Contemporary realist theories of value claim to be compatible with natural science. In this paper, I call this claim into question by arguing that Darwinian considerations pose a dilemma for these theories. The main thrust of my argument is this. Evolutionary forces have played a tremendous role in shaping the content of human evaluative attitudes. The challenge for realist theories of value is to explain the relation between these evolutionary influences on our evaluative attitudes, on the one hand, and the (...)
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  22. What is constructivism in ethics and metaethics?Sharon Street - 2010 - Philosophy Compass 5 (5):363-384.
    Most agree that when it comes to so-called 'first-order' normative ethics and political philosophy, constructivist views are a powerful family of positions. When it comes to metaethics, however, there is serious disagreement about what, if anything, constructivism has to contribute. In this paper I argue that constructivist views in ethics include not just a family of substantive normative positions, but also a distinct and highly attractive metaethical view. I argue that the widely accepted 'proceduralist characterization' of constructivism in ethics is (...)
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  23. Oppressive Things.Shen-yi Liao & Bryce Huebner - 2021 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 103 (1):92-113.
    In analyzing oppressive systems like racism, social theorists have articulated accounts of the dynamic interaction and mutual dependence between psychological components, such as individuals’ patterns of thought and action, and social components, such as formal institutions and informal interactions. We argue for the further inclusion of physical components, such as material artifacts and spatial environments. Drawing on socially situated and ecologically embedded approaches in the cognitive sciences, we argue that physical components of racism are not only shaped by, but also (...)
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  24. Moral judgments about altruistic self-sacrifice: When philosophical and folk intuitions clash.Bryce Huebner & Marc D. Hauser - 2011 - Philosophical Psychology 24 (1):73-94.
    Altruistic self-sacrifice is rare, supererogatory, and not to be expected of any rational agent; but, the possibility of giving up one's life for the common good has played an important role in moral theorizing. For example, Judith Jarvis Thomson (2008) has argued in a recent paper that intuitions about altruistic self-sacrifice suggest that something has gone wrong in philosophical debates over the trolley problem. We begin by showing that her arguments face a series of significant philosophical objections; however, our project (...)
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  25. Drawing the boundaries of animal sentience.Walter Veit & Bryce Huebner - 2020 - Animal Sentience 29 (13).
  26. Collective values.Bryce Huebner & Marcus Hedhal - 2013 - In Byron Kaldis, Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Social Sciences. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
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  27. On Mead's long lost history of science.Daniel R. Huebner - 2016 - In Hans Joas & Daniel R. Huebner, The Timeliness of George Herbert Mead. London: University of Chicago Press.
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    Making the brain/body connection: a playful guide to releasing mental, physical & emotional blocks to success.Sharon Promislow - 1999 - West Vancouver, B.C., Canada: Kinetic.
    A newly revised edition of the International Best-Seller, Making the Brain/Body Connection hit the book stores in June. This book has people raving about its user friendly approach and its solid research based information. Explore and experience how your brain, body and senses interrelate. Sharon Promislow's approach makes the brain research almost fun. Learn about your body's defence mechanism for stress and how you can adapt them to defuse stress instead of allowing it to accumulate into a full blown (...)
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    Reintroducing George Herbert Mead.Daniel R. Huebner - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    George Herbert Mead has long been known for his social theory of meaning and the 'self' - an approach which becomes all the more relevant in light of the ways we develop and represent ourselves online. But recent scholarship has shown that Mead's pragmatic philosophy can help us understand a much wider range of contemporary issues including how humans and natural environments mutually influence one another, how deliberative democracy can and should work, how thinking is dependent upon the body and (...)
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  30. Reply to Copp: Naturalism, normativity, and the varieties of realism worth worrying about.Sharon Street - 2008 - Philosophical Issues 18 (1):207-228.
  31. (1 other version)In defense of future tuesday indifference: Ideally coherent eccentrics and the contingency of what matters.Sharon Street - 2009 - Philosophical Issues 19 (1):273-298.
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    The southern judicial tradition southern appellate judges and American legal culture in the nineteenth century.Timothy S. Huebner, Kermit L. Hall, Bertram Wyatt-Brown, Eldon R. Turner, C. John Sommerville, Albert R. Matheny & Anne L. Spitzer - unknown
    (Statement of Responsibility) by Timothy S. Huebner.
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  33. Self-Tracking for Health and the Quantified Self: Re-Articulating Autonomy, Solidarity, and Authenticity in an Age of Personalized Healthcare.Tamar Sharon - 2017 - Philosophy and Technology 30 (1):93-121.
    Self-tracking devices point to a future in which individuals will be more involved in the management of their health and will generate data that will benefit clinical decision making and research. They have thus attracted enthusiasm from medical and public health professionals as key players in the move toward participatory and personalized healthcare. Critics, however, have begun to articulate a number of broader societal and ethical concerns regarding self-tracking, foregrounding their disciplining, and disempowering effects. This paper has two aims: first, (...)
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  34. Accountability and values in radically collaborative research.Eric Winsberg, Bryce Huebner & Rebecca Kukla - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 46:16-23.
    This paper discusses a crisis of accountability that arises when scientific collaborations are massively epistemically distributed. We argue that social models of epistemic collaboration, which are social analogs to what Patrick Suppes called a “model of the experiment,” must play a role in creating accountability in these contexts. We also argue that these social models must accommodate the fact that the various agents in a collaborative project often have ineliminable, messy, and conflicting interests and values; any story about accountability in (...)
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  35. Doxastic compatibilism and the ethics of belief.Sharon Ryan - 2003 - Philosophical Studies 114 (1-2):47-79.
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    Transactive memory reconstructed: Rethinking Wegner’s research program.Bryce Huebner - 2016 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 54 (1):48-69.
    In this paper, I argue that recent research on episodic memory supports a limited defense of the phenomena that Daniel Wegner has termed transactive memory. Building on psychological and neurological research, targeting both individual and shared memory, I argue that individuals can collaboratively work to construct shared episodic memories. In some cases, this yields memories that are distributed across multiple individuals instead of being housed in individual brains.
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  37. Coming to terms with contingency : Humean constructivism about practical reason.Sharon Street - 2012 - In James Lenman & Yonatan Shemmer, Constructivism in Practical Philosophy. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
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  38. The Linguistic Analogy: Motivations, Results, and Speculations.Susan Dwyer, Bryce Huebner & Marc D. Hauser - 2010 - Topics in Cognitive Science 2 (3):486-510.
    Inspired by the success of generative linguistics and transformational grammar, proponents of the linguistic analogy (LA) in moral psychology hypothesize that careful attention to folk-moral judgments is likely to reveal a small set of implicit rules and structures responsible for the ubiquitous and apparently unbounded capacity for making moral judgments. As a theoretical hypothesis, LA thus requires a rich description of the computational structures that underlie mature moral judgments, an account of the acquisition and development of these structures, and an (...)
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  39. Objectivity and Truth: You’d Better Rethink It.Sharon Street - 2016 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 11.
    This chapter accepts for the sake of argument Ronald Dworkin’s point that the only viable form of normative skepticism is internal, and develops an internal skeptical argument directed specifically at normative realism. There is a striking and puzzling coincidence between normative judgments that are true, and normative judgments that causal forces led us to believe—a practical/theoretical puzzle to which the constructivist view has a solution. Normative realists have no solution, but are driven to conclude that we are probably hopeless at (...)
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    Kierkegaard on Faith and Love.Sharon Krishek - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Kierkegaard's writings are interspersed with remarkable stories of love, commonly understood as a literary device that illustrates the problematic nature of aesthetic and ethical forms of life, and the contrasting desirability of the life of faith. Sharon Krishek argues that for Kierkegaard the connection between love and faith is far from being merely illustrative. Rather, love and faith have a common structure, and are involved with one another in a way that makes it impossible to love well without faith. (...)
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    History and Social Progress.Daniel R. Huebner - 2016 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 8 (2).
    Although not known as a philosopher of history, George Herbert Mead wrote and taught seriously about the nature of the past and about historical investigation throughout his career. The paper identifies the major documentary sources and interpretive literature with which to reconstruct Mead’s radically social and dynamic conceptualization of history and extends beyond the existing literature to develop striking implications of Mead’s approach in response to possible criticisms and challenges. By connecting Mead’s writings on history with his broader social theory (...)
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    Human Nature in an Age of Biotechnology: The Case for Mediated Posthumanism.Tamar Sharon - 2013 - Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
    New biotechnologies have propelled the question of what it means to be human - or posthuman - to the forefront of societal and scientific consideration. This volume provides an accessible, critical overview of the main approaches in the debate on posthumanism, and argues that they do not adequately address the question of what it means to be human in an age of biotechnology. Not because they belong to rival political camps, but because they are grounded in a humanist ontology that (...)
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  43. Collective intentionality and socially extended minds.Mattia Gallotti & Bryce Huebner - 2017 - Philosophical Psychology 30 (3):247-264.
    There are many ways to advance our understanding of the human mind by studying different kinds of sociality. Our aim in this introduction is to situate claims about extended cognition within a broader framework of research on human sociality. We briefly discuss the existing landscape, focusing on ways of defending socially extended cognition. We then draw on resources from the recent literature on the socially extended mind, as well as the literature on collective intentionality, to provide a framework for thinking (...)
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  44. I—Constructivism in Ethics and the Problem of Attachment and Loss.Sharon Street - 2016 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 90 (1):161-189.
    This paper explores two questions in moral philosophy that might at first seem unrelated. The first question is practical. While it’s not a truth we like to contemplate, each of us faces the eventual loss of everyone and everything we love. Is there a way to live in full awareness of that fact without falling into anxiety or depression, or resorting to one form or another of forgetfulness, denial or numbing out? The second question is metaethical. Is it possible to (...)
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  45. Gibt es eine objektive Gegenwart?: Zur Metaphysik der Zeit.Dietmar Huebner - 2009 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 116 (2):269-293.
    Since J. McTaggart’s paper on “The Unreality of Time” the opposition of “A-theorists” and “B-theorists” establishes a focal point in the modern debate on the metaphysics of time: While “A-theorists” claim the existence of an objective present, moving along time positions, “B-theorists” maintain that time is just a set of ontologically equivalent coordinates, “now” being merely the indexical of the speaker’s position. Contemporary attempts to resolve the issue by resorting to the analysis of language or to the theory of science (...)
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  46. Mind-Independence Without the Mystery: Why Quasi-Realists Can’t Have it Both Ways.Sharon Street - 2011 - In Russ Shafer-Landau, Oxford Studies in Metaethics: Volume 6. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 1-32.
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  47. (1 other version)Constructivism about reasons.Sharon Street - 2008 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 3:207-45.
  48.  22
    Der Klassische Archäologe Hermann Thiersch (1874–1939) und der Erwerb der Basler Papyrussammlung im Jahr 1899/1900.Sabine R. Huebner - 2019 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 42 (1):28-42.
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    Umgang mit Götterbildern.Friedrich Markus Huebner - 1950 - Frankfurt am Main,: Holle.
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  50. (1 other version)Wissenschaftliche und nichtwissenschaftliche Rationalität.K. Huebner & J. Vuillemin - 1984 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 46 (4):677-677.
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