Results for 'Satoshi Hirose'

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  1.  51
    Lateral–Medial Dissociation in Orbitofrontal Cortex–Hypothalamus Connectivity.Satoshi Hirose, Takahiro Osada, Akitoshi Ogawa, Masaki Tanaka, Hiroyuki Wada, Yasunori Yoshizawa, Yoshio Imai, Toru Machida, Masaaki Akahane, Ichiro Shirouzu & Seiki Konishi - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  2.  32
    Moral Aggregation.Iwao Hirose - 2014 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    This book elucidates the theoretical structure and scope of interpersonal and intra-personal aggregation--a trade-off between benefits to a group of individuals and losses to another group of individuals--and defends a form of aggregation -- formal aggregation -- that resolves a variety of outstanding problems arising from the conventional understanding of aggregation, including the Number Problem concerning the moral relevance of the number of individuals.
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    Effect of External Force on Agency in Physical Human-Machine Interaction.Satoshi Endo, Jakob Fröhner, Selma Musić, Sandra Hirche & Philipp Beckerle - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  4.  9
    Hirose Tansō, Kyokusō shokanshū.Tansō Hirose, Kyokusō Hirose, Hisayoshi Chō & Seiichi Ono (eds.) - 1943 - Tōkyō: Kōbundō Shobō.
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  5. Hirose Tansō shōden.Masao Hirose - 1972
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  6. Hirose Tansō tehodoki.Masao Hirose - 1973
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  7.  34
    General Intelligence as a Domain-Specific Adaptation.Satoshi Kanazawa - 2004 - Psychological Review 111 (2):512-523.
  8.  20
    The Relationship Between the Virtual Hand Illusion and Motor Performance.Satoshi Shibuya, Satoshi Unenaka & Yukari Ohki - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The generation and suspension of meaning in Dostoevsky’s Demons.Satoshi Bamba - forthcoming - Studies in East European Thought:1-7.
    This paper examines the relationship between the generation and suspension of meaning in Dostoevsky’s Demons with reference to Bakhtin’s thesis that one’s meaning is defined by someone else’s answer. By generation I mean both the generational conflict between fathers and children and the generative power of language. It is the division between what one says and what one means that troubles Stavrogin. He has his authorship usurped by others and is not in control of his own discourse. Although the document (...)
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    Interaction between physiological and subjective states predicts the effect of a judging panel on the postures of cellists in performance.Satoshi Endo - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Concurrent Imitative Movement During Action Observation Facilitates Accuracy of Outcome Prediction in Less-Skilled Performers.Satoshi Unenaka, Sachi Ikudome, Shiro Mori & Hiroki Nakamoto - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Self-Construals, Anger Regulation, and Life Satisfaction in the United States and Japan.Satoshi Akutsu, Ayano Yamaguchi, Min-Sun Kim & Atsushi Oshio - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  13.  27
    Phase change of CoTi and Co3Ti induced by MeV-scale electron irradiation.Satoshi Anada, Akihiro Zensho, Hidehiro Yasuda & Hirotaro Mori - 2016 - Philosophical Magazine 96 (19):2027-2039.
  14. Atarashii rinrigaku no josetsu.Satoshi Chiwa - 1958
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  15.  7
    Rōruzu no Kanto-teki kōsei shugi: riyū no rinrigaku = Kantian constructivism in Rawlsian ethics: the possibility of reasons-baced ethics.Satoshi Fukuma - 2007 - Tokyo: Keisō Shobō.
    倫理学における『正義論』革命の全貌。「反照的均衡」という方法論を軸とした『正義論』は、規範倫理学・政治哲学の分野を活気づけた。しかしそれだけが『正義論』革命なのではない。ロールズの理論は、道徳の根本問 題を考える道徳哲学・倫理学の分野にも衝撃を与えたのである。 -/- This book explores the full story of A Theory of Justice revolution in ethics. A Justice of Theory, centered on the methodology of "reflective equilibrium," has energized the fields of normative ethics and political philosophy. However, this is not the only revolution in A Theory of Justice. Rawls's theory has also impacted the fields of moral philosophy and metaethics, which deal with fundamental questions of morality.
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  16.  26
    Archeology of the Art of Body Movement: Learning from Japanese Ko-bujutsu.Satoshi Higuchi - 2019 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 53 (1):97-105.
    Probably very few people today would believe that, prior to Japan's modernization during the Meiji period, the Japanese were not able to run. It seems commonsensical that human beings should be able to perform the same body movements such as running—since, of course, we are human beings regardless of whether we live in modern countries. However, it appears, in fact, that people in the Edo Period did not run in the sense of how we run today. There was no need, (...)
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  17.  16
    On Generalized Quantum Turing Machine and Its Applications.Satoshi Iriyama & Masanori Ohya - 2009 - In Krzysztof Stefanski, Open Systems and Information Dynamics. World scientific publishing company. pp. 16--02.
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  18.  44
    Weak typed Böhm theorem on IMLL.Satoshi Matsuoka - 2007 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 145 (1):37-90.
    In the Böhm theorem workshop on Crete, Zoran Petric called Statman’s “Typical Ambiguity theorem” the typed Böhm theorem. Moreover, he gave a new proof of the theorem based on set-theoretical models of the simply typed lambda calculus. In this paper, we study the linear version of the typed Böhm theorem on a fragment of Intuitionistic Linear Logic. We show that in the multiplicative fragment of intuitionistic linear logic without the multiplicative unit the weak typed Böhm theorem holds. The system IMLL (...)
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  19.  29
    A note on Thomason's representation of S.Satoshi Miura & Shigeo Ōhama - 1977 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 18 (1):177-180.
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  20.  17
    MBT2: a method for combining fragments of examples in example-based translation.Satoshi Sato - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence 75 (1):31-49.
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  21.  19
    Sensorimotor and Posterior Brain Activations During the Observation of Illusory Embodied Fake Hand Movement.Satoshi Shibuya, Satoshi Unenaka, Takuro Zama, Sotaro Shimada & Yukari Ohki - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  22.  14
    Metatheory and Discourse Analysis.Satoshi Suzuki - 2013 - Journal of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 40 (2):87-92.
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  23. Chōetsusei no kyōikugaku =.Satoshi Tanaka - 2023 - Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai.
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  24. Futsukoku seiji shisō.Hirose Tesshi - 1934 - In Kinzō Gorai & Tesshi Hirose, Seiji shisō. Tōkyō: Nihon Hyōronsha.
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  25. Fine risks, or, the spirit of a pacifism and its destiny.Satoshi Ukai - 2009 - In Pheng Cheah & Suzanne Guerlac, Derrida and the time of the political. Durham: Duke University Press.
  26. Jikan to ningen.Satoshi Watanabe - 1979 - Edited by Watanabe, Dorotea & [From Old Catalog].
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  27. Reconsidering the value of equality.Iwao Hirose - 2009 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 87 (2):301-312.
    Some people believe that the equality of people's well-being makes an outcome better, other things being constant. Call this Telic Egalitarianism. In this paper I will propose a new interpretation of Telic Egalitarianism, and compare it with the interpretation that is proposed by Derek Parfit 1995 and widely accepted by many philosophers. I will argue that my proposed interpretation is more plausible than Parfit's. One of the virtues in my interpretation is that it shows his Levelling Down Objection does not (...)
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  28.  80
    Event, state, and process in arrow logic.Satoshi Tojo - 1999 - Minds and Machines 9 (1):81-103.
    Artificial agents, which are embedded in a virtual world, need to interpret a sequence of commands given to them adequately, considering the temporal structure for each command. In this paper, we start with the semantics of natural language and classify the temporal structures of various eventualities into such aspectual classes as action, process, and event. In order to formalize these temporal structures, we adopt Arrow Logic. This logic specifies the domain for the valuation of a sentence as an arrow. We (...)
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  29.  22
    The ethics of pandemics: an introduction.Iwao Hirose - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The recent Covid-19 pandemic has brought a broad range of ethical problems to the forefront, raising fundamental questions about the role of government in response to such outbreaks, the scarcity and allocation of health care resources, the unequal distribution of health risks and economic impacts, and the extent to which individual freedom can be restricted. In this clear introduction to the topic Iwao Hirose explores these ethical questions and analyzes the central issues in the ethics of pandemic response and (...)
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  30.  26
    The effect of facial expression and gaze direction on memory for unfamiliar faces.Satoshi F. Nakashima, Stephen R. H. Langton & Sakiko Yoshikawa - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (7):1316-1325.
  31.  55
    Weighing and Reasoning: Themes From the Philosophy of John Broome.Iwao Hirose & Andrew Evan Reisner (eds.) - 2015 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press UK.
    John Broome has made major contributions to, and radical innovations in, contemporary moral philosophy. His research combines the formal method of economics with the philosophical analysis. Broome's works stretch over formal axiology, decision theory, philosophy of economics, population axiology, the value of life, the ethics of climate change, the nature of rationality, and practical and theoretical reasoning. Weighing and Reasoning brings together fifteen original essays from leading philosophers who have been influenced by the work and thought of John Broome.They explore (...)
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  32.  11
    身体教育における指導言語の意味づけに向けた試論:言葉による学びの可能性をめぐって.Kenichi Hirose & Koyo Fukasawa - 2019 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 41 (1):5-15.
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  33.  7
    Jizokusei no honshitsu: butsurigaku kara mita chikyū no kankyō.Tachishige Hirose - 2016 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Baifūkan.
    本書は、現代文明の「持続可能性」について、物理学の視点からとらえなおした書である。アインシュタインによる特殊相対性理論の成果「質量とエネルギーの等価性」、および物理学の二大法則である「質量保存の法則」 「エントロピー増大の法則」を駆使して、まず燃焼のしくみを科学的に明らかにし、そのうえで「資源、エネルギー、廃棄物」の関係を詳らかにする。さらに、水と菌類の役割を理論と実践の両面から考察する。最後に近年 問題化している地球温暖化についても述べ、今後の「持続性のある社会」のあり方について考える。.
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  34.  47
    Merleau-Ponty and the Theory of Auto-Poesis: The Tenth Meeting of the Merleau-Ponty Circle of Japan.Koji Hirose - 2003 - Chiasmi International 5:350-350.
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    Pandemikku no rinrigaku: kinkyūji taiō no rinri gensoku to shingata koronauirusu kansenshō.Iwao Hirose - 2021 - Tōkyō-to Bunkyō-ku: Keisō Shobō.
    パンデミック対策は何を目的とし、どのような基準と論理で行われるべきなのか? WHOの倫理指針の作成に携わった経験から分析。.
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  36.  11
    Skepticism about Value Aggregation.Iwao Hirose - 2015 - In Iwao Hirose & Jonas Olson, The Oxford Handbook of Value Theory. New York NY: Oxford University Press USA.
    Critics of utilitarianism and other forms of consequentialism often reject the aggregation of goods and bads across different individuals. This chapter critically examines their arguments against interpersonal aggregation. It begins by offering a clear definition of interpersonal aggregation and elucidating its theoretical structure. Then it argues against two types of objections to aggregation. The first is the argument from counterexamples and the other is the argument from the separateness of persons. The chapter then surveys the recent literature on the number (...)
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  37. Makiguchi Tsunesaburō.Satoshi Ikeda - 1969
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  38.  51
    Some structural features induced by the space-time metrical fluctuation in the theory of gravitational fields.Satoshi Ikeda - 1983 - Foundations of Physics 13 (6):629-636.
    Under the assumption that the so-called space-time fluctuationy(x) in a classical sense, attached to each point of the gravitational field at some microscopic stage, is summarized as the metrical fluctuation in the formg λκ (x)=gλκ (x)·exp2σ(y(x)), some new physical aspects induced by the conformal scalarσ(x) (≡σ(y(x))) are found: By introducing the torsionT κ λμ (x) from a general standpoint, the resulting micro-gravitational field is made to have a conformally non-Riemannian structure, where a special form ofT κ λμ (i.e.,T κ λμ (...)
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  39.  9
    Xian Qin yin yang wu xing.Satoshi Inoue - 1996 - Hankou: Hubei jiao yu chu ban she.
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  40.  26
    Are schizophrenics more religious? Do they have more daughters?Satoshi Kanazawa - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (3):272-273.
    Combined with recent evolutionary psychological theories, Crespi & Badcock's (C&B's) intragenomic conflict theory of the social brain suggests that schizophrenics are more religious, and autistics are less religious, than the normal population. Combined with the generalized Trivers-Willard hypothesis (gTWH), it suggests that schizophrenics have more daughters, and autistics have more sons, than expected.
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  41.  11
    L’ontologie sociale de Tanabe Hajime.Satoshi Urai 浦井聡 - 2023 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 53:241-275.
    Tanabe Hajime développa sa philosophie dans la perspective d’une « ontologie sociale » à travers la « logique de l’espèce » et la « logique de l’Amour ». La première, développée de 1934 à 1941, vise la rationalisation de la société japonaise en temps de guerre, la seconde le salut de la société japonaise après la Seconde Guerre mondiale dans le cadre d’une philosophie de la religion. Le but de cet article est de mettre au jour le développement de la (...)
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  42.  3
    Exploring the Nexus of Psychological Safety and Physical Health in the Workplace: A Machine Learning Augmented Study.Satoshi Maeda - 2024 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 53 (3):295-315.
    This paper investigates the connection between psychological safety at work and physical health outcomes. Employing data from roughly a thousand respondents in Tokyo in 2021 and utilizing machine learning techniques along with traditional statistics, the study reveals that this popular concept in the field of business management and organization behavior, “psychological safety” at work, can enhance physical health of workers under certain conditions. The finding that its effect remains even when mental stress levels are controlled along with basic ascriptive variables, (...)
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  43.  16
    Effects of Hemodynamic Differences on the Assessment of Inter-Brain Synchrony Between Adults and Infants.Satoshi Morimoto & Yasuyo Minagawa - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The simultaneous recording of brain activity in two or more people, termed hyperscanning, is an emerging field of research investigating the neural basis of social interaction. Hyperscanning studies of adult–infant dyads have great potential to provide insights into how social functions develop. In particular, taking advantage of functional near-infrared spectroscopy for its spatial resolution and invulnerability to motion artifacts, adult–infant fNIRS may play a major role in this field. However, there remains a problem in analyzing hyperscanning data between adult and (...)
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  44. Ugen.Hirose Tansō - 1976 - In Tatsuya Naramoto, Kinsei seidōron. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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  45.  77
    Local reality: Can it exist in the EPR-Bohmgedanken experiment?Satoshi Uchiyama - 1995 - Foundations of Physics 25 (11):1561-1575.
    Measuring processes of a single spin-1/2 object and of a pair of spin-1/2 objects in the EPR-Bohm state are modeled by systems of differential equations. The latter model is a local model with hidden variables of the EPR-Bohm gedanken experiment. Although there is no dynamical interaction between the pair of spin-1/2 objects, the model reproduces approximately the quantum-mechanical correlations by coincidence counting. Hence the Bell inequality is violated. This result supports the idea that the coincidence counting is the source of (...)
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  46.  37
    On Characteristics of Quantum-Mechanical Measurements (Issues in the Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics (1)).Satoshi Uchiyama - 2009 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 17:31-45.
  47. Jikan no rekishi.Satoshi Watanabe - 1973
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  48. Seimei to jiyū.Satoshi Watanabe - 1980
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  49. Saving the greater number without combining claims.Iwao Hirose - 2001 - Analysis 61 (4):341-342.
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  50.  50
    The relation between the divyavadana and the mulasarvastivada vinaya.Satoshi Hiraoka - 1998 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 26 (5):419-434.
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