Results for 'Saul Nelson'

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  1. LogoLink Latin America: Legal and policy frameworks for citizen participation.Nelson Saule, Alejandra Meraz Velasco Júnior, Zuleika Arashiro & Polis Brazil - 2002 - Polis 26.
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    Fashioning modernism: Rose piper’s painting and fabric design.Saul Nelson - 2022 - Angelaki 27 (3-4):125-142.
    This essay asks why modernist art history has been unable to account for the career of the African American painter Rose Piper. One of the most gifted painters of her generation, Piper was also amo...
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  3. Architectural notation and computer aided design.Saul Fisher - 2000 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 58 (3):273-289.
    In his Languages of Art, Nelson Goodman proposes a theory of artistic notation that includes foundational requirements for any system of symbols we might use to specify and communicate the features of an artwork, in architecture or any other art form. Goodmans' theory usefully explains how notation can reveal linguistic-like phenomena of various art forms. But not all art forms can enjoy benefits of a full-blown notational system, in Goodman's view, and he suggests that architecture's symbol systems fall short (...)
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  4. Ways of worldmaking.Nelson Goodman - 1978 - Hassocks [Eng.]: Harvester Press.
    Required reading at more than 100 colleges and universities throughout North America.
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    Problems and projects.Nelson Goodman (ed.) - 1972 - Indianapolis,: Bobbs-Merrill.
  6. Omnipotence and God's Ability to Sin.Nelson Pike - 1969 - American Philosophical Quarterly 6 (3):208 - 216.
  7. A latter-day look at the foreknowledge problem.Nelson Pike - 1993 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 33 (3):129-164.
  8. Racial Figleaves, the Shifting Boundaries of the Permissible, and the Rise of Donald Trump.Jennifer M. Saul - 2017 - Philosophical Topics 45 (2):97-116.
    The rise to power of Donald Trump has been shocking in many ways. One of these was that it disrupted the preexisting consensus that overt racism would be death to a national political campaign. In this paper, I argue that Trump made use of what I call “racial figleaves”—additional utterances that provide just enough cover to give reassurance to voters who are racially resentful but don’t wish to see themselves as racist. These figleaves also, I argue, play a key role (...)
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  9. Politically Significant Terms and Philosophy of Language.Jennifer Saul - 2012 - In Anita M. Superson & Sharon L. Crasnow, Out from the Shadows: Analytical Feminist Contributions to Traditional Philosophy. New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    Philosophers of language have tended to focus on examples that are not politically significant in any way. We spend a lot of time analyzing natural kind terms: We think hard about “water” and “pain” and “arthritis.” But we don’t think much about the far more politically significant kind terms (natural or social—it's a matter for dispute) like “race,” “sex,” “gender,” “woman,” “man,” “gay,” and “straight.” In this essay, I will try to show, using the example of “woman,” that it's worth (...)
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  10. Who Knows: From Quine to a Feminist Empiricism.Lynn Hankinson Nelson - 1992 - Hypatia 7 (1):100-114.
    I argue that Nelson's feminist transformation of empiricism provides the basis of a dialogue across three currently competing feminist epistemologies: feminist empiricism, feminist standpoint theories, and postmodern feminism, a dialogue that will result in a dissolution of the apparent tensions between these epistemologies and provide an epistemology with the openness and fluidity needed to embrace the concerns of feminists.
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  11. (How) Should We Tell Implicit Bias Stories?Jennifer Saul - 2018 - Disputatio 10 (50):217-244.
    As the phenomenon of implicit bias has become increasingly widely known and accepted, a variety of criticisms have similarly gained in prominence. This paper focuses on one particular set of criticisms, generally made from the political left, of what Sally Haslanger calls “implicit bias stories”—a broad term encompassing a wide range of discourses from media discussions to academic papers to implicit bias training. According to this line of thought, implicit bias stories are counterproductive because they serve to distract from the (...)
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  12. Kripke, Ross, and the Immaterial Aspects of Thought.Edward Feser - 2013 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 87 (1):1-32.
    James Ross developed a simple and powerful argument for the immateriality of the intellect, an argument rooted in the Aristotelian-Scholastic tradition while drawing on ideas from analytic philosophers Saul Kripke, W. V. Quine, and Nelson Goodman. This paper provides a detailed exposition and defense of the argument, filling out aspects that Ross left sketchy. In particular, it elucidates the argument’s relationship to its Aristotelian-Scholastic and analytic antecedents, and to Kripke’s work especially; and it responds to objections or potential (...)
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    Alston on Plantinga and Soft Theological Determinism.Nelson Pike - 1990 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 27 (1/2):17 - 39.
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    The Logic of Perfection and Other Essays in Neoclassical Metaphysics.Nelson Pike - 1963 - Philosophical Review 72 (2):266.
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  15. Feminism: Issues and Arguments.Jennifer Mather Saul - 2003 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    A stimulating and accessible introduction to feminist philosophy. The chapters are organised around key issues of practical significance. Clear arguments are provided for a variety of feminist positions, drawing upon up-to-date empirical research. No background in feminism or philosophy is needed, and the clarity of the narrative ensures that Feminism: Issues and Arguments will appeal to a wide audience.
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  16. Theories of Consciousness From the Perspective of an Embedded Processes View.Nelson Cowan, Nick I. Ahmed, Chenye Bao, Mackenzie N. Cissne, Ronald D. Flores, Roman M. Gutierrez, Hayse Braden, Madison L. Musich, Hamid Nourbakhshi, Nanan Nuraini, Emily E. Schroeder, Neyla Sfeir, Emilie Sparrow & Luísa Superbia-Guimarães - 2025 - Psychological Review 132 (1):76-106.
    Considerable recent research in neurosciences has dealt with the topic of consciousness, even though there is still disagreement about how to identify and classify conscious states. Recent behavioral work on the topic also exists. We survey recent behavioral and neuroscientific literature with the aims of commenting on strengths and weaknesses of the literature and mapping new directions and recommendations for experimental psychologists. We reconcile this literature with a view of human information processing (Cowan, 1988; Cowan et al., 2024) in which (...)
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    Only Natural: Gender, Knowledge, and Humankind, by Louise Antony.Jennifer Saul - forthcoming - Mind.
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  18. Universal darwinism and evolutionary social science.Richard R. Nelson - 2007 - Biology and Philosophy 22 (1):73-94.
    Save for Anthropologists, few social scientists have been among the participants in the discussions about the appropriate structure of a ‘Universal Darwinism’. Yet evolutionary theorizing about cultural, social, and economic phenomena has a long tradition, going back well before Darwin. And over the past quarter century significant literatures have grown up concerned with the processes of change operating on science, technology, business organization and practice, and economic change more broadly, that are explicitly evolutionary in theoretical orientation. In each of these (...)
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    (1 other version)Fortunate misfortune.Saul Smilansky - 1994 - Ratio 7 (2):153-163.
    Sometimes people are unfortunate in ways which facilitate their success ‐ and happiness. This creates the perplexity whether someone can be said to have been unfortunate, if an apparent misfortune has been, overall, beneficial to his or her life. I argue that whether something is a misfortune cannot be determined in itself, even in seemingly obvious cases. It depends also upon what one makes of it, what it makes of one. In short, it depends upon what happens later. People cannot (...)
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    Book Review: The American Philosopher: Conversations with Quine, Davidson, Putnam, Nozick, Danto, Rorty, Cavell, MacIntyre, and Kuhn. [REVIEW]David Gorman - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (2):388-389.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The American Philosopher: Conversations with Quine, Davidson, Putnam, Nozick, Danto, Rorty, Cavell, MacIntyre, and KuhnDavid GormanThe American Philosopher: Conversations with Quine, Davidson, Putnam, Nozick, Danto, Rorty, Cavell, MacIntyre, and Kuhn, by Giovanna Borradori; translated by Rosanna Crocitto; xii & 177pp. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993, $32.00 cloth, $12.95 paper.The idea for this book, first published in Italian in 1991, was good—to assemble a collection of interviews with (...)
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  21. The Problem with Attitudes.Jennifer Mather Saul - 1996 - Dissertation, Princeton University
    In this dissertation, I argue that no account of propositional attitude reporting which does not include a significant degree of context-sensitivity can succeed in accommodating our intuitions about the truth conditions of such reports. Next, I argue that there are two general problems to be faced by any context-sensitive theory of attitude ascription, whether semantic or pragmatic. First, any theory which preserves our intuitions about which inference schemas are valid will violate our intuitions about truth conditions of particular attitude reports. (...)
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  22. A history of theoria.Sven Ove Hansson - 2009 - Theoria 75 (1):2-27.
    Theoria , the international Swedish philosophy journal, was founded in 1935. Its contributors in the first 75 years include the major Swedish philosophers from this period and in addition a long list of international philosophers, including A. J. Ayer, C. D. Broad, Ernst Cassirer, Hector Neri Castañeda, Arthur C. Danto, Donald Davidson, Nelson Goodman, R. M. Hare, Carl G. Hempel, Jaakko Hintikka, Saul Kripke, Henry E. Kyburg, Keith Lehrer, Isaac Levi, David Lewis, Gerald MacCallum, Richard Montague, Otto Neurath, (...)
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  23. BibleWorks 7.Nelson Morales - 2007 - Kairos (misc) 41:129-134.
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  24. The Best of Intentions: Ignorance, Idiosyncrasy, and Belief Reporting.Jennifer Saul - 1999 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 29 (1):29 - 47.
    Context plays a crucial role in our propositional attitude reporting practices. A belief-reporting sentence which seems true in one context may seem false in another, as Kripke showed us in ‘A Puzzle About Belief.’ To put it a bit sloppily, may seem true when we are discussing Peter's beliefs regarding Paderewski-the-pianist and false when we are discussing his beliefs regarding Paderewski-the-statesman. Peter believes that Paderewski is a fine musician.A number of recent theorists have taken this contextual variation very seriously, and (...)
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  25. The road to hell: Intentions and propositional attitude ascription.Jennifer M. Saul - 1999 - Mind and Language 14 (3):356–375.
    Accounts of propositional attitude reporting which invoke contextual variation in semantic content have become increasingly popular, with good reason: our intuitions about the truth conditions of such reports vary with context. This paper poses a problem for such accounts, arguing that any reasonable candidate source for this contextual variation will yield very counterintuitive results. The accounts, then, cannot achieve their goal of accommodating our truth conditional intuitions. This leaves us with a serious puzzle. Theorists must either give up on the (...)
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    We should reject passive resignation in favor of requiring the assent of younger children for participation in nonbeneficial research.Robert M. Nelson & William W. Reynolds - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (4):11 – 13.
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    Evidence and Computer Simulations in Public Health.Valeriano Iranzo & Saúl Pérez-González - 2024 - Global Philosophy 34 (1):1-21.
    In the last decades, the evidence-based approach has become dominant in the biomedical sciences. Its influence has extended from clinical practice to other areas such as drug regulation and public health. Nonetheless, given the limitations of the evidence-based framework, a more pluralist approach towards evidence has been demanded. In this sense, evidential pluralism holds that evidence of mechanisms should complement statistical evidence. This paper aims to explore and discuss the prospects of evidential pluralism in public health. First, we will analyse (...)
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  28. Nurses wanted : Sentimental men and women need not apply.Sioban Nelson & Suzanne Gordon - 2006 - In Sioban Nelson & Suzanne Gordon, The Complexities of Care: Nursing Reconsidered. Cornell University Press.
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  29. Ethical expertise and the problem of the good nurse.Sioban Nelson - 2006 - In Sioban Nelson & Suzanne Gordon, The Complexities of Care: Nursing Reconsidered. Cornell University Press.
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    Leaders in the labyrinth: college presidents and the battleground of creeds and convictions.Stephen James Nelson - 2007 - Westport, CT: Praeger.
    Presidential leadership: navigating climate and challenges -- The hunt for dollars: appealing to constituents and critics -- Presidential engagements and entanglements: the university tackles the wider world -- Inheriting the wind: institutional stories and the shoulders of predecessors -- The contest for the middle: can the center hold? -- The dilemmas of diversity -- Political rightness and ideology: the battleground in and around the academy's walls -- The courage to hold the center: balancing convictions and passionate intensity -- Presidential imprints: (...)
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    Utility, fairness, and what really matters in organ provision.James Lindemann Nelson - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (4):27 – 29.
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    Comunicación y verdad ética en la educación.Saúl Ernesto García Serrano, Diego Fernando Silva Prada, Patricia Gutiérrez Ojeda & Nancy Johanna Martínez Rodríguez - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 18 (3):1-8.
    La comunicación de la verdad ética pasa históricamente por modelos, pero sus propuestas se discuten cuando no favorecen la belleza ética en la persona.El estudio refleja un análisis a modelos éticos en la cultura, para proponer la importancia de enfocar la educación ética valorando los paradigmas de una ética integradora y practica en un currículo global.Se infiere por el relativismo, una dialéctica que permanece sobre las certezas éticas; sobre lo justo, lo bueno, lo verdadero; sobre lo legal y lo ético; (...)
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    Some Startling Consequences of How Stereotypes Deceive Us.Jennifer Saul - 2025 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 21 (1):57-65.
    This paper argues that Puddifoot’s arguments in How Stereotypes Deceive Us have more radical consequences than those argued for in the book. It does this by pointing out two problems for evaluating stereotypes via Evaluative Dispositionalism, Puddifoot’s view. The first problem concerns the very large number of dispositions associated with any stereotype, and the second the difficulty of evaluating a stereotype in isolation from other elements of a person’s psychology. The paper suggests that, when we take seriously Puddifoot’s arguments, we’ll (...)
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  34. Psychoanalytic view of hostility-its genesis, treatment, and implications for society.Lj Saul - 1976 - Humanitas 12 (2):171-182.
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    Sequential processes and the shapes of reaction time distributions.Saul Sternberg & Benjamin T. Backus - 2015 - Psychological Review 122 (4):830-837.
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    A. Douglas Stone. Einstein and the Quantum: The Quest of the Valiant Swabian. 332 pp. Princeton University Press, 2013.Matthew Saul Leifer - 2016 - Spontaneous Generations 8 (1):105-108.
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    Asherah and the Cult of Yahweh in Israel.G. W. Ahlström, Saul M. Olyan & G. W. Ahlstrom - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (3):578.
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  38. Las revistas académicas de Historia en Hispanoamérica: un punto de vista.Saúl Armendáriz Sánchez & Ma Magdalena Ordóñez Alonso - 1998 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 3.
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    Evidence.Howard Saul Becker - 2017 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Howard S. Becker is a master of his discipline. His reputation as a teacher, as well as a sociologist, is supported by his best-selling quartet of sociological guidebooks: Writing for Social Scientists, Tricks of the Trade, Telling About Society, and What About Mozart? What About Murder? It turns out that the master sociologist has yet one more trick up his sleeve—a fifth guidebook, Evidence. Becker has for seventy years been mulling over the problem of evidence. He argues that social scientists (...)
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    Hume's 'New Scene of Thought' and the Several Faces of David Hume in the Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion.Jeff Broome & John O. Nelson - 2009 - Upa.
    This book is a defense of Hume's philosophical principles in the Treatise of Human Nature. Nelson shows that Hume's new philosophy was a uniquely original and profound masterpiece in philosophical literature, worthy of serious study and acceptance. It is argued that Dialoguesis a reflective philosophical autobiography of Hume himself.
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    Los generos americanos de Asilidae (Diptera): claves para su identificacion, con un atlas de las espermatecas de las hembras y otros detalles morfologicos. 10. Subfamilia Asilinae leach. grupo Lecania, con un catalogo de las especies neotropicales. [REVIEW]N. Artigas Jorge & Papavero Nelson - 1995 - Theoria 4.
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    Leonard Nelson Zum Gedächtnis.Minna Specht, Willi Eichler & Leonard Nelson (eds.) - 1953 - Öffentliches Leben.
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    How Classification Works: Nelson Goodman Among the Social Sciences.Nelson Goodman, Mary Douglas & David L. Hull (eds.) - 1992 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    How Classification Works attempts to bridge the gap between philosophy and the social sciences using as a focus some of the work of Nelson Goodman. Throughout his long career Goodman has addressed the question: are some ways of conceptualizing more natural than others? This book looks at the rightness of categories, assessing Goodman's role in modern philosophy and explaining some of his ideas on the relation between aesthetics and cognitive theory. Two papers by Nelson Goodman are included in (...)
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  44. Wittgenstein on rules and private language: an elementary exposition.Saul A. Kripke - 1982 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    In this book Saul Kripke brings his powerful philosophical intelligence to bear on Wittgenstein's analysis of the notion of following a rule.
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    Review of Saul D. Alinsky: Reveille for Radicals[REVIEW]Saul D. Alinsky - 1946 - Ethics 57 (1):69-71.
  46. Naming and Necessity: Lectures Given to the Princeton University Philosophy Colloquium.Saul A. Kripke - 1980 - Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Edited by Darragh Byrne & Max Kölbel.
  47. Simple sentences, substitution, and intuitions * by Jennifer Saul.Jennifer Saul - 2009 - Analysis 69 (1):174-176.
    Philosophers of language have long recognized that in opaque contexts, such as those involving propositional attitude reports, substitution of co-referring names may not preserve truth value. For example, the name ‘Clark Kent’ cannot be substituted for ‘Superman’ in a context like:1. Lois believes that Superman can flywithout a change in truth value. In an earlier paper, Jennifer Saul demonstrated that substitution failure could also occur in ‘simple sentences’ where none of the ordinary opacity-producing conditions existed, such as:2. Superman leaps (...)
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  48. Scepticism and Implicit Bias.Jennifer Saul - 2013 - Disputatio 5 (37):243-263.
    Saul_Jennifer, Scepticism and Implicit Bias.
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  49. (1 other version)Reference and Existence: The John Locke Lectures.Saul A. Kripke - 2013 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Reference and Existence, Saul Kripke's John Locke Lectures for 1973, can be read as a sequel to his classic Naming and Necessity. It confronts important issues left open in that work -- among them, the semantics of proper names and natural kind terms as they occur in fiction and in myth; negative existential statements; the ontology of fiction and myth. In treating these questions, he makes a number of methodological observations that go beyond the framework of his earlier book (...)
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  50. Lying, misleading, and what is said: an exploration in philosophy of language and in ethics.Jennifer Mather Saul - 2012 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    1. Lying -- 2. The problem of what is said -- 3. What is said -- 4. Is lying worse than merely misleading? -- 5. Some interesting cases.
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