Results for 'Scientific imperialism'

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  1.  35
    Scientific Imperialism: Exploring the Boundaries of Interdisciplinarity.Manuela Fernandez Pinto, Uskali Mäki & Adrian Walsh (eds.) - 2019 - Routledge.
    The growing body of research on interdisciplinarity has encouraged a more in depth analysis of the relations that hold among academic disciplines. In particular, the incursion of one scientific discipline into another discipline’s traditional domain, also known as scientific imperialism, has been a matter of increasing debate. Following this trend, Scientific Imperialism aims to bring together philosophers of science and historians of science interested in the topic of scientific imperialism and, in particular, interested (...)
  2.  92
    Who is afraid of scientific imperialism?Roberto Fumagalli - 2018 - Synthese 195 (9):4125-4146.
    In recent years, several authors have debated about the justifiability of so-called scientific imperialism. To date, however, widespread disagreements remain regarding both the identification and the normative evaluation of scientific imperialism. In this paper, I aim to remedy this situation by making some conceptual distinctions concerning scientific imperialism and by providing a detailed assessment of the most prominent objections to it. I shall argue that these objections provide a valuable basis for opposing some instances (...)
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  3. Against scientific imperialism.J. Dupre - 1994 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1994:374 - 381.
    Most discussion of the unity of science has concerned what might be called vertical relations between theories: the reducibility of biology to chemistry, or chemistry to physics, and so on. In this paper I shall be concerned rather with horizontal relations, that is to say, with theories of different kinds that deal with objects at the same structural level. Whereas the former, vertical, conception of unity through reduction has come under a good deal of criticism recently (see, e.g., Dupré 1993), (...)
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    Scientific imperialism and the American Equatorial Islands Colonization Project, 1935–1942.Tanfer Emin Tunc - forthcoming - History of Science.
    Between 1935 and 1942, a total of 130 men, aged seventeen to twenty-four, mostly of indigenous Hawaiian heritage, colonized Howland, Baker, and Jarvis Islands for the United States, in rotation, over the course of twenty-six expeditions. As part of the American Equatorial Islands Colonization Project (AEICP), they compiled meteorological data, observed and recorded the natural life of their surroundings, collected specimens for the Bishop Museum in Honolulu, mapped the islands, and built a landing strip on Howland for Amelia Earhart. In (...)
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    Scientific Imperialism: Exploring the Boundaries of Interdisciplinarity.Uskali Mäki, Adrian Walsh & Manuela Fernández Pinto - 2017 - Routledge.
    The growing body of research on interdisciplinarity has encouraged a more in depth analysis of the relations that hold among academic disciplines. In particular, the incursion of one scientific discipline into another discipline's traditional domain, also known as scientific imperialism, has been a matter of increasing debate. Following this trend, Scientific Imperialism aims to bring together philosophers of science and historians of science interested in the topic of scientific imperialism and, in particular, interested (...)
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  6. Scientific imperialism, pluralism, and folk morality.Adrian Walsh & Sandy C. Boucher - 2018 - In A. Walsh, U. Maki & M. F. Pinto, Scientific Imperialism. pp. 13-30.
    Current debates over so-called ‘scientific imperialism’, on one plausible reading, explore significant general issues about the proper boundaries between distinct disciplines. They raise questions about whether some forms of territorial expansion by scientific disciplines into other domains of inquiry are undesirable. Clearly there is a strong normative undercurrent here, as the use of the pejorative term ‘imperialism’ would indicate. However, we face a genuine puzzle here: why should we regard some forms of expansion as illegitimate? Why (...)
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  7. Scientific Imperialism: Difficulties in Definition, Identification, and Assessment.Uskali Mäki - 2013 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 27 (3):325-339.
    This article identifies and analyses issues related to defining and evaluating the so-called scientific imperialism. It discusses John Dupré's account, suggesting that it is overly conservative and does not offer a definition of scientific imperialism in not presenting it as a phenomenon of interdisciplinarity. It then discusses the recent account by Steve Clarke and Adrian Walsh, taking issue with ideas such as illegitimate occupation, counterfactual progress, and culturally significant values. A more comprehensive and refined framework of (...)
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  8. Scientific Imperialism and the Proper Relations between the Sciences.Steve Clarke & Adrian Walsh - 2009 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 23 (2):195-207.
    John Dupr argues that 'scientific imperialism' can result in 'misguided' science being considered acceptable. 'Misguided' is an explicitly normative term and the use of the pejorative 'imperialistic' is implicitly normative. However, Dupr has not justified the normative dimension of his critique. We identify two ways in which it might be justified. It might be justified if colonisation prevents a discipline from progressing in ways that it might otherwise progress. It might also be justified if colonisation prevents the expression (...)
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  9. Scientific Imperialism and explanatory appeals to evolution in the social sciences.Stephen M. Downes - 2017 - In Uskali Mäki, Adrian Walsh & Manuela Fernández Pinto, Scientific Imperialism: Exploring the Boundaries of Interdisciplinarity. Routledge. pp. 224-236.
  10. Scientific Imperialism.A. Walsh, U. Maki & M. F. Pinto (eds.) - 2018
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    Historical Contingency and the Impact of Scientific Imperialism.Ian James Kidd - 2013 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 27 (3):317–326.
    In a recent article in this journal, Steve Clarke and Adrian Walsh propose a normative basis for John Dupré’s criticisms of scientific imperialism, namely, that scientific imperialism can cause a discipline to fail to progress in ways that it otherwise would have. This proposal is based on two presuppositions: one, that scientific disciplines have developmental teleologies, and two, that these teleologies are optimal. I argue that we should reject both of these presuppositions and so conclude (...)
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  12.  99
    Scientism and Scientific Imperialism.Jonathan Beale - 2019 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 27 (1):73-102.
    Volume 27, Issue 1, February 2019, Page 73-102.
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    Boundaries, blunders, and scientific imperialism: Uskali Mäki, Adrian Walsh and Manuela Fernández Pinto : Scientific imperialism: Exploring the boundaries of interdisciplinarity . Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 322pp, $125.50HB. [REVIEW]William Peden - 2018 - Metascience 27 (3):457-460.
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    Fukuzawa Yukichi's Understanding of Physics and Scientific Imperialism. 김성근 - 2015 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 76 (76):191-214.
    본 논문은 메이지 일본의 개화사상가 후쿠자와 유키치(福澤諭吉, 1835-1901)의 ‘궁리(窮理)’ 개념을 중심으로 그의 과학사상과 문명론을 살펴본 것이다. ‘궁리’라는 어휘는 일찍이 ‘격물’과 함께 사물의 이치에 대한 탐구를 뜻하는 주자학의 대표적 어휘였다. 그러나 후쿠자와에 의해 이 ‘궁리’ 개념은 물리적 대상세계에 대한 법칙적 탐구로 한정되었다. 즉, 후쿠자와는 ‘궁리’를 자연철학(natural philosophy), 혹은 자연과학(natural science)의 뜻으로 사용했고, 그것은 인간의 삶의 환경을 개선하는데 중요한 실용적 학문이라고 보았다. 후쿠자와의 ‘궁리’가 문명 발달의 핵심적인 지식으로 규정된 것은 『학문의 권유』(1872년 초편), 『문명론의 개략』(1875년) 등을 통해서였다. 후쿠자와는 인류의 문명이란 애당초 ‘미개’, ‘반개’, (...)
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    Against Neuroscience Imperialism.Roberto Fumagalli - 2017 - In Uskali Mäki, Adrian Walsh & Manuela Fernández Pinto, Scientific Imperialism: Exploring the Boundaries of Interdisciplinarity. Routledge. pp. 205-223.
    In recent years, several authors advocated neuroscience imperialism, an instance of scientific imperialism whereby neuroscience methods and findings are systematically applied to model and explain phenomena investigated by other disciplines. Calls for neuroscience imperialism target a wide range of disciplines, including psychology, economics, and philosophy. To date, however, neuroscience imperialism has not received detailed attention by philosophers, and the debate concerning its identification and normative assessment is relatively underdeveloped. In this paper, I aim to remedy (...)
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  16. Economics Imperialism in Social Epistemology: A Critical Assessment.Manuela Fernández Pinto - 2016 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 46 (5):443-472.
    Expanding on recent philosophical contributions to the conceptual and normative framework of scientific imperialism, I examine whether the economics approach to social epistemology can be considered a case of economics imperialism and determine whether economics’ explanatory expansionism appropriately contributes to this philosophical subfield or not. I argue first that the economics approach to social epistemology counts as a case of economics imperialism under a broad conception of the term, and second that we have good reasons to (...)
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  17.  70
    Imperialism, Progress, Developmental Teleology, and Interdisciplinary Unification.Steve Clarke & Adrian Walsh - 2013 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 27 (3):341-351.
    In a previous article in this journal, we examined John Dupré's claim that ‘scientific imperialism’ can lead to ‘misguided’ science being considered acceptable. Here, we address criticisms raised by Ian J. Kidd and Uskali Mäki against that article. While both commentators take us to be offering our own account of scientific imperialism that goes beyond that developed by Dupré, and go on to criticise what they take to be our account, our actual ambitions were modest. We (...)
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    Notes on economics imperialism and norms of scientific inquiry.Uskali Mäki - 2021 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 21 (1):95-127.
    L’impérialisme économique, entendu comme une certaine relation entre disciplines scientifiques, est défendu par certains et rejeté par d’autres. Ces réactions sont toutefois rarement fondées sur des valeurs et des normes de recherche scientifique explicites. Or, lorsque l’on s’efforce de les rendre explicites, ces normes se révèlent plus complexes et plus floues qu’il n’y paraît. Certains considèrent qu’elles font partie intégrante de la définition du concept d’impérialisme économique ; d’autres, dont je fais partie, considèrent qu’elles sont extérieures à ce concept. Dans (...)
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  19. Logical Form, the First Person, and Naturalism about Psychology: The Case Against Physicalist Imperialism.Frederique Janssen-Lauret - 2017 - In Uskali Mäki, Adrian Walsh & Manuela Fernández Pinto, Scientific Imperialism: Exploring the Boundaries of Interdisciplinarity. Routledge. pp. 237-253.
    Physicalistic theories of psychology are a classic case of scientific imperialism: the explanatory capacity of physics, both with respect to its methods and to its domain, is taken to extend beyond the traditional realm of physics, and into that of psychology. I argue in this paper that this particular imperialistic venture has failed. Contemporary psychology uses methods not modelled on those of physics, embracing first-personal methodology where physics is strictly impersonal. I make the case that whether or not (...)
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  20.  6
    Science and Imperialism in Meiji Japan - Sugiura Jugo and Scientific Morality -. 김성근 - 2016 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 82 (82):529-550.
    일본의 근대정치사상사가 마루야마 마사오는 19세기 메이지의 계몽사상가 후쿠자와 유키치의 실학의 특징을 ‘도리에서 물리로의 전회’라고 표현했다. 그것은 곧 19세기의 일본 문명의 격변을 ‘도리’(윤리)를 중심에 둔 전통적 주자학 문명으로부터 ‘물리’ 즉 자연과학을 중심에 둔 근대 과학문명으로의 전회로 파악한 것이었다. 마루야마에 따르면, 일찍이 ‘리’의 통합적 이해라는 바탕 위에서 ‘심리’와 ‘물리’를 혼동했던 주자학이 원리적으로 자연에 대한 주관적 이해를 벗어날 수 없었다면, 후쿠자와는 ‘물리’를 ‘심리’의 속박에서 해방시킴으로써 비로소 자연에 대한 객관적 탐구가 가능해졌다는 것이다. 후쿠자와 실학을 통해 구체화된 이 같은 마루야마의 근대사상 인식은 19세기 일본의 계몽주의를 (...)
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  21. Economics Imperialism Reconsidered.S. M. Amadae - 2017 - In Uskali Mäki, Adrian Walsh & Manuela Fernández Pinto, Scientific Imperialism: Exploring the Boundaries of Interdisciplinarity. Routledge. pp. 140-160.
    This chapter uses Uskali Mäki’s (2009) concepts of “good” and “bad” imperialism to investigate the “economics imperialism” thesis. If science expands by offering (a) consilience, and (b) epistemological and ontological unity – that is, it explains more phenomena with greater parsimony – then this is good scientific expansion. Economics imperialism is only bad if the methodology of economics expands outside its domain without increasing understanding in the above manners.
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  22. Economics Imperialism and Solution Concepts in Political Science.Jaakko Kuorikoski & Aki Lehtinen - 2010 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 40 (3):347-374.
    Political science and economic science . . . make use of the same language, the same mode of abstraction, the same instruments of thought and the same method of reasoning. (Black 1998, 354) Proponents as well as opponents of economics imperialism agree that imperialism is a matter of unification; providing a unified framework for social scientific analysis. Uskali Mäki distinguishes between derivational and ontological unification and argues that the latter should serve as a constraint for the former. (...)
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  23. Economics Imperialism Reconsidered.S. M. Amadae - 2017 - In Uskali Mäki, Adrian Walsh & Manuela Fernández Pinto, Scientific Imperialism: Exploring the Boundaries of Interdisciplinarity. Routledge. pp. 140-160.
    This paper reconsiders whether rational choice and game theory represent cases of economics imperialism. It follows the work of Uskali Maki who analyzes the significance and characteristics of disciplinary imperialism in natural science and social science. "Economics Imperialism" is a term often used to describe the increasing impact and reach of economics with respect to its encroachment on other disciplines including political science and psychology. Maki provides a framework for assessing whether the influence of one discipline on (...)
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    Economic Imperialism.Kurt W. Rothschild - 2008 - Analyse & Kritik 30 (2):723-733.
    Economic Imperialism is the claim of some economists that the methodology of neoclassical economics has superior scientific qualities and should be adopted by most or all social sciences. The paper first shows why such a dominant claim could develop among economists but in no other science and then goes on to point out the shortcomings of this claim of methodological superiority. These critical remarks are also relevant for methodological controversies within economics between a mainstream and heterodox economists.
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    Social imperialism and state support for agricultural research in Edwardian Britain.Robert Olby - 1991 - Annals of Science 48 (6):509-526.
    The origin, character, and reception of the Development Act of 1909 are described. Extant evaluations of its historical significance are presented and criticized. It is claimed that the significance of the Act for the promotion of scientific research in agriculture, horticulture, and forestry has been largely overlooked. The way in which the Commissioners of the Act interpreted their brief by establishing scholarships, new research institutes, and developing existing institutes is described.
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    Models on the move: Migration and imperialism.Seamus Bradley & Karim P. Y. Thébault - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 77:81-92.
    We introduce ‘model migration’ as a species of cross-disciplinary knowledge transfer whereby the representational function of a model is radically changed to allow application to a new disciplinary context. Controversies and confusions that often derive from this phenomenon will be illustrated in the context of econophysics and phylogeographic linguistics. Migration can be usefully contrasted with concept of ‘imperialism’, that has been influentially discussed in the context of geographical economics. In particular, imperialism, unlike migration, relies upon extension of the (...)
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  27.  20
    Scientist of Empire: Sir Roderick Murchison, scientific exploration and Victorian imperialism.J. C. Thackray - 1991 - History of European Ideas 13 (5):673-674.
  28. Imperialism and neocolonialism theories of modernization.Lala Bayramova - 2022 - Metafizika 5 (4):174-186.
    The article talks about the emergence of the theory of imperialism and neocolonialism, the reasons that gave rise to it, and its effects on the development of humanity in the current period. Imperialism is a multifaceted, multidimensional problem. It is a political issue, it has philosophical, scientific and technological foundations, it has economic, sociological, geographical, ethnic, religious and educational dimensions. But the fact that it is primarily a human problem makes it a multifaceted problem. Surely we can (...)
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    On the Cunning of Imperialist Reason.Pierre Bourdieu & Loïc Wacquant - 1999 - Theory, Culture and Society 16 (1):41-58.
    This article poses the question of the social and intellectual conditions for genuine social scientific internationalism, through an analysis of the worldwide spread of a new global vulgate resulting from the false and uncontrolled universalization of the folk concepts and preoccupations of American society and academe. The terms, themes and tropes of this new planetary doxa - `multiculturalism', `globalization', `liberals versus communitarians', `underclass', racial `minority' and identity, etc. - tend to project and impose on all societies American concerns and (...)
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  30.  63
    Bo Liang. Ji shu yu di guo yi yan jiu: riben zai Zhongguo de zhi min ke yan ji gou [Researches on Technology and Imperialism: Japanese Colonial Scientific Research Institutes in China]. . 345 pp., figs., tables, bibl., index. Jinan: Shandong jiao yu chu ban she [Shandong Education Press], 2006. ¥38 .Jianping Han;, Xingsui Cao;, Liwei Wu. Ri wei shi qi de zhi min di ke yan ji gou: li shi yu wen xian [Colonial Scientific Institutions during the Japanese Occupation and Puppet Manchukuo Period: History and Literature]. . 468 pp., figs., bibl., index. Jinan: Shandong jiao yu chu ban she [Shandong Education Press], 2006. ¥49. [REVIEW]Juliette Chung - 2008 - Isis 99 (2):429-430.
    Ji shu yu di guo yi yan jiu: riben zai Zhongguo de zhi min ke yan ji gou [Researches on Technology and Imperialism: Japanese Colonial Scientific Research Institutes in China]. Ri wei shi qi de zhi min di ke yan ji gou: li shi yu wen xian [Colonial Scientific Institutions during the Japanese Occupation and Puppet Manchukuo Period: History and Literature]. (Zhongguo jin xian dai ke xue ji shu shi yan jiu cong Bo Liang; Jianping Han; (...)
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    Scientist of Empire: Sir Roderick Murchison, Scientific Exploration, and Victorian Imperialism. Robert A. Stafford.Leroy Page - 1992 - Isis 83 (1):146-147.
  32.  28
    Robert A. Stafford. Scientist of Empire: Sir Roderick Murchison, Scientific Exploration and Victorian Imperialism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. Pp. xii + 293. ISBN 0-521-33537-X. £30.00, $49.50. [REVIEW]Crosbie Smith - 1991 - British Journal for the History of Science 24 (2):267-269.
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    Here Be Monsters: Imperialism, Knowledge and the Limits of Empire.Karen E. Macfarlane - 2016 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 6 (1):74-95.
    It has become a truism in discussions of Imperialist literature to state that the British empire was, in a very significant way, a textual exercise. Empire was simultaneously created and perpetuated through a proliferation of texts driven significantly by a desire for what Thomas Richards describes as “one great system of knowledge.” The project of assembling this system assumed that all of the “alien” knowledges that it drew upon could be easily assimilated into existing, “universal” epistemological categories. This belief in (...)
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    Methodological Universalism in Science and its Limits Imperialism Versus Complexity.Wenceslao J. Gonzalez - 2012 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 100 (1):155-175.
    Universalism in science, when conceived in methodological terms, leads to the problem of the limits of science. On the one hand, there is “methodological imperialism” which in principle involves a form of universalism. On the other hand, there is the multivariate complexity – structural and dynamic, as well as epistemological and ontological – which represents a huge problem for methodological universalism, as may be seen with the obstacles for scientific prediction. Within the context of the limits of science, (...)
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  35. Symposium on explanations and social ontology 2: Explanatory ecumenism and economics imperialism.Uskali Mäki - 2002 - Economics and Philosophy 18 (2):235-257.
    In a series of insightful publications, Philip Pettit and Frank Jackson have argued for an explanatory ecumenism that is designed to justify a variety of types of social scientific explanation of different , including structural and rational choice explanations. Their arguments are put in terms of different kinds of explanatory information; the distinction between causal efficacy, causal relevance and explanatory relevance within their program model of explanation; and virtual reality and resilience explanation. The arguments are here assessed from the (...)
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    The German Landscape and Julio-Claudian Imperialism.W. V. Harris - 2021 - Klio 103 (2):658-674.
    Summary New scientific work on the ancient landscapes of Germany and Britain makes it very likely that the Roman decision to abandon attempts to conquer Germany as far as the Elbe, most clearly expressed by Tiberius in 16 AD, was strongly influenced by perceptions of the heavily wooded landscape of that region. There were other reasons too: the concern of emperors to hinder potential rivals; the sheer difficulty of advancing to the Elbe; and the increasing concern of the emperor (...)
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    From palaeoanthropology in China to Chinese palaeoanthropology: Science, imperialism and nationalism in North China, 1920–1939.Hsiao-pei Yen - 2015 - History of Science 53 (1):21-56.
    Before the establishment of the Cenozoic Research Laboratory ( Xinshengdai yanjiushi) in 1929, paleoanthropological research in China was mainly in the hands of foreigners, individual explorers as well as organized teams. This paper describes the development of paleoanthropology in China in the 1920s and 1930s and its transformation from the international phase to an indigenized one. It focuses on the international elite scientist network in metropolitan Beijing whose activities and discoveries led to such transformation. The bond between members of the (...)
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    What Indians and Indians Can Teach Us about Colonization: Feminist Science and Technology Studies, Epistemological Imperialism, and the Politics of Difference.Jennifer A. Hamilton, Banu Subramaniam & Angela Willey - 2017 - Feminist Studies 43 (3):612.
    Abstract:This article posits Feminist Science and Technology Studies (FSTS) as a vital tool for bridging postcolonial and decolonial thought. First, FSTS forms a bridge by providing tools for reading epistemic imperialism and scientific racism as shared conditions of possibility for disparate colonizations. Second, by foregrounding the necessary links between epistemic and material violence, FSTS helps undo the theory/praxis binary that sometimes undergirds their analytic opposition. The authors argue that the careful study of science as a set of ideas, (...)
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    Reconfiguring the centre: The structure of scientific exchanges between colonial India and Europe.Dhruv Raina - 1996 - Minerva 34 (2):161-176.
    The “centre-periphery” relationship historically structured scientific exchanges between metropolis and province, between the fount of empire and its outposts. But the exchange, if regarded merely as a one-way flow of scientific information, ignores both the politics of knowledge and the nature of its appropriation. Arguably, imperial structures do not entirely determine scientific practices and the exchange of knowledge. Several factors neutralise the over-determining influence of politics—and possibly also the normative values of science—on scientific practice.In examining these (...)
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    Balancing the principles: why the universality of human rights is not the Trojan horse of moral imperialism[REVIEW]Stefano Semplici - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (4):653-661.
    The new dilemmas and responsibilities which arise in bioethics both because of the unprecedented pace of scientific development and of growing moral pluralism are more and more difficult to grapple with. At the ‘global’ level, the call for the universal nature at least of some fundamental moral values and principles is often being contended as a testament of arrogance, if not directly as a new kind of subtler imperialism. The human rights framework itself, which provided the basis for (...)
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    Science and empire in the nineteenth century: a journey of imperial conquest and scientific progress.Catherine Delmas, Christine Vandamme & Donna Spalding Andréolle (eds.) - 2010 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The issue at stake in this volume is the role of science as a way to fulfil a quest for knowledge, a tool in the exploration of foreign lands, a central paradigm in the discourse on and representations of Otherness. The interweaving of scientific and ideological discourses is not limited to the geopolitical frame of the British empire in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries but extends to the rise of the American empire as well. The fields of research (...)
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  42. Scientismus, vědecký imperialismus a hranice vědeckého poznání.Filip Tvrdý - 2019 - In Mariana Szapuová, Martin Nuhlíček & Michal Chabada, Veda, spoločnosť a hodnoty. pp. 21-33.
    The indisputable success of experimental science caused a division in philosophy at the turn of the 21st century. A substantial part of philosophers was inspired by ground-breaking writings of W. V. O. Quine and they followed philosophical naturalism that considers hypothetical-deductive method the most effective or the only way to acquire justified true beliefs. Other philosophers are worried about the hegemony of empirical sciences and warn against excessive ambitions of scientific methodology. Scientism or scientific imperialism is a (...)
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  43. Scientific standards and colonial education in British India and French Senegal.Michael Adas - 1991 - In Teresa A. Meade & Mark Walker, Science, medicine, and cultural imperialism. New York: St. Martin's Press. pp. 4--35.
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  44. Randomised Placebo‐controlled trials and HIV‐infected Pregnant Women in Developing Countries. Ethical Imperialism or Unethical Exploitation.Paquita De Zulueta - 2001 - Bioethics 15 (4):289-311.
    The maternal‐fetal HIV transmission trials, conducted in developing countries in the 1990s, undoubtedly generated one of the most intense, high profile controversies in international research ethics. They sparked off a prolonged acrimonious and public debate and deeply divided the scientific community. They also provided an impetus for the revision of the Declaration of Helsinki – the most widely known guideline for international research. In this paper, I provide a brief summary of the context, outline the arguments for and against (...)
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    The?Moral Anatomy? of Robert Knox: The interplay between biological and social thought in Victorian scientific naturalism.Evelleen Richards - 1989 - Journal of the History of Biology 22 (3):373-436.
    Historians are now generally agreed that the Darwinian recognition and institutionalization of the polygenist position was more than merely nominal.194 Wallace, Vogt, and Huxley had led the way, and we may add Galton (1869) to the list of those leading Darwinians who incorporated a good deal of polygenist thinking into their interpretions of human history and racial differences.195 Eventually “Mr. Darwin himself,” as Hunt had suggested he might, consolidated the Darwinian endorsement of many features of polygenism. Darwin's Descent of Man (...)
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  46. Subliming and subverting: an impasse on the contingency of scientific rationality.Chuanfei Chin - 2014 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 8 (2):311-331.
    What is special about the philosophy of history when the history is about science? I shall focus on an impasse between two perspectives — one seeking an ideal of rationality to guide scientific practices, and one stressing the contingency of the practices. They disagree on what this contingency means for scientific norms. Their impasse underlies some fractious relations within History and Philosophy of Science. Since the late 1960s, this interdisciplinary field has been described, variously, as an “intimate relationship (...)
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    A Perspective of the General Scientific Picture of the World: Collisions and Trends.Irina A. Gerasimova - 2022 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 59 (3):6-18.
    The article discusses the problems of constructing a scientific picture of the world in a technogenic civilization at the stage of its globalization. The interdependence of science, technology and society generates a number of issues of a socio-humanitarian and, in particular, ideological nature. Interdisciplinary forms of organization of sciences contribute to the development of borderline methodologies. These methodologies integrate the achievements and problems of specific disciplines into a certain overall picture. The ambitions of this worldview include space, planetary nature (...)
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    Evidence‐based medicine and epistemological imperialism: narrowing the divide between evidence and illness.Helen Crowther, Wendy Lipworth & Ian Kerridge - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (5):868-872.
    Evidence-based medicine has been rapidly and widely adopted because it claims to provide a method for determining the safety and efficacy of medical therapies and public health interventions more generally. However, as others have noted, EBM may be riven through with cultural bias, both in the generation of evidence and in its translation. We suggest that technological and scientific advances in medicine accentuate and entrench these cultural biases, to the extent that they may invalidate the evidence we have about (...)
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    Opening My Voice, Claiming My Space: Theorizing the Possibilities of Postcolonial Approaches to Autoethnography.Archana A. Pathak - 2010 - Journal of Research Practice 6 (1):Article M10.
    This essay examines the ways in which postcoloniality and autoethnography can be integrated to create a space of scholarly inquiry that disrupts the colonialist enterprise prevalent in the academy. By utilizing González's four ethics of postcolonial ethnography, this essay presents an ethics for postcolonial autoethnography as a mode to build a body of scholarly research that disrupts scientific imperialism.
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    Унификация как способ производства когнитивного разнообразия.Евгений Геннадьевич Цуркан - 2023 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 60 (4):40-45.
    The article analyzes the possibility of producing cognitive diversity through the unification of scientific knowledge. In the article under discussion, L.V. Shipovalova notes that the production of diversity is the most important task of science. It can be solved by constructing distributed cognition practices that can bridge the epistemic gap between scientists and lay people. In contrast to this position, it is shown that within the framework of modern technoscience, one of the mechanisms for the production of diversity can (...)
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