Results for 'Selena Aureli'

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  1.  21
    Musical Engagement and Parent-Child Attachment in Families With Young Children During the Covid-19 Pandemic.Selena Steinberg, Talia Liu & Miriam D. Lense - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the lives of families in the United States and across the world, impacting parent mental health and stress, and in turn, the parent-child relationship. Music is a common parent-child activity and has been found to positively impact relationships, but little is known about music’s role in parent-child interactions during a pandemic. The current study utilized an online questionnaire to assess the use of music in the home of young children and their parents (...)
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    Engaging with ethics in Internet of Things: Imaginaries in the social milieu of technology developers.Selena Nemorin, Alison Powell & Funda Ustek-Spilda - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (2).
    Discussions about ethics of Big Data often focus on the ethics of data processing: collecting, storing, handling, analysing and sharing data. Data-based systems, however, do not come from nowhere. They are designed and brought into being within social spaces – or social milieu. This paper connects philosophical considerations of individual and collective capacity to enact practical reason to the influence of social spaces. Building a deeper engagement with the social imaginaries of technology development through analysis of two years of fieldwork (...)
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  3. Bearing the burden of aging parents: The Christian response.Selena Ewing - 2012 - Bioethics Research Notes 24 (3):49.
    Ewing, Selena This paper is part of a larger body of research which was partly supported by a grant from the Mary Phillippa Brazill Foundation.
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  4. I don't want to be a burden.Selena R. Ewing - 2011 - Bioethics Research Notes 23 (3):40.
    Ewing, Selena R Sometimes we find a question in bioethics that seems so mundane and common that nobody cares to consider it, and yet it has no easy answer. The question of my current research project is this. When an elderly person, perhaps your parent or your patient, says 'I don't want to be a burden,' what do they mean and how should we respond?
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    Terre et liberté: la quête d'autonomie contre le fantasme de délivrance.Aurélien Berlan - 2021 - Saint-Michel-de-Vax: Éditions La lenteur.
  6.  10
    Repenser la relation homme-animal: généalogie et perspectives.Aurélie Choné, Isabel Iribarren, Marie Pelé, Catherine Repussard & Cédric Sueur (eds.) - 2020 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Cet ouvrage, centré sur la question interdisciplinaire de la rencontre entre les animaux humains et non humains, cherche à créer des passerelles entre les différents courants des études animales. Des chercheurs issus des sciences de l'homme et des sciences de la nature questionnent les grandes étapes historiques, politiques et philosophiques qui ont marqué les relations que nous entretenons avec les animaux non humains depuis le Moyen Âge. Ce volume s'attache à mettre au jour les moments de rupture ainsi que le (...)
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    Is it morally permissible for general practitioners to disclose their opinion on a woman’s decision on abortion?Selena Knight & Lynnlette Aung - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-8.
    BackgroundThis paper considers ethical dilemmas arising where a patient asks their General Practitioner for advice and their personal opinion regarding whether or not to have an abortion. Patients often seek their General Practitioner’s advice regarding treatments and procedures, which may occasionally lead to the General Practitioner facing a difficult dilemma of whether to share their personal opinion with their patient. As General Practitioners are more accessible as the first point of contact for patients and often have a closer relationship with (...)
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  8. News of Spinoza: Religion, hermeneutics and language.Selena Pastorino - 2011 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 66 (4):755-757.
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    Prospettive dell'interpretazione: Nietzsche, l'ermeneutica e la scrittura in Al di là del bene e del male.Selena Pastorino - 2017 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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    Pietro Gori, Il pragmatismo di Nietzsche. Saggi sul pensiero prospettivistico.Selena Pastorino - 2017 - Rivista di Estetica 65:203-205.
    Una lunga lettura filologica di Nietzsche allena all’attenzione per i testi, in ogni loro parola. Il volume di Pietro Gori dichiara nel titolo ciò che le sue pagine realizzano, donando un saggio del pensiero prospettivistico all’opera. Lungi dal limitarsi a fornire un ulteriore contributo alla già ricca riflessione sul prospettivismo nietzschiano, Gori intercetta il desiderio della comunità scientifica in merito al tema declinandolo secondo cinque diverse prospettive, atte a rendere conto del...
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    Teorie e pratiche della verità in Nietzsche ed. by Pietro Gori and Paolo Stellino.Selena Pastorino - 2016 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 47 (1):169-172.
    The matter of truth in Nietzsche’s thought is one of the most studied and debated topics in recent scholarship. It is a topic of great interest and has generated much scholarship, but rarely does such work offer anything new. The book, Teorie e pratiche della verità in Nietzsche, edited by Pietro Gori and Paolo Stellino, is an exception to this trend, as it offers important and original contributions to this area of study.The text—which is the result of a workshop by (...)
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  12. Vom Gesicht und Räthsel : die ewige Wiederkehr und die Schatten Gottes.Selena Pastorino - 2014 - In Murat Ates, Nietzsches Zarathustra auslegen: Thesen, Positionen und Entfaltungen zu "Also sprach Zarathustra" von Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. Marburg: Tectum.
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  13. Philosophy in public and other educational spaces.Selena Prior & Susan Wilks - 2018 - In Gilbert Burgh & Simone Thornton, Philosophical Inquiry with Children: The development of an inquiring society in Australia. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
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    William Crathorn's mereotopological atomism.Aurélien Robert - 2009 - In Christophe Grellard & Aurâelien Robert, Atomism in late medieval philosophy and theology. Boston: Brill. pp. 9--127.
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    Blood on the Wind and the Tablet of Destinies: Intertextuality in Anzû, Enūma eliš, and Erra and Išum.Selena Wisnom - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 139 (2):269.
    Enūma eliš and Erra and Išum are richly intertextual poems that both make sophisticated allusions to Anzû. Both do so in competitive ways: Enūma eliš reshapes earlier motifs towards its goal of elevating Marduk and Babylon over the gods and cities that came before them, while Erra and Išum uses allusions to undermine the image of Marduk that Enūma eliš creates. Tiʼāmtu’s blood carried on the wind to announce Marduk’s victory and the tablet of destinies which Tiʼāmtu fastens to Qingu’s (...)
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    Marduk the Fisherman.Selena Wisnom - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 141 (1):211.
    This note considers Marduk’s use of the net in Enūma eliš. This weapon is usually assumed to be a net for catching birds inherited from Marduk’s relationship to Ninurta mythology, since Ninurta’s opponent in battle was the demonic bird Anzû. Here it is suggested that the net can also be used as a fishing net and portrays Marduk as a fisherman. This coheres with the nature of Marduk’s opponent, Ti’āmtu, whose name means sea, and also fits into the depiction of (...)
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  17.  14
    Machiavelli's discourses on Livy: new readings.Diogo Pires Aurélio & Andre Santos Campos (eds.) - 2021 - Boston: Brill.
    Machiavelli is known chiefly for The Prince, but his main considerations on politics are in his most profound and later work Discourses on Livy, the complexity, length and style of which have often discouraged new readers and interpreters of Machiavelli, despite its historical and theoretical importance. For this reason, the Discourses has not been given the attention it deserves. This volume of newly commissioned essays by some of the world's leading experts on Machiavelli overcomes this gap. It is the first (...)
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  18.  20
    Christian activism and the fallists: What about reconciliation?Selena Headley & Sandiswa L. Kobe - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3).
    This article aims to understand what role Steve Biko and the Black Consciousness Movement, and the Soweto Uprising, played in Christian activism between the early 1970s and late 1980s. The question is: did the Black Consciousness Movement and the Soweto Uprising influence Christian activists to engage differently with notions such as reconciliation during the struggle against apartheid? The article revisits the actions and thinking of Christian activists before 1994 to understand some of their views on reconciliation, but most importantly, to (...)
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  19. Spinoza, Kelsen and the nature of the legal norm.Diogo Pires Aurélio - 2015 - In Andre Santos Campos, Spinoza: Basic Concepts. Burlington, VT, USA: Imprint Academic.
  20.  10
    Variations sur l'animal central: essai poétique et philosophique.Aurélien Barrau, Véronique Bergen & Mathieu Brosseau (eds.) - 2017 - [Bruxelles]: La Lettre volée.
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  21.  7
    Ne soyons pas des écologistes benêts.Aurélien Bernier - 2010 - [Paris]: Mille et une nuits. Edited by Michel Marchand.
    Militants associatifs ou politiques, les écologistes benêts sont ceux qui voient le monde à travers la seule crise environnementale, en oubliant la crise sociale. Ceux qui défendent une écologie qui ne serait "ni de droite ni de gauche ". Ceux qui prétendent sauver les écosystèmes sans mettre fin au capitalisme. Pourtant, l'effondrement financier de 2008 aurait dû les réveiller... Eh bien non!Au contraire, ils défendent le capitalisme vert qui permet à l'ordre économique mondial de se faire une seconde jeunesse. Nous (...)
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    Cioran, archives paradoxales: nouvelles approches critiques.Aurélien Demars, Nicolas Cavaillès, Caroline Laurent & Mihaela-Gențiana Stănișor (eds.) - 2015 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    Le XVIIIe colloque international Cioran (2013) a été dédié au thème des "Transfigurations". Les actes du colloque témoignent des différentes approches (philosophique, historique, poétique, littéraire et linguistique) abordées par les chercheurs, universitaires, philosophes ou écrivains venus à Sibiu.
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    La vie des objets: les métiers d'art, une écosophie pratique.Aurélien Fouillet - 2022 - Paris: Les Éditions Ateliers d'art de France.
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  24.  12
    Il male quotidiano: incursioni filosofiche nell'horror.Selena Pastorino & Davide Navarria (eds.) - 2022 - Roma: Rogas edizioni.
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    Nietzsche nella Rivoluzione conservatrice ed. by Francesco Cattaneo, Carlo Gentili, and Stefano Marino.Selena Pastorino - 2017 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 48 (2):304-308.
    Analyzing the reception of Nietzsche’s work in the years following World War I is a delicate and important task, one that Nietzsche nella Rivoluzione conservatrice seeks to accomplish by focusing on the so-called Conservative Revolutionary movement and the prominent intellectuals who orbited it. The book is a rich summary of the eponymous congress held in Bologna, promoted by the University of Bologna and the Fondazione Gramsci Emilia-Romagna, and it contains fifteen essays from both young and established scholars, including the editors (...)
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    (1 other version)A praxis-based approach to theological training in Cape Town.Selena D. Headley - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (3).
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  27.  42
    Why so complex? Emotional mediation of revenge, forgiveness, and reconciliation.Filippo Aureli & Colleen M. Schaffner - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (1):15-16.
  28. Pour une philosophie matérialiste de la liberté. Les Réflexions de Simone Weil en 1934.Aurélien Berlan - 2023 - In Patrice Bretaudière & Isabelle Krier, Les matérialistes paradoxaux. Paris: Classiques Garnier.
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  29. Le système des arts : failles et reconfigurations des théories classiques.Aurélia Gaillard - 2017 - In Sophie Marchand, Élise Pavy-Guilbert & Michel Delon, L'esprit de système au XVIIIe siècle. Paris: Hermann.
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    Bioética e humanização: vivências e reflexões.Aurélio Molina, Maria Clara Albuquerque & Emanuel Dias (eds.) - 2003 - [Recife, Brazil]: EDUPE.
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  31.  15
    Forced Social Isolation and Mental Health: A Study on 1,006 Italians Under COVID-19 Lockdown.Luca Pancani, Marco Marinucci, Nicolas Aureli & Paolo Riva - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Most countries have been struggling with the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic imposing social isolation on their citizens. However, this measure carried risks for people's mental health. This study evaluated the psychological repercussions of objective isolation in 1,006 Italians during the first, especially strict, lockdown in spring 2020. Although varying for the regional spread-rate of the contagion, results showed that the longer the isolation and the less adequate the physical space where people were isolated, the worse the mental health. Offline (...)
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  32.  48
    Behavioral and facial thermal variations in 3-to 4-month-old infants during the Still-Face Paradigm.Tiziana Aureli, Annalisa Grazia, Daniela Cardone & Arcangelo Merla - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    MUÑOZ PÁEZ, Adela Sabias. La cara oculta de la ciencia. Barcelona: Debate.Aure Daza - forthcoming - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía:153.
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    Imaginer avec Castoriadis.Aurélien Liarte & Philippe Georges (eds.) - 2013 - Nice: Ovadia.
    Penseur majeur de la gauche antitotalitaire, eclipsé partiellement par les grandes figures de Derrida, Barthes ou Lacan, Cornelius Castoriadis (1922-1997) est un penseur que l'on commence à peine à (re)découvrir, alors que ses écrits deviennent accessibles au public francophone. Tout à la fois philosophe, militant politique, économiste, psychanalyste, sociologue, anthropologue et connaisseur éclairé des arts et des mathématiques, il fournit des outils intellectuels pour appréhender certaines des questions brûlantes de notre époque (rôle de la religion dans la société, critique des (...)
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  35.  12
    Die Rolle der Interpretation bei psycho-physiologischen Prozessen im Nachlass (1885–1886).Selena Pastorino - 2013 - Nietzscheforschung 20 (1).
  36.  18
    Heideggers Auslegung von Nietzsches II. Unzeitgemäßer Betrachtung. Eine paradigmatische Methode der philosophischen Nietzsche-Interpretation.Selena Pastorino - 2012 - Nietzscheforschung 19 (1).
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  37. Libertà e necessità in Al di là di Bene e Male, VII Seminario permanente nierzscheano, Bologna 16-18 novembre 2010.Selena Pastorino - 2011 - Philosophical News 2.
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  38. Soltanto un vedere prospettico. La sfida Del prospettivismo nietzschiano.Selena Pastorino - 2011 - Giornale di Metafisica 33 (1-2):85-97.
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  39. You are what you’re for: Essentialist categorization in large language models.Siying Zhang, Selena She, Tobias Gerstenberg & David Rose - forthcoming - Proceedings of the 45Th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
    How do essentialist beliefs about categories arise? We hypothesize that such beliefs are transmitted via language. We subject large language models (LLMs) to vignettes from the literature on essentialist categorization and find that they align well with people when the studies manipulated teleological information -- information about what something is for. We examine whether in a classic test of essentialist categorization -- the transformation task -- LLMs prioritize teleological properties over information about what something looks like, or is made of. (...)
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    Chaos multiples: Derrida et Goodman face à l'ordre et à l'un.Aurélien Barrau - 2017 - Paris: Éditions Galilée.
    L'histoire philosophique montre, ou au moins suggère, que toute remise en cause de l'Un s'est accompagnée d'une mise en ordre, et que tout ébranlement de l'ordre s'est achevé en réduction unitaire. Ce balancement se déploie de la métaphysique jusqu'à l'épistémologie. Pour des raisons différentes et avec des méthodes disjointes, Derrida et Goodman ont, chacun, ébranlé l'un des deux piliers qui sous-tendent l'essentiel de la tradition philosophique. Derrida, par le jeu subtil de la différance, a fait vaciller la vaste entreprise de (...)
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    L'animal est-il un homme comme les autres?: les droits des animaux en question.Aurélien Barrau - 2021 - Malakoff: Dunod. Edited by Louis Schweitzer.
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  42. Public epistemology as a compromise : why should we agree to disagree?Aurélia Bardon - 2017 - In Christian F. Rostbøll & Theresa Scavenius, Compromise and Disagreement in Contemporary Political Theory. New York: Routledge.
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    Empathy as a special case of emotional mediation of social behavior.Filippo Aureli & Colleen M. Schaffner - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (1):23-24.
    Empathy can be viewed as an intervening variable to explain complex webs of causation between multiple factors and the resulting responses. The mediating role of emotion, implicit in the concept of an intervening variable, can be at the basis of the flexibility of empathic responses. Knowledge of the underlying neurophysiological mechanisms is needed for empathy to be considered as a biologically functional intervening variable.
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  44.  11
    Comment la mondialisation a tué l'écologie: les politiques environnementales piégées par le libre échange.Aurélien Bernier - 2012 - [Paris]: Mille et une nuits.
    Le débat scientifique sur la réalité du changement climatique a ses imposteurs. Mais, en matière d'environnement, les plus grandes impostures se situent dans le champ politique.Lorsque l'écologie émerge dans le débat public au début des années 1970, les grandes puissances économiques comprennent qu'un danger se profile. Alors que la mondialisation du capitalisme se met en place grâce à la stratégie du libre échange, l'écologie politique pourrait remettre en cause le productivisme, l'intensification du commerce international et les délocalisations de l'industrie vers (...)
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    Rethinking nature: challenging disciplinary boundaries.Aurélie Choné (ed.) - 2017 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Contemporary ideas of nature were largely shaped by schools of thought from Western cultural history and philosophy until the present-day concerns with environmental change and biodiversity conservation. There are many different ways of conceptualising nature in epistemological terms, reflecting the tensions between the polarities of humans as masters or protectors of nature and as part of or outside of nature. The book shows how nature is today the focus of numerous debates, calling for an approach which goes beyond the merely (...)
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    Bridging the education–action gap: a near-peer case-based undergraduate ethics teaching programme.Wing May Kong & Selena Knight - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (10):692-696.
    Undergraduate ethics teaching has made significant progress in the past decade, with evidence showing that students and trainee doctors feel more confident in identifying and analysing ethical issues. There is general consensus that ethics education should enable students and doctors to take ethically appropriate actions, and nurture moral integrity. However, the literature reports that doctors continue to find it difficult to take action when faced with perceived unethical behaviour. This has been evident in recent healthcare scandals, in which care has (...)
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  47.  77
    Maquiavel & herdeiros.Diogo Pires Aurélio - 2012 - Lisboa: Temas e Debates.
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  48. Les discours sur es Alpes au XVIIIe siècle: un ordre géographique nouveau?Aurélie Luther - 2012 - In Adrien Paschoud & Nathalie Vuillemin, Penser l'ordre naturel, 1680-1810. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation.
  49. Pluralità e interpretazione, Convegno di studi Università degli Studi di Genova – 22-23 novembre 2010.Francesco Ferrari & Selena Pastorino - 2011 - Philosophical News 2.
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    Australians on Abortion: Common Ground.John Fleming & Selena Ewing - 2005 - Bioethics Research Notes 17 (2).
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