Results for 'Sequence execution'

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  1.  29
    Neural Representations of Task Context and Temporal Order During Action Sequence Execution.Danesh Shahnazian, Mehdi Senoussi, Ruth M. Krebs, Tom Verguts & Clay B. Holroyd - 2022 - Topics in Cognitive Science 14 (2):223-240.
    Routine action sequences critically rely on neural mechanisms maintaining contextual and temporal information to disambiguate similar tasks (e.g. making coffee or tea). In this study we show the involvement of areas in temporal and lateral prefrontal cortices in maintaining temporal and contextual information for the execution of hierarchically‐organized action sequences.
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    Completely and partially executable sequences of actions in deontic context.Robert Trypuz & Piotr Kulicki - 2015 - Synthese 192 (4):1117-1138.
    The paper offers a logical characterisation of multi-step actions in the context of deontic notions of obligation, permission and prohibition. Deontic notions for sequentially composed actions are founded on deontic notions for one-step actions. The present work includes a formal study of situations where execution of a multi-step action has been unsuccessful and provides normative analysis of such actions.
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    Executive functions and the down-regulation and up-regulation of emotion.Anett Gyurak, Madeleine S. Goodkind, Joel H. Kramer, Bruce L. Miller & Robert W. Levenson - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (1):103-118.
    This study examined the relationship between individual differences in executive functions (EF; assessed by measures of working memory, Stroop, trail making, and verbal fluency) and ability to down-regulate and up-regulate responses to emotionally evocative film clips. To ensure a wide range of EF, 48 participants with diverse neurodegenerative disorders and 21 older neurologically normal ageing participants were included. Participants were exposed to three different movie clips that were designed to elicit a mix of disgust and amusement. While watching the films (...)
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    The role of executive processes in working memory deficits in Parkinson’s Disease.Adrian M. Owen, Edward Necka, Roger R. Barker, Daniel Bor & Aleksandra Gruszka - 2016 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 47 (1):123-130.
    Idiopathic Parkinson’s disease impairs working memory, but the exact nature of this deficit in terms of the underlying cognitive mechanisms is not well understood. In this study patients with mild clinical symptoms of PD were compared with matched healthy control subjects on a computerized battery of tests designed to assess spatial working memory and verbal working memory. In the spatial working memory task, subjects were required to recall a sequence of four locations. The verbal working memory task was methodologically (...)
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  5. Action observation and execution: What is shared?Frédérique De Vignemont - unknown
    Performing an action and observing it activate the same internal representations of action. The representations are therefore shared between self and other. But what exactly is shared? At what level within the hierarchical structure of the motor system do SRA occur? Understanding the content of SRA is important in order to decide what theoretical work SRA can perform. In this paper, we provide some conceptual clarification by raising three main questions: are SRA semantic or pragmatic representations of action?; are SRA (...)
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  6.  68
    Independence of Hot and Cold Executive Function Deficits in High-Functioning Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder.David L. Zimmerman, Tamara Ownsworth, Analise O'Donovan, Jacqueline Roberts & Matthew J. Gullo - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:170424.
    Individuals with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) display diverse deficits in social, cognitive and behavioral functioning. To date, there has been mixed findings on the profile of executive function deficits for high-functioning adults (IQ >70) with ASD. A conceptual distinction is commonly made between “cold” and “hot” executive functions. Cold executive functions refer to mechanistic higher-order cognitive operations (e.g., working memory), whereas hot executive functions entail cognitive abilities supported by emotional awareness and social perception (e.g., social cognition). This study aimed to (...)
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  7.  36
    The Management of Time: New Orders for Executive Education.T. Thompson - unknown
    The non-credit bearing and ongoing education and development of mid- to late-career corporate executives is known by the compound term executive education. Reductively stated, executive education, for its corporate consumers and its business school providers, is predicated on the relationship between an order and its execution ; a relationship I call the “order-execution cognate”. With the word execution derived from Greek for sequence, and with the sequence of an execution following-on from its corresponding order, (...)
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  8. The Proactive Synergy Between Action Observation and Execution in the Acquisition of New Motor Skills.Maria Chiara Bazzini, Arturo Nuara, Emilia Scalona, Doriana De Marco, Giacomo Rizzolatti, Pietro Avanzini & Maddalena Fabbri-Destro - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:793849.
    Motor learning can be defined as a process that leads to relatively permanent changes in motor behavior through repeated interactions with the environment. Different strategies can be adopted to achieve motor learning: movements can be overtly practiced leading to an amelioration of motor performance; alternatively, covert strategies (e.g., action observation) can promote neuroplastic changes in the motor system even in the absence of real movement execution. However, whether a training regularly alternating action observation and execution (i.e., Action Observation (...)
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    Move and Be Moved: The Effect of Moving Specific Movement Elements on the Experience of Happiness.Jenneke van Geest, Rosemarie Samaritter & Susan van Hooren - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Dynamic body feedback is used in dance movement therapy, with the aim to facilitate emotional expression and a change of emotional state through movement and dance for individuals with psychosocial or psychiatric complaints. It has been demonstrated that moving in a specific way can evoke and regulate related emotions. The current study aimed to investigate the effects of executing a unique set of kinetic movement elements on an individual mover’s experience of happiness. A specific sequence consisting of movement elements (...)
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  10.  17
    Cognitive and Motor Learning in Internally-Guided Motor Skills.Krishn Bera, Anuj Shukla & Raju S. Bapi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:604323.
    Several canonical experimental paradigms (e.g., serial reaction time task, discrete sequence production task,m×ntask) have been proposed to study the typical behavioral phenomenon and the nature of learning in sequential keypress tasks. A characteristic feature of most paradigms is that they are representative ofexternally-specifiedsequencing—motor tasks where the environment or task paradigm extrinsically provides the sequence of stimuli, i.e., the responses are stimulus-driven. Previous studies utilizing such canonical paradigms have largely overlooked the learning behaviors in a more realistic class of (...)
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  11.  21
    The Role of Language Switching During Cross‐Talk Between Bilingual Language Control and Domain‐General Conflict Monitoring.Lu Jiao, Kalinka Timmer, Cong Liu & Baoguo Chen - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (8):e13184.
    The relationship between bilingual language control and executive control is debated. The present study investigated the effect of short‐term language switching in a comprehension task on executive control performance in unbalanced bilinguals. Participants were required to perform a context task and an executive control task (i.e., flanker task) in sequence. A picture‐word matching task created different language contexts in Experiment 1 (i.e., L1, L2, and dual‐language contexts). By modifying the color‐shape switching task, we created different contexts that do not (...)
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    MEN, destruction and separation: mechanistic links between mitotic exit and cytokinesis in budding yeast.Uttam Surana, Foong May Yeong & Hong Hwa Lim - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (7):659-666.
    Cellular events must be executed in a certain sequence during the cell division in order to maintain genome integrity and hence ensure a cell's survival. In M phase, for instance, chromosome segregation always precedes mitotic exit (characterized by mitotic kinase inactivation via cyclin destruction); this is then followed by cytokinesis. How do cells impose this strict order? Recent findings in budding yeast have suggested a mechanism whereby partitioning of chromosomes into the daughter cell is a prerequisite for the activation (...)
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  13.  13
    Tracking Response Dynamics of Sequential Working Memory in Patients With Mild Parkinson’s Disease.Guanyu Zhang, Jinghong Ma, Piu Chan & Zheng Ye - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The ability to sequence thoughts and actions is impaired in Parkinson’s disease. In PD, a distinct error pattern has been found in the offline performance of sequential working memory. This study examined how PD’s performance of sequential working memory unfolds over time using mouse tracking techniques. Non-demented patients with mild PD and healthy controls completed a computerized digit ordering task with a computer mouse. We measured response dynamics in terms of the initiation time, ordering time, movement time, and area (...)
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    Contributions of memory circuits to language: the declarative/procedural model.Michael T. Ullman - 2004 - Cognition 92 (1-2):231-270.
    The structure of the brain and the nature of evolution suggest that, despite its uniqueness, language likely depends on brain systems that also subserve other functions. The declarative / procedural model claims that the mental lexicon of memorized word- specific knowledge depends on the largely temporal-lobe substrates of declarative memory, which underlies the storage and use of knowledge of facts and events. The mental grammar, which subserves the rule-governed combination of lexical items into complex representations, depends on a distinct neural (...)
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  15. Doing Things with Thoughts: Brain-Computer Interfaces and Disembodied Agency.Steffen Steinert, Christoph Bublitz, Ralf Jox & Orsolya Friedrich - 2019 - Philosophy and Technology 32 (3):457-482.
    Connecting human minds to various technological devices and applications through brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) affords intriguingly novel ways for humans to engage and interact with the world. Not only do BCIs play an important role in restorative medicine, they are also increasingly used outside of medical or therapeutic contexts (e.g., gaming or mental state monitoring). A striking peculiarity of BCI technology is that the kind of actions it enables seems to differ from paradigmatic human actions, because, effects in the world are (...)
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  16. The biological function of consciousness.Brian Earl - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:69428.
    This research is an investigation of whether consciousness—one's ongoing experience—influences one's behavior and, if so, how. Analysis of the components, structure, properties, and temporal sequences of consciousness has established that, (1) contrary to one's intuitive understanding, consciousness does not have an active, executive role in determining behavior; (2) consciousness does have a biological function; and (3) consciousness is solely information in various forms. Consciousness is associated with a flexible response mechanism (FRM) for decision-making, planning, and generally responding in nonautomatic ways. (...)
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  17.  72
    Epistemic, Evolutionary, and Physical Conditions for Biological Information.H. H. Pattee - 2013 - Biosemiotics 6 (1):9-31.
    The necessary but not sufficient conditions for biological informational concepts like signs, symbols, memories, instructions, and messages are (1) an object or referent that the information is about, (2) a physical embodiment or vehicle that stands for what the information is about (the object), and (3) an interpreter or agent that separates the referent information from the vehicle’s material structure, and that establishes the stands-for relation. This separation is named the epistemic cut, and explaining clearly how the stands-for relation is (...)
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  18.  13
    Yoga mala.Sri K. Pattabhi Jois - 2000 - New York, NY: Eddie Stern/Patanjali Yoga Shala.
    The seminal treatise and guide to Ashtanga yoga by the master of this increasingly popular discipline There is a yoga boom in America, and Sri K. Pattabhi Jois is at the heart of it. One of the great yoga figures of our time, Jois brought Ashtanga yoga to the West a quarter of a century ago and has been the driving force behind its worldwide dissemination. Based on flowing, energetic movement, Ashtanga and the many forms of vinyasa yoga that grow (...)
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  19. Information in biology.Peter Godfrey-Smith - 2007 - In David L. Hull & Michael Ruse (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to the Philosophy of Biology. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 103--119.
    The concept of information has acquired a strikingly prominent role in contemporary biology. This trend is especially marked within genetics, but it has also become important in other areas, such as evolutionary theory and developmental biology, particularly where these fields border on genetics. The most distinctive biological role for informational concepts, and the one that has generated the most discussion, is in the description of the relations between genes and the various structures and processes that genes play a role in (...)
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  20.  26
    A free mind cannot be digitally transferred.Gonzalo Génova, Valentín Moreno & Eugenio Parra - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-6.
    The digital transfer of the mind to a computer system requires representing the mind as a finite sequence of bits. The classic “stored-program computer” paradigm, in turn, implies the equivalence between program and data, so that the sequence of bits themselves can be interpreted as a program, which will be algorithmically executed in the receiving device. Now, according to a previous proof, on which this paper is based, a computational or algorithmic machine, however complex, cannot be free. Consequently, (...)
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  21.  87
    Patient autonomy for the management of chronic conditions: A two-component re-conceptualization.Aanand D. Naik, Carmel B. Dyer, Mark E. Kunik & Laurence B. McCullough - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (2):23 – 30.
    The clinical application of the concept of patient autonomy has centered on the ability to deliberate and make treatment decisions (decisional autonomy) to the virtual exclusion of the capacity to execute the treatment plan (executive autonomy). However, the one-component concept of autonomy is problematic in the context of multiple chronic conditions. Adherence to complex treatments commonly breaks down when patients have functional, educational, and cognitive barriers that impair their capacity to plan, sequence, and carry out tasks associated with chronic (...)
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  22.  49
    Plato’s Heroic Vision: The Difficult Choices of the Socratic Life.Ari Kohen - 2011 - Polis 28 (1):45-73.
    Faced with charges of impiety and corruption of the youth, Socrates attempts a defence designed to vindicate the philosophic way of life. In this he seems to be successful, as Socrates is today highly regarded for his description of the good life and for his unwillingness to live any other sort of life, a position that is most obviously exemplified by his defence in the Apology. After his sentencing, Socrates’ arguments and actions—in the Crito and the Phaedo—also lend considerable support (...)
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  23.  27
    Conflicting Codes and Codings.Marc Lenglet - 2011 - Theory, Culture and Society 28 (6):44-66.
    Contemporary financial markets have recently witnessed a sea change with the ‘algorithmic revolution’, as trading automats are used to ease the execution sequences and reduce market impact. Being constantly monitored, they take an active part in the shaping of markets, and sometimes generate crises when ‘they mess up’ or when they entail situations where traders cannot go backwards. Algorithms are software codes coding practices in an IT significant ‘textual’ device, designed to replicate trading patterns. To be accepted, however, they (...)
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  24. From monkey-like action recognition to human language: An evolutionary framework for neurolinguistics.Michael A. Arbib - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (2):105-124.
    The article analyzes the neural and functional grounding of language skills as well as their emergence in hominid evolution, hypothesizing stages leading from abilities known to exist in monkeys and apes and presumed to exist in our hominid ancestors right through to modern spoken and signed languages. The starting point is the observation that both premotor area F5 in monkeys and Broca's area in humans contain a “mirror system” active for both execution and observation of manual actions, and that (...)
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  25.  18
    Temporal malleability to auditory feedback perturbation is modulated by rhythmic abilities and auditory acuity.Miriam Oschkinat, Philip Hoole, Simone Falk & Simone Dalla Bella - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:885074.
    Auditory feedback perturbation studies have indicated a link between feedback and feedforward mechanisms in speech production when participants compensate for applied shifts. In spectral perturbation studies, speakers with a higher perceptual auditory acuity typically compensate more than individuals with lower acuity. However, the reaction to feedback perturbation is unlikely to be merely a matter of perceptual acuity but also affected by the prediction and production of precise motor action. This interplay between prediction, perception, and motor execution seems to be (...)
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  26. Nonpropositional Intellectualism.John Bengson & Marc A. Moffett - 2011 - In John Bengson & Marc A. Moffett (eds.), Knowing How: Essays on Knowledge, Mind, and Action. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press USA. pp. 161-195.
    Knowledge how to do things, or know-how, is intimately related to action. Yet know-how is also a genuine cognitive achievement. An adequate account must handle these points. Negatively, we advance arguments against theories that focus narrowly on abilities or propositional knowledge. Positively, we develop an alternative approach. The central idea is that know-how involves grasping a conception of a method for acting (or set of such methods)—where a method for phi-ing is a sequence of act-types the execution of (...)
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  27.  58
    Action planning supplements mirror systems in language evolution.Bruce Bridgeman - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (2):129-130.
    Mirror systems must be supplemented by a planning capability to allow language to evolve. A capability for creating, storing, and executing plans for sequences of actions, having evolved in primates, was applied to sequences of communicatory acts. Language could exploit this already-existing capability. Further steps in language evolution may parallel steps seen in the development of modern children.
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  28.  44
    Robot-Assisted Training of the Kinesthetic Sense: Enhancing Proprioception after Stroke.Dalia De Santis, Jacopo Zenzeri, Maura Casadio, Lorenzo Masia, Assunta Riva, Pietro Morasso & Valentina Squeri - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:119835.
    Proprioception has a crucial role in promoting or hindering motor learning. In particular, an intact position sense strongly correlates with the chances of recovery after stroke. A great majority of neurological patients present both motor dysfunctions and impairments in kinesthesia, but traditional robot and virtual reality training techniques focus either in recovering motor functions or in assessing proprioceptive deficits. An open challenge is to implement effective and reliable tests and training protocols for proprioception that go beyond the mere position sense (...)
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  29.  6
    Priestly Renewal, Eucharistic Revival: The Place of the Corpus Christi Liturgy in Aquinas's Sacramental Theology.Jose Isidro Belleza - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (3):723-752.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Priestly Renewal, Eucharistic Revival:The Place of the Corpus Christi Liturgy in Aquinas's Sacramental TheologyJose Isidro BellezaIntroductionAmong many well-catechized Catholics, the following two points—at first seemingly unrelated—have become common knowledge: first, that Christ instituted the sacramental priesthood at the Last Supper; and second, that St. Thomas Aquinas authored the Office hymns and Mass sequence for the Solemnity of Corpus Christi.The magisterial sources for the first point are clear. The (...)
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  30. An examination of information theory.Yehoshua Bar-Hillel - 1955 - Philosophy of Science 22 (2):86-105.
    One of the tasks with which communication engineers are presented is that of devising a mechanism by which a significant sequence of words, a message, produced by somebody, the sender of the message, is reproduced at some other place, with the shortest practical time lag. The reproduction must be such that the receiver of the message will be able to understand what the sender meant by his message, at least, if he knows the sender's language. The following illustration is (...)
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    The Natural Logic of Action.Mauro Maldonato & Silvia Dell’Orco - 2013 - World Futures 69 (3):174-183.
    This article argues the necessity of overcoming the hierarchical and pyramidal conception of the central nervous system that has subordinated the motor function to the higher brain activities for at least the last 150 years. The evolution of some motor modes of behavior?such as the ability to construct and manipulate instruments?has given rise to an ?embodied logic? underpinning not only the development of models of action and prediction but also the production of gestures and sequences of syllables that are at (...)
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  32.  14
    The Effect of Bilingualism on Cue-Based vs. Memory-Based Task Switching in Older Adults.Jennifer A. Rieker, José Manuel Reales & Soledad Ballesteros - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Findings suggest a positive impact of bilingualism on cognition, including the later onset of dementia. However, it is not clear to what extent these effects are influenced by variations in attentional control demands in response to specific task requirements. In this study, 20 bilingual and 20 monolingual older adults performed a task-switching task under explicit task-cuing vs. memory-based switching conditions. In the cued condition, task switches occurred in random order and a visual cue signaled the next task to be performed. (...)
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  33.  81
    An Enhanced Differential Evolution Algorithm with Fast Evaluating Strategies for TWT-NFSP with SSTs and RTs.Rong Hu, Xing Wu, Bin Qian, Jian L. Mao & Huai P. Jin - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-11.
    The no-wait flow-shop scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times and release times is a typical NP-hard problem. This paper proposes an enhanced differential evolution algorithm with several fast evaluating strategies, namely, DE_FES, to minimize the total weighted tardiness objective for the NFSP with SSTs and RTs. In the proposed DE_FES, the DE-based search is adopted to perform global search for obtaining the promising regions or solutions in solution space, and a fast local search combined with three presented strategies is (...)
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  34. The Know-how of Musical Performance.Stephen Davies - 2004 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 12 (2):154-159.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Know-How of Musical PerformanceStephen DaviesMusicians make music; that is, the performance of music involves applied knowledge or know-how. Can we attain a discursive understanding of what the musician does, and does the attempt to achieve this put at risk the very art it aims to capture? In other words, what can be said of the nature of performance and does what we say turn a living practice into (...)
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    Rite et liturgie.Nicole Gabriel & Alois Hahn - 2005 - Hermes 43:49.
    « Rites » sont d'abord de séquences d'actions corporelles définies socialement plus ou moins strictement. Très souvent, mais pas toujours les sociétés attendent qu'aux actes extérieurs correspondent des motivations, des croyances et des émotions intérieures ou « psychiques ». Il ya des sociétés où l'efficacité supposée des rites dépend de la correspondance entre mouvements corporels et «réalité » intérieure. Mais il y en a d'autres où ce qui compte c'est uniquement l'exécution minutieuse des gestes corporels en tant que tels. De (...)
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  36. Verifying one hundred prisoners and a lightbulb.Hans van Ditmarsch & Jan van Eijck - 2010 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 20 (3):173-191.
    This is a case-study in knowledge representation and dynamic epistemic protocol verification. We analyze the ‘one hundred prisoners and a lightbulb’ puzzle. In this puzzle it is relevant what the agents know, how their knowledge changes due to observations, and how they affect the state of the world by changing facts, i.e., by their actions. These actions depend on the history of previous actions and observations. Part of its interest is that all actions are local, i.e. not publicly observable, and (...)
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    Response to commentaries on “patient autonomy for the management of chronic conditions: A two-component re-conceptualization”.Aanand D. Naik, Carmel B. Dyer, Mark E. Kunik & Laurence B. McCullough - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (2):W3 – W5.
    The clinical application of the concept of patient autonomy has centered on the ability to deliberate and make treatment decisions to the virtual exclusion of the capacity to execute the treatment plan. However, the one-component concept of autonomy is problematic in the context of multiple chronic conditions. Adherence to complex treatments commonly breaks down when patients have functional, educational, and cognitive barriers that impair their capacity to plan, sequence, and carry out tasks associated with chronic care. The purpose of (...)
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  38. Implicit Learning, Bilingualism, and Dyslexia: Insights From a Study Assessing AGL With a Modified Simon Task.Maria Vender, Diego Gabriel Krivochen, Beth Phillips, Douglas Saddy & Denis Delfitto - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    This paper presents an experimental study investigating artificial grammar learning (AGL) in monolingual and bilingual children, with and without dyslexia, using an original methodology. We administered a serial reaction time (SRT) task, in the form of a modified Simon task, in which the sequence of the stimuli was manipulated according to the rules of a simple Lindenmayer grammar (more specifically, a Fibonacci grammar). By ensuring that the subjects focused on the correct response execution at the motor stage in (...)
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  39.  6
    Just Words: Moralism and Metalanguage in Twentieth-Century French Fiction.Robert W. Greene - 1993 - Penn State Press.
    Are the words that a novelist uses adequate to his or her elusive subject&—the human condition? Are they pertinent, accurate, invariably fair, unflinchingly honest? Or do the novelist's words execute essentially formal maneuvers, engaging our interest through their patterns rather than their reach? And what about a possible third, synthesizing option? Robert W. Greene discovers that the two apparently divergent intentions in question (metalinguistic vs. moralistic) often paradoxically coexist in French fiction. Also, no doubt because it is more consistently self-conscious (...)
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    Cognitive Interaction Technology in Sport—Improving Performance by Individualized Diagnostics and Error Prediction.Benjamin Strenge, Dirk Koester & Thomas Schack - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The interdisciplinary research area Cognitive Interaction Technology (CIT) aims to understand and support interactions between human users and other elements of socio-technical systems. Important reasons for the new interest in understanding CIT in sport psychology are the impressive development of cognitive robotics and advanced technologies such as virtual or augmented reality systems, cognitive glasses or neurotechnology settings. The present article outlines this area of research, addresses ethical issues, and presents an empirical study in the context of a new measurement and (...)
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    The Complex Mind: An Interdisciplinary Approach.David McFarland, Keith Stenning & Maggie McGonigle (eds.) - 2012 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Machine generated contents note: -- Preface -- Acknowledgements -- Notes on Contributors -- PART I: COMPLEXITY IN ANIMAL MINDS -- Introduction: M.McGonigle-Chalmers -- Relational and Absolute Discrimination Learning by Squirrel Monkeys: Establishing a Common Ground with Human Cognition; B.T.Jones -- Serial List Retention by Non-Human Primates: Complexity and Cognitive Continuity; F.R.Treichler -- The Use of Spatial Structure in Working Memory: A Comparative Standpoint; C.De Lillo -- The Emergence of Linear Sequencing in Children: A Continuity Account and a Formal Model; M.McGonigle-Chalmers&I.Kusel (...)
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    Subsymbolic Case‐Role Analysis of Sentences with Embedded Clauses.Risto Miikkulainen - 1996 - Cognitive Science 20 (1):47-73.
    A distributed neural network model called SPEC for processing sentences with recursive relative clauses is described. The model is based on separating the tasks of segmenting the input word sequence into clauses, forming the case‐role representations, and keeping track of the recursive embeddings into different modules. The system needs to be trained only with the basic sentence constructs, and it generalizes not only to new instances of familiar relative clause structures but to novel structures as well. SPEC exhibits plausible (...)
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    Discourse Processing in Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).Michiel Lambalgen, Claudia Kruistum & Esther Parigger - 2008 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 17 (4):467-487.
    ADHD is a psychiatric disorder characterised by persistent and developmentally inappropriate levels of inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity. It is known that children with ADHD tend to produce incoherent discourses, e.g. by narrating events out of sequence. Here the aetiology of ADHD becomes of interest. One prominent theory is that ADHD is an executive function disorder, showing deficiencies of planning. Given the close link between planning, verb tense and discourse coherence postulated in van Lambalgen and Hamm (The proper treatment of (...)
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    Xml 表現に基づく cbr を用いた日常業務支援システム.Suzuki Sachiko Yasumura Yoshiaki - 2003 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 18 (4):183-192.
    This paper introduces an agent system for supporting user's dairy work on the Internet like a secretary. In this system, an agent is assigned to a user, and receives requests from the user or other agents. Since there are various kinds of requests, it is difficult to prepare a complete set of request-handling rules in advance. In order to handle various requests, the agent uses Case Based Reasoning (CBR), which is an approach to solve a problem by referring old cases. (...)
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  45. Detecting racial bias in algorithms and machine learning.Nicol Turner Lee - 2018 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 16 (3):252-260.
    Purpose The online economy has not resolved the issue of racial bias in its applications. While algorithms are procedures that facilitate automated decision-making, or a sequence of unambiguous instructions, bias is a byproduct of these computations, bringing harm to historically disadvantaged populations. This paper argues that algorithmic biases explicitly and implicitly harm racial groups and lead to forms of discrimination. Relying upon sociological and technical research, the paper offers commentary on the need for more workplace diversity within high-tech industries (...)
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    Corporate Perspectives On The Vedic Meditative Practice Upasana.P. Rao & P. Murthy - 2006 - International Journal of Transpersonal Studies 25 (1):77-82.
    A business corporation capable of evolving, termed a learning corporation, has a conscious quality. It is the systemic version of a rigid structure-preserving corporation that would be expected eventually to run into problems and end up as a failure. The conscious corporation analogy can be used to simulate the sequence of processes that occur during Upasana, a Vedic technique of meditation. In this essay, it will be argued that the Vedic view of consciousness is parallel to the postulate that (...)
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    Higher Perceived Stress as an Independent Predictor for Lower Use of Emotion-Focused Coping Strategies in Hypertensive Individuals.Laura Aló Torres, Regina Silva Paradela, Luiza Menoni Martino, Danielle Irigoyen da Costa & Maria Claudia Irigoyen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionIndividuals with high scores of perceived stress are more likely to develop arterial hypertension than those with low levels of stress. In addition to this, AH and stress are both independent risk factors for executive function impairment and worse quality of life. Therefore, strategies to control and cope with emotional stress are of paramount importance. However, less is known about the association of PS with EF, QoL, and coping in individuals with hypertension. This study aimed to evaluate the association of (...)
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    On-line control of pointing is modified by unseen visual shapes.Erin K. Cressman, Ian M. Franks, James T. Enns & Romeo Chua - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (2):265-275.
    Shapes that are rendered invisible through backward masking are still able to influence motor responses: this is called masked priming. Yet it is unknown whether this influence is on the control of ongoing action, or whether it merely influences the initiation of an already-programmed action. We modified a masked priming procedure such that the critical prime-mask sequence was displayed during the execution of an already-initiated goal-directed pointing movement. Psychophysical tests of prime visibility indicated that the identity of the (...)
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    Temporal dynamics of attentional selection in adult male carriers of the fragile X premutation allele and adult controls.Ling M. Wong, Flora Tassone, Susan M. Rivera & Tony J. Simon - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
    © 2015 Wong,Tassone,Rivera and Simon.Carriers of the fragile X premutation allele have an expanded CGG trinucleotide repeat size within the FMR1 gene and are at increased risk of developing fragile x-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome. Previous research has shown that male fXPCs with FXTAS exhibit cognitive decline, predominantly in executive functions such as inhibitory control and working memory. Recent evidence suggests fXPCs may also exhibit impairments in processing temporal information. The attentional blink task is often used to examine the dynamics of attentional (...)
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    Distance, Closeness and Touch in and as an Improvised Duet Dance: How to “Move a Bit Further Away” with a Partner.Alain Bovet - 2023 - Human Studies 46 (4):807-835.
    The intelligibility of a performance of improvised dance does not reside in the rehearsed execution of a pre-existing script, nor does it result from a sustained verbal interaction between the dancers. Many aspects of the speechless performance obviously play an important role in the achieved intelligibility of the dance: a dancer is seen moving on and from a ground, on a stage, in a space delimited by walls, illuminated by spotlights, sounded by music, in front of an audience. And (...)
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