Results for 'Aurélien Liarte'

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  1. Manipuler l’affectivité? Des affects à l’imaginaire politique.Aurélien Liarte - 2010 - Noesis 16 (16):85-117.
    « La vie politique des nations occidentales […] apparaît généralement, depuis l’effondrement du nazisme » – et, devrions-nous ajouter, du communisme soviétique – « comme peu passionnée ». Effondrement des grands clivages idéologiques, « désenchantement » produit par la société industrielle ou post-industrielle, fonctionnement social et non communautaire de la vie en collectivité, tout ceci expliquerait la relative absence d’affectivité dans les relations sociales et politiques. Au rebours néa...
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    Le « pouvoir du peuple » : un leurre idéologique?Aurélien Liarte - 2024 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 74 (2):59-71.
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    The Weighting of CSR Dimensions: One Size Does Not Fit All.Aurélien Petit & Gunther Capelle-Blancard - 2017 - Business and Society 56 (6):919-943.
    Although the concept of corporate social responsibility is fundamentally multidimensional, most studies use composite scores to assess corporate social performance. How relevant are such composite scores? How the CSR dimensions are weighted? Should the weighting scheme be the same across sectors? This article proposes an original weighting scheme of CSR strengths and concerns, at the sector level, which is proportional to media and nongovernmental organizations scrutiny. The authors show that previous CSP assessments underweight environmental and corporate governance concerns. Moreover, findings (...)
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    Lorentz-Invariant, Retrocausal, and Deterministic Hidden Variables.Aurélien Drezet - 2019 - Foundations of Physics 49 (10):1166-1199.
    We review several no-go theorems attributed to Gisin and Hardy, Conway and Kochen purporting the impossibility of Lorentz-invariant deterministic hidden-variable model for explaining quantum nonlocality. Those theorems claim that the only known solution to escape the conclusions is either to accept a preferred reference frame or to abandon the hidden-variable program altogether. Here we present a different alternative based on a foliation dependent framework adapted to deterministic hidden variables. We analyse the impact of such an approach on Bohmian mechanics and (...)
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    L’inépuisabilité de l’œuvre littéraire: Réflexion autour de L’œuvre ouverte de Umberto Eco.Aurélien Djian - 2021 - Phainomenon 32 (1):119-163.
    This paper focuses on the main claim of Umberto Eco’s Open Work, according to which any work of art is an inherently ambiguous message, i.e. is inexhaustible, or in principle likely to be the object of an infinite number of interpretations. It does so, first, by restricting itself to the specific topic of the literary work of art, and, secondly, by making a detour, that Eco himself suggests, though he does not really explore it, via Sartre’s ontological phenomenology. This detour (...)
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    Atomisme et géométrie à Oxford au XIVe siècle.Aurélien Robert - 2010 - In Sabine Rommevaux (ed.), Mathématique et connaissance du réel avant Galilée. Omnisciences.
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    Zur „Genesis des jetzigen Philologen“ anhand der Basler Schriften von Friedrich Nietzsche (1869–1875).Aurélien Fossey - 2024 - Nietzscheforschung 31 (1):279-290.
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    “Teaching the Sushi Chef”: Hybridization Work and CSR Integration in a Japanese Multinational Company.Aurélien Acquier, Valentina Carbone & Valérie Moatti - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (3):625-645.
    While corporate social responsibility is recognized as taking on various national meanings and practices, research has not sufficiently investigated how multinational companies simultaneously achieve global CSR integration and local CSR adaptation. Building on a qualitative case study carried out at ASICS, an MNC headquartered in Japan, we show how this organizational dilemma may be solved through hybridization work, a form of institutional work performed by CSR managers in subsidiaries to combine and adapt different institutional approaches to CSR. By developing the (...)
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    Social Media Hedonism and the Case of ’Fitspiration’: A Nietzschean Critique.Aurélien Daudi - 2022 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 17 (2):127-142.
    Though the rise of social media has provided countless advantages and possibilities, both within and without the domain of sports, recent years have also seen some more detrimental aspects of these technologies come to light. In particular, the widespread social media culture surrounding fitness – ‘fitspiration’ – warrants attention for the way it encourages self-sexualization and -objectification, thereby epitomizing a wider issue with photo-based social media in general. Though the negative impact of fitspiration has been well documented, what is less (...)
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    Scaling circular economy business models: A capability perspective.Aurélien Acquier, Valentina Carbone & Cécile Ezvan - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    In a context of growing environmental challenges, circular economy (CE) business models appear necessary for business to contribute positively to the ecological transition. While platform business models have been identified as a new and promising model in CE, we still lack a fine-grained understanding of the critical capabilities involved in developing and scaling them. To fill this gap, we build on a single case study of Phenix, a French-based fast-growing start-up in the food industry, tackling the issue of food waste. (...)
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    William crathorn.Aurélien Robert - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  12. A Quinean-Inspired Interpretation of Meinong's Theory of Objects.Aurélien Zincq - unknown
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    Will to power: Revaluating (female) empowerment in ‘fitspiration’.Aurélien Daudi - 2023 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (2):177-193.
    Female empowerment has long been a prominent social concern in Western culture. With the rise of social media, the quest for female empowerment has become embodied in self-presentational practices, occurring conspicuously throughout the Instagram fitness subculture: ‘fitspiration’. Here, female empowerment is merged with the body-centrality inherent to fitness, and the self-sexualization that has become characteristic of both photo-based social media in general, and fitspiration in particular. Meanwhile, an extensive body of research highlights numerous detrimental effects of self-sexualization on women. Evidently, (...)
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    De la biblioteca de Ibn Ḥakam de Menorca a la de la ṭarīqa al-Sanūsiyya: a propósito de un manuscrito del siglo XIII conservado en Bengasi (Libia) (Manuscripta libica I).Aurélien Montel - 2023 - Al-Qantara 44 (1):e04.
    Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar un manuscrito conservado en la biblioteca de la Universidad de Bengasi (Libia) que contiene el Kitāb al-Ǧawhara fī nasab al-nabī ṣallā Allāh ʽalayhi wa-sallam wa-aṣḥābihi al-ʽašara por Abū ʽAbd Allāh Muḥammad b. Abī Bakr b. ʽAbd Allāh b. Mūsà al-Anṣārī al-Barrī al-Tilimsānī (596/1200-681/1282). Aunque ha sido mencionado en algunas publicaciones, no llamó la atención de los especialistas de la historia cultural de al-Andalus. Debido a la situación actual de la institución de conservación, no ha (...)
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    Husserl : des parcours de lecture.Aurélien Vilpoux - 2009 - Methodos 9.
    Comment une connaissance objective est-elle possible pour une subjectivité? Telle pourrait être la question à l’origine de la tentative husserlienne visant à fournir une fondation objective de la connaissance. Telle semble être également la question qui anime, de façon sous-jacente, toute philosophie de la connaissance. La phénoménologie de Husserl a pris tout d’abord la forme d’une Erkenntnistheorie. Autour du sens et de la portée de ce geste, primitif et fondateur, le livre de Laurent Joum...
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    Building a Constructivist Perspective in Business and Society.Aurélien Acquier & Jean-Pascal Gond - 2005 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 16:51-56.
    This paper is meant to provide a theoretical contribution to the Business and Society field, in line with Pasquero proposition (1996) to develop a constructivist research agenda on Business and Society issues, i.e. an agenda accounting for the dynamics and the socio-cognitive construction of CSR and stakeholder concepts. Among the different theoretical perspectives that may be good candidates to overcome several difficulties related to that lack in the B&S field, wepropose that some of Michel Callon’s sociological works are of particular (...)
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    (1 other version)Esquives et disputes conjugales.Aurelien Berthou - 2012 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 1 (1):103-113.
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    Courtine, Jean-François: Archéo-logique. Husserl, Heidegger, Patočka.Aurélien Djian - 2015 - Husserl Studies 31 (2):151-158.
    Despite its title, Jean-François Courtine’s Archéo-Logique. Husserl, Heidegger,Patočka (henceforth AL), is mostly—if not exclusively—a book devoted to Heidegger. This is readily apparent in the table of contents: seven (chapters II-VIII) of the nine studies gathered in this volume deal entirely with Heidegger; one (chapter I) works through Heidegger’s notion of “Destruktion” with reference to Natorp’s “Rekonstruktion”; and only the concluding essay (chapter IX) focuses on Patočka’s a-subjective phenomenology and its criticism of Husserl. As for the “Introduction”, the only name mentioned (...)
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    Husserl et l'horizon comme problème: une contribution à l'histoire de la phénoménologie.Aurélien Djian - 2021 - Villeneuve d'Ascq, France: Presses universitaires du Septentrion.
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    Imaginer avec Castoriadis.Aurélien Liarte & Philippe Georges (eds.) - 2013 - Nice: Ovadia.
    Penseur majeur de la gauche antitotalitaire, eclipsé partiellement par les grandes figures de Derrida, Barthes ou Lacan, Cornelius Castoriadis (1922-1997) est un penseur que l'on commence à peine à (re)découvrir, alors que ses écrits deviennent accessibles au public francophone. Tout à la fois philosophe, militant politique, économiste, psychanalyste, sociologue, anthropologue et connaisseur éclairé des arts et des mathématiques, il fournit des outils intellectuels pour appréhender certaines des questions brûlantes de notre époque (rôle de la religion dans la société, critique des (...)
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    Atomism.Aurélien Robert - 2011 - In H. Lagerlund (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Springer. pp. 122--125.
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  22. Idées humaines, idées divines: Ockham lecteur d'Augustin.Aurélien Robert - 2003 - Revue Thomiste 3:479-494.
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  23. L'universalité réduite au discours. Sur quelques théories franciscaines de l'abstraction à la fin du XIIIe siècle.Aurélien Robert - 2007 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 18:363-393.
    La querelle sugli universali si presenta come un dibattito prevalentemente ontologico che rimette in gioco l'idea stessa di sostanza ed è un realismo ontologico che non mette per forza in discussione ogni cosa, ma contempla tutta la realtà delle specie e dei generi naturali della sostanza. Gli uomini sono legati tra di loro per convenientia e questo come una semplice similitudine essenziale tra di loro e le loro essenze individuali, secondo la linea espressa da Giovanni di Pietro Olivi , Riccardo (...)
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    L’origine du grammatical selon le projet husserlien d’une généalogie de la logique.Aurélien Zincq - 2015 - Ithaque 16:25-48.
    Cette étude examine la thèse soutenant la présence d’une structure syntaxique au sein de l’expérience antéprédicative, développée par Husserl dans Expérience et jugement, relativement au projet de la grammaire pure logique élaborée dans la IV e Recherche logique. L’idée défendue est que le dernier Husserl réhabilite ou réévalue certaines thèses de cette IV e Recherche dans le cadre de la théorie de l’expérience antéprédicative dont il est fait état dans la I ère section d’Expérience et jugement. Il s’agit alors pour (...)
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  25. What are the Logical Investigations talking about?Aurélien Zincq - manuscript
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  26. Désir de persévérer dans l’être et mort volontaire chez Nicole Oresme.Aurélien Robert - 2019 - In Fabrizio Amerini, Simone Fellina & Andrea Strazzoni (eds.), _Tra antichità e modernità. Studi di storia della filosofia medievale e rinascimentale_. Raccolti da Fabrizio Amerini, Simone Fellina e Andrea Strazzoni. Firenze-Parma, Torino: E-theca OnLineOpenAccess Edizioni, Università degli Studi di Torino. pp. 199-239.
    In his commentary on Aristotle’s Physics, Nicole Oresme raises a question that he is apparently the first to ask in these terms, in such a context: do all beings have the desire to persevere into being? Before him, this question is not found in any of the medieval commentaries on Aristotle’s Physics. But after him it became canonical until at least the 16th century, since it can be found in Pietro Pomponazzi’s works for example. The novelty here consists in questioning (...)
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    A Critical Analysis of ‘Relative Facts Do Not Exist: Relational Quantum Mechanics Is Incompatible with Quantum Mechanics’ by Jay Lawrence, Marcin Markiewicz and Marek Źukowski.Aurélien Drezet - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 54 (1):1-8.
    We discuss a recent work by J. Lawrence et al. [] criticizing relational quantum mechanics (RQM) and based on a famous nonlocality theorem Going back to Greenberger Horne and Zeilinger (GHZ). Here, we show that the claims presented in this recent work are unjustified and we debunk the analysis.
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    Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) experiences: an ethnographic approach to their expression on the Internet forums.Aurélien Troisoeufs - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (3):343-352.
    This contribution aims at describing the experiences of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) as discussed on Internet forums. Since the 2000s, increasing attention has been paid to health practices associated with the use of the Internet, whether by medical professionals, public authorities or researchers in the social sciences. We know that Internet is used by patients with Parkinson’s disease, in order to discuss about their lived experiences. This contribution will present how these Internet users address the specific theme of DBS. We (...)
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    Sharing the Shared Value: A Transaction Cost Perspective on Strategic CSR Policies in Global Value Chains.Aurélien Acquier, Bertrand Valiorgue & Thibault Daudigeos - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 144 (1):139-152.
    This paper explores the conditions favouring or inhibiting the implementation of strategic corporate social responsibility policies in the context of global value chains. Using transaction cost theory, we specify the economic and behavioural issues raised by strategic CSR policies. We show that the existence of market rewards for such policies does not constitute a solution per se, but tends to increase the difficulties that value chain members face. Bringing TCT into the analysis of the diffusion of strategic CSR policies in (...)
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    L’horizon et le destin de la phénoménologie.Aurélien Djian - 2018 - Philosophiques 45 (2):343-364.
    Aurélien Djian | : L’ambition de cet article est double. Il s’agit d’abord de fixer le contexte philosophique qui sous-tend le débat entre Derrida et Marion en 1999, à l’Université de Villanova, et de réviser la perspective qui y est formulée selon laquelle le destin de la phénoménologie est intimement lié à une décision à prendre à l’égard du concept d’horizon : « il n’y a pas de phénoménologie sans horizon », affirme Derrida à Marion, il faut donc la dépasser (...)
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    Quantum Solitodynamics: Non-linear Wave Mechanics and Pilot-Wave Theory.Aurélien Drezet - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 53 (1):1-45.
    In 1927 Louis de Broglie proposed an alternative approach to standard quantum mechanics known as the double solution program (DSP) where particles are represented as bunched fields or solitons guided by a base (weaker) wave. DSP evolved as the famous de Broglie-Bohm pilot wave interpretation (PWI) also known as Bohmian mechanics but the general idea to use solitons guided by a base wave to reproduce the dynamics of the PWI was abandoned. Here we propose a nonlinear scalar field theory able (...)
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  32. Ernst Mach, psychologue de la forme?Aurélien Zincq - 2017 - Philosophie 133 (2):68-87.
    Ernst Mach, le célèbre physicien autrichien, est principalement connu en épistémologie et en philosophie de la psychologie pour avoir été l’auteur d’une théorie de l’expérience sensible qui le positionna, aux côtés de William James, comme l’un des représentants de ce courant philosophique connu sous le nom de « monisme neutre ». L’un des développements les plus fructueux de cette théorie de l’expérience semble avoir été la psychologie de la forme, tant dans la version qu’en a livrée l’École de Graz que (...)
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  33. What experiments can teach us about justice and impartiality: vindicating experimental political philosophy.Aurélien Allard & Florian Cova - forthcoming - In Hugo Viciana, Fernando Aguiar & Antonio Gaitán (eds.), Issues in Experimental Moral Philosophy. Routledge.
    While psychologists and political scientists have long investigated issues of interest to philosophers, the development of political experimental philosophy has remained limited. This slow progress is surprising, given that political philosophers commonly acknowledge the relevance of empirical data for normative theorizing. In this chapter, we illustrate the importance of empirical data by outlining recent developments in three domains related to theories of justice, where empirical results reinforce or endanger popular philosophical theories. Our first showcase concerns the boundaries of the concept (...)
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    Understanding and Dealing with Climate Grief.Aurélien Salin - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 7 (1):11-26.
    Confronted with the reality that our environment is dying, we must navigate feelings of grief and mourning. In this article, I set out to understand the emotion of climate grief, using the LBT model of emotions. I define climate grief as an emotion whose object is the loss of the local and global ecosystems as we rely on, value and relate to them. The rating of climate grief is strongly negative, such that we bleakly perceive our existence and our survival (...)
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    El Occidente islámico a la luz de las fuentes de la primera época abasí (ss. VIII-X): un mundo invisible.Aurélien Montel - 2022 - Al-Qantara 43 (2):e28.
    Dentro de la riquísima literatura producida en el círculo del poder abasí entre los siglos VIII y X, el Occidente islámico (es decir, al-Andalus, el Magreb y las islas del Mediterráneo occidental) ocupa un lugar insignificante, a pesar de las pretensiones universalistas que tenían sus autores. Este silencio afecta a todos los géneros literarios, con excepción de la geografía, que experimentó un gran desarrollo en ese periodo. ¿Cómo puede explicarse esta circunstancia? Contextualizar estos textos permite considerar dos argumentos. El primero (...)
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    Explaining historical change in terms of LHT: A pluralistic causal framework is needed.Aurélien Allard & Antoine Marie - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    Baumard suggests that the advent, through phenotypic plasticity mechanisms, of future-oriented preferences and creative mindsets in eighteenth-century Great Britain explains the wave of innovations that drove the British Industrial Revolution. We argue that, although this approach is promising, Baumard's model would benefit from being supplemented by demographic, economic, and sociological explanations independent of Life History Theory.
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    Du concept de « décivilisation ».Aramini Aurélien & Gulli - forthcoming - Philosophique.
    Le concept de civilisation possède deux significations distinctes. Il désigne un ensemble de groupes culturels ayant entre eux un air de famille. C'est l'un des sens que Lucien Febvre reconnaît à la notion : Civilisation signifie simplement pour nous l’ensemble des caractères que présente aux regards d’un observateur la vie collective d’un groupement humain : vie ma­té­rielle ; vie intellectuelle, vie morale, vie politique et - par quoi remplacer cette ex­pression vicieuse? – vie sociale. C...
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    Notes de lecture.Aurélien Berthou - 2017 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 11 (1):78-81.
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    Échantillon d'une histoire de la philosophie moderne au féminin: Introduction.Aurélien Chukurian & Anaïs Delambre - 2024 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 120 (3):323-325.
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    Descartes et le christianisme: l'approche philosophique de l'eucharistie.Aurelien Chukurian - 2019 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    Presenting Descartes as a thinker who sought to reconcile his philosophical principles and Christianity, this work grasps this harmonization in terms of Eucharistic explanations, so as to identify the terms of articulation between his philosophy and the field of theology.
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    (1 other version)Réflexions sur l’espace et le temps dans la phénoménologie de Renaud Barbaras.Aurélien Deudon - 2018 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 26:197-212.
    Alors que la conception habituelle de l’espace et du temps insiste sur la différence insurmontable de leur nature, sur leur incommensurabilité malgré leur coexistence (la réalité se donnant simultanément dans l’espace et le temps), la conception philosophique à laquelle nous voudrions faire droit ici revendique leur articulation. Envisagée phénoménologiquement, cette question de l’articulation ne contrevient pas seulement à l’idée courante selon laquelle l’espace n’a rien à voir avec le temps...
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    De la coexistence humaine à l’histoire ouverte. Sur la productivité de la praxis intersubjective et de la dialectique de l’institution chez Merleau-Ponty de 1945 à 1955.Aurélien Dru - 2021 - Chiasmi International 23:169-186.
    We examine here the evolution of Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy of history from Humanism and Terror to the 1955 course on “Institution in Personal and Public History” in order to explain what makes it “ambiguous.” This evolution is explained by the desire to understand history according to intersubjective praxis and the dialectical scheme of historical institution. The articulation of these two levels allows Merleau-Ponty to develop a philosophy of historical productivity, that is, a conception of history as a practical process that is (...)
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    Épicure aux enfers: hérésie, athéisme et hédonisme au Moyen Âge.Aurélien Robert - 2021 - [Paris]: Fayard.
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    Humanités Médicales.Aurélien Robert, Joël Chandelier, Laetitia Loviconi, Emanuele Coccia & Matthieu Niango - 2013 - Revue de Synthèse 134 (4):553-569.
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    “Je me sens déshandicapée.” Approche anthropologique de la chirurgie de l’obésité et des situations de sortie de handicap.Aurélien Troisoeufs - 2020 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 14-1 (14-1):13-26.
    In 2014, the European Court of Justice recognized, for the first time, that severe obesity could be considered as a disability at work. This recognition, not yet applied in France, emerges in a context where obesity as a disease to treat seems to be consensus. The development of obesity surgery and its medical results are reinforcing this perspective. The lack of public debate in France on this potential handicap recognition of obesity, and simultaneously the frequent use of the term disability (...)
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    Really existing liberalism, the bulwark fantasy, and the enabling of reactionary, far right politics1.Aurelien Mondon - forthcoming - Constellations.
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  47. Archéologie du monde de la vie et phénoménologie de la corporéité chez Jan Patočka.Aurélien Zincq - 2020 - Philosophiques 47 (1):57-77.
    The purpose of this paper is to show how the phenomenology of the body developed in his late writings by the Czech philosopher Jan Patočka can be seen as the final stage of the archaeology of the Lebenswelt developed by Edmund Husserl and reshaped by Martin Heidegger. According to this exegetical and philosophical hypothesis, only a phenomenology of the body can be a serious attempt to resolve the conflict between the so-called “manifest” and “scientific” images of the world, in which (...)
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  48. William Crathorn on Predication and Mental Language.Aurélien Robert - unknown
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    Phenomenology of Reading and the Idea of a Literary Science.Aurélien Djian - 2020 - Methodos 20.
    L’enjeu de cet article est de justifier l’idée d’une fondation phénoménologique, d’inspiration husserlienne, d’une science de la littérature. Cette fondation implique la description de la corrélation eidétiquement distincte dans laquelle le sens de l’œuvre littéraire vient à se constituer, à savoir celle de la quasi-lecture, que nous esquissons dans un premier temps. Le principe d’une science de l’œuvre littéraire est ensuite garanti sur la base d’une analyse de son caractère de phantasia mise en forme et sur la structure spécifique d’horizon (...)
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    Every Little Helps? ESG News and Stock Market Reaction.Gunther Capelle-Blancard & Aurélien Petit - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (2):543-565.
    Stories about corporate social responsibility have become very frequent over the past decade, and managers can no longer ignore their impact on firm value. In this paper, we investigate the extent and the determinants of the stock market’s reaction following ordinary news related to environmental, social and governance issues—the so-called ESG factors. To that purpose, we use an original database provided by Covalence EthicalQuote. Our empirical analysis is based on about 33,000 ESG news, targeting one hundred listed companies over the (...)
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